THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IHTY-8KCU NI) v Mt H PHI.M IE I ELD. LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, TH I-'K H IlA Y. .MAY 28 1935 CITY DISPOSb; ,A>cal $20,000 IH 80110b ' T Five-Year Payment Extension Arranged With Woodmen Of the World GREAT SAVING TO CITY City Now Haa Control Of Its Finances and Can Prevent Threatened Litigation at PLAN PROGRAM TO Ball leam Near FINAL REPORT ON Discuss Electric H.S. STUDENTS I» Close of Season Rates on f riday AID PLAY CENTER E RECEIVE H U I S High School Adds Wins Over Council Committee Goes To pn. ' ,d Send« Nineteen to U. H. S. end Lowell; Close Salem To Meet With State Project Costa Total $6,241-07; Public Invited To Free Enter­ Rebixah and I. O. O' F. Fifty-Four Young People Te With Pleasant Hill Utility Commieeioner tainment At Lincoln School Government Furnishes Sessiona At Salem Conclude High School At 7:30 Tonight $3,749.60 Eduoation Here Friday Bport fans who were wondering The petitions calling for a lower B’irlngfleld waa well represented I hi» week al Ibe assim hly. and the tion of I. O O. F In whlrh were hold week, Misto Rebekah Grand conven­ Oregon, both of In Baleni this WILL GIVE SHORT PLAY Prison Warden Lauda Super- vised Playground Move­ ment in Letter The Itehekah , lodges met Mon­ day, Tuesday end Wednesday, and First public program to be pre­ A payment sxtanson of five year« the Oddfellows mat Tuesday, Wed sented by tbe recently organised on 33U.UOU In bond«, which would neaila: and are concluding their Bprlngfleld playground association ham otherwise b»«n lu default No­ ■ iimk I oiis today. will be given at tbe Lincoln school vember 1. la announced today b) this evening at 7:30. There will be Iteproaentlna t h e Hpringft«ld Mayor K II Turner. An agree­ ment ha« neen reached by Iha city li,un»-» nr«: Rebekah, Mr« Clara no admission charge and all Inter­ of Bprlngfleld and the Woodmen at »»‘»dgraB«. Ml»« Bunks Gerber, ested are Invited to attend. Re­ Ills* World lodge uot only to tub«* Mrs. Ulaan Hion«, Mr». Bertha freshments will lie served after tbe House, Mr«. Kali« Brumette, and program. Small charges will tie rive year aerial refunding bond» Mr and Mr«. W illiam Htrunk; and made for these and proceeds will lor the tlU.OOe lasue, but to cut the Uddfallow», K ¡6. Pyne and W V*. go Into the playground fund lutarett rule from six per cent to Walker, lour and three tourtha per cent Largs Saving This arrangement mean« a sav- Ing to the city or several hundred dollars. It meik« the second step lu the city's relluanclng program started by the new council, the first being the paymeut last week of 111.SOU defaulted for the- last three years Incidentally the pay tng off ol the »11.600 default bonds hinged upon a settlement of meth­ od» to refund the »20.000 Issue since the city faced litigation upon the dlaaovery by the Woodmen of the World that there bad been no •Inklug fund created to take up lb# »20.000 laaue when due Imprevee Finance« The refunding of the »20,000 Is­ sue Instead of letting II go Into de lault Improves Bprlngfleld'» flnan elal situation greatly, according to Mayor Turner. It places the pay­ ment date« within th« city's ability to pay. Il r*” * «me and one-quarter per cent Interest. It stops threat* ened litigation whereby all city tax mouey might have beeu «sited. It gives I he town once more control ol 11» finance« beside« Improving lb« town'« credit so that It may do further bond refinancing and pro­ vide for warrant payment, the mayor pointe out Negotiations for the refunding of (he »20.000 Issue were started by »1. V. Breese, city auditor, who visited the Woodmen of the World headquarters In Denver. Colorado, on bis trip lo take option» for fur ■ her refuudlng. Subsequently form­ er Congressman W illis Hawley, one of Ibe head managers of the lodge, Vlilted Bprlngfleld. Inspected the recent audit of the book«, and the minutes of council meetings over previous years. W hile here be agreed with Mayor Turner to recommend the refunding at lower Interest at the meeting the head managers of the lodge. Weodmen Resolution Following 1« a copy of the certi­ fied Resolutions and Order passed by the Board of Head Managers. May 16. IM 6. A d received from the Woodmen of the World cover­ ing the »20.000 improvement bonds: "Where»», Our association. Wood- men of the World, of Denver. Colo rado. la the owner and holder of »20.000 principal amount of Town of Bprlngfleld. Oregon. Improve- munt bonds, bearing Interest at six per cent per annum payable seidl- aunually lu May and November, dated Novamber 1. l»10. and matur­ ing November 1, 1026; and "Whereas, said town of Bprlng­ fleld ba« represented to said Wood­ man of the World that It will be Impossible to pay and discharge said bonds on their maturity d ata ^ C d T n g ^ s V ." .