The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 25, 1935, Image 1

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T l 11 IUI'Y S E C O N ',.
Sign ro
it« lo*.
s Baseball Team TRACK
itb .h .S . Today
Expect* That More Than
$15,000 Will Be Gained By
Refinancing Bond*
Point* To New Street Lights
Without Cost; Eugene Store
To Take City Warrant*
Pointing out that largo savings
would bo mad* by refinancing city
bund» If (he council's program went
I h r o u g h Councilman Karl N.
Tlioliit'Moti liit« written 111» follow
lug letter Io till* nrw-pnper Mr.
Thoiiip»iui give« much credit to
Mayor K. II Turner (or hl« work
preparatory to refinancing and In
getting I lie city «1 reel light« re
Thompson's L etter
"I wish to make a »tatenient In
your columns that will give the
general public, and thu cltltena of
Nprlngfleld *• peclally. a picture of
the condition« thnl faced the new
Council and what we have attempt
eil so far In bringing the Town of
Hprlngfleld out of a hole In which
II baa been for the last ten years
"These are the facta—
"On January 1 of thl« year thl*
city had an out»tundlng warrant
lu<t*blodno<tt of eoine *26.000. I I I . -
too worth of defaulted bond», a
*20.000 Issue of bond* due next
October and another l»«ue of *20.-
000 due a year from thia aext
October with no provisions made
whatsoever to meet th*«o obllga
Cut Salary
"The customary method of taking
care of our outstanding warrant»
was to budget the city for every
cant the 6 per cent limitation law
would «land, and then by curtail
log city expeme« and all salarl*«.
except those of the City Recorder
and City Attorney, there would be
a surplus at the end of the year
which would be used for the re
llrement of outstanding warrant*
or what other obligation wight be
p raining.
"Nprlngfleld 1« not the only muni­
cipality that ha« followed thl«
method of stringing along, but It
1« grossly unfair to the property
owner« who have already paid
their a»-e«»ment« for newer, street
or «Idewalk Improvement«
Qlves Mayor Credit
"The credit for what progre»»
we have made ao far 1» wholly due
Io Muyor Turner.
"He lion laid aside hl» business
duties anil devoted night and day
at different lime« to the proposi­
tion of raining Springfield nut of
the financial rut In which we found
“If you'll notice 1 suld were. We
are practically as good as out of
It now.
"Mayor Turner. In making his
business tour of the county wan
Introduced to Mr. Ilreese, city re­
corder of Cottage Urove, and learn­
ed how he (Mr Rreese) had been
Instrumental In refunding some of
Cottage drove's bonded Indebted
Point* to Savings
"In the course of their converse
tlon Mr Breese offered to come to
ttprlngfleld and look over our fin­
ancial situation and give us his
opinion of what we could do toward
refinancing our obligation», and
after having done so, said he could
see no reason why we could not
refund the whole of our bonds at
s saving to the city of between
116.000 and *25.000 In Interest. He
told us we should have a complete
sndlt of the hooks, hut whether we
hired him or someone else to
handle the midlt. he wouldn't care
to tackle the refunding situation
unless he could
have a clearer
knowledge of our affairs.
Last Audit 1028
"Wo also lenmed from Mr. Peter­
son about that time that the Bond
Lien docket honks had not been
audited since 1928.
"Mr. Breese was given the Job
of auditing the books nnd setting
up an entirely new system of keep­
ing our accounts, an.I when he
presented the completed audit to
the Council It was accepted unani­
"I will ay here thut the audit
bad not been made public, however,
the next day or so after Its accept­
ance by the Council, a headline ap­
peared In the Eugene Morning
News that smelled very strongly of
libel, stating that Springfield's
hooks were short some *33.000.
"The unscrupulous reporter that
wrote the headline to that article
has no business on nny paper that
has the slightest of regard for
P oint* To New L ig h t*
"l)td It ever occur to anyone here
In town that the lights that had
been discontinued at every other
Intersection throughout the resi­
dence district, have been restored
mid thnl as" soon as the Mountain
State Power company can get the
remaining lights for the bridge they
will be restored a* well, and all
Sp /
iold Nine Look Bright
In O*f*nting Eugene Fri­
day; Coburg Fall* Again
fond Selva* Against Com­
bined High School Squad*
Coach Robert Chatterton'* high
sillied hssehsll nine played heads-
up ball all the time here Friday . ALBANY EASY VICTORY
afternoon when they look an Inter
Hall Liat* Candidate* For
eating game from Kugenc 4-6
Place*; Date* For Larger
The first three Innings of the
game ended with a tally of no runs,
Meet* Are Announced
no hits and no error* fur either
Followers of the Nprlngfleld high
team. In the fourth period the
Springfield buy« opened up and school track and field teams will
brought In three runs. Eugene re­ have their first opportunity to
tails! I with three and latei Judge the comparative strengths
brougl In une more, ttprlugfleld of teams In the district Friday
moved . long until the close of the afternoon on Hayward field In Ru­
sixth lilt ng before they brought I* gene at 3 o'clock.
