V THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-BHCGND YKAH HKKINOPIKLD, I¿ANK COUNTY. OKKOON. THUKHDAY, JUNK 20. 1035 NO. 22 lh ÍA " r,^ nH'efí/í""« CUY PLAYGROUND Plnnners * ant VOTERS RETAIN Plan Open house 3PDRISMEN CALL 'ill Be Sunday On Anniversary Detailed Briefs OPENS OB MON DAE ELECTRIC RATES SCHOOL OFFICERS MEETIKGJUNE 26 rtholornew and El- Lane Planning Commission Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell To .1 ' To Be Married 1 Final Detail« For Project Are Considers Many Projects Stuart and Jacobson Winners win Observe Silver Wedding Holding Pen For Pheasants At • .ethodist Church Ironed Out Tuesday By At Wednesday Meeting Day Next Thursday In Election Monday; New At State Game Farm Spe­ Association Members Year Starts July 1 cial Order Of Business Many matters were brought be j The wedding of .Miss Velds Mae Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell aiinoun ' Volt. Federal Power Commissioni Liats Prevailing Residential Charges In Oregon Hat lltolouiew to Klwlu J Davis M EET AGAIN SATURDAY fore the laine County Planning AWARD GYM CONTRACT i-ed this morning that they trill I MUST TAKE ACTION NOW will lie solemnised ut the Metho bold open house at their home next , Coinnils lon at the weekly meeting I I Wednesday evening. June 26, be - Springfield Rate Averages dial church It. Hprlngfleld Munday All Children Invited To At­ In Eugene Wednesday evening Board Grants Use Of Brat- tween the hours of five and nlu* - All Persons Interested Invited afternoon, Juno 23 llev. Dean C. The Cominlaalon approved the Contrasted; Reedsport Has Poindexter. pastor of the church tend Free Playground Open j overhead railroad crossing project ' tain Playground; District | o'clock on the occasion of their - To Present Ideas At During Afternoons Highest Rate Given w ill perforin the ceremony, There a l Oakridge The project will In ' Protected By Insurance ; twenty-fifiia wedding anniversary Open Meeting will be no attendant unti only I volve un expenditure of approxl 1 An anniversary dinner for the I Hprlngfleld» civic pluygrouud Waahlugtou, 1» C. June 1» The members of the two Immediato Running without opposition, E. Immediate family and other ri-la ' A called meeting of the McKern I instely *20.000 of which the county for children will he formally open Fvderul Puwer CnnMBlsalon loduy Htuart received almost a unani­ zle Gateway Rod and Gun club will families anti close frlutnls will at stands ready to pay half. The over lives will be held Thursday even - cd Monday on the Brattaln school l»»ued ¡i rvputl on electric rab-a tend head structure will eliminate a mous vote of Hprlngfleld school Ing at which time their son an d ' be held at Taylor hall next Wed­ grounds with Mrs. l.eotu Hoden pievalliug In Oregon for residential dangerous crossing over six or electors Monday for bis second two daughters will be home. These ' nesday evening, June 26. at 8 Miss llartholomaw Is the tlaugii hough us supervisor. The play­ i -uatoiners. The report showlug seven tracks which Is used dally ter-n as director In the district. H i will Include Mr and Mrs. Paul F - o'clock to take action on proposed 1er of Mr. and Mrs. H Y. Hurthole ground la being established under typical bill» In nil eommanltlee in holding pens for China pheasants polled 23« out of 288 votes cast. iin-w of the llouglu (¡urden» dis (lie uu spires of the Hprlngfleld by mung school children. Alley and small son of Moro. Mr. the Stale um of January 1. 1936. In­ Hevert Jacobson was re-elected and other business which may A McKenzie river project Involv tritt Mite Is u araduute of Spring- Playground and Mrs. Fred Buell of Tlllamoog, Association through cludes rate» charged by I t private come up. field high school and has taken un the financial assistance of moat of lug three miles of erosion control clerk by a decisive margin of 88 and Miss Evelyn Buell, at home A utility companies and 8 municipal votes over bis opponent, Mrs. neur Thurston was sent back to the The local organization has been active part In work of Ihn young the people In the community. number of brothers and sisters «4 utilities. a,g{) sponsors with a request that a com­ Mabel Tyson. Jacobson received 188 Mr an<1 Mf# Buft|, considering the holding pen Idea people of the