>AOR tw o THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 'TUB HttUNOFBBLD MDW8 PubUshsd K vsr/ Thvadcjr at ttprlnfflaid. Lana County, Oragoa by “SANDY” THE WILLAMETTE PRESS By CLARA M. BROOKS THURSDAY. JUNE 20, l68ß ANNUAL GUARD REVIEW HEALTH RULES FOR CANADIAN LUMBER MOTOR VACATIONISTS FILLS EXPORT DEMAND AT FORT LEWIS SUNDAY I ik v 11 a l inn Io uttvihl I ho review The lumbar Industry In Brillali , A \c ld Strain To F .v s lg h t, n»dv, Columbia loaded 73 percent of Ihe of llo- Korly flint 1 >1 v I n Ion, Nutlon Irre g u la r D riving Habito, combined ahlpilielita of milla In ul ihidiil of It»«» I'liltml HtatiMi, on and Spssdlng. thul province, Oregon and Waah p m io h ' nt Port I.owl . Washington, r«»- and dlacoiuforl subtract | ingtoa durli g Mar according to .uml.»' J iiiiv IS. I iuvh Eatigiu EDITOR'S NOTE— The story glad liiat I waa a pirate and dldn I ivlvi'd lo t«» Tint Porly ftr«l l>tvi the current ropori of the Pacific Entarad as second class matter, February 14, 1*03. at tba poatotttca, Sandy " I» purely fiction. written have to be txitbvrerl with a girl! I ¡front the plea y Clara M Hrooka, Springfield I I wa rtim h u l litMip«« of M m I ki . Moiitmtu This Is believed to lie Ihe largest high school ludent who la not ye t , a wicked pirate gung und we per- safety, wlii'li they might he avoided MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE crvtfon. wild Wiothiiitflou Thl» will proportion ever received of a by observing a few simple lieultb 16 y e a rs old M laa B ro o k * has w rit- ■ tended It waa night uud we Wrere Oaa Year in Advance 11.60 Six Months ________________ 11.00 l»4' (ho fii’dl rovlow of Ibw Ihvldhui hint tor va, alien motor travelers month's hit loess liy tha t'uiiuilluu ten several atorlea and articles ' going to attack the settlers' home Two Yaara In ad van ce 11.60 Three Months ------------------- 60c ox u wholo win«*«« Il ■•rvlr** ov«»i mills Tile llicri’use Is believed due pr-t-pared by the public health ser­ Now us feller« bad Jusl been (1st which huve been praised by her in chiefly lo lb«' lumber strike In mi III III«« W«»l 111 WUI THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1935 iructor* She also w rites original 11Igltii it botor« the girls came In vice. Among ih<* suggestions contulued western Washington ami western readings which have been verv but bow Nellie aid we ouglita u«> IT WAS STARTED IN SPRINGFIELD Oregon which has closed most «if succeaaful when given before stu­ our cutlasses io flghl with her ami in the list are DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT ihe cargo plant Anna, 'cause they couldn't flat dent asaemblles The story "Sandy" Don't slump In Ihe seal Sliding Three hundred thousand dollars of governm ent money SIDE—AFFECTS HEART The loini shipment of luiulx'i is now available for bank protection along the W illamette will lie published lu several Install tight Shi* got a hlg long boat it down and "sitting" ou Ihe luiek from Ihe line«* «listi lets In May was ami said It was a "tommy hawk If H lo liia ru GAR prevents sleep meats. lame throws Ihe weight of Ihe river in Lane county and Poik county, according to reports and ilaieil one of us to fight her body on the hip bones mid cause 2U8.K46.57k hoard feel ; compared ns on tight side try Adlnrlka llm* from W ashington . Springfield may well view this appro­ None of ua started to. so she called I lie buck to become tired ami ache with 322.53U.4I7 f< ol lu April, a «le done brings oul poisons and re By CLARA M BROOKS priation with satisfaction for it was in a hall in this city eroaa» of 112.000.000 f«*«-l or 37 per llevis« gas pressing ou heart so yoj in all "chickens." Thul made me CHAPTER ONE three years ago th at initial steps were takeu to organize Don't grip Ihe wheel tightly anti deep soundly all night Flattery's awful uiud an I started at her with hold Ihe body tenae. Tenseness c e lli O f lilis loar 92.000.000 was III Drug Store Playing Piratss a flood control association and petitiou congress for a sur­ ihe domestic water trade of