PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. MAY », 1H35 THE 8PR1NOFIKU) NEWS SCHOOL LEADERS DUE II the courses In law both lit regular P LA/ERS IN "RECKLESS* and po t session. mill education, social «deu ce anil other program» The annual coacltiug school. ’ which alternate» between the uni j \erslty anil stale college campus ' will lie held at Corvallis thia year s other fields of unusual interest at Technical Fields Given Most Corvallis include science. secretar­ Attention As Plans For ial science, and Indualrial arts. LUMBER STRIKE EFFECT IS NOTED C. C. Crow Sees Further Loa« Of Markets For N. W. If Mills Close Dowtt Students Progress ' handling or the outgoing and In iouting cargoes. "The sawmills a n d lodging Lamps provide the Northwest's ihlggsst pat roll and revenue. In ' Oregon and Washington consider­ ably over 60 percent of the gross Income from i«H soured* I* for I lllmber pnaluds of some hind. The lumbermen pay millions Iu taxes They have always shared liberally With Ihelr employees anv prosperity which ihvy have eu Joyed, paying high wages when ((ilid lllio i made II possible Thai they treated their melt fairly Is well home out by the absence of labor trouble over a long period of years, a record nol equallsd hv any other major ludualry " HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CHANGE DANCE MUSIC New music will bs heard Friday evening al the Armory when the regular high school slmleiil dame Is held Waller Lee with bis steel gullsi and Louis Kramer with his piano accordlau. have been seniied In play during Hie evening Full academic credit may be • BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Nationally known educators earned at all of the sessions. Com Stating definitely that lumber from all parts of the United States i plcte information and bulletins ! mills of the Pacific Northwest BY IUKA MEMBERSHIP and abroad. as well us leading ex­ may he obtained from the general . (annul pay the 75t per hour de­ i xtenslon división in the Oregon perts from this slate, will offer a li ka Circle number 37 honored manded by labor union organizers, wide variety of courses in summer building, or from anv of the insti­ Miss Maijorle Kiullknwskl who la and pri-dlrllng that with the up sessiors of the Oregon State Sys- tution*. In he married soon, with a ml-irel swing in lumber demand, many of tem of Higher Education in Port-1 luceoua shower Iasi Thursday even the markets for Norlhweal fir lum­ land, Eugene. Corvallis, Ashland. lug wit ii they met at the home of ber will be lo«t forever Io south Monmouth and La Grande, it was Mrs. Paul Myers near Hayden ere pine mills It (he Ihrealened announced yesterday by Alfred bridge lumber strike shuts down the Cowers, dean and director of the | mills. C. C. Crow, editor of Crow's SCREENS FAVORITES general extension division for the I O rg an R e c ita l P o s t p o n e d Pacific Coast Lumber Digest, has (Continued from Pirat I 'age I TOGETHER IN RECKLESS system. issued a stal< inetil which read* In The new pipe organ for the Moth All regular academic fields will j gravel. 6 hours 3.00 pari; Jean Harlow and William I'nwell, inlisl church arrived Imlay and In he included iu the instruction ' Seventeenth S tr e e t- W ill M aks 29.156 Msn Idle Iwo of screemlom's niosl famoua (dilation begun al once. The dedl courses. and in addition a number ' Checking and leveling "Making objects of charity over and colorful slurs, become a co­ calory conceit Io be played by Jobu dealing with the fast-changing ; gravel, 6 hours 8 ».On night out of 29.156 men In Gregon st ar ring Ivaiu (or the first tltue Iu Stark Evens has been postponed preseut day social, economic and i eighteenth Street — Pictured above are three of the leading players in the screen show. and Waahlngton who received 88.