THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SHIUNOKIEbD, LANE COUNTY. OKMGON. THIKTY SECOND YEAH »IHLEIE5 mT BIG TRACK E t h. S. Seniors to Attend Church NO. 17 THIJHSDAV. -MAY I», IH36 WILL DEDICATE ORGAN START PLANS FOR ° ^ or„ G.roups ^ erpr |T*nni*. Playground Groups Methodist Paator To Preach! To Meet Friday; Park Pro­ John Stark Evans and George Sermon At Union Service Civic Club Announces Inten­ Hutchinson Turna Ankle Ini ject Is Progressing Bishop To Present Pro­ Sunday Evening tion To Sponsor Rose Show Bn**bnll Spoiling Chancea ■... ■ a gram Here Wednesday and Children's Parade For Win In 440 Race A merger of efforts ef the recent­ 'mu .enitqnent w w k (or mem here or of ine the spi Hprlngfleld blah m »ihoni ___ber» in s ililo msn nom « oinas w ill »Inn Hund»* even- HANSEN. SMITH ENTERED i »enlor C C T c a d i v il Ik lC O A T F ® S E T EA R LY JU N ly organised Hprlngfleld May- ground A..oclallon with the group CITY WILL ARGUE LIGHTING RATES Attorney Will Appear At Util­ ity Commissioner Hearing In Albany June 3. 702 SIGN PETITIONS HERE INSTALLATION COMPLETE Ins w ill, the O ,,,.I lUi.Aiaurm..« s#ek N#w Location For Dis- of tennis enthusiast» will probably Petitions For Playground*, lie discusseli Friday evening at a Cruzan Bequest and Dona­ Local School Wins Second In »ervli'ii to ln> held Ml Ihn Miilhodl»! . — play; Make Plans Tuesday Tennis Courts, and Change tions Of Local People Make meeting to be held at the home of i hutch at H o'clock. District; Get Cup In .Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew. In Sewer Outlet Received for Annual Picnic Purchase Possible There will not be evening cer­ Willamette Meet Itepr--i-ntatlves of both groups vices In- the llupllht and Christian i The Civic club will again sponsor will meet to discuss mutual prob- Light and power rates for the Dreams of many music lovers In I Striking like a alraak of lightn­ church »« the pastors of these con­ I a rose und flower show and a chil­ lem» In Ihe development of play­ thl city will be fulfilled next Wed Springfield resident and commer­ ing, lliui old bugbear, Injury, swoop gregations will participate In the dren's parade Although the date grounds for the city. cial users will be argued by the ■ nesday evening when the new Reu- ml down on the Springfield high hc I ioo I program j has not been «el It will probably be city attorney at the Stale Utilities The l-lons club ha appointed ter pipe organ will be dedicated et I »ebool track teem la»t night and Fifty-two senior» will receive held sometime during th*- first Rev. Dean C. Poindexter to act for the Methodist church by John Commissioner bearing In Albany almost certainly eliminated one of their diplomas next week s l i d will of j u Be Committees ware ap- them In Investigating the posslbllt Stark Evans, director of pipe organ June 3, according to authority ex­ the three students who had quail heur Rev. Dean I Poindexter, pa- pointed and a t much preliminary lies of creating a number of tennis at the Unlveratty. In a special bene- pressed by a resolution passed by fled la»t Haturday to represent this tor of the Methodist church, preach caB ba done at this lime courts In thia city and to work with fit concert. Mr. Evans will be as- the council at Monday night's meet­ "^john Stark Evans, Eugene Glee- district lu the »tale track and field on the subject. "A ItSndexvous with WB)( ,agen rare of Tuesday when el her Interested organization». . slated by George Bishop, «olotat. director who will play the ing. The resolution came after peti­ meet at llayw ard field Haturday •JTe " _ I it», club met at the home of Mr*. The playground aagoclatlon has , with the Eugene Gleemen. dedicatory concert on the new pipe tions carrying 702 names were The victim was Kerrigan Hutch- I II Hhaw, paator of the Christ | Bdw. Prlvat. president, for a lunch- been busy the past week contacting The fedlcatory concert la de- ,,rgan at the Methodist church next pree nted to the council Monday luaou. winner of flrnt place In the tan church, will give the Invocation ¡eon anil afternoon session, local organisations and presenting signed to serve a double purpose. Wednesday.