WHO IS WHO and What Thev Do 9 A Claaaifled D lr'c to ry of Rollable Business Parents of »on— Mr. uml Mr» llulpli Kdiolalou uf Hyrlngflwld i roul» I. uru lii«» puruni» uf u son burn tu Ilium ui lliu Pacific hos­ pital In Ktlguua mi Friday, Junu 7, 1836. H C IIK H K H M O T O R CO. IttllC K O LDBM O BILE PONTIAC Motor Cars HA I.EH and SERVICE W II tivù» NOTICK OF HEA R IN G ON F IN A L ACCOUNT NU TIU B IK HER EBY G IVEN : Thal Ihn nndorslgnod, as ngaculrls uf lliu l.uut W ill and Taalamnnt ul Hurry Y. Hpuucu, decsaaod, bus lllud bor account fur tbs final ant llumuot uf »ulti doesdsut'a ostat» lu tbo County Court fur luina Couuly. Oregon, und liiat Saturday Ilia 22ud day uf Juue. 1836. at tbe Court ituuni uf »aid Court lu tba County Court liuuae, In Eugene, Oregon at B E A U T Y P A R LO R S IM o dock In tbu (oi . n,«.n, lia» lieon fixed by «aid Court as tbe lliuu aud place fur bearing objeo H O M E B E A U T Y SH O P tluna thereto, aud for the aettle 1 P ER M A N EN T W AVES »1.60 muni thereof. All Work Guaranteed EFFA I*. HPENCE, Executrix of the I ut»I W ill Mr». Ella Parcher Tel. 30 aud Testament of Harry Y. Hpence, deceased C R E A M E R IE S L L. RAY, Attorney for estate. IM 23 3O J« 4-1330) Demand the Rest—Coat* no More NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R » IB HEREBY O IV E N that Ada Palmer has boon ap­ pointed administratrix of tbe es­ tate of Mr» A A. Kimball, da ceased, by the County Court fur I ahi « County. Oregon. All person» havlug claim» »gainst said estate ure hereby notified to present tbe »auie with proper vouchers to the undersigned »1 tbe law office of Donald Young. 334 Miner R i'llllug. Eugene, Oregon, within six b. nth» from the date of the ftrat publics lion of thia notice. Date of first publcallon, May 23. 1836 ADA PALMER. Administratrix of the estate of Mr« A A Kimball, deceased DONALD YOUNG. . Attorney for estate. |M 23 30 -Je «13-20) N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice 1» hereby given that tbe undersigned Executors of the estate of Susanna 8 Bowers, de- I'eustHl, have filed their Ftual Re port and Account as ouch with tbu County Clerk of I-an» County. Ore giin, and that Saturday the lftlh day of June, 1836, at the hour of ton o'clock In the forenoon. In tbe County Court Room In tbe Court House, In Eugene, Lano County. Oregou. Ila« been »el and fixed by tbe Hou. Fred Fisk, Judge of »aid Court as the time and place for bearing same, and for tbe final Keltlnmeiit of said estate. JESSE U. W ELLS, HAROLD J W ELIJ1. Executors. (M 1« 23 .10- J« «13) Business Directory E d w ard C. P riv a t Wstahmaker and J»wel»r BPRJNOFUDLD Bo. Psclflo W atoh Inspector F irs t Clan» W o rk a t Reasonable ITIosa. Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Plttiburgb. Pa Represented By K. H . T U R N E R Hprlngfleld. Ore 844 A BL POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE U th und Charneltou Telephone 723 S P R IN G F IE L D 228 Main l'bone 82-J and Profeealonal to You. Carl R. B aker Film Shop F U R N IT U R E Eastman Film« — Kodak» — Frame» — Album»— Motion Ptcture Cameras. We Photograph Everytblng Anywbere. Mull film» tu P. O. Box «<7 488 W lllamette. Eugene Ph. 636 JO H N S O N F U R N IT U R E CO. P R IN T E R S Ranges und Circulators Several Lines Including Montag. Linoleum Inlaid and Felt Rase T H E W IL L A M E T T E PR E SS Springfield 7th and Olive Sta. — Phone 866 Attractive Prices on Furniture Phone 2 Eugeue, Oregon. and Hugs. Sec Us Before You Buy Business Stationery—Office Form» B A T T E R Y S E R V IC E We Deliver Phone 111» Booklet« — Placard» — 648 W illam ette Eugene Dodgers, ate. LA N E C O A Modern Print Ebop Producing G R O C E R IE S B A TTE R Y FACTORY Up-To-Date Printing. Hack at our old location. Lees D IB U L B E ’S Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. overhead your sain. See our new material batteries tn genuine Gates R E D & W H IT E G R G C H R Y hard rubber cases before you buy. Phone 4 All parts handmade In Eugene For Cur. 4th sad Main Sta., Springfield capacity—service— price-- none bet­ S E R V IC E S T A T IO N S ter. RECHARGING— REPA IR IN G . H O S P IT A L S 346 Van Uuren • - Phone 1008 son I» lu I'uriluml visiting role- N O T IC E Firm e People This Newspaper Recommends w o o l* !