- the new MetroGold wyn Mayer pic­ until May 32. industrial coudltious will be offer- i Checking ami leveling 466.636.00 In wages during the ture. "R eekie»*," which opens Mun­ ed. Features will also include gravel. 6 hours $ 3 00 chot Tone, Jean Harlow and William Powell, Double hilled with this month of February, It la said, day at the McDonald theatre (or T ake License To Wed demonstration schools. conferen Liucolu School Alley— film will be "Mary Jane's l’a." would be a blow that would bring four days. ces. writers' courses. nursery 1 Excavation, 4S0 hours 8 240.00 Among (hose obtaining marriage the entire Northwest to Its knees The union of (he two popular school and others, it is stated 90.00 Loading gravel. 186 hrs. yet that I* exactly what will hap­ stars lakee place In a lavish must liven es at ibe office of the county Truck drivers huuling S ta rt* Next Month pen If the eastern organisers, who cal production against a dazsllng clerk durtug the past week were 57.60 dirt. 96 hours The regular summer terms will ! have swooped down upon (he lum­ hacLgrouud of theatrical Broadway, Emerald Wetsell and Beeele Ewing, start June 24. a^d extend to Aug­ Truck drivers hauling ber Industry of this great eee- It lutroducea many new song hits "bulb of Marcóla; Wallace Keeler 23.80 gravel. 48 hours ust 2 iu Portland. Corvallis, and ami Erma tlakes, both of Jmictlou tlou. succeed In bringing on a gen- and dance euaemblea. Ritgen», while the normal schools i l l y , Keunetb Kheud and Marg V isits at K lam ath F alls— Mrs principal III— W. E. Buell, high ral strike which they now have Miss Harlow la cast as the be­ aiet Taylor, both of Eugene; C. in Ashland. Moumouth and La * 41i.4O Nellie Carr left Saturday for Klam school principal, ha* been III at rrheduled for the early part of witching dancing star who Intro­ M urray NI chi I miii and Ruth Holt, Grande will have two terms, the Alley between S and 6 Sts. ath Fall- for a short vlsiti with his home for several days. Paul May. duces the new songs and dances In both of Mill Glly, Warren Brown first starting June 10. and the sec at north end of 6th St.— relatives. Potter substituted for him. If this were the only place In the production, and I’owell appear« Loading gravel. »6 hours $ 18.00 oud July 22. The post session at and Florence Garpenler, both of North America where lumber Is aa (he front page promoter of every­ Truck drivers. IS hours 8 720 Eugene, which serves all other ses­ P a re n t* of Son— Mr. and Mrs. P. Yachala, and Waller Treiubley, Business Visitor — Mrs. Jesse produced It might be a different thing front flagpole sitters to train­ sions. will last from August 5 to Gates of Camp Creev was a busi­ S. Pitkin of Coburg are the par­ Collage Grove, and Tbrltna Bras 8 25.20 story but unfortunately the mills ed fleas. August »0. ness visitor in Springfield Satur­ ents of a son born to them at their ler, Eugene West B Street— Franchot Tone play* the reck home ou Wednesday. May I, 1935 In thia section have competition day. A nursery school, a new and uni­ Grubbing out trees and from other parts of the United less socialite son of u grumpy mil que venture, will be a feature of T H E C H U R C H OF C H R IS T repair street. 60 hrs.....8 »0 00 Visitor Hers— Mias Alms Ed States and Canada, all of which Bonaire and tali* in love with the Sees Ball Game— Marion Chase the home economics section of the Graveling Postoffice Alley— Fourth and A Streets wards of New York city arrived have many advantages In not only dancer. of Camp Creek was In Spriugfield ession at Oregon State college at Loading gravel, 43 hrs. 8 24.00 -'aturday lie cam down to see last week-end to vkdt at the home lower wages but transportation Bible Hrhool at 9.46 A. M Ml*a David (). Snlanlrk la the pro­ Corvallis. Children from two to Truck drivers. 