^ ^ to NO. IS Other« who drove to Salem Wed nswlay Io alt«nd the public seasloh and program were Mr«. Harav Juhlia, Mr» Fred Ixiuk, Ml«» Eva Ml»» Mary Anu Ixiuk, Mrs Clarlna Putman. Mr. and Mrs. Krn- «■I Black. Maxin» Bnodgraaa. and Mr and Mr«. Bert Banker. Ml»» Em Louk «ra» Inatailed «» condnclrn«» or Jnanlta lodge Mon­ day to fill the unexplred farm of Ml»» Irma Noll who had to resign because of other dull«» IN STATE EVENT Smith Gets Third in High Hurdles and Hansen Comes In Second In Mile Bprlngfleld high school track a r­ tists completed I heir year’s work In a brilliant manner Balurday on Hayward field In Eugene whan they won five points and placed tenth In the state high srbool track and field meet with only two entries. Not only did the two beys, Mal­ colm Hansen and Dleque Bmlth, place tenth In tbe meet, but tbay also won mure points than any other entrants In their district from the same school. Hansen repealed hie performance of last year at Corvallis when he who second place In tbe mile event. Dleque Bmlth qualified Friday after­ noon In the high hurdles, but failed to qualify for tbe low hurdles Sat­ urday he took tbe lead In tbe hurdles event, but fell back Into third place at tbe finish line when he struck two hurdles which slowed down bis speed. Disregarding the limited number of men with which be was con­ fronted wben he started to build hie track team. Marlon Hall, completed tbe season with an admirable rec­ ord for any school His team won i-ond place In both tbe W illamette valley and tbe district track meet over such schools as Eugene high. University high. Roseburg and Cot­ tage Orove and Cbemawa. Corvallis and Salem In the Valley meet Three men qualified for the state meet but Kerrigan Hutchlneln wae forced out of competition with a pralned ankle. Hansen and Bmllb are graduating with tbe senior class and entered their final events for Bprlngfleld high school Saturday. They are ex­ pected to find placet on track teams of larger schools next fall. A abort play. "Forty Winks,” written by Mrs. It E. Dawson, pres­ ident of the ussoclatlun. will lie the feature of the evening program. Mrs Floyd Thumpson, Miss Bar- nice Conoly and Mlsa Dorothy Mae Potter are In charge of this number Program Announced Tbe program will open wltb selec­ tions. "March M llltelr" and "Jolly Copperamlth." by the toy orchestra of the Brattaln school Short talk» will then be given by I. O. Shaw. Dean C Poindexter. It K. Rolen». Mr». A. B. Van Valxuh M A I'.dil Koy tgulney and Mr». Elmer FergU- tun F. B Hamlin will be ma«ter of ceremonies. Other numbers will In­ clude lap dancing by Miss Dorothy Myers class, violin solos by Oma Mae McNetl and Marie Holllater, selections by tbe Lincoln school or cheatrs. the play, a closing pageant featuring the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts and Brownies, and conclu »ton with everyone »Inglng "On­ ward Christian Soldiers." Sing Sing W srdsn W rit«» Commendation of tbe work being attempted here by the Playground a»»o<’lallon waa contained In a lei ter received this week from Lewis E Istwe». warden of Bing Bing pris­ on. In his letter addre»sed lo Mrs. Duw»on. he »ay in im rt: " Il la surprising that no such recreation canter exists In tbe com­ munity today I have always felt that supervised recreation Is essen­ tial for the youth til any locality. Of course education Is also a prim»- necessity, but both should supple­ ment each other. The school» only take care of children for a certain period of the day. ' After that time if efforts are not made to properly supervise the ai-tlvltle» of those children, there Is every likelihood that antisocial tendencies may be Inculcated Proper recreation Is conducive to their best Interests. It creates proper contact« and Incul­ cate« what 1» known In my opinion «« character education May 1 ad (Concluded on Page Four) what had happened to the high school baseball team wben they be­ gan losing umes freely- after a long chain at unbroken victories were equally surprised yesterday afternoon at the manner In which they won their game with Ixiwell. Both teams started off strong wltb no score until the last of tbe second when Bprlngfleld »cored three run». After that tbe game waa their» only for one Inning wheu tbe vl«ltora brought In seven runs In the fourth. Bprlngfleld re­ taliated wltb a nice string of runs which left the acora 14-7 In the sixth inning Lowell brought In two ruus In the final Inning to end the Maine, 14 3 lo u t Friday afternooo the boys broke their losing streak when they held what looked like a track meet wltb University high school. Tbe game finally ended wltb the score standing, 17-3. The local leam has lust one more game on their season s schedule. This has been advanced from F ri­ day until Tuesday afernoon of next week and will be played at Mwlm- mer's Delight park as a feature of the all-school picnic Their oppon­ ents will be Pleasant Hll. They have alreedy defeated the Hillbillies but they, lu turn, handed a 10-6 de­ feat lo Eugene high Tuesday after­ noon At thia time the Bprlngfleld team has wou vlctorlea over each of the teams on the schedule. They di­ vided games wltb Junctiao City, Eugene. Lowell and Oakridge, ana have won double vicorlea over Mar cola and University high. Final reports on tbe Bprlngfleld HERA street projects were made this morning and shows that the city actually received a total of 33.74».60 for labor under tbe pro­ ject and that the city expended 81,- 713.27 In cash and received a credit of 3766.20 for use of Its tractor and trucks, making total outlay of 32,- 43147 on tbe part of tbe city In the project participation. Final summary of tbe City's par­ ticipation In the project which closed last week »bowed total ex­ penditure» a» follows: G ravel ... »730 33 light and power rae In Bprlngfleld will be formally presented to the public utility commissioner In Salem Friday. Members of the city fire and water committee and City Attorney James K. King will go to Salem for an appointment with tbe commissioner at 10 o'clock. Tbe petitions recently circulated carry 702 names of local residents and users of electricity. The com­ mittee expects to present tbe pe­ tition» and also determine Just what place Bprlngfleld w ill have 1» the bearing to be held by tbe public utilities commissioner In Albany on June 3. Thia meeting has beeu ar­ ranged when all communities served by the power company will be con­ sidered for lower rates. Lane Co. Road Patrol 17#.»3 Ind Acddent In» *127.16 Lumber 34.22 Gasoline ....... .... 18».lb On their return from Salem the Oil and Grease 7.2» Supervision 236.41 committee wj> »top In Albany for Hardware 47.»6 a conference with Mountain States Truck and Tractor Main 46.12 Power company officials In regara to light and power rates. It Is pos­ Credits Received sible that Home of the requests of Truck participation: the city petitioners may be settled 2 one-ton (t #0c hour for 60S hours .............. . »646.40 outside of the utility commissioner's hearing, councilman say. They Tractor Grader: At »1.16 per hr. for 1»8 hrs. 227.30 point out that their action w ill be The SERA participation repor. a friendly effort to adjust rates In allows a total of 1.180 man-days of Springfield to iower levels more in labor or 7.0«» man hours for which line with the Eugene W ater board Ibe following amounts were ex­ rate« which are competitive here. pended January ________ ___ (144.00 SCHOOL PETITION FOR February ......................... »»0.00 E C. STUART IS FILED March ._......... ............ ........... ...... .............. 9(0.00 April ....... ............ ......_............... .. .......... .... #o».oo A petition bearing 64 names was May 746.61, filed yesterday on behalf of E. C. Only about two-third» of tbe 36.- Stuart as candidate for re-election 300 grant for labor waa used by the a» Hcbool director tor three years. city lu tbe project. City officials .Mr. Stuart consented to become a have been promised that they will , andldate after many of hla friends be permitted to take up the balance visited blm personally urging him ,f tbe project money at a later date to accept the nomination. SCHOOL PROJECTS GET if they are able to finance the op­ This la the only school petition APPROVAL IN PORTLAND erating coHts and materials. filed at thia time. Severt Jacob­ son has announced bis Intention of Springfield « HER.» «»-bool project being a candidate to succeed him­ ha» been approved in Portland by PAST OFFICERS TAKE self as school clerk. the state committee and work Is OVER O. E. S. MEETING expected to be started very shortly on the schools. The gymnasium 1» ( Past officers of Cascade chapter, GIRLS