The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 02, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS P eterson R ep lies to
Last W eek E ditorial
rubllah««! K««ry Thur-day at
l^ ue County, Oregon by
T hursday . may 1 1 van
K MAXKY, Editor
Eutsred ■» »ecoad elsa» matter. February 34. 1*0.1. at the poatotttce.
Springfield, Oregon
O b « Y ear In Advauea ........ »1.50
Sts Mouths ....
Tw o Yearn in a d v a n c e __ 1X50
T h ree Month»
T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2. 1*25
It appeara that the next few m ouths is to see a big fight
between the Loyal Legion of lxiggera ami Lumbermen and
the American Federation of I-almr union in the lum ber in­
dustry. Both unions an 1 negotiating wage scales with the
employers. The demands of the A. F. of L. for a 75 cent an
hour minimum for common labor on a 30-hour instead of
a Id-hour week is considered exliorbitant when the condi­
tion of the industry is considered. The code minimum is
42 Gj cents per hour.
The Four-L, which was started in w ar time, is made up
of both employees and employers and has performed satis­
factorily for most of the industry. To the A. F. of L. it is a
company union and must be slaughtered. The present set
up looks like trouble in the near future. Trouble will be dis­
astrous for all parties concerned. The consum er thinks he
is paying plenty for lumber already.
“The General and the Lady” would m ake a good title
for a moving picture of what is going on behind the scenes
in Governor M artin's effort to remove Mrs. W alter Pierce
from the state board of higher education. Mrs. Pierce, who
has not attended any board m eetings since she went to
W ashington. D. C. as secretary to her congressm an hus­
band. fears for higher education if she is removed. She
«ries politics and accuses the governor of trying to dom in­
ate the Oregon scene. Since the governor is an “officer
and a gentlem an" and the lady the wife of an illustrous
congressm an, the quarrel is most disconcerting. Mrs. Pierce
has already throw n out a 6000 word epistle. The state
police should investigate her red hot m essage and the burn­
ing of the old capitol building. Perhaps it was more than
the old structure could stand.
Every com m unity it seems has its internal troubles.
Over in Bend they are all in a sweat over moving the court­
house from a private rented building to an unused school
building. The move is making more work for the attorneys
on both sides than for the transfer men. “ Eight 'em Ore­
gon" should be our state anthem .
Lumber sales last week were 23 per cent more than
production and shipm ents were 8 per cent more. This is a
good sign that the lumber business should be better the next
few weeks.
The fire at the state capitol building dem onstrated that
the state of Oregon can not carry its own insurance and be
adequately protected any more than an individual. It was a
disaster that is a complete loss to the state.
-------------- • --------------
Sales of the first 17 chain-store and m ail-order com­
panies to report for March or for the 4-week period in that
month were $151,087,125. a gain of 5.78 per cent over
sales of $142,832,809 for the sam e companies in the like
weeks of 1934.
There are 205,000 stockholders in the group with
which our own power company is affiliated. That should
explain who owns the power companies.
Most people with nothing to say give
dence of th a t fact.
wordy evi­
More horse sense behind the steering wheel instead of
more horsepower under the hood is needed now days.
Personal liberty without opportunity is not a thing of
great value.
Lessons from The Book
Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Oregon
“You are the salt of the earth! But if salt loses its
strength, how can it be made salt again? It is good for
nothing but to be thrown away and be trodden under foot.
You are the light of the world! A city th a t is built upon a
hill cannot be hidden. People do not light a lamp and pul
it under a peck-m easure; they put it on its stand and it
gives light to everyone in the house. Your light must burn
in that way am ong men so that they will see the good you
do and praise your Father in Heaven." Goodspeed.
