TH E RPRINOrOBLD NBW8 T H U R S D A Y . MAY 2. H»36 Q WHO IS WHO A Clauificd Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. and What They Do . u . vn w a n t k ii r»»i ituwixisii roui« ui huh tumiilua. Raw lelsh. Ile p t, Oaklund. C alif. H ilt HALE Good W in « today. l l l t l l 1V6-MA, A 26 AUTO DEALERS L -.I ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Used Wood I Export R epairing — A ll W ork Guaranteed. Ituusi» Mountain Mlutuu Pow er Ce. tr III a t Home— Gonion U llle ll« binali «on ol M r. and M r«. W . GII lid i«, I« III at Ills lioiiiu here Goa. (III. T ire s and B ailarles U h and A Bts.. Hprlugflold Ph 49 SCHERER MOTOR CO. H O IC K — O U M IM O B IL K — P O N T IA C M otor Cara B A L E » sod S E R V IC E PLACES ARE OPEN FOR CMTC SUMMER CAMP T h o rs um » till several pluie» open lor l.aue county youth» in the Hiinuul f i li s e l i » M ilita ry T rain in g t alup to he held at Vancouver tln r ia ik a . W u»hlugtuu tor (our weuk »tu rlln g July l>. A ll hoys over I? are ollslhln (or the camp Lune county la e ulltled to 11 boys ui the cump and only Uve placea h ave I hosi llllvd T raiutpurlatlon to uud from ilio camp la provldud uluiig w ith all other expeuaoa. Application« can be made direct Io Vancouver Barracks at Vancou­ ver, W aablugton. 7th and O liv e His. — Phons S66 Eugens, Oregon. BATTERY SERVICE LANUGO M ATTERY FA C T O R Y Hack at our old location. lutes ovsrbead your gain. Hae our now m aterial batteries In gauulue Gates hard rubber cases before you buy. A ll parts handmade In Eugene. For capacity—service— price— noss bet­ ter. R E C H A R G IN G — K B P A IH IN U . 346 Van Huron - I ’hooe 1008 BEAUTY PARLORS N O T IC I FOR P U B L IC A T IO N D epartm anl ot the In ta r lor, U. ft. HOM E BEAUTY SH O P Land OMioe a t Roseburg, Oregon, P E R M A N E N T W A V E S »1.60 A p ril ft, I9J6. A ll W o rk G uaranteed N O T IC I! I» hereoy given that T el. 30 John W W itte , ot Murenia, O re­ Mrs. E lla Parchar gon, who on A p ril 27tli IS M , mude Itoiueateud entry d eris i No. U21J75 CREAMERIES - lo r luita 2. 2, 4, uud MEW N W S *. Hectlou I, Townnhlp IS 8., Huugo Demand the Heat— Coals no Murn 2 W . Wlllaiuriln M eridian, has BLUE HELL tiled notice ot Intention to make D a iry Products lin a i three year Proof, to establish < laho lo I lie land above describí»! Ice Cream . Butter, Cheese, M ilk before K. O. Im m et, U. S. Com m is­ sioner, at Eugnue. Oregon, on the E U U E N E F A R M E R « C R E A M E R Y , lu th day o( M ay. 1936. Phone Eugene (38 Claim ant uames aa witnesses: Floyd Wili-on of M arcóla, O re­ DENTISTS gon, Kay V Itlgg». ot M abel. O re­ gon, John lllb -m s n . of Mabel, Ore- DR. O. A . BROWN gnu, Johti N. W ilson, of M arcóla. Hours » A. M to ft V. M. Oregon Ill one 20-J W IIJ .IA M I I . C A N O N . Iteglater. (A 11 1(4 3b — M 291 Mb and M ain Hta. Springfield Residence 718 A Street. SUMMONS lu C ircu it Court of Hlate of Oregon — for l.aue County. Edna I. PuPrea.\ DU WM. N. DOW P la in tiff, vs. Leroy U. OuProx. D E N T IS T Defendant. . . . . .. t'li l-croy O. DuPrex. Defendant, X Kay Dlagnoela — Hours 8 to 12 IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E 1 to 6 m - by appointm ent. O F O R E G O N You a re required t o . o fr ic , phone 8 — Res. Phone 87 answer the Com plaint filed again»I ... .... _» i _* h you in above entitled court and r , r ” N b U B"1« 8 Pr '«‘ «n ’ ‘d cause w lth lu four weeks from A p ril j" 18.1925, dale ut . i r t l publication FRUIT PACKERS h e re o f, and If you fall so to an j awer on or before the last day of l.'r-nlt C r o w e r ' a A n a 'n the tim e prescribed In the O rder i h u * ‘ !n e U r o w e r B ABB n for Publication hereof, via., for Diamond A. Brand F ru it Packer» w aul thereof, p la in tiff w ill la k e BD colleg e Ice Cream M anufacturers, ply