THURSDAY. APRII. IK. 1935 TH » S iPRINOTIBLp NEWS PAOS FOUR SALES EFFORTS STAR CHILDREN GUESTS WEST POINT OF AIR" AT EASTER DINNER STIRRING FILM EPIC Accept In vitatio n To Meetings In Eugene and C resw ell For Evening Dinners I G reat Story O f F ath er’s Devotion To Son's Career McDonald Show For Easter With the shrill xcreatn of room- Advertising and Promotion in* airplanes as a bloodstlrrlu* Get Credit For Radio, Auto, background. W allace Berry cornea Refrigeration Gains to the McDonald aereen In the moat , .. . atartlin* aviation spectacle of the Oregon industrial activity con-¡ iv e a r . "W eat IY)int of the Air. , . , ’ tyear. „ ttuued on about the sam e level which opens Sunday. in February though lumber lm- Beery in his role as "Big Mike ' proved temporarily when prices gives a dramatic portrayal that showed signs of stiffening Gener­ surpasses even his performance in ally. business was slightly Improved "The Champ." His pathetic love over February though definite for a son whose conceit almost signs of a substantial spriug up­ brings disgrace to the Air Corps turn were not yet evident, accord­ builds into the foundation for one ing to the Business Survey report of the most sm ashing screen cli­ of Commonwealth issued this week maxes ever filmed. at Fortltnd. Heading the supporting cast as Spring business In Oregon, said the youna romantic lead is Maur­ Business Survey, depends largely een O'Sullivan. She gives a fresh- on the course of building and lurn-j I ness aud vitality to her perform­ her aud on solution of the wheat ance that will win many admirers. situation. Lumber prices continue The most important role since weak and som e mills threaten shut­ his smash hit In "The Sin of Made- down unless they improve shortly, , j Ion C la u d ef ip filled by Robert Since it is yet early and eastern j young |n,e Hwry weather has not been favorable to j son. He gives a notable perform­ building, the real test is yet to ance as a young man whose ego in- <’ume terferes with good sense until par The wheat outlook is reported as e n |-) ht>Ips h(m f|m, h|M. clouded by lack of adequate mar- kets. The new crop year should Rosalind Russell as the "other see a 156 million bushel carryover woman" in the story gives an in­ and the new Pacific Northwest telligent and deft handling to her crop may reach 80 millions. This ! scenes with Young. means at least 40 million bushels The polish and military bearing must be sold outside the Pacific of Lewis Stone adds much to the Coast if surplus is to be avoided. role as General Carter. Major current trouble, says David Hilarious comedy highlights are Eccles, editor of Business Survey, I added by Jimmy Gleason as Jo« is that business spends too much Bags, an aviation mechanic who 1« time watchiug statistics and Wash content to sit on the ground while ington aud not enough looking for others fly and read his book on business. He points out that auto­ astrology. mobile sales are up 85 per cent The action of thrill scenes is from last year and radio and re­ kept moving at a terrific pace by frigerator sales are touching new the direction of Richard Rosson high« He credits this to aggressive famous for his work as co-director sales and advertising efforts of on such pictures as “Tiger Shark" manufacturers of these commodi­ and “Roar of the Crowd.” ties. LUMBER PRODUCTION BELOW LEVEL OF 1934 «- McKenzie Valley Mrs. Hogan Hanson has been Seattle. Wash.. April 18—A to ta lc h o s e n president of the Deerhorn of 523 down and operating mills In P- T- A. Clifford Morningstar is Oregon and Washington which re- vice-president, and Mrs. L R. ported to the West Coast Lumber Shrode Is secretary-treasurer. W ister O’Dell and Don Arthur men's association for the week end- lug April 6. produced 92.408.447 were sponsors of a surprise party board feet of lumber This was ap ! ««»en «»><» week for Wilbur O Dell proximately 4.000.000 feet over the who is leaving on a four year cruise preceding week. The average week- *n «he navy. ly production of this group of saw- Lila Wearin has pneumonia at mills in 1935 has been 83,681.451 her home. feet; during the sam e period in The Vida school style show will 1934 their weekly average was 84.