t * » y a fc>si>A y t ma \ « 3, i u «s u • THE RPRINOFnCLD NEWS WHO IS WHO Q A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends TOURIST GAIN IN PAOE THRICE Upper Willamette 11 ■ ■ III»« I I I. I — WHEAT CONTROL HUE DUE MAY 25 Mr». Harold Roberts went to Salem. Monday, to attend the state Kebeksh convention. Mrs. Albert Papenfu» Is keeping house for her fan;!!, during her absence. to You. California Exposition to Bring A number of young folks from Farmers To Decide Future Heavy Stream of Traffic Pleaaant Hill motored to Monmouth Fate of Acreage Limitation Northward This Year lust week-end to attend tbe State • E («»»ai I »«»I WuOtK In Referendum Normal May festivities, with the Mountain Stai«»« l'«w«r i PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS DANCING AUTO DEALERS Au Increus - of 26 per cent In young folks of Pleasant Hill who Katurda, May 25. 1» (he final tf tourist I ravel In tbe Pacific North* are attending Normal school. Those dale on which ballots may be c a s t Curl It. Baker Film Shop H AN C E weal la predicted for this year by who went from Pleasant Hill were In the national referendum among Tonsils Rsmovsd David Wil­ \NllERHON MOTORS, INC. Eastman Films — Kodaks — AT W!NTEROA>i)EN Export Itopulrlng — All Work tbe Oregon State M t«r association. Maxine Baughman, Marie Barnum, wheat growers preceding the offer­ burn, »mull »mi »»f Mr. uml Mr». Joe Frames — Album»— Motion Uuarun tu od. 'T in Dance That'» Different” By fur the largest there of this Del Stutx. Harold McLeod and Earl ing of i.ew wheat acreage rontracta U lliini n »if W«-»l Springfield, un Picture Cameras. Gas. Oll. Tire» and Batteries traffic will Ire over the Parlflc blgi - McLeod. dciw i-tl n tonsil tip«.rut Imi ut Ilm Most uf the Lane county farmera Ws Photograph Everything Every Suturday Night way »ays the association offlclain. m fin. i.f it lm ul phy»lt Imi Friday. bill and A Bis . Bprlngflsld i*b. 49 i Gents 26c Joint eighth grade graduation ex­ voted at special meetings held dar­ Anywhere. Ladle» 10c TourHI Inqulr'en which this year ercises were held at the First Chris­ ing the past two weeks, hut those O ri vs Up R lv s r M r u n d Mr» C. Mull film s tu P. O. Box ««7 898 Willamette, Eugene Ph 636 arrived more than a month ahead tian church, Thursday night. May who have not done ao may secure FURNITURE KCIIKRER MOTOR CO. of scbedule, also rmsi.re the Pacific 16 Twenty pupil» were graduated. ballots at th- office of tbe County Homs From Hospital Mr». Mur IlCII K Ot.DHMOtllLE — highway of It« sbaro of the season'» The following district» took part: Agent. U. 8. Fletcher, In Eugene PRINTERS Kit if I Yuruull retu rn ed In Imr liiinin JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. PONTIAC business from residents of tbe Cloverdale. Pleasant illll, Coast on or before Saturday. h f l « i rltlut (ro m Ihn Pacific Ini* Itangea and Circulate™ Motor Care northwest who plans to attend tbe Fork, Edenvale. Jasper, Zion. Present contracts expire with pliai In Knauim wlmr«- »lm under Several Line» including Moulag. SALEH and HEKVICK Professor E E. K i lp a t r i c k a n d J '** year- 11 *• proposed that w«»nt un iiptyulltin Linoleum inlaid and Felt Bane THE WILLAMETTE PRESS California Pacific International ex­ position. which op* ns In Han Diego, Jim Scader of Keno. Oregon, vlslteu Springfield new agreements start with 71b and Olive Sts. — Phons #66 Attractive Prices uu Furniture N O T IC K May 29. Phone 2 Eugene, Oregon. with friends ai Pleasant Hill over 19;{# i.nd . contlnce four years and Hugs. