THURSDAY, j in k i «435 TUB 8PRIN0FTBLD NBWfl W H O IS W H O and What They Do W »R ,ll F u R HALE old Growili Block, Its cords 86 65. (>|i'l id. «Id.'Wiilk In Hprlng Mu, Oil, Tlree and Batteries Every Saturday Night We Photograph Everything field Owner tuny have name Io 6th end A Hix , Hprlagfleld Mb. 43 luultua 10c <«•' nli 26c Anywhere. proving ownership and pay lux — — ------- ■------- Mall films to P. O. Box 6(7 I... th is u d v„iliM *.in ,.iil (33 W illamette. Eugene Mb. bSb FURNITURE k ,.l N il A Japaaeae Antimony! Expert Repairing All Work Guaranteed, HCIIERICK MOTOR CO. EOH HAI.E IJ.Htd Used Wood I I h i i | . ' h . M i , untali. Hiato« I'ower ' ' tf P a ra n ts of Bon— Mi uud M r» Floyd Kenn, dy ol Mohawk an. the purentH ol a aou bo,'I. Io I bom al M.aa Nelaon'u Maternity boapllal lu Eugene. May 31). 1936 UI M K U i.I,! — MONTI AO Muter Cara HA I,EH and HEH VICE JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. NOTICE OF HEARING ON F IN A L ACCOUNT NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IVEN Thai the undersigned, u executrix o l Ibe lju.1 W ill and Tealameut ul tlarry Y. Hpence. deceeaed, b u tiled her uecouut fur the final set­ tlement of aald decedt it's estate In the County Court (or luuie County, tlre g o u , and that Saturday the 32nd ■lay of Juuo. 133b. at the Court Hoorn oi »aid l.'ourt In the County Court House, In Eugeno, Oregon at BEAUTY PARLORS PACIFIC HOSPITAL, ten o'clock lu tbe forenoon. b u INC. I mwii fixed by aald Court u tbe HOME BEAUTY SHOP 13lb and Hllyard tune and place fur hearing objec­ tion» thereto, and fur the u t ile P ER M A N EN T W AVES *1 M Mbona 3b00 inetit thereof. All Work Guaranteed Eugen *, Oregon EFFA M. HPENCE. Tel. 30 Executrix of tbe Laat W ill Mrs. Ella Marcher 1 LAUNDRY and Testament of lla rry Y. CREAMERIE8 - Hpence, deceaaed SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY l. I. HAY, Floyd Wood. Prop. Attorney fur estate. Demaud tbe Meat—Costs no Mora |M 23 30 -Je 6 13 20) ------------------------------------------------------ ( BLUE BELL 303 Main St.. Mkona 100 Dairy Products N O T IC I TO CREDITORS All Kinds of Laundry Service. N O TIC E IH HEREBY O iVEN lea ('ream, Butter. Cheese, M ilk We Call for and Deliver. _ that Ada Maimer b u been ap­ Your Patronage W ill Be pointed administratrix uf tbe ee- EUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, Mkone Eugene (33 tale uf Mrs A. A, Kimball, de- Appreciated. < eased, by tbe Cuunly Court for tarn» County, Oregon. All perauna DENTISTS having claims ugalnst said estate LUMBER are hereby nullflnd to present the D it G. A. BROWN aame with proper vouchers tu tbe The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. undersigned at tba law utflce of Hours 3 A. M. to b P. M. Furnishes a Douald Young, 334 Miner Building. I*hone 30-J Eugene. alz pôbïicâ" months tu * Bud “ B,n 8 u - COMPLETE HOME fro lli the Oregon, date of within tiië ’ flrst" Bprlngflald j tlon of thia notice. ! Residence 738 A Street. | Building and Repairing Service. Date of first puhlcatlun, May 23, For Uervlce Phune Springfield 66 | 133b or It no answer, phone 34-J. DR. WM. N. DOW ADA PALM ER. Springfield. D E N T IS T Administratrix of the estate of l DONAI^D* YOUNG dBCBBBBd X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 3 to 13 , Attorney for .