The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 30, 1935, Image 1

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T illit
SCHOO l s '’IJECI "« m ™
Kf// Be triday TAKES J. FULOP
Loses As
— Depart
Edna Severson
Wins Prize
Bryan-Fogle Ceremony To
Graduating Clast This Year
Retiring President Of Girls
Or Read At Corvallis To­
Included Leaders in Many 1 All-Community Invited To League Chose At Outstand­
Springfield People Shocked
Basketball, Track, Baseball
morrow At 10 30
At Sudden Death Of Local
Student Activities
Bring Roses and Other
ing Among Students
Letters Awarded At Final
Merchant Sunday
Heated among (be 62 high school
Flowers To Exhibition
Tin« inurrlugc of Miss Crystal
High School Assembly
Tbe name of Miss Edna Sever­
District Board Outlines Im»
proveniente Planned To
System During Summer
llryun. iluugliti-r of Mrs Muudn
Ik u lh from heart (rouble, which
llryun. to Victor I* Fogle la to be
hud been bothering him for several
„ ,, _
! mi event of tomorrow. Friday, May
years, came suddenly to Julius
Booth-Kelly Prov.des Lumber
OI1) wlll „„ hB|d
Fulop. Hprlngfleld merchant, Sun
To Apply On Taxes Due;
t orvalii» at io so a m
day morning as he was working
Martin In Charge
A ttendants w ill be Mr. and Mrs
on Ihe lawn at his home. He had
■1 ■■■ ■ 1
W J Hint! uti«l t ho tnolbor of lb *
told several friends of hie recently
W ork
oil HprliiKfltfld’a H E IlA , bride e|e<-|
that he expected to be stricken at
school project In scheduled to begirt
ceremony the any time
here Monday morning at both the couple plan Io visit Vancouver and
high school and the Lincoln grade
Victoria. * ‘anuda.
building, Glenn I. Martin ban been
Springfield w here they w lll make
rets rued by the school board to
Ih e lr home a fte r uhoul tw o weeks.
lying associated with civic
have supervision over the work In
and charitable activities of
Miss llryun Is a former sludent
the high school and the gymnasium,
of Hprlngfleld Mr. Fulop enjoy­
at the CulversKy of Oregon and u
and Mel Itlce will be foreman of
ed a very wide frle<ulshlp He
graduate of the Monmouth Normal.
the pulntlng work at the Lincoln
was always one of Ihe foremost
She has taught In the Springfield
leaders of Ihe community and
-'bools since completing . her nor­
The totul estimated oust of Ihe
a generous contributor toward
mal studies
project us shown on the estimate
relief funds. No one In actual
sheets prrpured by the HERA office
distress' ever appealed to him
Is (4.274 61 The nature of the work
In vain
Ills passing Is keenly
t<> lie dune Is such that the coat of
felt by Ihe community.
materials will equal about hall of
the total cost of the project
Mr. Fulop was 4k years old and
Llnooln W ork Listed
had been In Ihe mercantile bust
Work at the Lincoln school w llll
ness In thia city for about 15 years
Include scaffolding and renalllng of j
He operated a store at Fifth and
Ihe aldlug on the building and re-
Main street for several years be­
painting the entire exterior. Near­ Annual Election Of Officer«
fore selling out to Kafoury. return­
ly KMX) yards of dirt are to be ex j
And Delegate« Held At
ing later to open another store In
cavaled from the pneotn school j
Meeting Friday Noon
Ihe present location. He was an
grounds and used as a till weal of
the high school gymnasium The
*" *’ Hamlin was elevated Io the active member of the Chamber of
Lincoln school grounds will (hen - presidency of the Hprlngfleld Lions Commerce and held membership In
he graded and planted with grass 1 *ub Friday noon at they annual Ihe Lions club.
