THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS •ÌIIKTY HKCONI) YEAH SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, ORBUON. TIU KSOAY, MAY 2, 11435 ■ ■ - ■ —— — ' ■ ........... — NO. 16 SCHOOL YEAR Ï0 Benefit Party STREET PROJECT ^oca^ Couple Is BALL TEAM TAKES Io™ People See [RACK ARJI5J5 Will A id I amilv Jygun ¿R C ¡ £|jQ Secretly Wed CLOSE MAY 24 EIGHTH III ROW SECOND IN MEET Priscilla Member» En tort aid Doris Gerber and George Pet Needlecraft and Husbands f-iu itc e » Stile» To B» Valedic­ City Has Spent $1499.93 Of • ’’••n Tell Of Marriage At At Social Event Tonight $1700 Budget; SERA Pays Toledo On December 15 torian and Mary Trotter Snlutntorian For Class Workers A about $3400 Member of the I'rlscllla club Pleasant Hill and Lowell Only Teams Undefeated By Springfield Nine Ml a BACCALAUREATE IS SET Juanita Seaman, Joan Seavey and Edna Severson Com­ pete For Civic Club Cup will pluy host this evening to mem tiers of the Needl craft club and husbands of ledli groups ot a party to ho glvon In Taylor hull at 8 o'clock. A program and refresh­ ments will lie given. Friday afternoon the i'rlscllla ■ tub will spotv171499 93 for home near frvlng material«, supervision, and otbor .... - necessary expenses up to May 1, according to a report given E a rl' Thomp on. chairman of the street committee, today by Lum F An­ derson. project supervisor. SERA laborers have us d up 5568 hours of the allotment made In the! project, and had received >3.000 j ---------- wuges when the last pay check* w ill See Eaglet Awards Frl were given out on April 26. The j day; Three Training Ses­ total money sp-nt for labor by the! sions Set __ for Saturday government at the end of the! ____ month will l>e about >3400 | Th„ (kjur, of Awardg H IL L B IL L IE S Elmira Wins 1936 Convention Of I. O. O. F.; Meeting , Springfield Runs Away With Here Held Successful Top High School Place On Hayward Field E. V. Schiller and »toy V. Miller, I troth oi Elmira, were elected preai- N EXT ' 'lent unit secretary treasurer rw- S M IT H LEADS VICTORS pectively of the L eae County I. O. ----------- U. O. Frosh On Saturday o. F Assoc iation at the d ose of the Squad Coes To Corvallis Sat- Schedule; Junction City liU H in e u s sea-tons held here Friday. urday For Valley Meet; Pre- They succeed Elmer E. Fyne and Is Good Competition pare For District Events Oswald M. Olson, both of Spring- Springfield high school added an-j Geld. Elmira waa also named os That Springfield high school other pair of ha ehall victories to the 183« convention headquarters, track candidates will be a real their list during the week bringing- threat to all other schools entered their total of straight victories to co n v e n tio n - , b|> dtotrtc, comp..t| t|on on May eight Schools whose teams aided * hlth brought ,8 registered Odd „ wa> lndlcaled FrWay afternoon In bringing In the additional vie- ’’«*><’» » delegates to the city, was wbfc0 Marton H all'; Springfield atu- torh-H were F nlver.lty high a n d ! 1"* *’ *•»«« P «*ram at the high - denU ran away w(lb #n Junction city. The Belknap C C c j “ * bool “0' auditorium »“dltorlum which wo* at- e third in the quar- ter m ile race. solos by Miss Evelyn Buell. With less Hum three weeks of actual class work rnmulnlng of tlx- present »chool year, students at Sprlugfield high school are now facing a very full schedule of acti­ vities which are always shoved In to the elnsliiK weeks nt the school year. Final examination» ure sla u d tu lie I ll- I ll m i M i l l 'I H ill 22, w it h ■ e lllH li'Ilc e u ie n t exercises coming en Muy 24 Sslsctlon la Close Francis Stile» has been chosen valedictorian ot the graduating class, and Mary Trotter la to lie that saliitnliirlsn Announcement of the selections was made at the h(gh i school this week The scholastic I average« were very close. Miss, Ktlles having a total of 124 points. In comparison to the 123 earned by ■ A total of >«»00 ha been granted wblch bud pluIinM, , or 8prlng the city for labor on the project field on Monday wus postponed Miss Trotter., hut a part of thia will probably re- this week due to the Illness of sev The other oulstandtna honor of , — - ... . main unexpended as the city has eral of the Girl Scouts who were the oulor year, winning of the Church Group Forms Work not . , budgeted , . . any . funds . . for gaao r t'lvlc ('lull cup. which goes to the | Relief Project At Banquet; I line and other supplies beyond the to have received awards, and plans senior girl chosen as the moat out- j for county meetings