Production, Naw Business and Un
tilled O rders. All Show
Increase In Northw ast
April 2«. 1915 llxbcd In this ucwspnpor tu tlcto
her. 1926, on IS pieces of property
Editor Springfield New»:
Scalile Wash May 3 \ total
bidonglug Io the following Indl
Your editorial of yealervlay
viduals Arthur Kliklpud: James of 519 down and operating mills In
»tale« that In year» past the Re­
Frat'-r. C. N McClain, Claud« Sig­ Oregon and Washington which re
corder ha» drawn several hundred nor; Jessie Walker. Henry Phelan; ported Io Ihe West Coast Lumber
dollar, commission for collection
Seth Itatstrick, tl W. Drlnkhard. men's as octal Ion for Ihe week;
charges on city liens. I knew that
Ethel Clark. Lout <- Kettlehelm ending April 20. produced 99.682,
story was being circulated in and Thomas Sikes. Mr. Peterson 842 board feel of lumber. Tills wus
Springfield and like so many of collected commissions on these approximately 3,000,000 reel over
(he olhers. there Is no truth In II.
pieces ard In addition on som,- 26 Ihe preceding week. The average
I never drew one cent a.- commis
or 30 others, which wo list lutrllul weekly production ot this group
aion In addition to the regular Re­ ly below ns far as they are shown ot sawmills In 1935 has been 84.-
corder's satan white I was Re on city records.
767.059 feet; during the same per­
corder for collection of city liens
Mr. Peterson states In his letter iod In 1914 their weekly uverugc
and I am well enough acquainted
to us that “compen-atton having was 85.115.606 reel.
with the hooka there to know that
The new business reported last
been agreed upon before tin- work
no other Recorder was ever paid was started.'* In rending through week by 519 mills wus 121.171.703
any such commission.
the minute book for 1926 we Itnd iMMtrd feet against a production of
The mailer of several hundred no record ot any authority being 99.682.842 feel and shipments of
dollars collection charges being given Mr Peterson to collect these 107.744,296 feel. Their shipments
paid has been so distorted that liens and to receive 10 per cent were over producllou by 8 1 per
there is no semblance ot truth collection fees. If he had such an cent and «heir current sales were
In the present story. In 1926, agreement It appears not to he of over production by 21,8 percent
while H. W. Smith was Recorder record. However, ho must of hud The orders booked lust week by
the Mayor and Council employât! some verbal authority from some­ this group of Identical mills were
me as Attorney to foreclose a uum body since he was able to get hts over Ihe total In ihe preceding
l>er qof delinquent liens and to bills tor collections allowed,
week by about 12.500.000 fee! or
make cash collections on others.
approximately 11.2 percent.
Liat of »308 Payment
If possible, which had been drag
A group of 426 Identical mills
Fallowing 1» the group ot prop
gtng over a long period of years. erttes which Mr. Peterson received whose records are- complete for
I spent six Io eight months of »308 tor collecttuns on
both periods show total orders 1916
hard work on these foreclosures
J. W Baker. Mrs. J C Burna. Io dale of 1.438,337. 715 board feet,
and collections and dlspoaed ot M. M. Peery. A. K. Sattaeney. It. A. compared with 1.220,921.506 board
some »10.000.00 of old liens on th* and F L. Travis. A. E. Senseney, feet for Ihe same period In 1914. an
books. For this service I w .« paid Smith and Luckey, H. A. and F. L. increase of 17.8 percent.
ihe "several hundred dollars" yon Travis. C. K and Laura L. Hrattaln.
The unfilled order file at these
refer to. The compensation having J. A. Fogarty. K. O. Browning. J. mills stood at 194.898.968 board
been agreed upon by the Council W. Machen. Edgar E. Kcater. M J feel, approximately 11.000.000 feet
before Ihe work was started. The McKlln, It A. Wallis, Louise B. over Ihe week before. The aggre­
whole matter was flulshed before I Bettlehelm. C. N. McClain. Ethel gate Inventotrles of 426 mills are
became Recorder and after 1 be­ Clark. H. A. Wallis, Uracc and Jes­ 5.7 percent less than al this time
came Recorder no commission was sie Walker. Claude Signor, Seth last year.
ever charged.
