»* > P ack T l IV IIS DAY. MAY SO, iM 6 f u ta l 16527670 ORANGE TAKES STAND ON PUBLIC PROBLEMS Baseball Team Ends Successful Season i Approve Single Ballot, Fee Vote, READY FI and Chancellor Elim ination Mo vea; Plan Picnic I Pleasant hill Graduates 21 VOIE WAGE BOOST FOB 4-1 CREWS W. A Dalberg Gives Com­ mencement Talk Friday; Paaacaft.il Negotiations Bring Workers Higher Wage« Mias Upton Vnledictorian «nd Continuous Work The single primary ballot, refer Win Over Grove Nine Needed enduiu of the compulsory aludetit To Chalk Up Clean Sweep fee measure, and elimination of In Firet Round Play the Chancellor from the Higher Twenty one studeuls were grad uated from the Pleasant Hill high While Ihe new limber workere' Education system In Oregon were school Friday night. May 24. at the union continued Us picketing of YONCALLA GOES DOWN all approved in resolutions adopted high school gymnasium. strike hound plants and Ila officials Saturday by ihe Lane Pomona Invocation ami benediction were attempted to gel a 5 cents an hour Home Folks To See Contest grange in session at Lowell grauge given iiy Rev Holly Jarvis, pastor flat wage ralae (or Ha uieiuberahlp. hall. Disapproval of (he corn-hog On Brattain Field; Large of lire First t'lirlslluii church of ihe 41. board ol directors peaceful icnirol program continuation was Crowd Is Expected I'leasaiii Hill Maxlua Hauler sang ly voted a wage Increase larger also voiced lu a fourth resolution. Iwo solos, the salutation was given Ilian lliv rales being hegollaled by Ada grange »on first place In the Whether or noi the Springfield by Myrna lailrd, class history b> the new union Town baseball team wins the efficiency contest. Jasper grange Phyllis Drury, ami Ihe valedictor­ Wage Increaaea ranging froth £> championship of the Cascade lea was second and Wlllakentle »as ian by V Dna Upton Tim address 10 III cents an hour, and effective gue will be largely determined here third in the Judging. Goshen grange was given by professor. W. A Dalit at 41. camps and mllle on June I, BASEBALL Back row. W K Buell, principal. Carl Braun, Dole Carson. Carl Steven­ on Brattain field next Sunday »hen won second place ina state wide son Arnold Second row. Bill White. Scott, Warren McKenney Robert Chatterton. coach berg of file University, aud Bert »ere voted by the 41, empluyeem the local team will entertain Cot­ officers sealing drill contest. Ada Kerrigan Hutcheson. Arthur McChesuey. Luther Stelnhauer. Lawrence Chaae. Melvin Beaver presented diplomas to the ployer group The 4L minimum rale Stevens From row. Kenneth Cox. Lorry Liles. Pete Taylor. Koacoe Cole. George Irvin, tage Grove in the fitth game of the grange also won first in this con- : following: Cleona Awbrey, Homer for common labor at sawmills and Verlln Posey. Irvin Darr lest. season. Awbrey. J. II. Brown. Marte Bar­ camps after June I will be 60 cents Elmo B Chase, Lane Pomona The Springfield team has already num, Phillis Drury. Hubert Dill an hour, with rale increase» lu the won easy victories over Knights of master. Alien Wheeler, and Mrs m a il. Elbert Finch, Elizabeth Hol­ higher hracketa amounting 1» aa Ray Bower will represent Lane i Columbus and Yoncalla, and over­ comb. James Jordan, Myrna Laird, ntucli us 10 cents an hour. time games with hi at cola and Hills county at the state grange conven Doris Mauney, Rosalie I'arksr, The 41, lionrd la composed uf 14 Creek Cottage Grove Is the only thin at McMinnville. Homer Parks. Evelyn Richardson, employes anil 14 employers, and It Aunual picnic of the grange* willi team emalning on the schedule Jeanette Sauborg. V'Ona Upton, la significant that Ihe wage raise which the locals have not met this be held at Dilley's park July 4. It Has Maaalee— Aleta llodgea Is Visitors from Medford— Mi and Agnes Wallac«, Harold Wallace, carried by a 2OM vote. »as announced. season. til u( her home la West Springfield Mrs. M. A. Johnson aud son. Itoy, M llili c l Walla» , I .11 i W o lik e The new wage rates will Immedi­ Of course the game her«- will be of Medford are here visiting at the Tin class motto was "Our aim ately effect approximately 20.000 School Nine Wins 11, Divides with the measles. only a comparative showing of W. E. Stacey home. success; our hope to win" Class men In 41. affiliated logging camps Honors With Four Teams Move to C orvallis— Mr and Mrs. strength as each team in the league G. H Stiles and family moved to Funeral la Friday—Graveside fu colors, lavender and gold Class and sawmills In Oregon. Washing­ In Season Play is- scheduled to meet three times ton. Idaho and t'allfornla. and ulti­ Corvallis Tuesday