The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 30, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday »t
Springfield. I-ane County. Oregon by
__________ _____ THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1M6
r-AOb, » wo
F o rd
M o to r
C om pany
F ive P a c ific Coaat S ym p h o n y
G roups A t F a ir
11. K. MAXEY, Editor
Inters»«' In a View law providing
« lit Beaver tales will bo recalled
for a system of uniform accounting and new ones told by hundreds of
for municipal corporations hM - Oregon Slate college alumni who
been shown by a number ot cttlea will return to the campus for class
mid counties. Earl Snell secretary rviinloi a and other alumni tunc
Dona In connection with Com
of state, report».
While the provisions of Chapter mencement week end. beginning
406. Oregon Laws 1936. which au­ May 31.
The class ot IHlti will he the sil­
thorizes the secretary of state to
prescribe a uniform »»stem ot ac ver Jubilee class this year, and ex­
counts (or cities and counties and pects to have many of its members
to conduct audt’s of municipal cor­ hack. including Ed Wallace, mem
porations. are not mandatory on In i ot the New York legislature,
the city and county governments, who Is iqpklng a special trip to
these units may elect to come un­ i rt'gon for the occasion. He will
der the provisions of the act and represent Ills class at the annual
lake advantage of the state audit alumni reunion baui]uet Saturday
evening. June I This class will
Illg servire
The secretary of state, under the also hold a special Jubilee class
regulations of Chapter 406. may banquet Friday evening, und a
require periodical reports from all breakfast und business meeting at
municipal corporations, which will the Heavy arboretum Saturday
tuske It possible for the first time morning.
Other classes holding reunions
to definitely centralise certain fln-
concerning this »ear under the established ro
these units of government
This tetlon plan will he lu three groups
feature will tend also, according tu } of four consecutive years These
proponents of the act before the ere '87. '88, 89 and '90. 08. 07. 08,
legislature, to promote uniformity } *®d ‘09; 26. 26, '27. nod 28 They
t»f accounts among all such cor
hold luncheon meetings Sat
poratlona. which the sponeors feel urduy noon.
to be highly desirable
( Ollier alumni functions of the
Several cities and counties of the week-end will Include the geueral
state have already Indicated an In alumni luncheon Saturday noou.
terest In the auditing services pro- 'he annual business meeting of the
vlded in the act and other govern •( alumni association Haturdny after
mental agencies have Inquired as | noon. and the Phi Kappa I'hl lul
to the uniform accounting features Ballon and breakfast Bunday morn
to be set up under the act by the Ing llacculaureate services will be
auditing division of the secretary at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, and
commencement exercises Mouday
uf state's office.
morn tn g at 10 o'clock.
Ten week» of symphonic music
featuring orchestras from Portland.
Seattle. San Francisco, law An-
gclea, and San Diego will be pre«
ented by the Ford Motor Company
One Year In Advance ___ $1.60
Six Mentha
>n the Ford B ov! at the California-
Two Years In advance — $1.50
Three Months
- ...... ~
Pacific International Exposition
opening Wednesday of thi» week
THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1936
The open air theatre, built by the
l.xpoeitfun and dedicated to F\»rd.
The National Recovery Act as w ritten Is unconstitu­ seat» 3,000 | arsons. Concerts are
tional says a unanim ous decision of the I nited States sup­ »(hcduletl 'la l'Y j v e p t Monday,
reme court. Based on the assum ption that congress hail from 2 to 4 o'clock In the after­
the right to regulate interstate comm erce the whole intri­ noon. and from 8 to 10 o’clock tu
cate structure of codes lias been built up and now collapses the evening There will be no ad­
mission charge.
under the decision rendered.
In addition to the concerts for
The suprem e court held that the NRA gave undue
Exposition audience,» (he «yin
authority to the executive branch of governm ent and that
music will he broadcast
the codes could not legally lie enforced. The decision is a phonic
over the Columbia Broadcasting
severe blow at the new deal and indicates we can not have
a centralized governm ent without usurping the powers of System, Tuesday and Thursday
eight to eight thirty Pncl-
the states and the people to m ake laws for themselves in i evening»
lie Coast Tittle and during the first
their local subdivisions.