24 hrs. 14.40 the baseball game with the Frosh of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney, coats to the principal markata of ducer and Victor Fleming the di­ lie Utah Thurman, Hupl. tdmmun four years of age will be accepted ' the world for soft woods Kkrr this rector. May Robson, Ted Healy, Inn of the laird'* Boppei 11 A. M and parents, teachers and others [ $ 38 40 In Eugene. Attend Legion Meeting— M B. reason. If the wage scale for west­ interested will be given an oppor- j Alley bet. 5 & 6. Main ft A— Nat Pendleton. Robert Light, Rosa followed by the sermon, on the Huntly and M A. Pohl drove to ern pine and fir I* crowded up and Itnd Russell, Henry Mtephenson and theme "Mother." Returns Home— Mrs. Annie Star- tunlty to observe the latest meth­ Salem Monday evening to attend Loading gravel. 24 hrs. 8 12.00 rett left Saturday morning for her the price of lumber corresponding Louise Henry also have prominent The hour of all evening services ods in child care. Noted educators Truck drivers. 12 hours 8 7.20 home in New York after spending a special Legion meeting ly advanced to take rare of the parts In the picture having been changed, the order will who will be on the college faculty the winter here at the home of Hse Operation—Mrs. Arne Nelson sided coat. It simply means that be as follow* until further nolle*. include Dr. William E. Blatz of 8 19.20 her sister. was admitted to the Pacific hos­ the competitors will take all of the ( E Groups, 7 00 F. M the University of Toronto; Dr. Foreman for entire work. pital in Eugene Monday where she. business Instead of part of IL Ac SPECIAL MEETING FIR Evening worship » 0 0 o'clock, Leston L. Love. University of 324 hours .......x..... ...... .... 8 243.00 Talks on War— Rev. Dean C. underwent a major operation. cording to the government's own role.” Ohio; O. D. Adams, and Ella Ehm- Blacksmith tor entire work LEGION AUXILIARY SET Poindexter spoke on the subject figures recently complied the aver­ The subject: "Walking by the sen Wilson, dean of girls at Frank-- 108 h o u r s....... ........... ..... 8 86.40 'War. Its bearing on the welfare H o tel Guests—Julie and Slgne age wage being paid In the South Members of the American Legion Known Rule." lin high school. Portland. ' One man blading streets. of children." at the meeting of Peterson of Spokane. Washington ern Pine mills Is 30c per hour. The Prayer meeting Thursday even The University of Oregon at Eu- hours ------- ----- ---- 8 104 40 Central W. C. T. U. in Eugene were guest« al the Springfield Oregon and Washington Fir mill Auxiliary of Mprlngfleld will hold a special meeting at the Armory t»g i 15. gene, under a special grant from So- of Main St.— hotel Monday evening. Wednesday afternoon. average Is 56t4c per hour. In ad Bible srhisd worker* ennference tonight. May 9. according to an the Carnegie Corporation, will for Gleaning and lowering ditton to this the Southern Pine Washington Folk Here—Mr. and nooncement made by Mrs. M A. 7:45 Thursday. the sixth consecutive year serve as ditch. 144 hours _ — 8 72.00 On R elief Com m ittee— I.. L. Ray, mills reach the largest consuming I. U Shaw, Minister, the western center for normal arts t Vlty f*arb— Eugene attorney, was notified B. C. Gleason of Burlington, Wash­ markets with freight rates that are Pohl, president. .......... — ■ . . " training Scholarships have al Spading and leveling, Tuesday of his appointment on the ington were registered at the about half of those which the Fir ready been granted to 25 northwest H4 hours 8 72.00 Lane County Relief committee to Springfield hotel Sunday evening mills must pay on account of the art teachers for thi* work. Dr. Eu Gleaning Hadley Ditch.