llm I. Sandy Mayo, take my pen In my old kulle culluss She wham produces nervousness ami limy vey and a federal appropriation. At the invitation of the American mills The Oregon c««a«l, med me u good oue with her "loin association organized in Springfield o th er counties have hand In the year o' our lxtrd in cause Ihe driver Io In e his head Ihe only American area open tu iny hawk," and I lifted up my o il when quick action Is necessary. joined in the request for flood control along the W illamette 1934. I am tw elve years old goln' shipping during Ihe mouth, moved CHERRY GROWERS on thirteen, and I huve lived lu lass Intending to bring It down real Learn Io he both attentive and re­ river and its tributaries. 18.000,000 in M av I ntnpui i'll w ill) hard lu front of her. portending to Star Cove ever since I . was born. laxed at Ihe wheel PLEASE NOTE 8.300.000 In April We are not only to get the $300,000 appropriation but •M.v father Is a fisherman and so Is cut her in two Quick us n flash IXm't stare ahead Gel the eyes under the Mott bill (Mr. Mott was present at the Springfield my big brother. Grover, and the Nellie flung her hand down right clitrrl»»» di«« wnii I ih I «lid will m eeting.) a survey of the whole valley is now under way name of their fishing boat la the in ihe way of luy cutlass. Whack accustomed Io an easy, restful posi­ P lan Y e llo w s to n e T r l p - M r ulid In bnutfhi fio iddìi by Hdk»»r. tion Keep your chin up so that II M rs E B F la n e r t I Inn hi leave for flood control. This survey indicates th a t recom m enda­ U» llvy C o. Kuloni put'bur », Sea Gull." Mother and Nellie and Il hit her hand uud cut a large tion will be made for a 40 year program to spend th irty - me live In a little white house up gush in It Nellie atarted stream in' I unnecessary Io raise Ihe eyes today for Y e llo w s to n e on a vai a nod Vili I h * rooolvml uud d<’u o y l millions of dollars, if wisely planned this money can be on the Stalrscase which is a steep uud yellin' and Jumpin' uround Just to see ahead This avoids eyestrain. lio n trip They expect Io le- gon«» id ul Ih’du Truck Mho War»* Don't drive fust over rough roads («•n days or two a ceka well spent in the W illamette valley and turn it into the hlU over-looking Slur Cove ami the like u girl, mid Anna look on over I oiiimo 3M6 luawioiice K l, Ku Go slowly and relax (lie body when garden spot of the west. her so. that it make me sick at the Kello Cull ul any liria or lelo ocean. We own two acre« of ground V is its at C o rv a llis — M rs Rosa stomach. They went runnlug up "Inking ihe bump«." Many eases In asking for and receiving this money for Willamette and a big rave which Is divided In­ to the hou e to tell mother and— ol Injury arc caused by hitting the M o nlg oin er« spout S un day ul C or l>hoi < IK7 Koynl Anne». Hitin» valila vis it ug a l th e holli» o f her unii l.utnltorld valley development we are not begging or being granted re­ to two parts One is Nellie's and Oh well, what's the use? When a roof of (he car. the other'll Is lulue Nellie, being son, Fred Montgomery lief altogether. The federal governm ent has a responsibil­ Don't struln Ihe legs to reach the feller's got a sister he's Just out of ity to the state of Oregon and Lane county. Sixty per cent a girl, has hers* for a house and luck I know I'm kludu. well, uh— accelerator or Itrukcs Adjustable of the area of Oregon and 62 per cent of the area of Lane has it all cluttered up with dulls mischievous, but what I ever done seats lu most new ears solve this county is governm ent untaxed lands. The w atershed of anti dishes and other kinds of to de-erve a sister like Nellie Is problem Otherwise, have the fool the W illamette river is three-fourths ow ned by the federal trash, but mine Is a Pirate's cave! more thuu I cun figure out. |»«lals adjusted to a i ouifortublo| governm ent and other great portions of it is tim ber lands In It I have sacks n sack of gold position or use u well made and ahf ; (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) and