THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI'ItlNGKIKLD. LANK COUNTY, ORBUON. TIIIHTY-BKCONI» YKAIt FISTIC PRDGflAM Six Games Left WOHK STARTS ON COUNCIL PATS ALL DEFAULTED BONDS H “ ' r,c fi“" s OPENS IT ARNIORT Lor n.S. Players DONNA PROJECT $11,500 Issue Taken Up With Interest; $1,200 Interest On Other Bonds Is Paid NO. I« TIK-'UHDAY. .MAY 9. 1935 Brvanieiis STREET REPORT Of Engagement LISTS SERA WORK Marriage To Victor Fogle Is Annex Wine Over Pleasant Request For Lower Electric Pianned At An Event Of To Locate 24 Familiea on 500 Compilations Show Amount Hill and Marcola; Lose To Twenty-four Rounds Of Box­ Bill» ^-»Id Up Pending In Early Summer Season Acre Tract; Money Loaned And Kind Of Work And Frosh During Week .»Stig .ion On June 3 ing Announced For Spring- By Federal Government Expense To May 1 field Sport Venture The engagement of Miss Crystal ■ A bearli'i' on electric light and ¡ Six more gam«« and the sparkl­ ing Springfield high school base NEAL-CIBSON HEAD CARD ball team will hava finished their season. Robert Chatterton, coach Five Bouta Scheduled; Two Ibis morning announced the (Inal Lane Boys Get Chance To part ot the schedule whb h'NvlII In­ clude the following games: Show Their Wares May 10- Junction City, there. Twenty-four rounds of boxing, j May 13— Eugene, there. with a main event which features I May 16—Oakridge, here. twu of the outstanding battlers In May 17— U. H. H.. here. the northwest. Is slated for nest May 22— lx»well. here. Monday evening at the armory here May 23. Pleasant H ill, here. when ll<-rb Owen opens the first Chatterton'a boys faltered In of a series of boxing cards, under their winning streak Saturday the auspices of the Sprlugfleld Box­ when they crossed bats with the ing Commission. University FroaR w tyre they were Whitey Neal of Portland aud l-e- defeated 6-2. Tlje Frosh made all Itoy tilbauu of Wichita, Kansas, their runs In the first two Innings, have been matched in the main a Wl failed to make one run during event over a six round route. Neal the final «even Innings after Car- lias drawn pralss as one of the son relieved Brann as hurler, and greatest scrappers to come out of the boy« lost thetr Inferiority com­ Oregon In many years, and last plex. By Tuesday the team had regain­ week substituted In the main event of Joe Waterman'« Portland card ed its stride and brought home the ugalnat Jimmy McLeod, undefeated long end of a 7-4 score. Carson Tacoma battler who was pointing pitched this game at Pleasant HUI. Wednesday they took a trip to for a world title fight. Marcola where Pete Taylor and Nsal Stops McLaod Verlln Posey did the pitching to Neal stopped McLeod In two win 14-7. rounds, with a clean cut knockout. In addition to that victory, he has many wins over the beat fighter» on the coast, and ha« headlined Portland cards for the past year. Bryan to Victor D Vogle was an­ nounced by Miss Bryan at a bridge PROJECT ENDS TONIGHT I arty which she gave at her home ~ _ puny wilt b- held by the state pub­ Committee it Appointed To Friday evening. Blue bird tallies| C ity G e ts $2 L a b o r F o r Every $14,300 Paid Off On Bonds lic service commlsslouer In Albany Seek Extension Of Armory distributed during tbe second hand $1 Spent On Material«; And Warrants Since New June 3, according to word received of C2r«u told the message. The wed­ May Sava Balance Reaching Back To Alley by city officials. Springfield and Council Took Office ding will be an event of the early other towns of tbs valley are In­ Work on Springfield streets un­ Rural rehabilitation as It will be rummer, and they will live here. All city bond« defaulted slaee terested in the hearing which hud affected by such movements as tbe Miss Bryan Is the daughter of der the SERA project will be con­ February I. 1932. were ordered paid been prevlou ily set slid postponed, Donna Project was discussed here Mr» Maude Bryan After studying cluded tonight, the last working nt u special meeting of the coinu ll by Commissioner Thomas, who bus Friday noon at tbe meeting of the at the University of Oregon she day of tbe project week. The city held Wednesday afternoon. Thu been retired by the new governor. Lion« club by 0 . E. Crowe, director graduated from Monmouth normal has exhausted Its fond budgeted council aleo ordered paid $1,200 In­ Mayor K. II. Turner was author­ of relief for I-ane county. Exten­ and has been teaching here for the for supplies and tbe work Is now ternal due on three other boud