THURHDAY. JUNE 20, 1935 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE ' 0 j WHO IS WHO and What They Do W H i.ll F u ll HACK Old t lilovk. I Si cords o ld G ro w th Hltth, cords, Iti lu d i fß.tMJ ì'itliy Fú til Co l'Iioii«* 1M2J (tf) A Claaaifiad Directory of Reliable Buainaaa Firms and Profaagional Paopla Thia Nawjpapar Racommanda to You. AUTO DEALERS DANCING ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. HAN C E AT WINTEKOARDEN Expert Repairing All Work (luurin toad. F o li MALE Uuutl U n d Wood i Ituilg». Mouiltulll Hlutee Power I tl»*- tllL T in a aud Batteries K 5th und A Ht«., Bprlogfleld Hb. «• Co. PRINTERS "The Dance That’s Different" THE WILLAMUTTB PRE8H Springfield Phone 2 W.C.T.U. GROUP JKofor Group to BUSINESS HOLDS PLANS PROGRAM Ask Less Gas la x GAINS IN OREGON Local Organization To Spon­ sor Flower Mission Evant At M. E. Church Tuesday With the pea canning seaaon The Flower Mission program aboat at Its height Io the homes of sponeored by tbe W. ('. T .U. with western Oregon. Mis« Lucy Case, Mr«. Nettleton In charge, will be extension specialist In foods and held at the Methods t church Tues­ nutrition at Oregon State college, day afternoon, June 26. at 2 o'clock. ‘ '¡tier» a few pointer« for handling Following tbe opening song, "All J this task io tbe easiest and most Hall the Power of Jeaua' Name." nucceesful manner. aud devutlonale Including an ex­ Two hours from garden to can planation of the origin of Flower is a good rule to follow In canning Mission by Mrs N. Nelson, tbe fol­ ’ green pea«. Mlaa C ase seys. Tbe lowing program will be given | shorter the time the more of the The Empty Tomb Walter Laxlon sw eet natural flavor will be re­ Tin Banqqet Mra. Alice Peteraoo tained. bet-uu-e the sugar ill peas Our Oiegon Stephen Rice quickly turn« to starch after they Guitar Selection Laverne Pugh ! are picked. Cup- of Cold Water Ix>ra Chase D ip Pods In H o t W a te r Solo Mra D B. Murphy Use only young, tender peaa, she Recitation Leota Bertacb advises, and wash them carefully. Violin selection (Melody In F) Marie Hollister. Hetty Jacobson They may be shelled by hand, but Leaaun from a Rose Pearl Nelson many find It quicker to dip them In Plano selection. I^ota McCracken hot water aud lun them, «tern end Foem Virginia Pohl fir. t through the wringer of the washing machine, or through a spe­ Recitation Loimae Itodonbough cial pea shelter. The pods go The Ora-«hopper Freddie Hamlin through tbe vringer and the peas Musical Selection ....................... fall back and are caught on a clean ........................ Leota Rodenbough cloth In the tub. Even though shell­ Closing Prayer. Mrs A. Batchelder ing by hand, tbe task in easier If A silver offering will be taken tbe pod« are first dipped In hot water, Mi s Case says. Dog Bites Boy—Jimmie Gossler, For caonlng peaa, and all other «on of Mr. and Mr«. Lawrence Gossler of Thurston was severely non-acid vegetables for that mat­ bitten by a dog at his borne while ter. packing liot into the jars and playing Friday. Several stitches ualug a pressure cuokwr Is tbe were taken at the office of a local only method recommended for safety, according to Miss Case. doctor In the boy's neck. Bring tbe pea« to boll In water to Firs Chief Return»—Hugh Jol- cover, she says, and In the mean­ llff. Springfield fire chief, returned time boil the Jara, lids and rub­ Friday evonlng from Corvallis bers. FID the Jars, while they are where he attended the three-day sitting in boiling water, to within convention of fire chiefs for Ore- >,-4 inch of the top with the boiling hot peas. Then fill the Jars also to within H inch of the top with the liquid In which the peas were cooked. Add A* teaspoon salt to each pint of peas. Every Saturday Night Ueuts 36c Ladles HH; Business Stationery -O ftloe Forms