pieces of eight, etc. (N ellie the governm ent has let go to private ow nership on grants. flclenlly llilck cushion al your, Because the tim ber lands are being logged off by govern­ calls 'em rocks, but what does she back. know about It?) LUMBER PRODUCTION m ent permission or contract the How of the W illamette IXm't drive for I >o long a period - Sprink Spradlin, he's my best river and its tributaries is being increased in volume of STARTS UPWARD CLIMB al one time. Take real Intervals : w ater and rapidity of run off. Consequently flood dam ages friend and he owns part of the Tlx* teiu|i<*rui ur<< m ay lx* up nulMitl««. , but it sure­ cave 'cause he helped me dig out Shipments and Sales Both Exceed .Maintain a steady driving pace amt ■ become greater every year under norm al conditions. uvold spurts of speed. ly gut*« down lu lien*, when you're sipping one o f our my part bigger. We pertend that Production In Northwest Don't overeat when driving or al It is a m atter of Uncle Sam taking care of his own we are regular Pirate fellers and refreshing nodus! Holicious fluvora . . . . ric h Ice M ills For W eek the vacation objective It Is belter river and doing som ething in lieu of the taxes the state he is "Capt'n Kidd" and I am "Blue­ cre a m ' to eat sparingly In warm weather does not receive because of tax exempt federal lands. We beard." With father's old rubber Seattle. Wash., June 20—A total We're here to serve you w ith « w ide variety of have a right to expect and no doubt will receive large sums boots, mother's old pink shawl, a of 519 down and operating mills In Fruit Juices and plenty of w ater! drinkH mad«* like you lik<< 'em of money for improvements of the ch aracter of flood con­ red baudaner handkerchief and Oregon and Washington which re­ should be on Ihe vacation diet I trol and conservation. T he nation as a whole, and not Nellie's new red beads (she don't ported to the West Coast Lumber­ Water should lie chilled but not lee j Oregon alone, has a duty to conserve its land, tim ber and know I got 'em i I make a sw ell men's association for the week end­ cold. w ater resources in this state for future generations. pirate! Spink's got about the sam e ing June 8, produced 32.494.918 ■™™’ "Wh«r« tb» Service Is D lffe r e u t" ^ ^ The three hundred thousand dollars should only be a except the red beads, because he board feet of lumber This was ap­ COLLEGE GETS GRANT sta rte r to this vast project. ain't got a sister, and a rusty blade proximately 8,000.000 feet over the --------------- * --------------- FOR LUNGWORM STUDY of an old scythe for a cutlass My preceding week. The average week­ MIMEOGRAPHER VS. PRINTER cutlass is an old meat knife witb ly production of this group of saw­ The National Research council j bout half the blade broken off mills In 1935 has been 74.150.868 A m im eographed poster put out Sunday in the school ha« just awarded a grant of 1450 to feet; during the same period In election cam paign probably did the advertised candidate Sometimes Otto Hamiltree. Amos Ihe veterinary department of Ore more harm than good. Besides mispelling the word “effi­ Madly. Marlin Hooker and Billy 1934 their weekly average was 82,- gon State college for Ihe study of ciency” the poster was a violation of the Oregon corrupt his brother, Donald Davidson, 111.905 feet. lungwornis In sheep. Dr. B T The new business reported last practice act in the form as published. M im eographing like Lawrence Haywire. Junior Smltt- Sims, head of Ihe department, h a s - in the iiot w eather to to m e y o u 'll m-ed protection other cheap im itations of printing seldom does its job ef­ son and Dean, his kid brother, and week by 519 mills was 37.324,126 announced fo r your food more than ever. H on’t take the chance ficiently and the m im eographer usually has a superficial Walt W estmore come up to play board feet against a production of The funds will be used primarily o f Hcrviug yo u r fa m ily w ith food th a t Is even slig h tly knowledge of the graphic arts. If just anybody could