THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIItT Y -B K C O N h Y KA It CHURCHES RFAOY 10 GREET E l 1 HPRINGEIKLh, LANK COUNTY, ORBOON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18 1936 NO. 13 Clean-bp Days LOCAL M E S Start Next Week GN /;0 0/ - Readv M. E. CHURCH HAS ^ » '* 0 " Lead ln NAME FIREMEN M llllll ELiCTIOlLfc s ^ r W FOR CUT SQUID STATE AVERAGE f »r Free Collection Of Rubbish All-Day Session* To Bring Student* Now On Final Grad* From Yards To Start Mon­ Average Per Capita Tax In Many Visitor To City For District Superintendent Here,1 Period Of School Year; Mike Hrynchuk and O. L. day; Want Cooperation Convention April 26 Springfield $13.52; States From Salem Tuesday For Fifty-Six Named Mulligan Get Night Jobe, Average Is $14.81 Monday and I'ueaday of next Fourth Conference Final plans for the large all day To Live Above Fire Hall Fifty six students at Bprlngfleld week. April 22 and 23. have been BREAKFAST AT SUNRISE ilealguute«l as spring clean up days PER PERSON VALUE LOW gathering of taae county Udil Fel­ ORGAN READY ON MAY 15' hl,b *cb ■ are being made thia week. Elmer E Long ~ .« j - . . . total of 20 name*. Change Expected About May clfixion"; Christian Church year. State 1« 21.3; Springfield Committees Made Public Pynu. county association president, t i a .« Tne student* named by c I&**« m 1, Loehr Outlines Aims Of Itesldenta are asked to go over Dny’a Program Full und Oswald Olson, secretary, are Millage Set At 31.6 Following Meeting are „ foMowa; llulr places at once, rummage New Organization being assisted by R. E Morris, vice- Methodist* Plan Cantata "Seven Laat Word»," Ft Evening Service Sunday Springfield church«'» will ol> ervu Easirr will« fitting actlvltlea Bun day a< i-ordlng to annouucenianta made thia week by the local emigre gallon». Mualc a» alway» will tea lure the day'» prograum. The pro (rntn» will »tart with a aunrlae breakfaat and worahlp aervlce at o'clock and will ooaclude with «veil Ina service* In the three church«* at 7:30 through all pnrta of the house, and all purls of the ykrd, gathering tc gelher all Iraah and rubbish Into bolt a or sacks. These should be placed either In front of the house or In the alley where they will he gathered up by the clly «rucks and haul*-d to the clly dump grounds. This service Is free Io residents of the city and they are askis) to Young people of the Methodlat cooperate In assembling all rubbish and ('hrlatlnii church* a will Join In lu their homes, yards, along fences and even on vacant lots. an early morning br«ukta»t and worahlp service to he held nt th« Methodist church Munday at i a m He ulnli Thurman, Martin Clark ClarabeUe Brood, and t'harllne Fish are In charge of the devotion-, and Ihirla Myera, Ila Unrtholomo and Mnrjorlu Taylor are in charge o( the hreaktaat. Work of the past year was re- . Freshmen—Selma Clement. Fran- president, and aa active committee Personnel of the volunteer fire viewed, plans for the new year con- cw f;'*rrell. George Drury. Joe Kee- from Ibe two local lodges department being organised In Beveral hundred visitors are ex­ aldered. and «fleers and commit- *er’ " InKred Kickbusch, Elsa Springfield by Lee Loehr, acting pected here for the sessions. The tee« for the next term were chosen: Knox. Alfred Warner, chief, waa announced this week 1. O. O. F. will convene at the local or approved at the annual meeting Juniors—taster Anderson, ta- along with the announcement that lodge hall, and the Rebekah group of the Methodist church held Tnea ' Moyne Black, Russell Cooper. Rol- day evening. I land Farnsworth. Edward Hanaoa. Ibe fire equipment will be moved to will meet at Taylor hall. Dr. Louis Magln. district superl- ! Caroline Hicks. Josie Hicks. Euge- the new location In the City hall Besslona of the Odd Fellows will within the next week or ten day* he held at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. tendent from Balem, presided atj »lx Karns, John Klckbuscb, Flor- when actual practice and drill» will