TIUtnHDAV. APUIL 2ft, 193ft THB BPRINOFTBLD NBWfl PAGE THREE Collact Bounties — Chari« An OLD SOUTH RE-LIVED IN LANE FIRE REPORT FOR way of Oakridge collected the 'county bounty on nix bobcats, and' ‘ NAUGHT MARIETTA* PAST YEAR is HIGH • A Classified Directory of Reliable Donald Walker of the same place* F re n c h S e ttle m e n t O f Lo uisiana Lane county stood to third place Business Firms and Professional i ollected ttie bounty on one bob- j B ack g ro u n d P e r C le to r H e rb ­ cat. Friday at the office of the. In the list of Oregon count tea In People This Newspaper Recommends county clerk. e r t’s Bong Epics number of fire« reported during the to You. year 1*34 according to A. H. Aver­ “A mile N O T IC B F O R P U B L IC A T IO N >plo"; soma of the ill. retiring State Fire Marshal. The •rgeet se D e p a rtm e n t of tb s In te r io r , U . S ever construct d. county reported 17» fires wlthan M AN W A N T E D for Itnwlelgh rout« L a n d O ffic e a t R ossburg, O rego n, ! In c lu d in g a co m p let b replica of the actual loss of »199.462. Insurance in ot Min ramili»«. W rite today, I * * ’*' ®- ” ’ 5- center of the AUTO DEALERS ___ first settlement of the amount of »856.738 was carried Ita w le lg h , D e p t, O R D | * 6 HA. j DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS N o T IC E Is hereoy given that I New ................ Orlean ; great orchestras on th property and losses of »160.- O a k la n d , C a lif. a 26 j John W. Witte, of Murtola, Ore- D A N (' E ANDKUKON MOTORS, INC. gon. who on April 27tb 1934, m ade1 ,' luy,n* vlc,or Herbert’s unforget- Carl R. Raker Film Shop »*0 were paid, a percentage of loes F o il M ALE— Good Used Wood Expert Itupulrlng — All Work AT WINTER« J ARDEN lloiiiesteud entry Serial No. 0218761 , “ bl* "’ “»•«I huge choruses; armies Eastman Films — Kodaks — to valuation of 18.07 per cent. Mult- Manges Mountain States Power for Lota 2, 3, 4, and HE54 N W 54 In action— these Guaranteed. Frames — Albums— Motion among the nomah and Marlon counties report "The Mance That's Mlfferenl” Section 1, Township 16 8.. Range huge details that are ,o __________ if went into the led a larger list ot fires. Gas. Gil, Tires and Uattsrlea Picture Cameras. 2 W., W illamette Meridian, has Every Huturduy Night 6th and A Hta.. Hprlngfleld Ph. 4» We Photograph Everything filed notice of Intention to make making of the most amazing dra­ LAUNCH DIPHTHERIA Gents 26c Ladles 10c final three year Proof, to establish matic feat of the screen, the film Anywhere. claim to the land above described, lug of the first great adventure DRIVE IN STATE MAY 1 Mall films tu P. O. Box 687 .. „ ~ „ i b* iore E- O- Irntuel, C H. Commls This is Ht'llKUKU MOTOR CO. FURNITURE 6 jh W lllumette, Eugene Pb. 636 doner, at Eugene, Oregon, on the romance with mudc. Immunise now stamp out illpb "Naughty Marietta." IIU IC K — DLDHM UBILK — 16th day of May, 1*36. Tha enters of tbe Pleasant Hill llicrlu This Is the slogan that has JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. PRINTERS Marking an utterly new depar high school took their "sneak day" PONTIAC Claimant names as witnesses; •>».... adopted for May l»ay, Child Manges and Circulators Motor Cara Floyd Wli-on ut Marcóla, Ore­ turn In screen entertainment, the Wednesday. April 17. at McCredle Health Hay, 1935, hy the Htate Several Lines Including Montag. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS gon; Kay V. Riggs, of Mabel, Ore­ new picture, which comes Sunday BALES and HKHVICE Board of Health Oregon along gon; John Hlleman, of Mabel, Ore­ to the MiTtenald theatre. 1« a Springs. The day was spent fish­ Hprlngfleld 71 h mid Olive Mta. — Phone 866 Linoleum—Inlaid and Felt Base ing. swimming and playing base­ gon; Job» N. Wilson, of Marcóla, with every progressive stale, coun­ Phone 2 • Attractive Prices on Furniture smashing drama of the French set­ ball. Oregon. Eugene, Oregon, On their way home they ty anil city In the Union Is getting and Hugs. Business Stationery—Office Forms W IL L IA M II. ('ANON, Register. tling of Louisiana with Its Indian stopped at Mossy Maple camp and buck of thia slogan to drive diph­ (A 11-18-25 — M 2-9) Hoe Us Before You Buy Booklets — Placards — battles, tbe onslaughts of pirates, BATTERY SERVICE enjoyed a welner roast, Perry