th » PAOK FOUR SIFEUl'lBOSFOR WATER OUTLIHEO Necessity For Safeguarding Water Supply Told By State Health Board What constitutes safe drinking water and methods of obtaining It arc told this week by the Oregon State Board of Health The board's statement follows In rural communities each owner must assume responsibility for the quantity and quality of water re­ quired tor his owu household • • a vital matter If good health and hap­ piness are to prevail in the home. In the cities this responsibility is in the hands of the city of­ ficials, who see to it that the sour­ ces of supplies are safely located with respect to contaminating agencies, and that the water is properly treated to insure safety before it is delivered to the con- turner To be satisfactory for domestic purposes, water should be pleasant to taste, free from disagreeable odors and Incapable of causing dis comfort or disease. The Oregou State Board of Health has made an extensive study of waler supplies. As a result it has found that safety demands certain principles be ob­ served in locating, developing and maintaining these supplies. tn the waler thet ehould net he there To have a safe w ster tt la necee- »ary that the source o i »upply be located at a safe distance from all sources of pollution such as leach V is ito r from O rsin — Mr. and Ing cesspools, leahv sew ers and Mrs Harold l-aswell of Drain were types of sewage treatment devices to spend ihe week here. which permit sewage leaechlug In­ u the — _______________ Tonsils Out— Gladys W allace of to soil. The construction of such "devices should be such that Jasper underwent an operation for tt will preveut entrance Into the removal of tonsils at Ihe office of water supp.y of drippings from the a local physician Monday, pump, surface wash, water from R, mov, Tonsil»— Arthur Browu shallow depths or other for'‘i8,‘ 1 anderweui au operation tor tonsil» matter The surface of the ground offk.e of # must be kept free of polluting j physician. water Home from Yachat»— Mrs M. B If these precautions are taken lluntly drove to Yachats Friday to protect a safe waler, it will con­ bringiug Mr Huntly hack with her tinue to be satisfactory ao long as to spend ihe week-eud here the soil In the vicinity is free of T . on sils Out— The contaminating matter. A hacterl- eseaa.ww., - - --- small son of ological examination of a sample Mr. Mrs. Staulford ou Fast of water when made hy a qualified Main street underwent au opera- bacteriologist Is important, bat, 1 1 ion for removal of hts toualla Sat- contrary to the opinion of many . unlay people li is not the tlraL step to be taken to determine the safety ol 1 a water eupplv Thee proper pro collector “ th*‘ ,Utern* ‘ * nue department, was a bualuess .'aid nr« 1« firat to m ake a careful * cedure ts firs visitor In Springfield _ Tuesday Mr ■urvAY of the sanitary condition# survey ot m e sauicarj rurslev works out of Eugene in the vicinity of the supply. not-| ing the character and location of Former Reaidant Mere— Mr and any aud all matter that may be a Mrs John Ketels of Portland were source oí pollution. here over the week-eud visiting at Ihe home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Ketels, Sr. Advise Testing pf Springs It Is, therefore, advisable never to accept a spring or well i source of supply until its sanitary quality has been determined by bac­ teriological examination. Taste, color and odor have all proven to be deceptive teste. They should never be accepted as final. For in­ stance a clear sparkling water may be grossly polluted and be posi­ tively dangerous to drink, while another, highly colored, may con­ tain substances that have no hy- genic significance. The same may be said of odors; both odor and color, hovfever, like unusual flav­ ors, generally Indicate pollution. That Is to say there Is something CLOVER’S Beauty Shop 343 - 5th St TH U R SD A Y, JUNB G, 1»»C nhwb Greater Lamber Outlook Is Seen TOWN AND VICINITY The purity of water has always been a subject of importance and every year it receives more at tention from the general public as knowledge of the danger of con­ tamination is more and more real­ ised. Water is capable of dissolv­ ing and absorbing many gases, liq ulds and solids. This water may absorb or dissolve certain substan ces found in air, on the