to the court tor the re lie f de-1 mundeil III »aid Com plaint, sue c Col*—K1*1 Beverage clnctly, that the m arriage con true I C ldar Vinegar and bonds of m atrim ony existing Phon» 1480 between you and p la in tiff be dl»- F e r r_ near gth K Eugene, •olved Service hereof Is made u p -. ____________________________ on you by publication In Bprlng a r D r , Q A T t r T O i n e H n w Held New published at Spring A C R O B A T IC T R I O S H O W field , Oregon, for four successive AT REBEKAHS MONDAY weeks by order of said court made B E N N E T T S W A N T O N . J it T h e H yde slaters. Betty Jean, Attorney for P la in tiff, Itesl- ' Cassie Delia, and Donna Fay Hyde, ili-in i-, M at»lifleld. I)regon (A I M S — M 2 ft-l(> entertained the members of Juan- _ . Ila Rebekah lodge al Ih e lr weekly *>US1A6SS D i r e c t o r y meeting Monday evening w ith a ___________________________________ h alf hour program of songs and acrobatics. Edward C. Privat Wntehmaknr and Jeweler BPRJMOnJBLD Bo. Peelfle Watah Insgsstsr First Ctaaa W ork at Reasonable Prices. During (he business session Mrs. l M innie G irard , Dorla G irard, and j L ola C rab tree were named mem- bars ot the M ay social com mittee. NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT IN Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER ■48 A BL Bprlngfleld. Ora T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R LANE COUNTY. In the M a tte r of the Estate of Creed Lane, deceased. Notice Is hereby given (hat the ! undersigned a d m in is tra trix has (lied lu said estate her (Inal ac- i count uud said court has set F riday the 3rd day of M ay. 1836. ut ten i o'clock In the forenoon as the tim e for hearing objections to said final account and the settlem ent there- | of. A ll persoua Interested may ap­ pear and file objections If any they I h ive. Dated A pril 4th. 1936. M A R Y E. L A N E , udinlnlstra trig. C POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e F orm erly W alker-Pools EU G E N E — U th S P R IN G F IE L D and Charneltnn Telephone 723 228 M ain Phone 62 J SM ADTFST O CTAGON KNOW THE TRUE CONDITION OF YOUR EYES A. W IN T E IIM K IE K , attorney. (A 4-11-18-26 — M X ) N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Departm snt of the In te rio r, U. 8. Land O ffice at Roseburg, Oregon, A pril 8, 193ft. N O T IC E Is hereby given that ' Benjam in Joseph H a ll ot M aael, Ore- ! gon, who, on A p ril 27th, 1933, made Homestead entry Serial No. 020822. for 8 W V , N W > , und W f t S W tg ' Section 26. Tow nship 16 8., Range 2 W .. W illa m e tte M eridian, has filed notice of Intention to m ake final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. H. Canon, Reg.. U. 8. lauid office, ut Koieburg, Oregon, on the 13th day of M ay, 1936. Claim ant names an witnesses: Irv in It. W atson, of M ebal O re­ gon: Edv.’-ird D Rice, of Mabel, i in gon. George McCauley, of Mubel. Oregon; W illia m McCauley, of M abel, Oregon. W IL L IA M II. C A N O N . Register. (A 11-18-26 — M 2-9) DANCING 41 West Bth lugana phase of society. Newspapers and th eir circula­ tion. periodicals and book» circula­ ted by lib raries w ill be examined a educational aids and as Indices of the (u ltu ra l a c tiv ity of th peo­ ple of the county, It Is stated FERA LAUNCHES PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS E s ts ra io n S ervice O ffe rs Ooodrlcb T ire s Will Publish Findings HOSPITALS “ A Hom e Owned Station." T be m aterial found w ill be made 6th and A Bts.. Bprlngfleld, Ph. 64 availab le to county and municipal PACIFIC HOSPITAL, authorities, chambers o f commerce, INC. school board« and o ther civic Mitchell Service Staticn 13th and Hllyard bodi»« who wl»h to conduct sim i­ A L L R IC H F IE L D P R O D U C TS Phone 2600 la r surveys, or u»e the data In — Y a le T ires — Eugene. Oregon form u lating planning projects. It Oresslng • B attery Recharging Is stated. _ E x p e rt Radio Repairing by LAUNDRY Industries are being studied with LEE CRAY SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY reference to developm ent, trends, Phono 48-J Floyd Wood. Prop. 7th and M ain Bts Bprlngfleld shift« in seals of Industry and con­ 30» M ain HL. Phone 100 centration In localities T ra n s p o rt­ A ll Kinds of Laundry Service. OREGONIAN ation facilities are being surveyed We C all for and D eliver. ~ ~ SERVICE STATION from the standpoint o f service ren­ A t the Bprlngfleld Junction Your Patronage W ill Be dered by ra il, highways and other GAB A N D O IL S Appreciated. means. A survey of revenue and ex­ S ervice Day and N ig h t penditure of county, city, school LUMBER G rocery Sundries, Tobacco'« and district and road d is tric t w ill be Picnic Goods. completed for all units w ith in tbe The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. W est Bprlngfleld Ph. 9pr. 33-J county. Furnishes a Points To Be Analyzed COMPLETE HOME WOOLEN MILLS T he population w ill be carefully Building and Repairing Service. analyzed from the standpoint of EUGENE For Service Phone Bprlngfleld 5ft growth, m ig ration , concentration, WOOLEN MILL CO. or If no answer, phons 24- J. racial composition, q uality and cul­ • M anufacturers of Woolens. Bprlngfleld. tu ral possibilities, crim e and juv­ Specialising In la d le s enile delinquencies, and agencies | CO ATING S AN D BU1TINOB. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON which look a fte r these phases w ill R e tail D epartm ent at M ill. be studied. O f special significance OR MILTON V. WALKER East End 4 ) o l Section T w elve (1 3 ). Tow nship Seventeen (17) South Range Seven (7) W est of the W illa m ­ e tte M eridian, in L an e County. Oregon. F R E D H . P E T E R S . Receiver. (M 2 9-16-23-30) G overnor M artin w ill be one of a long list of notables attending tbe public banquet which climaxes the seventh annual Future Farm ers of MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. , A m e rita convention at the state M U N C H , E L. M U N C H . A L F R E D SUM M O NS Surgery and Dlseaaea of W om en • J. DO W , M A R C E L L A D O W K E N ­ college M ay 2. 3 and 4. Joining in X Ray and Physiotherapy FO R P U B L IC A T IO N IN N E D Y . and K E N N E D Y . m aking the annual banquet one of F O R E C L O S U R E OF T A X L IE N Defendants: statew ide scope are students and Sp rin gfield. Oregon F irst N atio n al Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E fac u lty In agriculture and leaders S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R T H E of t h - Industry throughout Oregon O F OREGON: C O U N TY OF LANE. You are hereby notified that IR A Injures Ankls— Floyd F lanery IR A A. N IC E and O S IE L. N IC E . A. N IC E and O S IE L. N IC E are strained a ligam ent and Injured ' P la in tiffs . the holders of c e rtific a te o f d ell-| USE STOP LIGHT WHEN vs. IBs ankle Bunday w hile p la y in g , quency numbered 3297. Issued on baseball w ith some younger boys, i M A R T H A L E O N A S T A C E Y and tbe 2nd day of July. 1934. by the TAIL LIGHT GOES OUT W IL L IA M E. S T A C E Y , her hus lie wa« running over rough ground I T ax Collector o f the County of band; J. E. B U N D A Y as Execu Lane, State of Oregon, for the T h e stop light can be converted to catch u fiy ball. to r of the estate of John Munch deceased- C A R R IE D E N IS O N : amount of 249.