THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TlllltTY-H U X’OND YEAH <ÍL H PHI NO FIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. T ill ItSIlAV II NE 27, 1935 PLANERS START MILL NIGHT SHIFT Ruth Order* For Finished Lumber Require* Extra Shift At B.-K. Mill Here / “ »/'«'’ O COMMUEES 1 trst reversal i ir-rrn nu i mun LISTED 8 Ï LIONS In Washington GBOIIP ASKS RIVER WORK Nuptials (LU8 io held PHEASANT PENS Hill* Creek - Cuistina Now Miai Ann McGookin Becomes Local Girl Married At Early Tied With Springfield For Bride Of Frank Whalley Insurance Man Decries Loss Planning Commission Ap­ Morning Ceremony; Will , Contributions Of Sportsmen Top Of Cascade League At Vancouver Of Life By Fire And Care* proves Project and Asks Make Home At Salem Invited To Assist In Pur­ lessnes* in Talk Here Army Engineer Survey illy «'. E Wheaton I chasing of Materials ________ ¡ K i 1«* ii <1 m were «urprlMMl t|M past One uf the terser wedding» of, Hprlugfleld's retini Un l«Ud«r III ! USE ONLY SMALL CREW the I'airuiti' ball leiiRu» came tu an I Ureuter precaution In preventliiu flrea und uccidenti! wan uraed on Lumbermen See Cain* In New Or>lei*. Production; Pine Order* Down M NO. 23 abrupt end Humluy when (lie Hill MI» k '* “ r " uf ,he J " a rr,a «e of Ann M» (Jonkin und Erarle MORE AID IS SOUGH! ' — " club Friday H Whalley, both of thin city. The Creek O iilallnu team w hittled them | . wedding (ooh place ut Vancouver Sprinjffi Idered. Immediately after the wedding a when club members met at Weudllug plant of tbs company a. I half and tied tbe count lu the cording Io t liarle« Brigg«, sanerai ! fourth, bul Die visitor! were nut luauagvr Io be dented a win, and to show) Tbe local mill haa opeiated the fans how Io win a ganie, went steadily during the strike without out and collected three more tallies ajiy Interruption, and a threatened on four hila, one error or «o, and strike at the Weudllug pialli ha* » ( li n e clever l>a«e running, not materialised | Msuney, the Springfield pitching Thursday evening In law. Mr. and Mr« Bernard Hal The approved project wa« baaed breakfast was served at tbe holm j Taylor ball. Improper use of electric wire and ‘ada^ i on a brief prepared by James N. I for a number of invited relative» The holding pen will be located curele »uess of women smoker« '"*** «ouple returned home tbe | Hill. The brief showed that of 1630. and friends at seven o'clock. Tbe on tbe southeast corner of the with their cigarette* wa* pointed ®'ddle of last week and were ac- original acres of farm.- adjoining Misses Charlene and Florence state game farm property on a site out us leading contributors to fire* 1 •»»panted by Mr*. Halladay who the McKenzie from two miles east Belle Flab assisted at the break which was offered the local organl- In private homes |M vHItlng here with her parents, of Thurston to one mile west, 60S fast zatloo for this purpose Tbe pen E C. Smart will be chairman •>! ,'*r a,ld Whalley acres have been lost through Tbe couple left on a wedding trip proposed will measure 140x169x212 tlie major activity eorotsltte*» ot They will make their home in Hood« The lost valuation was ret to Beattie. They will make their and will have four or five wire pat- T h e planers here operated uu a Jlx, retired In the sixth Inning and Ihe Lion« club for the next year Springfield where Mr« Whalley I* at 662.050 plus an additional flood home at Salem titlons Inside. 10-liour «hifi for « few w eek* lie Ke|«ay. * la r flrat baseman, look A ll«t of com m ittee appointment* t« continue a office ua«lHlant for damage amounting to 623,9*0. Out-of-town people here for the Materials Cost $170 fore s ta rlin g the night work T ill* over the a««lgunieul and Hprlug made by Lion president F. M Ham *,r" -Milton V. Walker and laiur J ° Holt, chairman of the coon- »editing included the following: A^et of materials for the pen has Is Ilia firs t tim e that Ule local m ill field tied the coutil of six all Bolli Hu was read by l**un ( ' Poindexter ence E Skinner. She returned to '• committee will take the project MI ms Esther Douglas. Baiem; A been estimated at 6170. the amount Its* operated at ulght »Ince prior > lib-« were