surface of the ground, or in ihe sail, and be often rendered unfit for domestic purposes. TRY sm iN om iL D Down from » r U g e - F r e d SAFETY PROVISIONS ARE O A TH ER IN O FACTS ABOUT RURAL POWER E FFEC TIVE ON JUNE 12 Changes In M otor Laws O utlined By Secretary Of State; In t ff e c t Wednesday |ncr. M . In 1935 Con- H a rris Rapid accumulalloti of facte oon tin June 12, several n»w regula­ ceru ln . rural elw trlfleatlon lu Dra­ tions of the motor vehicle laws will gon is lu progress •« i “»1 »»«• »*“«•' become vffectltve, a« enacted by T akin g Vacation— Verne Daniels the 1946 legislature One of the will b« prepared to r»c«lv» full and family are spending Ihe week Revised reports for 10.44, accord­ moat Important of Ihe new laws benefit (rout the adiulnlalrallon in Southern Oregon on a vacation, ing to the Timber Conservation program lu thia (laid, according to Johu l.orah Is managing Mr. Dan­ Board at Washington. D. C„ place Is thul known as the motor vehicle reporla made at the annual iue»t- safely responsibility act. a form of iel's business while he Is away lumber consumption at 15.407,000, .......................... new to the peo tug o< th« Oregou Commlllee ou 000 feel, aud anticipated consuinp Sunday at Monros— Mr and Mrs. pie of Oregon allhough now lu e f­ Electricity In Agriculture held at tlon during Ihe first half of 1936 at H K. Gerber spent Bunday visiting fect in more than 28 states, reports tnegon State college 8.388.000.000 feel "If this Is »us E'xleualvi- detailed eurveye of 16 with relatives at Monroe Miss Secretary of State Karl Snell. talned, Ihe year will see an Increase Jessie Squires returned with them In operation this law Is designed touullea have alreeady been made of from 10 lo 15 per cent over 1934 to promote safety ou the streets aa ou SERA project under the for a short vlell ! This presuppo^s a moderate con- and highways by eliminating th ere works dlvlslou aud supervlaed by Returns to Work— Miss Leta [ (laulng Increase in residential con- from any driver ogalust whom F. K. I’rlce. agricultural euglneer Squire« left Friday for Son Fran »tructlou throughout the year and them atanda au unsallarivd final of (lie agricultural experlineut sta cisco where she Is employed after the CCC camp bulldlug plauued for Judgment fur damage tu property Hull lu atldlilon lo iheae are com spending a week here visiting with I this spring aud summer In su amount eaceedlng 8188.80 or prebeuslve surveya made hy Ihe her parent.. u„ . (or Ihe death or bodily Injury tu rural dlvlaloiia of the private power Birthday Dinner— Mrs. W H. been reasonably stable lu eplte of auy persuu resulting from the oper cumpaulea. Ail lacia are belug assembled Bollard entertained at the I’>4 lard the suspension before the first of atlou of auy motor vehicle ou a home with a birthday dlnuer W’ed , hi , yMr of minimum prices uuder highway until such Judgtueut la aud coordinated by Ihe office of Ihe ueoday uoou in honor of Dr. Poll- (he lumber code; In orders they satisfied sod proof Is rurultbed of public service commissioner, as di ard Mr aud Mrs. Carl Steeu of have declined materially Tbs aver­ ability to respond to damages lo reeled recently hy Governor t'has II Marllu. age price received by West Coast the future, Eugene were additional guests National Average le Low lumber manufacturers dropped Likewise, the driver who baa Sieter Vierte— Mias Verna V a n e * from 817 80 per M feet tu the first Oregou faces a som ewhat differ lieeu convicted of auy violation rc ». U v .. |o |# ||w qulrtug mandatory revocation of eut problem from that of moat left Saturday for Vancouver. B. after speodlug several day. h e r . second half of 1934, aud to 816 815 38 30 hie operator's or chauffeur's lie stales. It was brought out »1 ihe s i lire home of her brother. Dr e lite la uot again permitted to ineeltiig. aa lu many western Or» lu February. 