another r
to tie the «core, tnak
All high school track team« In
Ing It nee ¡ary for another full the district except Roseburg will
Inning, (all Io -al school games are compete a* one team against Bill
played only aev u Innings) Eugene Hayward's freshman team at the
fulled to score, and Spilngfleld University. Team« which will be
brought In one run with two more seen In action are Eugene high,
on base* a« the game halted.
University high. Cottage Qrove and
Surprl«lngly the first half of the Hprlngfleld.
game was played with the star
W eath er Slows T rain in g
center-fielder, Verlln Posey In the
Marlon Hall, Hprlngfleld track
pitcher's box. Posey did some nice coach, and all other coaches In the
pegging to Irvin before he wa« re­ district has been having difficulty
lieved by Carson. Pete Taylor did In getting Ills team Into «hape tbls
some fine work at shortstop and season due to the unseasonable
waa the spark of the Infield com weather. The local boys made u
blnatlon. Stevenson, Scott and clean sweep, taking every first and
l.lles. who worked together beauti­ mast other place* In dual meet
fully for several double plays Just with Albany there last Haturday.
when they were needed most.
In the meet Hprlngfleld boys took
Tuesday afternoon of this week a total of 70 points aa compared
Pete Taylor pitched a full game with 4* (or the Albany boys. This
against Coburg on the Coburg field was a glorious victory for the local
and his team came bom» with a boys, but doe* not mean much In
7-3 victory.
deciding the winners In thl* dis­
Thia was the fifth victory for trict until the strength of the other
Springfield In six starts this sea- schools here have been determined
son They have defeated Marcola. It gave the boys some valuable
Coburg twice, Eugene and Oak­ experience, however.
ridge. and were defeated by I-owell
M em bers of the Squad
Thia afternoon the team I* at
Candidate* for competition In the
Eugene playing the University high
various events at the school a« an­
nine. A game with the Belknap
nounced this week by Hall Include:
three-C ramp will be played on
lotkyard dash— Hadley. Cllftym
Smith, and Billy Orr.
220—the same trio.
880— Lltscher, Malcolm Hanson.
Springfield high school will be
Mile— M. Hanson, Lltscher. An­
represented by a quartet and two
soloists at the state music meet to
High hurdles—Dlsque Smith,
be held at Forest Urove Friday of
lxtw hurdles—Randall Ray and
this week Members of the quartet
are Juanita Seaman. Ruth Pollard J IMsque Sm ith
Shot Ihtt—Bill Hill. Ed Hansen,
Alice Bates and Mary Fave Bettis.
Klwyn Gate*, baas, and Ruth Poll­ and I. Darr.
Discus—Ed Hansen. Hill and
ard. soprano, are entered In the
Tom Goodale.
solo competition. Mias Barbara
Javelin—Billy Burnett. Malcolm
Itameli will accompany the sing
era Miss (Hyde Dilley, music In­
High Jump—Irvin Darr.
structor. will accompany them to
Pole vault—Darr.
Forest Urove.
Broad Jump—D Smith and Hut­
R eturn*
Portland — M r*.
State Meet In Eugene
Win. J. Phalr returned the end of
Irvin Darr sparkled In the high
the week from Portland where she
Jump event at Albany when he
had gone to attend a wedding.
cleared five feet tour and three-
that at no extra expense to the fourth Inches Malcolm Hansen and
I). Hmlth. experienced members of
Eugene Store Will T*k* Warrant* the squad, did not have to exert
"I might also state that a very themselves during the day.
large and reputable store In Ru­
Date* for the state field meet to
gene called up the City Recorder,
he held at the U. of O. have been
asking Ills to advise the employees
announced as May 17 and 18. The
of Springfield that Springfield war­
district meet will be held on May
rants were good at their store, at
11. nnd a Willamette valley meet
will be held the week before that
"And again, that within 60 days,
if the plans go through, and there
Isn't the slightest doubt of It, that
our warrants will be the same as
cash at one of the banks In Rugene.
