P age THURSDAY, JUNlfl 18, 1 »36 TlltC SfrklNQFTELD NEWS four Attend Roee Shown—Mrs M It but the ones that took the alcohol , liyitig but that 1» Just to th« drink- I Adame ipnd Me W A. Taylor did not do such good work nor ‘ yr because he Is not desired in spent all day Thursday In Port nearly so fast and so 10 percent society when he drinks because (he Portland attending (be Hose show i was knocked off their wages ThL sober man does not like to be I land attending tile Hose show proves that you can't drink and classed with a drunkard Drink »aralisca the mu clue and work efficiently. Ill at Home— Mrs. Morale Not- Ill at Home—Miss Skull» l.ealli Asaiets at Foetofflee—Ira Nice Is Dorothy Flan«ry To Be At- A great marathon runner ot nerve« of th» eye; therefore affect- I lelh is re p o rte d Io be III at her eis was III at her liotne this week eeplai lug W a lte r tlo »ler at Die siated By Buford Roach, Australia says, "Alcohol and run­ I ina the vision lien«-,' he can not 1 puatofflce while Hie latter la at- Robert Strand Writes Out­ ning won’t go hand in hand I have drive well and should not try. A i home here Ibis week Fieh Sunday—Mr. ami Mra. Al | lending the annuui encanipmeut of Jr., Violiniat, I d Recital standing Treatise On Alco­ sometimes won against a better man w ho has taken only a drink or Business at Albany Jack lieu Pohl and family apeut Sunday on I the Oregon N atio n al Guard m-ai Miss Dorothy Flutiery, pianist, man thau I am because he trained (wo Is more danaerous driving a derer made a btisines trip to Al­ Full i reek Fishing was enjoyed. hol In W. C. T. U. Contest i Tacoma. w ill lie preaellled III le c lta l u| tile upon alcohol and I did not." and i cur than a man who Is obviously bany Tuesday. Th » essay written by Robert this hows you can't use alcohol drunk hecuu e the man who has Return from Portland — Mrs. Atteids Family Reunion— Mr» home of her pureiils. M r aud Mrs V laitor from Camp C reek— Jesse Strand on "Alcohol" In the W. C. and be a leader. taken only a drink or two has ttol Olive Hebhan aud daughter . Joy M It Hunlly spent the week end I- B Fiunery, F riday evenlcg. June Gates of Camp Creek was a visitor T V. e» aj contest was first place During the Boer war the English ' Judgment of his self-control hut u aud Huherla, spent the week-end III at Curvullls und ou Sunday attend 14, ui N o'clock Miss Fishery Is a winner In Springfield and was out soldiers under commander Trevis ' man who is fully drunk by some in Springfield Tuesday. Portland. ed u large rutnily reunion gather alulleni of A lilla I.. Pollldexler. lie standing in the entire county. For were marching a long distance and reason does not trust himself loi Breaks Arm in Pall— Mrs. Paul Ing near McMinnville Three bun ulll lie n» Isled hy Bufoni Roach. that reason we publish it in full. Visitors From Camp Creek— II died persons were present. he found out that the first 30.000 ' drive a car. and so the other i s . Hadley broke her arm Wednesday Ji . vlulinlei. Robert Strand Is the grandson of soldiers that dropped out were most dangerous to passing people w hen she fell at her home. it and M J Chaae of Camp Creek T he progrum for th e le c llu l lias Returns to Work—Wallace Brail Mayor and Mrs 15. H. Turner, Is drinkers. This would not be so good . or other drivers. Also the drunkard , were here Friday truiisai'lilig busi­ beeu uniioiinced a» follows : i ley lias returned to his work ul Kn thirteen years old and Is In the If all of them drank because then cannot distinguish colors readily.! To Portland — Harry Wright ness. Corelli Gigue lerprlse In Eastern Oregon after seventh grade. they could uot keep their endur­ red Is the hardest and green la the | made a business trip lo 1'oilland Phlll'm Bacii S lleggielto Hare for Summer— Mr. ami Mrs. spending tbe week end here with The essay follows: eaaieat. Alcohol makes some drink , Wednesday. ance up so as to win the war. I luyilii Allegro Many of the people of the United era happy and cheerful aud some i Leave for Klamath Falla—Merle C. I. Inman have returned home bis parents. Mr and Mrs. Cyrus • • e ALCOHOL from Rainbow mid will spend the Bradley. Grelg YVuicbm aiiz Song The reason people used alcohol States sang “llappy Days Are Here others it effects the reverse also Carr and Harold Geiger left Wed umnier here. Again.’ when the ISth amendment it ruins your digestion because it j resdav for Klamath Falls. Urelg was because It was good as a stim­ Homs for Encampment— Dalton lllrdlliig was repealed, but now they real­ drys up stomach juices which aid Grelg ulant when a person was sick, but Recovering from Mumpe— Miss Thurman returned home from east­ Vala«- t upilce ise that motor accidents increase in digesting the food. In your body I W e s tfir Folk Her«—Mr. and Mrs J • s e as time went on people used it Florence Fish Is reported lo In- ern Oregon during the week-end to during the week end due to so many there are red corpuscles which in­ Heubeii Shultz of Westfir were! Elgar when they weren’t sick because accompany the Nutlonal Guard Sulut d Amour drunken drivers. Most of the auto dicate red blood and the white cor­ business visitors In Springfield l recovering now at her home follow Uiliet Ixiln du Bal they didn't know what it did to company to their summer camp lug an attack of mump» accidents are not caused by care­ puscles Indicate diseases because Monday. Drigu Valse llluette them. They thought as they were near Tacoma less driving but by drunken driv­ white corpuscles are formed to lluford Roach, Jr., i iccompanled by Visits in Portland—Miss June such prominent people it would V is itin g P a re n ts — M rs. lif t s ing. Since then instead of being fight diseases and the more w hite! Parents of Son— Mr and Mrs Mr» Bufortl ! i t i g l i I I not hurt them, bui they were mis­ Spores or Yachats is here visiting Clover left Tuesday for Portland lo put out of business the bootleggers ones there are the more disease taken because alcohol has no res­ w ith h e r p a re n ts . Mr. and Mrs. Guy spend a few days visiting with Mike Dutcliuk. former- Springfield are doing a bigger and better in­ there is to fight, drinking alcohol residents, arr the parents of a son liiteiuiesso G rle iila le Rogers friends. pect for persons. Charles II was a Halsey. dustry and they are now selling makes white co puscles therefore born to them at the Pacific bos Scarf Dance Chaminade great drinker and so was Charle­ 50 percent of the alcoholic bever­ we should not drink it. Assisting Mother— Mrs. George Take Out Tontila— Gerald Rob pltal in Eugeue on Friday, June 7. To A Waler Lily Mac Dowell magne and Alexander the Great To make a long story short If Petersen of Irving la here this erts bad his tonsils taken out Frl 1935 Delasunc Chromatic Value died at the age of 35 by driuking age? consumed in tills country. The source of ethyl alcohol is thei you want to be a strong, healthy seek assl ting her mother. Mrs II. day at the office of a local phyal Cliamiuod« Pierelle alcohol. In the eastern part of the Mother, Sister Visit—Mrs Mubel dan. Vnited States the use of alcohol decomposition of sugar. The dust boy or girl, or man or woman do E. Gerber. Tbygseii. mother, and Mrs Louis got so bad the women formed cru­ goes through the air until It finds not drink alcohol. Visit In Portland—Mr and Mrs. Cuts Foot—Miss Altle Manning Itoslck. sister of II O Dibble«, and sades and they closed up saloons a good surface to light on and theu ; W. E Buell. Miss Evelyn Buell and severely cut her find with an aze here daughter, Norma, were here and they did this to protect their it decays forming a carbon dioxide < laytou Kirklund were visitors in at the C. E Campsite near Flor­ over the week-end visiting al the v ---------- husbands and children from the use liquid called alcohol which in turn Mi and Mrs. William Rennie 1 or Hand the first of the week Dlbblee home They have gone on ence Saturday night. Is called fermentation alcoholics. It s of liquor have returned from a month’s alay I lo Ixis Ang< lee A number of young folk; front Bon Born— Mr aud Mrs. Howard al Belknap Springs Alcohol is a hindrance to work, takes from 3 to 40 hours to ferment Pleasant Hill went to Corvallis Olson of Westfir are the parents of G IRLS TAKE O V E R N IG H T and around 45 degrees it is dor­ Ml»a Helen Kyler left laat Bun even If all the working men that Here from California— Miss Era mant and as high as 75 degrees it Sunday to attend the 4-H summer a son born to them at the Eugene ] drink it deny the fact. Dell Murphy, daughter of Mr. and day for Ashland lo attend Hum H IK E TO R IVFR FRIDAY turns to vinegar and above 75 de­ school. They w re Is. bella Mitch hospital in Eugene on Monday Mrs. I. E Murphy oi Eugene. Is liter . cbool. She was accompanied Dr. Parks, a great doctor, made grees it makes 17 7-10 per cent ell. Jeanne Holcomb. Zona Miller. June 10. 