afternoon. ueral services will be held Friday flower, yellow rose. during the season. The first round mately will have an upward bear Springfield's high school baseball at 9 o'clock at Rest Huven ceme­ of the schedule will be concluded From Cedar Fist—Mrs. Kk-hard Ing on the wages of between 35.000 team closed an erratic season Mon­ tery for the Infunt son of Mr and WORKERS NAMED FOR Sunday. sin) 40.000 men In the stales day at Swimmer's Delight park Hart of the Cedar Hat district was Mrs. Thomas Frame of Goshen who New Field Not Ready C. E. SUMMER OUTING named, for II has been customary when they lost their final game 6-2 a visitor In Springfield Friday. died at the Pacific hospital Wed A large crowd is expected to Io Pleasant Hill, winners of the "B" Hillsboro Man Hare—Fred Cald­ uesday. Vealch chapel Ilka charge Young Psople O f Christian Church In Ihe pasl for operations not af turn out for this game which will Announce Plans For Annual filiated with the 41. to follow 41, league. The Hillbillies opened with well of Hillsboro was a business ol arrangements. Plan Large G athering On be played on Brattain field start­ Children Parties Starting leadership In Ihe matter of wages a 2-1 lead in the first inning and visitor In Springfield over the Coast Nsxt Month ing at 2 o'clock. Work was started Next Monday Break In Strike Predicted circled the bases for four more week-end. on the new ball field out on North Close observers saw In the 41. CODE SCRAPPING HAS runs in the fourth. Springfield Committee workers for the sum­ Mill street this week but it will Miss Crystal Bryan will become Gueata at Hotel—Floyd Klrchen NO EFFECT ON 4L PLANS mer outing of the Christian Eti action, the first break In tbs great not be ready for use Sunday. This Noble Grand of Juanita Rebekah scored another run in the fifth and and Harvey Bailey, both of Oak­ deavor society of the Christian lumber strike which for three will be the second game to be play­ lodge for the six-months period final inniug Whether two more in­ ridge. are guests at the Springfield Portland. May 2# — Coincident church were snnounced thia week weeks lias tied up virtually all tide nings might have changed the re­ ed here this season, the opening starting July 1, it was announced hotel this week. with the scrapping of all NIRA by Beulah Thurman, general chair­ water mills In Oregon and Wash game with Marcola ran overtime following the semi-annual elec­ sult will remain unkno«’n. Spring- legislation, Including Its minimum man Appointments Inrlude regia Ington. With Ihe 41. already voting and thrilled one of the largest tions held Monday evening. She field has a strong defensive team Has Operation — Mrs. Frank groups of spectators to ever turn will succeed Miss Maxine Snod­ as was demonstrated in the Lowell Powers was taken to the Pacific wage and maximum hours provls (ration. Jewel Helterbrand. camp higher Increases than the union game last week when they came hoepltal In Eugene Tuesday for a Ions. W. C. Kuegnlli. 4L president, director. Claude O'Brien; camp has settled for at a number of out for a local ball game during grass. announced lhal the supreme court's nurse. Jessie O’Urlen; recreation, struck mills. It seems likely that from behind to win in the two final major operation. Other officers elected are Mary recent years. decision has no bearing on 4L af­ Altle Manning; equipment. Juanita the general strike will have spent Ann Louk. vice-grand; Doris Gir­ innings. John Lynch W ith Grove Has Operation— Mrs. T. J. Willey fairs. A summary of the season play of Clark, devotions, Uldlns Gartln, It* force. John Lynch, former Springfield ard. recording-secretary; Mrs. "Long before NIRA was even menu, Aide Manning, service, No one expects to see an Imme­ high school star hrrler. will be on Marie Pohl, treasurer. Installation Chattertoo's team reveals eleven of Marcola underwent a major announce­ operation at the Pacific hospital It* thought of." Kuegnlli diate resumption of cutting at all victories, nine in a row, and four Mins Peterson the mound for the Grove team Sun­ will probably be held the first ment said, "the 4L had Its own vol­ Teachers for Ihe classes will be: strikebound mills and neither 4L day. He will be assisted by Swan­ meeting in July. Miss Eunice Ger­ losses. There was no "A" league Eugene Saturday untary code as to hours, wages and employe nor employer directors son behind the plate. Opposing him ber, newly elected district deputy, schedule for baseball this year, but Trip to Portland—J. M. Larson working conditions. This code, Expert Endeaevor, I'ldliie Gartln; would say what their plans