PAGE FOUR ALASKA BECKONS THUltrthAY. MAY 2, 193f» THE SPRINGFIELD N « y » GO INTO YOUR DANCE” W ITH JOLSON-KEELER Fast M oving Musical Comedy Show Opens A t McDonald Sunday F or Four Day Run TOWN AND VICINITY METHODIST MEN HAP B.O.I.C. LAW | in line with national movements la Claude Crandall W P Wallers, secretary of the this ami other agricultural ludu» Eugene V M C A. was Ihe prill tries. Upon completion of the organlsu clpal speaker to* llie evening. 9-v- eral musical numbers were furnish Hun. the assorle .1 requested Or, cd by Die Lebanon Hi nt herhood gon Stale college Io become the of- The next meeting of the District ftclal state agency for certification Brotherhood will be held lu Sept­ of breeding slocks, hatcheries and flocks Mciuhenthlp III the assorla ember and will lie In Eugene tloti Is open to all Oregon poultry men who wish to qualify Get M arriage Liceneee Oregon breeders and trap neat Couples granted marriage He­ rns at tile office of the County men may. through Ihe Maocintlun. Clerk during ihe past week are obtain official rertiflcatbm or re Marlin Fisher of Eugene ami Tree- cords which will he recngnlxed III sa Horner of Gardner; Wulfred oilier elates. Rule- uml regulations Dahlbetg and Mary Burnell both are In accord with a uniform na or Eugene, Terry Bell. Oakridge, tloiiul plan for Improvement of and Monica llrandt of Knaeiie; poultry breeding. John Wliborn and May Loper, both Offtcera chosen to launch the of Eugene: Samuel Boyce. Port­ plan are Morrla Christensen. Mc­ land. and Eliza Chor, Oakridge; Coy, chairman of tbe board of til Wilfred Sveudseii aud Wilma Maya, rectors; V. A Parker. Hlacbly, nee both of Junction City. rotary. J A. Ilauaeu. Corvallis; Ambrose llrowuell. Milwaukee; Lloyd Smith, Cauby; and P a . OREGON CROUP PLANS Gent. Eugene, directors. Ill at Home— Betty Zarlntan is III Portland Man Hsrs—Jack Baker al her home here this week of Portland was a business visitor Al Jolson 1» Rub) Keeler's hus­ Vanguard Of Men Enroute To Compulsory Military Train* Jasper Man Here—Claude Gias In Springfield Wt-duesday. Open Fertile Valley For band first, after that he's an actor, pey of Jasper was a business visit­ ing Opposed; Approval To Tnat explains why, during the Remodel. House Mrs. Mabel Emigrants From States filming of the First National pic or in Springfield Wednesday Optional Plan Gtvan Tyson Is having a house at Hetxunl lure, "Go Into Your Dance," com­ Far different from the pioneer Visit in Portland— Mr. and Mra. uml "HP streets remodeled this Members of the Methodist Broth ing to the McDonald theatre Sun­ Riley Snodgra s speut the weak week. expedition* which developed this erhiHMls of this district went on day, Al occasionally used wrong end viaiting will) relativea In Port­ country, but filled with the same dialogue. Grandchild Born — A n o t h e r record at their m eting at Lebanon is ml. resolute desire Io force out new grandchild was born Io Mrs. C. I. Tuesday evening Be opposing com Ai plays a character named "Al“ homes for them .-«»Ives. are the ex­ Collects Bounty— M S McMullen Gorrie. Sr. Monday In Portland pulsory military training for col peditious now being assembled in in the picture, and that made dial­ ogue < asy for Ruby. She Just bad of liliie River collected the county »lien Mr and Mrs. Elery Fay be lege students, hut favoring optional preparation tor a move on the Mat- to addres hitu as she always does. bounty on five bobcats at Ihe of- came ihe parents of a daughter. training. Reaolullons were passed anuska valley of Alaska. Jolson. however, had a problem on lice of the county clerk Monday. Mrs. Fay was formerly Miss Maude and copies ordered senl tu the Already 100 men have sailed for his hands. Gorrie, daughter of Mrs. C, I. Gor­ presidents of Gregoli Stale collegu the Alaska valley to do prelimin­ Week-end et Cabin Harry rie, Sr. and Ihe University Ruby is Kuby only so long as she ary work for the hundreds of set-' Wright spent the week-end with a remained behind the cameras, lu tiers who are to be transferred I ' front of it she was "Ikirothy." for group of friends at the Wright Have Sunday Outing All kinds Fifteen men from the Springfield from their dust swept acres of Min 1 cabin on Horse creek. of rends were encountered Sunday church attended the dinner and uesota. Michigan, and Wisconsin.! j that's her name in Ihe picture. by a group of haul people who meeting which followed at the Leb- On several occasions Al address Home from Hospital — M ilton Much Equipment Taken l ed Ruby by her own name and thus Doane returned