PAGE TWO TH U R SD A Y; A PR IL 36, 193ft THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I'ubllabed h t «ry Thursday al Uprlngfield. l.ane County, Oregon by NEW STATE LAW TO AID BANGS DISEASE CONTROL New Law E ffective January, 1936. Provides More Rigid Pro­ tection For Buyers NEW MOTOR LAWS IN EFFECT PARENTS WILL RECEIVE COLLEGE BALL CLUBS NATIONAL RIFLE MEETS O. S. C. SUMMER SESSION PLAN GALA OPENING TO BE RENEWED IN FALL C hildren Offered Services O f Mod ern N ursery W h ile Parents Attend Can,pus Lectures u O.O. 8 C. to W« hlugton. D (’. — Kecauss Preshleul Roosevelt signe,I I ba War Department appropriation bill W K MAXEY. Editor lust week, more than three thous- A law to aid In the ««radicatioa A unique opportunity for Oregon Cnlyerslty of Oregon. Eugene. i and expert riflemen will bring their Secretary Of State Outlines Eutered as second da*« matter, February St, 1903. at tbe poetutflce, and suppression of Bang's dts««ase parents to place their children In April 25 The 1936 northern dlvl suns to Uainp Perry, Oho», this within the state, which Is designed Changes In Responsibility, a dally 24 hour nursery school uti Springfield. Oregon i i , -i iiy o i («¡.compete III one of the leu conference baseball will he In u h m i h ilic Rotiti Regulations to carry on the control work, der trained children care apodal uiigiiialed In true major league « • H iip i. I,, M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E and when the federal government ,i I Hui.- and Ma Oae Year in Advauce . »1.6U six .M.rntha New motor vehicle laws, severs, Ists while they themselves observe i fashion here tuxt Friday afternoon, a t. »100 ceases its present testing and In the children and nil ml (special j April 26. when Oregon's defending tol ,1 uialchiuT malchnT according lo an an Two Years in ad tau ce__ »2.50 Three Mouths 60c deiunltv operations, was passed by of which, when they become effe, 1 las f tad lecture» 1» being offer ! champions meet Oregon State eol llouiicellieiil made here by Ihe Na live, will lie of vital Impoitance to , Oregon's recent legislation session ed as a part of the summer session lege on Ihe Wehfool's liew playing donni Rifle association. T ill RSDAY, APRIL IS. 1936 The new law do.* not provide for every mat, who owns or operates program of the O H. ('. school of j field an automobile, were oullined thia state indemnities, hut It does re Allhough Ilio dales of thè home economics thia year, accord ■ D illeulloti of Ihe liew field, a RECORDER’S COMMISSIONS quire the compulsory testing for week It) Earl Snell. secr,*tary of lug to Miss Ava II Milam, dean of parade through the hualneas see iiiutches bave noi y«t beau set hy state. Ihe school. In years past the city recorder has draw n several hun­ Kang's disease in all counties ! tlen of Eugene with the Oregon i thè Nutlouul Match lloard, thvy A form of legislation entirely where the dairy animals exceed the With ihe exception of oae at an It O. T. C. 70-plece band and mem ' »III protaihly ho ulaiut Keplemher dred dollars for collection charges on city liens. This prac­ number of other cattle kept on •w to tlregon. accurdiug to Mr eastern college, this Is believed to hers of the two team« lending the I uml run for a peritai of Ihree Snell. Is tbe safety responsibility tice we hope will he discontinued. When a city recorder farms. llclwcen Iwo sud Ihree bo the first nursery school of Ils I way. a brief farewell scmloff for week draw s a stated salary for perform ing the duties of his office Any county niav avail itself of act. which will go Into effect July 1 kind In the country, Dean .Milium Bill Reinhart, prises for all “firsts" mllllun round» of nmmunltlon wlll This measure, a part of the uniform we cau see no reason w hy he should be paid commissions the prort-tons of the law on the motor vehicle code, is already lu su.v- Accommodations will be and (ho usual opening day buttery i he flred lu Ihat lime and more IhSu available for a limited number of of dignitaries are Included on the flve ilolen Irophles wlll Ile award extra for m aking lien collections which are plainly part of petition of owners of at least 60 effect lu more than 2« stale». I tier cent of all cattle In the county hlldren from two to four years of program planned h.v a hoosier's ed lo thè outstandlug competitore his office duties. Careless D rivers Checked On the other hand, the application age. and a moderate fee will be committee of Eugene business men oli thè ratige. The law will be felt only by the ; o f the law may be discontinued at charged. Parents need not he uhle and students. motorist who Is Involved In an act We have no quarrel with the recorder being allowed to j the request of 60 per cent of the to qualify for collego work. Those The matches have been held an­ The Welifoots and Heavers will supplement his salary by doing outside work, if his time per­ I owners of cuttle in that county dent and who la held responslldt who do qualify, however, will re enter the Inlllal league game on nually since 1973, hut were dia by courts for the death or bodily mits, nor do we object to his being paid comm issions for The law is to take effect January 1 Injury of any person, or for damage clve college credit for the courses even terms, with the Orangemen continued after 1931 because of Ihn writing auto license or county dog license applications. 