PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS l'ubll»li«xl Every Thursday at Uprlngrtold, l« n e t'ounty, Oregon by FORESr PROGRAM WOBTHT OF COSI TIIUKWDAY. APRIL IK. 1935 TELEPH O N E COMPANY TO I HAVE RADIO PROGRAM Anniversary Broadcast To Observa Fifty Yesera Of Service To General Public FIRM LOIRS AIR CASH BUYER PLAN SIX NEW B U LLE TIN S NOW SPRING CLEAN-UP FOR AUTO IS RECOMMENDED AVAILABLE FREE AT OSC lìn ee new bulletlus and ihrec Motor Association Liats Important l| iniilieoH raplied c lr c itla ia ot liilo im Items To Be Taken Care alitili bave Jllsl lieeli pnlillnhed al O« By Motorist M. K MAXKV. Editor Oregon Stale collegi- and are lui» The telephone, indespeuaahle Io Buck Holds Forests Vie With When the housewife wraps her ready tur (ree dlatrlbutlon lo Or» Now Possible To Eliminate Entered aa aecond claaa matter, February 24. ISOS, at the poetofflce. head In a towel and with a grim gnu cititene requeallug (Itera oli hai Agriculture In Protecting radio's cliatu broadcasts, will go Carrying Charges On All Springfield. Oregon on the air llaelt Sunday. April 38 look begins Die annual spasm of (rolli (ite coititi y esleualon office re Security Of State Purchases Of Farmers from 3 m ill 4 o'clock Paclft spring clean Ing. II Is a signal lo Ihe or direi ! (rum III» -college. The«« M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Coast time with a unique radio pro­ motorist Dial the time lia arrived liew pulii lini Imi are as followe; "The future security ol the aver Oae Year la Advance ...... >1.60 Six M ouths___ »1.00 Charge II! How convenient! But gram to celebrate the fiftieth sun "Comparative Effliìency of Farm Two Years In advance...» $3.60 Three .Mo tit ha . Me a g e eitlaeu of ttresou anti Waalitns veisary of the American Telephone whnt about the coal’ Records «how to get Ilia car in ahupo after the w luter ordeal says the Oregon Milk Conierà," Mlutlon liulletln 331. tun la vitally involved In the sue that farmers often pay aa much as THURSDAY, APRIL IS. 1936 State Motor uHaoclalloii In making by (1. II. Wllster, Hatia Hoffuinn eeaa of the foreat program given and Telegraph company 30 per cent intereat to "put II oil Thia anuivei'sary broadcast will the following Hat of suggosted and F. E. l’rlee, (Cotnpanlon bui new twpetUa by the pasaage of the the cuff," or to buy "on lime * OUR HIGH SCHOOL STANDARDS checkups on the fuiully automobile. I Ito lo ".Metlioila of Cooilug and federal relief bill enlarging poaalble he sent over a chain of »3 stalions Now. however. Pacific northwest Every now and then someone who is "supposed to j • W wPrtatiaaa for foreat work. of the W ABt'-t'olumbla network farmers of good credit atandltig i'lieck Die ateerlng mechauism Slortug tien ili for Oregon Dulr) and will he broadcast In Oregon Fu ruta.) know" raises the question us to w hether the Springfield This was the stalemeut of Regional over station KOIN from Portland have the opportunity of getting on for liHtaeneas and wear. "Luugworms In Sheep a n d High School conies up to the standards of an accredited Forester C. J. Buck, now attending according to Mrs. Zella Cantrell, a cash basis In the purchase of I'lieck entire brake eyeloui, Itglit Guata," Htatlon llulletln 337. by J high school as laid down by the state superintendent and the natioual conference of regional mauager here. their supplies by arranging for eiilng and adjusting I hem. if necea- N BltaW. entrance requirem ents to the university. They generally foresters and experiment station ill funds al a straight 6 per cent rate gory. Ted liuslng will serve us master 'Wainut and FWiert llllght and get some parents unduly worried as to what their child is rectors at Washington. II. C of ceremonies for the program, from their local production credit Have the hotidlighl « properly I t is e li l’est» and Thelr Control," "Without mintmliing In any way learning and w hether the child will be accepted at the uni­ association and Intereat Is charged i the merits of the many worthy pub- which will open with four succes­ ouly for the length of time the ulined and focused Exteuslou llulletln No. 47$. by I*. versity if he wishes to enroll after graduation. ! lie projects which are now clamor­ sive long distance calls to tele money la at work for the borrower W Miller and II. (1. Thompaou. Have the wheels aligned. The tru th is that Springfield high school comes up to phone officials at ihe four coruera "Solali tlreetiliousos for Growlug Check over the