' two weeks broadcast will carry the
Some good has come out of NRA and there has been Sun Diego symphony programs
some injustices. In all it is not a system of regulation ’ from three thirty to four o’clock
which free born American people want In norm al times.
i Saturday aftertioouc and from
Likely many of the benefits of NRA can be reeuacted I three thirty to four thirty begin­
into law. Efforts should be made to hold the gains thus ning with the law Angeles phtl-
far made.
1 harmonic engagement.
The natiou has now definitely returned "Back to the
The complete schedule follows:
i Sau Diego Symphouy orchestra.
Nino Marchelli conducting. May 29
through June It; Los Angeles
(N ation’s Business)
| Philharmonic
Some people who question the economic benefits of Svedrusky conducting. June 21
advertising fail to realize that the economic consideration : through July 4; Portland Synt
' phony orchestra. William
is only one factor.
Hoogstraten conducting. July 5
Advertising is opjxvsed to poverty. It creates dissatis­
faction. It creates desire. It creates incentive. It creates through July 18; Seattle Symphouy VISITING EXPERTS ADDED
determ ination. It creates earning power. It creates buying. orchestra. Basil Cameron conduct­ FOR OSC SUMMER EVENT MOTOR GROUP SEEKS
ing. July 26 through August 8; Sau
It creates enjoyment.
Francisco Sy mphony orchestra. Al­
the regular teach -!
Of what use Is an invention th at the public never fred Herts conducting. August 9 Ing Supplementing
staff of the Oregon State col-} Every motorist lu Oregon will
learns about? Of what use is a factory unless the people ! through August 22.
lege summer aeealon, June 24 to save one cent on each gallon of
desire w hat it m akes? Why ask what is the economic ef­
O th e r E n te rta in m e n t S ou ght
August 2. will be a number of pro- i gasoline If sufficient pressure It
fect of advertising when its social benefits are so plainly
The open week between the minent visiting instructors from } brought to bear on congress to let
Portland and Seattle engagements other M'hools and colleges through- the federal gasoline tax lapse on
Aren’t all these critics of m odern business, including has beeu offered to the Mormon out the country A total of 161 sunt its expiration date June 30. accord-
advertising forgetting that the essence of the American Tabernacle Choir of Salt Lake city. mer session courses nr«- offered this I mg to the Oregon State Motor as
character is to progress?
This famous organisation of 260 year.
Remember when you paid $50 or $00 for an automobile mixed voices sang a week's engage
Among these will be Dr. William
The federal gasoline tax was
tire guaranteed, perhaps, for 2,000 miles'.’ Today for a third - ment under Ford sponsorship at a E. Blatx. director of St. George« passed in 1932 as a temporary men
as m uch you gel a tire which lets you forget guarantees Century of ITogress In Chicago last School of Child Study, University ■•ure for one year only, but haa
and surprises you if it fails to give from ten to 20 tim es the summer, and It is hoped It will also of Toronto, Canada, whose courses been twice extended. 1-ast year It
mileage of those tires of 20 years ago. That didn’t just make the trip to San Diego. The in family relationships, parent edu­ exacted more than $170.000.00(1
ten-day hiatus between the San cation and child development won from the American motoring public,
And without the m ass production which advertising Diego and Los Angeles orchestras' great popularity at the summer considerably more than was re­
has helped t create the unit cost of many products would series will be filled with other session last year. Edith Rhyme of turned for construction of new
be increased far beyond the im o u n t of the advertising. events of public interest.
.Montana State college will teach roads. It was pointed out.
W ithout this m ass production, too, there would probably
In Oregon alone motorists last
The Ford Bowl at San Diego is courses In clothing and textile*.
be m any more unemployed than we have today.
built in a natural amphitheatre on and Dr. Beatrico Geiger, dean of year contributed $2.500.000 to fed
When m ore and more m anufacturers advertising con­ the side of a canyon In Balboa home economics at Iowa State col - - eral cotter» Of that sum $1.700.000
sum er products can lose their jitters and swing into their Park, which provides the grounds lege, will instruct classes In nutrl- was paid as gasoline tax. while the
- remainder was in the form of ex-
stride as so many are doing today to their increasing profit, 1 for the exposition. The orchestra tion.