1935. Springfield Girl Scouts hiked to here from I xm Angeles visiting by her slater. Mis« lu«e Ryler. a experiment to prove this fact. He alcohol. It is made from different Cleona Awbrev. Elizabeth Hoi-1 the Willamette river In the Gar­ with her parents, and her brother who expects lo visit at Medford for took two groups of men both of the Visits Parents — Miss Maxine fruits and other things such as comb. Myrna Laird, and Raymond den Way district Friday evening aud sintur-in-law, Mr. und Mrs D »ollie lim a same weight, height and physical cherries, rice, corn, grapes, ano Laird. They will be gone two Suodgras came up from Albany I A It Mathew» baa bought a new for a picnic supper and then re- II Murphy. In Springfield ability and put them separately but lo spend the week-end with her oats. Light winee which are made i weeks. Fordson tractor to run b it balei turned to Springfield and slept out both doing the same work though. out of grapes, fortified brandy Is! Mrs. P. N. Laird who recently parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Kiley Snod­ on the lawn at the Gerber home Test Winners— The trio, Ned with One gang he gave beer when grass. made out of wine and rum is made underwent an operation at the Pa-■ Mr». A B. Matbews who has The outing waa a part of their Simpson, Eugene. Ruth McClain, ever they wanted it and to the from molasses and gin from juni­ cific Christian hospital has return llood River, «nil Fred Colvlg. Med been in Washington caring for her Major Operation— Richard Ma regular Scout work. other he gave water. For a time per berries. It is easy to take and ed to her home at Pleasant Hill. ford, have alternated iu first place daughter. Mr* Margaret Eagles, son. son of Mr. and Mra. C. C. all went fairly well but as time easy to make, therefore people in the four contemporary affairs who underwent an operation, has Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield came Mason, underwent a major opera M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S went the gang that drank the beer create a demand for it which they down from Portland Thursday to i (ion at (he Pacific hospital in Eu ' tests given to senior student In relumed und Mrs t. igle* came fell behind in their work and the During Hie past week marriage should not. Journalism at (he University of w ith her attend the fuueral of the Infant gene on Monday. one that drank water went ahead licenses have been granti-d by the Oregon Hits year. N o tl F o lk V is it— M r am t M rs ) county clerk lo the following and then he reversed It. The ones The good uses of alcohol are for twins, a boy and a girl, of Mr. aud Ell that got beer before got water now perfumes, and it is also for scien­ Mrs. Floyd Fairfield. The babies George Flynn, formerly of Notl.! Ik-lp and Athrea Baughman both of Leave for Grange— Mr ami Mrs ' Tensile Taken Out—Donald Mc- and the ones that got water before tists to keep things from decay ! were buried In the Pleusant Hill vi-ited here Monday with Mr and Goshen; Kenneth Ford and Hallie II. H. Myers and daughter, tails, Chesney underwent a tonsil oper- were given beer and the same ftig and it also polishes and it is cemetery with graveside services, ; Mrs. Ted I-enhart while enroutej Brown, bolh of Lebanon; Richard und Mrs. C. L. Iiunan, left Monday utlon at the office of a local phyal thing happened to them, the ones for extracts, perfumes, films, silks, i Mrs. Fairfield who was very Bern! north to British Columbia Thomas. Junction City, and Edith for McMinnville lo attend the clan Iasi TbuVwday that drank beer fell behind and the barometers, thermometers, anti- • o u ly ill is at the home of her! Whitaker. Elmira. Myron Griffin tale convention of the Grunge Mi In from Camp Creek—Mrs. Al and Elinor Fitch, bolh of Eugene; Myers Is master of Ilia Mohawk | ones that drank water went ahead freeze and for heat and fuel such father Mr. McPeek at t oast Fork Visit From Camp Creek—Albert and this proves that it is not good as canned heat and it is also used ■ Miss Etta May Wagelin of Phoe­ meda Steinmetz and four children Laurence Buell, Marshfield, and MrKensle grange aud u deleguli- (o j Rlmmona of Camp Creek was a nix. Arizona, arrived Thursday to are visiting at the home of Mrs , Hilda Griffin. Eugene; for the system to drink alcohol. for antiseptic. flurry the state meeting whllb opened b n -lueaa visitor In Springfield Mon spend the summer with her mother Steinmetz's sister. Mrs. Melvin Wright, Springfield, and Ann Mil Tuesday for four days Professor Shaffenburg made an day The effect of drinking ethyl alco­ Mrs. H. O. Wagelin. at the Tinker! Rainey, at Lacomb. Oregon. experiment in a German typeset­ — ................... .. deed Jacobeon. Eugeue. ter's shop He took four men who hol is not seen but it is felt in such ranch. Retdrna from Portland— Mrs. I Thomas Tinker of Redwood City. were skilled typesetters. Two of ways as In the nervous system be­ D Larimer returned Sunday from ! BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION them he gave alcohol, the other cause it makes you nervous and California a nephew ot Mr. 