"Does this mean anything to you
people here In Springfield, when
even your own merchants couldn't
cash our warrant* heretofore with-
nut discounting them, some as high
as 16 per cent, and In most case*
would rather not hnndle them at
South Dakota Today For
"This has all been done mainly
Funeral and Interment
through the efforts of Mayor
Mary Elisabeth Kellogg, resident
"We have encountered a lot of of the Garden Way district since
under cover opposition. Those of 1911, passed awny nt her home
you who knew of the City's circum­ Wednesday afternoon at the age of
stances before the present Council 75 years.
She was one of 12 children of
took hold, know that things were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McRlhnney
In a deplorable condition.
and was born on December 7, 1869
Peterson M igh t H ave Helped
"If Mr. Peterson had stayed nnd at Pittsburg. Pennsylvania.
When she was 13 she moved with
been so Inclined, he could have
been of Inestimable help to us. and her family to Watertown, South
saved us a lot of time and money. Dakota, where she later met and
"In our negotiations with the was married to Charles C. Kellogg
Mountain State company repres­ In 1879.
They lived there for 26 years be­
entative here. Mr. Peterson seem
tngly was all for the company nnd fore coming to Lane county and
the Chase Gardens district twenty-
not for the city.
"It hasn't been a case of senti­ four years ago.
She wns a member of the Wes­
ment with the present council, but
rnther. whnt worked for the best leyan Methodist church and the
mother of three children, two of
Interests of the city.
"In conclusion, I wish to refer whom survive as doee her husband
They are Mrs. Allle Nelson. Ru­
again to the audit.
“There hasn’t been ono breath gene, and Curtis Kellogg. Water-
of word against Ira Peterson as to town, and 13 grandchildren.
She also leave» one sister, Mrs.
Ills honesty. We do feel, however,
that his methods of keeping the Matilda Sumner of Elberta. Canada,
records were not a credit to any nnd four brothers, Robert and Clar­
town or organisation. I can truth­ ence. at Mission, Texas; Harry, at
fully say that the Council bears Florence, South Dakota; and U. O.
McRlhaney, Garden Way.
him absolutely no 111 will.
The body will be shipped from
"In regard to C. A. Horton, I have
heard praise for Mr. Horton's work. the Poole funeral home In Spring
I talked with him today and he field this afternoon to Watertown,
agreed with me when I told him where funeral services and Inter­
that the accusations made against ment will be held.
Peterson and himself, came from
Visit Mother—Mr. and Mrs. Carl
someone else besides members of
Koeppel of Albany were here Tues­
the Council.
day visiting at the home of her
Councilman." mother, Mr*. Elv* Adams.
TlltfltHiJAV. APRIL 25, 1935
¿ions to Sponsor LAW IS
City Park Plan
NO. 14
M||(E||[ u C|n
Expect To Plant Gra>* On
District Plan* Expenditure Of
Park Lot»; Contribution Of Government Trend* Change $3,900 For Materials Dur­ I. O. O. F. and Rebekah Mem­
Shrub*, Tree*, Welcome
ing Summer Months
To Keep Pace With Other
ber* To Have Morning and
Afternoon Session*
Hponsorlng of * small city park
A final check up of the painting
and repair projects before pres­
enting plans to HERA was made at MANY VISITORS TO COME
an Informal meeting of the school
hoard Tuesday evening. Glen Mar P ub lic Invited To Open Pro­
tin. manual training instructor at' gram At High School Gym-
the high school, who Is drawing the
nasium Friday Evening
plans for remodeling the high'
school gymnasium and Improve^ I Springfield people will be host*
men!« to the high school building tomorrow to the annual all-day con-
was present with hl« drawing-.
ventlon of the Lane County I. O. O.