Booklets — Placards — FOUND A Japan»«» Antimony D od gers, etc. I »a ivl on sldawalk In Mpilag FURNITURE SCHERER MOTOR CO. A Modern Print Shop Producing fluid (iwiiui muy h a ve u n i » by IIUK K tlLDHMOBILk: JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. Up-To-Date ITtntlng pro v Ini owni-rililp uud paying PONTIAC Haugea and Circulators lor llili eilv»rtl«»ui«iit Phone and a Salesman Will Call. Motor C an Several Lines Including Montag HAI.K» end SERVICE Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base WAREHOUSE ADDITION 7tb end Olirà Hti. — Phone »66 Attractive Price« on Furnitur« Eugene, Origoa. BUILT FOR FEED STORE SERVICE STATIONS and Rugs. See Us Before You Buy BATTERY SERVICE Workman till« w»»k i-ouipl«twd We Deliver Phon« UM A HT. SERVICE STATION tli» wiri-lioiiH» addition to Hi» r»»r «4» W illam ette Eugene Usuarsi Gasolina. OU and Greasei LAN ECU ot lb» A i I uuih H»»ul und Food slut» Goodrich Tires A loading platform 1« being built BATTERY FACTORY LAUNDRY “A Home Owned Station." mlJa»» ii t Io 111« wurulioua» Back at our old location 6th and A Sts., Springfield. Ph. A overhead you- galu. Bee our new SPRINGFIELD I«AUNDRY I material batteries In genuine Galea Floyd Wood, Prop. MANY RAILROAD MEN 1 bard rubber caaee before you buy. Mitchell Service Btatlcn All parts handmade In Eugene. Fur 30* Main St.. Phone 100 ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS ARE WITHOUT WORK. capacity- ear vice—price--none bet­ All Kinds of 1-aundry Service. — Yale Tlrea — ter ItEl HARUIN0— REPAIRING. Tull pur n u t ot III« cou n try« 346 Van Burin We Cell tor aud Deliver. “ Ureas log - Battery Recharging • Phone 100* mu. mployi-d aru railroad in«u, ao* Your Patronage Will Be Expert Radio Repairing by loid ln g Io Uayivge M. Ila r r la o n . BEAUTY PARLORS Appreciated. LEE CRAY tliulruian of lh» Hallway l-aboi Phono 48-J Executives' tUaovlallou. Mr llur- 7th and Main Sts Springfield HOME BEAUTY SHOP LUMBER naou'a alatvmuut wee mad» when i i -. k m a n e n t waves »t.&o OREGONIAN Ii» «pub» on bulialf of railroad All Work Uuarauteed The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. SERVICE STATION labor orguulxutlon« In »upporl of Mra. Ella I'arcber Furnishes g Tel. 30 At tbe Springfield Junction III« P»ll«ng)ll bill, buforu tbu liouiu COMPLETE HOME GAB AND OILS CREAMERIES - »ub vomuiltlv« hum lug». Building and Repairing Servloe. Service Day and NlgbL N O T IC K O P H K A R IN Q O N Demaud tbe Beet—Costa no Mors For Service Phone Springfield 66 Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and or If no answer, phone 34-J. P IN A L A C C O U N T Picnic Goods. BLUE BELL H p rln g fle ld . ' NOTICE IB HEREBY O1VEN: Dairy Products West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 3SJ That lb« undersigned. aa uxuculrlx of Ibu I-aal Will and Tee tarn out of Ice Cream. Butter, Cheese, Milk PHYSICIAN-SURG EON llarry Y. Spence, deceaaed, bee EUUENE FARMERS CREAMERY, WOOLEN MILLS filed bur account tor tbu final set Phone Eugene *3* DR. MILTON V. WALKER tlumeiit of said decedent's uulale In EUGENE Surgery and D iseases o t W o b : s tbu County Court fur I-auo County. WOOLEN MILL CO. Oreguo, and that Saturday tbu 22nd 4tb and Malo Sts. Springfield D E N TI8T8 Manufacturers ot Woolens. day of Juue, 1*36, at tbu Court Phone 32-J Itoum of said Court In tbu County Specialising tat Ladles HR G. A. BROWN t uurl House, In Eugene. Oregon at COATINGS AND MU1T1NGB. Hours » A . M . to 6 P. M . MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. leu o'clock lu tbu forenoon, baa Retail Department at MIU. Pboae 30 J been fixed by aald Court aa tbu Surgery aud D iseases of Woman East End *th Ave. Eugene. Ore. time aud place for bearing objuc Sib and Main Sts. Springfield X Ray and Physiotherapy lions thereto, aud for the settle­ Residence 72* A