MARKETS LOST IF STRIKE HANGS ON Mill Owners Face Loss Ot bxport Business; Produc­ tion Now Down 8U THURSDAY. MAY l i . 1M6. T H » S n U N O riB L D NSW 8 P ao R f o l k ROAD SIGNS TO TELL HISTORY OF OREGON Stata Highw ay Commlaalon Start« Experim ent in Colum bia River Country Explanatory sl«ns will be erected soon at historical spots along the Columbia River highway by the Oregon stale highway commlaslon which has made an appropriation of »1.000 for the initial work The signs, based on an attractive design agreed upon some time ago. will be placed mot only at points of particular importance in the early development of the state, but at scenic spots where a deecrlptloi. and outline of background is con­ sidered necessary. Among the places which may be designated for erection of signs are Memaloose island and mile peat 7?, the Indian burial place; M ill creek. Jnst west of The Dalle«, site of an old Indian village called Quonett; a stone structure in The Dalle« built by the United States govern­ ment in 1886. known as "The MtoP" and now occupied by a flouring m ill; the painted rocks near mile post 93. Indtwi picture« on the basaltic rocks facing the Columbia river. Signs erected at this time will be considered by the highway commie. sion as a test of their desirability. I f the commission finds the reac­ tion favorable. It will consider ea- tabiishing them at historical spot« In other parts of the state. It waa pointed o u t Ball Team Wins Overtime Game C.E.GHOUP PUNS BUST WEEK EKE) Track Team Ends Successful Season Town Players To Have New Field; May Sponsor Dance; Play Yoncalla Next Sponsor Food Sals Saturday; To Visit Univarsity Art Museum Sunday It took two extra iunlnga again i Sunday for the Springfield town 1 Vouug people of Ihe Christian Eu- * ut p i.« n t u i tit« lurnM r uiauu tisaehall tewm to win their th ir d , dvuvor lu ll'll,-- of Hi» Christian i t t i i u i t i a» ue ia anecleu by »trike« game of the season when they met ■hurt h ace busy ai work now trying lue i acme Nortaweal ui graph :he Hllla Creek nine at Swimmer's 1» m i n' fund« fin llie lr annual camp tcaiiy tola tin« wees by ihe Meat Delight park Two runs in the elev- fire conference which will be held . uu.uuvi uieua Association of- enth inning left the score 5-3 when r e a r Morence Ihe second week In ... ,ui. «. beatlie. I'h« Meal coast ihe game ended. •111 in- tMgiUtiuuuu ia uot la s in g anlea m tiarvey Russell pitched seven Wi­ All three soclelle» of Ihe church m t- luocu d isp u te n o » being argued, llings for Springfield and waa re­ nr» Io participate In the outing and > '«i ia aiuuy m g ecuuotuic condition» lieved by Jay Grant in the eighth -i i m>ked food stile Is Io lie held dMu poaaible luture effects to the F Mauney pitched a lone game for . ii-ilui moi iilns ui io o'clock Io luuuairy wuich may reault iroin the If ills Creek striking out three men. III t . i H l i r . fund« fur llie affsil continuation ot the preaeut strike. Russell and Urant struck out 10 Bunday afternoon young people ih e statement tollows: batters. . t III, . l i i i i . i l will vlidl Ihe Murray "The association has been (or Norval Libby, Springfield catch­ •Igh Warner Oriental art museum at many year» in close touch with the Vail. Hilly Burnett. Randall Ray. Jamer H ill. W ilbur Dehn«, Hilly Orr. er. was the outstanding batter of tin- t 'lilv , islty The group will meet economic« ol the Pacllic Northwest Tom Goodale. Marion Hall, coach. Front row. Clare Hadley. Kerrigan the day with four hits in five at­ It III. church at 3 o'clock where Hutchinson. Dtsque Smith. Bob Litschuer. Malcolm Hansen. Obert An­ lumber Industry. From this position tempts. Laird, for the opposition, transportation will be provided drews. Robert McCheaney, manager. we can »tale that the general strike played the best all-around game for They will return Io the church for now in progress may