«(ate (M 23 3 0 - Je ( 18 201 PRINTERS Ranges and Circulators Several Lines Including Muntag. TH E W ILLAMBTTB PRESS ' Linoleum Inlaid and Felt B u e I*8* “ lld Gllve Ht» — Rhone Springfield Attractive Mrlces on Furniture Eugeue, O rego n. Mhone 2 and Hugn. I Sac Us Befors You Buy BATTERY SERVICE Business Stationery— Office Forms We Deliver Phone 113k Booklets — Placards — 643 W illamette Eugene LAN ECO Dodgers, etc. HATTERY FACTORY GROCBRIE8______ A Modem Print Hkop Producing Up-To-Date Printing. Back at our old location. Ixass , overhead your gain. Bee our new I >111111,EE'S Mkone and a Baleaman W ill Call. material batteries In genuine Oateu 1 u, u /I I U r P ’ t H ( I t ' H i t Y bard rubber c u e . before you buy K E D 4 W H J T IC O K O C M R IY All parts handmade In Eugeue. For Mbone 4 capacity—earvtoe— price— none bat-1 L'or. 4th and Main Sts., Springfield SERVICE STATIONS tar. RECHARGING— REPA IR IN G . j ______ __________________________ ■ Mhone 1003 34b Van Burvn HOSPITALS PHYSICIAN - SURGEON 1 ,o 8 BD” * appointment. Office Phone ( — Res. Phone 37 First Nat l Rank Bldg. Springfield | D1L MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and Diseases of Women NOTICE ____ ____________________________ 4th and Main Bta. Springfield OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T FRUIT PACKERS Phone B2-J Notice Is hereby given that tbe ----------------------------------------- uuderslgned Executors of the ,, ____________ estate of Susanna S. Bowers, de E u g e u e hfUlt (.rower B ABB 11 MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. c u e d , have filed tbelr Final Re Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers | Surgery and Dlaeasea of Women port and Account as auch with tbu ttU(1 shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. X Ilay and Physiotherapy A ST. SERVICE STATION General Gasoline. Oil and Greases Goodrich Tires "A Home Owned Biatlon." 6th and A Sta.. Springfield, Pfa. 44 Mitchell Service Staticn A L L R IC H F IE L D PR O D U C T8' — Yale Tires — Greasing - Battery Recharging Expert Radio Repairing by LEE CRAY Phono 43-J 7th and Main Sts. Bprln^leld OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION At tbe Springfield Junction GAS AN D OILS Service Day and Night. Grocery Sundries. Tobacco's and Picnic Goods. West Hprtngfleld Ph. 8pr. 33 J WOOLEN MILLS EUGENE WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers of Woolens. Specialising In I Julies COATINGS A N D SUITIN GS. Retail Department at Mill Eaat End (th Ave. Eugene, Ore. U. OF O. TAKES MINOR SPORTS TITLE S IN N. W. Northern division conference Springfield, Oregon Coco Cola— Kiel Beverages titles In golf, tennis und swimming duy uf June. 1336, at tbe hour uf First National Bank Bldg Ph. 43 ten o'etock In the forenoon. In the Cldar Vinegar were udded to the loug list uf Unl- County Court Room lu the Court Mbone 1480 POLING URGES FAITH IN *"rB,tv alhlelk acb'#’ e House, Iti Eugene, Lane County, Ferry uear 8th Ave E. Eugene. * nieiilH thin NpriUK a« th e las t phase Oregon, has Iweu set and filed by AMERICA, EDUCATION of .... ,„34.36 program drew to a tbe Hun. Fred Flak, Judge uf said Cuurl as the time and place for U. O. COMMENCEMENT close. bearing same, and fur tbe final Education wu pointed to as a Tom Stotldard's varsity eolf team EVENTS ARE PLANNED basic uud permanent cure for un- Hettlemeut uf said estate. annexed conference honors by JESSE G W ELLS, Commencement exercise» fur the employment In the United States »hooting u low aggregate score of HAROLD J. W E L I j S, by Dr. Duulel A. Puling, noted au­ 60« tu lead the field by 32 strokes Executors i ilfty-elghtti graduating class of the (M 1( 23 30—Ja ( 1 3 ) ' ... , . . , thor. lecturer aud radio figure of lu tbe first annual tournament held ----------------------------------— ' University of Oregon will be held New York. In a commencement ad­ since 1931 last week-end here at June 16. 