— (M cture courtesy of evening asking that the city offi­ district meet last Haturday lu the cers Intervene for lower rates. after Barbara Barnell has played Mrs. ,, K Wheaton will be chalr- requests for cooperation In the der- H‘-«lde« dedicating the organ It wtl! |(*.gi»ter Guard). quarter mile race, lie turned hl» t'hoplti'a "Prelude as a procession- ) (1|(4n jor j be ,)ower show this year, shipment of a playground for a provide a means of racin g a d d i t i o n - ----------------- . The petitions charge that electric aukle In the baseball game played al. and the audience ha» sung the Hh„ w,„ mBking pre smaller children. They have pell- al funds for expenses which have ratee here are excessive and point with Oakridge on tlrattaln field. hymn, "Blest be the Tie that ||ra|„ary arrangements by Mrs. I). tinned the City Connell for use of I been necessary In preparing the | out that by comparison with other Elimination» Ars Friday j Q Ktsher. Mrs. H. K. Haw »on and the lots at Seventh and "A" street« building for the organ Tickets are j places they are discriminatory and Hutchinson. together with Hal Hinds." and are planning a benefit program now on sale for the concert which The high school chorus will sing | Mrs. t'arl Olson. retard Industrial development. If culm llaneen and Dlaque Smith, at the Lincoln school next week will begin at 8 o'clock. preceding Armory B e in g Investigated tue city attorney follows the plea were Hprlngfleld'» entries In the The Prayer perfect A nFW for th.- »|,ow will to boost the project. Funds Are Pledged set up In the petitions be will not »tale meet It la doubtful if he will the reading of the scripture by Rev Purchase of the organ, which »ought by a committee headed Work on the city park lots Is only argue that Springfield «hould be able to enter the preliminary It K Rolens of Ihe Baptlat church Rev Rolens will also pronounce the by Mrs. Dawson. No show was held i continuing this week. Announce- co«t about *2500 completely Install­ have lower rates but that they event» Friday afternoon. last year, hut In 1*33 when It was | merit has been made of an offer ed. was made possible largely City Council Passes Ordin­ should even be lower than those Hansen qualified for the mile and benediction. held at the Library It was found Irons W right and Sons Hardware through a *1269 bequest of the late half mile events by first place In ance Providing New Set Up charged by the Mountain States Power company in other towns of that the room wa« too small to pro-. «tore to furnish paint (or the fence, Mrs. Janie Cruian. Members of the both event». Hmltb qualified In To Conform With Rating the valley. The reason for this I* vide adequate display space The and a seed company ha« agreed to church and others In the common three event» by winning first» In the availablity of Eugene municipal use of the armory for the exhlbk donate 10 pounds of -tped to plant Ity who are Interested In music lhe high hurdle» and broad Jump A reorganisation of the Spring- have made It possible, through power at much lower rates. The will be Investigated along with nev one of the lots. event» and placing second lu the field fire department to make It pledges and cash donations, to pur­ petitioners think this Is a strategic eral other locations In the city. | i------ low hurdles. Doth Hmltb and Han conform with the standards of the chase the organ at a time when the »eu worked out on Hayward field No committee was appointed tor Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau argument since other towns have manufacturers were offering spe­ Tuesday afternoon and drew favor the Children's parade at the Tu< and regulations of the state fire not cheap power available at their cial prices In order to keep th e ir! city limits. In other words they ———— ¡day meeting, but It was decided able comment from Hill Hayward, marshal's office is authorize«; In an factories open. would apply "Roosevelt's yard veteran track coach and director of Less Than Month Separatee r,.V|V(, mt» onre-popuiar event ordinaoce passed at the city coun In addition to the price of the ell Monday evening. The ordinance stick" reasoning. the »tale meet Deaths Of Mr. and Mrs. meeting Tuesday was the organ Itself, the chnrch ha« as­ provides for a full time paid chief The council also received a peti­ Place in D istrict M eet annual plant exchange meeting for Chat. Jack. Camp Creek sumed an additional expense In car­ and the location of the equipment tion from residents living in the Other Hprlngfleld students who the club members. Mrs. Hlatne penter and construction work In In the city hall building. It also Northwest pari of tow® who com­ won place» In the district meet to Funeral service« for Charles Hovey of Eugene spoke to the enable Marlon llall'» squad to lake Jack who died st the home of hts group on music, and .Mr». Dawson Wright