Ralstrlck. O. M Larson, Henry
You. as editor of Ihe paper there, Phelan. U, W. Drlnkard.
should remember the whole trans
Liat »333 Paym ent
action. You have only to go back
Following Is the group of proper
to your files and books to find that lies Mr Peterson received »333 88
Summer session proper nt Ore-
you printed the foreclosure forms for collection on.
prescribed by the Charter and that
J. W Machen. Maggie J. France. gon Stale college will run from
you published the foreclosure no J. N. Fogarty. Thomas and Sallle June 24 to August 2, and the post-
tices In your paper.
Sikes. A. E. Senseney. Washburne session from August 2 Io August
Yours truly.
and Clark. B B. McKinney. F. C. 30. This will be Ihe first regular
post-session to be held at O. 8. U.
The Itemised statement the It will offer course« In education
»176.17 covered appeals not to be and science, and will be entirely
Editor’s Note: We are more In­
self-supporting, as required by Ihe
on file at the city hall.
terested In what Is to be done In
We publish the above matters stale board of higher education.
the future by Springfield govern­
Student« are able Io earn nine
without comment or attempted In­
ment than what has transpired in
terpretation so that the reader can credits In summer session«, and six
the past. However, since Mr. Pet
form hts own opinion as to whether In Ihe post-session. Thus for the
erson has seen fit to object to our
he approves or disapproves of the first lime, teacher« from Washing­
editorial we think our readers
ton and other slates where they are
procedure followed.
should know what facts are or are
required to eurn 15 credlta during
not of record.
the summer will be able tu obtain
Mr. Peterson was elected re­ MANY LOSE DRIVERS
them al Oregon Mate college. Dean
corder November 2. 1*2«. Previous
to that date he had been appointed
Dr. W. E. Hlalx. director of HI
city attorney at a stated salary.
Forty-one drivers lost the right George's School for Child Study
Algo during September, 1926, he to operate motor vehicle« on the at the University of Toronto, will
acted as city recorder for R. W. highways of Oregon during the be on the home economic« slat!
Smith, who was on leave of ab- month of March as a result of con- again this year. Dr. lilatx Is an In­
vlction ou charge» of drunken ternational authority on child dev
W a rrant» Listed
driving, according to reports com elopment,. family relationships and
Since Mr. Peterson came Into piled by Earl Snell, secretary of parent education. who gained wide
the employ of the city, warrants stale, this week A total of 71 re­ popularity among those attending
were drawn In his favor, other vocations and suspensions were his classes at Ihe 1914 summer ses­
than for his regular salaries as city made for all causes.
attorney and recorder. In amounts
Eleven of the drunken driving
totaling about »1000. according to convictions were In Portland. In
the city warrant register The larg­ addition to the loss of license for JUNIOR WEEK-END AT
est items warrants were drawn for operating while Intoxicated, seven
U. O. SET MAY 10-12
were on the following dates: Sept. other drivers were penalized by re­
14, 1926. »176.17; November 9. 1926. vocations. three on charges of man-
Junior week end. with Its annual
»308.01; December 14. 1926. »333.88; slaughter, one for falling to stop Mother's day oils« rvance, i-sia-e
January 11. 1927. »14.40; February at the scene of an accident, and fete, campus luncheon, and other
16. 1927. »50.00; and June 12, 1928. three for driving while license was school activities will be held al the
University on May 10-11 and 12 II
In his dual capacity as Recorder
Suspended licenses during March was announced this week. The an­
and city attorney It was not always numbered 23. with 17 on charges nual Mother’s banquet will be held
clear to the laymen In which office ' of reckless driving, three for speed, Saturday evening, and the canoe
he was functioning. However, so j Ing. two for physical disability, and fete will start at 8:30 the same
far as we are concerned we have ! one for driving while license was evening.