Is- is’ d by the Sprlugfleld council the being tapered off. Earl Thompson, sion of the armory and a play­ past few years. nuea. first of Die year to negotiate tot a ground project were al o consid­ M r Fogle is well-known here chairman of tbe street committee, Thin leaven the city without any lower light and power rale for ered. having made bis home here for ba« been anxious to continue the Itoiidn or bond Interest obligations Springfield. lie lias held confer The Donna Project has been ap­ man» years. He Is employed In the project as long as possible as this unmet for the flrnt time In three ences with power compauy officials work being done now costs the proved by the administration at county surveyors office. yearn. Couiicllnien exprena<-d them- and tome adjust merits have beet Washington, being tbe first project Attending the announcement etty bat little for the results ob­ »elven an pleased to be able to lake made In the street lighting the city of this type to be given approval party were Mrs. Wtlda Cotton, Mar- tained. up all defaulted bonds at thia time pays, but none the resident and It was agreed thia week that the in the state. gsret Gorrte, Edna Platt. Mrs. Opal nod believe that the city's credit conuuerrlal users pay. Roberts, Thelma Sweeney. Mrs. unexpended part of the original Study Each Family’s Need will be g r-atly strengthened by The power company promised a W ith the approval of the project I Eleanor Turrell, Maxine Snodgrass, SERA allotment of approximately the move They pointed out that the decision on the mayor's request fol­ omes a $76,000 appropriation to be Beatrice Gay, Glyde Dilley. Mrs. »6900 for labor may be taken up city hud paid $14,.100 on bond and lowing the public Service Commis­ expended in locating 24 families Alene Basford. Alta Manning. M ir­ again later If the city Is able to warruut principal alncn the first sioner's hearing which was to on 600 acres of land adjacent iam Male. Mrs. Crystal Male and finance the expense of materials of the year besides meeting heavy have taken place In February The a id supervision. Donna. The need« of each family, Eunice Gerber. Internal paynieuta. answer to whether Springfield re­ S tre e t W o r k L isted who will come largely from the The paying of the default bonds ceives lower rates or not uow Is A total of 5991 hours of labor had dust swept areas, will be studied Is a part of the rtty's refinancing expected following the Albany been paid by the SERA in connec­ carefully and will be located on a program which Includes paying or bearing In June tion with the Springfield street tract of land suitable for the agri­ refinancing at lower rates of Inter project up to the first of May and Evidently Impel lent a< the delay cultural program mapped out for eat as many bonda as possible la the total amount expended by the them. All necessary buildings will order to atop heavy Interest pay­ In gelling a decision on the matter government for labor amounted to be provided as well as equipment ments t ’ounrllmen believe the only Springfield cittiens were circulat­ $3173.60 according to a detailed re­ with which to operate and living way the city taxes wtil ever be ing petitions thia week asking 'he port of work done on the project expen -es the first year. lower In Springfield Is by redurlng council amt public service rommls »loner to Intercede for them In nb I.cltoy Uiheon has just as Impres­ William E . H u g h e s S e rv e d ™“ P|led by Earl Tbomp,Mm- the debt since about two thirds of The government will not give The report Is segregated and sive a reputation as Neal, however, the budget Is for bonds and old talnlng lower light rates. these places to the peopl? as gifts. ; Entire Period Of Civil War; shows the actual amount of time and their battle here i-bould be a warrants. but will hand them to the settlers Rites Held Wednesday classic. Waterman has sought the Springfield spent and the kind of work done In addition to paying oft the 111,- Mothers Want as loans to be repaid over a period on each of the streets and alleys tight In Portland for the past two fcini default bonds the round! also of years as agreed upon tn advance W illiam E. Hughe«, route 1. City Lots Set Out For months, but Owen slipped one over ' In the city and labor cost. The ma­ authorised $119 lit IntereJt These of tbelr taking posesslon Creswell, passed away at the Paci- Child Recreation mi the Rose City Im presari- In bonds were drawn at seven par Supervision and guidance In tbelr flce hospital In Eugene Monday. terial costs for the same period were shown in an article published matching the two boys here. cent Interest on February 1. 