Street. Hinkle, 'tultnomah county; Gene­ Springfield, Oregon ment thereof. EFFA P. HPENCE. Flrat National Bank Bldg. Ph. 4* vieve Boehl, Clackamas county; La Executrix of the 1-aat Will DR. WM. N. DOW Velle Juckson. Washington; Myrna and Testam ent of Harry Y. Sound Warning That State DENTIST l^ lrd. Lace; and Cryetal Horn and Spence, deceaaed 4-H SUMMER SCHOOL X Hay Diagnosis — Hours • to IS Helen Jendrxjewskl, both of Uma­ Levy Will Be Cut If Federal L. L HAY, 1 to 6 an - by appulutment. Attorney for estate. Tax Is Not Lifted DRAWS LARCE CROWD tilla county, are members of the (M 23 30 Ju 6 13 20) Office Phone 3 — Res. Phone *7 girls' executive council. A warning that tbe slate gasoline F ir s t N a ti Bank Bldg. Springfield A n n u a l T w o W e e k C o n clav e A t N O T IC K T O C N K D IT O R S Other members of the boys’ tax would lie reduced by the S ta te C o lle g e W ill Be C losed NoTICji IB HEREBY GIVEN council are BUI McBurney and FRUIT PACKERS (bat Ada Palmer baa been ap­ S a tu rd a y ; 1100 A tte n d Erick Detrlch. both of Clackamas amount of tbe 1-cent federal tax If pointed admlnlatralrlx of tbe ea- county; Chris Starr of Yamhill congress falls to permit the fed­ tale of Mra A. A. Kimball, de Eugetie Fruit Grower’s A ss ’ q Two weeks of Instruction aud county, und Elmer Smiley of Uma­ eral tax to lapse on Its expiration cussed. by tbe County Court for date June 30, Is sounded by Dr. E. 1-ane County. Oregou. All pureona Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers recreation are drawing to a close tilla county. , lievtug claims against aald eatale and Shipper«. Ice aud Cold Storage. for tbe 1100 4-H boy« and girls »ad U. McDuuiul, president of tbe Ore­ are hereby notified to present tbe College Ice Cream Manufacturers. their leaders attending the twenty- gou State Motor association, In an «am» with proper voucher« to tbu Coco Cola—Klat Beverages edilotrlal appearing In the June Is­ first auuual 4-H club summer TREE TROOPERS ADOPT uuderalgued at tbe law office of Cider Vinegar txiueld Young. 334 Miner Bulldtug. Hcbool on the Oregon State college FAWN IN COQUILLE sue of the Oregon Motorist. Eugene, Oregon, with to alx month« Phone 14*0 "Tbe Oregon congressional dele­ campus at Corvallis With delega­ from tbe dale of tbe first publica­ Furry near lib Ave E. Eugene, tions representing every county In "Chink of China Flats," was an gation Is against the continuation tion of this nolle«. Oregon with (he exception of Jef-1 orphan without friends till she of the federal gas tax. but there Is Oat« of first publcallun. May 33, N O T IC K T O C R K D IT 0 R 8 frigon. this Is tbe largest club stood by tbe roadside and flagged little doubt that the federal tax on ADA PALMER. »clioot ever Io-Id in Oregon, and a CCC truck loaded with boys from gasoline, oil and car accessories Administratrix of tbe estate of Notice la hereby given th at tbe Mrs. A A. Kimball, deceased. underHlgued baa been duly appoint­ show« an lucres»« of approximate­ China Flat CCC camp on the south J will be continued." said Dr. McDan­ DONALD YOUNO, ed Executor of tbu «state of Han­ ly 40 p»r cent over last year. Tbe fork of the Coquille river. Coos. | iel. “This means the collection of Attorney for estate. nah O'Neel, by the County Court school began Juue 10 and will close county. Now this tender eyed an additional three million dollars (M 33 80—Je «13 30) I of Lane County .Oregon; any and fawn Is Idolised by 200 tree troop­ In taxes each year from Oregon all persona having claims agalnal June 22 ers who could not resist her trust­ motorists." the said estate are hereby required These boy« and girls are really T a x E q u als C ost a t R e fin e ry io present aald claims, duly vert- tbe “cream of the crop”, more than ing udvances The boys say this lied aa by law required to tbe un­ sraceful, knee high orphan of tbe Gasoline at the refinery costs 600 of them attending on scbvL dersigned. at the office of Wolla wPds a rays goes more than half from 6 to 8 cents a gallon, he point­ a Well«, Attorney«. 