f « • » * •'” w • » PAG E TW O 7 HE SPRINóriiùLD HLv, l uuiieh«! Every Thursdey el Springfield. l-ene County. Oregon by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS U. K. M AXKY, Editor Entered a» second etas» matter. February 2«, 1993. at the poetofflce. Springfield. Oregon _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N One Year in Advance —_ >1.69 Two Year» In advance — >1.50 RATE Six .Month» ------------------------>1.99 Three Mouth» ....... THURSDAY, MAY IS, 1 9 3 5 . __________________ SUPPORT REFUNDING l ‘ l-AN C ity councilm en breathed easier th is week a f t e r re ­ ceiving the $20,000 bond refund agreement fro m the W ood­ men of the W’o rid lodge. They now believe the c ity can once m ore become masters of its own finances and continue to refund bonds at substantial savings to the taxpayers. Faced w ith $51,500 in bonds becom ing delinquent by- Novem ber 1, 1036, the fin a n c ia l situ a tio n in S pringfield was fast com ing to the c ritic a l stage The c ity had to have more tim e in order to raise the money due and w hich there uad been no s in k in g fund provided fo r in previous years. There was no th in g le ft to do but sit dow n w ith the bond holders and appeal fo r fu rth e r extension on paym ents and also fo r a reduction in the interest rates w hich have been eating up budgets fo r m any years. The agreem ent w ith the W oodmen lodge not only gives the needed relief, but it also paves the way fo r fu rth e r re­ fu n d in g The paving o f the $11.500 default and the a r­ rangem ents fo r re fu n d in g o f the ......... 'VlXMlmen issue com pletes the fir s t tw o steps in the c ity ’s program . The th ird step w ill be the re funding o f the $20.000 due Novem ­ ber 1, 1936. A nnouncem ent on th is la tte r issue has been promised s h o rtly as most o f the issue is already under option. S u ffic ie n t has been done to straighten up the fin a n cia l a ffa irs o f the c ity w hich have been d riftin g fro m bad to worse fo r a num ber of years to dem onstrate th a t the new c ltv governm ent has a fin a n c ia l program and th a t it is w o rk in g Com m on sense should dictate to all taxpayers th a t they should back the c ity council up in its e ffo rts to lig h te n the staggering interest loads and also stave o ff foreclosures on defaulted bonds. F inancial disaster has now been averted, but there is considerable to do before all the $113 500 bonds are refinanced and the $25,000 in delinquent w a rra n ts are taken care o f The city ’s program now has reached a place where it means dollars and cents in the taxpayers’ pockets to have harm ony. B e tte r bids are going to be received fro m a c ity w hich is try in g to do the rig h t th in g in m eeting its obligations, than one where in te rn a l dissention prevents in te llig e n t action. The c ity s interest is param ount to any »dividual's. Let s look tow ard the com ­ m on good. _ _ _ _ _ _ , ________ M AN Y BONDS (Oregon V o te r) Bids on $4,158,000 re fu n d in g im provem ent bonds o f C ity o f P ortland w ill close 11 A. M . M ay 22. interest not to exceed per cent. . . Newberg is pained to learn that State T reasurer, holding $60000 o f c ity ’s bonds w ill not consent to re fu n d in g at reduced interest, bonds not being callable. . . . S pringfield has cured its bond defaults by ordering pavm ent o f $11,500 bonds defaulted in 1932.. C itizens of M edford w ill vote May 24 on proposals to refund about $250,000 outstanding im provem ent bonds. . . M onm outh w ill open bids M ay 24 on issue o f $60.000 re fu n d in g w a te r bonds, interest not to exceed 4'<, per cent C ottage Grove w ill receive bids to M ay 23 on $23,381 Assessment Bonds A, serials, interest lim it o f 5 per cent. .Baker residents approved $15,000 ju n io r high school bond issue previously. . . Citizens o f L in n School D is­ tr ic t No. 41 and Union H igh D is trict No. 6 (H alsey) w ill vote today (M ay 18) upon proposed issuance of $13,000 bonds to finance school building. . . . Albany, revising fo rm e r proposal, now w ill call bids on tw o blocks o f re fu n d ­ in g bonds— $70,500, and $35-500— in te re st lim ite d to 5 per cent instead o f 3y2 per cent as in e arlier proposal. . • C ity o f B urns is said to have effected by n e gotia tion w ith holders- reduction in interest rates on $361,021 bonded debt, also 5-year m a tu rity extension; in te re st cu t to 3 per cent fro m 6 per cent. . . E. M. Adams & Co., P ortland, bought Salem ’s $30,000 re funding issue o f bonds. 