-' he held next Friday evening, April 796.468 fe e t 26th- The new business reported last week by 523 mills was 92.937.249 LATE FIRE DESTROYS board feet against a production ofj EMPTY CHICKEN COOP 92.408.447 feet and shipments o' ------------ 94.253.405 feet. Their shipments A chicken coop on the W. W. were over production of 2.0 percent W eight place at 306 Second street and their current sales were over was quickly destroyed by fire about production by 0.6 percent. The 11:30 last night. The coop was orders booked last week by this empty except for som e shingle* group of identical mills were under j and lumber stored In IL Catfse of the total In the preceding week by the fire was not determined al- about 9.600.000 feet or approxi though it la believed children in mately 9.3 percent. the neighborhood had been playing A group of 430 Identical mills with matches. A fire In an old mat- whose records are complete for tress had been put out earlier in both periods show total orders the evening by resident» of the 1935 to date of 1,227.374.806 board community. feet, compared with 1.087,546.538 --------------------------- board feet for the same period In KENSINGTON MEMBERS 1934. an Increase of 12.9 percent. HAVE MEETING FRIDAY rs. P. J. Bartholomew entertain- DON’T . BE W IT H O U T , ed M at ................ .......... _ her home Friday afternoon FLOWERS AT EASTER. Eas- -{or 22 members of the Kensington tor Lillies Hfld other potted club. Additional guests for the af- plants now on display at j fair were Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mra. j Lila Babbitt. Mrs. O. H. Stiles, and Scott’s Drug Store. . | Mrs. E. M. Goethel. T O W N A N D VICINITY Visits From Camp Creek— Mra. ----------- i Jesse Gates of Camp Creek was a Members of t'ascade chapter. O .: visitor in Springfield Saturday. E 8. entertained with an Easter ' dinner and program for C hildrens' O peration— Mrs Raymond night Tuesday evening preceding [ »>* Fengra underwent a ma- their regular seaalou. The children ' » r «' «he Pacific were seated at a special table with 1 ,al *n k-ugen» Saturday. an Easter basket for each and a Par<„ „ o, and Mrs. large basket of colored hen eggs j-ar| Smith of Route I. are the par­ as a osnterplece. ent» of a ha by son born to them at IVogram numbers given by the , he |hu.,f,c hospital in Eugene on Children included; A tap d a a c l M Thur, llay, Xprl| n , m and song skit by Joy and Bobby Rebhan. Nadyne Neet and Lolntae Get Fish on Wlllamatt*—Larson Roden bough, recitation by Max , Wright. C. F. Barber and Cliff W ilson: duel by Beth and Don j Bryan caught 15 nice fish during a Schantol; costume song. Joan and short boat run down the Wiliam* Dorothy Ward; piano solo. Beryl ette river Sunday afternoon. Robertson; dialogue. Beryl Robert- _ . .. . ' „ " .. . Enroute Home Mrs. A K Has­ son and Billy Dow; readings by . . . . . , , ... , „ „ . ... _ . \ ard of Washington visited with John Baugh and Clara Coomb, and , ,,,,, . , .. _ . , , , 7 _ , . Charles Wilson during the week a violin by Betty Jean Jacobson. end. She was enroute home from Miss Thelma Bweeney and Mrs. : a visit in California. Leota Rodenbough were in charge of the program. Return to Tillamook— Mr. and The local members accepted an Mrs. Fred Buell left Tuesday for Invitation to attend a dinner m eet­ their home at Tillamook after ing of the Evangeline chapter of spending the week-end here at the Eugene at 6:30 Friday evening for home of their parents. Mr. aud a potluck dinner. They will also go Mrs. W. K. Buell. to Creswell for a 6:30 Aginer meet­ Leaves for Ashland— Mrs. E. A. ing on May 2. ' Cray and son. Lowell, of Seattle. ! who have been visiting here this LARGE BIRTHDAY EVENT ! week with her two suns. Leland OBSERVED LAST WEEK and Vernon, aud other relatives, left Wednesday for Ashland to visit Helen Rodakowskl was guest of with her sister. Mrs. H. T Mitchell. honor at a large birthday party Drive to Coast Sunday— Miss given for her at her home north of Springfield last week-end on ths Altie Muuning and Miss Clara occasion of her thirteenth birthday. Jones drove to the coast Sunday. The afternoon was spent with They went to Florence and then traveled up the coast highway (o games and refreshments. Present were Margie Severson. Waldport aud returned over the Jean Philip, lone Severson. Roberta Alsea highway to Corvallis. Karn. Elva Cunningham. Eva Sev­ Leave* for Chicago— Mis* Anna erson. Marjorie McKenney. Mildred Lois Shinn, superintendent of Karn. Pauline Elkow. Sophie Pal- | schools at