Rebekahs will hold their sessions the meeting which was the fourth | ence May. Helen McCready, Lois get under way. at 10:30 and 1:30. The Rebekahs quarterly conference of the church Manley. Jotana Putman. Albert Member* of the department, none will alio entertain 4lves and daugh­ and which followed a 6:30 potluck ' Rodakowakl, Robert Saul, Vivian of whom will be salaried, win In­ Travess, Warren Vail ters of visiting Odd Fellows who supper I d the church basement. clude Tom Lusby, assistant chief; After reports and suggestions are uol Rebekah members. Sophomores— Joseph Andrews. Mike Hrynchuk and O. L Mulligan, The I. O. O. F -essIons will be for has been made and acted on it waa Anita Benson. ClarabeUe -Brood, nlghtwatchmen and captain; Mik. members of the order, but the announced that the new organ for Cecil Crafts, Ada Johnson, Hazel taathers. H. L. Myers. Stanley Rebekahs will have an open pro­ the church would be ready by May Nesbitt. Gladys Shelley, Juan Strat­ Keyes, E. J. Korn. D. F. Turner, gram following the closed meeting 15. A letter from the manufactur ton, Edna Vest, tats Wilson, Jean- Hal Bryan, and Paul B. Nice. They In the afternoon. A large evening era this week confirmed a previous nine Withers. will be paid only for the time spent program at the high school gymnas promise of early Installation. Seniors—Obert Andrews, Kuby fighting fires. Trustees and Stewards lorn Is being planned for 7:45 at Cabe, Lorna Chase, Charles Cole Mulligan and Hrynchuk will take Trustees of the church chosen Marjorie Currant, Irvin Darr, Mary which lime the public will be In­ up their residence In the room Tuesday are: L. L. May, Wm. G vited Complete details of the Elkow, Clair Hadley. Mary Kather­ above the fire hall at the City hall. Baptist Sunday School Program Funeral Rites For Resident Research Study Made evening program and other events Hughes, L. K. Page, V. G. McEl ine Harris. Harold Hill. Irene Jes- One of the men will alway* be on The liaptlat church will open These and many other figures on will be announced next week. haney, Chas. Myers. Margaret Mor­ sen. Ev lyn Johnson. Bob tajoie. Of Community Since 1909 duty to answer fire calls, and both Ilielr Easier obai-rvauce with a pro­ city assessed valuations and tax ris, Dr. W. H. Pollard. J F. Bailey, taVerne Pugh, Doris Robinson Held Here Tuesday will be available to go out on the gram by the Junior, primary, and levlea are Included In detail In bul and O. H. Jarrett. Edna Severson. Frances Stiles truck daring late hours. beginner departments of the Hun Mrs. Ida Mullssa Jack passed letln No. 10, Just Issued by the Bu­ Other officers chosen are: Faye Stratton. Mary Trotter. Ray Regular city employees will take day school during th- regular hour away at the Pacific lio- pita) In Eu­ reau of Municipal Research of the Stewards—Mra. Edw. Privat. Ira mon Withers. the truck out during the day If Rev. Rolen* will preach a ipeclal gene Bunday evening ut the age of University of Oregon and the le a ­ Nice. Mrs. R. L. Drury, Mrs. ('has. Post Graduate—Clara Wagner. members of the department are not Eualtir message at tl o'clock and 53 years. Hhe wus a resident of gue of Uregon Cities. (>>rnell. Mrs. Guy Halsey, Mr*. W. Special Student—Melvin Trailer Immediately available, and mem­ Norton I'engra will sing the aolo, Hprlngfleld route 2. The average assessed value of H. Gantx, Sam Bartholomew. P. J. bers of the department will rush to "«»pen the date» of the Temple.'1 Ida Melissa Baldwin was born Oregon cities. p«'r person, com­ Bartholomew. L. L. May. Dr. Poll­ answer the alarm when It Is sound­ on March 4. 