blanked lu the eighth, ecretary. her po«ltion here Wedneuday fo l-!10 Portland Friday and recommend O. Walker and family of Medford.! the organization Ropes to raise to the com plete «hut down during but Hill* Creek put aero»» one In two-week« vacation. to the state board that the projei t and J. J. Walker, grandfather o f . among members of the club and Ollier members of thl« com m it-, the early year« of the depressimi lh«lr half of the ninth, on two bits tie submitted to the board of army the bride, also of Medford. W. B. , other sportsmen here and in Eo- lee are W K Barnell. H K Maxey,' O perating m ill* In Oregon and by rlg h l fielder Parka and latlrd. ! engineers for a survey of types i Hickman and family of White gene who are interested In bird Washington which reported to Ute and blanked (he home town boys F B. Flanery. Harry M Stewart, and amounts of control work nece - Powder. South Dakota, Mr*. Pearl hunting. Labor on the project will and Dr W N. Dow. W est ('oast bei men » assocM In th e ir h alf anry. Miller and family of Dillard. M r.' be donated by members of the or- Other com m ittee assignments Hon fur the week ending June 15. The fielding feature of the game Sewer Extension Costly and Mrs. William Burnell and fam- ganizatlon. are: prouui ml 38.879.369 hoard feet id wa* a catch of a hit by center- I I r " E M a x er> member of the conn- ily and his mother Mrs Anna Bur A cash donation of 625 from tbe lumber Tills was approximately 1, fielder, Aubrey, who started with Finance— Dr. Melville B. Jones, r f l h ’i r T Q «»mmlttee told the group that nell. and Buford and Monica Tur c)ub treasury was voted last night 40(1,000 feet over the preceding the crack of the bat and robbed 1-arson Wright, and H O. Dibble« I nUULU II I 11U III L I Springfield would probably seek to pin of (hetthlre. to start tbe subscription list. Mem week The average weekly produc Huasell of a long hit. Libby con­ Social—W E. Buell. D. B Mur­ _______ clear the »lough channel on th e , — —------------- --- — bers of the two comm ittees appoint­ llim of thl* group of «awmllla In nected for four base» and Hitcher phy. and Ulenu Martin Final Rite* Held At Walter- W’llamette river a* a temporary ed last night by Walter Gossler, 1635 he* been 72,567.664 feel; dur­ I'onsforit, hit one for three Our «olption to the sewage disposal Decorations— M C. Kirkland ! president, are Larson Wright, N. ville Monday; Interment ing the »Slue period lu 1634 their team made plenty of hits, getting p.'onlem. He pointed out that an j Publicity—It K Maxey. Thelmer i L. Pollard, Ray Nott, Charles Pad- weekly average was HO, 736.014 feel el«ven, but could not connect safely Made In Eugene extension of the sewer would c o s t ' J Nelson. : dock and Donald Toomb. New bualnesH reported Iasi week with the runners on base about 64.000 of which the city Civic Affairs— Dean C. Polndex Charle« Herbert Page, well- Immediate construction of the by 516 mills was 61.607.366 board Springfield had a good team, would have to pay about 63.000 for pen is desired as birds will be leet compared with a production ot probably as good as we will see ter, W. F. Walker and John D. Pyle known W alterville resident, passed materials. The city is unable to i Membership—C. F. Barber. John away at his home Saturday foliow- available at the game farm to stock 33,876.366 feet amt »hlpmeut* of this year, but It was one of tho»e do this at this time. The county the pen as soon as it Is b u ilt By He was born 31,360,636 feet. Their shipments games when all tbe errors are on W. Aniler on and Larson Wright. Ing a week’s Ilio 01 Springlield R o ,.I Mu«“ — » B Murphy. H Stewart e pen early the roosters were under production by 7.8 per one side and the lucky breaks with ■■•»,1 ¡com m ittee of the city council pres­ u . . . .. / • ..I» A » » « » and l Dean C. D Poindexter. a ry 7, 185». Neighbors Buried At Pleas- can he segregated from the hens cent and their current *alea were the other fellow. ent a project request at the next and replaced by more bens, thus ant Hill On Monday Regular weekly meeting of the He wa« married to Miss Eliza meeting over production by 52.3 per cent. Yoncalla will be here next Bun­ increasing the prospects for more he,<‘ |i'r"Uy U00“ be,h M ,y McCue * ’»• I A flood control project between The orders booked last week by day and the game will be played 2."b. * T 1880 and - in 1 : Deadmond's ferry and S e a v e y , ' h*"" 1 - loot, - on - February - - 16. - ----- Ibis group of m ills were over (he on the new ball field on Mill street. Taylor hall. E. Schrlvner. died at the Pacific R .