i "lection of d u b officers lie sue-
H. B. Changes »et
« rede K C Hlusrt, who was given
In the high school a new floor * rising vote of thanks for his
will be-plarwl in the manual train w,,rk n"’
tng shop and part of the domestic 1 Other officers chosen are 1-arson
science rooms Home remodeling o( W right, vice-president; Hev Dean
the latter room Is also Included
Poindexter, secretary treasurer;
These will he made In conformity ■ W K llarnell. tall tw ister; Harry
with recommendations of the Home i M Stewart. Lion tamer; and Glenn
Kconomlcs department at O. 8. I*
-Martin and Theimer J. Nelson
A representative of the department | directors for two years. I>r. Mel
was here recently and outlined villa » Jones, and Clayton F. Bar­
changes whereby more aludents ber are bold-over members of the
could he accommodated better In board.
' I
the classes
j Outgoing
officers are Harry
The largest part of the entire pro ' Stewart,
Jed will consist of the remodeling secretary treasurer; Dr. W. N Dow.
of the gymnasium The entire back ; lall twister, and W E. Buell, ^lon
end of the present building will be tamer
clenrud out. and a concrete floor I H. Il Sallee. Hoy Seoul Uxecu-
.... ..
“l,o a " ,h"
•” “ '*• •>«“ «»•
ing Just beyond the basketball
floor Two city truck. I.s v . been
re ,,i„ | by the school board and
SKUA employee, w lll use them to
haul riv e r rock to be used as fill
material for the concrete floor
live for this district, will tall morn­
bera of the club about the National
, UBUa<r <su
.......... heW „„ Hlu„ H|v(, r dur„
„.a meeting Friday.
. .
I resident llauilln was chosen as
Cash Saving Effsctsd
on»- of tbe delegates Io attend the
Lumbar for the project I . being
b„ ht,ld at T „ .
purchased at the Booth Kelly saw Dalles
week^ nd
He la to
mill here and I . being taken to „ .le d al)o(ber
apply on buck taxes o f the com I ,.„i the dub
pany. The lumber needed wlll cost
’ X n b U g modern show er, I ' N T E R E 8 T R , 8 E 8
and a badly needed beating plant
are all Included In the gym work
* 1
plant New dressing rooms, supply ®a* 8ra* Candidates Rumored, Just
One P etitio n F iled; Election
nsini. aod more windows aro In­
To Be On June 17
cludisi so Is also Onüüilng the In­
terior of the main building and
Despite the fact that no more
painting Incide and outside
project also Includes repainting tbe petitions have been filed for can­
didates In the school election to be
Brnttalu school roof.
held June 17, Interest In Ihe elec­
tion Is rising ibout town, Candl
dates must fib- by June 10.
At this time only the petition for
! E. (’. Htuart as director baa been
M ildred
Jucobson, | 8|KII,.d ant| f||)>d w((h |hw digtrict
.laughter ,>f Mr. and M r.. O ac.r clerk
Il Jacobaon, bus announeed June
ced Ills Intention to be a candidate
16 as thè date of her weddlng to
to succeed himself us clerk, but
Harry Wrlght
The «eremony wlll
his petition has not made Its ap­
be Molemnixed Huturduy atternoou pearance on the atreet yet.
at 4 o’clock at thè home of Mlaa
Jatobson's parente aouthenat of Un­
gane. Arthur II. John., presld<git of FORMER RESIDENT IS
thè Chnrch of Jesus Chrlst of thè
Latter Day Batata, wlll officiate
and Miss Iva l ’eurl Jacobaon wlll
Benjamin F. McElfresh, 35, form­
he mah! of honor for her Ulster.
er resident of Hprlngfleld, was
drowned Tuesday evening In the
W illamette river at Judkins point.
He was fishing from a canoe with
Thomas N. llolderson when It cap-
Miss Eunice Gerber entertained s I k - i I. Neither could swim but Hold-
at her home yesterday noon with n erson hung to the overturned canoe
IMitluck dinner for 10 guests hon­ until rescued.