during the Many Men Are Present ! >1700 which will be used up soon visit of Miss Vail Stark, regional standing girl In the class. Is being contented for hy Juanita Henman, The city expenditures are lifted executive, were announced for on the report us follows for the Saturday by Mias Eunice Gerber, Joan Heavs-y and Edna Heverson. project within the church was com­ period from the start of the pro­ leader of the local Girl Scouts. Announcement of the selection of pleted here Tuesday evening by ject up until May 1: these three students Io he voted on A training class will be conduct-i members of the M- ii ’ ii Bible close ’ Item Amount ed at the Eugene Chamber of Com-I for the honor was made Tuesday. of Die Christian church. The men Gravel ______ _______ The winner will be determined > «50,47 merce Saturday morning at 8 met at the church parlors tor a l.ane Co. Itoad Patrol licit Tuesday, hut announcement of 178 8« o'clock hy Mis- Stark and all pat Upsets Arc Recorded chicken dinner and program given Hadley To Strengthen Team the fortunate girl’s nemo will be Ind Accident Ins. 158 88 rot leaders are urges) to attend. Next Tuesday promises to bring by the Gld Gold team which lost Hadley, sprint man on the Lumber ____ „._______ withheld until Girls la-ague senior 68.68 All directors of Girl Scouts a r e , another test game when Springfield in the recent membership content Gasoline ........... ......... .. Springfield team was out due to hreakfacl on the closing day of 163.88 asked to meet with Miss Roof at travel to Pleasant Hill. Pleasant to the Purple team. illness and ha been bothered with O i l ________________ 6.42 the Eugene chamber of Commerce' Hill is the only team on the sche­ school. W A. Taylor waa named clerg sore muscles this week. Hall is Supervision ........ ........... 195.00 at the same hour for a leader's! dule which the team has not met F in al Events Listed for the relief project which will trying to g “t him Into condition for Hardware ........ ............. t ah udar of events at the school M »z training class. Miss Roof is accom- j yet. The Hillbillies are rated as one have as Ita roxjiir p u rp o e the eat- the district meet as he Is almost fur the noxt three weeks Includes Truck A Trac tor Matnt 22 82 , panvlng Miss Stark on her Rupee-! of the strong team, in the district, ulillshiio-nt of an employment cen­ sure to place In the short races and Muy II Junior Senior banquet but they lost to Eugene high yes­ ! lion visit. ter Plana call for the Hating of add points for the local school. Total Io he held In Eugene. >1498 83 That afteruoou at 2 o’clock all terday in an extra period game 8-9. employment, whether It be odd Joba He may get a chance to test his May 17 Senior c l a s s play. A total of 30 men are working on , „„„hers and patrol leaders, and or permanent work with Mr. Taylor If Springfield takes the Hillbil­ Early Thurston Resident Dies ability Saturday in a W illamette the project this week. They M* I troop commHtee members are ask '•Tommy.'* lies they then will hold victories j Wednesday; Interment To ! valley track and field meet at Cor­ and he will thus be able to direct Improving and widening the extern at„ .nd „ diM.u a|o„ gatber May 1»—Class picnics. over every team on the schedule j persons who wish to work and who Be At Mt. Vernon vallis if he gets Into condition by Bnxl<1UM h«ve May 19 llnnralnureute sermon are capable of doing the particular Sion C.r South Second street around ,B< Mlaa ,;erl„.r except f-owell. Lowell handed the that time. Hail Is planning to take mothers of Springfield Girl Scouts! local» a . marking defeat right at st Methodist church In evening Job to the person ottering the work. the hlU. of Thurston s pioneer re«i - all hts track candidL te/to'the A detailed report of the work attpn <| „,1 m m a tin g , with lb v I loan C. Poindexter the start of the season the only « Hastings, passed and akt, several of tha Daring the dietier Tueeday even and wl„ will algo also , take the done on each • Greet will be pub- Tb„ Springfield Court of Awards one the team has taken. preaching the sermon this year. ! a* “>' at his home there Wednesday field contestant» although they did Ing the following program numbers llshed next week. which wa- to have been presided May 21 and 23 Pinal examina­ were given with Mr Taylor as ., . . at the age of 76 years. Funeral not place in the meet at the Uni­ Also, yesterday the Creswell over by Miss Stark, will be held tion« tonstmaater. team defeated Lowell 12-9 which ! services will be