THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1936 THE HI'IUNOCTKLD NEWS PAOS T H R U C. E. TELLS PLANS FOR TURNER CONFERENCE Crop Prospects WHO IS WHO and W hat T hey D o Old Growth Block. I Ik cord* 36 66; Old AUTO DEALERS Growth Blab, lie oorda, 16 Inch |6.ou. Tuhy Fuel Co. Phone I92J AKDKItSON .MOTORS. , INC I If I Espcri Repairing All Work Guaranteed. F o il t k l . E Good Caed Wot Ml Gaa, o li, 'Iiroa and Uutterina R anges. Mi uiduin Hiato« Power tr 6 eash of which the delegate» may hare a choice of four lines of study. In addition to the »peciallxed Christ­ ian Endeavor courses, there will be studies of a general nature, xnch aa Bible study, effects of alcohol aud naicotics, missions, worship, aud foundations ot faith Hporta and recreation will occupy the afternoons The last event of the evening la the meeting around the bonfire la a chosen spot among the trees and alongside the mill stream Here songs are sung, pray­ ers are offered, and the beauty of the out-of-doors Is enjoyed Many young people consider this meet­ ing the crowning feature of the whole day. With crop prospects greatly im proved during the past few weeks, the end of the great drought anJ feed »hortage appear« to he at hand, says the mid June review ->t agricultural condition» prepared by the college extension service. The principal exceptions listed are the corn crop which Is late and some counties In Colorado. Kansas, Neb­ raska. New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas wbare rains came pretty late In tbeMM-aaon With greatly Improved pueturo conditions, milk production has la creased rapidly. M010R 6A0UP HIS SAFETY PROGRAM Education Of School Children As Future Drivers Held As Most Important Task The number of persona Injured or killed by automobile Io Oregon could be greatly reduced If an eight-point program of safety wars carried out In all parts of the state »ays the Oregon State Motor A s­ sociation. The eight points listed are as follows: 1. Striving to set up a safety program In the schools; get safety definitely recognized In the curri­ culum. for children will soon oe m otorists upon «bum the respon­ sibility will rest. 2. Providing speakers fo r schools,, service chibs and other organizations. 3. Teaching traffic violators how to drive safely through compulsory classes set up hy courts and police departments. 4. Keeking legislation further to make the streets and highways safe 6. Teaching safety to pedestrians and drivers through newspapers, radio, posters, billboards, and con­ test«. 6. Aiding enforcement offh ers by establishm ent of cltlsene’ com­ m ittees to report flagrant viola­ tions. 7. Working for Inspection of automobiles for defects In mechan­ ical safety devices. 10c Hum .■»» Stationery—Office Form» booklets — Placards — Dodgers, arc. FURNITURE SCHERER MOTOR CO A Modern Print Hhop Producing III U K (iLDHMUllll.E JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. Up-To-Date Printing. PONTIAC Runge« a ml Circulator« Pboue and a Haleaman Will Call. Motor Cura WANT! D Woman Io holp with Hoverul Lines Including Moutug HAI.EH and HER VICE houac .loaning Writ*. I* O ho* Linoleum . Inlaid und Fell Hua« itti und Olivo Kt«. — Phone 666 226. Epi lligd.dil, Oregon Attractive Prices on Furniture Feed Increases M ilk Eugene, Oregon. SERVICE STATIONS and Ruga. ’i t Is not Improbable that by fall NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION Hee La before You buy Department of tha Interior, U. 8 milk production per cow will ex­ BATTERY SERVICE Land Office at Roseburg, O re g o n , We Deliver i'boue 1166 A ST. SERVICE STATION ceed the average of the past five June 19th, ISIS 646 W lllu u ie lte Eugeue General Gaaollne, Oil and Greases years,” says the report, “although LANECO Goodrich Tire» NOTICE la hereby glv eu that total output will be held down BATTERY FACTORY LAUNDRY John C. Holme», of Mabel, Oregon, "A Home Owned Htatlon." somewhat owing to a decrease of Buck at our old location. Loa» who, on July 10th. 1181, made 5th und A Ht» . Hprlngfleid, Ph. 44 6 per cent In the number of cows llonioHlead entry Herlul No 1116714, overheud your gain. Hue our new SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY compared with a year ago.” luulerlul hatterlua In genuine Uatea | for N lgN lk. He. llon 26. Township' Floyd Wood, Prop. 16 H., Ilangta I E.. Willamette Mer hard rubber case» before you buy. Earlier in (he year, milk produc­ Mitchell Service Station handmade In — Eugene. For | ,)ut) MaU at Phone 160 Id Ian, hu» filed uollru of Intention , All - parla . ------------------ - tion per cow was at record low SUMMER SESSION UNDER ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS to make final three year Proof. to capacity—aerrice—price—none hoi All Kinds of Laundry Hervlce. levels owing to the shortage of and — Yale Tires — WAY AT STATE COLLTÜ l establish claim to the land u b ove! ,*T. RECHARGING ItEI'AlltiNG. high prices for feed. We Cull for and Deliver. Greasing • battery Recharging deecrlhvd. before Win II Canon. Ul46 Van Uurco • 1'bono Hid8 Corvallis— With the largest en Register, II. H Land Office. Iluae Your Patrunuge Will bo Prices Down Slightly Expert Radio Repairing by burg, oregou. on Ihe 30th day of j BLAUTY PARLORS Appreciated. The report goes Into detail with rnllment since pre-depression days, LEE CRAY July. 1666 Phono 46-J respect to various commodities of the Oregon State college adult sum­ Claimant name« a» wltuense» 7th and Main Hts. Hprlngfleid particular Importance In Oregon mer session got under way here h o m e iii.A i n SHOP Pori. Birch, of Mabel, Oregon. < LUMBER and reviews the farm price, coat Monday. June 24., for six weeks of Herman (Tutu. of Mabel, Oregon. PBRMANBNT W a VE. s | l M OREGONIAN Jauiea Klngiuan, of Mated, Oregon I and demand situation. The general “study in a vacation settin g.” More All Work Guarautood 'flu* Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Alex I m > w 1 b , of Mohawk, Oregon SERVICE STATION farm price level of Oregon product» than 1100 4-H club boys and girls Furnlahea a Tel. ■lu WILLIAM II CANON. Register Mia. Ella I'archer At the Hprlngfleid Junction al mid May stood at 68 per cent of had Just returned to their homes IJ >7 Jly 4 11-IK 26) COMPIJSTE HOME UAH AND OIL8 CREAMERIES ■ the 1926-1830 average, 2 points throughout the state the previous 8. Demanding remove! from the building aud ID palrlug Hervlce. Hervlce Day and Night. CITATION lower than a month previous and Saturday, after attending t h e highway ut the minority of ruth­ For Hervlce Phone Hprlngfleid 66 Demand the Ileal -Costa no More Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and 28 points below “parity,’’ but 12 twenty-first annual two-weeks club less driver« and accident repeater«. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF or If no answer, phone 34-J. Picnic Goods. BLUE BELL point» higher than May. 1634, and summer session on the campus. THE STATE OF OREGON »SIR Hprlngfleid. Dairy Producta Weal Hprlngfleid Ph. Bpr. 33-J 26 points above March 1833. Mar LANE COUNTY Some 160 different courses are Visitor« from W altew ille— Mr. Milk Ice Cream, butter, Cheeae, ket prices at mid-June Indicated being offered In 30 departments aud Mrs. Arthur Easton of W altor- IN THE MATTER OF THE EH PHYSICIAN - SURGEON WOOLEN MILLS som e further decline In the general and schools of the college, and have vllle were business visitors In TATE OF W E HTATZER, do EUGENE FARMERH CREAMERY, ceased. U. F HTATZER. Plaintiff. farm price level. Phone Eugene 638 attracted students from many dis­ Springfield Saturday. DR. MILTON V. WALKER — VS. — EUGENE Surgery aud Diseases of Women In percentage of the 1926-1930 tant states. The regular college IIAWHIE HTATZER. and other per WOOLEN MILL CO. average, the farm price of eggs at faculty la supplemented by a num­ 4th und Main Hta. Hprlngfleid DENTISTS eon» unknown, having or claim Here for Funeral— Mrs. Mary Manufacturers of Woolen». mid May wxa 69. butterfat <3, milk ber of outstanding visiting Instruc­ Ing any luteth.t as heir» at law Phone 82-J Candice Miller of Point Richmond. Specialising In Ladles OR. G. A. BROWN or dlatrlbuteea of the eetote of cows 64, hog» 77. lamba 60. wool 61, tors. many of whom have txuight California, and Harry F. Brink ot W E Htatxer deceased. Defend COATINGS AN D SUITING S. Hours 8 A. M to 6 P. M beef cattle 80. veal