do with us. Then we divide into two 32.494.918 feet and shipments of for studying the effect of lung spoiled! Use ic e ! .................. the job then there would be no excuse for the expensive sides and half of us are Pirates 38.462.947 feet. Their shipments worms lu unluials while the tin m achinery with a resu ltan t heavy taxes, and five years and the other half are Just common were over production by 18 4 per­ mature parasite < are burrowing in u separate com partm ent fro m food, ice w ill not apprenticeship in the printing industry. We would all set sailors. Gee! We sure have fun! cent and their current sales were through (he Intestines end wander dry out your food and leave It fla t and tastelesa. You over production by 14.9 percent. up a m achine in the back bedroom from which would emit Nellie, the silly thing, gets scared lug through the sheep’s body be can use the same re frig e ra to r you've always used - n o when we fight and thinks that me The orders booked lust week by fore they actually gel Io unimal's all the public print. need fo r expenalve new equipment. this group of Identical mills were There are state and federal laws, postal regulations or Billy Rooker( her bow) Is going under the total in the preceding lungs. Considerable Information Is Sim ply cull 7. W c’ll make prom pt deliveries on call, and sometimes city ordinances regulating much printed to git hurt. Gee whlx. girls are fun­ week by about 4,500.000 feet or up ulreudy avullahle on parasitic fh- - ny things' Boys that don't have o r you t un urrange fo r re gular (teriodleal deliveries. testation In the lung«. m atter for public consum ption A good p rinter tries to give proximalely 10 9 percent I he reaeurch will he conduct« I his custom er some service m ore than m aterial and m echan­ sisterj are sure lucky! A group of 426 Identical mills by Dr. J N. Shaw, who Is the One time when us kids were ical production and not let him put som ething out for pub­ whose records are complete for author of a bulletin ou lungworms lication which m ight lead him into trouble. The printer is playing pirates, Nellie and Anna lioth periods show total orders 1936 held jointly responsible with the custom er for the produc­ Hamiltree. Otto's sister, came to date of 1.920.279,000 hoard feet, In ah«« ) uud goats Just publish««! tion of illegal m atter and not m aking adequate reports. down to the cave where we were compared with 1.739.024.000 hoard by the Ur« gon Slate college ug, l nd tried to show off. Nellie's al­ feet for Ihe same period in 1934. an cultural exierinienl station. While Most public m lm eograpbers shed this responsibility as long different species of lungworniM In­ ways trying to show off, of course, as they can get by. ill) -r< ase of 10.4 percent. fest other livestock, experiments Internal revenue men regularly check the print shops but this time she did It to git even The unfilled order file al these mad«- possible by this new grant with me. and the printer is required to m ake retu rn s on tickets, mills stood at 366,807,345 hoard are expected to throw some light handbills, or other m atter advertising m eetings for which Because once, a long time ago, I'ect, approximately 5,000.000 teet ou the other purasltlc Infestation-1, there is a charge of m ore th an 40 cents. This check was he Invited me to a tea-party in under the week before. The aggre. according to Dr. Sims made in Springfield last week. The printer has a respon­ her part of the cave which she had gate Inventories of 426 mills are This Is the third grant the veter­ sibility to ¿be public and so has the m im eographer, but the for a house. She got mother to let 20.8 percent less than at this time inary department has* received latte r sheds his like w ater in order to produce som ething her use some of her nice dishes to la t year. from the National Research coun­ cheap and usually hard on the eyes. eat on. For eats'sh e had two pieces cil In the past five years. The other ------------ «,------------ of cake she bad hooked out of the