held Saturday versity with the exception of Smith the last week in May with Mrs afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Veatch who won a closely contested first Two solo by Bobby Pugh with May 23 Hchteil plcotc for all Wendell Van Ixtitn presenting the Indicate,- that either Creswell has I chapel in Eugene. Dr. E. V. Stivers his father. Koy Pugh a* accompan-! < lasses nt Swimmer's Delight. in the broad Jump with his Jump of a very strong aggregation. It was badges and making a short talk. will officiate and interment will be 20 feet 8 and 7-8 inches. May 24 Senior Breakfast. Hen tat on the guitar and French born; an off day for the Lowell nine, or Tomorrow evening the Spring- made in the Mt. Vernon cemetery. lor class day exercises, graduation talk hy Mrs. Fay; French harp and ! field Girl Scouts are going to Eu­ they are slipping from their early | piano solos by B O. Smith; original Mr. Hastings was born near San- FOUR-H LEADER GETS exercises. season form. gene lo w-ltnes-i the presentation of j dusky, Ohio on February 18. 1859. Heveral track mte-ta and haseball teadlng by Alex Stevens; and ad­ School Has Positive Team Golden Eaglet, and first class Scout dress of the evening by I. G. Shaw.] FAIR SECRETARY POST j He came to Oregon in 1882 and had games are also Included on the final Not for many years has a local awards. Those planning to attend pa’ tor. ! been a resident of the Thurston we. k s schedule for the troys of the Appointment of R. C. Kuehner. There were slxty-twa men pres “ •••« •n t Of Springfield For ¡are asked to meet at the home of high school team exhibited the skin ; district for the past 52 years. school. Miss Gerber at 6:46 o’clock. Lane county Four-H club leader. and coordinated playing that they ent. The class was reorganized dur Many Year» Buried Wed are showing thia.season. Fast plays He was a member of the Christ- secretary of the Lane County l-ig tlie evening with the name cap nesday At Laurel Hill and double plays in the infield and : iau church, of the Modern Wood- H'aif as.-ociation was announced tatua. Taylor for the Old Golds and GIRLS LEAGUE HOLDS Itavld Barnard. 81, passed away STATE COMMANDER W ILL near perfect fielding and catching man of America, Neighbors of Monday by Robert Callahan, chair- Alex Stevens for the Purple*, to OFFICER N O M IN A TIO N S serve another six weeks period ! .it 745 Pearl Street, Eugene. Sun COME FOR LEGION M EET makeg the task of pitching much Woodcraft, and Woodmen of the man of the fair board. Other mem- llghter for Canson. Seldom does he World. He was a former Justice bers of the fair board are C. A. I ilya following an Illness. He had Officers for the next school year Joe Chamberlain, state command­ pass a batter to first on balls, find-1 of the peace for Thurston district. Schooling of Junction City and Tom 1 been a resident of Springfield for were nominated Wednesday morn­ W IL L A M E T T E HIGHW AY er of the American Legion, will ing It much easier to let them hit 1 Green. Kuehner will handle his new eight years. ing hy the GlrL League at the high ° n S“Pl’ ,u!’er 3- ls#,i he w“ duties in addition to his club work. He Is survived hy his three sons, come to Springfield on Thursday the hall and take the chance on TO GET FEDERAL FUNDS school. support from the team. married to Alma Rundel who sur- No county fair Is being planned John Barnard at Boring; Reuben evenlng. May 23. to «trees the local ! vives as does one son. James Hast- Thom- nominated are president : Although the money will not be Barnard at Suple, Oregon, and ,’ogt n'^nibers on “Service Legtsla-1 W illiam White was put in at gee- ings. and a daughter. Marie »pires this year, but the fairgrounds are Florence May and Faye Holverson; rented to various organlxations and made available for i-on--true!loll be- Henry, at Los Angeles. He a ls o j , *on *n Washington. Members of vice-president; Jean Louk and Flor­ fore July 1. this year, the sum of h aves two daughter . Mrs. Emma I 'he. W estfir po t of the Legion have ond Ita e yesterday allowing Scott of Eugene and one sister. Mrs. are In use during most of the year. to get Into right field which has pred Grav. Thurston. en ce Belle Fish; secretary-treas­ >80.000 hns been alloted from fed- llaglin. Prineville, Mr». Lulu Doo-' been Invited to meet with the lo c a l, been a weak spot. Posey and Darr ! __________________ urer: Edna Vest. Gladys Shelley, eral funds for the W illamette h igh -1 ley, Portland, and one slater. Mrs. kroup at that time. handle center and left Held and