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T All uf those driving south are ex­ the week end. Jim Sender took part through 1939. He«- Us Before You Buy Notice I» hereby given that (bn Business Stationery—Office Form» pected to use ibis route at least in the track meet In Eugene. BATTERY SERVICE 1 al! fundamental features th« We Deliver Phone 118# m.tit’i signed Executors of tbn Booklets — Placards — one way, and many of them already Pleaaant Hill high school bacca- r w program follows the old which lit# W illamette Eugene fe ta le of tiuuuiiliu 8. Bower», de- Dodgers, etc. LANECO acquainted with the coast highway laurate exercises were held at the La been generally acclaimed as i*< used, liuti» gilud tbeir Final Hu­ A Modern Print Shop Producing have Indicated thotr Intention of First Christian church Sunday among the most satisfactory of the pun und A m m ui us auch with (du B A T T E R Y FACTORY GROCERIES » Up-To-Date Printing. i uuni) ( Inris »i l.unti County, Oio using the Inland roar' both waya, night. May 1#. Victor Morse gave -iljuHinont effort: It holds out Hack at uur old location. Lea» gun, und (but Saturday tbu I6ih. uverboud tbe motor association printed out (he address. OIBBLEES additional inducements to shift Phone and a Salesman Will Call. your gain. See our now HU) ui June, liuti, ut ib» nuur ut material butterlea In genuine Gates Expect Heavy Northw ard T ravel Henry Olson who had his should land from wheat to grass In drouth leu ud o r k In (bo (uronuun, lu ibe hard rubber cases before you buy. REO & WHITE GROCERY Visitors from ril part» of the er broken In an accident In the and dust storm areas, and permits ( uniil y Court Ituuni in tbn Court All parts handmade In Eugene. Furl Pbune 4 iluu»u, In Eugono, lutilo County. ». apuclly - -service price- n o u e bet-' Cur 4tb and Main Sta., Springfield I'nlted States, planning to attend woods recently, spent last week minor adjustments on individual SERVICE STATIONS Oregon, lui been »ut und fixed by ter the exposition In Southern Califor­ with his lister, Mrs. Ed Ix«uk In farms to improve rotation or other RECHARGING— REPAIRING. tb ( HOU l - i ' . l I r k . Judge of said proven farm practice«. nia. have requested Information on Springfield I . Van llur-n I’bone lUU» HOSPITALS Court u» Ibu (liuu und plato fur A ST. SERVICE STATION Oregon, stating they Intend to re­ As In the past, the amount of ad­ bearing »soie, und fur tbu final The Pleasant Hill high school justment with rate and condition General Gasoline, Dll and Greases turn to their homes via tbe north- BEAUTY PARLORS Holth-iuent of aulii ostato PACIFIC H O S P ITA L, INC. Goodrich Tires west. Of these many will use the •«•"‘•ball boys defeated Eugene high, of benefit payments would be de- JEHHE G. WELLS, 10 to 5 al Pleasant Hill Tuesday term Ined from year to year, but IIAHOl.ll J. WEi.l.H, *'A Home Owned Station." Pacific highway, It w-.s declared. 12th and Hllyard HOM E BEAU TY SHOP Executor» afternoon. Mauney and Statz and >-xteut of required (urtallm ent 1s 6th und A Sta.. Springfield. Pb. 44 PERMANENT WAVES »16« Pbone 2600 Last year tourisia spout approx­ (M 10 23 30 Jc #13) Wheeler were the Pleasant Hill limited to 2» per c< nt of base acre Eugen», Greguu All Wurk Guaranteed imately »19.000.000 In Oregon, and battery. age. Mrs. Ella Parcber Tel. 30 N O T IC E OF SALE Mitchell Service Statico the Indicated 25 per cent Increase LAUNDRY ON R E A L P R O P E R T Y Would Retain 8 ’milar Set-up ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS is expected to rats - the figure * xj CREAMERIES - H:‘ periods nr < or,tinned the IN THE C I R C U IT C O U R T OF — Yale Tlree — more