TH U R SD A Y. JUNE 6. 19SR PAOB TW O « NATIO N A L o b s e r v a n c e THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS || J. (¡IKES P[J|JS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. l«•• fo r U«««ir TH«« tlinhu»««' |» m I«I twice ov«r w ith th e in* «n *«*•*« I i «> iu i iim fro m th e f l r * l crop uu u 27 uerv flw k l near heic, r«|H»rU Any great stimulation of cattle production will bring illMstroUs price leaillon by 1937 predicted Many Petrie. chief of the AAA cal tie unit sheep set H u ll lu tin add m»» to ihe annual Oregon t'altlo •»•«« lliirsi' Itaisers a«»ociatlun lu Euler prise The cuttle bilslMM Is in a healthy «iiniBtlon now unit can con llone -o It growers will avoid over expansion. lie »aid Meal price« are uni high compared with Ihe 1929 level, but the Industry must lake iignlseui nt consumer reactions III prill advances, he added J It B«*« U c n illltV Agent T h e u « « ••i U h l 2600 te v t of til«*, a m i In I $34 Imr v «» m I«*«I 421 *M«’ k * o f «mt* fro m th«* fie ld , p ro b a b ly III«* b««t crop It ha*« e ve r yie ld e d , he »«Id T h in year he waa a b le to d r ill a ll hut about h a lf an a«re on A p ril 20. w h ile In o th e r year«* 10 o r 12 < o i «* m could not be d rille d u n til ver> la te If at a ll In a d d itio n It w found to* i ouhl d r i ll th e fie ld In one day lea* tittle th a n w hen h«< had to dodge Daiiphtsr Named—Yvonne Is Ihe th e wet place« lie p la n * on tap m in e Mi utd Mrs lairson Wrlglil p in « tw o o r th re e re m a in in g wet have ■ liu se ii fin their Infant iluugh a|M>ta w ith tth* no th a t th«* e n tire le i horn In them recently Both fie ld w ill I»«» u n ifo rm mother anil mild are now ul home Smile with Ice Cream E G G IM A N N ’S Ice Cream Delivery SILVER WEDDING EVENT HELD HERE Springfield Creamery Co. I Eastern Star chapter of which Mr. ---------- »---- ---- FARMERS 10 G il WHEAT CONTRACT u a translation bv - Myles t’overdale. When wheat groM.-•» In all parts S u m ille r session w o rk In s tillile « I ' of the United States voted favor lanKing from art* to public «pwtk Mas issued nil October 4. 1636. Business and educational leaders ably on the plan fur continuation ' iik M ill bv given on the U. of O. ’ ! i amium miller the direction of more In all parts of the United States of (he A A A. wheat control pro I than 76 experl educators. alt spe have been appointed on the Nu grain they assured a continuation of the present setup for another rial 1st« in their fields. The atuuilon ’ tloiial committee. (our years wIt I i provisions tor with this year Mill open June 24 and j drawal earlier If desired. end August 2. with a post session T hese c o n t r a ils M ill be re a ilv to of four Meeks staitlng August 6. . be slgmsl about Juli I. according University faculty members who to G eorge E F a r r e ll. e h le f o f the Mill be at the university for the ■ , w heut section. session Include Wayne 1,. Morse. > di an of the school of law; 1*. A. i Wheut growers of the nation Parsons, head of the department I [ voted 66 per cent nr upprnxiniutely Injures Ankle—Miss Ila I’utmau D e n t is t at P o rtla n d — l>r <1 A, of sociology; Dr, H. R. Taylor, re-j '61 In fuvor of continuation of (lie Scout Executive Stresses Injured her ankle this week when Itro w n la in P«»rtUod t h l* week at cently promoted to head of the j program according to official tub «Ile fell while riding a bicycle psychology department; James D l Value Of Character T rain ­ | ulatlon released from Washington. t«*ndliig th«* Mtate d e n ta l meeting ing: Baby Shower Given Harnett, professor of political sci- j ¡ This Is ulmust exuctly the majority ence; Dr. J. R. Jewell, dean of the i hy which the plan carried In Ore Character training alone is suf | gon In the recent referendum. school of education, and Dr. N. L. Bossing and