TH U R SD A Y, 16. l»36 TM® SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO® POUR bats and the Escalante family There are 8« riders, «0 acrobats, SO aerlallsts and 5« clowns In the show. Important A cts fe a tu re Circus Ms crisp- Licenses Issued Eighteen foreign countries will I m * represented In the At G. Barne« circus, which shows Sunday In Eu­ gene. Kuby Woods. HO pound serisltot. comes front New Zealand. England contributed the Uelntont family of riders. From t'atiada came Mabel Stark, wild animal trainer, who per­ forms this year with 18 tigers. The county clerk has granted marriage licenses to the following during the past week: Claude Moore and Kate Smith, both of Drain; James Castleman and Paul lluherd. both of Creswell; Calvin Bigg and Jean Higginbrotham, both of Eugene; James Wright and Florence Monroe, both of Cottage Grove; Claud Yarbrough and l-aura Other imported acta Include the Campbell, both of Eugene; Mai Burliana. the Beruettl family of colltt Almack. S^pokane. and Belay riders, the Waltlers troupe of acro- Salee. Eugene. New Organ Recital JO H N STA RK EVANS University School of Music Assisted By GEORGE BISHOP. Baritone ee* METHODIST CHURCH, Springfield WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1935, 8 P. M. First Recital on New Reuter Organ Admission. Adults 50c - - - - - - t hildren 25c Aianv Get Bibles During Past* 1 Y ear Upper Willamette Meat For Biggest Values Our fine quality m eats with high food value ex­ plodes the theory that your m eat bill must be your biggest expense item. Meat goes farth er than any other food items you can serve and if it is good m eat gives greater satisfaction. Even a little m eat served improves the meal and is essential to your diet. W hether you want a tender juicy steak or a heavy beef roast you may select it here with assurance of getting fine quality m eats. We are here to solve your meat problems. Independent Meat Co. 4th and Main Sto — P h o n . U E. C. S T U A R T , Prop. J * O ?t . Removal Sale On Broken and Discontinued Lines Broken Lots of Footwear One group Women’s Footw ear—NOW’ S I .49 Values to $3.98 One group Women’s Sandals NOW 6 9c Values to $1.49 One group Women’s Arch Oxfords—NOW S1.69 $2.39 Values One group Men’s Oxfords, NOW S I .98 Values to $3.98 Clearance of Millinery Oue lot. Values to $2.00 — 89c One lot. Values to $2.00 — 49c Clearance Ready to Wear Group 1, Silk Dresses, NOW Group 2, Silk Dresses, NOW W ATCH US S2.69 S4*69 CROW We’re Moving On About June 1st to 1015 W illamette Street. A BIGGER AND BETTER STORE WILLIAMS’ STORES, Inc. (SELF SER VIC E) 77 East Broadway ■ sp e d To Oecopy 101» W illa m e tte Juno t, Remodeling Building Already Under W ay Williams «lores Inc.. Eugene, an uuuncud Monday the leasing of th. Bchaefer building at 11116 Wlllaiu etle alreet for a hew location of the Eugene store Workmeu begun tm mediately remodeling the Interior uf Hits store, formerly Ihe Uoldeu Rulo. t he entire Interior of Ihe store I to he rellntshed In a light twu lone cream color annoouoed J E Hayward, manager of the Williams Htorea. All men hundlse will In- displayed I- rum a desire foi sett i development. cum s tiapptne-s. Am ­ on tile fcialii floor and latleouy ays Al'ltss. George Aril»«. above, as "Cardinal Richelieu" In the film of the same name coming to the McDonald theatre Sunday for four days This Is the seventh time that Arllae ha. been called on to portray the role of some historical figure. Fea-tured on the same hill will be "1C» A Small World,” with Speucer Tracy. TOWN AND VICINITY bition lead, the other way." Arils* advice to ambitious youth it to seek not fame, but happiness This can lie attained, he says, by doing "wlial one most wants to do. no matter what It coats ” "If there Is a mistake tn the view point of the rising generation, it la the result of Its desire to gel Ihe most It puaalhly can without a fully i otupeiisated return lu the way of effort "In my younger days, I had no ambition either to make a lot of money, or Io be famous I merely wanted to become as good an actor a . my capabilities would permit. Tu that end, I made the negr »»ary sacrifices and per fur med the neces­ sary work. I spent ton years lu ob- ) curtly, but wasn't unhappy or dis­ contented- I was doing Ute thing I must wanted to do. regardless of the effort. That'» the secret of hap­ piness.” H ere for W eek-end— M r and Mabel Man Msrs—Charles Car- son of Mabel was a business visi­ Mrs. Dean Anderson of Cascadia were here visiting with friends tor