•'< Ut MALE Old lii'owlli U A N U IN U Block. IVS curii» 46 «6; Did A U TO D E A L E R S Growth HI«li. 15k i ' uk I h . Iti Int it . I) A N 0 ■ I & un T u h y Kuul I'll 1*1)011» 182 J ! A N D K K H O N M O T O R S . IN C . A T W IN T E R O A R D B N (11) Expert Repairing All Wurk •Tb e Dance That'» Different" Guaranteed. E d it HAI.E Good Hand Wuuil I Gas, Gil, Tires aud Uatlerles Every Saturday Night It iiiig u H Mountain Kiulu» I'uwur l-adles 10c Co. « I bill and A H l», Hprlngfleld Ph. 4k Gents 26c In Portland— Mr», Ullfford PAGE TH E BPRJNOTIELD NEW» T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 13, 1935 A ST. S E R V IC E S T A T IO N for re lie f distribution. the report slataa BERRY HEH STUDY' a »»™" PLM1 PROBLEMS M ______ I President And W allace Give C ontrol Of Pests, Irrig a tio n 1 , Assurance; Livestock Pur- chase« Aid To Midwest Advantages, And Plant j Development Shown Effect of Irrigation on berries, control of spittle bugs, and meth­ od» of pruning and training bram­ ble» drew Interested attention of farmers and agricultural leader» from Oregon and western Washing- ton who recently attended tbe an­ nual small fruits day at Corvallis, sponsored by tbe hortleultural de­ partment of the experiment »ta- lion. The recent hot, dry weather caused »harp difference between the Irrigated and non Irrigated strawberries seen by tbe visitors. Exact comparative yields bad not been obtained, but ordinary obser­ vation showed that In many In­ stances the supplemental water had been tbe making of tbe crop. Control Methods Blmple Spittle bugs can be controlled at reasonable expense If attacked early enough with one of a number of effective duals thoroughly ap­ plied. It was shown. A number of growers present reported satisfac­ tory control with hydrated lime, with nicotine dust and with the new commercial dusts using derrls Assurance that tbe work of the agriculture« adjustment administra­ tion will be continued, with nece»- ■ary amendment to safeguard It agalQst difficulties encountered by tbe NRA. have been given by Henry A. Wallace, secretary of agricul­ ture A statement made by blm early 1/ June with tbe approval of President Roosevelt Is a» follow«; "In cooperation with leaders of cougre»», amendment» to tbe Agri­ cultural Adjustment act are being perfected which are Intended to bring the act'« provision» as to marketing agreements and licenses Into line with the Scbecter case decisiuu and also safeguard tbe farmers' voluntary programs on basic commodities. No Loop Holes Been "Those voluntary adjustment programs were not In the path of tbe Scbecter case decision and In no event could there be any ques­ tion of tbe government's ability to fu llflll Its contracts with farmers. "Nevertheless, we have taken ad vantage of tbe decision to seek per fection» In the law which will make certain the government'« authority to continue processing tax rates In accordance with amended provta- lona of the act.” Modernized Wheat Contracts As a result of the overwhelming vote of approval given the wheat adjustment program, new four-year contracts are expected to be offer ed about the middle of July, accord Ing to word received at the exten slon service of Oregon State col lege. Provisions are understood to be much the same in general as those tn the present contracts though Improvements are added In a number of details Ths primary purpose of tba sow and pig purchase program was to reduce the enormous surplus of thus» animals on farms, but be- < au»e a large percentage of thane purchases were made la tbe area that suffered from drouth, tba ac­ tion developed Into a drouth relief program as well. Inedible animals were converted Into fertiliser and those fit for human consumption lurnlshed 100 million pounds of pork for relief." Child Clinic to Be at b .0 . Again Speech Defects, Backw ard C hildren, and T ra in in g Of Teachers To Be StreaaeT- Child problems w ill again be a feature of a special clinic at the University of Oregon Summer school opening June 24 for six weeks. Tbe clinic has become na­ tionally famous during the past four years and has as one of Its objectives the Instruction of teach­ ers In this type of remedial In­ struction. Parents have brought their children from all parts of the country to the Oregon school. The work will be continued this General Gasoline, Oil and Oreaaee year under the direction of Dr. B. Goodrich Tire» INC. W DeBusk, professor of education *'A Home Owned Station.” 