and Dorothy Millican; social pro­ 0 - N 0 CLUB PLANS FOR way by the Bureau of Public Hoad* Phoebe Field», Brownsville. are responsible for many batters SCHOOL PROJECT HELD moter: Mary Faye Belila and Irene ANNUAL BANQUET SOON Contracts for the work, which will Funeral services for Mr. Barn- never getflng to flrat base UP AT SERA M EETIN G Anderson; reporter: Helen Abram­ liiclude surfacing of 15 'miles of the j aril were held Wednesday after- STORE A D D ITIO N TO son and Clara Brooks; social wel- Stevenson seldom m isses the b a ll' ------------ Plans for the annual banquet of BE B U ILT AT ONCE highway near Oakridge, can be au noon at 2 o'clock from the Veatch Springfield's school projects call­ fare chairman : Alice Bales and even If It become necessary to the O-No bridge club to be held on chapel In Eugene. Interment was verltaed at once. ing for grading of the Lincoln i Edna Wright. May 18, were discussed at the meet- An addition to the Adams feed leave first base to stop a wild It waa also announced In Port­ made In the Laurel Hill cemetery. school grounds, painting of the throw. Liles at third and Taylor I ing of the club held last Thursday store extending from the present land Ihla we«-k that the sum of building, remodeling of the high hl„ „ . building to the alley will be start­ on .Hort w „ r t h .r o , -IU . . « t o l >225.000 for one mile of grading B IR T H D A Y PARTY HELD ed within the next few days ac- and a 1000 foot tunnel near »all F IR E DAMAGES ROOF - .u training and domestic s c ie n c e ,. . and Irvin plays a heady game v •»ck AT HOME IN EUGENE Creek Falls on the W illamette , ley will have charge of the banquet QP CARAGE SATURDAY 25 of the property. out front (he 1936 road funda. lief comm ittee as had been ex tende«l a birthday party In Eugene the evening went to Miss Maxine The building will consist of wood were caused to the garage at the • ••> « _____ pected. Earl Drew, county SERA Tuesday evening at the home of Grayd n Lewis place on North Mill framework and will have sheet-iron MRS. PO IN D EXTER PLANS manager was In Portland and the Snodgrass. Mrs. George Petersen, Mr. and Mr*. Dan Crltea. The oc­ LOOP CIGAR STORE GETS Dorothe Mae Potter, and Florence street Saturday afternoon when the exterior. It will be used ns a w are RECITAL FOR STU D EN TS project will probably be taken up Long. casion was Mr. Crites' birthday. house for the feed and seed store gnrage roof caught fire. The fire ---------- - now at the m eeting next Monday. NEW IN T E R IO R PA IN T Those attending were Mr. and Mrs, department extinguished the blaxe Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter will j --------------------------- Harry M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Wood work and other fixtures In­ after the roof had been destroyed present tw elve of her piano pupils Carl Olson. Mr and Mrs. W. N. HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO LEAGUE GIRLS AT H. S. side the lamp cigar store were re- by the flames. In recital at her home Friday even­ LIONS ORGANIZE NEW Long, Mr. and Mra. Harry Whit­ A TTEN D TEA IN EUGENE HAVE BUSINESS M EET flnlsheil this week with a new coat ing. May 3, at 7:30 o'clock. DEN AT ALBANY FRIDAY ney, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Darnell, of creaem paint to replace the old Those taking part are; Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. B. May. Monthly meeting of the Happy Twenty-five girls from Spring Walker. J'ntnile McKee. David grey color. The enrd and pool room EAGLES HOLD D IS T R IC T A delegation from the Spring- was not repainted. M E E TIN G IN EUGENE field high school went to Eugene Poindexter. Barbara Walker. Floyd field Lions club Is expected to go to Hour club will be held Monday TOW N BASEBALL TEAM Tuesday after school to attend a Cornell, Roberta Rebhan. Charles afternoon. May 6, at the home of Albany Friday evening to attend Mn> M. V. Several members of the Eagles tea given by the Girls League of Poindexter. Richard Flanery. Fran­ the Installation and Charter Night Mrs. W. E. Buell. HOLDS PRACTICE CAME Walker is president of the club. SPECIAL M E E TIN G FOR lodge from this city and vicinity Eugene high school. They were ac­ ces Cornell, Drucllle Ogilvie, banquet of a new Lion.; club in that Mrs. Buford Roach will have Springfield's Town baseball team DRILL TEA M CALLED attended the district convention of companied by Mi s Iowa Carlton, Gladys Shelly, and Dorothy Flan city, ,'he new club Is being spon­ ; charge of the entertainment. The Girls Ia-agm* advisor In the local Is being organized now and a prac­ the lodge In Eugene Saturday even­ dry. sored by the Corvallis club and the meeting will be in charge of the tice gume was held Sunday with Members of the Neighbors of ing and Sunday. Plans for lb» state school. Friday meeting will be held at the 'executive committee There will be Marcola which ended In n 3-3 tie. Woodcraft drill team will hold a coin ntlon to he held at Grants Albany hotel. LOCAL ODD FELLOW S ‘ no guests a.