3 l/2 Pe r cent rate, atl00.091. . . . M arshfield w ill open bids M ay 27 on $140,- 000 re fu n d in g serial bonds, rate le ft to bidders- . . . Y am ­ h ill is a rra n g in g to re fu n d $25,000 c ity w a te r bonds. ---------- »---------- A 33 per cent increase in lum ber export shipm ents is noted fo r the fir s t q u a rte r of th is year as against 1934 The s trik e is com ing a t the w rong tim e. Canada ships as w ell as we do. ---------- «---------- T here is reported 334,000 cars sold in A p ril in the U nited States. T h is is m ore than 50 per cent ahead o f last A p ril. A n o th e r sign o f im proved times. ---------- «---------- The best w ay to get along w ith a w om an is to do as she desireB and give her e verything she w ants w rites a contem ­ porary. Sounds simple, b u t no mere man can fill the bill. ---------- «---------- Sunday used to be a day o f rest before fast cars and good highw ays. N ow i t is the day of arrests. --------------- • --------------- A little alcohol is good in the ra d iator, but not so good in the operator. r* h h ia . Ice C rea m W e a th e r . eggim ann ’S Ic e D e liv e ry Springfield Creamery Co. THE CAR that has WON AMERICA The Ford V-H for 19)9 has been an outstanding success, not because of any­ thing aw have said about it bus because of u list MMBMV have said. Al Country C lu b s... In Pullman Cars ...I n Air­ planes . . . In Living Kmimt. . . At filling stations and on the streets. And all these comments lend I n fall under four heads: T he new V-H rides like a dream"; tuv, “It's smartly designed"; thru, “Il costs lets to run" and J» it , “It per­ forms like 'nobody's husiness’l** r. CALIFORNIA! COMFORTS: Also do not let w o rry be y o u r master. Have fa ith In the God w ho feeds the birds and do y o u r w o rk day by day. God can m ore easily provide fo r you when you are not w eak­ ened and distracted by w o rry. The gentiles seek a fte r these th in g s w hich the earth hringR fo rth in abundance. T here is no shortage In production , but If the Kingdom comes It w ill he necessary fo r the C hristians to show a m ore lo fty goal. God know s before we ask that we need food and ra ln m e n t. L e t ua ask fo r a s p irit o f sharing and cooperation th a t w ill enable us to dw ell to gethe r in harm ony The gold­ en rule Is the rule o f the Kingdom . AAA WOOL LICENSE |A * M V W AN TS M USICIANS FOR DEALER PLAN N ED ! IN H A W A IIA N SERVICE FOR M O N TH OF APR IL v « « «- • »- M« « ’ H Lt v u b ks IL L ö Eugene Business College An a u th o rity tells us th a t all taxes are passed to the u ltim a te consumer. W hat about the inheritance tax, m ister? “ T H E POSSESSIONS GF A C H R IS T IA N ” M atthew 6:19-34 “ The Ixive o f Money in the Root of Evil ” It in the great enem y o f religion. Therefore do not m ake yo u r goai the am assing of a fo rtu n e upon earth where men embezzel and banks fa il. You w ill n o t only run the risk of losing it, b u t you w ill surely not gain a lo fty character w ith such a goal before you. On the o ther hand If you set o u t to re a lly live a useful life you shall n o t only he rich In heavenly things- hut are lik e ly to have an m uch as you need o f the th in g s th a t m ake fo r y o u r physical com fort«. The p o in t 1« th a t you cannot serve tw o masters. T herefore put c h a r­ a cte r above w ealth. ■ " Summer School The train has a ll these By DEAN C. POINDEXTER Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Bpringfield, Oregon " ' J 4 iv.utx t n L V O U T P U T MOST GROW ERS HAVE ’EM ----------- An Intensiv« off ill Is lining Portland will be the scene of a Monthly tilli» allowed at (ho New Business Qrow«. Shipment« Arsenic Dusting Protects Pod», But meeting of th«> C ity Council on henrlng July 15 and 16 on a pro made by the I iiitod Mietoa army Prevents Sale of Green Peae Double Amount of Production poaeil license for di alers lu WiS’l leci-iiltlhg o f f i c e In Portland, Ore y,ay 13. were ns follows: In Market For Week It 40 and mohair, according io word re- gon. io sei-ure four more inuslrluh» Ernest Dahl 3 06 c«lv«'d by the til'«'« Ml Hlale college fori I t.iiilry und Fk Id Artillery Adult pea w eevils were out In Scotia Drug Store Seattle. Wash . May 23 A total 13 20 extension service from the Agri l-iindi lu the ILivnllali department 'of 519 down and operating mills In plenty of time this year Io be on W illamette Pre»» 5.3b cultural Adjustment admlnlslvu prior lo Ihe sillin g of the lb S c regor and Washington which re­ bn d i«l h l iM i in l n g t i m e , reports A W. A. Taylor Olhoi n-iialoU* ot the »Mile Army transport ''Giant" for lion t tow aid Cooper Corporation 219 09 don O. Larsen, federal entomologist at ported to the West Coast Lumber Va< uneles (or 27.44 hearing are »eh-dulo«l fgr Ik’iiv« r. hilu on .hiin* 6 men's Association for the week end­ O, S C„ who says they rarely Slate lud Ace. Com Illlll gs. Mon!.. Halt Franclaco and qualified Freneii horn, flute, end (March and April I miss a het" by being late. He ing. May It. produced 46.477.993 cello players ¡.re avuliaille, ami 99.60 Sail Lake city. i.oard feet of lumber. This was ap­ would like to he able to tell gar­ Stale Ind Ace. Coin The proposed license Is designed file ««• Ignrn nt promise» Interest 163.43 proximately 60.000. 090 feet under de ers just what to do to overcome Wright an«l Sons 309 33 »iilely to regulate trade practices lug st'd Instructive service In one the preceding week. The average ihe pests «ride from putting on Wright and Son* 40 46 and selling chargis rulher Ilian «» of the many snappy mllltury hand» weekly production of this group of dark glasses when they shell ihe Wright and Sons 3 rank Fisher 92 60 a mean» of affecting market sup­ for which the Hawaiian deport le a s but so far no ca»y control Is •awniills In 1936 ha.« been S4.133. Ml S late Power Co. 286 8« plies or price levels The proposal incut Is noted 706 feci, during ihe sam e period In know n. 6 69 «all» tor an ndvlaory coinmllt e As soon as blot-mu» develop on Lloyd Townsend 11934 their weekly average was 87.- 68.76 «oilslsting of five .--roc ers and foul p e a the w eevils enter them and William Rouse 226.303 feet 3 00 dealer». The ItceUSo plan would be B R ID G E G L O B E S L A R G E ; feed slightly on poilen and petals, i f Meat hum The new husiuess repotted last hut this «an»'» so little damage it Hobart l'lrrle. Sr. 42.00 administered by an official up O TH ER S ARE TU R N ED ON week by 619 mills was 67.371.294 Is not usually eonsldered. The real Fincher Lumbar Co 10 66 pointed by 'be »•»« ¡clary of agri board feet against a production of damage is In laying eggs on the -Monthly I'jiyioll 397 99 culture. Gloh'-a for the bride lights which 46.477.993 feet and shipnionta of 30.- young pods where the minute ! Inter-City Sand. Gravel 3 76 wer«' i-rdi-red fr m the East by the 011.313 feet. Their shipments were worms hatch out and bore Into the Max Stove Work» 1 09 TH R EE CHICKENS STOLEN Mountain Htaie» Power company over production by 76.9 per cent peas within with unerring accuracy. H endershott's Gun Store 2 10 FROM YARD MONDAY EVE were loo large when they arrived and their current sales wrere ovet 1.00 amt they have to tie sent to Albany Dusting the peas periodically Lee l.oehr production by 49.3 per cent. The J. W. Quackenbush A Sons 12 66 tine entire sldn of Three chickens wen- ctoleti from tor <->« ha.ig< during the bloom tng period with orders booked last week by this 17 64 Ihe Ed Cline yn«d al 696 K Ireel the bridge vas lighted Monday calcium arsenate has been done Sp. Electric Supply group of identical mills were under 165 Monday evening, uce rillnx Io a re­ night wit,I g lid e s which ware with some degree of success, but , ,«p. Electric Supply the total in the preceding week by 3 70 port filed In the city hull Tuesday »lured at the city hall from a commercial standpoint this l*uc, Tel A Telg Co about 63.000.000 feet or approx! ■ —11 86.31 is "out ' where peas are sold green. Sp. Cabinet Shop »lately 43.8 per cent. Booth Kelly Lumber Co. 91.08 T ests reveal that a certain amount 66 A group of 426 identical mills of ih e arsenic gels on or in the Flonery's Drug Store Paul Garlniden 12.10 pens them selves so that It shows whose records are complete for 34 39 troth periods show total orders 1935 up lit chemical tests. Whether It Severt Jacobson 4 40 to date of 1.737.247.214 board feet, would ever harm anyone is a ques­ Anderson Motor Co 6.70 compart-d with 1,437.349.794 board tion. but Ihe fact remains that It J K. Prlvat General Pet. Corp 78 86 feel for the sam e period In 1934. an makes