12tb and Hllyard derivatives as their poison base at the university; Mrs. Lillian 6tb and A 8ts„ Springfield, Ph. «4 Two well-timed, thorough applica­ Phone 3600 Raynor, of the Los Angeles public Eugen", Oregou tions have given good control tn schools, and Dr. Elisabeth Mont­ M itchell Service Station heavily infested patches. It was gomery, specialist In this field. LAUNDRY A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS reported. Parents who have children with — Yale Tire» — difficulties In reading, spelling or Comparative results of various S P R IN G F IE L D L A U N D R Y Ureasing - Battery Recharging arithmetic may w rite to the school Floyd Wood, Prop. methods of pruning red raspberries Expert Radio Repairing by of education at the university for have not yet been obtained, as this 308 Main 8t., Phone 100 BLUE BELL LEE CRAY full Information on entering the Is only the second year of a five- Dairy Products All Kinde of Laundry Service. Phono 48-J clinic. year experiment, but tbe visitors We Call for and Deliver. ““ Ice Cream. Rutter, Cheese, Milk 7th and Main Bta. Springfield viewed the present variations in Children with speech defects Your Patronage W ill Be EUG ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, growth and fruiting habits caused O R E G O N IA N will be offered Instruction under Appreciated. Phone Eugeue «38 by the different treatments. The S E R V IC E S T A T IO N tbe supervision of J. A. Carrell, of plan of pinching off the tops of the At the Springfield Junction the speech department. D E N T IS T S ________ LUM BER new canes about two feet from tbe GAB AN D OILS The clinic will be used for dem­ ground, thua forcing branching, ap­ Service Day and N ig h t DB. G. A. B R O W N T h e B ooth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Hog Purchasing Save« Meat onstration purposes for coursas to Grocery Sundrlee. Tobaoco'» and pears promising, Dr W. 8. Brown Hour» 8 A M to 6 P. M Furnishes a Instead of being wasteful, the remedial teaching, open to teachers Picnic Quods. reported. Phone 20 J COM PLETE HOME livestock purchase program of the attending the summer session. West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 33 J aud Main HU. Hprlngfleld Crossing Strawberry Plants 61 h Building and Repairing Service. AAA is described in a Washington Remedial teaching is becoming Residence 728 A Street. A new method of Inspecting com- F«r Service Phone Hprlngfleld M dispatch as “the most extensive more and more Important In educa­ WOOLEN MILLS paralive appearance and quality of or If no answer, phone 34-J. meat conservation program In the tion throughout the United States, new strawberries was tried this DR. W M . N. DO W Hprlngfleld. EUGENE history of the United States." Near and Is proving invaluable to thous­ D E N T IS T year when Oeorge Waldo, federal W O O LE N M IL L CO. ly a billion pounds of meat have ands of pupils who might other­ X Itay Diagnosis — Hour» 8 to 13 small fruits specialist, and 60 boxes P H Y S IC IA N - S U R G E O N Manufacturer» of Woolen». been conserved and made available wise be denied a normal education. 1 to 6 an„ by appointment. of berries, all different kinds, a r­ Specialising In Ladles Office Phone 8 — Rea. Phon« «7 ranged and labeled for tbe visitors D ll M IL T O N V. W A L K E R COATINGS AN D SUITIN G!). Surgery and Di»e«»e« of Women First Nat'l Hank Bldg. Hprlngfleld to see and sample. A number of Retail Department at Mill. promising crosses were In tbe group 4th aud Main 81» Springfield East End «th Ave. Eugene, Ore. F R U IT P A C K ER S Phone 82-J plants of which w ill be saved for further study. FO R D CAR F A C T S Eugene F ru it Grower'» Awt’n M E L V IL L E S. JONES. M. D. The Importance of keeping plant­ Dlamund A Brand Fruit Packer» Surgery aud Dlseaa»» of Women Ford V-8 production durlug the ing »tuck, of the Marshall particu­ und Shipper«. Ice and Cold Storage. X-Ray and Physiotherapy Ural four months of the year pro­ larly, free from virus disease» was GOOD C H E E R A ND C O M M O N S E N S E PR O G R A M C ollege Ice Cream Manufacturer». vided approximately 38,000.000 explained by Dr. S M Zeller, plant Hprlngfleld. Oregon Every Tuesday Over Radio Station K -O -R -E Coco Cola— Klst Beverage» First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 