Scores Final Point In preparation of the organ chamber. calls for a volunteer organisation plained of the condition at the second place In the district with daughter. Mrs. Alms Pierce, last a ked for support in the play 7-6 Victory Over Marcola The present receipts w ill not cover of from 12 to 18 men to be trained sewer outlet. They believe that this additional expense, therefore by the chief. the sewer should be extended Into 3« point» were Irvin Harr who tie«/ Thursday, were held from the ground undertaking. Mans for the , Here Sunday Afternoon the benefit concert. the main river Instead of the pres­ with three other» (or second place Poole chapel here Haturday at 3:80 annual picnic of the organisation ; Face H ig her Rates ent slough or that a disposal plaint lu the pule vault, and H ill who Rev. Ralph Clark officiated Same as U. O. Organ and were discussed. No date for this | By C. E. W H E A T O N Springfield was faced with a situ­ This organ 1« made by the same ation that it mast either reorganize should be erected. The petition wa« placed fourth in the shot pul. Hob interment was made In the larurel event was set. The baseball -eoaon was ushered l.llscher came In fourth behind H ill cemetery. in Sunday before a large crowd of company which made the one used its fire department or have a fur­ referred to the fire and water com­ Hutchinson In the 440 Darr tied home town fans and they all were at the music building on the U n i­ ther increase In Insurance rates. mittee. Mr. Jack was a resident of Lower Mr. Evans has The Insurane; rating bureau writes for second place In the high Jump Camp creek area and was 64 years j Two bids on lots 1 and 3 in Sun­ well repaid In seeing an interest­ versity campus. and Handall itay won fourth lu the old. He was born October 31. 18*0 ing twelve-Hlnlng game, ragged at been here several times this week the ehy recoMer that . ^ 0 ^ , , , to nyside addition and a bid tor the low hurdles. Hall'» team also won nt Arcadia. Kansas. and moved to | times, but anybody's until the fatal working with Jams« A. Bamford our records the Springfield depart­ lot at 8ixth and A streets, owned third In the relay race. twelfth Inning when Gordon W right factory representative. In the In­ m ent has three (u llr paid firemen by the city, were received and re ­ Vernon county. Missouri, where he lla ll'» learn which waa al»o auc- was married to Mt»» Ida Melissa led off with a slngl to left field, stallation of the organ He la very and 12 volunteers." On this or­ ferred to the finance committee. reaaful In winning second place In Baldwin After living In Colorado stole second, went to third on an favorably Impressed with the organ ganization the present rates were Petitions asking for the setting the W illam ette Valley meet held at and Washington they moved to I out. and scored on Doc Taylor's and the Installation made here. The ei),abllllhe<,. The , ruth )fl of out of the city owned lot a Seventh console, which is a dark gum wood, the Springfield fire department has I'o rvalll* two week« ago also wop t'rm p Creek In 1909. and A streets for a children'» play­ Graduating Students To Pre>- sacrifice. the district cup now held by Cot­ Harvey Ru-aell was the starting is one of the beet looking and yet neither three paid men nor 13 vol­ ground signed by 133 people war* Mrs Jack died on April 16, thi» | en* “Tommy" In Auditor- practical one« he has seen, he de­ tage drove. The drove official» pitcher for Springfield and did well unteers. It has one paid fire chief received by the council and refer­ vear. Survivor. Include two sons. ju m F r id a y A t 8 : 0 0 have promised to bring the cup. until the fourilf Inning, two bases clared. and one relief man who comes red to the street committee. Also Raymond and Victor; and three _______ Another beautiful part of the or­ which they forgot last week, to the another asking that city property daughters. Mrs. Alma Pierce. Mrs Senior student* at Hprlngfleld on balls and a few errors produced gan Installation will be the scroll once a week. «tat- meet Haturday. lutine Cline. Mrs. Catherine Cole; j hl«h school will present their flusl three runs for th - visitor», and In be given for tennis courts were re­ Move to City Hall work over the sound opening. This Hprlngfleld people who are lliter- a brother. Herbert Jack of U'®*1' , pup||«. entertainment at the school ,wo * rrors toupled with a The new fire department w ill be ceived and referred to the same Is being made In three sections to eated In these track