than »23,0*10,000 this year. The SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY T H E S T A T E OF OltEGON F o il same as at present in the new con­ Greasing - Battery Recharging volume of business will be greater Floyd Wood. Prop. LA N E CO UNTY. Demand tbe Best—Costa no More tracts, and local t-dminlstritfon is Expert Radio Repairing by then any sLu-e 1929 or 1930, tbe D a N WILLIAMS. Plaintiff, -vs- U. BLUE HELI. continued »hrough the county con­ 1 JU# Malo St., Pbone 100 LEE CRAY ('. EVANS, doing busineas aa the motor association believes. Dairy I'roducta trol associations. The agreement i All Kinds of Laundry Service. il.iuigo 1» Evan» Lumber Com- Phono 48 J would continue to be entirely vol­ Ice Cream. Butler, Cbeeae, Milk puny, DeU-uduJita. Hotel, auto camp and resort own­ We Call for and Deliver. 7th and Main Bta. Springfield I’LltSCA.NT to au urder duly is 1.1 GENli FARMERS CREAMERY, untary. ers along the Pacific highway and Yuur Patronage Will Be uu,-d out uf (Ho above o u ll l l o d The plan for referendum on the throughout the reel cf the state are OREGONIAN Pbune Eugene #3# Appreciated. Court uu (be 31)11« duy uf April, continuance of the program is In All Present Drivers' License enthusiastic over the prospects, it ’ SERVICE STATION 11*36, directing the receiver, Fred line with the policy adopted by the II. Peter«, to »oil the heroiuufu-r wus reported. Many are making al- 1 Expire; New Cards Good At tbe Sprlugfleld Junction DENTISTS LUMBER described ieul pr< pet ty at public AA In not promoting any plan that teratloca and adjurtmenta In order GA8 AND OILS For Two Years auction lu the tilglmat bidder fur Is not urged by a substantial major- OR. 0 . A. BROWN Io accommodate the business. Service Day and Night. n u l l , and by virtue of said order uf The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Hours 9 A M to 6 P. M Every motor vehicle operator in |! \ cfa n y industry. The same plan Grocery Sundries. Tobacco'« and »aie. Furnishes a I'buue 20 J N o t i c e i s h k r e b y g iv e n Oregon must have a new driver’s j was followed In advance of launch­ Picnic Goods. COMPLETE HOME Autos H u rt Many Daily Ibai uu Saturday, Hie (lr»l day uf 6tb and Mulo Sts Sprlogfleid I license by June 30» Secretary of ing the 1935 corn-hog program. West Springfield Pb. Spr. 33-J June, 19.16, at tbe Southwest en tr­ Building aud Hr pa I ring Service. The objective sought in tbe new Residence 72# A Street. During 1934 in Oregon. 16 per­ St£te Suell has promised an active ance ul the Court liuuso, Eugene, For Service Pbune Springfield 66 sons were injured or killed each campaign to elim inate unlicensed j wheat control program is to keep L a n e Cuunty, Uregou, I, Fred H. WOOLEN MILLS or If no answer, phone 34-J. Peters, wilt uffer for »ale and »ell day. according to figures compiled drivers from tbe streets and high­ cheat production in line with con­ DR. WM. N. DOW Springfield. at public auction, ut tbe hour ut sumption needs plus probable ex- DENTIST EUGENE by the Oregon State Motor arsocla- ways after that time. I uu o'clock un »aid day. tu (be All operators' permits, regardless P2 rt S o u th E a s t out. fourth (tHCUl OFFICERS ON FRIDAY ^ AgT| | A LEONA STACEY and quency numbered 3297, Issued on issued until after June 30, although of tbe North west % IN'W1, ) of WILLIAM E STACEY, her bus tbe 2nd day of July, 1934, by tbe Pcngrs Resident Hers — Mrs. Student III—Jack Williams has Section Twelve (12), Towuablp New officers for the SprluxD»>d bund; J E BUNDAY as Execu­ Tax Collector of the County of application« are being accepted Seventeen 