Dr Leston L. Love, formerly of else taxes.
then we will find th at the pump has been primed—not by shell was especially designed ncous-
the doubtful expedient of pouring oil on troubled waters, | tlcallv for symphonic music, and Oregon State college and now Jun­
In vad es S ta te s R ig h ts
but by using advertising for w hat it is today—the spark experts consider It superior even ior dean of education at Ohio State Twenty-one state legislatures
plug to start the engine.
to the famous Hollywood Bowl. university, will otter work In guid­ have sent memorials to congress
Seats for the audience are on a con- ance and vocational education, and demanding that the tax he abolish­
The board of higher education should act at once to - crete foundation built Into the slop- Mrs. Ella E Wilson, dean ot girls ed. and nearly three hundred or­
at Franklin high school. Portland, ganizations.
fill the office of chancellor over the University, State Col­ ■ ing side of the canyon.
will again handle courses for deans civic, commercial ml farm groups
lege and Normal schools. The situation where Dr. Kerr con­
have passed resolutions to the
tinues to hold on a fter subm itting his resignation is not COAST HIGHWAY OFFERS and advisers of high school girls
In industrial arts and industrial j »atne effect.
good for the schools. Dr. Kerr has long been a thorn in the
The federal gasoline tax is the
PANORAMA OF FLOWERS education A. C. Tagg, director ol
side of the university, and there can be no harm ony as long
industrial education at Dearborn, i only universal duplicating tax In
as he remains. Right or wrong our system of higher edu­
Blossoming into a riot of living Mich., and president of the Nation- existence, since a gasoline tax had
cation should be larger th an any one man.
hues and transforming Oregon’s al Trade School Principals as so- been Imposed by all the states long
marine drive Into a veritable bower elation, will give courses In writ­ before the federal government en
The McKenzie pass is expected to be open within two uf color and sw eet scent, wild­ ten and visual teaching and organi­ tered th field.
weeks. Tourist traffic never sta rts on the McKenzie high­ flowers of the Pacific have sounded zation and administration ot indus­
way until the pass is open. We should work in this county their call for the annual “big par­ trial education. O. D. Adams, state
for early opening of the pass each year. It is a great con­ ade" of recreation-seekers along director ot vocational education, Shot in A rm — Floyd McBee ac­
venience to the traveling public and a stim ulation to busi­ the 400 mile coast highway.
cidentally shot him self through the
will direct a conference of Smith-
ness not to have our state cut into two parts by a snow
Thousands of motorists will Hughe» teachers and alao teach a fh-shy part of hl., arm Saturday.
barrier for as m any m onths of the year as possible.
He received medical r.ttention at
I travel to the coast especially to number of courses.
the office of a local physician
view the flowers. It Is indicated by
The largest diamond in the world has been bought by inquiries received by the touring
P a re n ts of Daughter— Mr and
a New Yorker for 150,000 pounds, and has been insured department of m e Oregon State P A S T N O B L E G R A N D S T O
H A V E P O T L U C K D IN N E R * " • Larson Wright are the par
for a million dollars. Americans have m ost of the largest Motor association. Within the next
' ents of a daughter born to them at
things in the world and we suppose that sooner or later this ¡tw o or three weeks the flowers will
Month y meeting of the P a st: the Pacific hospital on Monday,
country had to have the diamond.
blexim in abundance.
--------.— «-------------
Azaleas, the flower which has Noble Grand club of Juanita Rebe- May 27, 1935.
From Nebraska to Oregon cam e 114 automobiles in done much to make the Oregon kah lodge will be held at the I. O. ----------— ------- ■ ■■■-------------------- ---------
April, according to the secretary of s ta te ’s registration de­ coast a famous playground, are O. F hall Tuesday starting with a
partm ent. This would indicate th at m any are leaving the now at their finest. Scotch Broom potluck dinner at noon. Members of}
and Irish Furze have cast their the committee in charge of the
dust belt.
spell from Astoria to California meeting are Mrs. W. F. Walker,
forming a 400-miIe panorama of Mrs. Harvey Eaton, Mrs. Riley
Senator Long has 22 clerks on his day shift and 14 on
Snodgra»«. and Mrs. C iarlile Fut-
the night shift opening and answ ering mail. W hat a lot of vivid color.