1936 Milton V. Walker. She will go on drive uutll he baa furnished proof gou counties from 68 lo 76 per cent A recommendation that the West lo her borne at London, Ontario, of financial responsibility aud Ills of the (arms already have access to Coast lumber luduetry and the eev license has been regularly restored power lluee The average uutuber Cauada. LARGE SAVINGS MADE I eral Industries lu (he South rnanu Such proof must be maintained for of farm homes served lu the coun­ Returns from Hospital— William I gaetur| n< both softwoods aud hard Boys Lose Tonsils—Jimmy and W IT H FARM BANK LOANS a period of three yeaera. at the eud try as a whole le o uly 15 per cent ------- " has ............... — * to h‘* returned ble h“m* home 1 WOod» m a g , subetauttal reduction. - JTIIJ Jerry Lake, o sous wzaaa* w of »a —• Mr. • — aud — — —- Mrs — Hancock The HERA eurvey worker» male of which period If the driver has The closing of 88,800 Isind bank \ j ax underwent tonsil oper on — East Main ------- street after spend iu —— ------ In luuiuet lumber Biasas stocks, le contained lu uot been iuvolved In su additional ped all exlallug Hues, mapped pro and emergency Laud bank commie- a,ious here Wednesday nt the *rf ing several weeks tu the hospital. (be lataat rellort of the Timber Con offeuse which requires mandatory posed extensions, estim ated rough sioner loans during the past two jjce of a local physician, He wishes to thank bis many [ tarvatlou board. Washington. D. U.. revocation of his license, he re­ ly the coat of such extensions, and years for approximately 871.008.-! friends for their klnduess during Just received by the West Coast sume» his regular status as a mo­ questioned every prospective cus­ 000 has enabled farmers in the four Brother Here— Ed Eggtmauu of uis Illness. Lumbermen's association. !4eatlle. tom» r along propose»; extensions tor vehicle operator. northwest states to refinance m o re, Fort Wayne. Indiana arrived here regarding possible extent of use of Under this act, proof of reepun than 885.000.000 of accumulated in- Saturday to visit with his brother ARMY FOREIGN SER VIC E | ln « N M » * recommendations electricity. slblllty Is regarded as having been ____, _ _ were made dealing with the need debtednees. It is estimated, at the and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs C. Extension To Bo Cootly RANKS BEING FILLED ] for organised research tn a r established when an Insurance same ttme getting their paymnts F. Eggtmann Most of these extensions are lu policy, surety, cash or personal ----------- chltectural style and engineering spread over a long period of time The United State army recruR- ^ ,n prefabr„.ated ,ttmbar I kum I has been furnished showing more sparsely Bellied country with with an interest saving of approxl H er. from Ashland— Mrs. H. T. mg office tn Portland 1. adding m- L „ „ farm bulldln<. and that the person In whoae behalf only about four or five fam ilies to matelv 81 000.000 a veer Borrow- Mitchell of Ashland spent Friday petua to the recruitteg campaign I >nd m0thoda of such proof la filed Is able lo ree­ the mile, making coat of distribu­ ers are showing their appreciation and Saturday here visiting with economies The report pond In damages to the extent of tion high The elate workers are and good faith by meeting their In- her daughter, Mrs D B Murphy now in progress in order to fill ail L its foreign service vacancies lbat m anufacturer, of 86888 (or any one person Injured awaiting announcement of Ihe atallment payments promptly, the and with her two sons. Delbert and (ore the end of the fiscal year now I , bulld,n f materlala cou or killed, or 818.080 for iwo or more policy of the government lo this Land bank reports. James Mitchell. rapidly drawing to a cloae. atcor«»-, reiearch persons Injured or killed, and lo and other respects The state committee voted un ing to a statem ent by MaX»r H. D .l oct.upy,n< ,ow coat damage to property In the amount Similarly the Intermediate Credit Bagnall. the army recruiting home market at the elp en ae of ,Um- of 8L080 resulting from any one anlmoualy to continue (or the com ­ bank has helped farmers and stock ! fleer iu Portland. ber. and s la ted th a t It would be accident. Whenever like amounts, ing year the research work carried men to come through this difficult Foreign service vac-ancle. for the for lumber luduetry such as Judgment Is then deemed on at ihe college Into application period by making nearly 8133,000.