them subject to seisure. JUNE, JULY und AUGUST ! M. J McKlln 32 60 increase of 16.9 per cent. Seeking Harmless Poison Mrs. Elisa Wlnsenreld 20 00 The unfilled order file at three T ests are being conducted this Atlvanct* iin il lli'g liiiiiii« ClauMP« w ill lie conducted lu mills stood at 333.248.000 board year with lusecl poisons that are Shorthand, Bookkeeping, T y p e w ritin g . Etc. feet, approximately 21.000,000 feet harmless to human beings, such as NEW HOP CANKER FOUND under the week before. The ag thoe using rolonouc as a base It IN MOST VA LLE Y AREAS E nrollm ent Dates. Monday, June 3 and 7, 1935 gregate inventories of 426 mills are is hoped som e such material will be A bacterial hop vine canker, nev­ 14.8 per cent less than at this time found effective. last year. With field peas grown for their er before reported. has been ills- seed, dusting with calcium arsen­ covered by G.»R Hoerner. federal ate cut dowu the damage consider­ hop specialist at O. S C„ and des­ C HINESE PEST A TTA C K S ably last year when tried out on a cribed by him and D. C. Smith of ''ll'u A Good School” POPULAR OREGON SHRUB large scale in the northern W illam­ the farm crops staff lu a recent Is­ ette valley. Airplane dusting was sue of the plant pathology Journal. Eugene, Ore. M iner Bldg, Phone 666 A new ornamental shrub pest, practiced over a considerable area. Phytopathology. The canker has been found In the cotoneaster tube worm. Is re­ In that urea 36 lots of seed« were ported destructive In Oregon and delivered to one warehouse. 27 com ­ most of the hop growing countie« ' other parts of the northwest again ing from dusted fields and 9 from of the W illam ette valley. So far this season. The worms spin a fine others. Of the 27 dusted lots, only ihe trouble has uppeared on un­ webbing along the stem s ot Goto- three failed to pass germination trained shoots after ihe vines were : »vaster horixontalis and work so tests, while ainoug the nlin’ from trained, giving II slight economic - rapidly that the entire plant is undiisted fields, six were low In importance, hut should It appeal I soon stripped or turned brown. germination. Se«-d from the dusted ■ urlier It might be serious. Hoer­ E g g iitiu iitt's Ice Ci cum lx know n fu r and near fo r This pest is new to science, ac­ fields also was higher in weight ner believes. The liacterlum that appears to be tho cause o f ,t h e Its goodnemt You tu n let the children have ull they cording to word received by the tests. This year dusting from entomology department at Oregon ground power rigs is planned to trouble has not been identified, i a w o n d e rfu l’y pure, wholesome and de­ ; State college where specim ens were avoid waste and drifting. licious fo od . : collected two years ago and sub­ Burning of plant residues and H IG H W AY CREW BUSY lie glut! yo u r children like It. mitted to the bureau of entomology fumigation ot seed are the chief ON ROADS NEAR HERE at W ashington. D. C. There It was bulk control practices developed to K g g liiiiin it’s service la ready fo r you fro m early ' described and given the scientific date. T hese are fully described In A maintenance crew of the Ore­ m orn u u ltl lut«' at night every tiny In the week. name Cremona cotoneastri. Busck. a new federal mimeograph««! cir­ gon State Highway department has This worm, which is a moth in cular, "Suggestion« for the Control been ut work here the punt week ! the adult stage, is believed to be a of Pea W eevil in Oregon,” which patching and repairing (he surfac­ i native of China from where this may be had free from the stale col- ing on state highways branching I old-world shrub also comes. So far leg«’. i nt from this city. A crew has been "Where the Hervtce It Different' la s known it attacks only this par stationed here mixing the hot as ticular shrub. In fact. It has been phult and gravel on east Main found only on the horizontal species 0 . S. C. STU D EN TS PLAN street. EN G IN E E R S ’ DAY. MAY 25 o f cotoneaster and never on the many other species. Parents of Daughter — Mr and Registered engineers from overy .Mrs. Joe SlavrtO» of Coburg are the Control measures have not been worked out conclusively, though city lu Oregon, together with all parents of a baby «laughter born the college entom ologist have found members of the various engineer­ to them ut the Pacific hospital In that an oil