Another iamous flower, Rhodo­ man.
dendrons, will m in be at its beat [
Electric power com sum ption in the United States has | along the coast. It was pointed o u t.'G A R D E N W A Y C L A S S H A S
increased 3,5 per cent over last year. This would indicate A1 though som e already have ap- GRADUATION EXERCISES
- peared, an abundanc e of them may
th a t more wheels of industry are turning.
be seen within 10 day« or two
Graduation exercises for the Gar­
weeks. Residents ol Florence have den Way eighth grade class were
designated June 2, as Rhododen­ held last night at the school house.
dron day and are extending an in­ Rev. Dean C. Poindexter delivered
vitation to Its Inland visitors to the coniniencement address and
visit the coast on that date.
Dewey Ray gave the valedictory.
Entered a» second class matter, February 24. 1903, at the puefolBcs.
Spr'ngBeld, Oregon
(M att. 7:1-12)
Ooodspeed’s translation says, “Pass no more judgm ent
upon other people, so th a t you m ay not have judgm ent
passed upon you.” Beware of harshly criticizing othere. It
only reveals a glaring fault in yourself and shows you in­
capable of im partial evaluation. The faults you think you
see in them are really your own m isconstrued vision. And
yet you pronounce judgem ent. This habit of yours reacts
upon you to destroy w hatever good you may have. Seek
to set your own house in order and then others will have a
standard before them. While you are not to be a fault­
finder neither are you to think every person a saint. In a
country where hogs are detested and where dogs eat up the
refuse th a t goes to the sewer in more sanitary countries,
Jesus referred to these anim als to teach a lesson In discern­
m ent. You c a n ’t m ake much headway decorating swine nor
teaching dogs to worship. Some people have the charac­
teristics of these anim als even th o u g h t they m ay be in
Kings’ palaces.
Three words are used by the M aster to indicate how
men arrive a t a real knowledge of God. Ask, seek, knock.
If you are not eager and constantly on the search you will
not arrive. God never falls nor plays jokes on the seekers
a fte r truth.
They th a t seek the Highest with a passion to find th a t
fellowship with Him will never fail. ‘‘So if you, bad as you
are, know enough to give you children w hat Is good, how
m uch more surely will your F ather in heaven give wiiat Is
good to them th a t ask Hltn for it!”
“T herefore you m ust alw ays tre a t other people as you
would like to have them tre a t you.” This Is all Moses and
the prophets ever said. Do this and you fulfill their precepts.
Additional supervisor» named Fri­
day by the Bounty Court In the
Roden Control caiupulau MOW lie
Ing started la the county Include
It. It Brown, Gleu Hptc«*r, slid
Pea Vey oi III«* Molwwk Mt K p i i i I v
tllatrlct. Sil pur* I »011» wilt ulio<k oil
uoiitit»l work mid will unttortako
the work (hHiio*rlv««H if ptoporly
owiioiw full to uoiuply with th«« law.
Cl^tth Will ho UHMOHttOll UKUlllNt the
volunteer firemen
will meet every Tuesday evening
ut Die City Hall tor Instruction and
practice according to present ar-
ra genieuts made by Hugh Jolllff,
tire chief, who Is to train the vol­
unteers He expects to have a staff
of 12 competent helpers organised
wlthip a few weeks ulthough he has
only about hull Hint many »elected
a l th is tim e.
Scat lie Wasli . May 31» A total
ot 619 down and operating uillla In
Oregon und Washington which rs
ported to the West Coast Lumber
no n s u-tfox’lutlon (or the week end
Illg May 18. produced 26,639,801
hoard (eel ol lumber Thia waa ap
proxlmately 20.0tto.ooti feel under
the prei edlng Week The average
weakly piuiluctlou ot Bite group of
■awmllls in 1936 has bee» 81.26*.
828 («-el, during the same period In
1934 their weekly average waa 87.
021.061 (eel.