hours of employment. pathologist. He explained the Cider Vluegar • • • 7:15 to 7:30 methods now being used in dev­ Phone 1480 There are now some 2.400 work- eloping certified planting stock. Poems and songs th a t you enjoy to hear. Ferry near 8th Ave K. Eugene. I ers employ ed at the Ford Motor Among the visitors were many W ith company branch plant at Rich­ Smith Hughes teachers of agricul­ T h e Good Cheer Melodists MANY FA RM ER S GET mond. Calif., turning out between ture from western Washington Veltie P ru itt — R u th L einhard — Rena S m ith 300 and 400 Ford V-8 cars and F E D E R A L C ROP LOANS Oh, East Is East and West Is West, and never the two shall meet. trucks dally. • • • A total of 10.200 emergency crop T ill earth and shy stand presently at God's great Judgment seat; S T A T E H E A D O PPOSES loan have been made by Ibe Farm But there Is neither East nor West, border, nor breed, nor birth. More than 26.000,000 pounds of M A IL O R D E R IN S U R A N C E Credit administration at Spokane Students To H ear New York cotton wtl be used In manufactur­ When two strong men stand face to face, tho' they come from »Ince April «. when final arrange the ends of the earth. Editor At M cA rth ur C ourt ing the tire» for the 'million and Inasmuch as the purchaser of a meiilR for the »eed fund» were more' Ford cars and trucks being policy from an unauthorized In M onday; Meetings Set made. Application» received, a mu produced this year. Every 1835 suiance company does not have the Jorlly from the drought urea», nuui AB women graduates aud former Ford V-8 sedan that leaves the pro­ protection to which he is entitled ber 13.788 student», as well as senior women, duction line anu goes out Into ser under the Oregon Insurance law», Borrowers are required to give u are urged to oe in Eugene Satur­ vice takes with It more than 70 the insurance department calls at­ first lien on the crop» financed or day. June 16, for tbe annual meet­ pounds of cotton. tention to the primary causes of he llve-tock fed. with Interest at ing and breakfast of tbe State As­ mail order insurance: first, to 55* percent on their notea. sociation of University of Oregon An all-time record for purchases escape the payment of taxes; and, women, to be held at 8:16 at the of supplies and materials for Ford second, to avoid the financial res­ Returns Home— Rd Eglmanu Osburn hotel. Mr». C. V. Boyer, V-8 production is reported by Ford ponsibility placed on licensed com­ brother of Charles F. Egglmunn, wife of tbe uulverslty president, Motor Compauy officials for March, panies for the protection of the left Sunday for Sau Francisco. en and three women of the 50 year when the cost of supplies totaled policyholder,” according to Hugh route to hl» home at Port Wayne graduating class. Mr». L. H. Potter 181.000,000. During March railroad H. Earle. Insurance commissioner Just ait back and relax. T h e engin­ Indiana. eer does nil the d r iv in g Swiftly, and Miss Resale Day of Eugene, freight movement through the for Oregon. safely, you ride to your destination, und Mrs. Osle Walton of Seattle, freight yards of the Rouge plant of Should a clam under one of striving fresh and rested. V A R IC O S E OR S W O L L E N will be honor guests. the Ford Motor Compauy required Commencement events at the 34.865 freight cars. This was 11 per these policies be disputed, the V E IN S — U L C E R S Read o r w rite as you «him along policyholder would be forced to go uulverslty will open Friday, June cent greater than the previous all- steel rails, the smoothest highway to the courts of the state In which You poor sufferer» from bad 14, with a benefit tea for the Paul­ time record, set In February of this yet invented. tbe company is domiciled for re­ legs! What misery you bave en ine Potter Homer Collection of year. When 31,500 freight cars course. as such companies have no dured! What crippling discomfort! beautiful books. N. 11. Zane, pro­ N o stops for food. Bat in the diner moved through the Rouge yards But here at laat I» help for you! when you are hungry. S. P. makes legal status In Oregon courts, aud fessor of art, will speak. At 8 • • • No operation» nor Injection». No it economical w ith soup-to-deaaert this would be an expensive pro­ enforced reat nor time off from o'clock the Falling Beekman ora­ Afrwfr S tlttt at popular