*7 the same being into an emergency ta ll light by the amount then due and delinqu­ N O T IC E OF R E S IG N A T IO N anil C H A R L E S B D E N IS O N , tigh ten in g the w ire that extends her husband; R A C H E L H A M ent for taxes for the year 1928. to­ N O T IC E 1» H E R E B Y G IV E N : gether w ith penalty, interest and from the stop light switch to the M E R A D and G E O R G E H. H A M T h a t M y rtle Benson w ill on Mon­ M E R A D , her husband. M O N T IE costs thereon upon the real prop­ b rake pedal, according to the O re ­ day. the 3rd day of June. 1935 ap­ H A R R IS and R H H A R R IS , her e rty assessed to M arth a Leona gon S ta te M otor association, which ply to the County Court of laine husband; G O LD A M U N C H , an Stacey, of which M a rth a Leona Is sponsoring the “ Let's Q uit K ill­ i oiuity, Oregon for an O rder ac­ unm arried woman; R. E. M U N C H Stacey Is the owner as appears of cepting her resignation as A dm in­ ing" safety campaign. T h is ,*111 an unm arried m an ; E. L. record, situated In the said County is tra trix of the E state of Pauline M U N C H , an unm arried man. A L ­ und State and p artic u la rly bound­ cause the stop light to burn con­ M Waggoner. Deceased. F R E D J. D O W . an unm arried ed and described as follows to-w lt: tinuously. T he ta ll light should be Dated Ibis 2nd day of M ay. 1936. Lot 7. of Block 26 of the O ri­ man. M A R C E L L A D O W K E N M Y R T L E HENSON. ginal P lat or Extended Survey put In w orking order as soon as N E D Y and KENNEDY, |M 2-9 16-23-3(11 of Springfield. Lane County. O re­ possible. her husband. Defendants gon. You are fu rth e r notified that T O : J. E. B U N D A Y as Executor | N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N H it By W ild Bat— Russell Proc­ Departm ent of the In te rio r, U. 3. o f the estate of John Munch, de­ the said Ir a A. Nice and O sie L. to r received a badly gashed cheek Nice have paid taxes on the ’aid RACHEL HAMMERAD Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, ceased; and G E O R G E H. H A M M E R A D . premises for p rior or subsequent F rid a y when he was struck by a A p ril 3, 193S. M O N T IE H A R R IS and R H . H A R ­ years w ith the ra te of interest on w ild ly swung bat w hile playing N O T IC E is hereby giveu that R IS . G O LD A MUNCH, R. E. snld amounts as follows: baseball. Irv in R. W atsou, of M ubel, Ore­ Rate o f gon, who. on M arch 27th, 1933. made Year's Amount Tax Date W hen Homestead entry S erial No. 020746. Interest Receipt No. Paid T ax 8 percent N \ i H EW . S W U S E K . S B M S W U 1929. all 345.98 X02737 July 2. 1934 8 percent Section 26. Tow n hip 16 8.. Range 2 1930. all 49.22 leave a greasy residue. I t Is so X02737 July 2. 1934 Quick. Sure Relief 8 percent W .. W illa m e tte M eridian, has filed 1931. all 48.77 pow erfully antiseptic and deodor­ 38861 July 2. 1934 Or Your Money Back 8 percent notice >f Intention to make final 1932. a ll 59.73 ant that all unpleasant o rd o rj re­ 32264 July 2. 1934 T h is w onderful preparation now sulting from exceasive foot per­ three* year Proof, to establish claim 1933 34 8 percent known a ll over A m erica as Moone's spiration are instantly killed. One to the laud above described, before 1st H a lf 25.28 July 2. 1934 8 percent E m erald O il is so e ffic ie n t in tbe bottle w ill show you beyond all W . H. Canon, Register, U . 8. I-ano 3rd Q uarter 12.43 Sept. 15. 1934 tre a tm e n t of Inflam m atory foot question th a t you have at last dis­ O ffice, at Roseburg. Oregon, on the l^ s t Q uarter 8 percent 12.43 Dec. 15. 1934 troubles that the unbearable soce- covered the way to solid foot com- 13th day of Moy. 1936. 1935 8 percent ness and pain often stops w ith one) fort, C la im a n t names ns witnesses: 12.14 M ar. 16. 