1882 In Vermin county puted on a 6* per rent assessment ard. J. F. Bailey. W. E. Buell. Willis Two Will Sing •’Crucifixion ed from the siren at the Mountain ration, la 36*5. The average for the Missouri. She was married to Many Active and Past Offi­ Bertsch, and Frank Bartholomew. For the evening service at 7 30 States Power plant. F. B. Hamlin is secretary of the Mr I** ngra and Wllfr«»d Cook will ‘harles Jack on December 26 1*01 entile stale, Including both city and cers Of Rebekah and I. O. Telephone System Agreed On rural areas. Is 3725. For Bprlnglleld and after spending four years In official board of the church, and Dr. slug the aolo and duet parts from O. F. Here Monday Night A special telephone, number five, Colorado, and a few In Yakima, the average Is 339« per capita. Pollard president of the Brother- the cantuta. "The Crucifixion." will be installed at the new fire Qearhart Richest City Three candidates were initiated hood Mrs. O. H. Stiles, president of At the Chriatian church the Bible bey moved to Bprlngfleld In 1*09 hall. An agreement wae signed this Uearheart. which also levies the and have made Ihelr home here Into Juanita Rebekah lodge mem­ of the tadies Aid; Faye Parsons, «-leases will ussenib!» at V 46 In week by Mayor E. H. Turner and highest p«-r capita tax. Is the "rich bership Monday evening as a fea­ benevolence treasurer; Miss Mae their place« of n*rl(ntlon while the since Ihut time. Rival Teams Meet Friday On phone company officials In which eat" clly In the state, with a per Besides her widower, she Is sur- Hewes I* treasurer, and Miss Doris ture of the annual visitation to the reports are made up after which the methods of handling fire alarms Brattain Field For First Ived by Iwo sons. Raymond and capita assessed valuation of 32263. lodge of Mrs. Grace Christensen, Myer>. Is financial secretary. rt hiHil will aaarinble In the auditor was outlined as follows: Portland ranks second with 3886 Victor; and three daughters, Mrs. Meet Of Season R etain Sunday School Head Oregon Rebekah a-sembly presi­ turn where (lie young people's "When your operator In answer­ per capita, while Roseburg is third Alma Peerce, Mrs. Pauline Cline Sam Bartholomew remains as dent from Portland. The three chorus of the church will present Springfield high school baseball ing a telephone signal bears the were Mra JoJrce Owe„ , Me superintendent of the Sunday- the cantata "The Calvary Way" at and Mrs. Katherine Cole, all resid­ with 380*. the survey shows. The average city tax rate for the ,.her(M,n aD(1 Mlnnle McPherson, school. Mrs. Mary Gates is presi­ players continutsl their winning cry of ‘Fire!’ and the subscriber the Resurrection Day Servlet * The ing In tan e county. She also leaves her father, John state, on a 50 per cent valuation' The 1(M,ge ha„ pr(ive<, ,o be a dent of the combined Home and stride the past week when they add­ then hangs up or abandons tha calL Calvary Way" Is a song-alory dram­ ed two more games to their list ot the operator Is to secure from the atised. The service Is under the di­ W. Baldwin. Yakima, and three basis, Is 113 mills. Springfield, on a m, ct.a for lod(io off„.tala durlllJt , he Foreign Missionary societies. Don­ number plate on the switchboard 60 per cent b,«als. would pay 34.11 0Venlng lhe ni,.mbers nie, Mr„ brothers. Will Baldwin, Beattie and ald Brown is president of the Wes­ victories. rection of Vldlne (lartln Marcola prov«»d easy competition Lhe addreen of the calling station Irl and Aldln Baldwin, at Yakima, mills per person, si though on the Christensen; «'harles P. Poole leyan league, and Wayne Kendall Cast of characters are: Rebecca, and one sister. Mrs. Anna Peery of regular county ae.*essment ratio grand master of the I. O. O. F. tor of the Epworth league. for the locals Friday afternoon or station« on the line and Immedi­ Mary lladley; Benjamin, Bill Cog; Yakima. the rale Is 31.6 mills. The highest Oregon; W. F. Walker, past grand 8. 