theria out of every community in We Deliver Phone 1188 Dodgers, etc. the Importation of the Caaquetto Price, principal of tbe high school the state. N O T IC E O F B A L E 64k W illam ette Eugene A Modern Print Shop Producing Girls from France to be wedded to LANECO Oregon has not yet reached the Notice of Sale of Real Property the settlers at the New Orleans accompanied them. Up-To-Date Printing. BATTERY FACTORY Friday night, April 26th the on Execution In Foreclosure. goul of "no death from diphtheria," GROCERIES Marriage M ark-i," and all the rest Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. Pleasant H ill high school are pres­ Mack at our old location. I -ess hut we are rapidly approaching It. Notice Is hereby given that by of the stirring drama of one of Am­ enting the operetta "The Sunbon- In thia state, with approximately overhead your gain. He« our new DIBULEE’H virtue of an execution and order of erica’s mo t romantic cities. SERVICE STATIONS material batteries Io genuine Gates t G irl” at the gymnasium. The sale, in foreclosure Issued out ot 75.000 children uudor six y*-ars of hard rubber cases before you buy. RED & WHITE GROCERY This thundering background tbe circuit court of the state of cast corsisi of Musette Gamblll, age there were 113 deaths from All parts handmade In Eugene. For Phone 4 A ST. SERVICE STATION ' Oregon for Lane County, on the serves as a tapestry before which Myrna l« lrd . James Jordan. Theda diphtheria In IBXI and It In 1934 capacity service— price— none bet­ Cor. 4th and Main Hta., Springfield , 28tb day of March, 1*36, In a suit L- 'i Ho- Immortal song hits — General Gasoline, Oil and Urease« With our definite knowledge that ter. K E C H A ItU IN U — KEPAIH1NO. wherein J. B. Young and A. C. of the original Herbert operetta ; ITiiblsi.. Wayne Jordan. Zona MB­ Goodrich Tires ■ ■ Phone 1008 IT . Robert Dillman, Merwinna McClaue are plaintiffs and Flor­ toxoid will protect children agulnst 346 Van Buren HOSPITAL8____ ence Aiken Bunk, Angelin« S. D ill­ Ah. Sw et Mystery of Life," "I'm Brown. Evelyn Richardson, Newton *'A Home Owned Station." diphtheria In the vast majority of ard and O. C. Luchterband were de­ Falling In Love With Someone." Roork. Glenn Dilley, George Brown, BEAUTY PARLORS 6th and A Hta., Hprlngfleld, Pb. Instancea, parents have Utils ex PACIFIC HOSPITAL, fendants, and wherein on the 27th "Tramp. Tramp. Tramp," "The INC. ettse for not taking their children day of March, 1*35, the said J. B. Italian Street Song." the “Chanson Lurene Barbeau, Elizabeth Hol­ HOME BEAUTY SHOP comb. Jeannette Sanborg and a Young and A. C. McClane obtained to the family physician 12th and Hllyard Mitchell Service Station a Judgment anti decree adjudging ette” and tbe rest of the gorgeous large chorus. Miss Loree Laird Is PE R M A N E N T W A V E * »160 A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Phone 2600 that there wan due and owing to »aiu music of the original stage hit. directing the operetta. All Work Guaranteed — Yale Tlrea — Eugene, Oregon STATE HOUSING EXH IB IT plaintiffs from tbe said defendant Mrs. Ella Porcher Tel. 30 Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson A ten pound boy wa; born to Oreaslng • Battery Recharging Angelina H. Dillard the sum of »10,- TO BE IN PORTLAND 061.24, with the further sum of Eddy, pla- th • leading roles. LAUNDRY_______ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roberts at their Expert Radio Repairing by CREAMERIES ■ »600. ae an attorney s fee, and costa More than a thousand people are home at Pleasant H ill Monday L E E CRAY The National Housing Adminis­ and disbursements of said suit heard and seen in the huge produc­ night. April 22. SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Phono 48-J tration la sponsoring a National Meniand the Best—■ taxed at the sum of »40.35, which Costa no Mots Floyd Wood, Prop. 7th and Main Hta. Hprlngfleld said Judgment was enrolled ana tion. Sets covered thirty acres. An Housing Hhow to be held In Port The meeting o' the Woman’s 30* Main Ht„ Phone 100 BLUE BELL hip was equipped with dub of Pleasant H ill that was to be docketed In the clerk’s office of entire laud. May 26 to Juue 3 The show Is Dairy Products A ll Kinds ot Laundry Service. said court on sa il 28th day of sound