tiles tor cuts. Sevan Locatsd In State all state standards as required at present and graduates ing for recognition," said Buck of the United States- San Diego, "let us not lose sight of the fact Vegetahle l’Innts and Ctops," Ciré Cleaning carbón inni grinding These associations are located at from our school are accepted at the University of Oregon California; Eaalport, Maine; Bell- on the same basis as the largest high school in the state. . that timber growing land comprises Ingham Washington; Key West, Salem. Medford. The Dalles. Red valves. Highly volaille and anti o f in fo i inai Ioli by A G II lluu These are not our conclusions but the statem ent of the a s­ our chief productive acreage and Florida. Another interesting fea­ mond. Klamath Falla. Pendleton knock gtisollnea have noi altogelb quel. "Huckerml and Cnsuckered sistant state superintendent of public instructions who in­ timber our greatest single crop. ture will be a dramatisation of the and Baker. A regional association er eliminated the need for tills old Timber supports our population and Sweei Corti. Clrcular of Informa- al Portland la In operation to make fashioned Job although it Is necee spected the Springfield high school last year on request of telephone conference service, with Gnu. by A. (1. II. Bouquet. the school board. County School Superintendent Moffitt economic structure in nearly the Hustng and prominent personali­ range live stock loans which ex sary fur leas frequently. "►Tre llllght l l ’ear IMIghl | of Change lubricants of bolli engine will attest to this fact to anyone who wishes to call him up. ! same proportion as agriculture. ties In widely separated parts ot eeed $7500 , These two Industries together are l’ears. Apples, Eie.,” Clrcular of Production Credit aaaoclalloiu unii chassis lo the grades recoin Aa further proof of the fact that students graduating the legs that support our whole the country h.Hiked up for a long­ are not government lending or re mended for warmer weather oper lliformuGon. hy S M Zeller from Springfield high school can enter the University of social and economic structure. distance round-robin conversation. lief agenclea. They are permanent alien. Oregon with proper entrance requirem ents we quote the Edwin C. HUI. noted commenta­ Sustained Yielde Protects Income borrower-owned organisations mak Clean the entire fuel system and KO NTRACT GROUP HOLDS following from the university's 1934-35 catalogue: "We are awakening to the ini tor. and Chenin« Pollock, eminent Ing crop, live slock and general readjust carburetor. author and playwright, who will be DESSERT LUNCH M EET "Plan B. Presentation of fifteen units from a four year portance of a sustained timber . purpose loans on a sound business Replace the straining element In I ...... . . . , ... high school of which ten unite must be selected from some of : yield program for the permanent among several I . prominent persons ... I ,,aM,B “• lowest possible cost. They ihe oil filter. Mrs Dntiuld Tomoli wns liimtess ,.................... . ..______________ the following fields: English, language other than English: support of our state and county tax participating In the program, will do not stimulate borrowing because Set hack the generator in case It mathematics, laboratory science; and social science. At least structure and the towns and com- tell the story of the telephone in they are organised for constructive lias been advunceit to compensate ut lier home last Thursday after noon for members of the Kontrad of interest ing iiraiiiutl-1 three of the ten units must be in English." munities that represent our social two groups ii.. iii I *®r*ice and not profit. But to farm for the more severe drain on the Bridge Klub. A one oclia k dessert „ . . . structure." said Buck, who shows nations. One group will portray sev I ors who have good , reason to bor buttery during winter. Freshm en entering Springfield high school are made how floral assistance is neces eral historic events In Ihe develop­ row and can qualify, they offer the Check the spark plugs and re­ luurheoii preceded the games Mrs. W. K Itameli will he inattesa lor ment of telephone service. The aw are of these entrance requirem ents to the university, sary to this program .. . . ■ means of obtaining funds, fitted to place llioae which are defective us Ihe group on April 25. for (heir group of dramatisations w illl.i, , ... The subjects are all taught in Springfield High School nec- 1 “Our