TH E B P R IN Q fT b D N lf f B THURSDAY. MAY 1«, t»35 WHO IS WHO and What They Do I* u t t MA bib Uuod Ueud Wood liuugti» M uunlaln Slutua Power If to . Parents of Son— M r. anil Mr». Prlutw H tdfrli'h of VUU urn thu par- m il» nt u liuliy m ill hurt» to them at I III’ Nnlmitl M u ln rn lly home In Ku- gi-iin mi Friday, May to, 1035. N O T IC K OF BALE. ON HfcAV F H O P k H T Y Business Firms and Professional I People This Newspaper Recommends I to You. AUTO DEALERS DANCING ANDKRBON MOTOR«, INC. Il AN (' E AT WINTERGARDBN SCHERER MOTOR CO. H O IC K — O L D B M O B IL K — T H K S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R PONTIAC LANK CO UNTY. HAN W IL L IA M S . P la lu tlff, ve- D. M otor Cara l'. E V A N S , duilig bueluusa aa Uiw BALKH and H B R V IC K llu u ig iila l:. valla Lum ber Cum 711» mid O live Hta. — Phone »66 puny, DvD udiuile. P U R S U A N T lu uu ardor duly 1» Eugene, Oregou. «ui’il uul nt th» abuvai uutlliud Com I ou thu 301b day of A pril, BATTERY SERVICE 1936, directing tlm receiver. Fred II. P eter*, tu »oil tlm trorolnatU r laANECO described roal prnpvrly at public auvlluu lu tiro highest bidder for BATTERY FACTORY tuab. and by virtu e of aald order uf Hack a t our old location. Ima» aaie, N iiT IC K IK H E R E B Y G IV E N overhead your gain. Bee our new Ib a i on Saturday, tlm flra l day of luaturtal hatterlea In genuine Gatea JlWMi, 11135. at the Southwest «ntr- hard rubber case« before you buy. ance of thu Court iluuao. Eugene. A ll parts handm ade lu Eugene. For I am » County, Oregon, I. Fred H. capacity— anrvtce— p ric e — none b el­ Peters, w ill o ffe r lor sal« aud »ell ter. RB C H A R U 1N O — R E P A IR IN G . • • Phone 1011# at public auction, a t tlm bour uf 346 Van Buren l.o u o'clock on aald day. to tbe lnalmat bidder, fur iu«b , a ll 111« BEAUTY PARLORS hereinafter described real prop e rly . Io aatlafy certain claim» and lieu» final In the above entitled HOME BEAUTY HHOP case. P E R M A N E N T W A V E S »1.60 T h e real property to lu »old 1» A ll W ork Guaranteed p articu larly deacrtbed aa follow», Mr». E lla Parcher T el. 30 to-w lt: Donal luu lutud Claim Num ber CREAMERIES ■ vuoteen (17) South Itange S U (0 ) Wi«Bt of tlm WMlaiuetti> M eri l i e Cream . B u tle r, t hee»«, M ilk illan, lu the Couuty of Lam-, \ EU G E N E FARMERS CREAMERY Stulu of Gregou. P h o n e E u g e u e »3» South Kasi one-fourlh (H K I» ) of the N o rlh -w e»l % |N W S » I of Sectlon Tw elve t l X I . Iow n»hlp DENTISTS Seveutevh |1 7 | Suu IA Itm igr Srveu <7l West o f the W tllam lilt (5. A. BROWN » tie M eridian. In laine Cuunty. Hours » A. M to 6 P. M. Gregou. Phone 30-J F R E D II P E T K IIS , Hecetver. (M »-»IU-23 301 5th and M alo Sta. Springfield Residence 72» A Street. »UM M O NS UNIFORM HIGHWAY PLAN SUBJECT OF MEETING i A special meeting o f tbe Pacific I Highw ay aeeoclatlon w ill be held i M M cCrady'e cafe In Eugene Frl- Id a y noon, May 17, for the purpose o f outlining a uniform program for A detailed analyal» of the Safety I preeldwcf of the a aoclatlon, 1» to Carl R. Baker Flint Shop , R esponsibility act a» pa»«ed by the be present and »peak, last »eoslon of tlm » U te legislature | lies hewn Issued by the Oregon BOOTH-KELLY DONATES State M otor association. T he law . LUMBER FOR 4-H GROUP which goes Into effect on July 1, contain» tbe follow ing stipulations: T he Booth-Kelly Lum ber com 1. T he d river who ha» been held pany this week donated a »25 lum ­ reepor.elble by court« for death ber credit to the U n « County Four FURNITURE In ju ry or property damage In H d ub « to be used when and as PRINTERS amount egceedlng »100. may not desired. Announcem ent uf the do- JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. d rive again until he ha« »atlefled nallon wa» made in a