- j Hawaiian Island, offer an “usual I u (o 000 of operating credit available i satisfied for the purpose of Ibis art. of electricity to farm operations. Many of the present studies will be through local production credit as­ ly interesting lain 1«. former share of sm all h o » ., many branches available, including j continued and other» will be added, sociations. cooperative marketing S T U D E N T UNION BEING markets. By R. 5. HECHT Infantry, coast artillery, quarter­ associations, fruit financing cor TA LK ED A T U N IV E R S IT Y It was decided. PreriWeel J e í f t f « Beakers master corps, engineers, and medi­ porations. livestock loan companies ,4 u aria»»» cal department, while for the Phil­ Visit from Portland—Ivan Mc­ and regional agricultural credit University of Oregon. Eugene, corporations at a record low Inter-i lth o u g h , as official studies of ippine Islands, vacancies are still June 8— A student committee, to Kinney of Portland wae here visit business conditions show, busi­ available (or coast artillery and the est rate. Of this amount borrowed, dlecuaa with a faculty group the Ing friends over the w eekend more than 8100.000,000 has been re­ ness ts still far from having struck chemical warfare service. question of a student union build-1 Its (nil stride, Ing for the University of Oregon.! Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. paid. ’«V. T nevertheless. I A P R IL AUTO D EA TH S was named here by Dr. C. V. B oyer.1 Harry M Stewart, Mr. and Mrs Although the Bank for Coopera­ 'y * believe that tt la tives did not get actively under | president of the university. T his' Welby Stevens and Mr». Margaret DROP 50 PER C EN T undoubtedly true action was taken aa the result of Fulop spent Sunday at the Fulop way until February. 1934, It has en­ that the natural . . __ wll„ installation of a new X-Kay shoe abled 128 northwest cooperative economic M°n°m .e proe- A 5c per cent cut In ! mach,ne „ , be W11,lam . a campaign launched som e time ranch near Salem esses which have fatalities in Oregon was recorded • marketing and purchasing associa ..w a y s brought J 8ueU. .t r e t a r y of state, « ‘- e . Inc. store In Eugene ba. ago by the Emerald, student dally, i C A R D OF T H A N K 6 to revive Interest In the project tions to serve their members to bet­ the nation out of (or the month of April. 1835. a . completely r e m o v e all g o e s, work We wish to thank our many A student unlou was one of the ter advantage through the use of Th“ uew X W objectives of the university gift frflends and neighbor» for Ibelr a slump are bow compared to April of the preceding »">«” narly 87.000.000 in loans tor ac­ and have boon year In a compilation r e le a se d ,'“ » ' “1'“ '• “ “ •>» » ’ »r> * * “° W campaign, started on the campus sympathy aud kindness shown us quiring or refinancing facilities and for some time ’ being used in the northwest. It was during our recent bereavement for working capital purposes m su lled in th< Williams store at In 1923. and a large sum was steadily at work this week Mrs Margaret Fulup laying the foun- Only 17 persona lost their “ »•» i M lb„ , tore waa pledged for It at that time, part of foua- and children S P R IN G F IE L D M E T H O D IS T dattons for more ; aa a result of motor vehicle crashes u ,,» which has already been collected a c tiv e b u sin ess i ln Aprtl. whU. a year ago 33 d t t h a “ ““ i‘oc6Uon « K. g HECHT condition. resulted from similar caus»a. The | W iliam »«» stre»t l«sl wwsk-en Dean C. Poindexter, Minister Children . Day program w wur rtcord fo(. month j The Children'! ill, j ^ e u a t there i s p o w l n . a oí M cK enilf bridge wm h»r* on I • gumption hu«ln«»MJ4 Tuesday Predicted; H alf- Year Mark Exceeded NATURAL FORGES AID BUSINESS RECOVERY NEW » S H O E MICHINE UNIQUE A Special for Summer— particularly to the children at 11 their own prosperity and not wait ^ 1 b Th th n, will h e “ In t h e for th» Government at Washington Shampoo and finger waves hair cut all for 50c o c oc e ____ Service of the King '’ ■ CONSTANT HOT WATER k v 5 - Constant Hot Water Service At Reasonable Cost REMARKABLY LÒW COST Northwest Cities Gas Co. Springfield Bugene, to make It for them. In other words, the normal economic vigor and vl- tality of the United States Is slowly but Inevitably bringing recovery ca^ h elp X I : Bu’t £ T fu n T m « - report of fatalities for the year In Oregon, the total for four months being 74 during 1936 and 88 In 1934, aod reduction of 18 percent. |n apJte ot lhe improved fatality record, the total number of motor PE1HTINC b D s ë S ëss Irrigation