— ucceed Tom Sheridan who had re­ Fish on McKenzie— Dr. Melville greater distance to be covered In gen Gustav Steinhof. director of hours .............. — 8 48.00 signed. Jones In company with James making deliveries the national school of decorative Airport road—18 hours 8 9.00 Baker and District Game officer. Foreign M e rk e l Slipping art in Vienna, and several mem- Sunnyside Addition SPRINGFIELD ARMORY Ben Connor of Eugene, spent Sun­ "The demand being made for a bers of the faculty of the art Street— MONDAY. MAY 18 day fishing on the McKentie river minimum wage of 75c per hour school will have charge» of the Cleaning ditches. «0 hrs. 8 30.00 would necessitate putting the price Whituy Nual va LeRoy Gibaon work. Putting In cluvert. 24 hrs. 12 00 Keep Office— Miss Ann Mc- on Western lumber up to such a (« rounds) Study Handicapped Child Gookin was re-elected treasurer of high point that the eastern and ex­ 8 42.00 Other feature» of special inter­ Mickey Barker va Nick Lealie the I»ne County Nurses associa­ port markets would be lost for all (« rounds) est on the university campus In­ Kelly 9treet— tion at their annual election held lime and our hundred« of sawmill* Gleaning ditches, 120 clude the now nationally known Kit T urnery a Tad Adama in Eugene Tueaday evening. would lie idle and rot on their h o u r s _____________ 8 60.00 reroedical school for children, (4 rounds) Money Available For Flood- foundations. The wage scale al­ L Street— which offers unusual opportunities Lyle Kopple va Fred Myera Control Project If Enough ready established under the lum­ Ditching. 96 h ou rs... .... 8 4800 for teachers faced with instructing (4 rounds) ber code, to which the manufac­ Demand Is Shown Putting in 2 culverts, handicapped or abnormal children; Curtain Raiser Unannounced turers have adhered faithfully, has 36 hours ___ _______ 18 00 (4 rounds) A party of three United Slate« There will he a basket dinner' been so much above that being 8 66 00 Army Engineers headed by Major and Mothers' Day sermon given at 1 paid In British Columbia that the Sponsored by Springfield American Legion M Street— Milo Fox and Captain 9. L. Damon the Thurston church next Sunday i Canadian mill* have during the H E R B O W E N , Prom oter Ditching. 78 hours 8 39 00 were here Tuesday Inspecting the there Is a cordial Invitation to the ■ past three years captured most of General Admission 40 Ringside • . • 75c Putting In culvert, 18 Upper Willamette river between PubI,c- . the better export markets for fir hours .......... ......... Thurston grade school baseball that were prior to the establish­ 9.00 Springfield and Harrisburg in con­ L A D IE S ' SH O P nection with the flood control pro­ team defeated the Mt. Vernon team ment of the code served by the 829 W illam ette 8 48.00 gram now under way and for which on Mt. Vernon diamond last Mon­ mills of Oregon and Waahlngton. N Street— PWA funds are sought. day afternoon. Mill men claim that to Increase Ditching. 2 hours » 36 00 The men inspected a number of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mathews are the wage scale further now would Spring Clearance Putting In Culvert, 24 places along the river where the planning to leave next Sunday for be Io lose the small remnant of 12.00 banks are being washed away des­ a trip Into California the formerly Important foreign troying valuable farm land. Mrs. Richard Hart returned to business which the mills are re­ 8 48 00 In the afternoon one group from Salem Monday for treatment after ceiving and to divert to Canadian Broadway Street— the party went up the McKenzie pending the past weekend at mills the vastly Important payrolls Owing to the exeremely late TWO FEATURES FOR DAYS Ditching and cleaning river to view the site of the Rennie home. and other trade Incidental to the spring »■>, are forced to ditches. 8 hours 8 39.00 dam project. measures to reduce our big Annual cleanup— J C AN W IL L IA M stock of Coats, Salts, Dresses A telegram from Representative 8 72.00 and Millinery—We must clear Janes W. Mott states that an ap­ Truck drivers. 