le tte r sent Range» and Circulators any final judgm ent pending against by C b arle G. Briggs, Booth-Kelly Be verni Linee Including Montag. TH E WILI^AMETTE PRESS him . and furnl«hed proof of hl» president. to R. C. Kuebner, county L inoleum - Inlaid aud F elt Baas Springfield ab ility to respond to damages club leader. A ttra c tiv e Prices on F u rn itu re i'hone 2 caused by hltn In the future. and Ruga. 2. A d river convicted of violation In Hospital— W . it. F L t 1» a pati Bee Ue Before You Buy Business S ta tio n e ry —O ffic e Forma requiring m andatory revocation of ent at th Pacific hospital In Eu­ W e D e liv er Phone 11»» Booklets — Placard» — operator»' license may not drive gene. 04» W illa m e tte Eugene Dodgers, etc. again until he baa furnished proof A Modern P rin t Shop Producing O R D IN A N C E NO. 569 of financial responsibility and until GROCERIES Up-To-D ate Printing O rdinance creating a F ire D epart­ hl license has been regularly r e ment (or the Tow n of Spring- Phone end a Salesman W ill Call. DIHHLEE'8 field. O regon; establishing a fire stored. 3 Registration card and license | station, creating tbe o ffice of RED Hi W H ITE GROCERY plate« of motor vehicle registered ! "C h ie f of the F ire D ep a rtm e n t"; Phone 4 creating a volunteer fire d epart­ In the name of the convicted per Cor. 4th and M ain 81«., Springfield SERVICE STATIONS m ent; catabiiabing salaries, re­ nun shall be a p p e n d e d , provided pealing a ll ordinances in conflict w ith this ordinance, and declar the car wa» the one In which the HOSPITALS A ST. SERVICE 8TATION lug an emergency. j ___ G eneral Gasoline, O il and Oreases violation was com m itted. T H E T O W N O F S P R IN G F IE L D PACIFIC HOSPITAL 4. Suspension of m otor vehicle o h d a IN AS ^ F O L L O W S : Goodrich T ire s IN C . registration may be averted only If ( Section 1. T h e re Is hereby "A Hom e Owned Station Kb 44 ! an actual tran sfer of title Is made created a 1- Ire D epartm ent for the l l t h and H lly a rd 6th and A S U .. Springfield __ ¡w ith in five day», or If w ithin th a t | Phone 2600 K ugeti-, Oregon period adequate proof of financial shall consist of a C hief who shall _____ LAUNDRY________ SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Floyd Wood. Prop. 30» M ain HL, Phone 100 A ll Kind» of l-aundry Service. W e C all for end D eliver. Your Patronage W ilt Be Appreciated. LUMBER The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Furnishes a COMPLETE HOME Building and Repairing Service Fur Service Phone S pringfield 66 or If no answ er, phone »4-J. Springfield. LIBOR TALK DOE I I FOUR L MEET _ , _ ...... . . _ Safety Re.ponn.b.l.ty Act Ex- 1|1oard would take regarding wages. W i don't make impossible pro- utscs," be said, when asked re- ;ard ng the new union's demands or 75 ten ts an hour. T b e 4L de- lires at a ll times that wages shall be th* highest the industry can pay. and the only way to deter min this i by conference, based ,n facts '¿¡nee 1S17," he c o n tin u e l, "the 4L uas oeen assembling essential id s II! regard to the wage cues on. , f .um ber m arkets ao.l produc­ tion costs w ill prov'de higher wage rates, tccreases w ill be made. Dur- ng the course of 17 years' service in the western lum ber Industry, the 4L ha m aintained tbe highest wag-- seb dules in any division of the Industry.” T h e 4L directors, of which 14 a re elected by employers, and 14 by employes, w ill come from the principal lum ber producing sec- tlons of Oregon. W ashington. Idaho and C alifornia. BREWERS PREDICT GAIN IN 1935 BEER SALES Set 50,000,000 Barrels As Output F o r Y e a r; Oregon Barley W ill Be Used Farm ers of Oregon w It enjov the largest profits In twor.ty years from n eir barley crop this fa ll because ¡ I increased