emulsion and nicotine ing Founders' aoeieties. are being Eugene on Friday, May 17, 1936. spray if applied with sufficient invited to attend Engineers' day at force to penetrate the webbing will Oregon Slate college on .May 25. Parents of Son — Mr. and Mrs. prove beneficial. Various commer- This Is a new event being spon Thomus Frame of Goshen are the T he let* Pluni ut our Cream ery I h now In operation \ cial dusts with rotonone base are sored by the stunents of the r.choo« parents of a son born to them at of i ngineering as a means of pro also good. Where the pest gets a the Pacific hospital In Eugene OO and deliveries are being made on call bad start on a small planting b e motlcg acquaintance among and Thursday. May 16, 1936. Hot w eather 1» on iih and foods w ill noon wpoll w ith* fore discovered, the most practical furthering the intorests of Ore­ plan is to cut off the infested parts gon's professional enginers. Parents of Daughter — Mr. and out re frigeration. Ice I h the wideat uned and cheapeHl Entertainment and laboratory Mrs. Z. R. Biddle of Donna are the and burn them, allowing the plants tours are being arranged for the refrig e ra n t. O ur plant in here to nerve you. to sprout anew. parents of u daughter horn to them day to be followed by a banquet at their home on Saturday, May 18, and formal program in the ev e­ 1935. C ALL PHONE 7 • C IV IL SERVICE EXAM S ning. President George W. Peavy Load Limit Lifted- The- load re­ LIS TE D FOR T H R E E JOBS is to he the banquet speaker, after which the evening will be devoted striction placed on the Willamette The United States Civil Service to technical papers. Special enter­ highway last fall was lifted Friday commtesion has announced open tainment for ladies Is being ar­ , of last week according to W. B Dll- competitive examinations as fol­ ranged. If this first affair Is suc­ I lard, county clerk. cessful it is planned to make En­ lows: Ethnologists, various grades. >2,- gl neers' day an annual event. 600 to >4,600 a year, Indian Service, ] Car Drivers Blanks Here Department of the Interior. C. E. Wheaton, Justice of the Chief, Division ot Migratory Wat­ erfowl, >5.600 a year. Bureau of Peace, has been furnished with a Biological Survey, Department of supply of m en r vehicle operators blanks for rene'/al of license. Every Agriculture. Instrument makers, v a r i o u s driver In the state must have new grades. >1,620 to >2,300 a year, De licenses by June 30, 1935. The fee partment S e r v i c e , Washington, Is >1.00. Those who need blanks ran get them from Mr. Wheaton. D. C. Vi --------------- * --------------- Lessons from The cBook A n X-1 *v 'O AUTHOIIIZIO Just sit back and relax. The engin­ eer does »11 the driving. Swiftly, safely, you ride to your destination, arriving fresh and rested. (O I O O lA lllt Read or write as you skim along steel rails, (he smoothest highway yet invented. N o stops for food. Eat in the diner when you are hungry. S. P makes it economical with soup-to-dessert Meah Meet at popular prices. Enjoy refreshing sleep in a soft, room y berth. Im proved Tourist Pullm ans provide clean d ou b le berths at very rcesonable rates. Space to walk around and stretch your legs is important on any jour­ ney. You have it on the train. There is clean ice-water to drink when you are thirsty. And there is alw ays a con ven ien t rest room with modern lavatory facilities. M so of«0' M • 4,000 FT. OVKR IN I ALLIOHA NIK “ Pretty smooth flying today.'* Btsdl« " ,o com« ’ * * " - * , “ ‘ « t « f l « * ° ° ” eh" .ro u n d to» ’ v I f * wiih *hi* ”' W .coooma»' M-b ** "",««— "d *•*. “ Y e s , th a fo lk s this airplane ride was Southern Pacific com­ pared to a trip in ovr Ford V-H." “ You got one too?-“ Say! that ‘(xim fo rt Zona R ida’ in this year’s job has got to be tried io be appreciated, hasn't it?" Besides, rail fares to C a lifo rn ia are lo w . It's real econom y to g o this w ay and have all th e com forts, conveniences and security o f tra in tra ve l at fares o f 2c a m ile and less. For details, see your local S. P. agent or write J. A. Ormandy, Q tittral Pautngtr Agtm, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. back hom e w ouldn't believe it i f I told them 10 R I) V-8 m > > JP.F.O.fe DETROir.Stondardoc- cenory group including bumpers and »par« Hre extra. Easy t«rmt through Um.rrtol Credit Co» Authorised ford Finance Flan.