Methodist churl'll. Purchase of necessary equipment votes and Mrs. Tyson 100. since last fall. The only action Mr Davis Is the son of Mr. and and preparation of the playground plete brief be prepared A total qf 171 communities are here. The director serves for three The Hprlngfleld sewage disposal Included In Table 1 In an alpha Mrs. O. Davie of Mprlngflnld route was authorized Tuesday evening at The wedding anniversary Is on taken was the appointment of a project was referred back to th* years, and the clerk. Is elected for Thursday, June 2«, but the open committee to Investigate the pro­ The couple will make their hetlcal urratiaetuenl for eaay ref I a meeting of the playground group. petitioners requesting the compila­ a one-year term. Both take office house date has been set ahead be­ position. ereuce. Table 2 of the report »how* home on route I Hufflelenl funds have been pledged on July 1 when the new board Is tion of a brief r>7 of these communities arrauge.l cause members of the family are Action Demanded or paid In cash lo finance the un Eugene highway changes which organized with H. E. Maxey as unable to be here for the dinner j Members of the club have been ncrordlng Io sire of the bill*, fro n t' dertakltig for Ibe 10-week period would move the Pacific highway chairman. Dr. W. N. Dow Is the on Wednesday. lowest Io highest, for 26. WO anti j notified recently by the 8tate Game ibis summer. south of the Southern Pacific other member of the board. 260 kllowutt hours. Mr. and Mrs. Buell were married Commission that if the local or­ SE R A W orkers To Assist The vote was about normal tor railroad (racks thus eliminating Indlcallna how wide la the) HE It A worker.- will be assigned three crossings »»■ referred to a similar elections in this city. Last in the Methodist church at Falls ganization does not take over the City on June 2«. 1S10. They have site offered and erect a holding to the llruttaln school grounds F ri­ spread between the lowest anti Joint committee of the Eugene r«»r all records were broken for been residents of Hprlngfleld for pen the site w ill be turned over highest charges for the »ante quan J day and Saturday to do the neces­ Planning Buard and the county many years when 406 persons cast sir years this month, coming In to one of several other organisa­ sary preliminary work such as tlty of energy a condensed tabula planning group. I ballot». The school board met Immediate- 19" whe“ Mr BueU b«c* nle Pr l“ ’ tions In other parts of the county cleaning weeds off a apace for a lion 1« presented for couimunltlea. Wondling Man Taken By tennis court, setting posts for ten­ An SEIIA project providing tor ly after the poll, closed Monday 8 ^»>ool. a position which are bidding for a site. Residsntlsl Rate Paid he »till hold». Heart Attack; Funeral Ser- nis and volley hall nets, swings, the mapping of the Long Tom river evening to canvass the votes. Up to thia time there are no which has been approved by the Following Is from Table 2 rover und other apparatus. Local men vice* Held On Sunday private holding pane for pheasants .laygroundt Given county committee has been sent ra»r Illg th e av era g e reakleiitlul have volunteered (belr services to in Lane county. The Game Com­ The board also granted use of lo the state committee with a re­ pulii for 26 und loi) kilowatt houra Joaeph Route Kuowlor. 6M, died as 1st or supervise the construction the ' , ‘ aln school grounds, ex- mission has offered the use of a quest that the state commltte furn­ town« in the principal rille» and of a heart attack last Thursday work. site at the game farm north of f ’ a. and the playabed, lav ish draftsmen for the project. This cep- of Orogoti evening while driving his car from Included in the project will be , and lunch room to th e ! Springfield without cost. The club 26 kwh IUU kwh Mnlrel io Murcolu. lie wu» un hla such equipment as rope and lawn project was placed In the hands of | or Is expected to erect or pay for the ' newly formed Hprlngfleld Play-: *3 3V way to hb home at Wendllng. swings, tether hall, ping pong, cro­ the engineering committee. ,1.38 Port la ml erection and materials of a hold­ I ground association The aaaoclatlon 3.39 1.38 Salem Friend» riding with him slopped quet, checkers, mammoth checker ing pen. If thia Is located a t the expect» to start next week a super- 1.36 3.10 (he car. Eugene * board. Jack sets, tin can golf. Jump -state farm all feed, water and < vlaed playground. Public liability 6.50 2.00 Klamath Fall* Mr. Knowler wa» born February' ! insurance to protect the district In ; Fishermen Find Victim Of necessary care w ill be provided by 0.60 7. 