203 Bank of ship« won at various fairs and Commerce B ld g . Eugene, In Lane other events, msny more sent as way to make friends with visiting ed out. On each gallon of gasoline Watahi akar and Jawalar 1 County, Oregon, wltbln alx month« dogs, but pounces boldly with her sold In Oregon there is a 6-cent delegates from their clubs In re­ B .” NOFTELD from the date of this notice. Huy front boots at any cauln« at­ tax, 6-cents state and 1-cent fed­ cognition of outstanding work, and So. Panili. Watch Inageotor Dated and first published June tempting to impose upon ber good eral. First Claas W irk at Raasoaabls still others paying their own way 13. 1*36. nature. When the gasoline tax was in­ Prlose E V E R E T T C. O'NEKL. Execu­ with money earned lu their club “Chink" is not yet weaned from creased from 4 to 5 cents in 1933. tor of jbe estate of Hannah projects. the bottle but nursemaiding does the Oregou State Motor association O'Neel, deceased Lane County Has *0 WELLS h WELLS. Attorney« for uot worry the boys from Illinois, stated that a 6-cent tax was too The l*ortland delegation is the Estate most of whom had never seen a much of a tax on a single gallon Reliance Life (Ja 1 H H I - J 4-H) largest this year with about 140 wild deer till Chink came Into their of gas. but we agreed that 1 cent boys aud girls, followed by Benton N O T IC K O F Insurance Co. lives. of tax should be added to compens­ with 122 and lAine with *0. Many F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ate partially for the reduction in of Pittsburgh. Pa. of the clubtiers have attended one Notice 1« hereby given that the Summer at Seaside — Morris license fees incurred when the lic­ or more previous sessions and are undersigned. Rika deBroekort. Ad­ Stewart has gone to Seaside where ense tee was reduced to *5. ministratrix of the estate of O. M. well acquainted with the campus "The motor association is still deBroekert, deceased, has filed her and each other when they arrive, he will be employed during tbe of the opinion that a 6-cent tax Is Final Report and Account as such but even the first-timers are pretty summer vacation period. Represented By too much of a burden to impose on i Administratrix with the Clerk of much at home after the first day the County Court of I-aue County, a commodity whose manufactured Week-end In Portland— Mr. and K. H. TURNER Oregon; aud that Saturday, tbe or so. Mrs. Alvin May and family spert cost Is undor 8 cents a gallon. The Mornlnga, aa usual, are devoted 13th day of July. 1836. at 10.00 *4« A St. Springfield. Ore. additional 1-cent federal tax means o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. to a varied und comprehensive pro­ (be week-end in Portland. the collection of *1.700,000 from In tbe County Court Room In tbe gram of class and laboratory work, Court Houso at Eugene, baa been Oregon motorists each year be'ond Collects Bounty— .The county set by the Hon. Fred Flak, Judge taught by regular members of the bounty on one bobcat eacb was col­ the 6-cent gas tax limit. of said Court, aa the time and place college faculty. A general a«eembly "Before the end of June congress for hearing objections to the same, with prominent speakers follows lected Monday at the office of the If any, and for the final settlem ent the lunch hour each day. with the county clerk by Jack Fountain, will have acted on the question of of aald estate. Wendllng. and Ferrell Cox of Cres- perpetuation of the federal tax on RIKA denitOEKRRT. Admin remainder of tbe afternoons spent w»lL gXRollne, tires and accessories." Formerly