the first of the drove to the Smith river school by unou- church. They were 1’. J. Bar With them went equipment con­ I ruim-d the scene, much to the week from the hospital where he wav of Florence and Gardner. In tholomew amt Wm. G Hughes, dis- POULTRY IMPROVEMENT sisting of tractors, plows, ranges, Ihe party were Mr and Mrs. Dallas trict president aud secretary, res­ Encampment To Meet stoves, and everything neceasarv ■ amiiseineut of the other players ou had undergone a major operation. Mm pin Mrs a I-: Cray, Mr. aud pectively. Sam and Prank Bartho the set and the exasperation of the The Oregon Poultry Improve­ for the rolonixatiou project which Mis. Lelartd Cray. Allie Manning' Fish on Siualaw— W . K. Ilaruell, The regular meeting of Wlma director. loinew. Dr. Melville S. Jones. ment aw-ot-lat loll haa come lulo be will embrace S.OOp acres. Charles Myers. R. L. Drury. Frank lug through ihe ecltun of poultry wbals Eni ampmenl of the I. O. tl "This is Hollywood.' explained H. O, Dlbblee and H. E. Maxey aud Clara Jones. A. L. Schafer. Red Cross man­ spent Sunday fishing on the uyper Bailey, L. May. Dr. W II Pollard. brooder* of thia state who are F la announced for Friday evening ager In the Pacific Area, made AI. "where a fellow can't even call Siualaw at Siuslaw falls. S. S. Potter, L. K. Page, Rev. Dean seeking to put their Industry on a at the I Hid Felloes* temple In Eu­ : his wife by her right name!" NEW STATE LAWS ON available to the Federal Emerg­ C, Poindexter. George Brown, and firm basis of quality certification gene Joison is starred with his wife. ency Relief Administration expert At Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Thelmer CITY FINANCE LISTED *' 1 ■■■......... " Miss Keeler, for the first time in first aid instructors, who taught J. Nelson and Mr. aud Mrs. Nor- the men first aid at the shelter on Go Into Your Dance." First Na­ wald Nelson of Eugene spent Sun­ State T reasurer Summarizes Re­ tionals latest musical spectacle. the San Francisco Embarcadero. day visiting relativea In Salem. cent Legislation Designed To Aboard the North Star are Dr. Others in the cast Include Glenda Aid M unicipalities Breaks Elbow—Lois Green fell E. K. Ostrom and E. A. Osburn, Farrell, Helen Morgan, liar ion Mat-Lone, Benny Rubin, Phil Regan while playing at school Friday and certificated Red Cross first aid in Three laws passed during the re­ broke her left elbow. Bhe la the cent legislative session relative to -tructors. who will continue to drill and Gordon Westcott. daughter of Mrs. Doris Green. the classes as the ship proceeds city bonds, warrants and commis­ northward. SAYS LUMBER WORKERS sion on bond sules are outlined Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. Public Nurse Going SOLID AGAINST STRIKE James Schneb* r of lk-xter are the this week by Rufus C. Holman, Cooperating with the FERA the slate treasurer, who sponsored parents of a son born to them al them. Red Cross is sending a Red Cross Lumber union organisers were I uurse aboard the Army Transport charged with using scare headlines the Eugene hospital on Monday. They are as follows: St. Mihiel, which will carry the of daily newspapers in building up April 3», 1936. "Chapter 208. authorizes the re­ settlers to their new hemes. Miss publicity for a threatened lumber Visit at Corvallio— Mr. and Mrs funding by ordinance of callable Madeleine de Floras, who has been workers' strike when lumber work­ Fred l.ouk and daughters. Mary bonds of cities. This act enables doing public health work near Spo­ ers themselves were opposed to Ann and Jeon, and Jolana Putman, cities to effect s material saving kane. Washington, has been chosen any strike at this time, in a state­ spent Bunday visiting with friends in Intereel upon their outstanding for the port. bonded indebtedness by refunding ment issued from Portland by W. at Corvallis. She will occupy quarters at the C. Ruegnits. Four-L president. optional bonds, and selling the re­ colony's community house, will in His statement is printed in part: Gets New Position—Miss Morg funding bonds upon the present struct the mothers in Home H.vgi "For more than 17 years the( 4-L aret Gorrie started work Wednes­ market with lower Interest coup­ ene and Care of the Sick, help min organization has served the lumber day In the Eugene Hospital Phar­ ons. Several cities in the state al­ ister unto the children and render industry successfully as an arbiter." macy where she will be regularly ready have taken advantage of the service wherever a nurse may be he