were no other high school team in the Leadership through Christian En­ will probably be Jay Grant or Rus­ will be the installing officer. relumed Saturday from a business which haa been and still la a col 11 was understood, however, that district was able to equal this re­ deavor. Beulah Thurman; Bible Miss Gerber, Mrs. Clara Snod­ sell who will pitch to N’orval Libby trip to Portland where he had gone lectlve bargaining agreement be mills In two large districts will be study. Mr Shaw; first aid, Jessie ace receiver for the locals. The re­ grass. and Mrs. Glenn Stone, dele­ cord with the same opposition. Friday tween employee and employers, has O’Brien; discussion period, Claude re-opened In about two weeks, and The victories were Marcola 2, mainder of the lineup has not been gates to the state assembly meet­ others will get Into their stride as Pleasant Hill 1, Eugene 1. Oakridge Tonsila Removed— Miss Pearl been In force since IMIS. O'Brien. ing reported at the meeting Mon­ announced for this game. "Therefore, section 7a was not It Is expected that three addition­ soon aa orders have been accumu­ day night. Mrs. Cora Heaton of 1. University High 2. Junction City Helterbrand underwent an opera­ Something of a track meet was Hillsboro is to be the next As­ 1. Coburg 2. and Lowell 1. Pleasant tion for the removal of tonsils Mon­ necessary In the voluntary couu al Endeavor workers will come lated experienced by Springfield players sembly president, and the next an­ Hill. Eugene. Oakridge and Lowell day. ells of the 4L, and its passing will from Multnomah with the O'Briens last Sunday when they made 22 nual meeting will be at Roseburg. each won one. have no effect whatsoever on the tor the outing. JUNE 7 TO BE BERRY Visitors from Fall Creek— Mr. organization. trips around the bags before their Other games included those with The gathering is Io be held next Children's P a rty Planned DAY AT O. S. C. FARM and Mrs. J. M . Farrier of Fall Creek game at Yoncalla came to an end. "In the face of the completu month near Florence. Plans were made Monday night the Belknap CCC camp which Yoncalla men were permitted to tor the annual children's party Springfield won and with the Uni­ were business visitors In Spring- blow-up of NR A codes. It Is atgnltl Program (or the C. E group Sun­ Annual "Berry Day" al the Ore­ round the bases only twice as the which is sponsored by the lodge versity Frosh which the high school field Friday. cant that 4L agreements—which day evening will be on the subject, gon Stale college experiment sta game ended with the score 22-2. and financed by a friend of the players lost. Goss to Portland— Miss Alma Ed are really a code—are the result ' Jesus, the Man of Prayer." Mina Hon has been set for Friday June 7, Three errors were chalked up organization who makes an annual W in Nine Games in Row wards left Saturday for Portland of voluntary cooperation between Peterson will be thu leader for tltS when recent experiments in straw­ against Springfield and four contribution with the request that Springfield opened with a loss to »here she will visit for a few days employes and employers. Without (ouaecration meeting and fireside berry culture and breeding, and against Yoncalla in the game. Lowell and then won niue. After before leaving tor her home at East lederal legislation, the 4L has (or service to be held following Ibe methods of handling can« fruits his name be withheld. Playing for Springfield in this Ilf years carried out the alms aud church service Following the custom establish­ the U. O. Frosh defeat the team Aurora. New York. will be explained Hundreds of vsrl game were Grant and Russell, ed last year, the children will be went into a losing slump and drop­ provisions sought by NRA." elles of berries will be In fruiting pitchers; Libby, catcher; Gordon divided into two age groups. The ped three games before defeating Tonsils Taksn Out — Albert Visitor From Thurston— Mrs si lhal time and specialists will be Wright, firstba.se; Chatterton, sec­ Shearer underwent an operation Lowell. smaller children ages from 6 to 12 Chris Hansen of Thurston was a present to explain details of Ihe GLENWOOD SCHOOL HAS ond ; Diets, third and Mattison, The team boasted one of the tor removal of bis tonsils and ade­ inclusive, will be entertained next visitor in Springfield Wednesday studies being carried on short stop; Doc and Pete Taylor Monday evening. strongest Infield combinations in noids Friday at the office of a local GRADUATION LAST NIGHT physician. and Joe Gerber held down the field The committee in charge of the yeaers with Stevenson at