1921. A Springfield Playground Asso­ work will be provided by the gov­ .May 6. at the age of 88 years. He Glb«on la a negro, and appeared last week. and are held mostly by the Com­ ernment at Its own expense. was a veteran of the Civil W ar, ciation. established for the purpose in the main event of the New Two Reports Show Costa mercial State and First National having served during the entire of starting a playground for chil­ Land May Be Irrig ated Year's day card at Eugene. He An analysis ot the two reports defunct banks. war. He was a member of the G. dren on the vacant lots at Seventh Of the 500 acres purchased near The $1.100 Interest payment cov- Vote To Send Delegates T o 1 made a tremendous hit, and is des and A streets, is now circulating how that for every three dollars Donna, al least 135 are or have A. R. post at Niles. Ohio. crlbed as one of the clevereat box­ ered the semi annual payment on He wa born at Ironton. Penn-' spent on Ike street work here two State Conference Event petitions which will be presented been under Irrigation. The remain­ ers and most brilliant ring generals the $20.000 Issue due negl Nnvem I To Be Held May 18 to tbe City council asking that this der of tbe acreage is all clear farm­ sylvania on October 21, 1846 and veTe P*id ky lhe SERA and one by on the Pacific coast He ha« head­ ber. and the $20,000 Issue due In area be set a«tdg for this purpose. ing land and a large portion of it spent most of bts life tn Ohio, I lhe cltT- The detailed street report fol­ November 193« Florence May was elected presi­ lined cards In all parts of the coming to Oregon in 1929. The association was formed last Is river bottom land. dent of the Springfield high school country, and has decisions and week by a group of 8prlngfteld Two sons. Otto A. Hughes. Cres­ lows; This is only the first ot a large S E R A Labor Segregation Girls' league at the business meet kayoes over many "first ten” bog woman who met at the Brattaln number of similar projects which well. and C. A. Hughes. Canton. MRS. ADDIE F. BOWERS M ill S tre e t- lug held Tuesday morning. She ers In hts weight division. -rhool and chose Mrs. H. H. Church w ill be started in the state and Ohio, and one daughter. Mrs. PASSES AT WENDLING Checking gravel, 84 hrs. $ 42.66 served as reporter during t|j« past Mickey Barker V a Nick Leslie county wttbtn the next a,x months , Franeei Eaktn of Mineral Hills, as chairman Officers elected in­ Removing coarse gravel, M ickey Harker. St. Johns glove clude Mrs. R. E Dawkoo as preef- predicts Mr. Crowe, who foresees | ^hio. Resident Of County Since 1001 year. 286 h o u r s ___________ 143.00 Uther officers chosen Tuiw-day slinger. Is to meet Nick Leslie of dent, Leota Bertach, secretary, and a large influx of settlers from the Burled At Marcola Cemetery Funeral services were held W ed- Ditching, cleaning ditches Include; Dorothy Karns, vlce-preat .Multnomah. Oregon, in the six Mrs Sue Chace. treasurer. Monday Morning drouth areas Lees than one-fourth needay morning at 10:30 from the 222 h o u rs ___________ 111.00 dent; Edna Vest, secretary treas round s<-ml-windup Barker and Ah of these people will be self-sustain­ Veatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. The organisation 1« asking the V. Stivers officiated and interment Mrs. Addle F Bowers. 70, passed urer. Clara Brooks, news reporter; Wing Lee are ex -table malea. and ing after arriving here according $ 296 00 was made in the Pleasant H ill sway al her home al Wendling last Mary Faye Bettis, social promoter; Barker has supplanted Lee In the ' ‘•‘"’ P -rx tl"" of all local groups and to carefully made estimates. South Fourth Street— expect to seek SERA assistance cemetery. Thursday following an tineas. She social lAsIfsrc chairman. Georgia favor of St Johns fans. He Is fast, These rural rehabilitation pro­ Ditching. 180 hours 9 90.00 for their project, which Is designed was horn at Topeka. Kansas ou Harris and Alice Hates. a deadly puncher and a brilliant jects need not be contlgtous tn phy­ 18.90 Building Culverta. 36 hrs L primarily to provide 1 supervised 1 A vote to determine the outstand- boxer. April 3. 1866 and com«- to Oregon sical relationship. At Donna it was Leveling Street for playgrounds suitable for the more Is I N I . having lived at Wendling lug girl In the high school was l^eelie broke into Portland fight common children's games. This possible to secure a large area of 18.00 Gravel. 