and field and » ‘ wodmgger sent In located in the rooms in the city hall committee. dota. California, and a sister, Mrs. F riday ev ntng when they o ffe r represent windows with a cross In eventa are Invited to Hayward field the people of th l. city. "Tommy.' lhree more “ nd ,here the coum Herman Moeller of Pendleton recently prepared for the depart­ the middle unit. It Is being made by Friday afternoon and Haturday to stood tied until the twelfth. Spring- ment. The chief w ill be on dnty In a three-aot comedy under the direc­ watch the leading athletes of Ore­ field In the meantime had scored Lawrence Davidson of Eugene and the day time and two paid men will tion of Mtas Marguerite Mlllhollen will be In place for the concert. gon high achools compete A »mall DELEGATES TO ATTEND six. which made the game a thriller. sleep at the department hall at fa s t of characters for the play Last night. Mr. Bamford gave a adnita«toii charge will be made. LODGE CONVENTIONS Manager Shull called In Mattison night. Also the firs committee written hv Howard Lindsay and from shore, putting Pete Taylor lecture on the history of mustc and plans to carry other city employees Odd Fellow and Rebekah Groupa Bertrand Robertson Include: Doria at that place. Mattison, with his the growth of the pipe organ to an on the fire department rolls and Marie Robinson as Mrs. Wilson; speed and hts w hiff ball working Intereeted group of listeners who Mäet In Salem Next Week subject them to call so that more For Annual Sessions Jerry Clark aa Bernard; Hartle well, kept the visitors In check later bombarded hint with ques­ tL= *ne man will go out with the Olson. Marie Thurber; France« throughout the final «lx Innings. . tions He also explained the detail­ fire truck at all times. Volunteers Financial Program Drawing Delegates to the state Rebekah Stiles, Mrs. Thurber; Jack W il­ Mullanlx. for the visitors, pitched ed workings of the organ to hts w ill respond to the whistle signals Favorable Comment From Assembly convention to be held at liam«. Mr. Thurber; Uncle David steady game, and with a little audience. blown from power plant. Salem on Tuesday. Wednesday and Tuttle, played by Antone Uchytll; better defense at critical times, Investment People In the past the fire chief was the Thursday of next week were Irvin Darr as Tommy Mills; and the score might have been differ­ GIRL SCOUTS ENTERTAIN Fane Pleased With Owens Of­ named here Monday evening at the Charles Cole as Judge Wilson. only person trained In operating Efforts of the officials to refin­ ent. MOTHERS AT DINNER the truck and pumper. Plans of the ance and in taking care of the city's fering In First Legion Special entertainment will In­ weekly meeting of the lodge group. Gordon W right at first base play- Boxing Venture fire committee are to have at least three year defaulted bonds haa 'They ere Mias Eunice Gerber, Mra. clude selections by th? high school d a stellar game and was the lead Troop Member» Play Host At thre« trained men who can operate brought tavorable comment from Clare Snodgrass, and Clarltw Put­ orchestra before the curtain rise«. Ing hitter for the Springfield team. Gathering In Christian Church Results of the opening American man. the truck and pumper so that the bankers, bond buyers and holders The girl» glee club will sing "Little Many W in Prizes Monday Evening Legion boxing program at the Arm­ department will be Just as effici­ in the last tew weeks. The follow­ W. F. W alker, past grand niacter Coon's l*rayer.” and "Sing L ittle Prizes given by the business men ory Monday evening were aatls- of the I. O. O. F. Instructed the Banjo." between the first two acts ent on the chiefs day off as the ing letter from C. H. Reade, who were quite evenly divided. Mayor Thirty four members of the Girl factory to all parties conoerned delegates and members on legisla­ The boys glee club will also alng rest of the week. holds some Springfield bonds, and with the possible exception of the tion which will be taken tfp at the "Anchor A-Weigh.” and "Pirates Turner and the sheriff formed a Scout troop of Springfield and their When the question first came up is agent for bond holders, illustra­ battery for the first hitter, and mothers attended the Scout ban­ fighters themselves who did not Salem convention. Song." Between the second and while the Mayor's control was not quet held at the Christian church about moving the fire equipment tes how the reputation of the city draw much In the line of financial Following the program