Searchers have been dragging
oring Miss Maxine Snodgrass who
will assume her new office duties Ihe river for the body since the
v’Ifhjpr‘ he Mountain Htatea Power mishap, finding only the fishing
company at the Albuny office Mon­ pole.
McElfresh wns employed by the
day of next week. Mlsa Snodgrass
has been employed In the local of­ Eugene W ater Board and wag the
fice of Ihe company since gradua­ father of the small boy who wag
accidentally killed here several
tion from high school.
years ago when he wag struck by
a passing motorist os be stepped
out from behind a parked automo­
Cars driven by Ira T. Weight and
Marvin Gorrle were damaged Hun
day morning when they collided at
Hlxih and "E" streets about 11
o’clock. A wheel and fender were
broken on the Gorrle car and the
axle was (lamaged on the Weight
automobile according to the acci­
dent report filed at the city hall.
Egglmanns Both III
Both Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kggl-
iiiiinn are quite III at their home
here tills week. Mr. Egglmann has
been ailing for some time, and Mrs.
Egglmann Injured her hack during
Ihe past week-end.
Born In Hungary
He was born at Eger. Hungary
on December 26. 1896 and attended
school at
Debrecxen, Hungary,
graduating as a civil engineer whoa
IK years old When he was 21 years
be came to the United Htates and
returned to Hungary In 1*20. seven
years later, to marry Mlsa Marg
aret A. Roxsu The same year they
returned to the United States liv­
ing first at Hpokans. Washington,
later In Portland, and then In
He J. survived by bis widow,
Mrs Margaret Fulop; (wo children.
Eugene and Ethel Ruth, both at
home; one brother. N. J. Fulop at
Han Francisco; two nephews, J.
H Fulop and Irw in Fulop In bos
Angeles, and iwo
sisters, Mrs.
Steve Nadoay and Mrs. Dr. France
Muller in Hungary
Funeral In Portland
Funeral services were held from
the Beth Israel synagogue chapel In
Portland Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock Itabbi Bercovltx officlted
with Poole chapel of Hprlngfleld In
charge of arrangements.
Among the Hprlngfleld people
who went to Portland to attend the
funeral services were Dr. and Mrs
W H Pollard, Floyd Flanery. W.
C. Wright. Mrs. Ida Adams. Mrs W,
A Taylor, Mrs. Edith Laxton. Mrs
Olive Rebtisn. Mrs A. J. Cowart,
W. K. Burnell, John Pyle. Mr. and
Mrs Harry Stewart, and Mr. and
Mrs. P. J Bartholomew.
Among the high school teachers
who have left the city to spend the
summer at their home or elsewhere
are Miss Bernice Conoly wbo left
Tuesday to spend the summer with
her mother and sister In Portland
Mr. und Mrs Marlon Hall have
gone to California to spend the
summer on a ranch.
Robert Chatterton has gone to
Washington where he w ill spend
the suinther.
Miss Clarabel Wagner has return-
ed to Corvallis (o spend Ihe sum­
mer with her mother.
Hprlngfleld sent a quartet to sing
al the memorial service at the I.
O. O. F. cemetery in Eugene this
morning. Members of Ihe quartet,
Paul Potter, tenor, Norton Pengrs.
second tenor, W alter Gossler, bari­
tone. and P. J. Bartholomew, were
accompanied on a portable organ
by Lester Hulln.
Hprlngfleld Girl Scouts will meet
at the Lincoln school Monday after­
noon at 4 o’clock to make final
plans for a Court of Awards to be
held at the Methodist church the
following evening at 7:30.
Mrs. Wendell Van Loan will
speak, and musical numbers w lll be
given. All Interested persons ari
Invited to be present.
All new applications for loan*
from the Home Owner's Loan Cor­
poration must be In the malls not
later than midnight of June 27,
1936 according to ^n announce­
ment Just received by L. L. Ray,
aturday party for
Eugene, attorney for the corpora­
H. S. STUDENTS SUCCESS tion. A complete statement of the
Twenty-five young p<>ople enjoy­ eligibility rules and other facts
concerning the loans Is mads else­
ed a social evening Haturday at the
where In this Issue of the News.
home of the Misses Charllne and
Florence Fish. They entertained to
honor Miss Frnncee Httles who BOOK DONATION FOR
moved to her new home at Corval­
lis Tuesday.