calve» (6, in previous summer sessions here, MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. Longview. California, arrived bera ante. Retail Department at Mill. Phone 60 J wheat 69. oatx 7». barley 86. hay and wnuse ooursea have drawn Sunday and Monday called by the Surgery aud Diseases of Women TO Itawate Htatxer. and all other Last End 6tn Ave. Eugene, Ore. Hprlngfleid 73, potatoes 70, hops 62. and dried many students year after year persona unknown, bavlug or claim 6th and Main Hta. X-lluy and Physiotherapy death of their father, Joseph L. Itealdence 766 A Street. ing any Intere l aa heir» al law Tonsils Out—Dixie Lewh. daugh prunes 7«. Hprlngfleid. Oregon Brink. < or dlatrlbuteea of the estate of W W sathsr Limits Chicks f irst National bank bldg. Ph. 46 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Car' Lewi» haj E. Htataer. deceased. OR. WM. N. DOW Owing to weather conditions in BASIC SCIENCE EXAMS her tonell» removed last Thursday GREETING: DENTIST May, chick hatchings on farms was AT CORVALLIS SATURDAY at the office of u local physician. You und each of you are hereby not as large as expected, according cited and required to appear In the A Hay Diagnosis — Hours 8 to 16 F. L. GIRLS CLUB HAS 1 to 6 an., by appolnlmeut. The second basic science exam­ above entitled court on or before Attend Card Party— Mr». Harry to the report, and slightly fewer MEETING NEAR IRVING the 30th day of Auguat, 1836. then Office Phone 6 — Rea. Phone 67 M. Stewart und Mra. Walter Bcott young chickens were on band than ination to be given this year for and there Io allow c. use. If any you First NaCI bank bldg Hprlngflold Member* of th<* F. L. Club of attended u contract bridge cluo a year previous Instead of more persons who Intend to practice any have, who II F. Htotxer ahould nol J muii ha Kt hokuh lodge were enter* meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. as on May 1 this year. branch of the heeling arts In Ore­ be declared and adjudged Io be Ihe ! FRUIT PACKERS gon has been scheduled for Satur­ (•hied Friday evening ut the homo Sadie Perklnu. aole heelr at law of W E Htatxer. ; deceased. and the only peraon en j day. July 27, at Corvallis. Dr. Nat­ of Mra Dori* IV ter »on near Irving. HOMEMAKERS LEAVE FOR titled to share in the diatribution Eugeue Fruit Grower’« A hh ’ ii MI hh Irma Noll wu the a*»l»tant han Fasten, chairman of the basic Howard Medford Man Hl of the aai.eta of said estate ANNUAL COAST OUTING science examining com m ittee ot Dlaiuoud A. Brand Fruit Puckers hoMteMM for the gathering Colburn of Medford was a visitor Thia citation la published pur»u ant to an order of Hon. »'red »i»k. und Shipper». Ice and Cold Storage. in Springfield Friday. Lane county homemakers left the state baaid of higher education Judge of said court, made and en College Ice Cream Manufacturers. PRISCILLA CLUB GROUP Tuesday for their annual outing at and bead of the zoology department termi ou Ihe 26th day of May, 1636 Coco Cola—Klat Beverages NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE the Girl Scout camp on lake Clea- at Oregon State college, has an­ It is a pleasant surprise to HAS ANNUAL PICNIC ordering service of this d lutlon by REAL PROPERTY Cider Vinegar nounced. Approximately 140 per­ publication thereof, and requiring wox near Florence. The housewives see the reductions in price NOTICE Is hereby given that by Phone 1480 you and each of you to appear lu Forty mcmhent and friend» of virtue ot an execution and order will return to their homes Bunday. sons have token this examination that summer brings. Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, auhl court on or before August 30, ihe Priscilla i luh attended the a n -1 uf sale Issued out of the Circuit While at the coast they will enjoy since the basic science law went 1836. to show cause aa aforesaid This is the time of the year nuul picnic at Seuvey's park last J Court of the State of Oregon for a program of recreation and enter­ Into effect January 1, 1934, accord­ IN W IT N E 8E W HEREOF. I have l^ n e County this 18tb day of June, tainment entirely free from house­ ing to Dr Fasten. to lay in your next winter’s NOTICE TO CREDITORS hereunto ael my hand and the seul Notice 1» hereby given that the will not hold further meeting- uutit ; 1935, upon und pursuant to a de- supply of wood. Application blanks and general j of said court thia 20tli day of June. undersigned has been duly appoint I IM duly given and made by said hold worries as even their meals Instructions may be obtained from ,.3 5 fall will be prepared for them by a Court 'he lath day of June. 1936, ed Executor of the estate of ltou Booth Kelly Block and W H DILLARD. Clerk C. D. Byrne, secretory of the state in a suit pending therein In which special paid cook. Planer Wood. By HIBYL WESTFALL. Deputy i nah U'N'eel, by the County Court NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S E. J Iddlngs and Mamie lddlngs board of higher education, which ( of Luue County .Oregon, any aud Included In the Springfield group IJ 2 7 - -Jly 4 11 -18-36—A 1 8| More than a cord. SALE were plaintiff» and H. F. Johnson - ----- ,------------- all person» bavlug claim s ugulual attending are Mrs. Roy Carltoa, was designed to administer the the aoid estate are hereby required NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, and Selma Johnson were defend­ Mrs. Truman Chaae, Mra. C. B. law, at Eugene. The third examlaa- ! to present sold claim», duly vert- (hat hy virtue of an order o f the ants, which execution and order of PHONE tlon this year will be held N ovem ­ I fled a» by law required to the uu- County Court of the State of Ore­ sale was to me directed and com­ Wheaton, Mra. Cheater L. Aldrich ber 13. deralgued, at the office of Wells gon for Lune County, In the mat­ manded me to sell the real prop­ and her slater. Mlaa Naomi Carl­ , a W ells, Attorneys, 203 Bunk of ter of the Estate of Je>se K. Platt», erty hereinafter described to sat- ton is attending as camp nurse thia ! Commerce bldg., Eugonv, In Luue deceuBod. made on June 17th, 1935. isly certain bens and chargea In suld decree specified, I will on year. Watchmaker and Jeweler i County. Uregon, within six month» (lie undersigned, a» administrator Suturday the 20th day of July, 1935, i from the date of this notice. of said estate, will sell at private I f eoM tlpatton cauama you Gtafc NO TIC E OF E H E N IF F *« BALE H PH JNO riELD •Itäm inä. Headache*. Bad 8 lea», Pl Dated aud first published June sale, on und after Monday the 22nd at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M., REA L PRO PERTY t a . P aclflo W atch Inspector I t Shia. M t aaftek raiU f wUM ADL EUGENE 13. 1836. day of July, 1936, for cash, or part ut the southwest door of the Coun­ RIKA. Thorough la actioa • Flret Claaa W ork a t R easonable NOTICE la hereby giv en tfcat hy tlroly gentle and oafe. EVERETT C. O'NEEL, Execu ca h und good security, the follow ­ ty Court House In Eugene, Lane 651 Priesa. County, uregon, offer for sale and virtu e of an execu tion and order tor of the estate of Hanuah ing described property, to-wlt: of rale Issued out of th e C ircuit For Summer Prices O'Neel, deceased. The South half of the South- sell at public auction for cash, cub- j WELLS 41 WELLS, Attorney» for cast Quarter; Lots 3, 4. 6 and jeet to redemption as provided by Court of th e 8 ta te o f O regon tor F lanery's D rug Store. L one County thia 19th day ot June, Estate. that part of Lot 2 lying South of law, all of the right, title and in­ _______ (J e 16-3O-37—J 4-111 a line running East from the terest of the defendants in said 1936, upon and pursuant to a de­ Southeast corner of Claim No. through or under them or any of cree duly giv en and m ade hy said NOTICE o f 46, Notification 7188, In Section suit and of all parties claiming by Court th e 18th day o f Jun e, 1966, FINAL SETTLEMENT 18. Township 17 IKiuth, Range 1 them. In or to the following des­ In a su it pending therein in which T h e P acific S a v in g s A Loan Aaao- West of the W illam ette Meri­ cribed real property, to-wlt: of P ittsburgh, Pa. Notice lx hereby given that the beginning at a point 1.26 ctatlon w as p lain tiff and B ennie dian, containing one hundred and I undersigned, Rika debroekert. Ad­ chains West of the Southwest 8. M arsh and o th ers w are d efen d ­ thirty acres, excepting the fol­ ministratrix