16. uud 17. with Oswald dress to 377 members of the O8C Eugene Leonard Anderson, one- Garrl am Villard, noted liberal edi­ graduating class June 3. He de­ year letterman, took Individual tor und son of one of the univer­ clared that “education is a cure honors with a low score of 146 for that comprehends not merely a the 36 hole test over the Eugene sity's eurly benefactor# acheduled symptom of a national dlaease but Country club course. Watchmaker and Jawalar to deliver the address to the de­ that goes to the very root of In­ The Webfoot doubles team of BMKJNGFIELD parting graduates and their rela­ dustrial, of social, of cultural und Be. Paoiflo Watoh InagMtor Tom Mountain, senior, and John tives and friends. of moral cause»." First CI bbb W ork at Reasonable Economus. sophomore ace. won the Prtosa. " If as a national policy the aver­ nortnern division doubles crown The Rev II. C. Brooks, head of the department of rellglun at age age for leaving school were lust Saturday at Pullman. -Wash. Pumona college, w ill deliver the raised to 17. then 2.145,359 young The team title went to the Univer­ baccalaureate sermon Bunday at 11 workers would be removed from sity of Washington with 11 points, o'clock In McArthur court. He will productive employment, and 652.753 Oregon was close behind with eight apeak on "The Challenge of the people would be removed from the counters. | Present World Bliuatlon." He Is unemployed and tbe unattending Oregon's powerful swimming uf llttsburgh. Pa. * rcgur.led as one of the leading cdu school group,” Dr. Poling stated. team had an easy time taking calors und religious workers on "Completion of high school would northwest .honors by winning every the coast, slid Is highly regarded remove 4.433.022 front the army of first place In the conference meet the unemployed, while completion held early this spring at Seattle. us s it orator of Junior college would Increase Represented By Only one tennis player and one "Youth tyid the Republic" liaa this number to 8,157,638." swimmer will be lost the three been cltoscn by Mr. Villard ns his E. H. TURNER The speaker continued to show topic for the commencement ud tbe additional effect on unemploy­ teams next year. Tom Mountain, A HL Bprlngflald. Ora* dress, to be given at 11 o'clock ment through Increased teaching No. 1 tennis star, and W ally Hug. Monday In McArthur court. Sel­ staffs, und greater demand for Salem, sprint ace on the swimming ection of Mr. Villard as speaker clothing, books, supplies and equip­ squad, are the graduating seniors. this year Is regarded as particular­ ment. ly I It ting, since It was just 60 years VACATIONISTS WARNED ago that the cornerstone of Villard B U N IO N P A IN S OF SPOTTED FEVER TICK Hnll, made possible by the gift of Ills father, Henry Villard, was laid. Formerly Walker-Poole No Need To Suffer Another Day A warning ugalnst spotted fever HEA RING ON F IN A L ACCOUNT EUG ENE— U th H PR IN G FIELD ticks, which already this year have There Is one simple yet Inexpen­ and Charnelton 228 Main Notice Is hereby given that sive way to reduce inflammation taken the lives of three persons, Wanda K Eastwood has filed her of swollen toe Joints and help get has been sounded by the Orgon Telephone 723 Phone «3-J I U n it! account au administratrix of them down to normal and that is State Motor association for the i the Estate of W. P. Eastwood, and to apply Moone's Emerald Oil night benefit of all motorists traveling that the court has fixed 13:00 A. M. and morning. Ask Flattery’s Drug Store or any through eastern Oregon. of Friday. June 28, 1935, as the Although two persons died ln . H im * when said account will lie first class druggist for an original I taken up for examination aim al- two-ounce bottle of Moone's Emer Harney county and one In Baker i lowance and an order be mado as- aid Oil (full strength) and refuse county, the motor association has I signing the residue of said estate. to accept unythlng in Its place. It ' Ail persons Interested may appear Is such a highly concentrated pre­ learned through H. H Stage, as 1 at said time and be heard thereon. paration that two ounces lasts