reault in a his teammates. Shull made a nice tin 'll re g u la r meellag «1 7 o'clock. permanent los» o( important lumber hit in the final inning to bring in The missionary committee w ill he markets on wbteh whole West two runners. in charge and the topic will lie Coast communities depend (or their The local team Is now organising ’Japan." existence. We have as a lumber in­ and preparing to deveJop a baseball Following Ihe evening service dustry only one exclusive market— field of their own on north Mill llie group will meet at the home of the area of the Pacific Northwest, Has Blood Poison- Kenneth Cox R e tu rn s From Visit— Miss Evelyn street about one and one-half blocks Mi»« Jewel Helterhrand for their where approximately I I per cent of northeast of the high school. The is ill with blood poison Infection In Harris returned Sunday from a I I i i h I i I i - hour our lumber was consumed last year. short visit at Tillamook. his foot. Rolling Log Kill« Joe Johnson ground will be graded down smooth "Our mills can only enter Call- and level and all games will be At Wendling Camp Last Moves To Sawmill — Harvey Vida People Her«— Mr. and Mrs tornia. Atlantic Coast. Central played there after the field is ready Monday Morning Frank- Mlimey of Vida were busi­ Eaton moved out to the Hills Creek States, Middle West aud foreign The new location Is expected to ness visitors In Springfield Friday. sawmill (his week where he will be markets in competition with Cali­ provide a more ideal playing field. Fuuvral service« for Joe Harper employed. fornia white pine, redwood, South­ Much of the wind which blows Major Opnratipn— C. H. McCrad) Johuaon. logger for tlie Booth Kelly ern yeiow pine, and native produc­ across Brattata field w i l l b e submitted Io a major operation at Drive To Corvallle— Mr. and Mrs Lumber company who was accident tion. A tew cents difference in the C.C.C. WILL ORGANIZE avoided. the l*aclfic hospital in Eugene Wed­ Harry Whitney accompanied Mr. ly killed Monday morning In the delivered costs of the product of Piana are now underway for a nesday morning und Mrs. Harry Rapp of Roseburg woods near Wendling. were held CAMPS FOR VETERANS our mills and those of the South fre­ benefit dance to be given for the to Corvallis Sunday to visit with thin morning at 11 o'clock from the Service Sunday at 3 P. M.; Operated On — W illiam Hancock quently decides whether Douglas Expansion of the Civilian Conser­ ball club at the Armory next Wed­ Union Memorial Service Mr. Whitney's sister. Mrs Frank Veatcb chapel in Eugene Hev fir or yellow pine gets the market. vation corp« to tac'ude veterans of nesday evening Details will be underwent a major operation at Norton. Bryant Wilson officiated and lutei In Eugene At 7:30 The same aitnation exists in foreign either the World W ar or prior wars announced later. the Pacific hospital la Eugene Wed­ meni was made in the new I. O. O. trade, where our mills meet the was announced this week. Springfield Is expected to annex nesday morning The The new Methodist pipe organ F. cemetery. most active sort of competition camp expansion will take effect a fourth victory next Sunday when wlpch many heard last night In a III At Eugene Home- Mrs. Frank DAVIS FUNERAL RITES Juhuaon wa» killed accidently by from mills in British Columbia. during the period from June 16 to the ball team goes to Yoncalla. Towers, former resident of Spring- HELD HERE ON MONDAY a rolling log and no inqueat waa benefit concert will be formally British Columbia bad 20 per cent of August 31. 