1877 In Iowa, and went to Mie- 2.00 Medford the commission. If the pen la not rase of accident on the playground I Fainting Spells In Shallow 4 87 Rourl with his parents whqn a , such as cutting out objects from j 3.12 Astoria I will lie carried by the association. I located on the game farm the com­ Water On Sunday 3 39 »■null child. 1 38 He married Mbs) plywood with a coping saw. Oregon City mission will furnish birds and feed, Heating Awarded 4 52 Pendleton 1.76 Peurl luthbertnon at Chlllcotho. The body of Ulysses Holt Park, j leaving the club to finance the care The school board has granted; A contract for Installing a steam 4.62 Iowa un January 9, 1901 and aftor (he Playground Association use of I 1 76 The Dalles _______ ’ heating plant and showers In the lifelong resident of Lane county, of the birds. 2 00 4 73 living In Kuusas came to Oregon the lunchroom for storage, the Altiacy Dr. Lawrence E. Skinner of »*Kb ■,cho° l o m n aeta ® now be was found In shallow water In the Cost Under *200 4 78 In 1908. locating flr«t at Walter- 2 12 CorvaUta toilets, the playshed. arid recrea-! i Ing remodeled with SERA labor W illamette river a short distance The proposed pen would cost be­ Chicago Now In City To 4 »7 2 IX Bend (Ion equipment of the Brallaln i was awarded to W . N Ixrng. local from hfs home here Sunday by tween *150 ano *200, and would 6 on lie leave* hl» widow; one one son. son.1 gcJiooi during the summer. The j 3.26 Baker Start Practice plumber. The heating plant will fisher neii. An autopsy revealed provide accommodations for about 6.00 Earl 2.26 lutUraude Knowler, Florence; one 1 , Association must take out an Insur I ­ Dr Milton V W alker of Spring-1 he“ ‘ ' be dreM,n« !oC“ , r M d i de- t *‘ 200 birds which w ill be furnished 6.03 daughter. Mrs. Vernon luinsdon, 2.26 Marshfield ance policy to protect the district fluid has now associated with him g ro o m s The Installation complete ¡ M r P . r ^ had been carrying ruh- each summer. The birds w ill be 3.7« Eugene; two brothers, Fred Know- against damage actions In case of 1 38 Hillsboro . TW l u . r . . , . ■ i M . will co* t W&4. »ccordlng to the bish to the river bank and Is be kept until the close of the hunting • t «• • * .« 3 76 ler. Woodland. Washington, and accidents on the sehool grounds or I k predict Ur. LwttwrKftc8 fe». skid Hl Helen» 1 38 . v ! bid 1 lleved to have fallen Into the water season when they w ill be released tier of Chicago Dr. Hklnner has . _ , .. , , . . . . 1 62 3 87 CJ^grle? Knowler. (ilympla. Wash In the building Newberg I In oue of hi? fainting spells. He and allowed to propogate In their been studying under world famous; ----------------------------- I . ., . _ , ... . ... , I 70 3.70 Ingtou; uu«l on«* «Uitvr, Mrs. Mhi' Ashland * ' — ---------- 1 had been In 1 1 1 health for some Physician O ffers Service wild state the following spring phyalclau and obstetricians at the MRS. BARNELL TO HEAD 4 62 nle Ireland. Wendllng. lie was a 1 76 Hood River time. Dr Milton V W alker end his as- Each paid produces an average of University of Chicago and comes KENSINGTON MEMBERS 2 00 4 78 Mr. Park was born tn Lane coun­ to Springfield specially trained In ! ------------ 8 young birds, thus giving some 6 60 for 24 yearn 2.00 (Iranis Pass have volunteered to treat without ty near Spencer Butte on Febru­ idea of the rapidity with which the Internal Medicine and Obstetrics Mrs W. K Barnell was elected 3 88 2 00 McMinnville * Funeral services were held at ary 24, 1866. In 1902 he married birds would Increase in this part Dr. W alker said when Interview- president of the Kensington club 6 50 Itn eburv 100 Miss Ida Godard in Eugene and 2.26 603 Sunday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Rev 1 The playground will lie upen ed that be was very happy to have , at their final meeting of the season ' they moved to Springfield where of the county. loqutlle a welt held Friday