consumption of beer. According to estim ates made pub­ lic today by the U n ited States Brew ers' Association, Oregon w ill m arket 1,652.000 b uihels of barley, une th ird of which w ill be pui- act Ident. j jsjre D epartm ent. 8. W henever the above amounts Section 4. f a ) . T h e C hief of the ________ __________ chased by the brew ing industry for have been c re d le d upon any Judg ’ F ire D epartm ent shall select and , f M t ns of 180.tfl)0.900 bottles of lu C irc u it Court of H U I« of Oregun iw»w tor Lane County. Edna I PuPrex. LR- EUGENE P la in tiff, ve. Im roy G. DuPrex. d e n t is t WOOLEN MILL CO. Defendant. X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 9 to 12 M anufacturers of Woolen». PHYSICIAN - SURGEON men. rendered in excess of these ( e n l i s t ; ,e *r. T his w ill represent o n - per T o larruy G. DuProg. Defendant. . b aBUCtnini«g>t. IN T H E N A M E G F T H E S T A T E 1 ,o " * “ ’ r PP" ? Speclallxing In Ladle» ainounu. »uch Judgment is then , fJre figh ters for the Tow n of ent of the m inim um total of 50,- O F O R E G O N : You are required t>> O ffice I hone ( Bee. Ph C G A T 1N G 8 A N D S U IT IN G S . DR MILTON V. WALKER duemed «atinfied for the purposes Springfield and shall m ake such , tooo barrels of the am ber m alt answer the to m plain I filed against F irs t N a t‘1 Bank Bldg. Springfield Surgery and Disease« of Women R e tail Departm ent a t M ill. o f the act. I rules and regulations as he shall 1M, verage w htch is the production you In above 0011111«! court and — 4th aud M ain Sts. Bprlngfleld East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. ______ ________ ■ deem appropriate for the attend lauac w ith in (our weeks (rum A pril c n i l l T PACKERS lance at fires ot the said volunteer 1 of brewers this . ea Phone S2-J 18.1936. d e ll- o l - i r - t p u h llr a ih in r l t W I I rA O a a n » -------- M U N C H . E. L. M U N C H . A L F R E D | flre fighters and such other rules W h ile Increasing consumption o . hereof, and If you (all so to a n -! « _ » «« ----------------------------- SUM M O NS J DO W , M A R C E L L A D O \Y K E N - and regulations as he shall see f it bariey is predicted, the Oregon hop ewer ou or before the last day of Eugene Fruit Growers Ass a VILLE S. JONES. M. D. K E N N E D Y for the tra in in g , discipline and wel- , wers find little prospect fa r a N E D Y , and the lim e prescribed lu the Order u |Bn, ood a Brand F ru it Packers I ‘ FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN Surgery and Dleeaeea of Women fare of the said volunteer firem en. - w . i . ,« a ir » . Defendants: F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N X l X r ^ r p X t f 1 wH? ’ X «<■ Shipper». Ice and Cold Storage. tb . T h e C hief of the F ire De- b risker hop m arket. In th e ir re- X-Ray and Physiotherapy IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E , N T „ E N X M E O F T H E S T A T E p artm ent shall d eterm ine in each p.r»» from the a g ric u ltu ra l depurt- Judgment agalnet you. aud w ill sp- College Ice Cream M a n u fa c tu re » Sp rin gfield. Oregon S T A T E O F O R E G O N F O R T H E QF qjuqqo N: instance the compensation which nieBt they find that the estim ated ply to the court for the re lie f de Coco Cola— K ie l Beverages C-Ol’ N T Y O F L A N E . You are hereby n o tifie d th a t IR A shall be paid to volunteer -*ire Ph. 43 F irst N a tio n al Bank Bldg. . , , 60.000.0W bar luandetl In aald Com plaint, sue-. Cider Vinegar IR A A. N IC E and OS1E L. N K E. A. A N N IC IC K K and and o O s S i IE r . L. u N . * , IC * E c are fs (Qr th e , f attendance at ' " an" *•' ar clnctly, th a t the m arriage contract the holders of c e rtific a te of dell , n n ) eyent h o w e w > sha ll els of beer dropped off to about i'hone 14S0 P lain tiffs. N O T IC E OF R E S IG N A T IO N . and bonds of m alrlinuuy existing vs quency numbered 3297. Issued 18Uch compensation be less than f .WO.OOO. In tead of 2W .0W hale» Eugene, between you and p la lu tlff be die F erry neer 8th Ave K. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : ’ „ X RT H A L E O N A S T A C E Y and ^ “in d da“ V f ' July” 1934. by the One D o llar t»1.00i nor more than , l( hops ix-ing used, th e re w ere only solved Service hereof Is made up- — — -------- “ That M y rtle Benson w ill on Mon-1 W IL L IA M E S T A C E Y , her hus Tnx 'c o lle c to r of the County of | and ;o -lW i»2.oul Dollars for on you by publication In Spring- day, the 3rd day of June. 1935 a p -! b an d . j E B U N D A Y as Exec“ - I -jnp s ta , e of Oregon, for ‘ he , aervlce„ at one fire V olunteer fire about 150.000 bales used. H op acre- T e n tila Taken — Charles Brown day, ——■ — — — w field New s published a t S p rin g -> . (nr in iia iL tor of the ®«‘ * t|5 I ®i_ Joi l‘J(, 4 l W ) N a“ >ount“ of"»4»."7 the same | ^ ¿ e r s ^ e T u b J ^ r t i ’/d T s m ^ M U ’at | age. geared up to an expected In field. Oregun. for four successive umlerwetU an operation for tonall- ply to the County Court of Lane deceased- (-A R R IE D EN IS K IN th . ----- — husband; G O LD A M U N C H , an g ,aceJ. , 8 the owner as appears of Oregon, and it shall be the duty RADIO TQ CARRY WHEAT (M 2-9-16 23-30) Will ui liliu- I t i v i «us a visitor In unm arried wom an; R E. M l M I I _ _ «itnatdM l in the record, situated In »aid the County said <"oun‘ y and responsibility of the C hief to Springfield F rid ay. VOTE PROBLEMS STORY an unm arried m an; E. L and g ;ate and p articu larly bound O R D IN A N C E NO. 668 see that at least one man is on M U N C H , an unm arried man. A L described as follows to-w it: duty at s tid fire station at all F R E D J D O W , an unm arried ? Qf 01ock 26 of the O rl- An O rdinance creating a B O X IN G Issues involved In the national W s n d lln g M an H e rs — R o b e rt man. M A R C E L L A D O W K E N p u t or Extended Survey times. and W R E S T L IN G C O M M IS S IO N on continuing the Section 6. A ll ordinances or referendum I» v ln g of W endllng was a business for Ihe Tow n of Springfield and N E D Y and K E N N E D Y ., Sprtngfield. Lane County. Ore- “rd in a nces in conflict wheat adjustm ent program w ill be W atBhm akBr a n d Jaw alar her husband. Defendan s h erew ith are hereby repealed. d eclaring an Em ergency. vlshor In Springfield Friday. T r i J F B U N O A Y a t Executor YOU are u r rth * e e e r . notifiedI tna> - j' I | Section 7. w W h hereas, Hscuaeed over national radio net are i fu Sectlon 7 e re as , it it is is neces- neces SP R JN O FIIB LD W H E R E A S tlie re has been filed of the estate of 9^hn M unch, de the You said Ira A- Nice and Osle _L- j gary , hat (he Tow n o( S p ri„g f ield works by high W ashington officials to . P selfle W stsh Inspeeter w ith the Common Council o f the N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE F lrs t Claas W o rk a t Reasonable Tow n of Springfield a petition 1" l * ” a8^ . ' r a i ’HEL H A M M E R A D Nice have paid ° ',ub8pq¿ *,^ have an e ffic ie n t fire figh tin g de­ Tuesday and Thursday. May 21 and REAL PROPERTY Prlose. p artm ent for the preservation of 23. the Oregon extension service N O T IC E Is hereby given that by the h ealth, safety and property of virtue of an execution and order of taxpayers and cltlxcns of the Tow u M O N T IE H A R R IS and R H H A R - years h a been inform ed. the people o f the Tow n of Spring- Q O LD A MUNCH. R E said amounts as tono of Springfield that a w restling and RIS. sale Issued out of the C ircu it Court Chester C. Davis, a d m inistrator field. the Common Council does boxing commission be created for Rate of Amount of I be State of Oregon fo r Lane T ax hereby find and declare that an of the farm act, w ill speak over the Date W hen __ __________the Tow n of Springfield, now, based Year'» Interest County thia 1st day of M ay. 1936, R e c e ip t N o. em eigency exists, and this O rd in ­ Colum bia netw ork Tuesday even­ Paid Tax 8 percent »45.98 X02737 ance shall take effect im m ediately ing from 7:15 to 7:30 o’clock. Paci­ July 2, 1934 1929. all 8 percent 49.22 X02737 upon its passage and signing by July 2. 