a soclute entomologist for the United W ANDA K. EASTW OOD, Ad­ long time and furthermore If one States government, that danger of bottle of Emerald Oil does not give the disease exists almost any place ministratrix. you complete satisfaction you can S. D. A LLEN , Attorney. east of the Cascade mountains. have your money refunded. (M 30—Je 6-13 20-27) Business Directory E d w a rd G. P riv a t Reliance Life Insurance Co. P O O LE F u n e ra l H o m e FAR and NEAR Vision Is Clear With FOREST Driest May Since 1890 and Light Spring Vegetation Alarms Forest Men Tbe driest month of May since 1890 and the driest May with one possible exception since 1876. has created a forest fire situation which every vacationist should bear in mind as he starts bis re­ creation trip during June, accord­ ing to the forest service. "Added to the unusually dry condition of the forest." say forest officials, "spring vegetation, ordinarily serv­ ing as a valuable fire check at this tlm - of year, has been delayed, ow­ ing to the cold earlier months, and the result is a fire hazard extraor­ dinarily acute for this season.” Forest service records through May 20th showed a total of 37 flrae in the 20 national forests of Ore­ gon and Washington. Twelve of these fires were caused by care less smokers; 10 by debris burn­ ing; 5 from camp fires; 3 from lightning and 3 from lumbering operations, larg est acreage burned has been in Oregon, the Sluslaw national forest topping the list with a total of 7 fires and 286 acres. Poole Funeral Home DULL HEADACHES GONE, SIMPLE REMEDY DOES IT Headaches caused by constlpu tlon are gone after one dose of Ad- lerlka. This cleans poisons out of BOTH tipper and lower bowels Etids bad sleep, nervousness. Flanery's Drug Store. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries Poems and songs that you enjoy to hear. With The Good Cheer Melodists Veltie Pruitt — Ruth Leinhard Rena Smith Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Make our earth an W en. like the heaven above. By ED . K RESSY 9 m The Fine Improved Bifocals Eliminating blur and distortion. Tltene marvelous I hiihoh will In­ crease your efficiency by sharp­ ening your sight and you will trhly enjoy their benefits HAVE YOUR BYES EXAM INED . Eugene Soaking Strawberriaa Overnight With Sugar Prevents Them Floating In Jara Lane Forests Already H it The Willamette national forest suffered next acre lots with 184 acres, and the Deschutes national forest has had 153 acres burned over. In Washington the largest acreage burned has been on the Colville national forest In Ferry county, while the Olympic national forest has had the largest number of fires. These figures point to the Import­ ance of extreme caution on the part of the public with cigarette and campfires, it is said. Recreationists are reminded that no campfire this time of year is safe built against a rotten log and that no campfire should be left until the last spark is out. “No smoking while traveling on forest, brush, or grassland" Is held a valuable rule for this fire season. (Carelessness with matches with the opening of the annual 4-H the top Jars which have pre- and cigarettes is a prolific source club summer session June 10, to oe viously been sterilized by boiling, of fire damage each year. It Is followed two weeks latv*r by the and sealed. When using this pointed out. regular adult summer session June ntethod. everything that comes in Protection Means More Jobe 24 Approximately 1000 Oregon ocatact with the fruit should pre­ W ith the realization that a large boys aud girls are expected (or tbe viously have been boiled 10 min­ part of the population is directly club Hesston, while early Indica­ utes. Including Jars. cup. lids and and IndirecUy dependent far a live­ tions are that tbe regular session