VALLEY ASSOCIATION two grunts were uwurded In con DR. HUNTER cupboard and one piece had lo tsa nection with studie on salmon ORGANIZATION IS SET rafseus lu and one didn’t. poisoning in dogs which has earned Dr. Frederick M. H unter is coining to Oregon to be I said, "Please pnss the cake," The Greater W illamette Valley national recognition for the de chancellor of higher education. He should be given 100 per cent support by all friends of higher education and taxpay­ and N ellie passed me the piece association. recently organized by purl merit ul (I. S. C. five bundrt*d b ailin g businessmen, ers of the state. H arm ony and loyalty should now prevail without the ralsens! Now 1 always did like cake with agriculturists and others, repres­ to give the new chancellor a chance to work out a forward looking educational program We need more for our money raisens so I said. "I’ll take the enting nine counties of the valley, CIVIL SERVICE LISTS other piece please." and then I add­ reached Ils final stage of organi­ EXAMINATIONS FOR JOBS and less politics in higher education. --------------- • --------------- ed. under my breath, "and I’ll take zation when papers of Incorpora- The United States Civil Service tli.r were signed al a special m eet­ Reduction in public spending will be the chief issue of it even if you don’t please." Comini sion has announced open ing of the board of directors In But N ellie said, "I'm keeping that the next presidential campaign. Portland, Thursday night. Thurs­ oonipetltlve examinations as fol­ piece for myself." ------------ ♦------------ day night’- meeting, the first busi­ lows: Well we had a pretty lively A m an m ay be puffed up by conceit but he is never Bindery operative (hand opera ness meeting of the association, I argument and finally I got mad and propped up by it. ------------ $------------ j threw a rock which happened to has been preceded by the big gen­ (ions), bindery operative (machine Woodrow Wilson once said th a t the history of liberty i be In my hip pocket at her. She eral meetings at Albany. Eugene, operations!, 66 cents an hour, Gov­ picked up a plate, one of mother's an l Salem. More than 500 Wiliam- ernment Printing Office, W ashing­ is a history of lim itation of governm ental power. --------------- • --------------- best ones, and threatened to throw • lie Valley boosters attended these ton. I). C. Money talks and so does poverty, but nobody w ants to It at me. I dared her to, and she meetings and pledged their enthus­ Farm loan reglotrrr, 34.600 a did! Gee whiz, I saw stars! The iastic support Io the five point year, deputy furm loan registrar, hear w hat poverty says. , plate must of broke into a bout a program of advertising and pub­ 33,SOU a year, Farm Credit Admin­ thousand pieces. (I didn’t count licity designed to attract thousands istration. Full Information may be ohtuln of new fam ilies to Oregon and the ’em, so I ain't sure.) ed from the Secretary of Ihe United W illamette Valley, and to unite the We both got a taste of mother’s slipper that night after supper, al­ entire valley In a cooperative ef­ States Civil Service Board of Ex though Nellie didn't think that she fort toward future development by umlners at the post office In Eu By DEAN C. POINDEXTER deserved It. Oh well, neither did banishing sectionalism and petty gene. Pastor of tba Methodist Episcopal Church. Springfield, Oregon I for that matter; I never do. And jea'ousles between the various : say! Ju~t between you and me and ti wins and communities. TREATED FOR INJURIES the gate post, I think it was real (M att. 7:28-29) IN HEAD-ON COLLISION nice of Nellie to throw that plate COAST FARMERS GROW And it came to pass when Jesus had ended these say­ at me instead of bawling and run­ VEGETABLES FOR SEED Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Warren and ings, the people were astonished a t his teachings for he ning to tell mother. 