Mlaa lxila third acts the mixed chorua will a petition was circulating protest­ is being raised in Investment peo­ renumeration for their efforts. Crabtree presented three of her sing. "Sundown." "Bella of the quite up to standard yet Enoch Monday evening. ing the move. It was signed by 346 ple's eyes: Every detail of the dinner In­ Stuart was fanned. -> Herb Owen promoted the affair for pupils In a program of readings and Sea.” Everyone had a good tim e and cluding the preparation of the food, names asking that Hugh Jolllff. City Recorder, the Legion. songs. Members of the business staff the fans will be treated to more the serving and the decorations, fire chief be retained, and the de­ Springfield, Ore., Gibson Smooth Fighter The Odd Fellow» lodge will also presenting the play are Leroy In­ partment kept where It Is now. Dear Sir: good games In the near future. The were handled by the Girl Scouts. Is-roy Gibson, 130 pound negro meet at Salem May 21-23 next man. buslnese manager, Jack Ped team plays Hill's Creek Sunday at They served a three-course dinner Since the filing of the petitions "I have had some correspondence fighter from Wichita. Kansas, won week The local lodge has chosen erson. stage manager, who Is as at a long table decorated with gay nine persons have written the city with you during the past few years a decision over Whitey Neal, 188 Elmer Pyne and Lee Putman as of­ slated hv Charles Clement; Joan Jasper. Score by Innings: May poles In pastel shades. A small asking their names be taken off regarding interest coupons on some pound blonde Portland boy In the ficial delegate». Seavey. properties; Margaret Jar­ Spr'gf'ld 3 0 1 0 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 1-7 corsage was at each place and the Hat as the true situation was Refunding Bonds due in 1*44 which six round main event. rett, costumes; and Evelyn John Marcola 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 mls-represented by the circulators. I own. flowers were used extensively In Mickey Barker knocked out his , on, promoter. JUNIORS FETE SENIORS Prlxes for the various firsts of decorating the rooms. "I waa interested in an article In The full text of the ordinance is negro opponent, Nick Leslie, In the The play will start at 8 o'clock. the day were donated and won by Entertainment numbers given the Oregonian Jan. 31. 1*35 regard­ printed In other columns of this AT BANQUET SATURDAY third round of the six-round semi the following: during the evening included tap newspaper. ing Springfield cutting lta operat­ • Hunt event. Junior students at the high HOLD GRAVESIDE RITES Flint double— *1.00 credit at Ger­ dances by Roberta Rebhan; piano ing costa and another article on Adams Gets Eye Cut school honored the members of the ber’» to Chatterton; first safe hit. solo by Flora Bertsch; and a one DISTRICT MEETING FOR May 11th, regarding the improved FOR MOREL NICKERSON Kit Turner won a technical knock graduating class with the annual *2.50 rasor set from Fulop's to act comedy, given by three girls condition of your finances. My out over Freddie Adams. Um atilla LEGION AT FLORENCE April 1st coupons were a few Jays Junior-Senior banquet at the Del Donna Resident Passes Away Sun ChHtterton; first run scored—*3.00 of the local troop. Indian, In two rounds of their sche­ Rey cafe In Eugene Saturday even­ The glrla wRl work on their bat from W right's to Chatterton; day At Arthur Baugh Horn» late In being paid but have since duled four round battle. A-lams re­ W illam ette Council of the Ameri­ ing. Following the banquet and first sacrifice, *1.00 grease Job from merit badges again at the weekly At Age Of 77 Years been cashed. ceived a deep cut over the right can Legion will hold a district program th entire group attended Larson to Chatterton; first walk, meeting next Monday afternoon at “It is a pleasure these days to see eye in the second round and referee meeting at Florence Sunday. The a late ahow at one of the theatres. Morel Nickerson, 77, died Sun 50c roast at Stuart's. 3 pound« of the Lincoln school. public official«, such as those of Wiley Hplvley of Portland stopped Auxiliary is sponsoring a dance Sat­ Included on the banquet program day al Ihe home of Arthur Baugh butter from Pyles’ to Mulligan Springfield, making an effort to the bout as the gong sounded for urday night. Business sessions w ill waa a welcome by George Irvin, at Donna. He was born In Maner- first assist, *1.00 credit at Taylor’s STATE LEGION HEAD TO take care of their towns obligations, Ihe third round. be held st the Florence Hotel Sun­ president of the Junior class and a kill. New York on January 17, 1853, and 1.00 grease Job at Ixigan's. to and to reduce expenditures, and 1 Lyle Copple and Fred Myera. Bu. V ISIT POST HERE MAY 23 day afternoon at 2 o’clock. response by Jerry Clark as presl and moved to Nehraakn at the age Mattison; first single. 