rubbers. lihood upon the future forests of will have a larger registration than Strawberries of firm texture, this region, an increasing group of for the past several years. such as the Elterburg 121. Corval­ citizens in all walks of life Is Majur interest alsu Is centered lis and Narcissa varieties are best awakening to the importance of around courses ln tbe school of for canning. Miss Case says. cuttlhg down the appalling annual home economics, emphasizing child 1 fire losses, it is stated. This in­ development, parent education and , STATE GRANGERS PLAN creased Interest applies to logged family relatioushlps, under the u c c t off laud as well as merchantable leadership of Dr. W illiam E. Blatx, MIXER AT ANNUAL MEET timber, since people are seeing that director of St. George's School for Members of tbe home economics cut over land must soon be depend­ Child Study at the University of extension staff of Oregon State col­ ed upon for new crops to sustain Toronto. Canada, well-known au­ lege bave accepted an invitation the timber industry when virgin thor aud educator in this field. Gne from Ray W. Gill, state grange stauds are exhausted. of the first 24-hour nursery schools master, to provide the entertain­ to be held lu the United States will ment for the annual "Monday night WESTFIR MAN DIES AT be a part of tbe summer program. mixer. " to be held at McMinnville HOSPITAL IN EUGENE June 10, preceding the opeulng of LUMBER PRODUCTION AT the state grange convention there John A. Oxby, 60, resident of Westfir, died at the Pacific hos­ LOW EBB IN COAST MILLS June 11. TLc program is to be held out- pital in Eugene last Thursday. He Seattle. Wash., June 6— A total of-doors. Miss Gertrude Skow, re­ was horn December 16, 1874 In of 519 down and operating mills creation specialist, will direct the Michigan and had been a resident in Oregon and Washington which games, songs, relays and other en­ of W estfir for 19 years. reported to tbe West Coast Lum­ tertainment from s central stage, Survivors include five sisters, bermen's association for the week with a four-way loud speaker sys­ Mrs. W. E. Johnson. Oklahoma; ending May 26. produced 22.917.476 tem carrying to four groups of Mrs. F. D. Flye, Mrs. Sarah Thomp­ board feet of lumber. This was ap­ ^rangers. Each of the four groups son. and Mrs. C. M Bronson, all of proximately 2.700.000 feet under will be assisted in the different Michigan, and Miss Hilda Oxby. the preceding week. The average numbers by home demonstration Wisconsin; and one brother. Rob­ weekly production of this group of agents or members of county rural ert Oxby. sawmills in 1935 has been 78.493.- recreation units which receive re­ The body was shipped to Elk 584 feet; during the same period creational training each month un­ Rapids. Wisconsin for Interment by in 1934 their weekly average was der the guidance of the home econ­ Branstetter-Simon chapel in Eu­ 86.676.970 feet. gene. omics extension staff. The new business reported la s t' week by 619 mills was 50.028.667 i Return from loaho— Irene and Tonsils Removed — Constance hoard feet against a production ot [ Heth Opte returned Saturday from Uoodale. six year old daughter of 22.917.476 feet and shipments of Boise. Idaho, where they had been Mrs. E. C. Goodale. underwent an 33.851.326 feet. Their shipments called to attend the funeral of an operation for removal of her ton­ were over production by 47.7 per­ uncle. They were accompanied by sils Monday at tbe office of a local cent and their current sales were Roh*rt McLagan. physician. over production by 118.3 per cent. The orders booked last week by this group of Identical mills under the total in the preceding week by about 6.000.000 feet or approxim­ ately 9.3 percent. A group of 526 Identical mills whose records are