A donation of 26 volumes of
Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. books was made to the Sprlng{Jeld
Loren Eiltnlston of Eugene are par­ public library this week by Mrs.
ents of h baby son born to them W alter C. Schaeffer of Eugene ac­
ut the Eugene hospital on Monday, cording to an announcement made
May 27, 1835.
seniors who graduated fijom Spring-1
son will be engraved on tbe Civic
field high school Friday evening a t, JUNE 5 AT TAYLOR HALL Club cup this year it was announ­ JUNIOR
Ihe Methodist church were mauy
ced Tuesday morning at ine annual
ouis Ian ding students who have Children’s Pageant and Floral sealor breakfast given by the high H. S. Inetall Officare Of Stu­
done much to place their achool
Parade To Start at 6; 30
school Girls league at tbe Metho­
dent Body; All School«
In Ihe forefront both In academic
dist eburen.
On Main Street
Have Picnic Outing«
and sports adlyltles.
This cup Is awarded annually by
Heading tbe list ur them all
Plans fur Hprlngfleld'. fifteenth
Hchcol days ended for Hpring-
Ihe Civic Club to tbe girl chosen as
stands bisque Hmlth who served as annual Roae and Flower show to
the most outstanding girl In tbe field children tbls weeh. For *2
president of the l«ettermeii's club be sponsored by the Women's Civic
high school. Selection Is made by a seniors at tbe high school It meant
tills year. An outstao<lng track Improvement club at Taylor boll
rote of the girls themselves short­ tbe conclusion of their elementary
performer for three years, be was Wednesday, June 6. were announ­
ly before school Is over each education, and for a large class la
also captain of the football leant ced today following a meeting of
spring. The name of tbe winning the Junior high grades It meant ad
and a two-year It-tterman In basket­ (he executive committee nt the club
girl Is not announced until the sen­ vaccemenl Into high school, hat.
Haturday when final plans were
ior breakfast, tbe rinal day of for the majority of the pupils It
gaeoiid In the llat Is Malcolm completed.
means a glorious summer vacation.
Hansen who for Iwo successive
Mrs. C. E Wheaton, veteran
Miss Severson served as presi­
Schools were closed Tuesday
years won second place In tbe mile worker of many past flower shows,
In the state high school track meet. I* again general chairman for the dent of the Girls' League during after report cards bad been given
tbe past year. She waa also vlee- out. Students at tbe Lincoln school
B a s e b a ll Team Loses Bis
event and lias announced several
The baseball team loses Verlln new innovations to be tried tbls presldent of the senior class and a spent the day with a picnic, aod
member of tbe National Honorary students at the high school held
Posey. Arnold Scott, Irvin Darr. year.
their annual senior class day pro­
Carl Htevenaon. Charles Cole and
Parade En tries W elcome
New officers of tbe Girls' League gram In the forenoon followkag the
Woodrow Ware.
Mrs. R. E Dawson Is chairman
Basketball players who wlll not of the Children’s roae pageant and were in charge of the breakfast senior breakfast at which Mias
return are Smith. Ware and Darr. I floral parade which will be held and were installed during the pro­ Edna Severson waa awarded the
Miss Florence May. new Civic Club cup as the moot out­
Football men wbo bung up tbelr Wednesday evening at C:30 o'clock, gram
suits for tbe last In high school The parade entries wlll form at presider' made an address of wel­ standing student. Closing exercises
are Jack Williams, Colo, Posey, Seventh and “A” streets and Judg come which was responded to by were held a t the Brattaln school
th-ott anil Smith
! ing will be completed before the Miss Severson. Others who made Monday, the students returning
In addition to Smith and Hansen parade moves Into Main street short talks were Miss Iowa Carlton, Tuesday only to receive their re­
the track team loses Hadley who where the line of march will take faculty adviser, and Mrs. Anu port cards.
had a bar] leg this year and was It westward to Fourth and north Vogel Jam es,-form er faculty ad­
Get Diplomas
viser Miss Clyde Dilley and Miss
unable to do much but who helped on Fourth to "A ” street.