8. Potter remains as recording when they completed nine inning* ately advise the fire department of ■ nth. Jewel Ilelterhrand. Deboruh. Funeral services were held from is 78.1, second 76.2. and third 71.3. master; Herbert Walker, past secretary of the congregation. Mrs. with the score 10-4. Coach Robert uch address. The fire department Dawn Church; Mary of Bethany. the Poole chapel In Springfield Of cities over 6.000 population, Cor­ grand representatives; and Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah is district stew­ Chatterton bad almost his entire will then advise the operator of the Evelyn Pruitt; Martha of Bethany. Tae day afternoon at 2 o'clock. vallis is lowest with 17.6. Hillsboro, Grace Cooper. Rebekah Assembly ard. and Mrs. U. G. McElhany and reserve team la the field for the whistle signal required and the operator will immediately call the Mln<- Peterson, Nathan, the man Rev. Ralph E. Clark officiated and with 16.3 Is lowest in the 2600 to marshal. Mr*. J. P. Vaughn are communion final innings. horn blind, Martin Clark. Interment was made In the taurel 5,000 population group. In the over Yesterday afternoon the local Mountain States Power company Included In the out-of-town stewards. 5.000 group, however, Pendleton guests present were Mrs. Marjorie Hill cemetery. Narrator, tala Peterson. M any C o m m ittee* Named team squeexed out a 2-0 victory and pass on the Information aa to has a lower millage levy, 13, than McCully of Mullan, Nebraska; Mrs. Chorus: Pearl Ilelterhrand. Eve Committees named at the meet­ over Oakridge In an out-of-town the location of the fire and the Corvallis, hut Its assessment ration Jessie Mlsener of Portland, and ing were reported as follows for the game. Brann went Into the pitch­ proper whistle signal. Such calls as lyn Harris. Melba Harris, tna Cle­ this to be called 'emergency call«.' ALLEN FUNERAL RITES Is much higher than that In effect Mrs. Mubel Gay of Silverton, be- year: ment, Elva Moyer. Beulah Richard er's box for Springfield. All calls other than ‘emergency son. A id e M anning, Ileulnh T h u r Membership—Mrs. W. H. Gantz. ARE HELD SATURDAY In Corvallis. sld * delegations form Eugene. Al­ Friday brings a crucial test for Copies of the study, which In­ pine, Harrisburg and Coburg man, Elisabeth Vnll. Beaate Cox. Dr. Pollard, and Mrs. Chas. Myers. the local learn wheti they will en­ calls' as described In the last para­ Funeral services for Miss Char­ cludes every clly In the state, may Knth Stratton. Carmel Wodell, El- Music—Mrs. W. K. Barnell, Mrs. tertain the Eugene high nine on graph shall be handled in the fol­ A total of 63 members and 33 lotte Allen, daughter of Mr. and be obtained from the Bureau of visitors attended the evening ses­ S 8. Potter, W. E. Buell. Sam Bar­ Brattaln field. Thia will be the lowing manner: When your opera­ wiuu Meui-lium, taVern Pugh. tholomew. droup of children: Zena Vail. Mrs. (’. B. Allen of Vida, who pusa- Municipal Research at the univer­ sion of the lodge. Eugene boys' first game, and tor receives a call for the fire de­ partment she whi immediately eon Betty Campbell. Joyce Church. Vlr ed away last Thursday, were held sity at Eugene Religious education—Mrs. L. K. Following the business session Springfield players will have sev glnla Pohl, Ationnu Knouf. Joanne Saturday afternoon nt 3:30 from the group adjourned to the dining Page. Mrs. W. H. Gantz. Mrs. Chas. era I weeks of experience behind nect the calling party with the fire department telephone and the oper­ McFarland. Marie Hollister, Wan the Veatch chapel in Eugene. Rev. room which was beautifully decor­ Cornell. Sam Bartholomew. them. ator will remain connected to the eta Thomas Rose Ogden. Marjorie II. R. White offlrlatwl and Inter LIONS HEAR PASTOR Finance—Dr. Pollard. P. J. Bar­ ated for Easter with flowers from The Springfield team I* playing Mulllguu, Dorothy Mulllgun. Lola menl was made in the Rest Haven SPEAK ON "PREJUDICE" j , he KlrkluTd Floral company green tholomew, L. L. May. Frank Bailey. without the services ct a few of the line. After the City fireman finishes Wilson. Carroll Stevens. Jessie cemetery. She van aarvlved by one O. H. Jarrett. Frank Bartholomew. regulars who have been benched talking from the fire department house. Five forms of prejudice, which Beales. Dorothy ’raylor, Juan Btrat brother. Frank, at home. Benevolence—Mrs. W. Bertsch. due to low scholastic marks. Dale