of the uHtate of G. M. corner of the Southeast fourth of an ts. w hich ex ecu tio n and order of lowing: debroekert, deceased, ha» (lied her the Northwest quarter of Section sa le w as to m e d irected and com ­ Beginning al the Intersection Final Report and Account us such SEVEN In Township FIFTEEN m anded m e to se ll th e real prop­ of the Smith line of the David N. Represented By Administratrix with the Clerk of South, Runge FOUR W est of erty h erein after d escrib ed to sa t­ Hyde Donation Lund Claim No. Ihe County Court of Lane County, W illamette meridian; and run­ isfy certain Hans and ch arges in 45, in Township 17 South Range O regon; and that Saturday, the ning thence North 20.00 chains, said d ecree sp ecified , I w ill on E. M. TURNER 1 West, W illam ette Meridian, 13tb day of July. 1836, at 10:(HI with the center line of the Coun­ thence East 7.64 chains to the Saturday th e 30th day of July, 1936, A HL Hprlngfleid. lira. o'clock In the forenoon of »aid day, ty Road, said point of Intersec­ middle of the county road, at th e hour o f 10:00 o'clock, A . M., In the County Court Room in the A i m ticket through Cnlijomin! tion being 13.92 chains East of thence In and along the center of a t th e so u th w e st door o f tha Coun­ Court H ouho at Eugeue. ban been the Northeast corner of the Ela- T h a t, in effect, is w hat Southern said road South 67* East 26.06 ty Court H ouse in E ugene. L ane Pact&c gives you on a summer net by the Hon. »'red Fisk, Judge nor Duff Donation Land Claim chalus and South 63* East 16.46 County, O regon, o ffer for s a le and roundtrip East. This mesas you can No. 41 of the »aid Township and of said Court, a» the time ami place chains to the East line of the se ll at public auction for ca sh , sub­ visit California on your way to or Range, running thence East 16.81 for hearing objection» to the Nume, W est half of the Southeast quar­ je c t to redem ption as provided by from the East f o r not n tingto tont ehaina along the South line of If any, and for the final »ettlement ter of said Section Seven, thence law . all o f th e r ig h t U tle and in­ m art f a n than tb t ta u n t rauoJlhp Ihe Donation Land Claim; thence of »aid estate. South 1.88 chains, thence W est te re st of the d efen d an ts In aald d i n t f East a n d bath. This applies South 6.00 chain»; thence W ed RIKA debllOKKEKT. Admin 20.00 chains, theuce North 4.61 su it and o f all p arties claim ing by. from most western O regon and 23.19 chains parallel to the South l»trntrlx. chains and thence W est 21.26 through or under them or any ot Formerly Walker-Poole Washington points to almost any line of said Donation lutnd Claim WELLS & WELLS. Attorney». chains to the place of beginning; them . In or to th e follo w in g des «era destination. Stop over in Sen Francisco, Los Angeles, or any containing 56.06 acres, more or crlbed real property, to-w lt: (Je 13-20 27 J 4 - 1 1 ) ___ , to the center line of the County EUGENE —U tb HPRINOF1ELD where »long the line. Return by a northern U. S. or Canadian line. Road; thence North 48' East B egin n in g a t a poin t 133.44 feet less, of land in Lane and Benton Or go by the North, return through California. Low summer fares and Charnalton 328 Main along the center of the County HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT East of a point 33.86 chains counties, In the State of Oregon; are in effect May 13 to October 13. Return limit October 31. Road 4.17 chain»; thence North Phone 62 J Notice Is hereby given that Telephons 783 North 30' W est o f the N orth w est Also beginning at a point 36.29 89’ ’ East 4.00 chain» to the place AIR-CONDITIONED TRAINS! This summer our 3 leading trains w ill Wanda K. Eastwood hu» filed her corner of Lot fiv e (6) In Block chains North of the quarter sec­ of beginning, being part» of lot» be air-conditioned complaltly. N o matter what type of sccommodatiou Hua! account a» administratrix of seven (7) ot P ackard's A ddition tion corner In the South line of 2, 3. and 4. of Section 18, Town­ you choose you'll have cool, cleao, tresb sir and quiet all the w sy. the E»late of W. I*. Eastwood, amt to E ugene, and running th en ce said section