In this city Saturday. over the week-end. Wendling Man Here— Kay Bales Return from Trip—Mr» Krutoi of Wendling was a bualne*a visitor Bertsrh and daughters, lone and in Springfield Friday. Theda Hhodes. returned Saturday Wendling Man Here— Nate Chat trout an eztendud visit with reis ' fee of Wendling was a business lives In Texas. vl-itors here Saturday. Down from Bridge— Fred Harri­ The junior class of the Pleasant son of McKenzie Bridge was a HUI high school took the seniors visitor In Springfield Saturday. on their annual week-end trip to wendling Folk Here— Mr. and | Newport last week-end. They were Mrs. Herman Mason of Wendling accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Laird. were visitors In Springfield Satur­ .Mrs. F. F. Cooper and Principal day. Perry Price. At Junction City— Miss Mary Eighth grade graduation exer clses for the Upper Willamette dla- Ann Louk Is spending the week at i tricts will be held at the First lunclton City. Christian church Thursday night. Former Residents Here- Mr. and I May 16 at 5 o-tock. Mrs. Carl 8enseny of Oakridge Several of the Pleasant Hill j were visitors In Springfield Sun young folks who are attending col­ day calling on friends here. lege were home over the week-end. Viaitor from Silverton-—Cy Gay Howard Park. Nancy Barnum. Oro- ver Kelsay. Blanche Wheeler. Elva I »•« in Ihe city front Silverton to Brabham were up from Normal and spend the week-end vl“lllng with Bonnie Tinker from Oregon State ' his parents. college. In From Mohawk—Frank Staf- Pleasant Hill public school closed Tuesday. May 14. On Friday. May 1 ford of the Mohawk vicinity was a 10. the children with their parents business visitor In Springfield Sat­ had a picnic at the school grounds. urday. In the afternoon the pupils of the Former Resident He r o Steve lower grades put on a program Bowles, former resident of Sprlug commemorating May Day. Mothers' field, was a business visitor front Day and vacation. Elmira Monday. Mrs. Butte Tyler and daughter Move Up River—Mr. and Mrs. C. Mary Jane of Red Bluff. California, were guests at the Tinker bome J. McMurray, formerly of Spring Sunday. Mias Tyler la attending O. field, have returned from Grants Pass and he is remodeling a home of O. In Engene. Mrs Eugene B. Tinker received on the McKencle river. word Tuesday from the Camp&na Principal Better—W. E. Buell, Sales Company that she had won principal at the high school is one of the minor prizes In the re­ teaching his classes at the high cent national contest on “Why I school this week. He Is still quite Like Italian Balm.” weak from his recent Illness. Rodent Control Group Appointed which will he glveu over to real» to wear cloth lug The shoe depart men will h greatly enlarged to ac commodate the large stock ol loot wear always carried In our store, say- Hayward Tables with glass tops wilt be used to display the merchandise New llgh lllig «ifoi ls will he created and an entirely new store wilt greet the Williams Store customers when the move 1» completed about the first ol Juue. A large sale of seasonable mer­ chandise wa started Immediately at the preaent location amt will be continued until the move la com pteted. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given that School District No 1*. tn lame County. Oregon, wilt pay at the of­ fice of clerk of said district, all «arrant to and Including number 4126. dated January 25, 1825 Inter­ est ceases after May 21. 1836. Ten Men Assigned To Eradi­ cation Program In Thia Area For Present Year Rodent control supervisors were I appoint! it liy the County Court on recommendation of O. 8 Fletcher. [ county agent, at a meeting Tues ' day morning. Those appointed from ’ the school district territory trlbu tary to Springfield are as foliowa; j WaltervlUe. nominated by the W.iltcrvllle grange. District 87.) Marvin Drury; District 65, Hugh Cnddard, District 126. Gordon Erazee. Garden Way, district 160. T J Maxwell. Fall Creek-Lowell, district «7. E. E. Callison; district 71. Stanley Gray and Anderson Renfro; dis Irlct 74. E. M Edwards, district 83. Eldon Warner; district 132. Joe Walker. The district numbers refer to school districts. Each supervisor Is to take charge of the rodent control work In his area. Farmers In the vicinity and ■ion resident land owners will be uotifled to set out poison where rodent damage become« too high. The county agent state, that these supervisors have the author­ ity to go upon land where squirrels Aunt D ie t— Miss Olyde D illey re­ are not