Blue prints of all the projects are. F. Association. He lions will be
now required and they are being j divided Into two groups, the Itebe-
prepared today. The total cost to kalis and the Odd Fellows,
the district of all the work content
Large delegations from 16 lodges
plated Is expected to reach about' in the county and some out-of-coun-
1 3.000 and should include practical j ty visitor* are expected to arrive
ly all work nee s ary to bring the' here before the start of the morn-
school plants up to first class cod -, big session at 10 o'clock,
Officers Live Here
Th<- high school gymnasium will
Elmer E. Fyne, Association preel-
be remodeled to provide hot air dent, will preside over the Odd
heated dressing room -, shower Fellows se siona. Other officers are
baths ard check room for clothing. R- E. -Morris, vice-president; and
The gyrnna-ium will also be sealed Oswald M. Olson, secretary and
and painted Ixith inside and out treasurer. These se along will be
according to plans and the cost of held morning and afternoon at the
materials is expected to be about local I. O. O. F. hall.
The Rebekah group will meet at
Is Changing Document
Lincoln school building will be Taylor hall to entertain women
Back to What Constitution, chal­
lenged the speaker, certainly they repainted outside as well as the visitors. Day sessions of Odd Fel­
do not mean bark to the constitu­ playsheds and gymnasium at a lows areclo-ed meetings, the public
tion of John Marshall’s day. To re­ cost to the district of approximate­ being Invited to attend the evening
program to be presented at the
turn to thia document would be to ly 3500
Other repair« are for the domes­ high school gymnasium starting at
revivify a mummy, declared Morse
who pointed out that although the tic science and manual training 7:46.
Program for the evening session
constitution contain
only 360V departmei ts and science labora­
will include an opening song,
words, few of those who frequently tory at the high school.
Al! h>bor on the project except "America." and invocation by I. G.
discuss it have taken the trouble
to actually read It. Strict adher­ plumbing will be furnished by Shaw, pastor of the Christian
ence to the actual wording of the SERA Arrangements are being church. Dr. L. L. Baker, a past
constitution would mean discard­ made to secure the lumber on back grand master, will give a response
taxes from the mill company. Sup­ to an address of welcome, the Spen­
ing the constitution.
ervision and workman insurance cer Butte I. O. O. F. lodge band of
Have Judicial Supremacy
Although the constitution doe« must be furnished by the district. Eugene will play, and introduction
of lodge officials and past officers
not provide for It. our government
and roll call of lodges will precede
Is actually a government of judicial i
short entertainment program to
supremacy, gaid the speaker. The ’
be presented by the local lodge.
power of Judicial review of th e 1
W in slo w Principal Speaker
United States Suprem? court ha.«
The main address of the evening
been challenged, but has always ;
will be given by George P. Wins­
been upheld.
low. past grand master from Tilla­
Sane progrès- is more certain :
mook. and present Oregon repres­
under a doctrine of Judicial suprem ;
entative to the Sovereign Grand
acy rather than legislative suprem- ;
Ixidge of Odd Fellows.
acy. England has her legislative! At a Hospital In San Fran­
Stunts by the following lodges
bureau which Is an assurance of j
cisco Following Illness
will conclude the evening's pro­
better laws being presented to the
gram which Is open to the general
Parliament for consideration.
Lyrn Lansberry, resident of
In this country we have grown Springfield since 1915. passed away
Spencer Butte No. 9; Oasts No.
into the habit of passing laws and last Thursday evening at the South
41; West Point No. 62; Cottage
relying on our higher courts to pass ern Pacific hospital in San Fran­
Grove No. 68; Springfield No. 70;
on the legality of the laws.
cisco following a long Illness.
Irving No. 79; Heceta No. I ll;
Judges Not Infa llib le
He was born bi Pennsylvania
Lorane No. 122; Oak No. 251;
adherents and was a member of the I. O. O. F.
Maple No. 139; Crow No. 1S7; Gll-
among the law profession are lodge at Eugene and of the Christ­
fry No. 169; Mohawk No. 200;
frowned on as much as the radical ian church.
Walterville No. 203; Elmira No.
constitution lawyers by Dean
Mr. Lansberry had been em
Morse. The former would ruin the ployed by the Southern Pacific com­
t-ester Porter, past grand master,
constitution with a revolution by­ pany since coming to Oregon. He
will be hers from Corvallli for the
law rather than by the latter's un­ was also employed In railroad work
afternoon session to give an ad­
In the east.
social methods.
dress on "Funeral Aid.” A. W.
Opinions of the supreme court
Survivors include his widow
Bowersox of Albany will also be
are influenced and ought to be. Mrs. Grace l-ansberrv, one son.
another past grand master, visitor.
by the political and social forces Arbie. and his father. William Lans­
Paul Potter is scheduled to sing on
about the Judges, he said. The berry. all of Springfield, also the
the afternoon program of the I. O.
