THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO. 21 HKKINOPIKLD. I«ANK COUNTY. OKKOON, TIIUKHDAY, JUNE 13, 1935 THIKTY-HFXXJND YKAK COUNCIL TALKS Consider School GOARO MEMBERS Electric Rates DDCIORS ID MAKE Wafer Supply In City bound Pure Bond Refunding to r City Talked — 11 SUMMER CAMP OFFICE CG D ill PROBLEMS FOR PLAYGROUND H. Pet. E ~ te Wells Tested Weekly By O. S. Substantial Saving On High Power Company Does Not C. and By Statu Health School Bond« Believed Concede This Is COmpeti- Dr. Walker Completes Deal Committee Ex pacts To Opon Troops Lsava Tuesday For » Become« Auditor; Board Each Month petititve Field For Power Possible Now Summer Recreation Pro­ Two Weeks Training Per­ Taking Over Equipment Of Seek Water Main ject Here Juno 24 The Late Dr. Rebhan iod At Camp Murray To Kelly Blvd. Springfield's water supply la pure The Hprlngfleld school board Is lo w e r electric rates for Spring- PARK WORK GETS O. K. Authorize Investigation Of Street Grader and Trac­ tor Replacement considering refunding the *38,600 unpaid bonds on the high school building, director» announced this week The bonds draw 6 ‘zk per cent Interest und are at present being paid off *4.600 a year. The bonds are serial and callable on an Interest bearing date which Is July I and January 1. The coun­ ty treusuter has already sent the July 1 Interest payment to New York so If the bonds are refunded they will be taken up next January From talking to bond buyers It la believed that a refunding Issue on the high school can be sold at 4 l>er coat or less Thia would, mean a saving of nearly *600 a year The district still ow«< *7,600 bonds on the Brattaln school that druw 6% per rent und are being laid ut the rate of »1,000 a year These bonds can nut be called un le-s consent of the holders Is ob tallied H. J. Cos, ot Eugene whu « ■ • formerly ■ Hprlngflslil councilman, win. appointed rlly audltolr to take the place of <» V. Breea«, resigned. a| the Monday eveulng meeting of the rouneil. Mr llreeae’a busineaa takes him out of the state and he will not he able to fill the position However, he export« to continue to help the city with Its refinanc­ ing which he has been working on for the last month. Home of the bond holders whom the city wishes to secure consent from to take re- fuud bonds at lower Interest live near where Mr Breese's business Is located. Mr. Cog was councilman and chairman of the fluauce commit­ There Is also *11,000 bonds owed tee In Springfield when the pres­ on the Lincoln arhool which no ent system of monthly auditing was liayments are being made on at started He will draw 310 a month present They draw 4Mt per cent for his services und have once bean refunded Fire Chief to Corvallle The council voted to send Hugh Jolllff Io Corvallis for fhe fire chief convention held under the direction of the state Insurance commls a s loner Residents on Kelly boulevard petitioned the council for an ex ' teuslou of the wafer mains two blacks to serve their property The Harrisburg Young Folk Ex­ petition was referred Io the fire plain Club Organization at and water committee and the Masting Hera Monday Mountain States Power company. LODGE PLANS FOR The council authorised Earl Thompson, chairman of the street committee, to Investigate the pur­ chase of a new city grader and tractor The old machine Is com­ pletely WOW oul It Is reported aud the city Is forced to replace It or else the streets which are now In fine shape will not be kept up. Extension Perm itted I, . K Page was given a permit to rxlend the new building of the) Adams Fned store toward the alley to provide more storage space Council decided to go ahead with the Improvement uf the lot at Fourth and A street for a park. This property Improvement was ouly partly completed with HERA labor Grass seed for the lot has been donated by Adams Feed store and paint for the fonce by Wright and Hons Make Light and Power Report The city attorney and light com­ mittee reported to the council the results of their conference with the public utilities commissioner and the public hearing In Albany la re­ gard Io power rales The decision o f the commissioner on rates will be handed down within the nest three months according to Informa­ tion given the council committee at the hearing. Monday