T H U M HAY, APHIL 18, 19.1G THE HPRINOFOBLD NSW 8 PAQRTHJUB» WHO IS WHO and What They Do A Claasifiad Directory of Reliable Bueinese Firm« and Profeeelonal People This Newspaper Recommends to You. Portland People H a re — M r. and M r«, W. R M Issuer of Portland wore bare over the week-eend a* guests of M n , Z ella C a n trell. Mr». M laeuer ta m e to attend the v is ita ­ tion meeting at Juanita Rebekah lodge Monday evening. She la a io» iner retldoDt here. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Departm ent of the In te rio r, U. 8 Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, AUTO DEALERS DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS A p ril S, 1915. Ouklund, l'a llf. a gj | N O T IC E I» hereoy given that DAN 0 E , I j ( ANDERSON »ni MOTORS, INC. Cari R. Balter Film Shop John W. W itte , of M arcóla, Ore V ie lt W ith M other— M r. und M i» Expert Repairing AT WINTEROARDEN Kastm an Film s — Kodaks — gon, who on A p ril 27th 1934. made A ll W ork George Lunliy and (a m llj of Cm , Guaranteed. Homestead e n try Serial No. 021276 Fram es — Album»— Motion "T h e Dance T hat'» D iffe re n t" for Lota 2, 2, 4. and S E H N W H . 1». It. and M r . M axine llrad y of Gas, O il, T lre a and B atterl«« Picture Cameras. Section 1, Tow nship 10 8.. Range Every Muturday N ight H. ...Id.., were here Io spend the « 6th and A Rta., Springfield Pb 49 W e Pbotograpb E veryth in g 2 W ., W illa m e tte M eridian, has U e n U 26c Ladles 10c week-end vlaltlng w ith tb e lr ___ ___________ filed notice of intention to make Anywhere. mother. Mr». C. N. I.uaby final three year Proof, to establish M ull film a to P. O. Box « 7 claim to the land above described, FURNITURE 698 W illa m e tte . Eugene Pb. 626 SCHERER MOTOR CO. before E. G. Im u iel, U. B. Comm is­ ca n Hava Visitors— M r», lami.. IIU IC K — O L D B M O B IL E — sioner. at Eugene. Oregon, on the JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 1.1 nu «r, S pilugU eld route 1, who PRINTERS 16th day of M ay, 1936. P O N T IA C Ranges and Circulator» Claim ant ñame» a» wltnessee: uiidoi w »ml u m a jo r upurutTun at tho M otor Car» Floyd W ilson of M arcóla, O re ­ TH E W ILLAM ETTE PRESS Several Line» Including Montag. Kuguuu htn«piUil taut w««k I n now H A L E S and S E R V IC E gon; Ruy V. Itlggs, of Mabel. Ore Springfield L in o le u m —In la id and F e lt Base abiu tu i emve vlaitora a. cording 7tll und 8U _ gM ¡g u n ; John H llem an . of Mabel, O re­ Phone 2 A ttra c tiv e Prices on F u rn itu re to her unending Physician. Kog, n< OrM »»*«•> Dough»» fir P E R M A N E N T W A V E S »1 60 llous. If any, uo-retu. A L L R IC H F IE L D P R O D U C T 8 e n tire service with the c iv ilia n con- a Juugment und decree adjudging i aeedllnga will be used. Phon« 2600 A ll W o rk Guaranteed Du led and first publlaliod M arch — Yale T lre e — ervatlon corps, subsequent to the Eugene, Oregon ± , t„l. u 7 e 7 “ “ nd ,aWa tOa I tb * M < Hood national forest Mrs. K ila Porcher Tel. 30 21. »936. p la in tiffs from the said d efendant! tim e he distinguished him self, shall Greasing • B attery Recharging C A U L E. W IM B E R L Y . Admin the (T a c a m a s CCC camp w ill Angellne S. D illa rd the sum of 310, LAUNDRY not have been honorable. Posthu­ E xp ert R adio Repairing by ia liu lo r w ith the w ill auuexed CREAMERIES - 061.24, w ith the fu rth e r sum of plant roughly 300,000 lyouglas (lr of the oelale of B ert Eilenburg, mous awards w ill be given to the L E E CRAY »600. as an attorney's tee, and coats seedlings on 500 acres ul the L a SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY deceased. ...... I Demand the Beat— Coats no M ore enrollee's next of kin. Phono 48-J uud disbursements of said suit Floyd Wood, Prop. Dee project southeast of Estacada. Bprlngfleld I Ux•« for more than 30 years as con- chains north of the southeast N’ H S E H , S W H S E H . S E H S W H gon, In and for lam e County, bis N orthw est corner of the F re d ­ IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E trasted w ith onlv 8 years for an un- corner of the southwest quarter final report, as executor of the last eric k W a rn e r Donation Land Section 26, Tow nship 15 8., Range 2 of Pittsburgh, Pa. O F O R E G O N : You a re required to i trea|ed le w ill and testam ent of A. J. H ig ­ o f the southwest quarter of W .. W illa m e tte M eridian , has filed C laim No. 43, N o tific atio n No. answ er the Com plaint filed against gins, whose fu ll name Is Asa J. section 16, township 16 south notice of intention to m ake final 7306 In Tow nship 18 South of you in above entitled court and Higgins, deceased; and that ten range 6 west of the W illa m e tte three year Proof, to establish claim Range 1 W est of the W illa m e tte cause w ithin four weeks from A pril NOTICE OF HEARING o’clock In the forenoon of Satur­ M erid ian ; thence north 21.60 to the laud ubove described, before 10.55 » M k eridian . i . . , .u thence ~ .v South ■> . ~ ’ ,18,1935. date o f firs t publication ON FINAL ACCOUNT day. the 27th day of A pril, 1936, at chains to quarter section line W . H. Canon, Register. U. 8. 