'linker Portland wheer she hus beeu ! two he did not give it to for four upset and affects the mind, first arrived Monday to spend his vaca STIM ULATES ADVERTISING visiting witli her daughter und son-1 days and they all were being paid. a little alcohol brightens the mind tion in Oregon. and theu a little more makes i t 1 Florence Jordan, Lucille Jordan, in law. Mr. aud Mrs. Don Prairie. The American Bankers Assocla lion's Advertising Department re­ dull and still more makes it fade Nancy Barnum. Ruth and Eiva Tonsils Out Today—Arnold und ports rapid progress of the use by out altogether. It is just the same Brabham. Blanche Wheeler, Glover TRY Gerald Proctor, sons of Mr. und banks of the Informative bank t a w as opium, nicotine, cocaine or novo- Kelsay. and Howard Parks return­ caine which is used by dentists to ed from Monmouth Friday. June 7, i Mrs. Stephen W Proctor, had their i paper advertising prepared by It for j members to assist them lu rebuild­ Tlie purchas«“ ac­ leased by Ur. W alker and will he occupied hy him uieiit under private initiative.” tion with his parents at Pleasant The Advertising Department It in the Kail. Hill. supplying about a thousand mem­ The Plea ant Hill picnic will be A friendship shower at the Lea- j bers ot the association with news­ held Saturday, June 15. The Pleas­ hurg school was a complete sur­ paper and other advertising mate­ ant Hill Christian Endeavor will prise Wednesday evening to the rial. The newspaper material totals | sponsor it this year. honor gue t. Mrs. L. 8 . Brown. This about 50,000 advertisements annual- | Mrs. Mollie Kabler left Monday was also the last meeting of the ly. The growth of the work of the for an extended visit with her aged year for the Ixiaburg school department Is shown by the follow father in Kansas. She has not seen mothers club with Mrs. Carlson Ing figures On September 1, 1934, the number of bunks being served ' her father for years. announced as hostess. regularly each month was (123. The Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johns who Mrs. Adallne Alllngham. house- | total number on April 1, 1935, was 1 teach school at Mayger, have come guest of Miss Belle Millican the 924. an increase of 301 regular sub­ to spend the summer with Mrs past year left recently for Arizona scribers, or 49 per cent. John’.- mother, Mrs. Edward Mom Several family groups and close ! lugs tar. friends picnicked Sunday In the J. W. Feglea and daughter, Mrs. Deerhorn neighborhood. Including Cross and small son of Yakima. more than 40 at the O. L. Stacy 1 Wash., visited with Mr. Regies borne, complimenting Janet Stacy's N a tio n a l B a n k e rs A ssociation daughter. Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler seventh birthday. We have added to our ser vice with early morning and family the past two weeks. The Potter-Hucka families gath-1 P ressing A c tiv e M easures to P ro te c t M e m b e rs — meat dellevery a t 8:30 a. m. to all parts of the town. They also visited with Bert Fegles ered at the C. E. Potter home. Other deliveries will be along with the regular gro­ Losses C u t and wife while here. A group of about 20 gathered at cery delivery. Mrs. Jean Eberhart has resigned the home of Mr. and Mrs Raymond Imprisonment or death of many her position as teacher In the Jack Sunday to picnic. desperate bank criminals the past Pleasant Hill high school as Mr. Our m eat departm ent Is becoming more popular year baa brought no appreciable re­ Eberhart has the position as coach all the time and has gained a reputation for high Eugene, Springfield NOTICE OF duction lu attacks ou banks, James at the Southern Oregon State Nor­ FINAL SETTLEMENT quality meats. E. Baum, lu charge of the American Notice Is hereby given that the Bankers Association Protective De­ mal school. Virginia Hutson is laid up with a undersigned. Rika deBroekert. Ad­ partment, has reported to his or­ ministratrix of the estate of O. M sprained ankle. deBroekert. deceased, has filed her j ganization. KERR'S Bobbie Olson Is able to get about Final Report and Account as such I In tbe aix mouths euded February 28, 1935, he says, banka were targets again after having an infection In Administratrix with the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, tor 169 daylight holdups and 40 night his foot due to a ¡diver. Oregon; and that Saturday, the burglaries. He ai/Red that although 13th day of July, 1935, at 10:00 banks that are uot members number Here from Albany— Mrs. Ger­ o’clock In the forenoon of said day only about half those enrolled in tbe trude Dowling of Albany was here In the County Court Room In the association they suffered a far great Friday visiting with Mr and Mrs Court House al Eugene, has been sr rate of attack, namely, 51 per cent set by the Hon. Fred Fisk. Judge of all the hank robberies. C. F. Egglmanri. of said Court, as the time and place Losses Show Dscrsssc for hearing objections to the same . During the period under report, If any, and for the final settlement S P R IN G F IE L D M E T H O D IS T bank burglars und bandits exacted I l f k l t v lf l F x tittz tg J Dean C. Poindexter, Minister R IK A d e B R o E K E R T . Admin tribute amounting to *943,551 com­ "The Vicarious Bread," Is the pared with losses totaling *1,257,000 Istratrlx. theme for the communion service WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys, a year ago, he said. This reduction In losses Is attributed to the lime-lock at the 11 o'clock hour. The evening tje 13 20 27—J 4-11) Our business Is printing. We have the equip­ Ing restrictions and other limita­ ervlce al 7:30 will be on the sub­ tions In the exposure of surplus cash N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ment and the experience to do good work. . . . ject; "How does one get religion''” Notice Is hereby given that tin Imposed lust year by underwriters undersigned has been duly appoint and bank supervisory authorities. Our prices are always moderate and our service CALL FOR WARRANT8 ed Executor of the estate of Han : The sharp reduction In the mate­ Notice Is hereby given that nah O’Neel, hy the County Court 1 rial loss of money uinl securities re­ prompt. . . . If you are In need of letter-heads, School District No. 1», In Lane of Lane County ,Oregon; any and sulting from bank robbery Ibis year circulars, catalogs, broadsides or booklets we can county, Oregon, will pay at the of­ all persons having claims against was “overshadowed by the killing of the said estate are hereby required fice of clerk of said district, all to present said claims, duly veri­ 2 hank employees, one bystander save you money, time and worry. . ,. Let us sub­ warrants lo aud Including number fied a by law required to the un­ and 5 arresting officers,” and since last August bank robbery also cost mit samples and make estimate on any work you 4140, dated January 25, 1935. In­ dersigned, at the office of WellH the lives of 16 criminals and caused Kt Wells, Attorneys, 203 Hank of terest cease:; after June 14, 1935, may have. You are under no obligation Commerce Bldg., Eugene, In Lane physical Injuries to 10 bank em­ 8EVERT JACOBSON, Clerk. County, Oregon, within six months ployees, 12 bystanders, 9 arresting officers and 8 bandits, a total of 62 from the date of this notice. Dated and first published June casualties. Investigations by tbe association's 13, 1935 U n i do«« o f A D L K K l K A q u ic k ly r EVERETT C. O’NEBL, Execu­ agents resulted In the arrest of 36 lieve a gaa b loatin g, < lean« o u t B U T up p «r and lo w er bowel«, a llo w * you • tor of (he estate of Hannah forgers, 42 bandits and one burglar, e a t and gle* p good. Q uick, th o i o O’Neel, deceased. or 79 of the 141 bank criminals re­ a c tio n , y e t e n tire ly g en tle end » f- Phone 2 4th Street WELLH & WELLS, Attorneys for ported as being apprehended during Estate. the period. (Je 13 20-27— J 4-11) Pianist to Give Recital I riday ALCOHOL ESSAY IS WINNER HERE Thurston , Upper Willamette I Announcing CLOVERS Beauty Shop Dr. Milton V. Walker McKenzie Valley WAR ON BANK BANDITS Irish-Murphy Co. Meat Delivery 8:30 A.M. Northwest Cities Gas Co. Hot Cake FLOUR “Your Job Is Next” S to m a c h Gas T h e W illa m e t t e P r e s s A D L E R IK