1936. although if the federal pro to property of others In amount In connection with the nursery boasting a better preseason re­ strained economic condlllon of the «ran, is continued through 1936 These are not (»art of his city duties that his salary Is sup­ i the state act will become operative exceeding »100. Such person may school, and in addition will hare an cord The Wehfoot, with practical country. The championship» were not drive again until he has satis opportunity to register for other ly the same nine which won the awardtal during Ihe Intervening posed to cover. January 1, 1937. college course». 1934 pennant, will have .......... In yeurs on the liusla of scores fired fl«d final Judgment and furnished Anim als To Be Marked To Study Fam ily Problems experience. Don McFadden, star In regional mulches, but one aec- The property holders have had their bond lien money The law provides for a qualified proof of his ability to respond to Special classes for parents will rlghlhander, has been named by lion of the new appropriation hill damages caused by him in Ihe fu appropriated for other |»ur(w»ses too much in this town w ith­ ' Bang's disease inspector In each ture. Include parent education and ram t'ouch Reinhart to pitch the open­ sets a»lde a sum of money fur slag II) relationships, taught b.v Dr. WII er for Oregon, with John Thomas, Ing ihe matches on their proper out charging any commissions against the fund. Only about I county, to be appointed b.v the Another change which has county court, who must test all scale. half the bond lien money paid in by the property holders to cattle periodically. The laboratory •roused much interest among mo Hum E. Illatx. well known author sophomore, catching retire improvement bonds has ever reached the bond hold­ work Is to be carried on at Oregon torlsts is the amendment to the aud teacher, as well as work in right of way law. giving the driver foods, clothing, management, char ers. but has been m isappropriated for other purposes. That State college. ader education and related fields. Each animal found Io be free on the right the right of way at In addition there will be a aerltw of is the real cause of the city’s financial dilemma today. The intersections. Under the old rule, bonds are now due and there is no sinking fund money to from the disease Is marked with a the driver entering the Intersection 12 lecture« on topics relating Io metal ear tag or legible tatoo mark. pay. It is now up to the property owner, who has once paid Those found to react to the Kang's first had the right of wav. This be- nutrition, clothing, housing and management of children. Parents off his liens, to again pay by taxation. With interest charges i disease test are both ear marked comes effective June 12. We have tunne beautiful M other’s Day boxes filled will also have an opportunity for Besides this new legislation, the result will be that he will be required to “dig up” about j and branded with a letter “B ' on »nferencee with staff member« with choice candy which will gladen m other'g heart. three tim es the initial cost of the improvement adjacent to the left hip. No dairy animal over other important changes were out­ hey desire help on any specific N o box exceeds $1.00 In price and there |g quality and lined by Mr. Snell us follows: six months of age may be sold un­ problems related to Individual chll his property. Exam ine Drunken Drivers exceptional value uh well uh beauty In every one of less It conies from a disease-tested dren. Persons arrested on charge of There is little we can do about it now. however, except : and free herd or has been Itself them. The children themselves will re chart a new course in future. We should profit by our mis­ . tested and proved free within 60 driving while intoxicated Immedi­ niuin at the nursery school day and ately shall he examined by physi days prior to the time t»f disposal. takes. night, eating, sleeping and playing M other's Day curds in many styl«,s are here for clan. May Retain Reacting C attle under the guidance of trained »pe Secretary of state authorised to your selection. If the federal Indemnity plan is lullsts They will have a carefully Issue temporary drivers' permits to j dropped, the owner of reacting cat- pinned program designed to guide DEMOCRATIC WORRIES ' tie may retain the animals so long applicants for operators' licenses. them in adjusting to other boys and Necessity of obtaining notary Huey Long. Dr. Townsend and F ather Coughlin, the as he will follow rules prescribed girls. In learning self-help, and In radio sky pilot, are said to be giving the Democratic adm in­ by the state department of agrtcul- public's signature on application developing desirable habits In re­ for operators' or chauffeurs' licen­ "Where tbe Hervlce la D ifferen t" " ^ istration no little worry. This is true es|»ecially in the