F. L. Stetson. profes­ flclent Justification for the work of The official tabulation of Ore sors of education; Oliver L. Bar­ Boy Scourta of America declared gon's vote made by the state col H B Sallee. Scout Executive fur rett. assistant professor of sculp lege extension service shows that ture; France« Brockman. assistant Wallamet Council. In addressing 6271 contract signers voted Io con­ III" Cream is the most enjoyable kuibiibt food the Lions club at their noon meet in music, who recently won the tinue the plan while 640 voted known. Pur»*. wholesome anil ilellcloua. it not only in first prlxe for violin In the north­ ¡ng Friday. against It. Among wheat growers lilenwint to eat but contains energy building ingredi­ The development of Intelligence west; L. S. Cressman. profeasor not now holding contracts 76 voted ents. It cheers you up, cools you off and gives of anthropology and sociology; Dr. tests and their use In testing pros­ yes and 14 no. you pep. pective students In higher educa­ Waldo Schumacher, professor of Overwhelming upproval of the political science, and many others tional schools without regard to Eggim ann's Ice cream Is known far and wide for Visiting faculty members will In­ the moral standards of the Individ­ wheat plan was voted In the nine its goodness. W hether It Is u cone or a freezer full we Columbia liasln wheat counties clude Eugen Gustav Steinsotf. di­ ual was deplored. g u arantee every m outhful to lie 100 per cent good. So much stress has been placed There »he count stood 3366 yes to rector of the national school of de­ corative art, Vienna; Dr. Donald on high scholarship that It has only 210 nn, making a 94 per cent M. Erb. associate professor of eco­ unintentionally led to much dishon­ favorable vole. Wheeler county had nomics. Stanford University; Jas­ esty by students In taking examin­ a unanimously favorable vote, and Gilliam and Morrow hail only alx mine Britton, supervising librarian. ations. he declared. “Where tbs Service la D iffe r e n t'" ^ Boy Scouts, with their units ex and eight negative ballota com Los Angeles schools, and others. A program of recreation, that tenllng into nearly every com­ pared with 267 and 365 favorable will Include hike« to nearby places munity in the United States, are respectively. The Umatilla vole of scenic beauty, has been planned providing a service of Inestimable was 966 to 39 for the session. Many other feat­ value in offering this vast group The 10 Willamette valley coun- ures will also be included. Full in­ a uniform program of training. ties, despite the tact that wheat The situation with the girls Is growing Is more or less of a side formation may be obtained from different. There are several organl-| Issue, voted 74 per cent fuvoruble the extension division at Eugene. xatlons at work among them but Irrigated counties cast uu 60 per earh have a different set-up and cent favorable vote when they move from one com­ munity to another the girls fre- queutly find themselves facing an EVA N G ELIST CLASS TO entirely strange program If they p(CN|C MQNDAY EVENING Hot w eather in here and there I k no use letting affiliate with the work where they your food hjmi II when ice I k cheap, lee I k the moat wide­ move The problem of work among The Evangelist class of the ly lifted and suecetwful refrigerant. girls is a greater problem today I 8pr|ngflel(l Christian church will Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swarts *» ‘h»‘ ot «raining, said h#T|> a p(cnk. MUppt,r Onr iee plant I k here to serve yon. I Sallee. the June meeting of the class to Are Feted By Parents and Deliveries will be made dully on call. Annual summer camp for th e)bt, held „ , hj. of Mr Bnd Friends On Anniversary Boy Scouts will be held at Camp Mrg A,»lo 8everson Myer. ,mrk PHONE 7. Lucky Boy on Blue river next ! Juj|( Hay