complete for GOOD CHEER AND COMMON SENSE PROGRAM both periods show total orders 1936 to date of 1.843.948,000 board feet, compared with 1.633.217.000 board Every Tuesday Over Radio Station K-O-R-E feet for the same period In 1934. an 7:15 to 7:30 Increase of 12.9 percent. (Universal Visibility) 41 Wsst 3th HOW TO KEEP BERRIES 06621763 FROM SHRINKING TOLD »trawimrry canning time la at band again In Oregon, and as many homemakers make plans to "put up" berries for tbe coming year one of the questions most often Funeral services for Clyde Ham­ asked Is how to keep them from ilton Sedgwick. (7, of Creswell, shrinking and rising to tbe top of were held Hunday afternoon at 3 tbe jar. o'clock from tbe Presbyterian The answer to this, says Miss church at Creswell. Rev. James S. Lucy Case, extension specialist In Smith of Cottage Grove, assisted natrtllon at Oregon State college, by Rev. Mlltou 8. Weber of Eu­ is to place tbe hulled, washed her- gene, officiated. Schwering chapel iles in a preserving kettle or other was in charge of arrangements. container alternating a layer of Mr Sedgwick died at bis borne berries with a layer of sugar, and on Decoratlou day following a two- let them stand over nlgbt or about weeks heart ailment. He was born 12 bours. Hbe recommends one- uf Glen Ellyn. Illinois, on April 10, ibird to one-half cup of sugar for 18(8. and was graduated from Be­ each box of berries By this pro loit college, later receiving a law cess 'be berries are plumped, los­ degree from the University of W is­ ing pari of their juice and abuirb- consin. Ing part of the sugar. He was married to Miss Grace Three Methods Used in Canning Bearby at Moline, Illinois on June Next morning the homemaker 23. 1837 and lived there until they may can tbe berries by any of sev­ moved to Creswell in 1310 where eral methods tbe three most com they made tbler home since that monly used being the bot water lime He was city recorder at the bath, tbe pressure cooker, and the time of bis death. open kettle. Survivors Include bis wld6w; By the hot water method tbe four children, George B Sedgwick, berries are brought to a boll in und Howard Sedgwick, Portland; tbelr own juice and packed hot in­ W illiam D. Sedgwick. Stockton. to hot. sterilised jars, to within California, Elizabeth HBdgwlck. one half inch of the top. The jars Dallas. Oregon; and one slater. are sealed immediately and lower­ Miss Helen 8. Sedgwick, Portland. ed into boiling water which should come one inch over tbe top of the SUMMER SESSION WORK jars. The jars should rest on a rack IS AWAITED BY O. S. C. one-half Inch from the bottom of the boiler. Remove tbe Jars after Four-H School Starts June 10; 1000 they have boiled 10 minutes. Re­ Boys and Girls From Over tighten the seal of screw lop Jars, State W ill Attend and cool away from a draft. In using the pressure cooker tbe "Hummer study lu a vacation berries are brought to a boil and setting," long tbe slogan of tbe packed bot into the Jars as Just Oregon State summer session, ex­ described, and then sealed and presses a aituatlon that always placed In tbe pressure cooker, in brings students from many distant which the water should be one- state to do summer work at Ore­ half inch over tbe rack and boiling. gon's Institutions. Tbe addition of Process at five pounds pressure many summer courses In the school for five minutes. of science at O. S. C. has greatly Firm Texture Berries Best broadened tbe available offerings, i By the open kettle method the Bummer work on tbe Oregon i berries are boiled five to 10 mln- State college campus is scheduled j utes ln the kett|e and packed to ••U N I V I S’’ DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist PAOB T H R K MMciubiM some lUMAHBuuiUMtDioKM* n*iaoa>aiu sft8»í¡M t*t¿A W ' AM**, 'AU0M' [g ?