'Course I would tau g h t them as one having auth o rity and not as the scribes. not praise her for words, because A venture In vegetable seed pro­ Norman- Warren of Marcola were Jesus came to a people saturated with expositions of praising makes a girl sillier than duction is being started this y«»ar treated by a Springfield physician Plenty o f hoi -voter and soap ancient authorities but he cam e with a fresh approach to ever, and they're bad enough as by several farmers on the north al the Pacific hospital late Hatur day night for Injuries received In reality, and to specific life problems. The Serm on on the It Is. . . . the best beauty treat­ fork of the Sluslaw river near Flor­ a head-on collision near Marcola. Mount appeals to tru th and worthfulness. It puts respon­ Well, as 1 was saying, N ellie and ence. Hans Peterson and Ralph ment ever devised. It's oil sibility squarely up to every listener. Some very strong Anna came over to the Pirates Johnson will each have one acre The two men were thrown from the car and received sculp cuts your complexion asks! Hove statem ents are made. The salt is cast out; a man can be cave one afternoon with the Idea of beets for seed and Elmer John­ least in the Kingdom; he m ust pay the last farthing; it is of showing off and also to git even. son an acre of cabbage, and an­ und bruises. en obundont hot woter sup­ • _____________ l better to gouge out an eye; your F ath er will not forgive; At least Nellie did and I don't other acre of beet seed may be ply at your command . , to V A R IC O S E V E IN S how great is that darkness; tne way leadeth to destruction know about Anna. They watched planted. The plantings this year cleanse . . . to beautify . Make up your mind today that depart from me; great was the fall. Dare any man refuse us play Pirates for awhile without are In the nature of an experiment you are going to give your legs a to think these things through? Their au thority is to be saying anything. I had on N ellie’s and If successful may lead to Ihe chance to relax tired nerves. Investi­ to get well. No operations tested In the light of present needs and problems. The world heads, and she didn't say a word estábil diment of a profitable new nor Injections are necessary, no gate today the lew price and and the church are trying to Judge Jesus. Let us try to test about it. I lulght’a known she was form enterprise lu western Lane enforced rest. This simple Emer­ economical operating cost of our custom s, institutions, and system s by the laws of the up to something. (She's almost as county, says County Agent O. ¡4. ald Oil home treatment permits you to go about your business us Kingdom as laid down by Jesus. »marl as me lu gettln' Into m is­ Fletcher. an A U TO M ATIC WATER usual—while It quickly heals old j Do they m inister to hum an personality or do they exist chief.) sores, reduces sw ellings, stimili HEATER ales circulation, and makes your j and grow a t the expense of personality? Or to test our Finally N ellie asked me If her CARD OF THANK8 legs as good as new No waiting personal attitudes and motives, are we anxious th at every and Anna could play. She said that I wish Io express my sincere ap­ for relief! You begin to get It IN m an shaU have the fullest chance to be a person? Are we they could he the settlers' w ires preciation to (ho voters of Spring- 8TANTLY. still traditionalists, holding as sacred, things th a t destroy and git kidnapped and walk planks field district 19 for their support Just follow Ihe simple directions personality and euslave the m ind? People are still asto n ­ and things Well, I finally said yes, given my candidacy for clerk at —you are sure to be helped or money back ished when asked to Judge religion teachings upon merit and so N ellie was Billy’s wife, and ihe recent election. Flanery's Drug Store and drug­ only. Anna was Junior's. (I sure was Mrs. W. P. Tyson. gists everywhere. M K MAXEY, Editor Cool Off With Eggimann’s Sodas... R G G IM A N N ’S Protect Food Springfield ¿Creamery Co. AUTOMATIC HOT WATER Lessons from The cBook w with plenty of hot Mountain States Power Comptay E L E C T R IQ T Y ^i ^ P F R r RETTER' 4.