Notice To Flat Rate Consumers i and see how they feel.” You simply try them on and then ! look at them by X-ray—actually Hours: 6 a. m. to 10 a. m., and 5 p. m. to 9 p. m. Days: Even number houses on even dates; odd number houses on odd dates. All on 31st day of month. “Your Job Is Next" Our business is printing. We have the equip­ ment and the experience to do good work. . . . Our prices are always moderate and our service prompt . . . If you are ln need of letter-heads, circulars, catalogs, broadsides or booklets we can save you money, time and worry. . . . Let us sub­ mit samples and make estimate on any work you may have. You are under no obligation. Only one line of hose to be used for each lot. No irrigation through open hose; sprinkler or nozzle must be attached. During a fire ln the city all irrigation must cease. 4th Street see your feet inside the »hoes. You know how they’re going to (It. “The machine will be of partlcu lar value to mothers buying «hoes for growing children,” Mr. Hay ward points out. The child place» hl» foot In the machine and there Is an observation gla»» for the par ent, the child, and the saleaman. Thu» the parent need not depend on the Inexperienced Judgment of the child In »electing the shoe, but can »ee exactly how the shoe fits. “X-ray »hoe fitting la n »clentlflc First lot or fraction thereof (building space in­ cluded ) ...... .................... ................................................$3.50 Discount if paid on or before June 10, 1935, 50c Shoes for the Whole Family SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY See Thia New Scientific Way of Fitting Shoe»— CHILDREN’S FOOTWEAR 98c to $2.98 WOMEN’S FOOTWEAR 98c to $3.98 ENNA JETT1CK FOOTWEAR $5 and $6 MEN’S WORK SHOES $1.49 to $4.98 $1.98 to $4.98 Sprinkling y2 width of street or roadway in front of each lot or major portion thereof, .... . ..........$1.00 Metered consumers are not restricted as to hours or dates. Compliance with these regulations Is solicited for the mutual benefit of all. W illiam s fo r Shoes MEN’S DRESS SHOES Each additional adjoining lot or fraction thereof (net) .......................- ............................. - ................. $2.00 MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY The Willamette Press B M M to you and your fan,u y ^ y, E Hayward, manager of WII- uanis «tore In Eugeni* This service I ta available In Eugene only at the Wi|||an,s store. W hatever kind of shoes you buy, dress sh o e, sport shoes, for men. j tel healing processes will corns from «“« «“>“»»> «»< A‘'rU ° ’ er 1 ‘ natural causes and not from political prior rising from 1,718 In 1934 to remedies. Despite the Blackening of 1,736 ln 1936. A cd d eots for the business now apparent, despite ex- first four months totaled 8,736, a pressions of disappointment we hear * m ile under the 1934 mark of 8,899. from various quarters, nevertheless injuries resulting from automo- I am confident that these funds- bu# numbered 433 thia mental healing processes. If not April and 443 In April, 1934, while spectacular, are none the lets sure­ (be year’s total for the period end­ ly at work. Gradually our business leaders ing April 38 was 1,691, aa com ars showing greater confidence la pared to 1,696 lost year. the future and are assuming a mors Eight pedestrians were among forward looking position. 1 firmly be­ the fatally Injured persona In April, lieve that If we will make up our com prising virtually half of the minds to replace fear-psychology with confidence-psychology the re­ number killed. One death was tha sults will fully Justify such a new result of a railroad and motor women or children, you can now vehicle collision. attitude. buy them with absolute confidence In their fit. No more guesswork. No more depending upon numbered j nixes. No more “Take a few ntepx Irrigation Season from June 1 to October 1 Phone 2 M a jo rity O r Oregon Farm s Now Served Or W ith in Resoh Of K lectrle Service method or fitting ahoex accurately and with absolute certainty. It will enable tha W illiams’ Btores clerks to »ay, 'These »hoc» that we sell you are exactly tha right » lie and shape for your foot.' With the X-ray fRtlng service It Is possible to see your own feet Insld» your WILLIAMS’ STORES, Inc. Where Thrifty People Buy A Save 1015 Willamette St. Eugene