night will be fun night ut Juanita Rebekah lodge and the program w ill be open to the public. It will not be free, however, mem tiers of the committee declaring that It Is Io le- a "Pay Affair." Io charge for the evenlug will be Joyce Owens. Surah Johns, Mary Ann Louk, Lillian Black and Clara Taylor. Forty young people above the ugu of 12 attended the second chil­ dren's party given by the local lodge members Monday uf this week. The Theta Roe club girls of Harrisburg, accompanied by their leaders. Mr Grace Kiser and Miss Nona Hoyle were special guests. The work of the organisation which Is sponsored by Rebekah lodges, but which does not require lodge membership, was explained and plaus are being considered for forming a similar group In Spring- field. During the evening Headings were presented by Mrs Cora H in­ son. Mrs. Lily Kiser and W illiam Strunk. Miss Ethel Murphy uf Harrisburg presented a piano solo, and Leet Putman and Alice Doane demonstrated a cake walk. A wal­ nut nut bowl was presented during the evening to Miss Hoyte In re­ cognition of having won first place In the publicity contest In the dis- i rlct. Bills Approved Bills ordered paid at the May meeting of the Council were as follows: Payroll BS21.11 Frank Fisher .............. 23.60 James J. King ......80 00 Cash 4 05 A street Service Htatlon »6.60 Springfield Cabinet Shop 1.10 Hcotts Drug Store ........... 1.16 Summer Institute Fund To Benefit From Proceeds Pac. Tel. and Telg. Co..... 1.86 Mt. States Power Co.......... 286.14 Of Church Affair Zellerbach Paper Co.......... 7.60 Young people of the Methodist C. Meochem ...................... 8.00 Mrs. Elisa Wlnsenreld 20.00 church will hold a benefit Carnival James King 6.60 at the church Friday evening. Pro­ W right and Sons 30 *0 ceeds will go into a fund for the Ford-Nelson M ill Co.......... 1.04 High School Epworth League Sum­ Ind. Acc. Ins. Comp........ 6.01 mer Institute at Suttle lake. The Lloyd Townsend 23.76 Institute w ill be held In July. The carnival opens at 7:80 with H. II. Lawson 2.00 Fred Hinson 2.00 tho presentation of a thrce-act play, W. L. Rouse 6.00 "The L ittle Clod Hopper” which Western Union Telg. Co. 6.04 will be presented by the Wesleyan Creasy's Book M ore 1.70 l^wegue. An admission of 6 and Cora E. H ill ....................... 1.60 10 cents will be charged. Following the play fortune tel) W illam ette Press 17.0# New Home Laundry 1.80 ing. fish ponds, a walnut tree, and Eugene Printing Co....... .76 a aide show featuring "Bug Bye”, Mrs L M Ball 1360 the only eagle In captivity, w ill be Cottage Grove Sentinel IN.20 enjoyed Ire cream, cake, pie and Carl Olson, B. P. Agent .86 popcorn will be sold at booths. General Petroleum Corp 36.70 McMorran A Washburne 20.87 THREE MEN ARE FINED George Prochnow 10.70 FOR ILLEGAL HUNTING Home Restaurant 1.20 Revert Jacobson 106.76 Glarence Prlcketi and Thomas Roscoe Perkins 33.00 Laffoon, Wendllng and Clyde La- (Airport Fund) ffoon. Marcola, were each fluswl M.E. YOUNG FOLKS PLANJONIVAL GUESTS ENTERTAINED AT DINNER ON SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson outertalued with dinner at their home Sunday for a number of visit- o il. Included among their guest« were Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Darling and daughter, Alice, of Indapend ence, M r. and Mrs. Harry M ills <* Salem, and Mr. sod Mre. Moy C Meade and Mm. Setts Mends ot Two weeks of strenuous army life for the personnel of Headquar­ ters Company 162nd Infantry, Oregon National Guurd, began at Camp Murray near Tacoma Tues­ day. The local company entrained early Tuesduy morning and were Joined by otber units In Eugene aud elsewhere as the «pedal troop train moved to the north. They will return to Hprlngfleld on the after- non of June 26, spending two weeks at the camp. About 666u troops are being as­ sembled at Camp Murray In the largest mobilization of guardsmen since the world war days. Members of the Springfield con llgent are us follows: First lieutenant, Chas A. 8 warts. Second lieutenant. W alter N. Gossler. Staff sergeant. Nell Ulllons. Sergeants, W illiam Cox, Lloyd Muttlaon. Freeman Hqulre«. and Ivan Starmer Corporals, Everett Squires, Joe Gerber. Iceland Cray. Jack W il­ liams. Privates of the first class, Bruce Squires. Arlan