1935. dedicated Sunday afternoon at I field. is reported to be seriously 111 the Joint foreign trade with Oregon : ec«»sary according to the Coron Enrollment requirements remain o'clock In a special service with Funeral services for Mrs. Arisons ai her home in Eugene. and Washington in 1928. In 1934 the same as for previous camps. An j er'a office which Inveatigaled. He Dr Louis Maglu. superintendent <4 Davi» of Camp Creek who died at British Columbia sold 54 per cent honorably discharged veteran i s : Week-end Visitor — Mias Evelyn Ihe Eugeue hospital Friday after­ was born ai Kunlux. Washington Ihe Salem district of the church aa of the lumber from these three dis­ elglble to enrollment in the C.C.C. J Robley of Mohawk was a week-end noon at the age ol 78 years were on March 4. 1903 und waa married Ihe apeaker. and with Mra. S. K tricts in the markets of the world. visitor here at the home of Miss held from the Poole chapel in to Ml»» Doris Comer ai Vancouver, Stevens. A A U. D . as guest or­ who is physically able to carry on "On Thursday of last week tne In manual labor. Veterans are those Washliiglon on May 18, 1925. Aftrc ganist Mrs Buford Roach will slug Ruby Houk. Spriugfield Monday afteruuou at 2 Association estimated that the who saw service with the armed one )ear they moved Io Eugene and "Ave Marie" by Schubert, and the o'clock, interment was made In the Visit At Corvallis— M rs . M B. Northwest mills were running at forces of the United States. had lived there and at Marcola choir will sing Tchalkowsky'a Huntly and Mr. and Mrs. AI Pohl Laurel H ill cemetery. only 20 per cent of capacity. Produc­ since lha time. Applications should be submitted Voice, Violin and Piano Pupils "Hymn io the Trinity." Mrs. Davis is survived by six and children spent Sunday visiting tion in the northwest fell off 52 per to the Veteran's Administration Dr. Magln will speak on the sub­ Besides his widow he leave« a To Be Presented At daughters; .Mr» John Percbern at Corvallis. cent the first week of the strike. Facility. Portland, at the earliest Springfield; Mrs. Viola Evans. Ku U n io n til old son. IJoyd, «I Mar ject, "The Mission of Music In He Buell Home Monday The Southern Pine association re­ possible date. Week-end On Coast — Mr. and gone; -Mrs. J in k Henne. Seattle, cola, his mother, Mrs. Alice John­ llgiun " Mrs Stevens will play a ports that the average orders per Mrs. Frank DePue and Mr. and Mrs. Laura Smith. Portland; Mrs. son a Bailie Ground. Wa«hington, group of prelude number» Including. A program of voice, violin and mill for the week ending May 4 piano compositions is to be pre­ Mrs. Jess Seavey left Friday to George Upton. Turlock, California; three brothers. Jim Johnson, Mar "Prelude in D Minor,” "l-ead Kind were the highest for any wees since sented Monday evening. May 27, at spend the week end at Blleti. and Mrs Lester Jones. Livingston, cola; Frank Johnson. Beaverton. I) Light.” "Dear l.and of lloma," June 3, 1933. Oregon, und d e v e Johnson. Battle and "Consolation." The offertory s o'clock at the home of Mr. and Tonsils Out—The Misses Mildred California. "A check by the association in Ground. H e also leave« four sis will be "A ir— from W ater Music." Mrs. W. E. Buell by pupils of Mrs. and Dorothy Myers, daughters of the Seattle district brought evl- (Continued from First Page) ler«. Mr«. Jennie Brotton. Bailie by G. F Handel. "Song of Joy," by Buford Roach. Mr and Mrs. H. L Myers, had their COURT JURORS CHOSEN deuce of more than SO cars of can­ this time repeat what I bave stated The program will be divided Into Ground; Mrs, Duella Wsshhume. Slehbine will he the poetlude tonsils taken out Tuesday at the of celled business, most of which buy­ Sunday morning, Kev. I*ulndexler FOR JUNE 17 TERM luiCeiiter. Washington; Mrs Elvira ers were trying* to place in British on many occasions in the past that, two sections. The Junior division fice of a local physician. will preach on Ihe subject. "Sac 'increased budgets for schools and will be given first, and refresh- While, and M r, Maude Eastnrllrk. Columbia and Southern mills. Thirty-one men and women were Former Res-denta Visit— Mr and rlflclal Service.” There will be no both of Carson. Washington "The