„volv.d total ID the preceding week hy All local people are urged to turn 1884 the family moved to Nebraska, tarry on the McKenxIe north of hospital in Eugwne Friday evening „ * Upkeep Involved about 14.000.000 feet or approgl out for thl* game. I coming to Oregon and W alterville Springfield was discussed along sh e w;)s (r <)n Det W» »« constructed the ■■lately 38 3 per cent < in 1604. with a proposal of W est Springfield b„ 2g , 882 had h -r >< c t j . will place a Urge sign I'nfllled orders on file e l these Farming has occupied most of his re Idem , for a dike project from |h(g common, . 11 advertising the sponaortag mills amount to 386.786,312 board | life For the p u t 3v years he has McVay Polrt to the highway R1,_ , ,, „ organization. There will be eo *d- feet, approximately 29.900.000 feel j lieen In partnership with his son, biidge. No action was taken on Mr Jn d ltlon .l coet to the Cub for about over the week before The eggre Frank, on a farm near W alterville. these. , k , , ten ye»™ after the pen has been get« Inventories of 436 mills are Hereafter all land settlem ent b o r, qnrine«»ld rim * * * completed, feed and care of the He was a member of the Presby 21 0 per rant leas than at this time ntendiwi th " * OrKaln birds will be furnished by the state e • . n - j » terlan church at W alterville. hav- work will he placed in the hands lation ser- . , last year. Spr.ngf.eld Re.,dent Since |ng helpe<1 (0 lhe church of lhe gtate tehabllltatlon commit zatlon attended „ the . funeral . . . game commission. 1 vices In a group and had charge Buulheru Fine Association re­ 1918 Passes At Hospital there and had served aa senior tee Instead of a sub-committee In of part of lh e gervlce Members of the club also con­ ports from New Urlesns the week Recorder Send* Statements On Monday elder since the church was built. l" ' 111111' The services were held at the sidered a questionnaire sent out by ending June 8. orders as 41 per To All Property Owner* In His widow. Mrs. Elizabeth May | Stevens Join* Committee Poole chapel In Eugene Monday the State Game Commission rela­ rent above the similar week of . " ° f L*nV and »*>»- survive Arrears On Payment* Welby Elevens attended the morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. E. V. tive to hunting changes and bog 1634 Orders decreased from pre county since 1907. passed away at a, home meeting *s the second represents- stivers officiated and Interment limits. vlous week 81 per cent Collection of bond lien aase-a- the Eugene hospital Monday morn-' Funeral services were held Mon live from this district. This w as, was made in the Pleasant Hill The group here urged an open lug at the age of 64 years and 11 ments against property In Spring- day morning at 10 o'clock from the the first mee’lng he attended as a cemetery. season on bob-white quail to run U N S IG N E D P R O T E S T O F field wa* started (his week by City months. She is survived by her widower. R. E. member of the committee. Fred L. ■ mcnrrently with the China pheas­ Mr. Cyr was born at Bt. Johns, W alterville church. Rev C A T S J U S T F IL E D A W A Y Recorder, C. L. Aldrich when he Clark officiated and Interment was B-ard. Eag. ne merchant, submit- l . E. Schrlvner; her parents, Mr ant season. Opening of the grouse sent out statem ents of amounts New Brunswick on July 12, 1870. made In the I. O. O. F. cemetery ted his resigralfcn made necessary and Mrs. J. K. McKenzey; one «•■ason to run concurrently with the C ity H ealth O ffic e r Not Intaraated due to all persons owning property At the age of 18 he came to the by thf prersure of personal busl- daughter, Mrs. E. L. Foust of Spok In Eugene by Veatch chapel ■i -er hunting season woe also In Com plaints