36 hours. . taken but results will not be an­ «.nee that time. circles recently, and has had un­ will be entirely different from the land with more If needed In one 6.00 Leveling graveL 12 hrs. She Is survived by two sons, O r­ nounced until the senior breakfast usual uccess so far. Whether he project across from the Christian unit. This will make the task of ou May 24. Tbe new officers will ville Bowers al Salem amt Giles $ 132.00 will be able to edge out a win over church which will be a park dev- supervision and construction Bowers at Wendling, also four have charge of the breakfast and Barker remains to he seen, but Kill on So. 4th and D Sta.— easier. elopment. daughters. Mrs. Ethel Warner. Mrs. will be formally Inducted Into of­ Portland fight writers rate the two Rs-Classify All Workers Friends Seek Re-election Of Shoveling gravel from IL.»«I Bailey, Mrs Roy Davis, all fice at that time. nearly even. pit, 432 h o u rs -----------..$ 216.00 Sid Ward explained how all per­ Director; Jacobson To el Wendling, and Mrs. Edna Balle», Tht- girls also decided at thetr Truck drivers. 180 hours 108.00 LEGION GROUP TO HEAR sons on the relief rolls were being Indian in Supporting Bout Prairie City. Try For Clerk Place meeting this week to send a dele­ Building & installing cul­ re-classtfled In both the county and • Kit Turner, of St. Helens. Is DISTRICT COMMANDER Funeral services were held Mon­ gation of four girls and their ad­ verts. 18 h o u r s _____ 9.00 state office. booked to meet Ted Adams Uma Arrangeaienta for the school day morning at 10:30 from the visor. Miss Iowa Carlton, to Forest Building steps, 12 hours 6.00 Z. E. M errill, commander of Am- tills Indian, In one of the four Veatch chapel. Interment was made Grove on May 18 to attend the an­ Efforts to have the armory build­ election to be held here June 17, erlcan Legion district number 3. round supporting bouts. Turner has $ 339.00 tn the Marcóla cemetery. ing extended back to the alley were and for the closing events at the nual Girl.« I «»ague Spring Confer appeared tn several Portland cards, will be here tonight from Albany jehools were made Monday night South D Street— tarted at the club meeting. H arry cnce Those who will attend are the and Is a favorite tn Eastern Ore­ to address the regular meeting of Ditching. 36 hours -------- $ 18.N STUDENT BODY TO ELECT preablent. vice-president, social pro­ gon towns. Adams, a Redskin the Springfield post number 40. M. Stewart. Dr. W. N. Dow and at the monthly meeting of the school board. One director for three South Second Street— C F Barber were named members moter, secretary and treasurer. OFFICERS ON FRIDAY fighter, lias proved popular In the The meeting will be held tn the Ditching, 30 h o u rs -------- $ 16.00 of a committee to contact other years and a clerk for a one year Eastern part of the state, and Is Armory at 8 o’clock Members of South B Street— local organizations and take neces- term are to be elected. Nominations (or student body of- , said to be capnble of putting up a the Legion at W estfir have been The directors are waiting for ap­ fleers at Springfield high school j Ditching. 24 h o u rs -------- $ 12.00 ( Concluded on Page Four) good battle agRln«t any opposition. invited to attend the meeting here. proval of their SERA school im­ 4.00 Cutting brush, 12 hours were made this week and election provement projects which hsve not will be held on Friday It was a n -' Two laine county favorites are $ 18.00 passed the county committee yet uouuced today. matched tn another four round although all requirements have ; North Second Street— Candidates nominated for tbei fracas, with Lyle Kopple. popular been fulfilled. Remove coarse gravel, various offices are as follows; Eugene lightweight, slated to bat­ A petition nominating E. C. 108 hours -----------— $ 54.00 President—l-awrence Chase, Rot Hansen, Smith, Hutchinson. tle Fred Myers. Both have appeared Stuart, board chairman, as candl- Fourth Street— land Farnsworth, George Irvin. many times In Eugene smokers, And Darr Place In Valley Removing coarse gravel, Springfield taking an ea y 10-3 vic­ date for re-election Is being signed Vice-president— LaMuytx- Black, and each Is known for his willing­ Meet At Corvallis 1.90 this week. Mr. Stuart has not con | 12 hours ................... — $ Barbara Baruell. Randall Ray. ness tn mix It and punching ability. Marcola Meets Townies Here tory from the Knights of Columbus seated to be a candidate, but his , Fifth Street— learn In Eugene. Treasurer— Bernice Smith, Hazel In Opener Sunday; Form­ Saturday's district track and Kopple Is a brilliant boxer, while friends hope that by securing a Ditching. 