telephone to the calling party, he A large delegation from the local are very rampant In the world and lodge went to Marcola Tuesday Mrs. Emma Olson, Mrs. L. K. Page, ton. Florence Vail, Allse Ingram. Carson, pitcher, has been an on­ will immediately advise your oper which are responsible for much of evening to attend the visitation Mrs. J. Gates. Faye Parsons, Mrs. ator of the location of the fire and Alva Ferehee, Kenneth Smith, War­ looker for several games now while the proper whistle signal, and WlL N. Vorts. ren Vail, Roscoe Cole, Dale Robert­ BOYS GET REFORMATORY the trouble we experience, were ineetitng there. his ankle heals. It was struck with request the operator to pass the son. Week-day Religion—Mrs. P. J. a fast batted ball. SENTENCES. PAROLED outlined to members of the Lions club ut their noun luncheon meet­ information on to the Mountain Pianist, Kyle Smith, assisted by Bartholomew. Mrs. Olive Rebhan, Ernest Peerson und Louis Howe ing Friday by Dr. 8. E. Childers, ELIZABETH W H ITE DIES States Power company at once and Irene Anderson and Kenneth Smith. Mrs W. C. Wright, and Mrs. Willis MRS. SNODGRASS IS FUNERAL AT MABEL Bertsch. give the person answering the tele­ Solos by Pearl Helterbrand, Ken­ were sentenced to the reform pastor of the First Christian PRISCILLA HOSTESS phone the location of the fire and neth Smith and Uldlne Gartln. Duet. school and then paroled Io Lum F. church of Eugene. Social Service. Hospital and Mrs. Elizabeth White, resident of Flowers, Mrs. U. O. McElhaney, Personal, religious, community the whistle signal to be sounded.” Carroll Stevens and Pearl llolter- Anderson, chief of police, when the College Crest community near Mrs. Chas. Myers. Mrs. J. P. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and Mrs. racial and national prejudices were Mr. Loehr Wednesday presented they were brought before Judge brand. Pantomime, Irene Ander­ Ernest Black entertained Jointly the Mayor and Chairman of the Fisk In Juvenile court last Thurs­ Indicated- by the speaker as being Eugene for many years, passed Vaughn. Mrs. Guy Halsey. son. | away In Eugene Thursday follow at the home of Mrs. Snodgrass last Fire and Water committee with day. The boya were arrested here the most dangerous. Olton Named Auditor Shaw to Qlvs Reading Ing a long Illness. Funeral services Thursday afternoon for members letters of recommendation from Donald Toomh entertained with on charges of breaking Into and Auditing Accounts. Oswald Olson; The communion of the tard's for Mrs. White were held from the church records, Wm. O. Hughes, of the Priscilla club. Honors In the former employers in Eugene where several numbers on his accordlan. stealing from the cabin of the late supper will be at II and following John Anderson and Clayton F. Upper Mabel church Saturday secretary of good literature. J. P. afternoon games went to Mrs. John he served on the fire department this the minister, I. G. Shaw, will George ta risen. Tom8eth. Mrs. John Seavey. Mrs. for seven years. Arthur Hender­ Barber are In charge of the pro­ morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. H. H Vaughn. give an original reading, "Between Ritter officiated, and Interment gram for the meeting thia week. Parsonage, Mrs. Halsey. Mrs. Norman Howard and Mrs. William shott, George Simon and Fred Two Evenings," featuring I, the was made there. P. T. A. MEETING TO Mary Kessey. Mrs. Myers, Mrs. L. Rouse. The club group will meet Lamb, councllmen under whom eene at the tomb; 2, Scenes In the Mrs. White was born in Ohio on L. May and Mrs. Williams. again on April 26. at the home of Loehr worked said he was very ef­ BE HELD ON FRIDAY BROTHERHOOD TO HEAR city of Jerusalem at the time of the July 15. 