cost of stumpage is higher playgrounds will ultimately meat, ments will be served during the in- McCulloch uuocn of oi r Portland o r iia u u , chosen as prospective Jurors for evening service here as the con­ termission before the senior di- Mrs. W ill Met in the South than on the West decreased budgets for prisons.' were visitors ta Springfield Friday the June term of Circuit Court be gregation is Joitilng In a union “I wish to congratulate you on j vision. Coast; but the freight rate to the They are former resident , of this I ginning Monday. June 17. yesterday START ORGANIZATION Memorial nervlce to be held at the Among those to be presented in Mississippi Valley is approximately your undertaking and wish you by ('. A. Swarts, sheriff, and W city. First Presbyterian church In Ku OF FIRE DEPARTMENT every success in your work that is the Junior division w ill be Betty half on yellow pine as on Douglas B. Dillard, county clerk. ..... 'gene, alartlng at 7:10. fir from the Northwest. Our mills so essential for the good of your Jacobson. Robert Pollard, violin- Return Home— Mr. and Mrs. B Persons named from this part of Flrwt «leps In llie organisation of , Four pastors will speak on the community." • !l»ts; Ethel Ruth Fulop, piano; Bar- can compete, however, in most of C. Gleason of Burlington. Washing­ Ihe county Include Clarence It Bel­ u volunteer fire department were j «uhject ot war, Rev. Cecil F. His Chairmen Are Named Barnell. Ruth Pollard. Elwyn il.e markets in the Central States ton. left Springfield Monday for knap. Rainbow; F. W. Beaver. Cres taken Monday night a meeting ow will apeak on "Our Patriots— Chairmen for the various com- Gales, vocalists. and on the Atlantic Coast If the their home after spending two well; Hattie B Drury. Springfield; called by Hugh Jolllff, fire chief. 1 The Spirit of Ihe Revolution." Kev. K> the senior group will be: Mary weeks here. labor costs per thousand are ap­ mittees include Mrs. W aiter Go«» Lee Davis. Springfield; Donna Ed­ The i ity equlpinyil has been moved .Mlloii S Weller will apeak on "Our proximately the same. However, on 1er. refreshments; M ra Cheater Elixabeth Whitney. Clyde Dilley, mundson. Goshen; W alter Post, hack Into hl» own borne on the Enemies — The Patriots ot Other Has Operation — Mrs. George Aldrich, decoration«, and Mr». H. Eve‘y" Bu* u - Mr». W K. Barnell. the average wage now reported In Toca1' Crawford of the Coburg district un- Vida; Robert (’. Ross. Creswell; south wide ot the city. Jolllff Is Landa." The third speaker will be the smaller mills of 18 cents per Schaffenberg, »tout chairman. Mrs Paul Po,ter' W alter slating with I ists ; Dorothy Mae Potter, p la n o j derwent a major operation at the Pearl Scbantul. Eugene route 2. and «laying on night duty at Ihe city Hev. Herbert Hlggenbotham on hour. Southern Pine would have a Leota Rodenbough is and Vernon Van Wyck, violili. hall until relief u««lstanta can be "Our Traitors — The Makers of Pacific hoepital in Eugene Wednes­ Clair Thurman. Springfield. labor cost of only *4.80 per thou­ the program. I Wars " Hev. Poindexter will con­ «elected und trained day. sand as compared with *9.33 on the At the meeting held last Friday clude the series of talks with "Our T W O C LA SSE S H A V E P IC N IC West Coast This is likely to great­ evening plans were discussed for S E N IO R P L A Y P L E A S E S The city ha« rented the fire sta­ A n k le F ra c tu re d — K e r r i g a n Junior and Senior classes of the selves- The Methods of Ihe Fu­ ly reduce the markets for West setting up a playground on the LARGE GROUP FRIDAY Hutchensou, high school track and high school held their annual picnic tion property on Seventh street. ture." Coast lumber within the United Lincoln school ground« and placing baseball player who was reported Jolntly Saturday at Swimmer's De­ Stales either by direct rail, around of tennis courts