Schantol. Privates. Donald Hawke, loroy Iniuun, Robert Richardson, Doc Taylor, W aller Scbull, Dalton Thurman WEDDING EVENT TO BEHELD SOON and safe for all purposes according to all analysis of the local water. SEEK SCHOOL PLAYSITE The water supply Is checked at Dr. Jones Purchases New least ¿me every week now and Booth-Kelly Offer« Donation flees of E. It. Bryson, power com­ the teats have always shown a Of Lumber; Plan Drive For Equipment And Plans To pany attotm ey. In Eugene No defl- complete absence of colon bacil- i l l s answer to Springfield's request, Remain In This C'ty Supervision Funds lus, the dangerous microbes In for lower rates will be given’ Auriounceuit nt was made this aster supplies according to reports Hprlngfleld children will have a Springfield until after the findings are made by the Public Utilities morning by Dr. Milton V. W alker from Oregon Slate college and the fully equipped aud supervised play­ ground for their use this summer commissioner which Is expected that be has purchased the prac­ State Health Board, Samples of the city water la sent when plans set up by the Spring- within two months city officials tice. Instruments and e /U'pment ot the late Dr. W C. Rebhan from the to O. S C. every week for testing, field Playground Association Tues­ were told The city's argument that Spring- estate and that the equipment and and In addition, representatives of day evening are carried oct. The field »bould enjoy a lower rate limtruinents will be moved U» his the state health board vlalt the playground will be opened on Mon­ day, June 24, if preliminary work than other ottles on the system offices during the coming week­ plant unannounced each month and can be completed by that time, and end. teat the water themselves. because of a favorable location In Dr Walker also announced that Reports on samples sent In dur­ It will be operated for 16 or 11 a competitive field was rejected by the power company The company be has closed a lease whereby he ing the past several months show week* depending on the time set points to Its heavy tax payments will take over the entire second only a very few harmless bacteria for school opening. field were discussed Tuesday at a conference bet wen Springfield aod i Mountain States officials In the of-1 In Hprlngfleld as argument why no favored rates should be granted In Springfield, according to City Attorney King. Miss Jacobson attended the U ni­ versity of Oregon and was recently elected president of the Eugene Chapter of Business and Profes­ sional Women Mr. W right has spent much of his life In Springfield having at­ tended schools here and in Canada. Both are active In the work of the Obsidians SERA CURTAILMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE HERE The SERA announcement that work would be discontinued on rural projects Is not effective In Springfield. Towns ot 1360 popu­ lation or larger are classed as ur- iian. R. H. Townsend ot the Eu­ gene SERA office told local people Tuesday evening. KENSINGTON CLUB TO HOLD FINAL SESSION Members of the Kensington club will meet at the home of Mrs. M il­ ton V. W alker Friday affernoon at 2 o'clock for their final meet­ ing of the season. Mrs. Paul Baa- ford will be the assisting hostess. The club will not meet again until fall. SPRINGFIELD QUARTET AT DALLAS CHURCH LEASED floor of the former Rebhan offices in the water. excepting only tne offices of Dr. Investigation of the condition of W. N. Dow. The lease becomes el- city water here was made after lectlve November 1. rumors had been circulated that Dr. Melville 8 Jones, on his re­ the water was of doubtful quality. turn last night from Portland, an­ nounced that be had completed the purchase of an entire new set of equipment for his offices and that he definitely Intended to remain io business In this city. TOWN BALL IEAM MEET MARCOLA MARRIAGE TOLD Coming as a surprise to their many friends In this city was the marrluge in Vancouver. Washing­ ton last Saturday morning of Miss June Jeanette Dauks to Harry The marriage of Miss Anu Wilson. Mildred Jacobson, daughter of Mr. The couple returned Sunday and and Mrs. Oscar Jacobson of Eu­ have established Ihetr borne at 174 gene. Io Harry W right, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. <’ . W right of Spring- North Washluhtou street in Eu field will be solemnised here Sat­ gene where Mr. Wilson Is em­ ployed. urday at the hour of 4 o'clock. The bride Is the daughter of L. The ceremony will be read by A r­ thur B Johns, presldeut of the K Dauks. Sbe attested school at Church ot Jesus Christ of le tte r Mt. Angel and then graduated from Day Saini«, at the home which the Hprlngfleld high school in 1832 Following the wedding ceremony und a short reception the couple will leave on a trip to British Col­ umbia to visit Mr W right's child hood home. They w ill be at home here after July 1. ALSO Present at the conference were Zed M errill, general manager of the Mountain States Power company, and his assistant. W alter Hypes, awl local manager W. K Barnell. The city was represented by City Attorney King, Mayor E. H. Tur, ner, and Councllmen Phil Bartholo­ Dr. Jones brought some of his mew and Earl Thompson. uew equipment down with him und will have the rest of It here by the eud of the week. He w ill re­ K. C. Provide Unexpected Op­ main in his present location until position Sunday; Team his lease explrea In November or Standings Are Given until suitable quarters for new of­ fices In a ground floor location are (By C. E. Wheaton) completed, he declared Ibis morn Baseball fans who stayed away ing. from Brattaln field Sunday after­ noon figuring the Caseys a set-up Local Couple Drive To Van­ for our team, missed a finish, the like of which has not been staged couver, Wn. For Ceremony here this year. Over Past Week-end Jacobson-Wright Nuptials To Be Saturday Event At Their Home Here couple will occupy at 656 "D " street Hoses, sweet peas aud other spring flower will be used to de­ corate the rooms. Only Immediate fam ily members w ill be present aud the couple will have no at­ tendants. BUILDING NSRRARGE MEN TO SDRVET CUT ------------ Methods Of Reducing Fire Hazards and Rates To Be Outlined By Company The K. C. team has yet to win its firs! league -game and bare been knocked around by all (earns, but Sunday they had on their fight- I ing clothes .n d turned what Beem- like a £lire defeat into a tw elve Members of the association ex­ pect to use the Brattaln sahooi grounds and playshed. Members of the school board have Indicated their willingness to cooperate In this and they w ill make a final dectalon Monday night when they meet at 7:30 to canvass the tion returns. New Officers Elected Severt Jacobson wae chairman of the Playground Aeeo- ciatlon succeeding Mrs. R. E. Daw­ son, resigned. P. J. Bartholomew was chosen assistant chairman. Mrs. Olive Rebban was n a m ed chairman of the recreation council with Mrs W illis Bertseh and Mrs. Milton V. W alker as other mem­ bers. The Council will be directly in charge of the playground and will have responsibility for most uf the preliminary work. Can Use SERA Labor It was announced at the meeting that the Booth-Kelly Lumber pany had offered to donate sary lumber for apparatus and equipment. SERA labor Is avail­ able for construction work nnd funds for the salary of the super­ visor, equipment, and other Inci­ dentals wUl be raised by popular bUbaci-ipGon. Additional supervis­ ors needed for the work will be furnished and paid for by HERA. inning gum» before Springfield was able to put across the whining run. Maxwell for the visitors, pitched A careful survey of all business a strong, heady game, and his team property aud scbool buildings in males gave him fine support, lim it­ Morning and afternoon hours for Springfield to determine ways and ing the Springfield team to 10 means by which the insurance hits, and it was not until the last the playground work were discuss­ rates on individual buildings or inning that Springfield could bunch ed aod although final decision on this was withheld it was indicated properties might be lowered and nils thst would produce runs that the afternoon and early even­ accidents avoided was started in Trouble Starts in Eighth ing hours were preferable. Springfield Wednesday by the Gen­ Towne started on the mound for .Mr Wilson Is the son of Mrs. and Second Meeting Called eral Insurance Company of Amer­ Springfield, pitching a good game Mrs. Charles Wilson. He also at­ A second meeting of the associa­ ica. O. M. Thurber. manager of the until he retired In the eighth Inn­ tended high school here public relations department of the ing with Springfield on the long tion will be held at the city hall company, I.