River Forest. Illinois, a luck. Ellen Hanna. Ruth Houk, | suburb of Chicago, leaves today for Dorothy Steinmetx. Olga Elkow. her home after spending eight days Dale Bartholomew. Hughie Sffnd in Springfield visltlug with Rev. gathe. Donald Hanna. Arthur and Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter. Miss Brown. Russell Ziolkowskl. Dickie Shinn is making her first visit to Baker. Sylvester Rodakowskl. War­ the northwest and is outspokeu In ren McKenney. Miss Neva Work­ her praise of Oregon. man. and Mrs. Verna McKenney. | Upper Willamette j GERBER ESCAPES BAD INJURIES IN WRECK S oest At Hotel—A M Breese of Oakridge was a gucsl al the Spring field hotel Tuesday evening. DON’T BLAME SPUDS 07767651 FIRST FOR FATNESS L 15 HELD TODAY Values Of, F * t Producing Foods Esplained By Stats Collage Home Specialist An« poltti< m « r fatlvuliift* It »•** pond « u | h > ii how much rich vrtivy, Mika» Catch — Q lenii Vauithit I butter or other U ttenlng food« they made tt limit catch or tnott on l.ttkc Uiv «mt et» with, nava Mitta Lucy ('reek Sunday. ('ane. O S. (*. extension aporlallal In huida and nutrition. Has Flu Miss Ethel Severson is Potatoea. brean ¿e of their »laich ill al her home with Influença Ibi» content, a ie oí tot) orroneoualy con» week wldered aa one of the moat fatten Mabel Reaidant Hers— t'harlew Illg huula, and are nanatly the flrat Curimi» of Mabel wan a vtRltor III hi lie omitted I mm a reducing diet Springfield Saturday. Scorsa of other ííhh I m may he more j product h e el plumpnv»*, Il »eeina. In From W . n d l l n g - N A. A Chaf­ t hat F a l l , Food W o re . Than Starch fee of Wendling was u b u sin ess¡ Th» fatti nlug quality of any food visitor in Springfield Saturday i dependa on the number of heat Visits Siete«-— Mrs. Roy Lee of «aliad calories, dial It ton Corvallis spcni the w eekend here | «*'«**• Mlaa l aee axplallie. All food» with her sister. Mrs II. O. Dibbles, , huv*' ‘ »»‘»rie». ■“"><’ •»'"•’ “«“l k” 1«« le s Fats liavo ulne calories per Return to Idaho— Mrs Alden gram, and starch four, which Klots and family returned Wednea means l hai fatly ( imx I h are more day to their home at Boise. Idaho than twice us faileniiig as starchy after visiting with relatives here. foods, such us potatoes. Stutchy vegetables, of course, coutaln more Major Operation Milton Ihutne calories than green ami aureulent underwent a major operation at ihe vegetables, and Ihe latter would Pacific hospital In Eugene Wednes­ consequently be used more general day morning. ly In a reducing diet. Visitor from Corvallis- M b , Ber­ Comparing Ihe calorie content of nice Quimby of Corvallis was a potatura with some of Ihe foods week-end guest at the C I. Inman often substituted for them by those home here. fearful of becoming overwelgbl, Enters Navy— Everett Lajole of Miss Case pointa out that It takes West Springfield, left Monday even a fl-'eounio potato to make lot) Ing for Portland Io start I ruining calorie», while It tukes only out> , one-ounce shredded wheal biscuit. In the U. 8. navy, I two graham cruekera. two ouucea W eek-End Gueete — Miss Glyde | of hamburger aleak, one fourth cup Dilley. Mias Mary Elizabeth Whit (before rooking I of macaroni, or ney and Ernest Anderson »p> ml Ihe one third cup or 31* ounces canned w eekend ut the home of Miss roru. Rich gravy, butter, cream, Dilley** parents at ilrnnde Hhonde Illay„ lllmlM„ dressing or «»tie | i.,i Sick Man B etter— l.ynn I-anu- “ * • “ * ,,f ««*•»>» berry, who has been quite 111 In »“ «••»«’ <»>« calorie content, how Ban Francisco for several weeks. I* Mi»« «u se adds. reported to be getting better this Apple Pie Run* High week. At meal time, a medium siimi Gacar : «*,>***0’ '•»'asoiusl with one-half Returns Home — Mrs Heniiagen of Los Angeles left Tiles tablespoon of butler contains 15« day for her home after visltlug ‘ «*“' “ »'"Ml«* Piece of apple pie mean« 3(15 calot lea and If eaten here at the home of Mr and Mr with a half a cup of lie cream or C. B. Swarfs. I onmfourth cup of whipped erram, Pastor at Salem— Rev. and Mra 200 more calories are added. A ail Dean C. Poindexter drove to Bab-m ouiu-e servtlng of ham contains 40fl Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Poln calories, anil n waffle with two dexter spoke In the Jason la>e Me­ tubleapoons of butter unit one- morial church the name evening fourth cup of eyrup on It contains 750 of these tat producing units To Go South— Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ The betweei meals nlbhler gets ter J. Bcott will leave loon to visit lof> calorie» from three guiuilrops with their son-ln-luw and daughter. 