first. Graduation exercises for the positions. White or Hutcheson on second, entertainment will include Mrs. R. Visitor From Medford— Miss Glenwood school were held last ' E. Mushier, Mrs. William Rouse, Liles on third, Pete Taylor at short Louise Ladd arrived here last night at 8 o'clock. The following j BELATED SHOWER FOR Mrs. Joyce Owen, Miss Edna Platt^ and Irvin behind the bat. It will week-end from Medford to spend program was presented I’roces j also probably be years before the two weeks visiting with Mr and BRIDE HELD FRIDAY and Mrs. Ernest Black. stonai. Mary Beal Hall; Invocation, school has such an outfield com­ The older group age 12 to 20 Mrs. Walter Taylor Rev. E. F Lee; salutation. Thomas I Mrs. Ernest Bertsch entertained will be entertained some time next bination as Scott, Posey and Darr. Attend Graduation— Mrs. Ed Brown; class poeiu, Virginia Oed-1 at her home Friday evening with a month. Committee members for The pitching staff was the weakest Soule of Burnt wood was here Fri­ des; class history, Marjorie Grif­ bridal shower for Mrs. George Pet­ this event are to be Mrs. Clarine spot on the team. Only Carson ersen (Doris Gerber) who announ­ Pulman, Mrs. Grace Lansberry, could be relied on In this position. day to attend the high school grad fin; sung. "Starlight and Sunshine eighth grade girls; class prophecy, ced her secret marriage recently. Miss Lulu McPherson, Miss Vinne He proved to be a good pitcher, but uatlon exercises at the Methodist Jim Malby; class will. Grunt Hot­ Included in the guest list were McPherson and Miss Edna Swarta. the necessary bunching of thy church. ter; class doctor, Everett Stevens, Scout Meeting Changed— Weekly games on the schedule placed a Mrs. Petersen, Maxine Snodgrass. strain on the pitching staff which meeting of the Springfield Girl valedictory, Beth Schantol; com Helene Richmond, Mrs. Sam Rich­ S P R IN G F IE L D M E T H O D IS T only a very exceptional pitcher Scouts will be held thia afternoon men cement address, Wendell Van mond. Mrs. M. J. McKlin. Theda could stand up to. and the team dla at 2 o’clock at the home of Miss Loan; presentation of diplomas b) and Ione Rhodes, Mrs. Leone Saf- Dean C. Poindexter, Minister ley, Mrs Wilda Cotton, Nathalie "The Ascending Lord,” is the not have a good relief man to take Eunice Oerber Instead of Monday R. B. Oldham, and presentation of afternoon. Plans for the Court of perfect attendance certificates by Ed mist on, Mrs. Olive Cheshire and theme for the morning massage. bis place. the teachers. Awards will be discussed. sod , Mrs. Clara Cheshire. Eva Mur­ The evening message at 7:30 will The annual school picnic will be ray, Faye Fisher. Doris Girard, be: "Who May Lead?” This will be He at the (¡rand Opening of our New Gets Park Job— John Smith. held Friday at 10:30 at the Eugene Down from Camp Creek—Robert Dale Daniels. Florence Long. Eu­ an installation service for the of­ Stevens and Frank Gates of Camp Springfield landscape architect, haa Springfield aulo park. nice Gerber and Mrs. Bertsch. Store located at 1015 WILLAMETTE street, ficers of the two Leagues. The Creek were visitors in Spriugfleld been given the task of supervising leagues will meet at 6:30. Doro­ the remodeling -A the West park Monday. J uki across from the McDonald Theatre! B A P T IS T C H U R C H thea Fullerton, president of the Upper Willamette block of the County Court property Second and "C” Streets Wesleyan League will lead on, In Eugene. The work Is being done R. E. Rolens, pastor A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. "What our home means to us." The See the BARGAINS we ure offering for as an SERA project. McKenzie Valley 9:45 Bible gefool for all ages. E. E. Schrenk Wednesday. May 22. Epworth League will discuss some this Grand Opening and you will he convin­ 11:00 Morning worship with ser­ things pertaining to Institute. at the Pacific hospital in Eugene. The Lea burg high and grade OSC TO GRADUATE 383 AT mon by the pastor on the subject, Both the boys and girls baseball ced that thia the greategt value-giving event schools closed Friday with a com­ "The Man of Sorrow.” Visits Brother— Mr. and Mrs. munity basket dinner. An excellent COMMENCEMENT JUNE 3 teams of the Pleasant Hill high we have ever offered In our entire history. 7:00 Meetings of Junior and Sen­ Charles M. Rolens of South Pasa- school won the championship In program In the morning, competi­ Corvallis.