117) South Range GMirxe Keahi«- of I'vligru was u been ill at his home for several tor of tbe estate of John Munch Lane, State of Oregon, for the now. I J imis club and d'-legates to the S'-von (7) Weal of tbe Wiliam vlsltur iu Kprlnxfictd Saturday. deceased- CARRIE DENISON amount of »49.'7 the same being Persons required to take the ex­ days fullowicg his participation in stale convention to be held ut The i lie \|. rid».,ii. io L u lu - i ,010 1 > and CHARLES B DENISON, the amount then due and delinqu­ amination include applicants over tbe senior play at the high school ent for taxes for the year 1928, to­ N O T IC E OF R E S IG N A T IO N Dalles un June 2. 3. and 4. will be Oregon. her husband; RACHEL HAM the age of 70 years, or any person Friday evening. FREI) Il PETERS, Receiver NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: chosen at the weekly meeting of MERAD and GEORGE H HAM gether with penalty, interest and (M 2 9 16-23 3(1) Thai Myrll« Ut-nson will on Holi­ (he Springfield Lions club Friday MERAD. her husband; MONTIE costs thereon upon the real prop­ who has never b -en licensed as an ■ . . . . day. thn 3rd duy of Juu«. 1936 ap­ HARRIS und R H. HARRIS, her erty assessed to Martha Leona operator in Oregon must make ap­ N O T IC E O F A N N U A L S C H O O L 1’ust presidents of the ply to th«- County Court of Lane aflernoou husband; GOLDA MUNCH, an Stacey, of which Martha Leona plication directly to an authorised M E E T IN G ,.nn.urrt.>,t woman- man; It F MUNCH Stacey is tbe owner as appears of County, Orugun for an Order ac- club m e t Monday evening to nom­ NOTICE is hereby given to the iuiniarrled E. L* record, situated In the said Countj examiner of operators and chauf lep llu g her loslgiiatlou as Admin- inale offlceN . Nominations will . and j particularly ,i i i„ bound- i j 1 feurs. * rew motor vehicle oper- legal voters of School District No. -M U N U L a n 'u.‘»ma‘r r i^ man. a C **nd State I tralrlx of the Estate of Pauline also be accepted from the floor at 19 of Lane County, State of Ore­ M Waggoner. Deceased. FRED J DOW. an unmarried »tor’s manual will be issued. gon. that th«- Annual School Meet­ Lot 7. of Block 26 of the Ort Dated tills 2nd duy of May, 1936. the meeting Friday. man. MARCELLA DOW KEN Application for operators’ and ing of said District will be held at ginul Plat or Extended Survey MYRTLE BENSON. Watahmakar and Jawalar NEDY and KENNEDY, of Springfield, Lane County. Ore­ chauffeurs' permits may be made The City Library; to begin at the |M 2-9 16 23-30) Down From Lcaburg — Gordon her husband. Defendants. H I'R IN U F IK L D gon. without having their signature ac­ hour of 2 P. M. o'clock on the third Frase» of Leaburg was u business So. Pacifia W atch Inspector Monday of June, being the 17th day You are further notified that knowledged by a notary public. TO: J. E. BUNDAY as Executor N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S 8 A L E F irs t Clase W ork at Reasonable visitor In Sprlugfleld Saturday. of the estate of John Munch, de­ the said Ira A. Nice and Osie L. j All new licensee will be effective of June. A. D., 1935. R E A L P R O P E R T Y This meeting is called for the Priesa. ceased; RACHEL HAMMERAD Nice have paid taxes on the said j NOTICE Is hereby given that by and GEORGE H HAMMERAD. premises for prior or subsequent for two years. They will carry June purpose of electing One Director, for the term of Three years and virtue of an execution and order of MONTIE HARRIS and R. H HAR­ years with the rate of interest on 30. 