prices. More water is consumed In the cedure for the claimant. work. A simple home treatment tions will be held In the music audi- Rouge plant of the Ford Motor with Emerald Oil heal« your «ore» totlum. E n jo y re fre s h in g sleep in a soft, •While unlicensed companies company at Dearborn, Michigan, like magic, reduce» »welling, ro o m y b e rth . Im p ro v e d T o u ris t Events Saturday include a meet­ soothes pain, and makes your leg» than In the cities of Detroit, Wash present the argument that their In­ P u llm an s p ro vid e clean d o u b le uh good a» new while you go about ing of the alumni association, uni­ lngton and Cincinnati combined. surance Is cheaper In cost, a review berths at very reasonable rates. your dally routine a» usual. versity luncheon. president-chan­ of the experience of these compan­ Follow the easy direction»— you cellor's reception, class re-unlon The Rouge plant water consump Space to w alk around and stretch tlon now averages 326,000,000 gal­ ies shows that the majority pay ure sure to be helped or money dinners, flower and fern procession, your legs is im portant on any jour­ back Flanerya Drug »tore aud lons dally. As a comparison, the less »han 20 per cent of the receipts ney. Y o u have it cn tbe train. (IrugglHlH everywhere geli lot» of It. and the twilight concert. The bac- city of Detroit uses 288,000,000 gat to the policyholders, the balance culaureate service will be held Sun­ going to the officers and employes HEA RING ON F IN A L ACCOUNT lone of water dally. There is clean ice-water to d rink as compensation. Notice Is hereby given, that day at 11 a. in., with Dr. R. C. • • • when you are thirsty. A nd there is Brooks, Pomona college, speaking. Wunda K Eastwood has filed her •'in purchasing Insurance of any alw ays a c o n v e n ie n t rest ro o m Newest accessory addAlon to the llnal account oh administratrix of Graduation exercises for the 600 w ith m odern lavato ry fa c ilitie s the EHtate of W. P. Eastwood, and who will recelvg degrees will he 1936 Ford V-8 car ta a vanity mlr kind. It Is well to make certain that that the court has fixed 10:00 A. M Monday at 10 o'clock. Oswald Oar ror. oval In shape, which Is at the company Is authorised to tran Besides, rail fares to California are low. I t ’» real economy of Friday. Juue 28, 1835. an the tached to the sun visor by small sact business under the laws of tini« when »aid account will lie risen Villard, noted editor, will to go this way and have all the comforts, conveniences Oregon and maintains licensed decorative bolts, and Is Invisible ____ up for examination and al­ ipe.ia on "Youth and the Republic." taken and security o f train travel at fares o f 2r a mile and leaa. agents In the state; and. iu order lowance and un order be rnado as- Both gatherings will be held at Mc­ until the visor Is pulled down. The Hlgnlng the residue of »aid estate. to satisfy yourself ou these points, mirror, because of Its position Arthur court. Ail persons Interested may appear may be utilized by either front or write or call upon the Insurance at »aid time aud be heard thereon. re. • seal passengers, it Is made of Department. Salem. Oregon, or con To California— Miss Lola Crab- W ANDA K. EASTWOOD, Ad­ For details, see your local S. P. agent o r w rite J. A. O rm aady, ministratrix. Gee left Tuesday for San Fran­ clear, heavy plate glass with bev suit a licensed agent In your com « ¡ n t m l Pau ntgtr AgtHt, 705 Pacific B uilding, Portland. O ra. S. 1). ALLEN, Attorney. muntty." eled edges. cisco Io visit friends. (M 30—J e 6-13-20-27) P A C IF IC H O S P IT A L , Poole Funeral Home WEEK-END BRINGS to C A L IT O R N I& I The train has all these COM FORTS: Southern Pacific FAR and NEAR Vision la Clear W ith By ED. KRESSY THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries "U N I V I S" (Universal Visibility) The Fine Improved Bifocals Eliminating blur and distortion. These marvelous lens»» will In­ crease your efficiency by »harp- euliig your sight and you will truly enjoy their benefits. HOU) TIGHT UOwElÆ BY - BOOY.THIS SUBMABIUE- U O fK K T Q O W A M S T a iR IB A FEW MINUTES WE LLH UEABCfiVUOM W H O PtftSIAWGUtF. iifëi AMEBICAN4BUY TWt GUATE ST MUMBXR <* PfeAUVS. \. -, HAVE YOUR E Y E » EXA M IN ED . DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist «1 W i l t »th Eugen» r