controlled by the people In turned to her home at Grande charge of the land and poison the Rhonde for the week-end to attend squirrels at the expense of the own- Miss Elsie Huck with her uncle I funeral services for an aunt who era. The supervisors are paid for and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Hack ar­ | died there. their time and poison by the county t rived Tuesday evening from Kan­ court and the expense Is placed as Uncle Dies— Henry C. Rooper, ’ a lien against the land and collect­ sas. They left Saturday morning and drove through. Mr. and Mrs. ’ uncle of Mrs. M. B. Huntly and M. ed with the taxes. Official notice Hnck drove on to Klamath Falls. j A. Pohl, died at his home at Ante- to all land owners to control the Jay Grant, principal of Thurston ' lope Munday morning. Funeral aer- squirrels on their premises was high school. Is planning to leave vices were held Wednesday at The published during March by the (or Wisconsin about June 1, where t Dalles. county agent. While these super­ he has employment with the gov- Breaks Arm — Gayle Chase, visors have authority to go upon ; ernment forestry. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin neglected land and poison at the The high school baccalaureate Chase of the Garden Way district expense of the owners the county sermon will be given at the Thors, received treatment for a broken agent states that all supervisors ton church next Sunday evening arm Saturday evening at the office are expected to secure voluntary by Rev. E. V. Stiverà. cooperation where poanlble. of a local physician. Mr. and Mra. John Lucy from Supervisors will be appointed in Drive Up River—Mr. and Mrs. additional communities on request McMInvtlle spent the week-end with Mrs. Lucy’« parents. Mr. and Harry Whitney, Mary Elizabeth of people In those districts. Whitney, Ernest Anderson and Mrs. Walter Edmlston. Mrs. Nolan from Washington has Alma Edwards, house guest at the SCHOOL BOARD LISTS spent several days visiting, Mr. Whitney home, motored up the Mc­ M O N TH LY BILLS PAID Kenzie for ihe afternoon Bunday. and Mrs. Ira Gray. *■ • The following bills were allowed Dinner in Eugene—Mr. and Mrs. S P R IN G F IE L D M E T H O D IS T C. E. Swart«. Miss Edna Surarto, and payment authorized at the Dean C. Poindexter, Minister and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lee of monthly meeting of tho school ‘‘Assuming Another’s Debt,” Is Alpine were Sunday dinner guesto board held May 8. They were omit­ I the subject for the morning service. ted from the paper last week due The evening service is at 8 o’clock. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. to lack of space. Swarts In Eugene. It wilt be a union baccalaureate Mt. States Power Co......... 8 71.38 service. The message given by Rev. Speaks in Eugene—1. G. Shaw, Wright and Sons 68.01 Poindexter will be: “A Rendezvous pastor of the Christian church was Emerson Hardwood Co. ... 16.80 With Life.” The arrangements are one of the speakers at the all-day Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co.......... 9.28 in the hands of the Junior Class convention of Churches of Christ Ollbert 8tevens ..........................85 with Miss Elizabeth Whitney as held at the. First Chrtattan church No. School Supply Co........ 8.96 sponsor. in Eugene Monday. W E. Flnzer....................... 6:50 Flanery Drug Store ......... 3.69 B A P T IS T C H U R C H Office Mach. A Sup. Co. 9.76 LAURENCE CHASE HEADS Corner Second and C Street« Irish-Murphy Co. ........ 8.01 S. H. S. S T U D E N T BODY R. E. Rolens, pastor. Ind. Meat Co....... ................ .90 11:00 a. m. Sermon: "Why Jesus Zellerbach Paper Co. . 33.32 Laurence Chase wa« choeen presi­ Went Away." • State Ind. Acc. Ins. Com. 4.02 dent of the Springfield high school 7:00 p. m. Junior and Senior B. L. H. Elspas ...................... 1.B0 student body for the next year at Y. P. U. V/Illamette Presa ............... 11.00 the annual election held Friday. 8:00 p. m. Baccalaureate Metho­ Glen Martin — .................. 23.26 La Moyne Black Is the new vtce- dist church. Northweat Cities Oaai ...... 2.84 presldent; Georgia May Harris la Pac. Tel A Tel. Co............ 23.16 secretary; Wendell Bartholomew, NOTICE treasurer; and Marvin Oorrle, so ­ OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Total .............................. 