1937. as expiration date. j one Clerk, for the term of one year sale Issued out of the Circuit Court U. S. TAX ON GASOLINE RIS. GOLDA MUNCH, R. E said amounts as follows: and the transaction of business us- ot the State of Oregon for Lane MAY BE LIFTED JUNE 30 I ual at such meeting. Rate of Amount County this 1st day of May. 1936, Tax Date When Year's In districts of the second and Interest upon aud pursuant to a decree duly Receipt No. Paid Evidence of Incrersed Intereut Tax t third classes the ballots shall wot 8 percent given and made by said Court the XO2737 »45.98 July 2. 1934 192». all In- counted until one hour after the 8 percer, t 27 day of April, 1936, In a suit pend­ among memliers of congress of 1930. all 49 22 July 2. 1934 X02737 Safe Home Treatment uf Pittsburgh, Pa. j time set for the meeting to begin. 8 percent ing therein In which Paul Kligitor both houses In the possibility of le t­ 1931. all 48.77 38861 July 2. 1934 I Until the count begins, any legal 59.73 8 percent was plaintiff and Christen l*eder- ting the federal gaaollne lax lapse 1932. all 32264 July 2. 1934 • sen and others were defendants, on Ils explratlivn date June 30. aug­ 1933 34 No sensible person will continue voters of the district shall be en­ 8 percent 26.28 to suffer when powerful penetrat­ titled to vote upon any business be­ which execution and order of sale July 2. 1934 lst lialf 8 percent ing. yet harmless antiseptic Moone's fore the meeting. 12.43 was to m e dlrecl«»d and command­ urs well for the midorist, according 3rd Quarter Sept. 16. 1934 Dated this 22nd day of May, 1#35. 12.43 8 percent Emerald Oil can readily be ob­ ed me to sell the real property to Ray Conway, ni-umger of the I.ast (Juarler Dec. 16. 1934 Represented By h-reinufter described to satisfy cer­ Oregon Slate Motor association, 1935 tained ut any drugstore— the direc­ Attest: SEVERT JACOBSON. 8 percent 12.14 tions are sim ple and easy to use. tain liens and charges In said de­ who has received lant-mlnute Infor­ lst Quarter Mar. 16. 1935 E. H. TURNER District Clerk Economical, too and any druggist cree specified, I will on Saturday mation from A. A. A. motor club E. C. STUART, »266.98 guarantees one bottle to give splen- the 1st day of June, 1936, at the TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAXES PAID 846 A St. Springfield. Ora. Chair. Board of Directors. did results or money back. hour of ten (-'clock, A. M„ at the h«'udquurters in Washington, D. C. Said Martha Leona Stacey as the the amount due as shown above to­ southwest do»yr of the County Court "There apparently n growing in­ H ouse In '.Cugene, lame County. terest not only In lotting the fe I owner of the legal title of tbe gether with the coats and accrued above described property as the interest and in case of your fail­ Oregon, of fur for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to eral gasoline tax lapse, but abol­ same appears of record and Wll- ure to do so a decree will be rend r«*deinptlon as provided by law, all ishing all special excise taxes on lluni E. Stacey, her husband; J E. ered foreclosing the lien of such Bunday as Executor of the estate taxes and costs against the land of the right, title und Interest of the motor transport." of John Munch, deceased; Carrie and premises named. defendants In said suit and of all As against thia, the motor club Denison and Charles B. Denison This summons Is published by parties claiming by, through or un­ der them or any of them. In or to manager slated. H ere is adminis­ her husband; Rachel Hammered order of tbe Honorable Fred Fisk, Formerly Walker Poole the following described real prop­ tration demand for continuation