Twenty-six eighth graders re ­
win second place In tbe district
The Civic club Invites children Mary Elisabeth Whitney entertain­ ceived diplomas at the closing pro­
meet last year In the sprint events; of Hprlngfleld and nearby com­ ed with music.
gram held at the Lincoln school
Darr, who won points In the dis munities to participate la the par­
Monday morning. They are: Frosh
trlct meet in high Jump and pole ade. Entrants should not be over
Bennett. Mildred Billings. EUa
vault events; Bob Benson and 14 years of age Awards wlll be
Brooks. Cora Brown, Peter B.
Obert Andrews. Smith woe tbe given for originality, artistic and
Chace, Leroy Church. Clarence
most versatile of the track men ; comic designs of costumes, de
W ilm a Crabtree, Elmer
placing In the two hurdle events, corated pets, scooters, bicycles and
Davis, Isaac Jr. Endicott. Vers
and the broad Jump.
Gates, Billy Githena, Evelyn Han­
To Jack Williams also goes hon­
Toy O rchestra to Lead
sen. Ida Jane Irw in, Billie Nesbitt,
or for his broad participation, in
Members of the toy orchestra
Robert Nice, Paul Nott, John Phil­
student body activities, especially ot the Brattata achool will lead the Seniors Lead Classes With 17 lips, Anita Pugh, Emma Jane
music and dramatics.
parade dressed in their gay color­
Names; Juniors In Second
Smith, Lorraine Squires. Lawrence
ed costumes, ""he costumes are at
O tbats and Music Score
Thompson, Dean Van Lydegraf.
Place With 15 Listed
Looking over the girls, first place Mrs. Dawson’s home. 711 North
Carmel Waddell, Dean Wilson, an*
goes to Edna Severson for winning First street and all membesr ot
Final honor roll for the Spring- Midge Wilson.
the Civic club cup Next place be­ the orchestra are urged to. call field high school student body was
Closing exercises at the high
longs to Frances Utiles, vslodlctor there for their uniforms.
released Tuegday along with the
school Included the Installation of
Assisting Mrs. Dawson as mem- final report cards of the year. The
tan. for her dramatics and debate
the new student body officers by
work. Next In order are Joan Bea
of l **e general classification honor roll contains students' names
Jack W illiam s, retiring preaftdsnC.
vey, debate and tJG>lng; Moris Rob- committee are Mrs. Arthur Snead, for the entire semester and for
New officers are Lawrence Chase,
Inson. and Lorna Chase, debate; ■ Mrs- McNett. Mrs. W. O. Burch the final six weeks as follows
president; LaMoyne Block, vice-
Ruth Pollard. Margaret Jarrett. Mrs. Milton V. W alker and Mrs
Freshmen — semester and six
president; Georgia May Harris,
Juanita Seanion. Ahapbla Palanluk, •-c°ta Rodenbougb
weeks— Selma Clement. George
secretary, Wendell Bartholomew,
Eunice Rhlnevault, and Margaret
Th" flower show, to. which every Drury, Georgia Mae Harris, W ini­
Hack, music.
| one Is Invited to bring tbelr dis­ fred Klckbusch; semester only— treasurer; and Marvin Gorrle. no­
d a l promoter.
plays and enter them In competl Henry Chace. Jane Phair; for six
Present A th le tic L e tte r *
lion, wlll open at k o’clock Wednee week only— Rachel Skurdall, A l­
Athletic awards were presented
day morning and continuing during fred Warner. Marvin Easton.
the afternoon and evening. The ex­
Sophomores— semester and six by W. E. Buell to the following
hibit will be closed from 11 until weeks— ClarabeUe Brood. Cecil students for participation In the
1 o'clock while the Judges are Crafts, Rachel Lee, Dorothy M illi­ sports program of the school:
awarding the ribbon prlxes.
can. Hoxel Nesbitt. Gladys Shelley,
Track— Billy HUI, BlUy Orr, Ran­
Seek Sweepstake W in n e r
Juan Stratton. Edna Vest. Lois dall Ray. Irvin Darr, C lair Hadley.