110 from 10 salted alinotids. 100 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole. In Califor­ from 1«4 cups unbuttered popt Jr. lie was born III ludlana on Aug­ ust 17. 1873 uud in u ie Io Eugeue us oi gaiils- r for Linns Inlerna- lloual of Chicago. Prior lu uiovlug lo (iregoll liq served Willi lh« Y. M C. A. during the war aud with Hi« Red Cro • Immediately after­ wards. lie ulso played with a stock tompauy In the eqst for several seasons. PRIMARY TEACHERS TO HOLD MEET SATURDAY Primary teaehera of latne county will hold a meeting ut Ihe Del Ray cafe In Eugene Kulnrduy. April 20, at 12 noon. There wilt he an ex­ hibit of primary art work from the Eugene hc I ioo I» and election of o f­ ficers will be held Several ftimilc lium lxrs and talks are ptauned. Mrs. (itiia Belle Emmuna Hi lie« will speak on "Organising of Lane Counly l ull of the Assoctallim of ( 'hllilhood Eduiullon.’* HIGH SCHOOL BOXERS DIVIDE LEBANON MEET Hprlnatlelil leixera divided hon­ ors with l«ehatHin high school lout night when each school won four of eight sellisl ii I, m I I miu I h Wliiii>-;a for Springfield were Elmer Ihiwno». L miaul Clearwater. Ituiulull Ray and Malcolm Hansen Wayne Crab tree, Etl Hanson and Mct'heeney were default'd. Visits from Monroe— Mr« W. W. The women of Pleasant HUI Squlr«*» i.f Monroe vtatt««l here ----------- I Christian church gave a supper and Saturday at (he b o n » of Mr. amt Joe Gerber narrowly escaped I reception for their new pastor and Mrs. H. E Gerber. serious bodily Injuries Tuesday his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and evening when the Oerhar car was (or the many newcomers In the dis- Springfield People To Wed struck at an intersection In Eu- trlct. gene by another automobile and 1 E. B. Tinker received the annouti- Marriage Urena«» have lieen 1«. rolled completely over. Gerber was cement of the arrival of a little girl, sued by the county clerk to the fol­ bruised several places as he was Anna Jane, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. lowing Jo«oph Mullin. Eugene, and thrown about inside the closed car. Uodbolt of R«»d Bluff. Friday. April Barbara I'ngcniuu. Portland; WII The Gerber automobile was 5. Mrs. Godbolt was formerly Ham Cox and Dawn Church, both struck sidewise as It was passing Martha Tinker, and lived iu Eu- of Springfield; Arthur Richardson through an Intersection. The four , gene. und Marian Davia, both of Eugene; fenders, the top. both running The Woman's club of Pleasant Visiting From Tacoma— Mrs. A. Wall r fh-oll aud lorVerne Willey, boards and the radiator were badly Hill met at the home of Mrs. Gar J. Buchen of Tacoma. Washington Gets Notary Commission—«'hea­ both of Marcóla; Everett Davenport damaged. Much glass was broken. , mire Wednesday afternoon. April ls here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. '<*r Aldrich. « Ity recorder, lias re- and Laura Dollttle, terlh of Dorena; ----------------------- j 17. The next meeting will be held W N. Gossler. Mrs Buchen 1» an celved hi» notary public seal and Jume. Merwin and Dorothy Ryan, eonimlsalot). The comm l'slon is i both of Marcóla; «'layton Canlh PREFERS JAIL TERM TO at the hom‘‘ of Mra- B“«en« B T,n aunt of Mrs. Gossler. dated March 22 and will expire on orne and Rachel Merna, both of Eu PAYMENT OF FINE ker M#y± » Her* for Funeral—John W Bald lhat d*1«* 1,1 1938 ______________ ««•he._____________ Walter Peerson was locked up In MRS. BARNELL SINGS IN win. father, and Mrs. Anna Peerv. ' the city jail this morning to serve CHORUS GROUP TONIGHT slater, ot Mrs Ida Jack, who died out a two and one-half day sentence ‘ ________ reeently, were here Tuesday from in default of payment of half of a Included tn the Eugene Women's Yakimu. Washington to attend the fine levied against him recently chorus which will be presented In funeral services. on charges of being drunk and of the first public concert this even­ disorderly conduct. Peerson paid ing at the music auditorium on Musician* Here— Mr and Mrs 26.00 of a 110.00 fine when tried, the V. O. campus is Mrs. W. K. Walter Bacon and Mr. and Mrs and was given one week to