—A smaller number of the "B” league last Friday after­ ior B. Y. P. U. dt na, California are here visiting tive sports and a baseball game In graduates with many If not most 8:00 Evening services with ser­ at the home of Mr. Rolens' brother, See our wonder fill display» of merchan­ the afternoon provided entertain­ of those desiring positions placed noon. On May 27 Pleasant Hill de­ mon by the pastor. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Rolens. feated Springfield 6-2 at Swim­ ment. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Baxter, before they finished, characterizes dise, Frocks, Dreaaea, Shoes for the entire recent arrivals provided Ice-cream the sixty-sixth annual commence­ mers’ Delight. Mrs. Harold Roberts returned to for a community treat. family, Men’s and Boy»' Work Clothing; all ment at Oregon State college, June her home at Pleasant Hill Saturday Thursday evening commence­ 3. Depression years cut down the new stocks to choose from at Bargain Prices. ment exercises for Solvelg Carlson number of this year's graduating after spending a week In Halem where she attended Ihe Rebekah and Stanley Mallery, high school seniors and advanced students to graduates, Margaret Slavens, Laura 383, and better conditions have convention, Mrs. Noel, mother of Mrs. C. E. Hamhaugh, Kenneth Smith, Nor­ greatly Increased the call for col­ Jordan, Lucille and Florence Jor­ man Elston, Philip Mallery were lege trained men and women. Dr. dan, Nine McPeek and Nancy Bar­ held. Daniel A. Poling will be the com­ num were down from Monmouth to A quilting party was held Tues­ mencement speaker. attend the Pleasant Hill graduating day at the home of Mrs. C. C. Pol­ TH IS IS OUR WAY OF SHOWING OUR Among those to be graduated ley by a large group of friends of this year are the first four men exercises, A baby boy was born to Mr. and APPRECIATION TO YOU FOR Mr. and Mrs. Will Hucklns whose ever to receive the doctor of philo­ personal effects were all destroyed sophy degree at Oregon State. Only Mrs. J. A. Phelps of Eugene at the YOUR PATRONAGE. when the home where they lived on Alfred Taylor, In zoology, and Her­ Pacific hospital Friday morning, May 24, 1935. Mrs. Phelps former­ Cedar Flat was destroyed by fire bert L. Jones, physics, will be pres­ ten days ago. A sewing party was ent for the ceremony, while Karl ly taught the primary grades at Our business is printing. We have the equip- Pleasant Hill. also held at the home of Mrs. Rich­ Klemm. chemistry; and Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lord enter­ • ment and the experience to do good work. . . . ard Hart to provide clothing for Burnham, soils, will receive the de­ tained a group of young people Iasi the family. There are three boys, Given To Every Woman gree In absentia, being In positions Monday evening In honor of their Our prices are always moderate and our service seven, nine and three years. sway from Corvallis. son, Dale’s seventeenth birthday. A marshmallow roast was held prompt. . . . If you are In need of letter-heads, SATURDAY ONLY The evening waa spent playing Monday night at Emmerich's ferry T E A C H E R S * E X A M IN A T IO N S games after which refreshments circulars, catalogs, broadsides or booklets we can river bank by a group of friends of Notice Is hereby given that the were served to the following: Ethel the Deerhorn-Waltervllle districts. save you money, time and worry. . . . Let us sub­ A party of young folks gathered County School Superintendent of Petty, Evelyn and Lorraine Rlch- mit samples and make estimate on any work you at the Rennie Koozer home Wed­ Lane County, Oregon, will hold the aidson, Doris Roberts, Beryl Bea­ nesday evening complimenting regular examlnat'yn of applicants ver, Caryl Lord, Wayne Jordan, may have. You are under no obligation. Lloyd Koozer, home from O. 8. C for state teachers’ certificates at Earl Papenfiis, Bill Tendrlck, Bob the County Court House in Eugene, Andrews and Dale Lord. for memorial day. Miss Veda Daley, who has been Marriage of Carrol Fountain and commencing on Wednesday, June Where Thrifty People Buy A Save Ethel Currant In Eugene last Sat­ 12, 1936, at 9 o’clock a. m. and con­ teaching at Trent has gone to Port 1015 Willamette St. Eugene urday was a surprise to their many tinuing until Friday, June 14, 1935, Orford for a three weeks' visit with her brother, Glen Daley, after friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fountain are at 4 o’clock p. m. which she plans to enter summer L. C. MOFFITT, spending their honeymoon In the school at Monmouth. County Bchool Supt. upper McKenzie country. ILS. BALL YEAR ENOSONTUESDAY TOW N AND VICINITY OFFICERS NAMED BY LODGE GROUP Follow the Crowd TO OUR New Store PRimiNC b u s e M ess “Your Job Is Next” Free Roses W IL L IA M S ' STORES, Inc.