said, "and we think we know- employed. provisions of the act by selling needed. such refunding bonds at Interest something about what is going on Disburse Red Cross Kits Visiting Parents— Miss Lucille rates corresponding with current in that industry. Not 3 per cent of Each family in the colony will camp and mill employes want a Richmond came down from Port­ rates in the market. receive a Red Cross first aid kit strike. The overwhelming majority, land Monday evening to spend a "Chapter 87. authorizes cities, containing adequate supplies for in fact, are solidly against a strike few days visiting with her parents. with approval of the electors there the average household emergency of. to convert their outstanding "Thousands of logging camp and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond. sufficient to last many months warrants Into bonds. The purpose sawmill workers in the western New ly Weds Return— M r. and of the amendment is to permit The men also will receive the rtates never even guessed they special volunteer service of the were going to go out on strike on Mrs. William Cox returned the first cities Io reduce the rate of Inter­ Red Cross, comfort kits containing May 6; a strike called by a man of the week from The Dalles and eel upon their floating indebted­ such articles as razors, soap and of whom they had never heard. The cities in Washington where they ness. such as warrants, by replac­ This entire stock of COATS - - SUITS - - DRESSES - - BLOUSES - - had spent their honeymoon. They ing such Indebtedness with bonds the handy little "housewives.’ pac last thing they want is a strike. SKIRTS - - SWEATERS and MILLINERY must be turned into cash im­ kets with thread, buttons, needles are to make their home al 201 which may be sold at a consider­ In the past few days the 4-L of and pins. mediately. Former values have been forgotten - - thia excellent stock of ably lower rate of interest. fices have received hundreds of Sixth street. Families from three of the Med communications from 4-L locals In Ready-to-Wear is going to be eold at prices that will make sale history in "Chapter 381. provides that ex­ west States comprising the contlng all parts of the northwest and Cali- Moved to Enterprise— Wallace cept with the approval of the state Eugene for month» to come. Don't let anything keep you away . - it it an ent that will make the voyage forn-ia. In general, these communi Bradley was here from Enterprise bond commission no broker shall opportunity you may never have again! aboard the St. Mihiel. will be en cations ask "What's It all about, over the week-end visiting with re­ collect commissions upon sales of I tertained by Junior Red Cross any way 7 and say *We don't want latives. He has been with ihe CCC bonds, or fees for preparing the | camp at Cape creek which has been proceedings for bond issues Thio members during their stay in Ban any strike.' GROUP 1 Francisco. A second group of fami GROUP 2 CROUP 3 The strike-scare talk which a transferred to Enterprise in East- enables cities and other civil sub­ lies is scheduled to sail from Seat union organizer cleverly inserted tern Oregon. divisions of the state to save sub­ Beautiful Spring Now Spring Up-to-The-Minute tie aboard the St. Mihiel about in the press is nothing more or less stantial sums of money which May 15. Visits Parents— Mrs. Paul F. might otherwise be paid as com­ than a bid for public attention to Junior Red Croaa Assists an Infant union which is seeking Alley and infant son. Douglas Paul, missions or brokerage In connec­ After they reach their destina to magnify its importance a thous­ returned to their home at Moro. tion with sales of bonds, and also | tion in Alaska, the Junior Red and-fold. It would be mildly amus­ Wednesday after spending several stimulates competition among bond | Cross will make available through ing were it not for the unfortunate •lays here visiting at the home of bidders in the purchase of munt Values to $5.95 Value« to $4.55 Value« to $6.75 tie National Children's Fund, an effect on business in general which her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. clpal bonds.” extensive library containing suffl such wild and unfounded strike- Buell. tieni books to meet the need of all scare rumors always cause.” children in the families and like- Thurston , | McKenzie Valley I ‘ wise the adults. S P R IN G F IE L D M. E. C H U R C H Haatlnga la seriously iS The Tiny Tots Style «how at Charles i Hastings Dean C. Poindexter. Minister Vida last Friday evening attracted TOWNSEND FOLLOWERS “Keeping Faith With the Circuit at his home here TO MEET HERE FRIDAY Rider,” is the theme for the morn­ Montel Rouintree, Mr. and Mrs. a good many from other communi­ CROUP 5 CROUP 4 ing me sage. At 7:30 the sermon Kenneth Giles and baby and Mr. ties. Several numbers were given Another Big Selection of A meeting of the Springfield will be: “Children in the Temple Waldrons and children from Med­ by representatives of other dis­ These Are Real Bargains ford motored here Saturday, return tricts. Towusend club will be held at Tay­ but not in the Church.” 