Not Signed. against which the city holds unpaid United States with his family and ness he (.eclated. ane. Washington; one brother, A. I'ged . This practice has been fol- »«(tied In Russ county, W isconsin. | _________ He Baye; L a tte r Given Hens. P. McKenzey, Eugene, and one sis­ mwed until last year when the He was married ,o Miss Able M A N Y G U E S T S P R E S E N T A total of more Ilian 66.000 Is ter. Mrs. A. C. Akins, Goshen. gi ous season opened later than the In the files of Dr W H I’ullard. now outstanding on the city books Helen Adams In that slate In 1899 A T A N N IV E R S A R Y D IN N E R deer season. In 1907 they moved w est locating : ----------- city health officer. Is a letter of represented by these liens which Is M E T H O D IS T S A T S A L E M near Wendllng. They returned east Friends of M r. and M re. W . The state game group will meet complaint Involving cats. The let now due or pa»l due Buell H onor Thom A t Re­ F O R A N N U A L S E S S IO N in Portland on Saturday. July 13, ter Is signed "Disgruntled Neigh Many of these assessm ents re (or u few years and came back to j 15366138 ception Tuesday Evening to consider any changes and pre­ hors” and asks city action to re­ main on the books now as they Springfield In 1918. Appointm ents T o Be Read Sunday pare the official synopsis for pub­ Survivors include his son. Lester move on unsanitary condition. were In 1626 and 1927 without any Evening; Laymen S ta rt M eet­ lication. Thirty guests were present at The letter reads as follows: payment having been made on Cyr. Garden Way; two daughters, ing A t Noon Today "We wish to register a complaint either the principal or the Interest Mrs. Edythe I-oxtou, Springfield: the W, E. Buell home last night Funeral Services Held Tues­ Mr«. Pearl Adam«. Eugene route 1; tor the silver anniversary dinner regarding tba housing of several says Aldrich day; Interment In Laurel Several members of the Spring- W O O D C R A F T N E IG H B O R S cals lu (he adjoining block where Miss Edna Bt-verson has be«o ■ me sister. Mrs Vlvy Boucher. I “• which they were host and host Hill Cemetery field Methodist church are at Salem P L A N A N N U A L P IC N IC tbe Laxloo Apartments are located, assisting Mr. Aldrich In getting out Chippewa Falls, W isconsin; three ei*8- Their guest« Included Mr. and today attending the annual Oregon half sisters. Mrs Leah Bluuelt. I Mr« Fred Buell of Tillamook. Mr. because the odor arising front their these statem ents A resident of Springfield since conference of the church. The con- Uswald Olson and A1 Pohl were Mrs. Jane White, and Mrs. Eva a,,tl Mrs- Paul F. Alley and son. habitation Is causing unpleasaul Zumbram, all of W isconsin; one Douglas. Moro. Miss Evelyn Buell, 1918. Joseph Loran Brink passed ference began Monday and will con- named members of a com m ittee to living conditions. F IR E S E A S O N S T A R T S half-brother, Ed Cyr. Black F a lls.' at home. Mr. Lois Buell and daugh away at his home here Bunday tinue through the coming Sunday, make arrangements for the annual “We really believe that the city The lay conference begins this picnic of the Neighbors of Wood R E P O R T S M A L L B L A Z E S Illinois, and eight grandchildren, j ter- Alt“, ant> Mr- »“'1 Mrs. R. morning following an illness. Nhoiild take some action regarding H,- was born at Staton. Iowa, afternoon at W illam ette University craft when the lodge held Its re- . Funeral service» were held from ! Ba*H, “H ° f Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. this unsanitary condition." This I« Hie time of the year when the Poole Funeral home In Spring-■ Albert Woodard, their daughter, on July 16. 