THURSDAY. JUNE 20 1996 TUR SPRINOFIRLD NEWS PAPE FOUR Viali at C orvadla— Mr and Mra. Havert Jacobson apolli Sunday ported to be quite 111 a t hl» hom e vtnliluH friend» n aar l'o r volli» h ere Ibis week F a ll, from Troo —t ari Sh'Vuii». B reaba Arm- leom Muv Keyes 12 v«ai old t'am p ('lo o k buy mu tell und broke her arm Friday It ¡ lain «1 o u i lu n - ut I mu I>«,no» F u was sel by a local pio »lelun in L dhtirii v rey u n — Mi* ► ' SU .»»>• U flf’i lii at Home -M i 1 iluy wbMi h«’ f»H fl Ulli u u I hii • Ut « guati «i ml or n i, i la th m a i Henil td M r und .Mr- E r t e -I »ho k huti L 1 .1« lim i Insti UUMU WU. IF 1 « 4 It n -Mi Aliti Mi» <» II hl» lottali» iemov««l VV o«C «'»«luv ■** III H p iilg fh ld U in u tu n Mun H e re — l,‘i an U Heu », tuultu« a vacation n« t f i’huisltni wan a Uustnnx* Ih«’ office of u local phv»b'lan a i a. SPK IN U FIC ID METHOOIBT ti m tii S p itii*ft«*l<1 Mtnitl.tx Viatta P a re n t.— Wuv m llu w k e of khfield Mr anil v .t l t at II, un I I o ii.ih 'C le i. MiuUlei Huilit » U t I I .......... fo l lit e W i k eliti □ u v e to Portland— M r uii>l Mt Mrs. II St li irrcnln rg »pent Ui« 'L is i. IllUg Io Hit' E le i Hal Voice»' W rigkl drovt lo Portland vinlilnu with Ida pareti!». Mi und A I itili« al Mai allib iti AS t'«‘k I’ll I h III« ilid iie of the I I o i'lm k mu r.litl luo It the flr»t of lie week. M r W.illuce lluwke »ag« 'lìdio mv»»«ge f«ir 7 ; 30 .» L tave for C o « it— .Mi anti Mi : F o rm fr Resident» Here— Mi How do we know we u ie l'h rl» l Id W t.h Munipa— J ' I lau on « i Paun hl T t ’tiinh I d i M i h I iia i i u i i i i II at Ills lioine with mi ultuek of l .In i Yarnell .noi d a u g h h r June lit TO«' Bunday B< Ituul tnsel» ni Inc. for a va at ion mi tin* coa M i., lin i' troni Monmouth visiting '.I t , mid lli< l.«'U«u«g ul 6 30 Ilie mump» Natron Man H ere— \ll»«»T Liuti u illi fi lellii» They are form er re»l Fit i M cK .nzI.— bullus Murphy .I. ills of tills city |<". of N.ilrt'11 was a btixltio h vini C O B U R G M E T H O D IIT I uitti F im k Fisln r t| eui Friday i in Sin ingfit Iti Fri«!») I h u i i I P u llid e tle i. M llll» le i Hand in W r le g .e --M l V V A llsb lllK Oil Ibt Mt K o lille t'ouiliiuiilott Service al U 4u I T e c c h rr R r tu r m — Ml - - Auilrev Boon ol Marcela hud »everul fin llie u d o f H e a v e n I III« Vli I ’lici soli lt.i i. lip .it-.l li. i i Kin Move T bu raday— Mi Mint Mis III. ei »«dit on one batid Monday mat li Fulls where site li ueln | ( liito n A Phillips un- moving Io when »li.» valigli! Ii«*r hand In un I belli« o l III» llieasu g « ' III DOUBTING THOMAS" IS NO AMATEUR PIRTLE EUNERAL IllltS ARE TODAT TOWN AND VICINITY Rev. Poindexter To Conduct, Sorvices For Coburg Man In Eugene At 2 0 ‘Clock A ithur G. Pirtle. 63. paused at his home n ear Coburg on Tue» f o r , Ju u e 18. He was born I Iowa on Ju n e to, 187? ami < nine to O re­ gon In 1900. lie was a m em ber cf the Odd Fellow and of tb- Elks lodges Survivors In. lude his wid w, .Mrs P«rt»e, two sous. Noel u. Pirtle. Coburg and Glen S. P ir­ tle. b u g e re , tw o g ran d ch ild ren ; his m other -Mrs S arah P irtle; o. ' brother and two d sters in Bloon- fleld. Iowa, and one b ro th er in P o rt­ land Funeral service« will be held this afternoon at the V eatch chapel in Eugene Rev Dean C Poindexter will officiate and m em bers of th e 11. O. O. F. lodge will be In charge at the cem e terj. STORIED BACKGROUND FOR SAN DIEGO SHOW In many respects th e California