LEAGUE PLANS uow being emptied a' materials ana i O. E B took over all chairs of the BREAKFAST FOR SENIORS equipment In preparation for the! local chapter Tuesday evening dur remodeling there, and the equip- ' Ing the Past Matrons and Past Final plans for tbe annual break­ ment lu he manual training and do­ Patrons meeting Mrs. Lena Fred fast which the Girls League at the mestic aclence room» 1» being crick was seated as worthy matron high school gives the seniors were »tores elaewbere In the building.1 with C. A. Swarts as worthy patron. made this week. The breakfast will Paining the outside of the building Mrs Darr Wilson was assistant ma­ be given Tuesday morning at tbe u-d regrading the ground« will be tron. and W. E. Buell, assistant Methodist church at 8 o’clock. Fea­ done at the Lincoln school. ture of the breakfast is the an­ patron. Mrs. Ida Swarts was conductress, nouncement of tbe name of the out­ standing girl chosen as the winner Typhoid Reported—Two cases of Mrs. Abbie Wheaton assistant con of the Civic club cup ductress. and Mrs. Janie Green typhoid fever In one family were Committee chairmen for the reported last week-end at Marcola treasurer. Pearl Bchantol was sec­ by Dr. R. C. Rotnlg. county health retary, Mrs. Jeannette W right. breakfast are Pearl Helterbrand. officer. Shallow wells and no Martha. R. B. Oldham, sentinel, and menu; Muriel Tyson, decorations; Mary Faye Bettis, program; Martha sewage disposal system were crlti- Mrs. Opal Roberts, marshall. All past matruns were presented Welch, place cards, and Colleen Cor­ claea by the health officer follow­ nell. tables. with corsages during the evening. ing an Inspection. These Students Receive Diplomas From S. H. S Friday Regular meeting of the Bprlng­ fleld Four-L group wl|l be held at Taylor hall Friday evenln« The masting has been called for 8 o’eloefc. Bprlngfleld Chamber of Cotq merce will hold a meeting next Wed nesday evening at Taylor hall start Ing at 8 o'clock according to notices sent out this week by B. F. Hamjta, secretary. President W. K. Barnall, w ill preside at the Fifty-four students will receive diplomas bare Friday night at the Methodist church when asm.uel soa- meueemeni exercises era held for tbe senior class of Bprlngfleld high school. Fifty-two student» will ha graduated from the local high school, and two others will peas through the formality of having their diplomas presented bare. Two sister«. Bertha and Margaret Gradall. completed their work at Pearce. Arisons, high school, bat moved here before tbe comUiêBOS- ment exercises and wtU also receive their diplomas which have »ent, here Friday evening. W ill Hear University Man Jesse H. Bond, professor of : nés» Administration at the Univer­ sity of Oregon, will be the com­ mencement speaker. He has not an­ nounced the topic of hla address. The program will open with the march. "Maestoso." by MacDowell. played by Mrs. Buford Roach; the invocation by Rev. I. O. Shaw, pas­ tor of the Christian church, sad the Salutatory address, "Learning for Living." given by Mary Trotter. The march will be played on the new pipe organ and will be tbe flrat time the Instrument la used la a public function. Ruth Pollard will sing. "Tha Ker­ ry Dance,” by Malloy, and Margaret Jarrett w ill play the piano nolo. “Chant D'Amonr.** Opus 10. No. 2. by Paderewski preceding the ad- dr e«« by Professor Bond. Students Te O ffer Music Following tha address tha girts' trio w ill sing Kreislar’a, "The Old Refrain." The trio Includes Juanita Seaman. Ruth Pollard, and Joaa Seavey Frances Stiles w ill offer an the valedictory addr World tsnd I.” Jack W illiam » w ill i Herbert's. “Ah. Sweet Mystery of Life.” Just before E. C. Staart. chairman of the school board pre­ sents the diplomas, and Rev. Dean C. Poindexter pronounces tha hen edicUon. Names or the graduating students are listed under their pictures shown elsewhere in tbe i Although graduaGon ill be held Friday evening, the Rcnool year is not ended nntll 1 day evening the following Final examinations began this morning at tha high school and w ill c-onUnue Friday. Tha all-school plonk- and contests will he hold all day Monday at Swimmer*» De­ light, and the senior close day sad preeeniation of awards will be held Tuesday. Annual senior girls’ breakfast w ill be held Tuesday morning at which time the winner of the Civic Club cup for the' most outstanding girl student will be announced. Birthdays of W. H. Whitney and Mrs. D. W. Crites were observed here Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W hitney by members of the Birthday club. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Critea, M r. and Mrs. George Prochnow, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson, M r. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, M r. and Mrs Whitney. Miss Olyde DIUey. Miss Alma Edwards. Misa M ary Elisabeth Whitney, and Ernest An­ derson. M'MORRANAWASHBURNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Exams Started This Morning; All-School Picnic Monday, Class Events Tuesday TWO ARE HONORED AT BIRTHDAY CLUB PARTY equal principal amount, grade and CASH CITY WARRANTS character of security as said bonds Bprlngfleld city warrants will be now owned and held by our aaao elation and to be substituted and cashed at par at tbe McMorran and etc hanged therefore, said refund Washburns store whenever pur- ms — bear ___ ______ Ing bonds to Interest — at ___ the chase» or payments on account are rale of four and three-quarters per made. Carl Wasbburne. manager of cent per annum payable semi anau ibe store, announces. consider Bprlngfleld n May »lay and uou November w. r -------- war- ally In of ------ each ------- We und'matur* as follow«: »4.000 rants as good as cash and believe year on November 1. 103«; »«.00« «'> the city will be lit a position to November 1, 1037: »4.000 on No redeem them In a few months, de­ vember I. 1»88; »4,000 on Noyam clared Mr Washburne. "W e see her 1, 1(8». an<$ »4.000 on Novein no reason why anyone should dis­ bar I, 1140; and further that said count them." continued Mr. Wash- refunding bonde shall be duly auth burne, who said that his store bad urlsed by special and exclusive on already laken many warrants at dlnapce of said town and »hall be par. dated either May 1. 1336. or Novero bar 1, 1636. and in the event the MISS LONG HOSTESS FOR May 1. 1036, — said ........................ “ LODGE OIRLS FRIDAY same are dated town of Bprlngfleld shall, If and Members of the F. L. Girls club when the proposed exchange of bonds hereunder la effected, pay to of Juanita Rebekah lodge were our association »186 In cash, d iffe r­ guests at the home of Ml«» Flor­ ence In Interest up to November ence Long last Thursday evening for their annual meeting Miss 1. 1336.'' i The refunding bonds are ex­ Irma Noll was elected president; pected to be authorlxed and fur­ Miss Ixmg, vice-president, and Miss nished the Woodmen of the World Bernice Conoly Is the new sacra- lodge within the next few weeks tary-treasurer. or as soon as the city attorney can prepare the Issue. MEETING CALLED FOR FOUR-L MEETING SET AT JAYLOR HALL FR’PAV JESSE H BOND SPEAKER POPPY DRIVE OPENS IN CITY ON FRIDAY Friday and Saturday have designated as Poppy days In Spring- field and members of tbe Spring- field American Legion auxiliary will offer tbe red flowers for sale both days. A ll funds from the sals ol the flowers are used for rehabil­ itation work among soldiers. CARD CLUB MEMBERS END YEAR W ITH DANCE Members of the O-No card club concluded their season's activities last Saturday evening when they held their annual banquet at the Del Rey cafe In Eugene. Eighteen people attended the banquet after which 24 went to W illam ette park where they spent the evening wtth dancing. EUGENE FOREION WAR VETS INVITE COUNTY Top row (left to right) Jerry Clark. Edna Severson, Dl»que Smith. Margaret Haack, Charles Cole, Margaret Jar­ rett. Robert Ixijoie, Genevieve Henry; second row. M arjorie Currant. Dori» Marie Robinson. Ellen Moskop, Laurie Downes, Imrna Chase, Alpha Prlndel, Gwendolyn Barrett, Mary Young; third row, Faye Squires, Jack W illiams, Le- Verne Pugh, Don Nelson. Greta Zehner, Harold H ill, Ruth Stratton, Woodrow W are; fourth row, Joan Seavey. Mary Katherine Harris. Evelyn Johnson. Faye Stratton, Ruby Cabe. Ahaphla Palanluk. H artle Olson, M yrtle Logan; fifth row. Irvin Darr, Ruth Pollard, Robert Benson, Eunice Rh Inevault. Jack Clark. Olga Hrynchuk. Raymon Withers, Irene Je»sen; »IxUi row. Frances Stiles, Carl Stevenson. M ary Trotter, Mary Elkow, Geneva Thompson. Gladys Chase. Verlin Posey. Clair Hadley; seventh row, Anton Uchytll, Juanita Seaman, Arnold Scolt. Malcolm Hansen. Gertrude Boring. Obert Andrews. Eugene post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold a large social gath­ ering at the Eugene armory Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Veterans liv ­ ing in Bprlngfleld and all other parts of the county are extended an tnvitatton IwattaML