trouble is that sustained other __________ .. . I *he Individual s needs, st the lowest lo gup, Insulation, or the like. negl meeting. the vital part that the essary for these entrance requirem ents. If the student does ! yield means for us a new coucep demonstrate coal |n agricultural history. Drain and flush tranemlaalon and telephone plays in modern life not take them or has poor grades, which m akes entrance i lion of the forest—a conception Farmer Mutt Have Security differential housings. At the dose of the program. exam inations necessary at the university, it is not the that Is difficult for our people to Move From Eugene— Mr. and To become eligible for a loan. Check over gaskets, gears and .Mrs George F. Scoli have moved Walter S. Gifford, president of the I , , . school district’s fault but the student’s. _ I farmer must heve adequate secur- adjust themselves to. but which hushing« through which oil may he recently from Eugene to Davenport Americen Telephone and Telegraph means economic salvation to this ompany, will be Interviewed by Ity and show favorable promise of leaking. lu lle in Weal Springfield Improved business conditions in Oregon is reflected in part of the country. This new con- r> u rn u . . t I 'iM u ld a tiu g his note when It comes ------------- —-------------------- a---------- on how telephone I ,i..„ ... the automobile registrations. During the first three m onths j ception of the forests as renewable Edwin .. C. i. Hill , . . . I ”ue' usually out of the proceeds of coordinated t o | , h„ . of the year 12.244 more m otor vehicles were liceused than crops Is an old and established con- service . has been , I Ihe financed enterprise. He must serve the nation with the utmost I , ,, , u , EASTER L IL IE S AND FLOW ERS during the sam e period in 1934. The 1935 num ber was 247,- ception in Europe. There the Idea . . I also own voting stock In his asso- effleiency and economy. . . . . . . . , value 141 and 1934 was 234.897. ■ elation at the rate of $5 book A T S C O T T '8 D RUG STO N E OR G R E E N H O U S E that timber should be cut faster for each $100 or fraction of $100 than it can be grown is inconcelv- I borrowed Additional slock need More tourist business is in sight this year. Already i able and all governmental mens SQUIRREL POISONING Place your order now while our selections are there is increased travel over last year with 7,777 out of ures. including the tax system, are BEST EARLY IN YEAR ' not Purchased for subsequent 1 largest for lilies, polb-d plaiils, cut flowers, Easter 1 loans unless the loan Is for a larger state cars registering against 7,052 last year. built around the sustained timber basket«, ferns or corengee. ® I yield idea. Governmental units Every ground squirrel poisoned | an”>unt than Ihe original. All north The traffic count between Springfield and Eugene in- haT® learned that timber land like now means four less squirrels t h ls l* ” ’1 associations have maintained T H E L O W P R IC E S W IL L P L E A S E YO U d ila te s th at there is adequate reason for building a gravel ■‘"Y other land can pay taxes only summer, and as each adult squirrel I •heir stock at par value during Is credited with 50 cent» lo $j I their year of operation, despite the sidewalk betfore someone else is killed. »hen there is an actual income and • -------------- ’hat money for local taxing units worth of damage during Ihe season. | ®*P®neee Incurred for organisation A prisoner writes to the production control departm ent is ^ust as ava,labie under public as that amounts to a considerable sav­ kLv'- Phone Sp. M W Free Delivery of governm ent saying that he should be paid for not raising under private ownership, Sustained ing according to farm leaders. STATE C. E. GROUPS TO I yield in Europe works successfully This bait does not kill game any checks while he is in jail. CONVENE N E X T WEEK with part governmental and part birds. but domesticated fowls private ownership.” game birds, but domesticated fowls If God had m eant that all your earthly riches should Preparations are rapidly being are more or less susceptible. Cat­ completed for the meeting of Ihe More Employment Results be yours He no doubt would have made provisions for you Buck shows that changes of prac­ tle, too, are susceptible to any con­ annual Slate Christian Endeavor to take them to the other world. ---------- »---------- tice necessary for the success of siderable amount of the poison, and convention, lo be held