Supreme court, as a group, has following brothers and sisters,
O. F.
been able to live on a higher plane Claude Lansberry. Lebanon; Paul
Plate Supper Planned
aloof from so much of the political Lansberry. Portland; Mark Lang-
No plans are being made to feed
Influence such as dominates parti­ berry. Florence; Hugh Lansberry.
the visitors during the noon hour,
san lawyers.
Springfield; Coy Lansberry. Lea-
but the Progressive 22 team of
A new department of the Sup­ burg; Ward Lansberry. Eugene;
Juanita Rebekah lodge, Springfield,
reme Court, an advisory board. Is Mrs. Ruth Morris. Los Angeles;
will serve a thirty-five cent plate
now being advocated, said Morse. and Mrs. Kate Hersey. Wisconsin
supper at the lodge hall at 6:30.
This board would probably be
Funeral services were held Mon­
Committees in charge of the con­
named from an enlarged Supreme day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
vention are as follows:
court membership and will deter­ Poole chapel In Spriugfield. Dr. S.
Program—R. E. Moshler. W. F.
mine constitutionality of laws be­ Earl Childers, pastor of the First Walker, and Lee Putman.
fore they are passed, thus avoid Christian church In Eugene offi­
Decorations— (Rebekahs- Mary
ing much of the expense and delay ciated. and Interment was made In
Ann Louk. Helene Richmond, and
resulting from the present system. the Mt Vernon cemetery.
Eva Louk.
He predicted opposition to this
General committee—Elmer Find­
from the legal profession.
ley. M J. McKlin. Lynn Stone for
W e Fight Changes
F. L. CLUB MEETING the Odd Fellows and Clarine Put­
Turning to local law problems in
man. and Stella Eaton for the Re­
Oregon Dean Morse told his audi­
bekahs. The Odd Fellows general
ence that many changes had been
were hostesses Friday evening tor committee members will have
recommended to the legislature but
the regular meeting of the F. L. charge of decorations at the gym­
only one of them was approved.
Many busine -s men have grabbed club. Mb s Irma Ndlt presided and
the following guests were present
at excuses to absent themselves
aside from the membership: Miss
from Jury service but most of the
Ina Clement. Mrs. Clara Snodgrass. LEGION SENDS GROUP
mandatory excuse* have been eli­
Mrs. Edgar Louk. Mrs. Sarah
minated now and they will have to
Johns. Mrs. Mamie Richmond. Miss
act. In some parts of the country
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pohl. Mr. and
Evelyn Buell and Miss Florence
the Juries are being used as a re­
Mrs. M. B. Huntly, Mies Eldna
lief measure with the result that
Swarts and Mrs. William Curtis
the calibre of the Juries Is drop­
went to Toledo last Friday evening
KONTRACT KLUB MEETS to attend the district meeting of
People A re To Blam e
W ITH MRS. BARNELL | Willamette council. They remained
Our largest trouble Is not with
over for an outing on the beaches
the law or the procedure used,
Contract bridge player? of the for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.
la w s passed by the people require city will gather this afternoon at Huntly returned Wednesday from
the attorneys to defend the crim­ (he home of Mrs. W. K. Barnell for j Yactiats where they spent several
inals. Delays In the law are due a one thirty dessert and afternoon dayg visiting with relatives.
largely to methods of procedure but of bridge when Mrs. Rarnell enter-
people are hesitant to permit tains for the Kontract Bridge Klub.
changes ns was evidenced In Ore­ group.
gon at the last election when a
-----------------------GET WIN OVER MARCOLA
minor change was voted down. COOKING
Changing procedure will not stop
Springfield high
crime, either, said the speaker.
school won In both the speed and
Finally law Is a social compact,
Students In one of Mias Olydelaccuracy contests over Marcola
ho said. It should be a tool to pro­
Dilley's cooking rlnsses at the high Gljeh school In a dual meet held
tect the social rights and not the
school entertained at iln informal h®re Wednesday. Individual records
private Individual.
five o'clock buffet supper for their were not announced by Miss Clara-
In concluding his talk Dean
mothers Tuesday evening at the bel Wagner, instructor.
Morse said the constitution has
school. Another of the classes will
been stretched pretty much since
entertain on Tuesday of next week LIONS WILL MEET ON
It was adopted, and Indications
were that It was going to be given
some more stretching. If the con­ YOUNG WOMEN'S BRIDGE
Weekly luncheon meeting of the
stitution will not stretch then It
I Springfield Lions club will be held
will break.