-: in charge of the work end of a 6-3 count. At that point next Tuesday evening when re­ here aud is being assisted by K. manager Davis sent in his young ports of the committee w ill be K. Laugabeer, J. G. Price, and R. southpaw. Russell, who got by heard. It is expected that the city’s M. Cole. uicely in the eighth, but opened the share of the expense w ill be raised The survey is part of a larger ninth by giving two hits and two or pledged by that time. Mrs. Leota Rodenhough, who la survey which is being made over | erors, tying the score, outlining playground activities, has the entire Pacific Northwest T h e , He was replaced by Mattison, listed as some of the games sad crew here came from Cottage pete Taylor going In at short, and sports which she hopes to include Grove and will go Into Eugene Eugene was held for no more runs, Family Reunion Held Sunday this summer the following: Sand after they complete their work here , in the twelfth Libby hit a single On Ninety-First Anniver­ lots, giant and small checker­ which they expect will require into left field. Pete Taylor struck boards. ping pong. Jacks, bean bags, sary Near Thurston about one week. out, then Dick W right made a tennis, baseball, volley ball, swings, Frank Merwell finish by driving a In making these surveys the men Patrick Conley, better known to rings, croquet, and handicraft pro­ two sack hit Into renter, scoring his many friends here as "Grand­ point out possible changes which jects. Libby and winning the game 6.6. pa Conley” observed his ninety-) If carried out would reduce their SERA Man Approves Players at Guare Camp first o r ninety second b irthd ay.; fire Insurance rating. The schools R. H. Townsend, representative Next Sunday we meet Marcola at the Isn’t sure which) at a family will be carefully studied with a of the SERA office In Eugene was Marcóla, and the following week reunion held at the Conley Blos­ view to eliminating hazards. present and outlined the coopera­ som farm Sunday. Grandpa Conley ' After the work has been com­ we are at Swimmer's Delight meet- tion which can be obtained from our old friends. Hills Creek, lost both of his parents when he pleted in the clty a ^ s t of , recom , Ing the government for the project The of four Qf was a small child In Ireland, and mendations will be made and the He expressed approval ot the pro­ present records seem to be some­ men will meet with the City Coun­ players at National Guard camp ject as organised here and indi­ during the next weeks will be felt what uncertain. cated that necessary assistance cil in special session next week by the local team. Coming to this country from Ire­ according to Seven would be forthcoming from the Jacobson,; Team standings as prepared by government. land when a young man, Mr. Con­ local agent for the company Joe Gerber, business manager, are ley went first to Canada and then to Iowa, finally coming to Oregon as follows: PLAYGROUND GROUP NEW OWNERS TAKE Pet. W In 1881. ASKS FOR SUPPORT 1.060 Springfield ____ Mr. Conley and his fam ily lived GROCERY STORE HERE .833 Hills Creek at Thurston for many years on J. Bednoschek and Donald W hite .600 City Zoned Off A t Meeting Y e « Cottage Grove ........... 3 what Is now the Ruth farm. After tsrday And Worker» For .338 retlrlug from the farm be moved took over Toomb's grocery store ou Marcola .................... 2 Drive Are Announced .300 to Hprlngfleld and then back on north Fifth street Monday from Yoncalla Members of the Springfield Play­ .000 K of C. the McKenxIe. He now lives In Mr. and Mrs. Donald Toonib. The ground Council went to work Im­ name of the store bas been changed Eugene. mediately following their organisa­ He Is In good health and Is very to the "B. and W ." store a.