1866 and when four and will continue through Friday. gular meeting at the I. O. O. F. hall The letter will not receive much many email fin,« are started and years old went with his family to- Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor last night. The picnic will be held field Wednesday afternoon at 2 Marjorie, and son. Darrell, of Cot- attention from the health officer, flrat because It Is not signed, and the city fire truck Is usually kept o'clock Rev. I. U. Shaw of the ,a *» Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Illinois where he lived for five of the Springfield church, Is con- In July. low n At ference treasurer and has been at Thirty members were present at secondly because It la not specific. busy. Friday the truck was called Christian church officiated, and In McElhaney, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rob- years before returning to After reading the letter one Is not out twice, early In the morning to termenl was made In Laurel HUI leY and «laughter, Evelyn, Mr. and the age of 20 years he moved to Salem since Monday He returned ,he meeting last night which was Mrs. Buford Roach, their son Bu­ Kansa« where he was employed In home Tuesday evening to perform featured by a paper bag lunch sure whether the cats are In the put out a fire near the site of the i emetery. ford Jr., and daughter, Phyllis, and railroad construction and on Nov- two wedding ceremonies Wednes- Member, of the July entertainment' «ante black with the Laxton apart­ old mill, and again about noon ? aS ,V ° morn,ng and retupn<*i a^ a comm ittee are those persons whose Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ford all of Hu «"■“ ' l i ments or In some block adjoining when wall paper ut the 8. W. I*roc B R A T T A IN P L A Y G R O U N D Miss Viola Whltbeck at White City, the sam e morning taking his ,ianle8 b«glll wlth the letter g or tor residence lie! ween Sixth and gene, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roth of the block In which the apartments OPENED ON TUESDAY Seventh on "A" streets waa Ignited. t T “ »' u . . o . mother ,n law' Mr> Sulatt Porter, T. Mrs. Clara Taylor Is committee Monmouth, M. C. Kirkland and Mr. are located. Page a deteedve. riu family moved to Portland In and Mrs. William Gants, alternate chairman Anyhow the alleged nuisance Is A small gi'iuis fire between Second Springfield's public playground and Mrs. Buell. 189C and came to Springfield .n lay delegate with him. _________________ located In the sam e block or near and Third on “A" wo« put out early wus opened Tuesday afternoon on ! A three-course dinner waa served 1918 and have made their home this week. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard are the Brattaln school grounds by the 'n roolns decorated In pink and sll- the residence of the health officer, here since that time. spending the day at Salem and T . B. T E S T S A P P R O V E D Bprlngfleld Playground -Association ver and ^,ower*- Many flowers he «aya. Survivors include his widow. Mrs. Emma Olson is attending th* H A Y S H O C K O N W IR E S under the direction, o f Mrs. Leota and “llver r ,fti wftre by BY HOSPITAL DOCTOR Mrs. Viola Brink, one daughter. conference sessions. l° ca' couple last night and at D A M A G E S E Q U IP M E N T llodenbough, supervisor. Mr«. Mary Candice Miller at Point Dr. Louis Magín, district super­ B A P T IS T R A L L Y TO BE Nearly 76 children took advant- ,he,r refl'P“ tra Tu« "’* r evening, Taking of tuberef losla tests such Richmond, California, and one son, intendent o f the Salem area, was An annlver!,ar7 cake waa pre*- When the whirlwind lifted a age of the playground facilities the A T ROSEBURG SUNDAY Harry F. Brink. Longview. Wasn- elected one of the ministerial dele- as were offered to the high school shock of hay Into the power lines opening afternoon and more were ent* 1 by four c f the,r frt«nda- i students here last year were re- £ £ e Y « w n . Tuesday Mr' * Dd Mra- An** *”<> • en I»1“ » lugton. A rally of the Umpqua Baptist of the Mountain States Power present yesterday. The entire school grounds have ,0 loav" th” af‘« ™ ° n Utelr " ^ #ral a^ ea hilil h ere, Columbus. Ohio, next year at the by Dr Q c b ^ , , ^ dlrector Young Fcnple’s Union will be held company near Creswell Saturday ♦ , ------------------------------------------ J from the Poo‘e Fuuera’ Home annual elections held Wednesday the tubercul(£ / £ ut Roseburg Bunday, June SO. The It did more than short circuit a been mapped out and equipm ent1 hoale ,n <*ef»irn Oregon. Mr. and Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Lay delegates will be elected Frl- More Fred Buell will remain here Hprlngfleld Baptist church Will power line. The hay wa« lifted placed in strategic places Salem, In addressing the Klwauls w l'h “ >«lr Rev. Hoffman officiated and Inter- day. have charge of the devotional*, and in such a manner that It caused a than 100 children can be acoom -: for a few daVB ! club In Eugene. meut was made In the Laurel Hill . Members of the . . 