Pacific International Exposition at Balboa Park. San Diego, offers tea tu re s that cannot be duplicated by any o th er exposition site, and many salient attractio n s th at could only be rivalled at prohibitive cost in a few strategic locations Situated on a high plateau over­ looking the city of San Diego and the neighboring Pacific Ocean, the stru ctu res of th is vast en terp rise are set mid rolling hills, deep rav ­ ines. wooded knolls and a profusion of trees, shrubs and flowers th at bloom the y ear round. First E xplorer 1542 It was to th is enchanted land th at Ju an R odrigues Cabrlllo came in th e year 1542, thirty-nine years a fter Ponce de Leon landed In Florida and sixty-flve years before the first settlem en t a t Jam estow n. Virginia. Everyw here in San Diego and its environs th ere rem ains th e im press of those adventurous Spanish ex­ plorers who sailed fo rth in th eir brave galleons to add new dom in­ ions to the crown. TOWNSEND CLUB PLANS BIG MEETING TONIGHT Springfield Townsend club will hold a large m eeting a t T aylor hail tonight a t 7:30. Rev. Dean C. P oin­ dexter will be the sp eak er and spe­ cial m usic will include solos by Paul P otter. Mrs. Dodd M iller is chairm an of the social com m ittee. DISTRICT S. S. RALLY AT DONNA ON SUNDAY; The next d istrict Sunday school convention will be held a t Donna church Sunday. A large basket din­ n er will be held a t noon. Visit At S isters W. H. Hobbs and E. H. T u rn er drove to S isters via M cKenzie pass and spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. Hobbs' relatives at Home— M. J M.KIIn ia r . ■ < n 11 u I cltiuil S is t .r - ir - l.w rev c ,.c d word D ir» -—J last S. M» Kay week of the AA’ill Rogers returns to the McDonald theatre Sunday iteall. of lii» »l»ter In luu in his latest comedy. "Doubting Thomas,” cast with Billie lo< '«. W ashington Burke in a story involving amateur theatricals. ut W in 1‘o l l l t lo d ili i lei lib wring«'! B A P T IS T c h u r c h Here for Sum m er— M r Alma Cuwden of Medford I» In Hprlug field tu »pend the uiiiiuer Home for Vacation IteV and Mr» It E Rolen» drove tu Port land Monday In meet their »on. Hui limn Robert who returned Inline liy buat W endling Man Her, Musen usen of W W endling endling w was a v ls llo r, . . . . . ... , Iroin Sun l edro lie 1» u U U t le lll In Springfield S u luni.i» I Itedlaud I'lilv o ra lly und brought V is itin g R e la tiv e s — Mr» W aller -• friend W a lte r H alit of Fullerton Goes to Y a e h a te — Mis M H H uuti, spent th e week «yid ut MARCOLA GIRL SETS LIONS TO HEAR TALK Y achats visiting with Mr Huntlv DATE FOR WEDDING ON INSURANCE RATES who Is w orking th ere Goaxler and children a re vtalttn« with »*•»* «> relative» n e a r C ottage Grow** while hen». Go to B each— M iss F.»»ell A dam - Miss Lelah R uth T itus, d au g h ter O. M T hurber. m unager of the of Mr and Mrs. E arl T itu s of Mur public relatio n s d ep artm en t of the and Ml-» M arjorie Jo lllff left Wed Mr G oaaler 1» at Guurd cam p cola has set Sunday. Ju n e 30. as G eneral Insurance com pany, w ill1 neaday for a vacation outing ut Visits a t T hurston— .Ml»» The lu th e d ate for h er wedding to D elbert sp eak to th e Springfield Lions d u b ; lleccla Bench. Rhodes I» u gueat of Ml » N athalie F. Pierson of Mabel. Miss T itu s at th eir weekly luncheon m eeting Kdniistoti ul her hom e at T hurs p aren ts en tertain ed with a d inner Friday noon. Ills subject will deal R