in The Dal it is Important to keep dead squir­ The county is troubled with workers who do not think the sustained yield program call for rels away from dogs, as they us­ les, April 25-23 The sessions will government assistance Justified by be presided over by Veldon J Dim and thinkers who do not work. the vital stake which the public has ually contain enough strychnine to ent. president of the Oregon Christ Purest hitler-sw eet tiuil milk choctihiD' lluunieH, in stabilizing this Industry. “If kill a dog. he says. Ian Endeavor Union. Chicks. E aster ERggand candy novelties, lovely Easter Henry Ford says governm ent shouldn’t do anything but , Oregon and Washington with their Dr. Paul C. Brown of Los An­ Ruskets. Everything is here for your enjoym ent on govern. W hat do you say? 1 one million of timber dependent QUARTER M ILLIO N ACRES geles and Dr. Luther E. Stein of E asier day. I people can be placed upon a solid ADDED NATIONS FORESTS Fresno, California, are coming to . basis of support for the future, the Bring the children and pick from our large stix-k participate In the convention. Dr. J Investment of substantial public ami m ake it a Happy Easter. The National Forest Reservation Stein to deliver five of Ihe major I funds now toward this accomplish­ Commission on March 30 approved convention addresses. Other ad ment is amply Justified." says Mr. purchase of more than a quarter ! decease will be given by Ihe Rev Be "Caiulywise”—Buy at a confectionery store. . Buck. million acres of land for addition to ' <-’• P Oates, pastor of the Iaidds By DEAN C. POINDEXTER Buck points out that protection the national forests, according to Addition Evangelical church, and Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Spriogfleld, Oregon I of the entire forest area and Its recent announcement of Secretary hy Dr. Walter L. Myers, field sec- ! potential crops Involves Increased of War Dem, president of the com- retary of the State Christian En - effort for fire and Insect control, mission. "Where Ihe Service Is Different deavor Union. Palm Sunday and Easter, two views of "The Way, The jgreater care for reseeding sources The commission's recent a c t i o n -------------------------- Truth, The Life.” On Palm Sunday Jesus made an open and an expanded research program practically completed the federal Study Time of Fires pilgrimage into Jerusalem . “Now the chief priests and the looking to the maximum use and forest One-third ot the tnan cauHod for acquisition to be made with Pharisees had given comm andment, th at if any man knew development of forest resources. the $30.000,000 of ECW funds alloc cst fires start In the forenoon where He was he should show it, th at they m ight take "At present.” says the forester, "in­ Him.” Accompanied by thousands of people singing and sects are destroying more pine tim­ ated by President Roosevelt In 1933 while only seven per cent of llghln waving palm branches, He enters the city. As the people ber In eastern Oregon and Washing­ and 1934 lor the purchase of lands iOS fires start during the morning national forest purposes as a hours. During the afternoon and acclaim Him the Messiah He is asked by the Pharisees to ton than the mills cut and In the for relief measure. night, nlety-lhree percent of the silence them. He replies th a t if these hold their peace the western area forest fires are per­ Purchases approved Included 5,- lightning fires, and two-thirds of A leader in this field "Maid G’Cream " lm ller 1 h a very stones will cry out. He can not be ignored and His iodically burning cut-over land high quality foot! produci of which we are proud. Made enemies find they m ust acknowledge him and his claims or faster than the new crop can grow." 196 acres In New England. 28,756 Ihe man-caused fires occur. In the Appalachians, 93,384 acres in ---------- —— — - — they m ust kill him. There is no compromising with Jesus. from cream from Lane county dairy farm s ami proces­ the Southern pine. 16.667 acres in Output of Logs sed in our modern sanitary plant Multi O’Creum but­ the Ozark and central Mississippi. The average man-day output of B ut what is the central claim of this strange m an? HOME PRODUCTS MEN ter is guaranteed hy us. and 128.854 acres In the I^ke loKH 1» the camps of the Douglas fir On trial before a judge He states "I am to bear witness to TO M EET IN PORTLAND states and upper Mississippi states region is approximately 1.136 hoard the tru th .” He m akes the claim th