8293.11 cial promoter. under« Igned Exec utlv u t|c’ Notice Is hereby given that the B U N IO N P A IN S A N D S O F T CORNS undersigned Executor« of the estate of Suaanna 8. Bowers, de­ Here’s Speedy and Welcome Relief From ceased, have filed their Final Re­ port and Account as such with the And as for Soft Conte a few ap­ Get a two-ounce bottle of Moone’s County Clerk of Lane County, Ore plications each night at bed time gon, and that Saturday the ISth. Emerald Oil (full ntrenfth) today. and they Just seem to ahrlvel right day of June, 1935, at the hour of Every well stocked durg «tore has ten o'clock In the forenoon, In the this, with the distinct understand­ up and scale off. County Court Room in the Court ing that your money will be cheer­ No matter how discouraged you House. In Eugene, iAne County, fully returned If It does not reduce have been with pads, shields, or the inflammation, soreness, and Oregon, has been set and fixed by other application«, If you have not the Hon. Fred Fisk. Judge of said pain much quicker than any remedy tried Fmerald Oil then you have you ever used. Court as the time and place for mmi-' jg to learn. Two or three applications of hearing same, and for the final i'lanery’s Drug Store and every Moone's Emeral Oil and In fifteen Settlement of said estate. minutes the pain and soreness dis good druggist guarantee« the first JESSE O WELL8, appears. A few more applications bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil to HAROLD J. WELLS, Executor«. at regular Intervals and the Inflam­ give you complete satisfaction or money back. mation la cone. (M 16-23-30—Je 6-13) ' t/, Approaching the 67th uiUasluue !m a valuer marked by hard work mid dti-tlugulshed acompltahmeut. Georg Arltaa believe» the world is suffering largely (tout "too much uiiilittlou.” Arties Is playing just such a man In tils lulest picture. "Cardlual llivlielli'u. ' Darryl Zauuck’a lavish ¡production of the noth Century I’le- lures. Which collies Io the Melton .■Id Theatre Buuday fui 4 days. Hut ill private tile, til actor deplore, i zceaulve ambition. "A de Ire to work hard for the »uke of doing a good Job la better than ambition u. a driving force. More Than Seven Million in 140 Languages and Dial­ ects Are Distributed IHatrlbutlou of 7.517,548 Bibles, T,■Siam uta. and portions of the Bible during I» U in 148 language, and dialeris and In more (ban forty countries was reported at Ihe 1 tilth meeting of ihe American Bible Society held In New Yorfc City on Thur day. May 9. The re- port stated that alnc? the tnstltu lion of the Society In 1818 a total of more than SSI.lHW.tKW Scripture volunto, hail been placed in circula lion. The circulation III the United Slates wa. greatest In the middle west, more than a million copie, of Bibl s. Testamenta and portion, be­ ing distributed from Chicago, Over 30.000 New Testaments were sup­ plied to the chaplain, in the camps of the Civilian Conservation Corp». Circulation among the colored peo­ ple was larger than In any year -Ince Ihe beginning of special re­ cognition of the Negro population a third of a century ago. Distribu­ tion «I complete Bible, throughout ihe entire United Slate, wa. thirty percent greater . During the year the Shx'lety pub­ lished the New Testament for the first time In Cherokee for Ihe In­ dian. of Montana and Oklahoma, and In Tai Lu for distribution in South China. A revised New Testa­ ment with Psalm, was published for the Chinese sneaking the King- bua dialect. NEW STORE LEASED BY ARLI8S AT McDONALD IN •C A R D IN A L R IC H E L IE U ” W ILLIA M 'S SELF SERVICE PLAYS H IS T O RICAL ROLES THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4th and A Sta . Hprlngfleld Bible School » 45 a. tu. Mias Beulah Thurman, superlntendmil. Communion of the land's »upper 11 A. M Sermon them«: "The Divine Episcopucy" No evening services will tie held on account of baccalaureate act men at Methodl't church. t'royer meeting 7 30 Thursday evening. I G MIIAW — -a M« DONALI) SUNDAY FOR 4 DAYS (iirditud RICHELIEU Slirritg GEORGE ARLISS X? 2ND BIG F E A T U R E Hot Water... Thurston Lot’s of It Whan You W ant It! L tto Than 5cDay Thia Offer ($1.40 a month) RENTS OR BUYS 4 New Automatic Brings Modern Hot Water Heater Water Service To Your Home At Remarkably LOW Cost For a Limited Time a Modern Automatic Gas W ater Heater will be installed in your home for a RENTAL month. of $1.40 a (24 gallon size) And of coutse we are continuing our ¿»stablish- ed policy of running a service into your home without cost if you are on or reasonably near our gas main. Installation FREE • • • Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield