THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 11*35 PA O K TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Kvwy Thursday at Spr'ngftald. Lane County, Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS I'nless the».’ No» • *«'“» Ih-m.wrata Stop pulling burwuu. out of hut». Aprieultural Men See P .e tu re Dev I fear that »on » e ll have to gut elopment Ag Meane Of M eett A ne» ami larger alphabet I ng Expenses home Leaders to have Vacation Heads Of Households lumber business gains CALIFORNIA INSURANCE AGENTS WORK IN STATE IN 1935 DESPITE STRIKE Nsw Business During Past Wsek Nearly Tw ice Production, M ere M ille At W ork Elan Hiileni, tire., June 13 iHpeclell Itopieseiilullvea of the 1‘uclllc III- loruatloual Health Association of San Francisco are reported to be fc llv ib soliciting Uusinee- in t»ro gou. a. cording to Ute old«'« of Hugh 11. Earle. Insurance folium « sloucr. The I’uclfti Intel natlonel lliu llh Association Is not license I tu do an Io urauce business lu Ibis uile mill any personal sollcllallon s unlawful. Voiiimisaloiiei Earle states that a warrant has been swoiu out fur the arre t of one representative, and unyotie having afoi maltoa which will lead Io the u| prehension of others should con laet the slate police or Insurance Five-Day Outing Near Flor­ Handle, W - h June I 3 A tolal Now. what this country neetl. Imlay Another link connecting the live- ence To Start June 25 of 61k down ami operating mills lu I. ten. amt I«*»» of N It. A.. to. U Industry c f eastern and west­ . lass matter, February 24.AsO3. at the poetoftlce. Oregon and Washington which re II. I’. N K and E T. C., ern Oregou Is being forged this A Homemakers' Vacation >auip ported to the West Coast Lumber Springfield. Oregon Hui more and more of C. O. D- -mn liter with the moving of up­ tor »omen of Lane county Is being men a naauclatton for the week end wards of 20.0th) head of range arranged by the Homo Economics MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE lug June 1, produced 24,560.611 l-\ir In the .» e e l. »» eel bye and bye sheep from the Columbia basin to $ roo Division of the Extension th-rvlce hoard foot of lumber. This was up O n. Year In A d v a n ce----- »1 -60 Six Month. - Somebody bad to I* A. Y. 60c (he logged off lauds of Columbia of Oregon Agricultural college, ac Two Year, m ad van ce- - U &O Three Month. proxltnutely t,600.000 feet over the For all th i. ••Jack” the V. S. A. county (or summer pasturage. This i elding to O. 8. Fletcher. county preceding week The average week, "“ THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1936 I handing out so free today l ast » Inter interest Increased In ageut. ty production of (III group of suw fa - the possibility of developing a farm The camp will be held at Cleo- mills In 1036 bus been 76.042.036 1 ou r .ta r of hope 1» growing dim; O R G A N IZ E D L A B O R IS B IG B U S IN E S S beef feedpig industry tu the Wil­ »ox lake, one and one halt miles feel; during the same period In We ll soon 1 m - on the R V. M . lamette valley as profitable outlet Organised labor has criticised severely big business on 1 We’ll struggle, starve, and break tor western Oregon hay and east- south of Florence. from Tuesday 1034 their weekly average was M3. ulternoon. Juno 36. to Sunday alter- 041,763 teet. our necks account of large salaries paid to heads of »“JU8tru‘1 1 ' ern Oregon feeder cuttle. iiooii. June 30. The new huslneas reported last . e r a s banks railroads and insurance companies. It no* ! To meet the future T. A X. Utilization of north western Ore­ The purpose of the camp la to week by 511» mills was 41.860.402 develops that organised labor is big business itself and pays gon loged-off lands for sheep gras- provide a resltul. Inspiring, and In hoard teet ugalust a production of COAST RIVER SURVEYS I'n les. 1 make a N. G. guess high salaries. ing holds considerable promise, ac­ slructlve vacation period at mlut- It', time to sound an S. t). S., 24.660.611 feet and shipments of EXPECTED THIS SUMMER cording to a report on the project mum cost. Auy homemaker tn Issue William Green, president of A. F. of draW8h^ 6,’i?^Jl And stop this flood of I. O. V - 34.116.294 feel. Their shipments Just made by II. A. Lindgren exten county, whether from city or couu year and has a budget of $110.000 to mattntain bis office. And 1 mean .top It P. I) Q Seven hills by fongressm au were over production of 39 percent stone livestock flehltn tn at Oregon try. 1» eligible to register Regis The first vice president, secretary and treasurer of A M t and their current »alee were over James W Moll providing tor pre State college. To answer many In (ration can be made at the county 1 also draw $25,000. Seven other vice presidents get $20. So. 1 beseech you P. D. R. production by 70.6 percent. The llmtuary flood control surveys of each A thW vice president. Mathew Woll. gets $40 000 Don't stretch the alphabet too far, qulrles concerning It Lindgren ua ageut'a office. orders booked last week by this all I'aclflc coast streams In Gregoti a rear He is generally considered the brains of organized My shirt I. gone; now. mister. semhled Information from all I mo Camp Limited To 60 group of Identical mills were under wore passed by the llouee of Rep ties concerned including the county labor. A number of individual unions pay the'r presidents Facilities make It necessary to the total In the preceding week by resetitallve Iasi week stream s please officials, forest service and the rail­ limit the number who atteud to from $10,000 to $40,000 a year. Don't take away my R. V. O's. about 8.000.000 teet or approximate­ covered by the bills luclude Ihe — Anon road. This has been prepared In 60 women. T w en lyon e have al I'oqullle. Umpqua. Ysqulna. Hllelx. ly 16.3 percent The money to pay these large salaries come from as­ mimeographed form for general ready enrolled Others interested A group of 426 Identical Ulltlo Rogue and Nehalem life r s ami all sessments on the membership. Organized labor is fast be­ distribution are urged to register as soon as whose records are - complete for I streams tributary to Thlnmook bay REGISTRAR REPORTS coming the biggest business in this country- Sheep Will Pay Taxes The work of examlnlng these possible, and must register not tMith periods show total orders 1935 INCREASE AT O. A. C. "This planned graxlng use of the later than June 17th. Labor has a right to organize and ask for what is right­ to dale of 1.884.621.000 board feet, rlvers and Ihelr valleya for lite pur cut-over lands In Columbia and Many Interesting teatures will be compared with 1.686,806.000 hoard pose of niaklng report* and rerom- fully theirs. It has no right, however, to coerce its mem­ Registration at Oregon State col bership and other workers into excessive dues to support lege for the paat year showed a 27 Clatsop counties. If as successful as available to tile hoiuemakera. In­ feel for the sqitie period In 1934 a'i memlatlon» oh thè flood problema Ihvolvcd, wlll he l'ouimeuciMl by Ihe high overhead caused by large salaries to its <►*«<• *” • per cent gain over that of the year past experiments Indicate It will cluding swimming, uature study, Increase of 11.8 percent. Artny cnglneers Ibis sutnuier and Human nature is human nature so it seems whet her it is previous. t|ie final report of the be, should bring to owners of the crafts. 4guipftre programs, a choice cut-over lands a tidy sum each year library and other actlvttlea. There wlll requlre several montila tu coni the industrial boss or the labor boss. All want all they tan registrar. B. B. Lemon, reveal«. toward FUNERAL HOME AND meeting the financial res­ plete. will be no dishwashing, meal fl» “ The cumulative total of full-time get. BARBER SHOPS PAINTED ponsibilities now Involved. the re­ ntng or cooking requtiep of the students for the year reached 2832, Paint has been applied liberally i 81ir,‘ V acation -M is. Ann Me­ port says. "Taxes and tire patrol campers. An excellent cook tvgtl as compared with 227 last year. charges can tn a considerable mea­ two assistants are employed for in Springfield during the pas. '¡‘»'•‘In started her ..a - a a s k SUPPORT THE PLAYGROUND Short courses brought 236 more sure be covered by the fee charged week. The exterior woodwork of I allot. Sunday Mrs. am «>•« this purpose. the P ool. Funeral horn.- h a. been *»« ««•>. « * « her work at Dr The playground movement deserves support in Spring- to the campus and there were 26 for graxlng. while the other ex Coat la Only 63 00 field. Children’s time in town is difficult for P*«K»t® '» ’ persons registered as auditors. The pendltures Involved In the handl­ The coat will be $3.00 lu cash j given one coat of grey paint, the ' Walker a office during her .b e .n c . cupy after school is dismissed. The result is that many summer session last year enrolled ing of the stock will leave addi­ and some produce troin the home entire Interior of the Clover barber j — ' Vlelta at Corvallle - Ihm .ld children are on the streets and in the alleys and some are 422. as compare I with 306 the year tional money In the community. supply. Those campers who prefer shop I. being repainted, and "These returns unquestionably soon into trouble. If the child can be interested in whole­ previous, making a grand total of not to bring produce will be new cabinet work and painting has J Toomb. Jr., son of Mr and Mrs some games and his time kept occupied untd he is past adults in som e branch of regular can be Increased when It Is deft charged $4.00. been completed this week at the Donald Toomb. W spending a vaca school age then parents will have little to worry about. A instruction on the campus 3615. nttely known how to secure full Hon with friend, near I'urvalite Everyone will arrange her own Raleigh Morris barber shop public playground under trained supervision is the least we compared with 2666 last year. This values from this type of range. The tronsportatlou. Those planning to can d o to create wholesome conditions for the growing is an Increase of more than 36 per graxlug of the stock will. In addi­ take their own cars aud deslrlug tion of a timber crop together with cent tn complete yearly totals. child. passengers should Inform the com­ Engineering was the largest the cooperatli» of owners and herd mittee lu charge, or the coanty school In point of enrollment by a ers can be made effective In fire agent. considerable majority, home econ­ patrol and tn the handling of fire- NRA HINDERED The camp site la being made Will Aid Reforeatratlon omics being second Very little dif­ The NRA was no friend of the farmer thinks L. J. ference In enrollment was shown “This graxlng use fits In very available through the cooperation Taber, national master of the grange, who thinks it ran up among agriculture, education, for­ nicely with the more general plan of Eugene Council of Girl Scouts. Mrs. C. K Wheaton attended the costs. He sums up the good and bad of the recovery act estry, science and secretarial sci­ of land use and the future restora For fresh, pure and delicious candy buy at the outing lust year and Is u member as follows: confectionery store. It Is our business to serve you ence. Pharmacy is now the small­ tlon of a tltmber crop together with of the Hohetnakers' association with sweetnieuts. Ice cream anti soft drinks. Necessar­ the stabilization of the whole econ­ “The NRA accomplished some most laudable results. est school. The number of students enrolled omy of the area on a sound basis. ily our atoek and service must be the beat. The abolishment of child labor and the elimination of TAX EQUALIZATION IS 'On the lower ranges feed Is sweatshops should have the approval of every real Amer­ in lower division work or fresh­ Fggliuaiiu h candy It- known far und wide for Its UNDERTAKEN IN CITY ican. But the bureaucracy that developed and the fact that man and sophomore yei-rs without ready for stock to be turned In by goodness Whether It Is a treat for yomself or a friend big business could squeeze out the little fellow, and, remem­ choosing their major also showed a .May 1 or earlier and should carry J. E. Bunuell, representative of it always gives satisfaction through the summer. The most ber, the costs were unduly increased, made the NRA hinder substantial increase. ih e State Tax Commission at critical period. If any. will be dur­ rather than help recovery.’’ Salem, was in Springfield Monday ing August It ts the opinion of and Tuesday lnepe«-tlng all bust MEDICAL TECHNICIAN local residents that such plauta as •Bmi "Whorv the Hnrvlca Is Dlffnrant'" EXAMINATIONS SET¡ pea-vine flreweed gnd browse will ness property and real estate lots I In the residential district with INVENTORS’ LUCK? I hold over to provide sufficient feed view to equalising I be tax on simi­ The United State Civil Service The most profitable inventions for the inventor have Commission has announced opeD for August and September. Further lar buildings and property. been for articles which meet a present need and which the competitive examinations for the information is needed on this point, There has been a wide variation consumer must purchase over and over again, like saiet> positions of senior medical technl however, and an effort will be In the tax valuation of Irnllar razor blades or safety pins, according to the Inventors clan. $2.000 a year, a medical tech­ made to check on these facts dur­ units of property In this city and ing the present season." Foundation of New York. protesls of taxpayers resulted In nician $1.620 a year the survey. in contrast to the great basic inventions such as the Optional subjects are (1) Bacter­ Mr. Bunnell made a record of the airplane, telephone and automobile, which have rarely iology. (2) Roentgenology, and (J) LIST PRIZE WINNERS Food, however inexpettslve 11 may be. should always IN ESSAY CONTEST location, size, condition of brough great fortunes to their inventors, simple, everyday Bacteriology and Roentgenology each bit of property in the bu> Inees articles have earned millions of dollars. The collar button combined. Tie fresh and kept fresh. Don't lake chances on your Winners In the "Spanish Ameri­ district while here He was accom with a turn-down clip has eaerned $3,000,000; the peg golt Certain experience Is required. panted by Nate Rowe, local real can War” essay contest sponsored tee, $2,000 000; the metal cap for beverage bottles earns food spoiling on the possibility of someone In your Full Information may be obtained estate dealer. In his survey. $1,000,000 a year.—Nation .s Business. from the secretary of the United by General Lawton auxiliary have family becoming seriously III. Use Ice' Its lnex|»en- State Civil Service hoard of e xam- been announced as follows by Visit I" Seattle— Mr and Mrs slve health insurance, and will save yon milch In the iners at the past office In Eugene. Mrs Lena 9 Veatch, chairman Helen Michael, route 2. Eugene, Leland Cray went to Seattle where Next Monday is school election. Get out and vote, it cost of food throiigli iln- long siininier months. Simply 1st prize $500; Lauta Wallace, Mrs. Cray wlll visit with his par iB your responsibility of citizenship and a duty you owe to CITY PUTS INSURANCE ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Cray, while Crow Stage. 2nd prlxe. $3.00; and those who give freely of their time toward managing; your call 7. Deliveries made promptly. ON EQUIPMENT HERE ¡Verle Clark, route 2. Eugene 3rd Mr Cray attends National Guard schools. encampment. prize. $1.00. All operating equipment of the city such as the trucks, fire truck Hsrc trom Msrcols— Mrs. Leon Salem transit camp boasts a 545 pound boarder. Seems and hose cart are now protected by WM. POLLARD FINISHES ard Boggs of Marcela » » “ » visitor like Uncle Sam will have to enlarge his accommodations if Insurance according to Chester Al­ COURSES IN MEDICINE in Springfield Frlday. the boys of the road are going to grow so large on his ime drich, city recorder. The equipment ■ -«er '« i r* William Pollard, son of Dr. and bill of fare. is Insured for a maximum of $10,- Mrs. W. H Poilard. Is a member 000 public liability, or $5,000 prop­ erty damage on each unit In any of the graduating class of the Uni­ Sell, serve and satisfy should be written on the walls one accident regardless of who the versity of Oregon medical school operator may be at the time of the at Portland which will be given of every one of our stores. their diplomas at the commence­ ----------«---------- accident The city has now rented trucks ment exercises Monday. He has al­ Trying to equal or improve on the other merchants’ to the school district for the SERA ready taken his Basic Science ex­ serviie is better than envying them. amination, and will take the state project work. medical board examination within Returns to Coast—M. B. Huntly the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs The best measure of big men is whether they abuse returned to Yachats Friday after Pollard are visiting at the home of .■ spending a week at his home here, his parents here thi t week. their power. U. K MAXEY, Editor CANDY - that’s fresh and pure. F G G IM A N N ’S Fresh Food Springfield Creamery Co. SAFETY/ If it is not in the interest of the public then it should not be in the interest of business. Killing time is murdering opportunity. Lessons from The cBook By DEAN C. POINDEXTER Paator of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Oregon “THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN” In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus has laid down the fundamental laws of the Kingdom of God or Life. «Now he sayB that everything depends upon how you obey these laws. The illustration of the two builders is excellent. He says that everyone who hears these laws of life will be like one of two men who secured building sights on the river flats. Architect’s plans called for good concrete foundations to secure the house in case of flood. The first man followed his Instructions exactly. He dug deep and built well. The other saw no danger In the little stream so he built in the light of his own calculations. He saved time and money and seemed to prosper above his neighbor. For a time all went well. Then one spring, when the mountains were full of snow, there came a quick thaw with a heavy rain. “The water came down, the river came up and the March wind blew.” The careless builder was lost and the house was a total wreck. The storms will coine to everyone. Some will be able to meet them and eveu use them to the strengthening of character, while others will be completely overwhelmed. Jesus* laws of life were weli tested by himself. you to them Is it somebody's anniversary? I can take your cheerful greeting straight to them. Are congrat­ ulations due to someone? Why not extend them now, instantly, while you're thinking about it? D o you want to plan a holiday? D o you want to get in touch with friends who have moved to another city? I can help you. I am "Long Distance.” It gives me genuine pleasure to bring folks together and to be o f personal service. thb P acific telbphonb and tblbgraph company 12« - 4th fttrsst T a la n h ú n a 72 1935 V-8 is the safest l ord car ever built. Safety glass is standard all around in every model, al no tx ira coil. Ford bodies are all-steel, welded. The Ford double channel X-typc frame is low, rigid, strong. The new Ford brakes have greater surface per pound o f car weight than any other car under $1095. And the Ford brake requires 1/3 less foot pressure this year. Big 6xl6-inch Air-balloon tires, Ford transverse springs, and Torque-tube Drive also guard your safety. They make for firm road- grip on turns or joggly roads. T he And the responsive Ford V-8 engine, with its »5 horsepower, holds large reserves of power to draw you quickly away from possible dangers. This 1935 Ford V-8 accents comfort, beauty, and thrift, too. You are near a Ford dealer—go see him today. Get into this Ford V-d. See for yourself how mudi tliis car gives you. A U T H O R IZ E D FO RD DEALERS FORD V-8 '495 AND VP, F. 0. B. D BTKOIT Su------- » a tu trt tnup turhu/Ul h-^ptri tnJ atrv M M . f ia s urun it-io««* (.nJU Ca, AmhorluJ FtrJ rh u » n P l~