72 h o u rs _____ 3 36.00 Many Players Turn Out Ne-hltt, Wendell Bartholomew alities Are Planned field meet to be held at Hayward Myers likes to trade punches, large number of name« on his petl- Sixth Street_ A wealth of players are turning Secretary— Dorothy Taylor. Mur­ field In Eugene will determine de­ counting on dishing out more than Removing coarse gravel, iel Tyaon, Georgia May Harris. GAME STARTS 2 O’CLOCK out for the local team including tion he will accept the nomination. finitely Just where Springfield high he has to take. Severt Jacobson, present clerk, 24 hours ------------------ ... $ 12.00 Norval Libby. Lloyd Mattison. Grub Social promoter— Francee Cor­ rchool stands In regards to the Casting for Opener announced this morning that he in­ Seventh Street— Shull, Doc and Pete Taylor, Free­ nell, Pete Taylor. Marvin Oorrle. state meet which will also be held I ’ronioter Owen Is looking for a Mayor To Toss First Ball, man and Bruce Squires. Dick and tended to be a candidate to sue Removing coarse gravel. Prizes To Be Offered By In Eugene the following week-end. good curtain-raiser over a four 132 hours .......................$ 68.00 Gordon Wright. Harvey and Ed reed himself for a second term. Local Merchants PARTY HONORS COUPLE Preliminaries of (he meet will be round route, and will announce his Eighth S t r e e t - Russell. J. Dunn. Lamar Bru taln WHO MOVE TO LEBANON run off In thp morning and finals selection In a few days. He hopes Removing coarse gravel. Sin day will be baseball day In George Thatcher. Bun Scott, Joe l.n each event will be held after to makes this the greatest fight 96 hours ..................... $ 48.00 Gerber. Ding Mulligan. Jay Grant, Springfield. Friends of Mr. and Mra. Elmer dinner. card staged since Jack Dempsey's Ninth Street— and Robert Chatterton. Grant Is a The local town team will play Findley gathered at the home of All schools In Lane. Renton, and appearance at M cArthur court. Removing coarse gravel. host to Marcola In the first game good pitcher but will not be eligible Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putman Friday Roseburg and Oakland In {Jouglas 90 hours .........................$ 46.00 to play In the game Sunday. Chat­ ot . i.e reason to be played on Brat- The card will open at 8 p. m., evening to honor them before they counties are eligible to compete In ! Tenth Street— terton will play with the team for lain field by the Cascade league. moved to Lebanon where they will the Saturday events. Eugene. Uni­ and Owen 1« Installing bleachers Removing coarse gravel. make their home In thp future. The versity high, Cottage Grove, Cor­ which will seat a capacity crowd. Elaborate preparations are liking one month before he leaves at the 90 hours ..... ....... ......... 3 46.00 close of school. W illiam Sword, made to make this one of the out­ Findley family left Saturday. vallis. Springfield, Cottage Grove, The referee and Judges will be an­ Graveside Services For Mrs. K Street— standing games ot the year for lefthanded hurler. will be eligible Present for the party were Mr. and Rosehurg are sure to compete nounced later. Eva Kimball Held Tues­ Removing coarse gravel. local fans. The game w ill start at to play here thia week after which unit Mrs. Karl Girard and daughter, Oakland and other H league day Afternoon 48 hours ..... ........ .......... $ 24.00 he will become a member of the 2 o'clock. Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond schools are Invited to send parttcl Ditching and cleaning Eugene Townies. BRATTAIN SCHOOL TO Mayor E. H. Turner has agreed mid daughter. Helene, Mr. and Mrs. pants In one or more events. Mrs. Eva Adel Kimball, resident ditches. 36 hours ......... 18.00 Three-Way Schedule Se» Fred Lottk, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest OBSERVE MUSIC WEEK to toss out the first ball and other Springfield Takes Second of Lane county since 1913, passed The complete schedule of the local cttliens will be lined up both Black. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stone. Springfield won second place In $ 42.00 away at her home on Fall Creek Music Woek will be observed at at bat and behind the batter just Town team games la as follows Mr and Mrs. Putman and the honor Ihe W illam ette Valley meet at Cor B Street— Sunday at the age of 77 years. with games alternating between guests. vallls last Saturday with four men the Itrattsln school with a special In case this person hatting does She was born at Madison. Ohio Removing coarse gravel, home and the visiting teams as plnclng. Plaque Smith again proved program Friday afternoon at 1:30. not connect with Turner's opening on February 28. 1853 coming to 80 hours ................. ..... $ 40.0« follows with each team meeting high point man for Marlon Hall's The program will feature the school hall. A local man will be chosen HIDDEN LAKE HARBORS Oregon and Creswell In 1913. The C Street— three times: to umpire the game and these lat­ orchestra and the toy orchestra. next year they moved to Eugene Removing coarse gravel. SNOW, ICE, RIVER HIGH team when he took firsts In both All patrons and friends are cordi­ ter Individuals will be announced July 14— K. C. at Springfield. the hurdle events and a second In 43.00 86 hours ........................$ May 12-July 21— Marcola at and In. 1914 they settled on Fall soon ally Invited. Several parties started out for the broad Jump Malcolm Hansen Creek. She was a member of the D Street— Springfield. Organization Being Started The program will Include the fol­ Hidden Lake last Sunday, the open only placed seoond In both the mile Removing coarse gravel. May 19-July 28— Springfield at Congregational church. Merchants of the town are donat Ing of the fishing season In this | «"'I half mile events. He misjudged lowing number«: Rhythm hand; Besides her widower. Albert A. 74 hours ........................$ 17.00 Hills Creek. Ing prises which will be given for reading, "Music Week," by Robert high mountain lake, but few reach his competitors in both events and Kimball, she Is survived by four E Street— May 26-August 4— Springfield at « I the lake. Bruce Robertson was n allowed them to take an early lead Black; reading. "Mother's Day" by the various firsts of the game, ac­ daughters, Mrs. H. C. Cook, Eu­ Removing coarse gravel. Yoncalla. representative from SpTlngfleld al , which he was unable to overcome, Joe Chace; piano solos by Barbara cording to Joe Gerber, who with gene; Mrs. E. E. Calllson and Mrs. 72 hours ....................... $ 36.00 June 2-August 11— Cottage Grove the lake, and a party of Eugene Markin of Cottage Grove, and W alker and Richard Flanery; tap Grub Ghull and Charles Stark, are J. B. Palmer. Fall Creek; H. F. F S tre e t- it Springfield. 4 T young folk also fished there Suu | Eagle of Chemawa had both been dance by Joy and Roberta Rebhan; handling the business affairs of Removing coarse gravel. Shultz. Lowell; and one son. Ed­ June 9— K. C. at Springfield. team this year. rending. "My Mothor," M yrtle day. The lake Is covered with Ice defeated by Hansen last year but 60 hours ................ $ 30.00 June 18— Springfield at Marcola. ward L. Kimball In New York City. The team Is Just getting organ­ Shull; r e a d in g , "Somebody'« except at the Inlet and four feet they showed more stamina than Graveside funeral services were North Ninth S t r e e t - June 23— Hills Creek at Spring- ized and they hope to have BUI Mother" by Woodrow Phillips; vio­ of snow surrounded the shore line. had been expected. Hutchinson Ditching, 108 hours $ 64.00 held at the Mt. Vernon cemetary Davis as their coach and playing field. The South Fork of the McKenzie placed second In the $40. and Darr lin solos by Mar e Hollister and June 39—Yoncalla at Springfield. here Tue«day afternoon at 2:30 Sixteenth Street— manager. George Stratton; and closing num ■ Is very high and It la necessary to tied with Cottage Orore, Eugene, Checking and leveling July 7— Springfield at Cottage o’clock. Schwertr.g chapel at Cres­ T,a»t Sunday saw the official her by the Brattaln achool oreh go upstream to find a crossing or and Chetnawa for second plane In ( Concluded on Page well had charge ot arraageaaonts. Grove. opening of tbe Cascade season with eatra. the pole vault event. else ford the water. FINANCE power ra» « for Hie territory served PLAN STARTED |,y ¡Mountain HtMlw* Power tom DETAILS GIVEN TO LIONS Group Asks Site to r Playground VETERAN OIES NEAR CRESWELL ELECT OFFICERS FOH N.S. LEAGUE tart Petition fo r School Job District Track Meet Lures h.S. CITY PLANS FOR BASEBALL EVENT KIMBALL RITES AT MUERNON