on the city prop­ "Tommy,” three-act comedy ro­ No Holiday Plana — Springfield to have a sprained ankle actually light park Baseball, «wlmmlng and NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * tlie Panama Canal by water, or in­ erty at Seveth and "A” streets mance presented by the high school will observe Memorial day quietly has a broken ankle It waa revealed Ismting w ere en joyed NO TIC E IS HER EBY O1VEN to the Atlantic Coast inland areas seniors Friday evening drew a large next Thursday a« no plans for that Ada Palmer has been ap­ when x-ray picture« were taken thle by combination water and back interested audience. The produc­ special observance of Ihe day have pointed administratrix of the es­ tate of Mrs A. A. Kimball, de haul.” HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY tion was well presented under the been m ade here. ceased, by the County Court for ENTERTAINED AT DINNER direction of MI m Marguerite Mill- Aids Ordination — Rev. Dean C. la n e County. Oregon All persooa Baccalaureate services for tne _______ , hollen. Poindexter, pastor of the Methodist having claims against said estate Leaburg high school were held Sun STATE COMMANDER TO are hereby notified to present the Principal and Mrs. W. E. Buell ; Musical intermission numbers church, pronounced the Invocation TWO MORE NAMED FOR with proper vouchers to the BE LEGION SPEAKER entertained members of the high , weie given by the girls and boys for the ordination and Installation day evening with Rev. Ralph Clark RODENT CONTROL WORK same undersigned ai the law office of preaching the sermon. School will school facnlty with an annual din- j glee clubs and the high school or- service for Rev. Hlggenbotham of Donald Young. 334 Miner Building. Joe Chamberlin, state commander ner and social evening at (heir ' chi-si ra. the Communi y Liberal church in close on May 24. Harold Wnllace, route 1, Cres­ Eugene. Oregon, within six months Commencement exercises for the from the date of the first publica­ of the American Legion, will be the home Monday evening. Guests in- i Players in the stage show were Eugene Tuesday evening. well, und Arlo Jones. Jasper, were tion of this notice. eighth grade at Deerhorn were held principal speaker at the semi-month­ eluded Mr. and Mrs Marion Hall, Dork Marie Robinson, Jerry Clark, named Monday by the County Date of first puhlcallou. May 23. Munday evening. May 13. with Rev. ly meeting of Springfield American Miss Glyde Dilley, Miss Bernice Martie Olson, Frances Stiles, Jack CHURCH SUPPER TO AID Court to do rodent control super­ 1936 Milton Webber of Eugene as the Legion post number 40 tonight. The Conoly, eiiss Mary E. Whitney, Williams. Anton Uchytil. Irvin Darr ADA PALMER, OLD PEOPLE’S HOME vision work In the Jasper commun­ speaker. The annual picnic with Administratrix of the estate of W eatfir Legion members have been Miss May Hewes, Miss Clarabel and Charles Cole. ity. They were named in addition Ladies of the Christian church baseball games was held Tuesday. Mrs. A. A. Kimball, deceased Invited to attend the meeting which Wagner, Robert Chatterton, Gien DO NALD YOUNG, in Eugene are sponsoring a chicken Miss, Veda Gray has been re­ Io a list of supervisors which were Attorney for «state, is to start at 8 o’clock at Taylor Martin. Miss Marguerite Mlllhollen. COUPLE GIVEN SHOWER dinner there tnis evening at 8:16. elected teacher In, W altervllle for named last week. (M 23 30 Je 8 13 20) hall. Refreshments will be served Miss Ina Clement, Miss Evelyn Proceed« from the supper are to Ihe fourth year. IN EUGENE ON FRIDAY after the meeting. Buell and Clayton Klrkland. be turned over to the old people's Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Btalsberg home which the church maintains entertained at a contract bridge on Alder street. party and miscellaneous shower at their home in Eugene Friday eve­ T H E CHURCH OF C H R IS T Friends here of Mrs. Bertha H er­ ning ta honor of Miss Mildred Jac- 4th and A. 1 O. Shaw. Minister rington were greatly surprised last I obson and Harry W right who are to Bible school at 9:46 a. m. Miss Wednesday when they learned of | be marled shortly. Beulah Thurman, superintendent. A her marriage to Mr McKee In Following the cards, a muck wed- graded school for your children and Idaho. , ding ceremony was read by Bid ,.