afternoon at the home 6.03 Harold Hhcllhuri officiated and in every afternoon and evening until 2.26 Once the pen has been erected North Bend they have lived since that time. 6.46 ter in < *ni wu» inudw In the Marcola j dusk with a short recess for dinner trained man as Dr Hklnner for a of Mrs. Milton V. Walker. Mr«. W. 2.6V Tillamook Two children. Miss Goldie Park the club will have no expense for No Reduction at Burns I. O O. F. cemetery. Saturday evening the playground1 medical associate, and that with j E. Buell Is the new vice-president; and Kenneth Park, both of Gard­ the next ten years, the estimated Dr. Skinner here he would now be Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, secretary- lifetime of the pen. 3 (Ml 8.00 Burns will be closed at six o'clock. iner survive as do two brothers, able to devote more of bis time to treasurer. 1.32 Beaverton 376 REBEKAH DECREE TEAM A ll children In the commuotty Jacob Park. Eugene and W alter AU members of the organisation The club voted to make a dona­ surgery and diseases of womeu. Gladstone 1 38 and others Interested in outdoor MAY BUY NEW UNIFORMS ,r' •“v,’ed ,o PUyground. those branches In which he Is par tion to the Brattaln playground Park. Monroe. 1.38 Gresham The only restriction ou the children Funeral services were held Tues­ sports are urged to attend this project, and made plans for the en- tlcularly Interested. 1.38 Mllwoukee day morning at 10:30 from the meeting. New dre sea for thu d rill team of ís that they obey the supervisor tertalnlng of other Springfield 1.3« Oswego W at Born in China Poole chapel in Springfield. Rev. Juanltu Hebckah lodge were tulk and her ss-lslants or they will be 1.38 Dr. Skinner was born In the pro­ clubs al a garden party at the home Hoffman officiated and Interment Silverton ed Friday evening at the monthly sent home. * of Mr«. W . N. Dow In July. W chi Linn 1.38 A meeting of the Playground As- vince of Fukien, tn South China, was made In I~aurel H ill cemetery. CONVALESCENT HOME drill and social meeting of Pro­ The theme of Railroad week was *1 38 Woodburn gresslve 22. Mrs. tlk-nn Slone. Mrs. aoclation will l>e held at the Urat- and comes from a family of doc­ OPENED ON “B "S T R E E T observed at the Friday gathering. 1.62 Hhertduu Clara Snodgrass. Mrs Mantle Rich- tain school Saturday at 7 p. in. to tors. His father. Dr. James E. Skin­ Decoration« were reminders of rail- ENDEAVOR GROUP TO 1.63 Foreat Grove • ner, graduated front Rush Medical M rs. J. C. Brom ley Opens M ate r­ inond. and Mrs. Alberta W alker check on all last minute details, 1.76 College. Chicago, in 188«; his oradlng. and the famous S. P. Salad START NEW STUDY TOPIC Rainer were named members of a commit | n ity W ard and M inor Surg­ — mother. Dr. Susan Lawrence Skin- Bowl salad was featured at the I 86 Ontario tee lo Investigate the proposal. ery Room T h ie W eek The Young People's Ekideavur 2 no Cottage Grove ner, graduated from Women's Me­ luncheon. Mrs. Paul Basford as­ Members of the social committee society of the Christian church is sisted Mrs. W alker as assistant 2.00 dical College, Chicago In 1894. Independence for July are Mrs. Nellie Pyne, Mis. Mrs. J. C. Bromley, lately asso­ starting a new series of topics in 2.00 They have been medical mission­ hostess. Lebanon Bertha House. Mrs. Clara Taylor, ciated with the Nelson Maternity the development of a personal re­ 2.00 Hprlngfleld aries under the Board of Foreign , und Mrs. Crystal Fogel. The drill and Convalescent Home in Eu­ ligious experlecce. "Commitment 2.12 Missions of the Methodist church ¡ LOCAL PEOPLE GIVEN learn will not meet during the gene, has this week opened a mat­ UNIVERSITY DECREES' to ,the 18 l*e second ,n the ernity and convalescent home at 2.26 mouths of August and Septeinlx r. since 1897. Dr. Lawrence Skinner's Myrtle Point _______ ■ series of discussion to be taken 2.26 education and experience have Powers 200 B. street, Springfield. Two Springfield people and a “ •» the Sunday. Rupert 2.26 Prineville been very versatile— educated at Mrs. Bromley has had consider­ 493 RUTH CARLTON GAINS Meet Hills Creek On Brattata number of former residents com-| shaw wfl* be tbe lead®i'- The flre- 2.47 Vernonia able experience in practical nurs­ 5 3 HIGH HONOR AT O. S. C. Field; Marcóla