76c pipe would like to commend you on your gene hoys, staged an Interesting A delegation from Springfield dent of the seniors. Pearl Helter- of nine years. Later he went to from Vern Dahlels. *1.00 grease Job good work. Joe Chamberlin, state command­ *s planning to attend the meeting. four round battle for a draw, lirand sang a vocal solo and Bar­ British Columbia and has lived In at Mitchell's, to H. Russell; first " It Is to be regretted that some The Hhnnnon twins nearly atole er of the American Legion, w ill Some are going over to the coast bara Ilarnell played a piano solo. Idaho, Washington, and Oregon strike out, surprise package- to F. the show In their one round Juven make an official visit to the Spring for the week-end. All servloe peo­ other cltlee do not take their obliga­ W E Buell, principal, was Ihe since that time. He was married In Squires; first hit by pitcher, 60c lie battle which went to a d>aw field past Thursday of next week ple and their families are Invited tions as seriously as you do. llrltlah Columbia, and haa made trade at Dlbblee's to F. Squires Members of the Legion at W estfir "Yours truly. with their father as reforee. They speaeker. according to M. A. Pohl, local post first error. 60c trade at Irene’s and have been Invited to attend the hla home nt Donna since 1*33. C. H. READS." received a nice silver shower from commander. He Is survived by two half, bottle of shaving lotion from Flan meeting here which w ill held at the STAR TO HONOR PAST the fane. cry’s, to F. Squires; first stolen NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS armory. OFFICERS NEXT TUESDAY brothers. Frank Nickerson of Ohio, MOTHERS CLUB HOLDS and Ed llasa of Denver, four nep­ base, haircut and shave at Whea­ DISTRICT WILL RECEIVE FINAL MEET OF YEAR HAVE LUNCHEON TODAY ton and Whitney, to D. W right Past Matrons and Pnst Patrons hews and two nieces. MOUNTAIN STATES TO SCHOOL FUNDS SOON first put out, 76c trade at Scott's Graveside services were held at of Cascade chapter O. E. 8. will be Mrs. W . N. Long Is entertaining Final discussion meeting of the TRANSFER WORKERS Ihe Donna I. O. O. F. cemetery on and 60c pressing Job at Jimmie An apportionment of school fund» honored nt the regular meeting of Mothers club constating of mothers for members of the Needlecraft Monday afternoon. Rev. Normnn Mitchell's, to O. W right; most hits In the total of »29*5 will be re Cascade chapter here next Tues­ Miss Maxine Snodgrass, assist- of children In the second grade club at her home this afternoon. A Workman of Marcola officiated »100 at H all’s Shoe Repair shop day evening. reived early next week by Spring ant bookkeeper at the Mountain taught by Mrs. Leota Rodenbough, potluck luncheon a« 1 o'clock was At Ihe lost meeting Mra. Beaale Poole ehapel In Hprlngfleld waa In nnd *1.00 In trade at Sneed's, to O field school district number 19 It SMateg Power company office here was held Wednesday at 3:30. Mrs. ?njoyed by the membership. Wright. charge of Interment. wa announced today by L. C. Mof Paddock waa elected conductreaa Is to be transferred to the Albany Olive Rebhan was leader for the Down from W eetflr — Mr. and fill, county school superintendent to aucceed Mrs. I. M. Peterson, re­ office of the company about the discussion. The club has met dur­ Portland People Hars— Mr. and Open» Restaurant— M. B. Huntly T he district will receive *1020 from signed. Mrs May Ogilvie waa elect­ ing the entire school year on alter­ Mrs. Sam Montgomery of Oakridgs first of the month. Floyd H lllk er Mra. Elton LaSalle of Portland has gone to Yachats where he has the county high school tuition fund, ed aaaoctnte conductreaa. Mr». Rose nate weeks for panel discussions were here Sunday visiting at th * opened a reataurnnt for the sum spent the week-end here visiting will come here from the Albany home of M r and Mrs. Fred Look. and *1*76 from the elementary Curt las waa Initiated m a new 1 office In the of mutual problems. with mar. school fund. FIRE DEPARTMENT IS FINIE HUES FOR CHIS. J M HELD £ TOWN TEAM WINS OPENING GAME SENIORS DFFER H.S. CLASS PLAÏ FIGHT PROGRAM CITY IS PRAISED BY BOND HOLDER