1936 1st Q u a rte r application. - Ask Flanery's D rug Store or your Edw ard D. ' Rice. Benjam in Moone's Em erald Oil is safe and ! druggist today fo r a 2 ounce bottle 3265.98 Joseph H a ll. George McCauley, and T O T A L A M O U N T O F T A X E S P A IO pleasant to u se; it doesn't stain or 1 of Moone’s Em eral O il W illia m M cCauley, a ll of Mabel, Said M artha Leona Stacey as the the amount due as shown above to­ Oregon. gether w ith the costs and accrued ow ner of the legal title of the W IL L IA M H. C A N O N . Register. above described property as the interest and In case of your fa il­ (A 11-18 25 — M 2 9 ) same appears of record and W il­ ure to do so a decree w ill be rend liam E. Stacey, her husband; J. E. ered foreclosing the lien of such N O T IC E FOR P U B L fC A T IO N Bunday as Executor of the estate taxes and costs against the land Departm ent of the In te rio r, (J. S. of John Munch, deceased; C arrie and premises named. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Denison and Charles B. Denison This summons is published by April 8, 1935. her husband; Rachel Ham m ered order of the Honorable F red Fisk. N O T IC E is hereby given that and George H. H am m ered her hus­ County Judge of the County of GOOD CHEER AND COMMON SENSE PROGRAM Edw ard D. Rice, of Mabel, O re ­ band; M o n tle H a rris and R H. Lane, S tate of Oregon, and said gon. who, on A p ril 26th. 1933. made H a rris , her husband; Golila Munch, O rder was made and dated the 23 day of AprU. 19.35, ordering the Homestead entry Serial No. 020809. an unm arried woman; R. E. Munch, Every Tuesday Over Radio Station K-O-R-E for NE14, Section 25. Tow nship 15 an unm arried m an; E. 1». Munch said summons to be published once 8.. Range 2 W ., W Illa m e tte M e rid la n , an unm arried m an; A lfred J. Dow, a week fo r four successive weeks, 7:15 to 7:30 has filed notice o f Intention to an unm arried m an; M arcella Dow the date o f the firs t publication of this summons to be on the 25th day Kennedy Poems and songs that you enjoy to hear. make fin a l three year Proof, to Kennedy and establish claim to the land above her husband, the other defendants of A pril. 1935, anil the last pub­ With lication on the 23rd day ot M ay, herein nam er are hereby fu rth e r described, before W . H . Canon, The Good Cheer Melodists 1935. notified that Ira A. N ice and Osie Register, U. S. Land O ffice, at A ll process and papers in this Roseburg. Oregon, on the 13th day L Nice w ill apply to the C ircu it Veltie P ruitt — Ruth Leinhard — Rena Smith Court of the County and State proceeding may be served upon the of May. 1935. aforesaid for a decree foreclosing undersigned, residing w ithin the Claim ant names as witnesses: Irv in R. W atson. George M cCau­ the lien against the property above State of Oregon at the address “Judge not. for one unjust reproach an honest heart can- feel ley. W illia m M cCauley, and B enja­ described and mentioned In said h ereafter mentioned. As keenly a the deadly stab made by the pointed steel.” 1. M P E T E R S O N , A tto rn ey for min Joseph H a ll, all of Mnhel. O re­ c e rtific a te and you are hereby sum P la in tiffs . Address: Junction moned to appear w ith in sixty days gon! C ity, Oregon. W IL L IA M H . C A N O N . Register. a fte r the d ale of said firs t publica­ (A 25 — M 2 9-16-23) tion and defend this action or pay (A ll-1 8 -2 r — M 291 A c h in g , S w o lle n F e e t Poole Funeral Home lasst « t crm G « « voo Bf t rt R TjR a ovR U p itti PlAUi lOWAtUlS HOME U X MOT Ht o V itu Bt WAIT- IWÚ PlMHEtt FOS.U6 ----- — d By E D . K R E S S Y irfeaci im o our ecxjffT- 60 FLAN3 BOVS AUD FIND MM6 , IMTID6STIU6 kUCHB ' Vi STT 19 Ç n EPSH FIW6BW6N W MOT MtMlIOM h * MOM»« E CsscHiua saw im * fouzmimb MM F ree home recreation Just prepared by Miss Bkow has already been mailed upon request to more than 600 hom em akers, and more are going out d ally. It includes 32 sugges­ tions fo r active gam e-, puzzles, stuois, and other forms of recrea­ tion for all members of the fam ily. It la known as H E 711. and like all extension service publications. Is free upon request to Oregonians. Miss Bkow also prepares a m onthly bulletin for com m unity re­ creation leaders w ith suggestions for games, ongs and other amuse­ ments on a com m unity basis. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries ----------- FARM PRICES GO 10 HIGHER LEVEL Fconomic, Business, and So­ Exports Considerably Below HOME RECREATION IS cial Aspects Of Lane Rési­ 1926-30 Average; Larger VITAL. PARENTS’ BELIEF dents To Be Studied Crop Is Predicted W ork on the economic, business B u lle tin O f Q am sa and and social urv»y of L an e county, DAN C E Carl R. Balter Film Shop E n te rta in m e n t P la n t a project that Is expected to a ttrac t Kastm an Film » — Kodaks — A T W IN T E R ! ¡A R D E N national attentio n. Is now under Fram es — Album»— M otion Oregon homemakers are coming "T h e Ounce T h a t's O K farent" way. It wo» announced at fhe Uni Picture Cameras. to realise that recreation, no less ver» Ity of Oregon today by Dr. W a Photograph E veryth in g E very Haturday N ig h t than food and clothing, has an im ­ Kulph W. Lelghlon. executive sec­ Anywhere. O n t o 26c Ladles 10« portant place in ram lly living, says re tary of research at the U n iv e r­ M ull film s to P. O. Box 8<7 Miss G ertru de Bkow, home demon <•8 W illa m e tte , Eugene Ph. 626 sity of Oregon. stratlo n agent at large w ith tbe FURNITURE The survey, which w ill be com­ O r'g o n S ta le college exten-lon ser­ PRINTERS pleted a» an FBftA project, w ill be vice. A widespread Interest Is be­ JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. of unu uul Im portance since it 1» Ranges and Circulators T H E W ILLAM ETTE PRESS expe< ted to serve oa a model In the ing shown In ways and means of Heveral Lines Including Montag. providing this recreation within Bprlngfleld program of the state planning o r­ the home. Miss Bkow say«. Lluoleum — In la id sod F e lt Hose Phone 2 ganization» Since Ixine is a rep- A ttra c tiv e Prices on F u rn itu re Indications of this Interest are Business Statio nery— O ffice Forms reaentatlv» county area, and In­ and Ruga. found In tbe eager participation of Booklets — Placards — cludes In It» boundaries »ea coasts home-makers In the recreation pro He» Us Before You Huy Dodgers, etc. and mountains, rich riv e r valleys, g nu s In the series of fam ily living W e D eliver Phone 118ft 64» W illa m e tte Eugene A M odern P rin t Shop Producing und huge tim b er area», a wide v o rl-j conferences held in many counties Up-To-D ate Printing. ety of agriculture, m a n u fa c tu rin g 1 throughout Ibe state thia spring. GROCERIES Phone end s Balesmsn W ill Call. and many o ther pba»ea of econmlc. | Mis» Skew reports, and In Ibe ever- social and p olitical conditions, the | increasing num ber of requests for OlBULEE’B ' findings and techniques perfected SERVICE STATIONS uggestions on games, crafts and by (hone In charge can be used as other activities for the fam ily RED & W H ITE GKOCUKY a basis for p ractically any area or group. Phone 4 A ST. SERVICE STATION Cor. 4th and M ain Hta., Bprlngfleld G eneral Gasoline. O il sod Oreases planning project. It Is pointed out. A new m ini ographed leaflet on W h e th e r you wear glasses nr ■nil, you can come to Dr. Kiln Meade's O ptical headquarters for an eye exam ination w ith the full assurance that glasses w ill not lie prescribed nr «hanged unless the future w elfare of your eyes demand It. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist PAOB THREE i l USEE IM A IK IIM TL6YFT TU4YHAD A B illlF THAT &A8LK MAM M6U S T R Ö M S T » FED IL AMOS va TH ONIOUS JD VMS MMASM» VUOtKANM III SOUTH AFRICA IT IATO THIA OAV COUAIOARED lAt- a iu A A jooQuBv on u u o ttrtAki a w o w LUCKY TO 966IM JOW»** ------------- OF IMFOOTAUCJB PURIU« TMS LAST OUARTSBOV TUB MOMS