Seven In Township ship 17 South Range 1 W est, that Ihe court ha» fixed 10:00 A. M North 160 feeL th en ce E ast 66 Haro o r t two sam m tr roundtrip txam ptts. Sim ilar tow J a m ovorywhoro. Fifteen South, Range Four W est; Lane County, Uregon. of Friday, June 28, 1836. a» the feet, th e n c e Sou th 160 fe e t and und runnlug thence North 4.61 Roundtrip: Coach Tourist Standard time when Hald account will be th ence W est 66 fe e t to tha place ih a l’is, thence W est 1.26 chains, bids will he received at the of­ CH IC AG O ...................... »57.35 ♦ 68.80 • 86.00 taken up for examination anu al­ fice of Calkins und Calkins, 210 o f beginning, excep tin g a strip thence South 4.61 chains and NEW YORK................... »95.75* »107.20* «124.40* lowance ami an order he madsi as­ Tiffany Building. Eugene, Oregon; eigh t (8) fe e t wM e b ein g th e thence East 1.26 chains to the *43 day rrtn m lim it. Octohtr i I lim it slightly higher. signing the realdue of said estate. all »ale» auhject to confirmation W est e ig h t (8) feet of th e afore­ place of beginning; containing Coach fm a s m o d io co o ties a n d t i o a r co n . Toorist t o r n fo o d to T o o riu P ellu o n . ^ lo a Ail person» Intnreated may appear by the County Court of Lane Coun­ said prem ises. aU In E ugene. 68-100 of an acre of land, in Lane t a n i ) . S lo n d o rd /o r a l ta a d to o i l I t f n a / o cceten o a o n eo i Ifto s Poliaoaa th o r g n t. nt »ahi time and lie heard thereon. ty, Oregon. Lane County. Oregon. County, Oregon. WANDA K EASTWOOD. Ad­ Dated th is l» th day o f J u o s. 1336. I. D. LARIMER, Administrator Dated this 19th day of June, 1936 ministratrix. C. A. 8W A R T 8, Bhsrtff. of the Estate of Jesse K. C. A. SWART8, Sheriff. For details, see your local S. P. agent or write LA.Ormandy, By A. E. H ULEOAARD, Deputy. S. 1). ALLEN, Attorney. Platts, Deceased. Hy A. E HU LEG A ARD. Deputy. gen eral Passenger Agent. 703 Pacific Building, Portland, Ota. (J 10-17-^Jly 4-11-18) (M 30—Je « 13-20-27) (J 20-27—Jly 4-1118) (J 20-27—Jly 4-11-1») id » 25c WANTED Girl or woman loi housework Uourd arid .mull wage» C a l l Welling» Mrs llehert, 2nd and I streets Business Directory Edward G. Privat Constipatio M uerid-HintiRitN FUEL CO. A D L E R IK Ä Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ä FREE T IC K ET through C A L IF O R N IA on low summer roundtrip» POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e S o u th e rn P a c ific DON’T LET EYESTRAIN R-O-B YOU . • .................. Eye» that see perfectly are al­ ways alert and ready for action. They “take” perfect picture», easily, Inalantly, without distort Ing what they look at. Do not let your eye» cheat you. Four-fifth» of «11 that we know reaches uh through our eye». The»«, the moat sensitive organ» we po»»e»». can be driven long after It I »ufe to atrnln them to »ee. But only nt the expense of physical and mental energy. Have Your Eye» Examined by DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Went lu g a n a THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By ED. KRESSY RQUOfs A£TS 6ET INTO ____ _. . . A NO GET BACK NAHE B ovi TOTO STATES BEROO« MOM KSX3VJOSI0H, WHEM IE DtUTOMWD YsUvt n o t v e UAMk AM» Duttu M o t t I itttéS ALETTEft FROM JAIU2.Y MVIS A$KIHO US TO YLLL H HA SOM6TMIWÛ OT WHAT Wt kHOW ABOUT THE METHODS SAYA6ES U66 IH THE EIUDLIWÛ OT F itti . FtW POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS EVEftY SW A3LTOBE HAS SOME AAtTMCD OKSETTI Mû A LkSHT. WE Dû HOT WUOW OF COUttSE. W lW Ott WW£rl THfc ROST qB£AT IHV6NTIOH OF UÚHTIMQ WOOD WA» M A O *-- T he commonest method of t o sawa & k li THE o u t SHOWN HERE T O DYAKSO8 SOttNEOTO PUEOIANS IN THE GitrttBMg SOUTH Of S4M£BJCA JH£ ESKIMO AOQ4MS « n o « « e m i« 0 o » a --------------- A noto * V K Y MRUf MHRODWAS T H V « «nUKIHCs FONT WITH IttON (MUTES CAMSlUO ASRABKAKINDLIMO WHATB/Ett TlNDEtt WA1 USED. H)MT A STEEL MAgt OKOLETB MLOTMC* METHODS IH BuOOFE S to lto m w io » luufea makmev . $IMCEMAH5MEEHJWE OOME INTO OEN- ERAL USE ORLY Y tttY YfittV DECENT^ jVIT IS 0 » «JTERtET TD IOOK BACK. 0YEÄ T O LAROQIOUS METHODS MAU U5ED HhOMTOTIME HE KEPT AAAOLÄWMJ LOME ALMMT TDTHE DBCSUHMN MATCH. J