eturn *r° , in h er honor at th eir hom e last Fri with fire Insurance rates and local ' i*',o r * re urne us ee i . day. conditions. N r. T h u rb er has Just ’ 11,1 (rt,m * • ' r »'•< 1 ">» r P " Queats a t H otel— Mr. and Mrs. --------------------------- com pleted a fire in su ran ce survey a»«da ] t , p B aker of M arshfield and Karl So« onil und » elreeta It E Rolen». p u » lo i Bible »cliool ul 9 46 a m M orning »eivl>« II o'clock Her l li o ll l o p n ' II« h I ■ Beni Evening »orvtce k o'clock mon by pu»lor Junior und »a-nlor I* Y P P ,hv __________ ___ 7 I» oi KM JXU . S-Ü N O T IC E OF A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SA L E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, th a t by v irtu e of an o rd er of the County Court of th e S ta te of O re­ gon for L ane County, in th e m at­ te r of th e E state of Je s se K. P latts, deceased, m ade on Ju n e 17th. 1935, the undersigned, as ad m in istrato r of said estate, will sell a t p riv ate sale, on and a fte r Monday the 22nd day of JuTy'. 1935. for cash, or part cash and good security, th e follow- ing described property, to-w lt: The South half of th e South e a st Q u arter; L ots 3. 4. 5 and th a t part of Lot 2 lying South of a line run n in g E ast from the Southeast co rn er of Claim No. 45. N otification 7188. In Section 18. Tow nship 17 South. Range 1 W est of th e W illam ette M eri­ dian, containing one hundred and th irty acres, excepting th e fol­ low ing: B eginning a t th e in tersectio n of th e South line of th e David N. H yde D onation Land Claim No. « " L iä S .;« 1 W est, W illam ette M eridian, with the cen ter line of th e Coun­ ty Road, said point of in tersec­ tion being 13.92 chains E ast of th e N o rth east co rn er of th e Eta- nor Duff D onation Land Claim No. 41 of th e said T ow nship and Range, running th en ce E ast 16.81 chains along th e South lVie of th e D onation Land C laim : thence South 5.00 ch ain s; th en ce W’est 23.19 chains parallel to th e South Une of said D onation Land Claim to th e c en te r line of th e County R oad; thence N orth 48“ E ast ___ _____ along the __________ cen ter of ____ th e _______ County Road 4.17 ch ain s; th en ce N orth 89° E ast 4.00 chains to th e place of beginning, being p arts of lots 2, 3, k&d 4, of Section 18. Town ship 17 South Range 1 W est, Lane County, Oregon. ,7°. in th is city. P atien t B etter Mrs. L. A Moure of P ortland w ere guest» ut itprlngfleld hotel Saturday Im proved following un Illness u t , night. ------------------------------- I Tub I us Is at her hom e now g r e a tly 1 the A ID P I AIMF IIA FP) AS DOCTOR S AMBULANCE * _______ Visiting at T h u rsto n — Teddy Mauyika und ib lld re t of Los An- Dr. Donald B axter, head of th e i w ilfre t of W esl Springfield Is v is it-! «eie». C alifornia arriv ed h ere Fri- B arter latioratorie« at G lendale. ' ¡Ug a t the John Prie» hom e nt duy lo visit with her m other. M ra ; G race Stevens. ( C alifornia was rushed from his | T hurston. hom e on th e M cKenaie to the Glen I P ortland People H e r.— Mr and Sell Hom e— Mr and Mrs McKy dale hospital T uesday when he be- Mr». F rank DePue. J r . of Portland,: in W esl home th eir old cam The Amelia E at l - - j huve A C t t H i e r I ill. II. 1 I lf I fam t t l l l U ous U S .