One of the new Innovations this Wilson. Jeannine Withers. Eugenia Robert Lltacher, Kerrigan Hutche­
Reeident Of Springfield For season will be tbe voting by every Karns; semester only—Joseph An­ son. Disque Smith, Malcom Hanson,
one attending the show to deter­ drews, Clara Brooks; six weeks and David Privat, manager.
16 Year« Paeeee Away
mine the beet individual bloom or only— Susie Elkow. Ila Putman.
At Home Monday
Basketball—Kenneth Cox. Lawr­
group exhibit. Everyone Is Invited
Juniors—semester and six weeks ence Chase, Bill White, Dole Car-
Funeral services for Thomas ,o a,,end the
and each per- — LaMoyne Block, Russell Cooper,
son, Holverson, D. Richardson.
Ogden. SO. farmer, who passed I 80,1 a,,endlnK wln »>e Invited to Rolland Farnsworth. Mae Goddard,
Pete Taylor. Irvin Darr, Antony
away Monday at his home at 614 CB8' “ b“ llot for one en,ry The r«- Caroline Hicks, Josie Hicks, Doro­ Uchytll and Bobby Calkins.
"G~ street, will be held Friday 8uU8 of ,h,s b»11011“ «
be en
thy Karns. John Klckbusch. Flor­
Baseball— Verlln Pcsey, Lorry
morning at 10 o’clock from the tlrely Independent of the official ence May, Lola Manley. JoLana Liles, George Irvin, Arnold Scott.
Putman, Evalyn Robley, Albert Pete Taylor. Carl Stevenson, Dale
Poole chapel here. Rev. I. O. Shaw
Rules of the exhibit provide that Rodakowskl. Robert Saul. Warren
wlll officiate and interment wlll be
Carson. Kerry Hutcheson. Roscoe
made In Ihe Laurel H ill cemetery. roses may be shown In groups of Vail; semester only— Edward Hen­ Cole, Billy White. Melvin Stevens.
Thoinae Ogden -»as boro August six of any variety, groups of three sen; six weeks only— Barbara Bar­ Warren McKenney and Luther
11, 1854 at Corbin. Kansas, moving of any variety, one bud or bloom or nell. Jean Louk.
Seniors— semester and six w— n«
later I" Blackwell. Oklahoma, and baskets with 12 or more roses. Bas-
Annual schol picnic tor the high
In 1819 to Portland. He had resided I k*?U ° f m,Xed n° w®r8 and «“ 7 —Charles Cole. M arjorie Currant.
In Hprlngfleld for Ihe past 16 years. ° ‘ her n ° wers- whether wild or Laurie Downes. Mary Elkow, c u ty school was held a t Swimmers' De­
I» !»1P he was married to Daisy i lan,e’ n,ay be Prlvate|7 arranged Hadley. Malcolm Hansen. Mary light Monday. Commencement ex­
Gonya In Portland, who survives i for e’l,,lb,tlon
Katherine Harris. Harold H1U, Eve­ ercises for tbe high school gradu­
him as does one daughter. Rose, i Ea<'b Per80n ma7 enter * • ma“ V lyn Johnson, LaVerne Pugh. Doris ates were held at the Methodist
Marie Robinson, Joan Seavey, Edna church Friday evening.
al home; one son, Slogai) Ogden groups as he wishes.