Walker-Poole In playing tennis, Imaebull und latratrlx. WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys. other game.i. swimming In the col­ Her»'* Speedy and Welcome Relief From EUUENE—U tb SPRINGFIELD (Je 13 2027— J 4-11) lege tanks, or "hobnobbing" with B U N IO N P A IN S A N D S O F T C O R N S aud Chamelton 228 Main new-found frleuds from other parts H E A R IN G O N F I N A L A C C O U N T Telephone 723 _ Phone 11- J Notice Is hereby given that of the state. Club movies, parties, And aa tor Soft Coras a few ap­ Wanda K. Eastwood has filed her gel-togethers anil other entertain­ Get a two-ounce bottle of Moone's lln sl nccouni aa administratrix of ment features make inerry even­ Emerald Oil (full strength) today. plications eacb night at bed time Every well stocked drug store has and they Just seem to shrivel right the E«tate of W. P. Eastwood, and ' that the court haa fixed 10:00 A. M. ings for the clubbers. this, with the distinct understand­ up and scale off. Jasper Girls Elected of Friday, June 28, 1*36, aa the ing that your money will be cheer­ No matter how discouraged you , lime whun said account will be June Clark of Portland Is presi­ fully returned If it does not reduce have been with pads, shields, or taken up tor examination anu al­ dent of the girls this year, and Cal the inflammation, soreness, and other applications, If you have not pain much quicker than any remedy tried Emerald Oil then you have lowance and an order be made aa- : signing the residue of said estate. Monroe of Clackamas county heuds you ever used. something to learn. Ail persons luterested may appear the boys' organisation. Other offi­ Two or three application« of Flanery's Drug Store and every | ul «aid time and he heard thereon. cers elected by tho girls are Joy Moone's Emerald Oil and In fifteen WANDA K. EASTWOOD, Ad­ McDonald, Multnomah county, vice- minutes the pain and soreness dis­ good druggist guarantees the flrat appear«. A few more applications bottle of Moone'« Emerald OH to ministratrix. president; Elizabeth Holcomb, at regular Intervals and the Inflam­ give you complete satisfaction or S. D. ALLEN, Attorney. I-ane county, secretary; and Janet mation Is gone. money back. (M 30—Je 8 13-20-27) PEA CANHEHS ID GETEXPERTADVICE Business Directory Edward C. Privat POOLE Funeral Home DON’T LET EYESTRAIN R-O-B Y O U ....................... Eye» that aee perfectly are al­ ways alert and ready for action. They "lake" perfect picture*, easily, Inetantly. without distort­ ing wliat they look at. Do not let your eyea cheat you Four-fifth« of all that we know Feache-i uh through our eye«. Thee«, the most sensitive organs we po««»»s, can be driven long after It I Hate to strain them Io «ee. But only al the exp< ise of physical and mental energy Have Your Eyes Examined by THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries Kugsns Small Jars Are Beat Contaiaers larger than pint Jars or No. 2 cans are not recommended for peas, she points out. Most types of modern Jars can be sealed im ­ mediately after filling with the hot food before processing, she says, but wire clamp Jars seem to be exceptions to this rule at times. Sealing before processing keeps the liquid In the Jars. Screw band Jars should be retightened after processing. Despite the unfavorable situation created by th» lumber «trike and uncertainty regarding pending leg­ islation. busine»« In the Portland area during May showed remark­ able stability according to tbe June issue of t ommonwealth. Inc., Busi­ ness Survey. Activity In lndustrt»« dependent upon lumber tor their source ot raw material w«re some whal curtailed. Furniture factor­ ies aud woodworking plants closed during part of the month. Other In­ dustrial lines, however, seemed to lie affected little. Retail trade «bowed unexpected strength