9 ing home Monday. Mrs. Waldrous, The Leaburg choir is sponsoring Of Other lor hall in Springfield Friday even­ who has spent the past week here May festival at Leaburg Friday ing at 7:110 it has been announced. CO BURG M. E. C H U R C H night. returned home with them. Special musical numbers are be­ Dean C. Poindexter. Minister Word has been received from The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira ing planned for the social part of "When the Minister Prays for Former Price« to $8.95 the evening. Await You His Calvary.” is the meeaage for Mrs. James Hill, that she expects Isham was almost burned Sunday Values Up to $10.75 Now Only the 9:45 hour. The Sunday Church to arrive home Saturday. »he has morning, half the roof being burn- been In California for several ed away. Hose line run from Bur- school meets at 10:45. AUTO DEATH RATE HIGH weeks caring for her mother, who j rell Slavens service station man- IN SHERMAN COUNTY i ned by many volunteers, was et- Vida Residerts Here— Ben and 'I Ml. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Rouintree fectlve In extinguishing the blaze, Arthur Mlnney of Vida were visit­ In Oregon last year the sparsely motored to Willamina last Sunday ! During the day twenty-five nelgh- populated county of Sherman had ors in Springfield Wednesday. and visited his Sister. bors worked at re-roofing the Isham the highest death rate according Returns from Hospital — Betty Mr and Mrs. Felix Sparks from home, completing the work Sunday to the Safety department of the Currie, daughter of Mrs. B. G. Blue River spent the week-end with evening before the rain began, Oregon State Motor association. Sankey. returned home from the .Mrs. Arch Shough. Baby fish are again being hauled 77 East Broadway Four counties, Crook, Grant, Mor­ Pacific hospital today where she Williams' Self Service Store John Edmlston Is building a new I to nearby streams for planting by row and Wallowa, had no motor had undergone an operation. chicken house. th- salmon hatchery. vehicle fatalities. N E W DRESS & C O A T CO. FAILS! Their Hard Luck is Good News for You. WILLIAMS’ CO., Inc. Have Bought the Stock at a fraction of its value and are now selling it for what it will bring in a Gigantic Price Slashing Assignee Sale SILK DRESSES SILK DRESSES SILK DRESSES $1.88 $2.88 $3.88 HUNDREDS SILK DRESSES SILK DRESSES BARGAINS $4.88 $6.88 HERE! WILLIAMS’ STORES, Inc. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F '8 SA L E REA L PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County this 1st day of May, 1935, upon and purauant to a decree duly given and made by said Court the 27 day of April. 1935, in a suit pend­ ing therein in which Paul Kloster was plaintiff and Christen Peder­ sen and others were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and command­ ed me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ tain liens and charges in said de­ cree specified, 1 will on Saturday the 1st day of June, 1936, at the hour of ten o’clock, A. M , at the aouthwest door of the County Court House in Eugene, I^ane County, Urego», offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of tbe right, title and Interest of the defendants in said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or un­ der them or any of them, in or to the following described real prop­ erty, to-wlt: The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; tbe North half ! of the Southeast quarter of Sec­ tion Thirty-three (33) and the Southwest quarter of the South west quarter of Section Thirty- four (34) all in Township Nine teen (19) South of Range On». (I) West of the Willamette Meri dlan, cxdVpt a flume right of way as appears of record in Vol. 128 al page 689 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, all being In- I-ane County, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of May, 1935. C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff, By A. B. HULEGAARD, Deputy. (M 2-9-16-23-30)