48 hrs. 28.80 our racks NOW! A Glance at propriation of 8306.000 can be made the red price tags will con­ 8 100.80 available for this work If suffici­ vince yon. ent interest in shown by local real Loading gravel. 36 hrs. » 18.00 dents who are asked to write let­ Truck drivers, 12 houri H > 7.20 ters to the Oregon delegation In Spring and Summer M G-AA PICTURE S Washington. 8 26.20 SERA WORK T O W N A N D VICINITY BOXING ARNIÏ MEN VIEW WATER DAMAGE Thurston Moore’s rrcmiKnrn SALE STA R TS SU N D A Y 4 HHRLDIU PDUJÏLI Irish-Murphy Co. Dressess On salp In 4 jp-eat price groups. ’3 *4 »5 *6 COATS Style right Spring Coats- Values to 824.76, Now *5 »10 »15 WOOL SU ITS There are wonderful val- ues at *5.95 u” 75 8pring HATS 50c 100 Spring HATS 5 1 .0 0 deposit will hold garment. We give S. ft H. Stamps. any Green Teachers’ Warrants Accepted No Refunds — No Exchanges All Sales Final Loading gravel. 36 hrs. 8 18.00 Truck drivers, 12 hour > * 7.20 8 25.20 Ninth and A Streets— I-oadlng dirt, 24 hours Food You Are Proud to Serve DONNA PROJECT (Continued from First Page) 8 12.00 sary steps In the matter of having 8 7.20 the extension built. The contention of organization* 8 19.20 using the building that It Is too Ball Park— Loading dirt, 12 hours 8 6.00 mall was brought out as was the Truck drivers, 6 hours 3.60 fact that the main floor would he 8 9.60 enlarged nearly twice Its present size If the west wall and roof were Widening street on South carried back to the alley. The Second hill, 398 hrs....... 8 99 00 east wall Is standing and the same Truck drivers, 11 hrs...... 8.60 bark can be used It was stated. Has Playground Movs 8 106.60 •Mrs. Leota Roden bough told of the playground project which la being Instituted here by tbe re­ INTERCLASS BASEBALL cently organized Springfield Play­ STARTS AT HIGH SCHOOL ground Association and was as­ Double H eader Games To Be P lay­ sured the cooperation of the club In the undertaking. ed; F irst Of Five Inning Alwln Gates sang a vocal solo, Contests Today and Juanita Seaman and Ruth Poll­ Intra-Mural baseball games will ard sang a duet during the pro­ get under way at the high school gram. Miss Barbara Rarnell accom­ this week when Coach Robert Chat­ panied the singers. The club members will meet terton calls the seniors and fresh­ men together for the opening game again tomorrow noon with F B. on Brattain field at 3:45. The Jun­ Flanery and Dr. Melville 8. Jones iors and sophomores will meet Im­ as members of the program com­ mediately afterwards In the double- mittee. header opener. All games will be five Innings. CIVIC CLUB TO HOLD Other game scheduled to follow ANNUAL PLAN EXCHANGE In order are seniors vs. juniors, sophomores vs. freshmen, sopho­ Members of thp Civic club will mores vs. seniors, and Juniors vs. hold their annual plant exchanare frehrnen. next Tuesday when they meet for Some more of the games may their monthly meeting at the hntho have to be doubled up depending of Mrs. Edward Prlvat. president. on the baseball and track schedule They will meet for a potluck lunch- for the regular teams. pon nt room A big well-storked grocery Htore I h an aaaet to any community. Here you can not only find any kind of high quality groceries and meats yon desire but you buy with assurance that everything Is f r e s h a n d wholesome. Our rapid turnover of stock and our large buying organization gives you the best service at a minimum cost. W h ite B ean s MARYJAHEÏP, CUY WMEE-AUNE MAC MAHMI PRINTING When you give us an order for printing our one Idea la Io give you a good Job. . . . We will assist you In the »election of paper stock, type faces an layout. Wo have a wide selection of Illustra­ tions and decorative art, tor which there Is no extra charge. . , . Let us make esti­ mate on your next Job, , , You will find our prices most reasonable. LETTERS BROADSIDES BOOKLETS T h e W illam ette P ress Phone 2 Springfield