apparatus, a chorus of a hun OREGONIAN held at the home of Mrs. E. B. to be strictly state wide, March, 1*35, and execution to me dred and a symphony orchestra Ice Cream, Butter, Cheese, M ilk We Call for and Deliver. SERVICE STATION Tinker May 8 will be held May IS George L. Maker, former mayor directed to satisfy said Judgment Your Patronage W ill Me A t the Hprlngfleld Junction and decree, Interest, attorney's fee, were installed between decks, for instead. of Portland, Tommy Luke, florist, EUGENE FARMEKH CREAMERY, Appreciated. Phone Eugene 638 costs of suit and accruing costs, the great embarkation number. GAS AND O IL8 mid Hal W hile are making arrange­ by a sale of the following property, It is In this scene that the mueh- Service Day and Night. ments for the big exposition. to .w it: LUMBER tall:‘-d-of “mile of people" wa< used. S O R E . I N F L A M E D Grocery Sundries, Tobacco'» and DENTISTS The East hair (54), Last h *lf The cameras, pointed across decks, Picnic Goods. SW O LLEN FEET Camp Crash Man Here — Jesse The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. (5k) of the Northwest quarter took in the replica of the main DR. O. A. BROWN West Hprlngfleld Ph. Spr. 33-J Gates of Camp Creek was a busi­ Furnishes a (54) East half (54) of Southwest Hours * A. M to 6 P. M. Go to Flanerys Drug Store or any quarter (54), the Northwest street of Havre. France, "shooting" ness visitor In Hprlngfleld Satur­ COMPLETE HOME good druggist today and get an ori­ Phone 20 J WOOLEN MILLS quarter (54) ot tbe Southwest into perspective a mile back, and day. ginal bottle of Moone's Emerald Building and Repairing Service. 6th and Main Hta. Hprlngfleld quarter (54) and Lots One (1 ), lined with gaily costumed extras Two (2) and Three (3) of Sec­ EUGENE For Service Phone Springfield 66 Residence 728 A Street. representing the town'.« population SUMMONS The very first application will tion 28; The West half ( f t ) of WOOLEN MILL CO. In Circuit Court of Stale of Oregon or It no answer, phone 34-J. during the public holiday of the de­ give you relief and a few short the Northeast quarter (54) the for Labe County. Edna I. PuPrex, treatments will thoroughly con- Manufacturers of Woolens. Springfield. DR. WM. N. IX)W North half (54) of the Southeast parture of the Casquette Girls. It Plaintiff, vs. l-eroy (I. Dul'res, you that by sticking faithfully to it DBNTIBT Specialising in Ladies was the "deepest" crowd sequence quarter (54). the East half (54) Defendant. for a short while your foot troubles of the Northwest quarter (54) COATINGS AND SUITIN G S. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON filmed since the days of "Ben Hur." will be a thing of the past and beet Io la-ruy G Mul'rex, Defendant, X Ray Mtagnoais — Hours * to 12 the Southwest quarter (54) of Retail Department at Mill. IN T II E NA M E OF T H E STA TE 1 to 6 an» by appointment. of il». free from all offensive odors. the Northwest quarter (54), the O F OREGON You a r e re q u ire d to office Phone 8 — Res. Phon« 67 DR. MILTON V. WALKER East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. And one bottle we know will Northeast quarter (54 J of the ¡ W estfir Man Here— Nyle Sankey ana Wvr I 11«* ( O lllb llll III (lltMl AXUillMf Surgery and Diseases of Women show you beyond al.’ question that ¿Southwest quarter (54) and Lots of We tflr was an overnight guest r ,t Nat 1 *,Bnk Bldg. Hprlngfleld you In above entitled court and you have at last discovered the way 4th and Main Sts. Springfield One (1), Two (2), Three (3> and T o n s ils Removed— .Malcolm Mc- • «use within four weeks from April at the Springfield hotel Friday ?° k* eP y °ur feet in a normal Four (4) of Section 29; Phone 82-J 18,1*36. dale of final publication health condition free from all pain FRUIT PACKERS Chesney underwent au operation Also, beginning at the North­ evening. hereof; uud If you fall au lo a n -1 ----------------------------------------- -— --------- (or tonsils at the office of a local r and soreness. west corner of the Northwest ^ . • ^ i m e ' p r e L 'n i U ^ n ' n u / o i d e i EuKe“ e Krult G row ers A i m ’ d MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. , phyajclan last Thursday. quarter (54) of the Southwest quarter (54) of said Section 29, for Publication