1-anu chains to the South line of Sec-, here<)( ...ld lf VO11 fail „ tlnn 90 Cl-_> »•>» “ eiecn. aiiu i i you tail so to an N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : the courtroom thereof, In Eugene. Represented By running through said section 16; O ffice, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the to 'the9 Southwcs't' cornei-3 of''saW l 8Wer ° C ° r before tbe la8t J a -V of T h a t the undersigned ad m in is tra to r thence east on quurter section utth day of M ay, 1935. Oregon, have been by said Court Lot 4 t h X e N o rth 10 56 c h im s ! he “ me pre8crlb’‘d ln ,he O rder of the estate of E m m a C. Reeves, appointed und fixed as the tim e line 47.30 chains to the center o f, Claim ant names as witnesses: E. H. TURNER 4, ce N o rth 10.55 chains for Publication hereof, vis., for deceased, has filed his account for and place for hearing objections to county road; thence along the Edward D. Rice. Benjam in to a point due W est of beginning, w ant thereof, p la in tiff w ill take the final settlem ent of said estate »aid report and for the final settle 846 A 8 L B prlngfleld, Ura. ??n the county road south Joseph H a ll. George McCauley, and and thence Eaat 3.73 chains more Judgment against you. and w ill ap- ln the County- Court fo r L an e C o m ­ raent of the estate of said deceased. 18’ 16' eaat 1.46 chains; thence W illia m McCauley, a ll of Mattel or less to the place of beginning, ply to the court for the re lie f de- ty, Oregon, and th a t Saturday, the W . H . H IG G IN S , Executor of south 10" 65' east 16.90 chains; Oregon. said exception containing 3.93 mandeil in said Com plaint, sue- 20th day of A p ril, 1936, a t the Coart thence west 5.76 chains; thence the Last W ill and Testam ent acres. W IL L IA M H . C A N O N . Register. cinctly, th a t the m arriage contract Room of said Court, in tha County o f A. J. Higgins, deceased. south 3.76 chains; thence west T b e lands hereby conveyed (A 11-18-26 — M 2-91 and bonds of m atrim ony existing Court House, ln Eugene, Oregon at A. E. W h eeler, Attorney. 12.69 chains; thence north 7.23 containing 1176.23 acres, a ll situ­ between you and p la in tiff be dis ten o’clock ln the to re n m n , baa chains; thence west 13.29 chains; (M . 28 — A. 4-11 18-261 ated in Tow nship 18, South of solved. Service hereof is made up been by said Court fixed aa the thence south 7.23 chains; thence I N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Range 1 W est of the W illa m e tte on you by publication in Spring tim e and place for hearing objec- N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T west 20.38 chains, more o r less , Departm ent of the In te rio r, U. S. M eridian , In L an e County, O r e field New» published at Spring tlons thereto, and for fin a l settle- to the place of beginning, con -. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, gon. IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F field . Oregon, for fou r successive! nient o f said estate. Form erly W alker-Poole . tninlng 94.30 acres o f land, more ■ April 8. 1935. N ot therefore ln the nam e of the weeks by order of said court made T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N FOR P R E S T O N R E E V E S , Admlnla- o r less, together w ith the tene- N O T IC E Is hereby given that State of Oregon ln com pliance w ith LANE COUNTY. B E N N E T T S W A N T O N , JR. tra to r o f the E state of Em m a E U G E N E — 11th S P R IN G F IE L D ■neats, heredam enta and appur- Edw ard D. Rice, of M abel, Ore- said execution and o rder of sale Attorney for P la in tiff. Rest- C. Reeves, deceased, In the M a tte r of the Estate of lenanoes thereunto belonging or gon, who. on A p ril 26th, 1933, made and In o rder to satisfy said Judg­ und Charnelton 228 M ain dence. M arshfield. Oregon. L. L. R A Y , A tto rn ey for Estate. Creed Lane, deceased. In anyw ise appertaining. Homestead entry S erial No. 020809 m ent and decree, Interest, a tto r­ HOOSC& A*5 CTlU TO K RXMP.MOTABUf W