The new liuslness reported laat
week by 619 mill« was 66.181.126
board foot against a production of
26,629.801 feet and shipments uf
40.666.10 [eel. Their shipments
were over production by 68.8 per
cent amt their current »alee were
over production by 116.3 per rent
The orders hixiked last week by
Bits group ol Identical mills were
under the total In the preceding
week by atxiul 13.000.000 foot or ap­
proximately 18.7 per cent
. -ii. 1.1.1
Summer School
Advance mid UcKltiidtiK UI mhhch will be conducted In
Shorthand. Book keeping, TypewritlnR, HXc.
Enrollment Dates, Mondny, June 3 and 17, 1935
Eugene Business College
" II' h A (iootl School”
Phone 666
Miner Bldg.
E ugene, Ore.
We wlalt all our young friendtt a happy vacation
und that they come hack to achool with renewed
energy thin fall.
I<!ggiiuuuu’rt ia here to nerve you both in vgcatltm
well uh Hchool time, ice cream for your purtlea and
picnicH, candies und xott drink« of (he heal quality are
alwayH ready for you.
F G G I M A N N ’S
"Where th« Service Is Different
You Are the Farmers’ Market
The Springfield Creamery in the beat murket for
the cream of hundreds of farm er* in Lane county. We
buy it for caah and m anufacture the cream in our Multi
O 't'ream quality butter. You really create the murket
for your fa n n e r friendH by lining our product.
The way to develop any county I h to uae It» pro­
d u c t rath er lliun send your money awuv. Let Maid
O'Cream do duty in your home.
Springfield Creamery Co.
THE CAR that has
Ih e tu r d V-H fo r 1934 hss been an
outstanding aurtefe, ran because o f sny-
thing we have said about it hut because
of »hat ouneri have aaid. At Country
C lu b s ... In Pullman Cara . . . l a Air­
plane» . . . In Living Room s. . . At tilin g
stations and on the streets. And nil theae
. ommenta tend to fall under four head»:
one, "1 he new V-H ridea like a dream";
two, "It's smartly designed"; three, “It
coatf leva to run" and four, “ It per­
form» like ‘nobody’» buiineaa'I"
on low sum m er roun ’trips
j r t t ticket through California!
I oat, in effect, is what Southern
Pacific give» you on a summer
roundtrip Eavt.This mcani you can
visit California on your way to or
from the East f o r not a tingle tent
more fa re than the loweit roundtrip
direit Hat! and back. Thia applies
~~~ _
from most western O regon and
Washington points to almoat any
eastern destination. Stop over in San Francisco, Ixx Angeles, or any­
where along the line. Return by a northern II. S. or Canadian line.
Or go by the North, return through California. Low summer fares
are in effect May 15 to October 15. Return limit October 31.
A IR -C O N D ITIO N E D TRAINSI Thia summer our 5 leading trains w ill
be air-conditioned completely. N o matter what type o f accommodation
you choose you’ll have to o l, clean, fresh air and quiet all the way.
Here are tu o tummer roundtrip examplet. Simitar low fares everywhere.
CHICAG O ......................*57.35
NEW YORK...................»95.75*
“ Pretty smooth Ilyina today.”
don’t have
* •” í v
new Ford V
the n«” * *
esse d«*” *
oil COO’»1"1
“ Yea. the folks back horns
wouldn’t btlieva It If 1 told them
this sirp'sne ride waa n o th com
pared to a trip In our Ford V-u.’’
n<> Will G .
"You cot ona tool—Sari that
‘Comfort /o n a Ride1 in thia
rear's iob baa cot to be triad
to ba appreciated, haan't it?"
,,e '«ont ft
* 68.80 * 86.00
»107.20* »124.40*
*45 day return lim it. October J1 lim it tlightly higher.
"uuhet e n j .hair cart. T o u ria /a rn tm il m Ioarta Pallaiani (glut
berfh). Staodara tarat m od h, a ll trpei »/ a r o m n o d a t m ,, (ptai I’allatan chareet).
S o u th e r n P a c if ic
For details, see your local S. P. agent or write I. A. Ormandy,
general Pattenger Agent, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Ore.
J / A
( ¿ X —/
ANUUF.F.O.B.DeTROlT.Sasndnrdod- .
CB’ iory group including bumper» mid
-'S »por« Sre estro. Eoay ferm» through :î
U r.i- .»al Credit Co., Authorized. ford Minane* Ftan,
L a
- it .,.,«