east. ! ture for building up a disease-free gard to eating and other activities. Dr. Townsend being the only one who has an organization herd. Meanwhile, he will not be see eliminated. hi addition Io parent«, nursery T ru ck Fees Reduced in the west. The fear seems to be th at when these three permitted to allow such reacting school workers, teachers, and manv Registration fees for motor gentlem en get through with the adm inistration the Repub­ I animals within six feet of any others Interested In child care and licans will be able to handle the situation. T hree million neighboring cattle owners property trucks, trailers and seml-trallcrs development are expected to regis­ votes throw n to the Republicans at next election would line, where disease-free or suscept- reduce«! 10 cents per hundred ter for this work. Dean Milium pounds, those weighing 2000 pounds says. retu rn them to power provided they could hold all they had j ible rattle are kept. or less excepted at last election. It looks like 1936 is going to be a big year Either annual or semi-annual lic­ for everybody politically. ense may be obtained for many MELON AND TOMATO TWO JOB OPEN FOR commercial type vehicles. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Flat rale of »10 per year pres­ CONTROL PLAN FAVORED L et’s not get the idea that an era is approaching when I cribed for certain commercial vehi­ The United States Civil Service Growers of melons aud tomuloes we can get som ething for nothing. I Commission announces open com­ cles which, together with load, In Oregon and Washington have ♦------------- petitive examinations as follows: weigh not to exceed 4000 pounds. indicated by balloting thut they are Maximum allowable load upon To our mind a strike against war would be sort of a Immigration patrol inspector. In favor of acreage control for the w ar in itself. »1.800 a year. Department of Labor. any vehicle or combination of 1935 season, according to Morton Milk and Cream, Butter, Cottage Creese, . Applicants must be of active type ' vehicles from 49.000 to 54.000 Tompkln«, control hour,! chairman pounds. Buttermilk. Ice Cream and Ice of the two-state Marketing Agree Rank clearings in March w ere 12 per cent above a year j with good muscular development, Private passenger vehicle owners i an In good health and sound physi­ meat on those commodities. Your I loin«* Creamery Cun Serve Your Rest When ago. Some encouragem ent should he gotten from this. ----------------------------- cal condition. Because of the short residing in adjoining states may As a result of this voting, the j It comes to Dairy Products. I time during which this examination 1 drive In Oregon throughout the agreement will proceed with Its year if properly registered in state Another sign of improvement is th at income tax col­ is open, appllcantions may be filed program of acreage allotment anil j of residence. lections in March were 40 per cent ahead of last year. with the civil service district office S p rin g fie ld control. Plans are not to decrease' nearest the applicant, as well as acreages beneath past years, hut to with the U. 9. Civil Service Com Avoiding unpleasant tasks is often the cause of our 1 mission at Washington, D. C. Ap-1 TELEPHONE BROADCAST prevent large increases. Quotas foe growers were based on the amount 1 failure. TO BE HEARD SUNDAY of melons ami tomatoes grown dur i plications must be on file not later i than May 4. Ing the past four years. Each new ' Ted Husing. ace radio reporter; The m an who does things m ay m ake m istakes but the Minor laboratory apprentice. Edwin ('. Hill, new« commentator; grower 1« allowed to plant one biggest m istakes are made by those doing nothing. »1.020 a year. National Bureau of Channing Pollock, author and play­ half acre each of melons and Ionia A ! Standards. Washington. D. C. Op­ wright, and Andre Kostelanetz and toes. The agreement is enforceable under the Agricultural Adjustment tional subjects are chemistry and H auptm ann started at the foot of the ladder and look physics. Applicants must have been hlg 50-piece orchestra augmented Acts recently renewed by the legis­ by a chorus, will take part in a where it got him. graduated from a 4 year high school coast-to-coast CBS radio network latures of Oregon and Washington schol conrse or have completed 14 program this Sunday, April 28. In units of high school work accept­ commemoration of the 16th anni­ The world rem em bers longest those who are criticized ANNUAL MILITARY MEET able for college entrance Applica­ versary of thp American Telephone most. AT 0 . S. C. FRIDAY tions must be on file with the U. and Telegraph company. S. Civil Service Commission at The program will be heard local Corvallis. April 25—Oregon State Children are the best asset of any comm unity. Washington. D. C„ not later than ly from 3 to 4 P. M.. Pacific time, college's unique night hor. e show May 13. over Radio Station KOIN. accord­ Full Information may be obtain­ ing to word received by Mrs Zella and military tournument is sell«»- WE ARE SPRING HOUSE CLEAN­ Today a “dollar saved is 59 cents earned.” ed