«l is to SCHOOL ELECTION TO tion Tuesday evening and follow­ active for one of his advanced be affiliated with the Independent BE HELD ON MONDAY ing a meeting held Wednesday Moderniza­ years. He has always been Inter­ Grocers Association. afternoon made the following an­ tion work Is planned. ested In community affairs. Annual election of one director Mr. and Mrs. Bednoschek and and one clerk for Springfield school nouncement. Amoug those present for the re­ A canvass for funds to provide union gathering 8unday were Mr. family are already here, coming district number 18 will be held at a qualified supervisor for a chU- and Mrs. Silas Gay and daughters, from Medical Lake. Washington. the Library Monday between the dren’s playground w ill be under­ Lois and Bernice, of Silverton; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W hite of Vay, Idaho, hours of 2 and 7 p. m. E. C. Stuart taken during this week. Ultliens nnd Mrs. C. V. Conley and two are expected here soon. and Severt Jacobson are candidates are urged to contribute aa liberal­ Mr. and Mrs. Toomb have no Im­ daughters. Kathleen and Carolyn, for re-election as director and clerk ly as possible In order to provide Patrick Conley, Mr. Lane, and John mediate plans for the future. respectively. Mrs. Mabel Tyson Is the children and youth of Spring- Conley, all of Eugene; Mr. and a candidate for the office of dis­ field with adesunte playground Mrs. E. D. Conley and sous. Ernest. STEVENS REPRESENTS trict clerk. These are the only can­ facilities for the summer. The suc­ Earl and Billy, of the Mohawk dis­ DISTRICT ON BOARD didates for whom petitions have cess of thia project depende on the trict; Mrs. Summerville and Harve been filed. support of every family. Conley of Cedar Flat district. Welby Stevens has been ap The campaign committee In­ pointed a member of the Lane coun­ DR'LL TEAM MEETING cludes Mrs. M. V. W alker, Mrs. DELEGATES ATTEND ty planning committee by Gover­ CALLED FOR FRIDAY Olive Rebhan. and Mra. WUIta nor M artin to represent the Spring- Bertseh. Leaders of the gronpe to O. E. S. GRAND CHAPTER field district The district was Regular monthly meeting and canvass the city by sones on F ri­ Mrs. Pratt Holverson and Miss without representation on the com­ practice for the members of Pro­ day and Saturday, June 1* and 16 Edna Platt are In Portland this mittee under the original set-up. gressive 22 degree team will be are Mrs. John Handerer, Mra. W. GRANDPA CONLEÏ El The Murphy-Moahler quartet went to Dallas Sunday evening to present s concert of sacred music at the First Christian church. In addition to the quartet numbers 360 In Juntlce of the Peace, C. E. they sang duet and trio nunnier«. Wheaton's court here Saturday Members of the group are Mr. aud when they plead guilty to hunting Mr». D. B. Murphy and Mr. and week attending the annual meeting deer out of season und without M th . Roland K Moahler of the Order of Eastern »tar grand license, "ho trio were arrested on Drive to Coast— Miss Clara Jon«H chapter. Sessions began Mouday Mill creek alaive Wefldllng by a accompanied by Mias Altle Man­ and will continue through today elute gunie officer. Tholr guns and equipment was ning. Miss Beulah Thurman, and The two are representing Cascade returned to them and the fines Mrs. Harris Hurd drove to the chapter ot Springfield. suspended on condition that they Christian Endeavor camp site near Miss Visit at Grants Pasa— Mr. and pay court costs and buy hunting Florence Saturday evening. licences. Future offenses will be Jones and Mrs. Hurd returned Sun­ Mrs. Al Peterson spent the week­ dealt with more harshly says day, the other two remaining over end at Grants Pass visiting with for the week's camp period. Wheaton. friend« at their former » held Friday night at the 1. O. O. F. C. W right. Mr«. Henry Fandretn. hall Members of the social com- Mrs. Riley Snodgraac, Mrs. Item inlttee for the meetltng are Zella noth Tobias. Mra. Ren Holllatar. Cantrell, Irma Nolt, Edna Swarts, Mrs. Cheater Aldrich. Mr«. WUlte E. W. Parish was fined 32 In and Mary Ann Louk. Bertseh, M r*. Wm. Culver and Mra. police court here Friday by Ches­ W. Robinson. They will be assisted Toneila Taken— Bobby Paddock by others. ter Aldrich, city recorder, on a reckless driving charge. He was son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Paddock arrested by Police Officer Cowart underwent a tonsil operation Mon Fish Sunday—H. Hchaftenberg who charged fast driving on Main day at the office of a local pbyal and Floyd H llllke r spent street. Iftahteg on Fall Ckeafe. FAST DRIVING COSTS MAN FINE ON FRIDAY