Ihe same objections to the city at- suspended
torney or any other employee draw­
Prune Control Mas—B. M. Le-
ing extra compensation for duties
Returns Home— Margie Pohl re­ Ferve of Springfield was re-elected
his salary is supposed to cover.
turned to her home at Astoria Sun­ a member of the Prune Control
Foreclosed On Following
day after spending several weeks Board at a meeting held in M m
Foreclosure notices were pub- here with relatives.
Saturday evening.
f i '¿gl
Candy for Mother
A Symbol of Thoughtfuln»**
Experience hit» taught ua what kind of awset-
iiK'iitH your m other Is likely to prefer. I hua you can
h«> sure that our M other's day assortm ent will he
thoroughly welcomed ami enjoyed.
Spe« lal boxes will he made up according to your
preference at on extra charge.
Mothers like our candy.
"W here the Service Is D lffe ro u t'
Dairy Product* As You Liks Them!
Our milk ami creaiu comes from the best dairy
farm s In llils locality. The dairy products m anufac­
tured from milk and cream In our modern plant are
high class and will please you.
Use MAID O'CRKAM Butler. Milk, (’ream ami
t ’ottage Cheese,
Always at your service.
Springfield Creamery Co.
Buy Your
Fulop’8 Dopt.
A large stock of high qual­
ity shoes are her«' for your ap­
proval. Stylish shoes you will
be proud to wear
Price* Range from $1.98 to
$2.98 for Men and Women'»
Children'* Shoe* 98c up.
These are very attractive
1 shoes at attractive prices.
Hot Water
At All Ti nes Day or Night Can Be Obtained
By Installing a
You gross I
more mousy
with a
We found from the beatitudes that a Christian C harac­
ter dem ands the love of goodness. This goodness cannot
exist nor grow except in relation to other people. It is like
salt th at sw eetens’and puri.ies and saves. The Christian’s
mission is to be the salt of goodness to society, sweetening
and cleansing the people Among primitive peoples salt
was about the only preservative for food. To these people
Jesus said, “Ye are salt.” He also said, "Ye are light.” Light
does not exist to be seen hut for illumination that ail tilings
might be seen in their proper relations. The beacon light
of your goodness should lead men. not to you, but to the
Heavenly F ather who is revealed in you.
Your light is easily sm othered and the savor of your
salt will soon evaporate if you try to cover the one or save
the other. The light must shine out and the salt m ust be
put to use.
Both must be used. Just so your goodness
will only last and grow as it is usefully given. Jesus says
society is in the dark and spoiling. Only the salt and light
of Christian character, radiating in and saturating society,
will suffice to m ake it pure and give it direction. Beware
lest the light become too dim and the salt lose its saltness.
In (lie parable of the talents Jesus tells of the man, who
having only one talent, decided to hide it In the earth and
save it. The m aster of that servant found him unprofit­
able and gave his talent to another who proved able to put
it to use.
Gas Autohot
Storage Water Heater
HE moment you buy It , the Ford
V-8 tr u c k b eg in s to aava you
money, becaufk It w ill do m o w w o r k -
haul more ’ ons at less cost. Its notably
low fixed costs and Its marked economy
of operation and maintenance combine
to ton-m ile haulage coats. Its
new forward load distribution permits
carrying more pay-toad ahead of the
rear axle. This results In longer tiro
and brake life—less body and chaaeta
strain—more room In the cab.
We are ready to prove the ab ility as
well as the economy of the St h. p.
Ford V-8 truck. We w ill furnish the
truck—even the gas and oil. You tost
It w ith your loads on your routes with
your driver and check the results. There
b no obligation. There are no rtrin g r to
th b offer—your sound businees Judg­
m ent w ill be our reward.
M O B I IM A M I V I g A M IB IC A 't • ■ ■ A Î fgU C K VALU«
P.aty Trrm t through
U e iv m a l t ru lli Com-
party—ibo Aulhorbod
Perd Pirtaan Plea.
A Liberal Allowance for Your Oid Hot Water Heator, If
You Purchase an Automatic Storage Water Heater.
Northwest Cities Cis Co.