|aHM«,,, for e»ery age. Ml«« Nellie Mathew« who ha« King, with G. I. Inman as the Communion of the Ixjrd'a Supper been In Los Angel»« for the pus» groom, and Keith Fennell as the a ( jj a m The «ermon theme will «everal month«, arrived home for bride. Merle Saunders was a flower be, "The Divine Presbytery." u visit with her parent«, Mr. and I girl. The C. E group« meet at 7, after Mr«. A. B. Mathews. Present were the honor guests, the church service they will hold The baccalaureate sermon for Mr. and Mrs. Inman, Mr. aud Mra. "fireside fellowship’ at the home of We Move to Our New Location at Ihe high school which wae (an­ King, Mr. and Mra. Saunders, Mr. Miss Jewel Helterhrand. nounced for the past Sunday will be ;cnd Mrs. Fennell, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Song service liegtas at 8 p. m. held at Ihe church next Sunday eve walri Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Thelmer The sermon theme will lie "The Di­ nlng Rev. Stivers officiating. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W right, vine Triplets.” Mrs. Alma Hastings Is very ill M r and Mrs. Drew Perkins, Ed W ITH EACH 75c PURCHASE OF Church night will be on Thurs­ with hear! trouble at her home Johnson and the host and hostess Watch for our Grand Opening on Friday and Saturday, day evening, Ihe 38th. Potluck din­ here. MERCHANDISE ner at 7:16, followed by prayer May 31 et and June 1st JUNIOR LEGION TEAM meeting led by Mrs. Ren Hollister. NOTICE OF H EA R IN G ON The social hour will be directed F IN A L ACCOUNT WANTS MORE PLAYERS Our Hundreds of Bargains Are Still Available NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N : by Mrs. Korn. That the undersigned, as executrix Ladles’ Aid, Thursday. Frank Faasett, coach of the Lane To Thrifty Shoppers! of the Last W ill and Testament of county American Legion Junior ---------- -- Harry Y. Spence, deceased, has baseball team wants all boys under DISTRIBUTE CABBAGE filed her account for the final set­ tlement of said decedent’s estate In We wiil Close Our Doore in our present location These Beautiful Blooming Plants Will Be Given to Our 17 year« of age to try out for the PLANTS NEXT TUESDAY the County Court for Lane County, ball team this year. Tryouts will Oregon, and that Saturday the 22nd Tuesday night. We will reopen on our new location Customers Without Limit To Person For Two be held at the high school athletic Cabbage and tomato plants for re­ day of June, 1936, at the Court field in Eugene Saturday from 1 lief workers In the Springfield area Room of said Court In the County Friday, May 31 Days. Come and Get Yours! until 6 o’clock. Prospective players will be distributed here Tuesday of Court House. In Eugene, Oregon at ten o’clock in the forenoon, has are urged to get ta touch with Faa­ next week It was announced today been fixed by said Court as the sett, 896 West 12th 8t„ Eugene, or at the county relief headquarters in time and place for hearing objec­ phone him at 1612-M. Eugene. The plants w ill probably tions thereto, and for the settle­ The winning Western team goes be handled through the Irlah- ment thereof, EFFA P. SPENCE, Ea«t with all expenses paid to the Murphy store. Executrix of the Last W ill L. E. SCOTT. Prop. (SELF SERVICE) Junior world's series, also again In and TeHtament of Harry Y. Most of these plants given for re­ 77 East Broadway Spence, deceased. Phone 6 512 Main Street Springfield, Or*. the fall t