pay the Barnell of Springfield. Fred Jackson, all of Portland were remainder of the fine. He has con­ Soloists for the concert will be Friday evening guests of Dr. and stantly refused to pay the fine and Lora Teshner Ware, cellist; Mrs. Mrs. Milton V. Walker. Mr. Bacon has maintained a sullen attitude Glenn Haney. Incidental contralto Is head of the violin department towards the affair says C. L. Aid- solo; Miss Monlco Ruth, sopfano; of the Elliaon-Whlte conservatory rich. recorder who ordered Peerson and a soprano trio. Robin LeVee, In Portland and la director of the Jailed. Mrs. Ora Blowers, and Miss Ruth. Hill Military academy hand. Mr. John 9tark Evans Is director ot Jackson Is his assistant. the singers and has Robert Gould H. S. TRACKSTERS WAIT as his assistant Pacific Heed to Speak— Dr. John FIRST TRIALS OF YEAR M O O R E ’S LADIES SHOP 829 W illa m e tte — Eugene Come to M O O R E ’8 For Easter Clothes Our collection of D resses. Coats and suits will thrill you . . . gay colors . . . styles designed to cap­ ture the spring mood . . . Hats to set off the ensemble. Really the prices are low . . . W e can outfit you completely very economical­ ly . . . Come in and let us show you. Troop Adds T h ree M em ber* Emma Lou Stratton, Alberta Kee­ ler and Veryl Robinson were en­ rolled as new members of the Springfield Girl Scout troop at its meeting Monday afternoon. The 1 girls are busy working on achieve­ ment projects. Awards will be made at the Court of Awards to be held ‘ on April 29. M r*. F lanery Hoeteee Members of the Needlecraft club are meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. B. Flanery. A pot­ luck dinner was held at 1:30 pre­ ceding the business and social ses­ sion. Marlon Hall. Springfield high STREET WORK REACHES school track coach, announced this; EAST END OF CITY morning that he was taking his SERA workers on the Springfield track squad to Albany Saturday ; street project are working on the morning for an interschool track j streets In the east end of the city meet. This will be the first com- this week. Street* beyond Tenth petltive meet of the season for the were being graded, graveled and local athletes and is expected to Improved. show something of the comparative strength of the Individual contest­ ants. Nearly half of the forest fires caused by lightning in western tlre- gon and Washington start In the needles and debris on the ground, and one quarter start I d dead trees. F. Dobbs, peesldent of Pacific uni­ versity at Forest Grove will be guest speaker on the Voice of Ex­ perience program Friday morning April 19. at 12 noon. Eastern Bland-j ard time. M 8. Taylor, the V o ice, of Experience, in a graduate of ¡ Pacific and former president o f ! Oregon hospitality club. Save on Cleaning TRY OUR Buy Your Enster Cash and Carry S ervice SH O ES SPRINGFIELD CLEANERS Prom pt S ervice PftiWrWG DRESSES Bilk, organdy, chiffon in a riot of Joyous colors. COATS and SUITS In all the best 1935 materials, styles ana colorings. Sizes up to 52. EASTER MILLINERY Especially low prices for this week. One group all pastel shades $ J.95 - $2'^® Join O ur Hosiery Club and Get Your Free P a ir fe Give 8. A H. Green Stamps * T ea c h er'* W a rr a n t* Accepted Do voiir Diana for spring activities include need of well printed matter, business or social? , . .»If so we are in position to render most ex- c-’»ent service, nro’-'otlv. In­ expensively a n d correctly done. . . No matter what vour ’'rintiro- lob mav be we can handle the 1ob in the manner that you want It done. . . . No obligation on your part to ask us to make an estimate. A pril 2 2 and 2 3 Notice is hereby given that the Annual Springfield Cleanup and Free hauling of rub­ bish will be held Monday and Tuesday, April 22 and 23. All rubbish should be placed In suitable containers and left in the alleys or parking strips so that the trucks can pick it up con­ veniently. T h e W illam ette P ress Phone 2 Clean-Up Days 4th Street TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD By C. L. Aldrich, Recorder. AT Fulop’s Dept. Store Springfield A large stock of high qual­ ity shoes are here for your ap­ proval. Stylish shoes you will be proud to wear at Easter Time. Prices Range from $1.98 to $2.98 for Men and Women's Shoes. Children's Shoes 98c up. These are very attractive shot's at attractive prices. COME IN AND LET US FIT YOU.