from the secretary of the United Cantrell, telephone manager here. duled this year for Friday evening, April M More «|H *( e ia c u la r an«l States Civil Service Board of Ex­ ING. A L I M T E D NUMBER OF colorful events have been added tu| amine-» at the post office In Eu­ Large Easter Dinner—One of the the traditional horsemanship num­ gene. larger social gatherings of the bers than ever before, according tol MODERN C A S RANGES TO BE Easter week end here was held af Merwin Miller of Tillamook, senior Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. M. the home of Mrs. C. I. Gorrle. Sr. SOLD AT 8. Bedlnger of Dexter are the par­ when guests Included Dr. and Mrs. In chemical engineering and gen-| By DEAN C. POINDEXTER crai chairman. ents of a baby son born to them at Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Oregon C. G. Van Valzah and daughter, The big armory has been gaily I the Nelson Maternity home In Eu­ and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Caraway decked out In flags and bunting for gene on Saturday, April 20, 1935. of Roseburg. Mrs. D. C. England ihe occasion and arrangements are and children of Eugene. Miss Luc- being made to provide adequate THE SERMON ON TH E MOUNT Portland Man Here— A. J. Perk­ Hie Williamson of Eugene, Harry All the world has heard of the Sermon on the Mount. ins of Portland was a business Withers of Corvallis and T. C. ' seating for many outside visitors j Many people have memorized all or part of it. To-day we who annually come from through visitor In Springfield Saturday. Gorrle of Portland. out western Oregon. are locked in a struggle with the principles and spirit here THE WILLAMETTE PRESS O pto 8s a ton In Eugene F rid ay; Bands, and P a ra d t Planned M o th e r ’s D a y C a n d y E G G I M A N N ’S A Good Label to Look For Creamery Co. SAVE! Lessons from The cBook\ I,'! M, r shown. This serm on is so laid at the heart of life th at one m an has called it “The Christ of the M ount,” m eaning th a t Jesus here revealed himself for us. It is indeed “The Way of Life.” If we judge ourselves and our institutions, by this “Way" it is not difficult for anyone to evaluate himself and ids world. Take for example the B eatitudes which set forth the characteristics of a Christian: “Blessed are those who feel their spiritual need, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them ‘ Ble sed are the mourn«rs, for they shall be consoled! “Blessed are the humble-minded, for they will possess the land! “Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for up­ rightness, for they will be satisfied! "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy! "Blessed are the pure In heart for they will see Ood! "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called God's sons! "Blessed are those who have endur«sl persecution for their uprightness, for the King«Ioin of Heaven belongs to them! Blessed are you wh* n j.eople abuse you, and persecute you, and falsely say everything bad of you, on mv account. Be glad and exult over it, for you will be richly rewarded in heaven, for that Is the way they persecuted the prophets who went before you.’’ ^Matthew 5:3-12 Translation by Ooodspeed.) I lie first requirem ent Is th a t you begin to love good­ ness. if your heart is not in it you will not be good. A pro­ found sense of the value of goodness will bring a deep poverty of spirit. This will be followed by a hunger and thirst a fter it. There will be a m ourning based upon real need. The gentle, com passionate and merciful will arrive. To the core of you, you m ast be totally sincere. Any touch of malice, love of friction, or superior feeling will m in your spirit, for you seek the goodness of the God of peace. Your heart will be grieved and you will have to suffer but you m ay rejoice th a t you know the fellowship of C hrist’s suf­ ferings. This way will lead you to a character like unto that of the Christian s God. Sir Malcolm Ready for Another Try BARGAIN PRICES AS LOW AS S I .0 0 DOWN IN- STALLS ONE IN YOUR HOME. EQUALLY ASTOUNDING LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS UN­ Top photo, S ir M alcolm Campbell's Bluebird racer, In which he w ill at­ tem pt to eet a lend epeed m ark of 300 miles an hour. A t right, 8 lr Malcolm, w ith his own Ford V-8 Fordor sedan. CTILL convinced his fleet Bluebird racer is capable of the terrific speed of 300 miles an hour, Sir Mal­ colm Campbell, British sportsman, is preparing for another attempt to break his newest world’s land speed record of 276.810 miles per hour. The record dash will be made on the tide-packed ocenn beach course at Daytona Beach, Florida. Although Sir Malcolm has trav­ eled faster on land than any other human being, he is, nevertheless, a USUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! Northwest Cities Css Co. Eugene, careful driver, taking advantage of For his own personal use, while every safety device to insure the waiting for ideal heath racing con­ successful outcome of his davhes ditions, Sir Malcolm owns and against time on the Florida beach. drives a fleet of Ford V-8 cars. r Springfield