at whosoever is open to When you patronize Hie cream ery products you regions. The total area approved feet. the tru th will listen to Him. But in Jerusalem nothing is A series of “Better Selling" meet- was 280.619 acres and the aggregate are patronizing your friends ami farm er neighbors as ------------------------- - so hard to face as truth. Vested interests and special privi­ Lookouts Find Fires Esrly well us contributing your part in Hie up building of this lege claimed the field. Pride, prejudice and hate were in the i Ings to be held jointly under the cost 923.050.21. auspices of the Multnomah Hous- ------------------- ------ Two-fifths of all forest final dis­ hearts of the people. Jerusalem could not lift her eyes | j ing community. Committee and the Federal covered by lookouts on the national beyond herself. "W here there is no vision the people perish.” H E A L T H U L EASTER forests In Oregon and Washington The handw riting was upon the wall but they would slay the Housing Administration, will be one who read it for them . A poet has well put it in these ' held In Portland on April 24, 25, and LILLIES ?nd Potted Plants »re seen before they have covered Springfield Creamery Co. 26 All persons Interested In the lines: are ready ior you a t S cott’s more ,han 500 «fluare feet; and 70 , building trades are invited to at- Drug Store--------------------------- I Per cent are ’ een bef°re they ex- There came a mao whence none could tell ; tend the meetings. ce“d one-fourth acre In size. Bearing a touchstone in his hand; And tested all things in the land, By its unerring spell. And lo, what sudden changes smote The fair to foul, the foul to fair! Purple nor ermine did he spare Nor scorn the dusty coat. Of heirloom Jewels prized so much Many were changed to chips and clods. And even statues of the gods Crumbled beneath Its touch. Then angrily the people cried. The loss outweighs the profit far, Our goods suffice us as they are, We will not have them tried. But though they slew him with a sword And in a fire his touchstone burned, Its doings could not be o'erturned, Its undoings restored. TH E W IL L A M E T lE PRESS j Kirkland Floral Co. PURE F a tte r CANDIES Lessons from ‘The cBook fggimann ’S Maid o ’ Cream Butter With Electric Refrigeration Before the end of th at awful week the incarnate God of love, mercy, justice, truth and righteousness had been slain. Yet by the light of th at record the world still reads its judgm ent. It is enough th a t truth cannot be crushed though it be denied and its representatives be killed. In any given 24 hours the forces of evil may have their day but God and life are not done. The tree of crucifixion was not the end of the story for Christ. The C haracter of God was a t stake. Had the God of Righteousness forsaken His son who cam e to represent Him? No! E aster is the vindication of all th a t Jesus claimed in the Heavenly Father. Justice is upon the throne of the universe. God is not on the side of the heaviest battalion. Jesus came forth into this world again to continue his leadership. The power of salvation for individuals and of redemption for the world is throw n this side of the grave. W ithout the E aster message who would ever have had the courage to try again to build a heavenly kingdom upon earth ? The present moment would be dark indeed. But with the Christ of Palm Sunday, of the cross, and of the E aster M orning we can know and live In "The Victory that overcom eth the W orld.” y^^OMEN . . eay that efficient refrigeration pro vide« thrift of a practical nature and these thrifty housewivee describe distinct economies that are effected in their homes by electric refrigeration. | I | ' - Q U A N T IT Y B U Y IN G NO­ F O O D LO SS Mountain States Power Company Foods are kept in good oondition longer . . , leftovers can be salvaged . , quantity buying can be practiced . . money can be saved at food sales of weekly “ food specials.” You ae a thrifty, progressive housewife can own an electric refrigerator today. See the new electric refrigerators at dealers anywhere . . . or if you prefer, call the Power Company for complete and accurate information about electric refriger at ion. You will be agreeably surprised at how little it costs to operate an electric refrigerator in your home There is no installation coet and the easy monthly payment plan makes it possible to pay for your refrigerator with the economy electric Refrigeration will bring into your home.