of and George H. Ilantmerad her hus­ County Judge ot the County of GOOD CHEER AND COMMON SENSE PROGRAM erty. to-wlt: all special excise taxes. Interest band; Motitle Harris and R. H. |j»ne. State of Oregon and said EUOENK llth SPRINGFIELD The Southeast quarter of the and Improved sentiment on this I r - Harris, her husbnnd; Oolda Munch, Order was made and dated the 23 ml Churuelton 2X8 Main an unmarried woman; It. K Munch, dav of April, 1936. ordering the Southeast quarter; the North half Every Tuesday Over Radio Station K-O-R-E relephune 723 Phon« 62-J «if the Southeast quarter of Sec­ sue amnng members of congress Is an unmarried inau; E. L. Munch said summons to be published once 7:15 to 7:30 tion Thirty-three (33) und the «In«- in a large measure to pleas an unmarried man; Alfred J. Dow, a week for four successive weeks, Southwest quarter of th«- South­ ''from buck borne," In-liiillng many hii unmarried m an ; Marcella Dow the date of the first publication of this summons to be on the 25tli day Kennedy Poems and songs that you enjoy to hear. west quarter of Section Thirty- appeals from A. A A. motor clubs. Kennedy and her husband, the other defendants of April, 1936. and the last pub­ four (34) all In Townehlp Nine­ W ith •'ll Is 'back home' that the Issue lication on the 23rd day of May. herein nattier are hereby further teen (111) South of Range On«. The Good Cheer Melodists 1936. notified that Ira A. N b e and Osle (Il Weal of the W illam ette Meri­ will bo determUMd,” Mr. Conway All process and papers In this dian, except a flume right of way said "More thnn 260 organisations L. Nice will apply to the Circuit Veltie P ru itt Ruth Leinhard Rena S m ith as appears of record In Vol. 128 at representing millions of taxpayers Court of the County and State proceeding may be served upon the aforesaid for a di'cree foreclosing undersigned, residing within the page 689 Deed Record« of Lane You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you will. County, Oregon, all being In lame liuve adopted resolutions and ap­ the lieu against the property above State of Oregon nt the address pealed Io Individual cnngre«R!nan described and mentioned In said hereafter mentioned. But the scent of the roses will hung round it still County, Oregon. 1 M PETERSON, Attorney for (Sweet Remembrances) Diitnl this 1st day of May, 1935. 10 end Ibis unpopu ir levy. Legls certificate and you are hereby sum “ -’ f . - \ . Plaintiffs. Address: Junction tnoned to appear wlthlu sixty days c A. SW ARTS. Sheriff, lalures In 21 states have asked (hat after the date of said first publlca City, Oregon llv A. K. HULKGAARD, Deputy. 11 he allowed to lapse." (A 25 — M 2 9 16-23) lion und defend thia action or pay (M 2 9 16-23-30) and What They Do OPERATORS NEED LICENSE JUNE 30 I Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. 4 B r o k e n V e in s POOLE Poole Funeral Home F u n era l H o m e TAKE A NEW THE FACT FINDERS - VIEW OF LIFE and their discoveries By E D . K R ESSY C orrective lens, scie n ti­ fic a lly prescribed, w ill give you a "new lease In life .” Not only bus there been • reniendoiis strides in In ­ creasing the efficiency of lens, but frames, too, have been designed to give both co m fo rt and good lo o k s . WiW Tilt TUUaSTEM &46-BUE» lAMfy Fed 00ft C1TV STftXW UUMUMfj VYMEMS IPRBOWm WOftLO. , i Bee tbe Modern Styles Now on Display at > DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W est It h K ufsns lHf&ea IMO SV5TEM WA6 FlftYT MTKGDUCEO ä k U6UTIN6 WÄFIÖST usti) *r BADUAOfti W GHAtUÜ F. &EUÍH OF ŒVSLAWP am P Il «¿n '" '-1 V C tT T ~ ‘ OF PMKAPfcLPMIA.