during May after a disap­ pointing early spring and, It was thought, surpassed tbe correspond­ ing 1934 month by about lb to 16 per cent. Wholesale trade, how­ ever, was reported as being slower due to the possibility of lowar prices aa a result of the Supreme Court's NIRA decision. Retailers bought cautloucly In anticipation of this development. Oregon's brightest spot, said David Eccles, editor of Business Survey. Is eastern Oregon. That section 1« less affected by the lum­ ber strike and its trade la extrem e­ ly active. Purchases, It la said, are in large measure for cash. How­ ever, Ecclee believes that the un­ dercurrent of business Is strongly toward recovery at this time de spite labor troubles and uncertain­ ties. FINAL DUES FOR MRS. E.JOHNSON Walker Resident Passe« In Eugene; Funeral Service* At Walker Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Johnson, Walker station, who died at 1409 Oak street, Eugene. Sat­ urday, were held at Walker church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o ’clock. Rev. I. G. Shaw officiated, and in­ terment was made by tbe Veetch chapel. i Mrs. Johnson was 52 years old. Place toe not .'art id the pi ss- She v. as born February 18, 1883 at sure cooker with boiling water A4 New Auburn. Minnesota, coming inch oter the rack aDd the pel to Oregon In 18*3. She leaves four cock open, she says. Fasten the sons and four daughters. They are top of the cooker and leave the Mrs. Roy Gordlner, Guy Johnson, pet cock open. Let the steam es­ and Loren Johnson, all of Cottage cape for five minutes, then close Grove; Mrs James TyrreU, Dtsa- the pet cock and bring the pressure ton; Miss Dorothy Johnson, Cor­ to lb pounds. Process pint Jan 45 vallis; Dole Johnson, Salem; Mra. minutes, quart Jars 55 minutes, and Leslie Hodge. W est Springfield. No. 2 and 2 As cans 46 minutes at Her father. Loren Chapin aud 10 pounds pressure. When the time her mother. Mrs. CorneUa Lowell, Is up, turn off tbe heat and let the both of Mohawk, survive as do two pressure return to xero, and then sisters, Mra. Earl Ewing and Mrs. wait a minute or so before opening Byon Brown, also of the Mohawk the pet cock gradually. When the district. sound of air going Into the cooker Is no longer beard open the cooker. LANE COUNTY COW SETS When boiling stops inside the Jars, NEW BUTTERFAT RECORD remove them from the cooker and cool away from a draft. Peterborough, N. H.—A Guern­ Shot In Hip— Norman Bond, son of Mr. und Mrs. Walter Bond of Mareola narrowly »scaped serious injury Tuesday morning when he was accidentally shot through the hip with a revolver bullet. The bul­ let barely missed the bone. Dr. Jones removed tbe bullet from the victim at the Pacific hospital. sey cow owner by Mrs. J. A. Merri­ man of Eugene, haa Just finished a new official record for production which entitles her to entry in the Advanced Register of the Ameri­ can Guernsey Cattle Club. Thia animal is the two year old Beauty of Lane 367043 with a production o f 8069.1 pounds ot milk and 342.6 pourds of (at in class UGG. A nnouncing The Association in the Practice of Medicine of Dr. L aw ren ce E. Skinner with Dr. M ilton V. W alk er Springfield, Oregon Office— 4th and Main Phone 82-J By ED. KRESSY waoaMKY CU» oajUJOTMKK MY KOVt-LFti W tU ftM S IF M X lW A U BEADY LKT* JUMP WTO DUB e o O ttr -P L A M R W A JT TU RACY-AUDI MU TBIR DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist «1 West Bth Two Hour« From Cardan To Can H»ld Good Rule; Pres­ May Retail Buainaaa Up; Wholaaal* Trade Lower As sure Cooker Is Best NIRA Hangs In Balance U 1C MAMOAU lUMUta ALWAYt SACQRICCP M s u n OSYUM0MT acr* m IMMK < YMKI ... _ KIOMUTIMSS.nCnMFlCAt. SFRlWciUNAMOB TW B6STay H5kWODH* SOKAT SPKUT- IlflKiBABfininMAMraOMKRIMItUAIfiQM ctDVM.PemB&onCBsmai.KduSforU»« «KU TWU«5 «UK « e tn e o MtMt M it