8Pr‘n* i l ®,<1 The tests will be offered high nddresaes will be given by Hev. H. short circuit between two differ­ inodated on the playground at one i par('nt*- cemetery. church have requested the return gchoo, #tude#u W. Davis on ’ Sportsmanship In ent power lines. This unusual event time with the prejent equipm ent.1 of Rev. for jmother 8By, Dr Muton v w < 1U r , choo| Ukrlatlanlty«.” and by Hev. Wm. Os- caused two lightning arreetora to More can be handled by playing M IS S C R A N D A L L M A R R IE D year, but final decision In the mat- doctor good bn "Rplining the Kace. ’ The he burned up along with consider­ group gam es and contest*. LODGE G RO UP T O H O LD ter will not be known until the rally will be an afternoon session able other expensive damage to the Local people donated labor fu T O C R E S W E L L R E S ID E N T IN S T A L L A T IO N M O N D A Y presiding bishop reads his appoint­ loafing from 12 16 until 4:30. equipment In the sub station of the building apparati^ for the project. ment» Sunday evening. Miss Esther Canddall, daughter L E G IO N W IL L C H O O S E power company plant here. Installation of new officer» of of Mrs Mary B. Crandall, was mar- C IT Y C O L L E C T S F IN E PACT N O B LE G R A N D CLUB C O N V E N T IO N D E L E G A T E S | rled to Robert Earl Franklin of Juanita Hebekuh lodge will be held j M E T H O D IS T P R E A C H E R O N D R U N K E N C H A R G E C H R IS T IA N E N D E A V O R M E E T IN G T O B E T U E S D A Y Creswell at an early morning ser­ next Monday evening. Miss Eunice T O BE A T S A L E M S U N D A Y Two delegates and two alter- L IS T S C H U R C H T O P IC vice Wednesday. Rev. Dean C. Poln- Oerber, district deputy, assisted by ----------- ; nates to the state convention of the S ieve Kohler was fined 610 and Regular meeting of the P a s t, dexter, pastor of the Sprlugfield Mrs. Glenn Stone, marshall, will Regular Sunday school and American Legion to be held at Th* Men ten ceil to serve 10 days In the The third meeting of the per­ Noble Grand club will be held ; Methodist church read the cere- do the Installing. Young People’s meetings will be Dalles, will be chosen tonight at city Jnll when he pleaded guilty to sonal experience unit being con­ 1 uesduy noon at the I. O. O. F mony at the parsonage at 7 o’clock, The Installing officers and the held at the Methodist church Sun­ the meeting of the Springfield Am­ a charge of drunkenness and d is­ ducted by the Christian Endeavor hull. A covered dish dinner will be The couple were unattended and elected officers will hold a special orderly conduct In the court of society of the Christian church will «erved at noon with the following only Immediate members of the practice meeting at the 1. O. O. F. day as usual, but there will be no erican Legion post. This will he the preaching services. Rev. Dean C. final meeting of the poet for th * City Recorder, Chester Aldrich, be on the subject, "An Enlarging com m ittee In charge: Mrs. Helen families were present. hall tonight. Poindexter will be at Salem during summer months. A potluck dinner Monday. The Jail sentence was sus­ Vision." The meeting will be held Donaldson. Mrs. Stella Eaton. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Franklin left short- Outgoing offlcera will have the entire day attending the clos­ for the Legion and Auxiliary mem­ pended on good behavior of the Sunday evening at 6:45 with Mis* Alberta Walker, and Mrs. Leda |y after the ceremony for their charge ot the entertainment next ing sessions of the church nnefsc bers wiu b* hold at 6:M at Tartar Lei* Peterson * • ieeder. Freeland. MW home aear CreeweU. Monday. CHARLES H. PAGE n iP P m IT I in H Mr ’ SCBIVNE« RITES HELD IN EUGENE „„ J.., FINNI RUES FOR CITY 10 COLLECI DENNIS CEB HEED BONO LIEN DEBT «"¡JOSEPH L. BRINK