Members of the O-No card club at Taylor hall Friday noon W. K.
Music for the evening was fur­
nished by the high school quartet, will meet this evening at the home Barnell and P. J. Bartholomew are
a vocal solo by Miss Ruth Pollard. of Mis« Mary Elizabeth Whitney In charge of the program for the
for their regular social meeting.
1 meeting.
and a piano solo by Kyle Smith.
on the city owned lots on Fourth '
street between A. and B. street« PEOPLE RESENT CHANGE
will be undertaken by the Spring
field Lions club, It was voted at 'Back To Conatitution ” Agi­
last meeting. A committee consist
tation Explained; Judicial
Ing of Dallas Murphy, H. O. Dlb
Supremacy Upheld
blee, Clayton Kirkland and H. E
The slogan "Back to the Const)
Maxey was appointed to handle the
tutlon." already rallying many sup­
The lots are being leveled tbls port- rs. promises to become one of
week by member« of the city HERA the major slogans of the Repub­
crew and the land 1« being pre­ lican party In the next presidential
pared for Reeding. Flans are to get election. Wayne L. Morse, dean o?
a stand of lawn gra»« grown this tho Law Helmut at the University
year and to have trees and shrubs of Oregon told membero of (he
planted. Arrangement« lor Netting Methodist Brotherhood at their
out tree* and shrub* will be made monthly meeting Monday evening
Dean Morse spoke at length on
by the committee.
Donation* of trees and shrub. , the constitution and the govern­
for the project are being solicited j ment i-manatlcg from It. He con­
by the committee and anyone hav­ cluded his talk with a brief word
ing anything that ca* lx- used 1« re­ picture of the present legal Itua
quested to communicate with some tlon and challenged the right of
member of the committee the dub person* to criticize the law and law­
wishes to change the lots which yers when they themselves were
were partially Improved under the so dls-interest'-d in changing the
CWA for a children'» playground 'rresent ystem.
Into a beauty spot instead of an
eye sore. If a good start can be
hod this year by next season the
park can be u>ed both by children
and grown ups as a place of re­
Wifo Of Former Baptist Pas­
tor Was 82 When She
Passed Away Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs Mahaly
Jane Lamar. 617 D street, who pass­
ed away at her home Haturday
afteruoon. were held here Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bap
tlst church. Rev. R. E. Rolens of­
ficiated and Interment was made
In 1-aurel Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Lamar was born at St.
Ixiuts. Missouri on November 14.
1862 and married Rev. Charles R.
Lamar, on November 22. 1882.
When they came to Springfield
her husband was pastor of the Bap­
tist church here. He died several
years ago.
Two sons. Everett In Sacramento,
and Ray at Los Angeles. California
survive as does one step-daughter,
Mary Lamar Taylor at Coldwater,
Kansas and one sister. Mrs. Anna
Sims at Grants Paas, Oregon.
Mr«. Lamar was well-known to
people of Springfield, nnd had been
III for several weeks before her
age At Pruitt Home
Amid an Easter setting at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Veltle
Pruitt. Miss Dawn Church and Wil­
liam Cox. both of Springfield, were
united In marriage Sunday after­
noon at one o'clock.
Miss Mary Hadley was brides­
maid and Martin Clark was best
man as the simple and brief cere­
mony was read.
Both of the young people are
graduates of Springfield high
school and Mrs. Cox has spent one
year attending Junior college in
Southern California.
Mrs. Cox Is the daughter of Mi .
and Mrs. H. H. Church, and Mr.
Cox Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Cox.
The couple left Immediately
after the ceremony on a visit to
Washington cities. They plan to at­
tend the state convention of the
Christian Endeavor societies of
Oregon at The Dalles thlsweek-end
before returning to Hprlngfleld
where they will make their home.
Word from the organ company
from whom the Methodist church
purchased their new pipe organ
statea that the organ will arrive In
thia city on May 6. Mr. Bamford.
sales representative from Portland,
will be here to start installation at
May 16, has been set as the dat*
for the dedicatory organ program
which will be played by John Stark
Rvana. Instructor of pipe organ at
the University, and director of the
Rugene Gleemen and several other
musical groups.
Visiting at Albany—Miss Evelyn
Harris left Wednesday for a short
visit at Albany.