1934 . 1930. all 27 day of A p ril. 1935. In a suit pend- DO ES O R D A IN AS F O L L O W » . 8 percent 48.77 38861 fic tim e. the m ayor and Recorder July 2. 1934 Section. 1. T h e re 1« hereby l931, a n 8 percent Ing therein In which Paul Kloster 59.73 Passed by tbe Common Council ' Secretary H e n ry A. W a lla c e w ill 32264 of Pttlsburgh. Pa. July 2. 1934 created a boxing and w restling ( j 832t all wax p la in tiff and Christen Peder­ 8 percent I of S pringfield. Oregon, this 13th speak over the NBC netw ork d u r­ sen and other» w ere defendant», conim ifslon for the Tow n of Spring- ; 1933.34 26.28 July 2. 1934 day of M ay . 1935. ing the regular N a tio n al F arm and 8 percent which execution and order of »ale field to be known aa 'T h e Boxing j 8, n a i( 12.43 Signed by the M ayor of Spring- Sept. 16, 1934 8 percent wax to mo dlrocted and command- and W restling Commission of the 3rd Q uarter 12.43 Hom e hour between 10 and 16:10 Dec. 15. 1934 field. Oregon, this 14th day of M ay, Last Q uarter ed me to »ell the real property Tow n of Springfield.' o'clock Thursday forenoon. F in a l 1935. Section 2. T he Commlaalon shall l9 35 8 percent Represented By h ere in a fte r described Io satlafy cer­ 12.14 E. H . T U R N E R . M ar. 16. 1936 consist of five members who shall i „ t Q uarter day fo r voting In the referendum Is tain llena ajid charges In said de­ A CC* L ’ A L D R IC H . R e c o r d e r . I Saturday, M ay 26 cree epeclfled. I w ill on Saturday be citlxena of the Tow n of Spring »266.98 I . H. TURNER T O T A L A M O U N T O F T A X E S P A ID the 1st day of June, 1936, a t the field and shall be appointed by the M ayor of Springfield. T he com mis­ Saw M artha Leona Stacey as the | tbe amount due as shown above to- hour o f ten o'clock, A. M., at the »4« A BL B piingffeld. Oro. X of the gether w ith the coets and accrued aouthwest door o f th e County Court sioners a'.iall serve w ithout com­ owner of the legal title of the pensation. Said commissioners House In Eugene, laine County, above described property as the interest and In case of your fa ll ure to do so a decree w ill be rend Oregon, o ffe r fo r sale and sell at shull serve for one year from the snme appears of record and « » date of th e ir appointm ent or until public auction fo r caah, subject Io llaro E. Stacey, h er husband; J. E ered foreclosing the lien of such th eir succesaors are appointed. taxes and costs against the land redemption as provided by law . all Section 3. T h e powers and duties Bunday as Executor of the estate and premises named. of the rig ht, title and Intereet of the of John Munch, deceased; C arrie T his summons Is published by defendants In said suit and of all of the Boxing and W res tlin g Com­ Denison and Charles 11. Denison parties claim ing by. through or un­ mission of Ihe Tow n of Springfield her husband; Rachel H am m erad order of the Honorable F red F isk. der them or any of them, In or to shull be ns provided by Chapter and George H . H am m erad her hus­ County Judge of the County of GOOD CHEER AND COMMON SENSE PROGRAM F orm erly W a lk e r Poole the follow ing described real prop­ X X IX of T itle L V I. Oregon Laws band; M ontle H a rris and R. H