hereof. vl»„ (or I>1* o > oi ><1 A. brand Fruit Hackers Surgery and Diseases of Women SUMMONS M UN CH, E L. M UNCH. A LFR ED running thence South 7.50 chains, N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N X-Ray and Physiotherapy want thereof, plaintiff will take and Shipper“. Ice and Cold 'Storage. J. DOW, MARCELLA DOW KEN thence south 5454* East 21.10 F O R P U B L IC A T IO N IN O e p a ilm e n t o f th e in te r io r , U . S. *"> “ F ! College Ice Cream Manufacturers. NEDY. and KEN N ED Y. Springfield, Oregon chains to a point 2.60 chains F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N L a n d O ffic e a t R ossburg, O rego n, pl) to the court for the relief do I „ Defendants: First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 West of the Southeast corner ot A p ril 8, 1935. manded in suld Complaint, sue ' Loco Cola Klst Beverages IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E «aid Northwest quarter (54) of • Inclly, Dial the marrlug.- contract! Cider Vinegar IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE STA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E NO TIC E Is hereby given that the Southwest quarter (54), OF OREGON; aud bonds of matrimony existing Phone 1480 CO UNTY OF LANE. Benjamin Joseph Hall of Mabel, Ore- thence East 2.60 chains, thence IRA A. NICE and OS1E L. NICE. M a rr ia g e Licenses You are hereby notified that IRA i gon, who, ou April 27th, 1*33, made b,f d"‘ ¡Perry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, North 20.00 chains, thence West Plaintiffs. solved Service hereof Is made up-1 A. NICE and OSIE L. NICE are Muring the past week m arriage, 20.00 chains to the place of be­ on you by publication In Spring-1 the holders of certificate of deli- vs. , , . , , 1 for HW 54 NW5a uud W5* SW 5» ginning. Ike n s e. have boon granted to th e , Se<.t|o„ 2&, Towuglllp 16 8 > Kange 2 Meld News published at Spring M A R TH A LEONA STACEY and quency numbered 3297, issued on TWO TOWN CLUB TO Also, beginning at the Southeast field, Oregon, for four successive following John Wellborn and Mary | W „ W illamette Meridian, has filed W IL L IA M E. STACEY, her hus the 2nd day of July, 1934. by the corner of Donation Land Claim w eeks hy nril.-r of said court made band; J. E. BUNDAY as Execu­ Tax Collector of the County of HAVE MEETING FRIDAY Loper, both of Eugene; Samuel notice of Intention to make final of Frederick Gray, being Claim B E N N E T T SW A N TO N , JR. tor of the estate of John Munch Lane. State of Oregon, for the Boyce. Portland, and Elizabeth three year Proof, to establish claim No. 38 Notification No. 7258 in Attorney for Plaintiff. Rest deceased; CARRIE D E N IS ,)N amount of »49.57 the same being Member« of the Two Town club Choo. Oakridge; W ilfred Hvendsen to the land above described, before Township Eighteen (18) South deuce, Marshfield, Oregon and CHARLES B. DENISON, the amount then due and delinqu­ W. H. Canon. Keg., U. 8. Land Rauge One (1) West of the W il­ living In Eugene and in Hprlngfleld um l Wilma Mays, both of Junction office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on tbe IA 18 26 M J 9-16) her husband; RACHEL HAM ent for taxes for the year 1928, to­ lamette Meridian, running thence M ERA D and GEORGE H. HAM gether with penalty, interest and will meet here Friday evenlug at City; Ernest Ensted and Myrtle 13tb day of May, 1936. North 60.68 chains to the North­ MERAD. her husband; M O N TIE CO8ts thereon upon the real prop- 6:30 for a dinner ad social at the Sunders, both of Eugene; John Claimant names us witnesses; east corner of said claim, thence HARRIS and R H. HARRIS, her ert>’ assessed to Martha Leona Irvin K. Watson, of Mebal Ore­ home of Mrs. W illiam Donaldson. Glaser and Let ha Jenks, both ot West 29.70 chains to the North­ husband; GOLDA M UNCH, an Stacey, of which Martha Leona gon; Edward 1). ¡lice, of Mabel, east corner of a 26 acre tract of Tangent; Floyd W hite and Lillian Oregon; unmarried woman; R. E. MUNCH Stacey is the owner as appears of George McCauley, of land conveyed by deed recorded Eaater Quests— Mrs. A. B. Van Howard, both of Eugene. an unmarried man; E. L .i record, situated In the said County Mabel, Oregon; W illiam McCauley, in Voi. L page 154, Deed Records, M UNCH, an unmarried man. AL- -in