Came Last home until ready for high school, pleted their work at the University i ,w be beld at bome 2.60 he went through the American Enterprise ing. and is equipping her matern­ of Mias Altle Manning after the Week Postponed 2.6» Heppner school at Shanghai, then after a of Oregon Monday when they re ity home with all modern conveni­ Miss Ruth Carlton, daughter of evening church service. Rev. Shaw 2.60 summer spent In Europe and the ceived their degrees. Myrna Bar­ ences and equipment so that the Springfield's Town baseball team Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carlton, and is conducting a class in Scripture 2.76 Bandon • Near East, came to the United tholomew received a Bachelor of service given to patients w ill be student at the Oregon Htate college will face their most dangerous reading. The assignment for thia 3.00 States for his college and medical A rt* degree In Business Adminis­ Newport ..... unexcelled. One room haa been at Corvallis, was elected to mcm rival In the Cascade league Sunday tration. Paul Potter received a B. week is lohn 1:1-12. training. 8.00 Toledo oqulpped for minor surgery and hershlp In Phi Della I ’hi, honorary on Brattaln field at 2 o'clock when A. In education, and Ruth Hopson 3.26 Studies at U. of Chicago Lakeview deliveries under the direction of scholastic group, before the close they entertain the Hills Creek- 4.00 Dr. Skinner has studied at Cose- was awarded a Master of Arts de MRS. ARTHUR BURGESS ItiHidHport local physicians. Accommodation of school this summer. Miss Carl­ Gulstlnu nine. W ith several of Municipal owned. novia Hemlnary, N. Y„ Park Col­ gree. IS GUEST AT SHOWER for five patients has been arranged. Springfield's players away attend­ ton left Wednesday for Crater Lake Rev. C. C. Pike, former Spring- lege, Mo., and Oberlin College, Ob­ Mrs. Bromley promises the most where she will be employed this ing Nutlonal Guard camp, a real Mrs. Arthur Burgess, daughter of reasonable rates consistent with a erlin, Ohio, and received his A. B. field pastor, also received his Mas­ truggle appears to he In the off­ summer. TIM E LIM IT NEAR FOR degree from this famous college. ter’s degree. W illiam T. Pollard Mrs. Flossie Wycoff, was honored high standard of service and food. ing. Hills Creek has been trailing Dr. Skinner was graduated from received his Doctor of Medicine de­ with a stork shower Friday even­ NEW DRIVER’S LICENSE the local team with only one loss DIBBLEES CLOSE STORE the University of Chicago School gree. and Margaret Mortensen re- ing at the home of Mrs. Wade Pad­ during (he season. Hprlngfleld Lens than two weeks remain In HERE SATURDAY NIGHT stands nt the top of the heap with of Medlelne with high honors, win­ celvd a Bachelor of Science degree dock, Mrs. Don Palmer was as­ SURVEY TO DETERMINE sisting hostess. The evening was NECESSARY RIVER WORK which lo Obtain new drlver'a lic­ ning a coveted Internship at Bill­ In the school of Architecture. Norma B. Zlnser. Coburg and spent playing games and refresh- Mr. und Mrs. II. O. Dlbblee re­ no defeats. enses In Otngon. Every person now ings Hospital, Chicago. laist Sunday Hills Creek defeat i ments were served. A survey of the W illam ette properly licensed to operate a mo­ tired from business In Hprlngfleld Dr. Skinner will share offices Loree I^tlrd, Creswell, received B. ed Cottage Grove In an overtime Present were Mrs. Burgess. Mrs. river banks to determine the exact tor vehicle In the slate need only Saturday night when they closed | with Dr. W alker In hla present A. degrees In music, and Miss game, and the Yoncalla boys hud to Wycoff. Mrs. Phil K< hler, Miss work to be undertaken under the send In a correctly filled renewal their Red and W hite store. They location- until the fall, when thoy Thelma Cross of Coburg received play overtime to win from the K. Leona Weiser, Mrs. Edna Hazen, recent *300.000 federal grant for application blank together with have moved their stork and fix­ will both move to the offices of a B. S. degree In music. C. nine. The Hprlngfleld-Marcola Mrs. Ben Davidson, Mrs. Claude erosion control was started be­ ture to Snnla Clara where they one dollar to the secretary of state. the late Dr. W. C. Rebhan Whltbeck, Mrs. Belvin Doane, Mrs. tween Harrisburg, Hprlngfleld and game was postponed because of a Blanks may he obtained from C. E. wlH open a new store July 1. Mr. C. E. MEMBERS HONOR P. J. Inman. Mrs. J. C. Halsey, Eugene Wednesday morning. Hix funeral at Marcola. Wheaton, Justice of the pence. and Mrs. Dlhhlee have gone to the WILLIAM POLLARD TO VISITOR FROM MEDFORD Blanche Hornback and the hostess. Batting Averages Lane county men. Including Earl Every motorist must have a new coast for a short vacation prior to Batting averages for the Spring- INTERNE IN CALIFORNIA Thompson, Hprlngfleld, are work­ opening their new store. The Hprlngfleld Christian En­ license after June 30. field team for the first six games ing on the project. deavor members honored Miss CHURCH SUPPER NIGHT W illiam Pollard, son of Dr. aud are as follows: The men will prepare a survey Louise Ladd Monday night at a PLANNED FOR FRIDAY BRIGHTEN BARBER SHOP TWO ARE HOSTESSES Shull 6«6; Giant .671; Libby Mis. W H. Pollard who received of the necessary work and later farewell party at the home of Mrs. WITH PAINT, KALSOMINE FOR WEDNESDAY PARTY .600; Sgyder .444; Towne .400; I). his doctor of medicine degree from A family supper will be held at the work will he let out on bids Marjorie Taylor. Uames were play­ W right .333; Mattison .321; U. the University Monday, will leave the Methodist church Friday even­ according to Q. K. McKenzie, en­ Clark Wheaton and Harry W hit­ ed and refreshments were enjoyed. Mm. Dwight Kessey and Mrs. W. W rlglil .286; Chatlerton .273; Mul­ next month to interne at the Santa ney put on their working clothes Miss Ladd returned to her home ing. This will be the final social gineer for the U. B. Army engin­ N. Long entertulned at u dessert ligan .238; Dietz .210; Russell .200; Barbara hospital at Hanta Barbara. function hefore new officers chosen eer corps, who Is In charge of the the first of the week and after two In Medford on Tuesday. bridge party Wtidnenday afternoon California. He Is In. Portland this recently take over their new duties. work. days of labor had completely re­ F. Squires ,143; P. Taylor ,143; ul 1:30. Nine tables were In play week taking his state examination. The new church year begins July painted and re kalsomlned their D. Taylor .126; Thatcher 091; ENGAGEMENT TOLD AT during the afternoon. 1. It will be a potluck affair. barber shop. W aite remains 111« Brattaln .000; Gerber .000; Scoti ENDEAVOR GROUP BACK CAMPFIRE MEETING BEND STAGE STARTS 000; Deeds. 000. predominating color of Hie shop. EUGENE PRICES LOWER J. KNOWLER SIES AT WHEEL OF CAR RIVER TAKES LIFE OF U. ROLT PARK BALL CLUB PLAYS HERE ON SUNDAY THREE MORE ADDED TO PLANNING COMMISSION MAN FINED FOR SETTING PRISCILLA CLUB HAS FIRE IN FOREST AREA PICNIC OUTING TODAY O. B. Crowe, II. E. Maxey and Elmo Chase were added to the membership of the Lane County Planning Commission Friday. The men were appointed by Uovernor Martini. A. L. McGinnis was fined *26 In Eugene Justice Court Tuesday on a charge of setting a fire In the Blue Hiver district. He pleaded guilty to the charge. McKENZIE RUNS TODAY The engagement of Mias Faye Parsons, niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gantt, to Howard Taylor of Cottage Grove was announced here Sunday evening at a Joint campfire meeting of the Epworth and Wes­ leyan leagues of the Methodist church. No date has been set for The Eugene-Bend stage operated by the Mt. Hood stagea company will start a regular summer sche­ Members of the Priscilla club dule over the McKentle pass today. met at the home of Mrs. Frank The stage will come over from Logan this morning and went In a Bend each morning and will leave group to Seavey's park for their | Eugene at 1:40 on the return trip annual picnic. eBGh the w e M k g . DR. JONES HAS NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLED FROM WEEK'S OUTING New medical equipment has been Installed this week In ’ he offices of Dr. Melville S. Jones. Dr. Jones Is continuing his practice In the same location over the Flanery Forty-one members of the Christ­ ian Endeavor society and their leaders returned to Hprlngfleld S a t­ urday after their week's outing held near Florence. A complete program of study, leadership train­ ing, and recreation w m enjoyed D r a g s to r • . dally by Uta gioa» e * th e a d k * .