Lane. State of Oregon, and said O rd er was made and dated the 23 1980. e rty , to-w lt: H a rris , her husband; Golda Munch, E U G E N E - l l t h B P R IN G F 1 B L D Section 4. W hereas It Is neces­ Every Tuesday Over Radio Station K-O-R-E The Southeaat q uarter of the an unm arried wom an; R. E. Munch, day of A p ril. 1936, ordering the sary th a t Im m ediate action be said summons to be published once Southeast q u a rte r; the N orth h alf mid C harnelton 228 M ain an unm arried m an; E. L . Munch 7:15 to 7:30 of the Southeast quarter of Sec­ taken to regulate boxing and w reatl an unm arried m an; A lfre d J. Dow, a week for four successive weeks, Telephone 723 Phone 62-J tion T h irty th ree (33) and the Ing in the Tow n of Springfield In an unm arried m an : M a rc e lla Dow the date of the firs t publication of Poems and songs that you enjoy to hear. Southwest q u a rte r of the South- order to promote the w elfare and Kennedy and Kennedy this summons to be on the 25th day With went q uarter of Section T h irty - health of Its inhabitants, the Coun­ her husband, the other defendants of A p ril. 1935, and the last pub­ The Good Cheer Melodists four (34) a ll In Tow nship N in e­ cil finds and hereby determ ines herein nam er are hereby fu rth e r lication on the 23rd day of M ay, , teen (19) South of Range u . . that an E M E R G E N C Y exists and notified that Ira A. Nice and Osie 1936. Veltie Pruitt — Ruth Leinhard — Rena Smith A ll process and papers In this I l ) West of Ih e W illa m e tte M e ri­ this ordinance shall lake effect Im ­ L. Nice w ill apply to the C ircu it m ediately upon Its passage by the proceeding may ue served upon the dian, except a flum e rig h t of way Court of the County and State council and approval by the M ayor. undersigned, residing w ith in the aa appears of record In Vol. 128 at Passed this l l t h day of M arch, aforesaid for a decree foreclosing State of Oregon at the address Many kinds o f fru its grow upon the tre e of life , page 68» Deed Records of Lane the Hen against the property above h ere a fte r mentioned. County, Oregon, all being In I^ane i»36. But none so sweet As friendship. described and mentioned In said Signed by the M ayor this l l t h I. M. P E T E R S O N , A ttorney for County, Oregon. c e rtific a te and you are hereby sum­ P lain tiffs. Address: Junction Dated this la t day of M ay. 1936. day of M arch. 1936. moned to appear w ith in sixty days E. H. T U R N E R . • C ity. Oregon. C. A. S W A R T 8 . S h eriff, a fte r the date of said firs t publics M ayor. (A 26 — M 2 9 16-23) By A. E. H U L E O A A R D , Deputy. A ttest: tlon and defend this action or pay C. L. A L D R IC H , Recorder. (M 2 9 18-23 30) Business Directory Edward G. P rivat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE Poole Funeral Home F u n e ra l H o m e THE FACT FINDERS - and their TAKE A NEW VIEW OF LIFE Corrective lens, Rdentl- flcally prescribed, will give you a “new I crhc In life.” Not only has there been tremendous strides In In­ creasing the efficiency of lens, but frames, too, have been designed to give both comfort and good looks.. By E D . K R E S S Y discoveries W ill BUD WE C O Y 8fttD Q U IT5A»lT o f T tu trro a v to a tT our pacts , it SORE DOSStft TAKE LOU61UO04M OOR ROCKST-PLAMt «U99OS6 W * JUMP ABOUT AT RAUDOM TODAY FOLKS I JUST PICK UP OPDS AND SUDS OF IU T W A S T IU 6 FACTS See the Modern Styles Now on Display at DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W e a l Sth tu p e n » I m TIMfrS KU16HIS RAlSCP TMWÄ y f f i k 10 ~ ~ ¿kA ma u a q u a c a liifeBt ft THE STORY THAI A PlEC t OF THE K>R- i x W i l APPLE LODGED IU ADAMS THROAT vee lump (MPIAMS $MOTPOlSOW IfcX ® since all mem have J this ï. L TO DRIVE THfcM AWAY. AS A REMINDER OF ADAMS U U ...