-f this is to be a busi­ Tin- I i h i i I team ha entered the special drill at the Armory Friday Pass In July were announced. A CASCADE STAR GOES Regular meeting of the local club ness session. HOLD REGULAR M EET Cascade league again this season evening nt 7:30 it him been an­ dance and a lameball game pro­ will be held Friday noon with H. TO CRESW ELL T O N IG H T and ar - holding practice every Sun nounced hy Mrs. liny Steven«, drill vided recreation and entertainment Members of Springfield lodge No. I). Dlbblee and Dr. W. N. Dow on «lav afternoon on Brattaln field. captain. for the visitors. FORMER GROCERYMAN R A large delegation of members 70. I. O. O. F held their first regu­ the program committee. Any bnll player who wants to play front Cascade chapter. O. E. S. is lar meeting for May last night at AT CRESW ELL PASSES with the tenm Is Invited to turn At the meeting last week Miss IUKA M EM BERS M EET AT PARK LOT SPADED UP planning to attend the Star chapter their hall. Matters pertaining to Evelyn Iluell entertained with ent for the practice sessions. meeting at Creswell tonight. A «pe­ the Grand Lodge sea Ion to be held violin solos, and had Mrs. Leota William W. Wyatt. 75. passed M YERS HOM E T O N IG H T Entry fee« for the team In the BY SERA LABORERS d a l practice for officers of Cas In Salem May 22 and 23. were dis­ odenliough as her accompanist. away at tiiH home nt Creswell Wed- CuHiude league have been posted cussed. Lee Putman and Elmer E. Members of Iuka Circle number l nesday. He had been a resident of and a schedule will be announced SERA project» workers are com­ cade chapter was held at the hall Pyne are delegate« elected to at­ 37. Ladles Auxiliary of the G. A. R. here Tuesday evening. i Creowell for 12 years and hnd en- soon. pleting the spading of the two tend the session. will meet this evening at the home ! gaged tn the grocery business most JASPER R E S ID E N T IS park lots at Fourth and "A” streets of Mrs. Paul Myers near Hayden H U R T IN AUTO CRASH of ‘hat tlm‘> One son' Hurlburt H this week. They are leveling the GIRLS HAVE DIN N ER bridge. DOCTORS’ OFFICES GET Wyatt, survives at Pocatello, Idaho. FOR M O TH ER S AT H. 8.1 COOKING CLUB M EETS grotmq and it Is expected that Funeral arrangements will be an- Mrs. M. L. Sebring of Jasper was grass can he planted and that resi­ NEW PA IN T AND REPAIRSj W IT H MRS. BESSIE ORR BOY SCOUTS TO TAKE painfully bruised and cut about I nounced later. dents will donate trees, shrubs and The second five o’clock dinner o ffices of Dr. W. H. Pollard and Meeting of the Cooking club of her left eye Tuesday when the c a r ! T E S TS A T C ITY PARK llowers to plant on Ihe property. prepared by girls In one of the Hr. G. A. Brown are being reflnlsh cooking classes at the high school the Christian church which pre- In which she was a rassenger col-! Annlveraary Party— Mr. and Mr». ed this week. Tile ceilings have Members of the Springfield Boy Flowers Stolen was given for their mothers Tues­ part's meals for the Lions club llded with a truck driven by C. O. j Wm. R Dawson of Eugene enter­ been repaired and the wood work Seoul troop will go out to the City A largo number of the largest day evening at the school. The first luncheons, was held last night at Foster of Eugene. The accident tained a number of their Spring- Is being painted cream ami light park tonight to tnke tests In camp tulips were stolen from the yard dinner was given by another group the home of Mrs. Bessie Orr at happened on the McKenxte high- field friends at their home Sunday green. Minor repairs are also being cookery and other outdoor actlvl- at the D. B Murphy raaldano* last of «tudents last week. Miss Glyde 7:30. Business waa discussed ana way one and one-hnlf miles east of evening on the occasion of their eighteenth wedding anniversary. made In the office». tlee. ulght. a »octal evening enjoyed. b t -lngfield. Dilley Is Instructor for the girl». BIBLE CLASS TO LIST JOBS HEBE GIRL SCOUTS TO HAVE. BUSY DAYS HASTINGS RUES TO BE DAVIO BARNARD DIES IN EUGENE