Severson. Frances Stiles, Faye
in Oklahoma; and two brothers,
Frank Ogden. Corbin, Kansas, and roses and other exhibits excepting Stratton. Mary Trotter, Raymond TEACHERS OF COUNTY
baskets and private displays.
W ithers; semester only— Obert An­
Edwin Ogden. Los Angeles.
Exhibitors are urged to mark the drews, Irvin Darr, Dlsque Smith.
He was a member of the Masonic
name of their roses If they know
State teacher examinations wlU
lie given at the office of County
Weekly meeting of the Spring-
field Boy Scout troop whlcb was to
have beer, held last night was post­
poned because of the absence of
Glenn Martin, scoutmaster, who Is
spending a few days on the coast.
He will return Saturday to take
charge of the achool remodeling
work which starts Monday.
It W Manning took full posses­
sion of the Dave Worley beer par­
lor at Second and Main streets
Tuesday of this week. He had been
here for some time negotiating for
Show Founded In I t t e
The Springfield Rose show was
founded in 1919 and was planned
after the Civic Club had sponsored
a city-wide cleanup campaign. The
shows have been continued each
year since that tIK e except lost
spring when the early season and
unsettled weather spoiled most of
the roses when they should have
been displayed.
Assisting Mrs. Wheaton w ill be
Mrs Carl Olson, chairman of the
committee on arranffements; Mrs.
Dave Fisher, registration; Mrs. L.
K. Page and Mrs. David Saltsman
to receive the roses.
Lane county wheat growers voted
strongly In favor of a wheat pro­
duction control plan to follow the
program that expires with the 1936
crop, according to unofficial re­
turns released by O. ». Fletcher,
secretary of the Lane County
Wheat Production Control Associa­
In the referendum concluded on
May 26. 170 contract signers voted
yes and 67 voted no on the question
'Are you In favor of a wheat pro­
duction adjustment program to fol­
low the present one. which expires
with the 1936 crop year?” One non-
voted no. In the Springfield
community. U voted yes add 9
Roy Crandall was elected presi­ voted no.
dent of the Epworth League at the
high school this week. Clarabelle
vice-president; FIRE DESTROYS HOME
Wayne Kendall, second vice-presi­
on ckenzie highway
dent; Arlene Barrett, third vice-
The tevidence on the Jack Mc­
president; and Ruby Brood, fourth
vice-president. Florence Fish was Nutt farm one mile east of W alter-
named secretary. Dolores Casteel, vllle was destroyed by fire of un­
treasurer; and Carl Horrell, song determined origin early Wednes­
day morning. No one was at the
leader. Charllne Fish is advisor.
Plans for a carnival to be held house at the time the fire started.
June 14 were made at the meeting Tennants had moved away recently
of the executive committee follow­ and the house has Just been re­
ing the elections. Funds so raised modeled and waa to have been used
will be placed In the summer camp as a summer home for the M cNutt
fam ily. M r. M c N u tt le I *
Superintendent, L. C. M offitt, each
day from Wednesday. June 12, to
Friday of the same week.
Subjects to be Included and time
for the examinations have been
listed as follows:
Wednesday forenoon: U. S. his­
tory, writing (penmanship) geome­
try, botany; Wednesday afternoon:
Physiology, reading, composition,
general history; Thursday fore­
noon: Arithmetic, history of educa­
tion. psychology, geology; Thurs­
day afternoon: Grammar, geogra­
phy. American literature, physics;
Friday forenoon: Theory and prac­
tice, orthography (spelling), physi­
cal geography, English literature;
Friday afternoon : School law, alge­
bra, civil government, bookkeeping.
Breeee Returns
O. V. Breast, city auditor, who
has been east in connection with
the Springfield bond refinancing,
returned to his home In Cottage
Grove today. He la expected In
Springfield In a few days to confer
with city officials. Mr. Breese hoe
had considerable success In hie
meeting with city bond holders. It
is reported.
Visite Parente—Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Olson of Portland are here
this weak visiting at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl 01