- Y IU C IIU t-CW » | hart plane w as used as th e fly in g , Springfield and have moved to Eu were here over the week end vl-lt am bulance in the hop betw een Eu ' w“ h Mr • nd Mr»' am bulance in the hop ; Frank Ivel’ue. gene and Glendale. Leave for Arizona— Mr. and Mrs. ___________ A. W C handler left Sunday for H ere from Olympia— Mr and Bisbee and W arren. Arizona to Mrs. K enneth G irard and family of PURCHASING AGENT IS visit relativ es. Olympia. W ashington a re her«1 PROMOTED BY RAILROAD visiting at the home of his parent», ----------- H ere from W eetfir— Miss Lyn M]. (|n(, Mr)| K nr, olrBn) M. M. M offitt, a ss ista n t purchas- i ette M ontgomery of W estfir was ing agent of th e S outhern Pacific here the past week-end vl Itlng at B reaks Ankla— Eugene Long, com pany, with h ead q u arters in ¡th e home of Mr. und Mrs. Fred Hayden Bridge, sustained u broke'. ankle und bruises about his face, P o rtlan d for th e past 13 years, will > i,Ouk hip and o th er parts of his body In V ««s“ P aren ts of Son— Mr. und Mrs j a logging u« rid«nt Saturday week to ta k e an advanced position V ernon H utton of Oukridg«« a re • in th e general purchasing office the parents of a son horn to them Week-end on R iver— Mr unit th ere, according to inform ation re­ ut th e Eugene hospital on T hur Mrs W illiam Vuske. Eugene. We» ceived a t local S. P. offices today. ' ley F ranklin. Portland, mid Miss He will be succeeded by E d w a rd ’ •“‘y» 13' 1835 . Violet DOUBTINQ THOMAS OPENS SUNDAY! Inmatt Spent the week-en.l H Polk, who has been d istric t G jr, s coul, vacation— M eiube.s at tin luiuali cam p at ItalUbow sto rek eep er a t Sacram ento. of the Springfield Girl Scouts have discontinued all m eetings for the] In Canada—Slg Moe bus gone to] sum m er m onth» according to Miss j Canada seeking m edical treatm en t i Eunice G erber, scout leader Visiting Aunt — Mrs Nanni«» Mites of Mart ola Is here v is itin g , S ister H ere— Miss Elsie M offitt ^ , , hv hou„. ,,f q, r aunl Mrs Belle L ittle Nina W hltbeck was pain-1 Pomeroy. W ashington. Is here tu 1 gpoug fully hu rt Monday evening when • ] spenf su it and of all parties claim ing by them , In or to tho fo llo w in g 'd e s­ cribed real property, to-w lt: B eginning ut a point 1.25 chains W est of the Southw est corner of th e S o u th east fourth of the N orthw est q u a rte r cf Section SEVEN In T ow nship F IF T E E N South, R ange FOUR W est of W illam ette m eridian; and ru n ­ ning Hhence N orth 20.00 chains, thence E a st 7.64 ch ain s to th e middle of the county road.j thence In and along the cen ter of j said road South 57° E ast 25.06 chains and South 53° E ast 16.45 chains to the E ast line of the W est hair of the Buutlieast quar­ ter of said Section Seven, thence South 1.88 chain: , thence W est 20.00 chains, th en ce N orth 4.61 ] chains and th en ce W est 21.26] chains to the place of beginning; containing 56 0« acres, more or less, of land In Lane und Benton counties, In the S ta te of O regon; j Also beginning a t a point 86.29] chaina N orth of th e q u a rte r sec-, lion co rn er in th e South line of said section Seven In Tow nship Fifteen South. R ange Four W est; 1 and running thence N orth 4.61) chains, thence W est 1.26 chains,) thence South 4.81 chains and] thence East 1.26 chains to 'b e ; place of beginning; containing 58-100 of an a cre of land, In Lane County, Oregon. Dated th is 19th day of June, 1935 C. A. SWARTH. Sheriff. By A E. HULEOAARD, Deputy. (J 2027—Jly 4-11-18) Block Wood AND Planer Ends Prices Reduced FOR THE MONTHS OF June and July ORDER NOW Manerud-Huntinglon Fuel Co, PHONE EUGENE 651