1853 and came to Oregon Mrs. E. L. Hopson with Mrs. H. O. ficient, he had worked for seven Pulpit supply, P. J. Bartholomew resurrection; 3, At the tomb al DEAN, U. O. LAW SCHOOL In 1*18. She Is survived by one Dibblee as assistant hostess. years on the Eugene department Monthly meeting of the Parent and Dr. W. H. Pollard. early dawn. and his services were very satis­ Wayne Morse, dean of the law granddaughter. Mrs. J. W. Klnman Pastoral relation, J. F. Bailey, The choir will take over the even­ Teacher association will he held of Mabel. factory. Mrs. W. H. Gants, Margaret Mor­ PLEASANT HILL NAMES ing service which will present a Friday afternoon at 9 o'clock at the school at the University of Oregon, Brattaln school. Mr*. H. 11. Church City Benefits Seen ris, Dr. Pollard, L, L. May, P. J. will be the principal speaker at the number of anthems and other spe­ HIGH SCHOOL LEADER The new set-up in the fire depart­ Bartholomew. J. P. Vaughn. cial songs There will be a sermon- Is chairman of the refreshment monthly meeting of the Methodist COUNTY CHAMBER NOT Nominating committee, Mrs. 8. 8. Otis J. White, head of the schools ment Is expected to provide lower TO MEET TH IS MONTH ette hy the minister on the theme, committee, and the pmgtAtin will Men’s Brotherhood Monday even­ he given by children of the grade Potter. Mrs. L. L. May, and Mrs. ing. April 22, It was announced to­ at Sheridan. Oregon, has been operatic« costs, greater safety for "If We Be Hal ed With Christ.” school*. nnnounoea Mr*. Clifford day by Dr. W. H. Pollard, Brother­ There will not be a meeting of Gant i. chosen successor to Perry Price, the fireman as one man will not Methodist Day la Full Wilson, P T.. A. president the Lane County Chamber of Com­ Trier of appeals, F. B. Hamlin. hood president. as principal of the high school at leave for a fire alone and deelna- At the Mplhodlst church the Sun­ All officers and committees will Pleasant Hill. Mr. Price has re­ tk>n will always be known, and bet­ The address by Dean Morse will merce this month it was announced day school under tha direction of Ilarnell, soprano; Paul Potter, signed to accept a position aa Juve­ ter fire protection and an ImpWived Sam Bartholomew will observe the tenor; and Walter Gossler, Bari­ follow a 6;30 covered dish dinner today by F. B. Hamlin, secretary, begin their new year on July 1. Insurance situation In the city say* and O. E. Crowe, president. There to which all Interested persons are nile officer for tane county. day during class periods, and at the tone. Mayor Turner. Is no Important business to be LEGION MEN TO ATTEND Invited. Special musical numbers It o'clock service the pastor. Rev Choir Singers Listed taken up at this time, so the next are being arranged fcr the program. Dean C. Poindexter, will preach on The department frill not makt Members of the Choir are: Sop­ DISTRICT MEET FRIDAY TOWNSEND CLUB MEETS meeting will be held In May It was the subject, "The Song of Victory.” ranos. Barbara Barnell. Mrs. W. K. many demands on the city for fund* AT TAYLOR HALL FRIDAY decided. Several members of Springfield says Mr. Loehr. Each member Is to targe mirrors will be arranged In Ilarnell. 11a Bartholomew. Theo Bar­ IUKA MEMBERS TO MEET American Legion post number 40 the front of the church so as to tholomew, Mrs. W. E. Buell, Doris W ITH MRS. O. WICKHAM A regular meeting of the Sprlng- furnish himself with a suitable ROSCOE PERKINS NEW and of the auxiliary will go to field Townsend club will be held at flashlight. The department will ciilch the reflection of the Ressur- Myera, Ruth Pollard, Mrs. 8. 8. Members of Iuka circle number SECRETARY OF MASONS Toledo Friday evening to attend : Taylor hall Friday evening at 7:30. plan to sponsor a number of events ri'Ctlnn scene from the large stain­ Potter, Dorothc Mae Potter, Mrs, the district meeting of Willamette Following the program and radio and will seek to develop a fund ed window In- the choir loft making Olive Itehhnn, Mary Elizabeth Whit­ 37, Ladles Auxiliary of the O. A. R. will hold their regulur Reeling Roscoe Perkins has been elected Council. Those attending have been broadcast refreshments of pie and which can be used to purchase nec­ Il visible to the audience, ney. Altos, Velda Bartholomew, Mrs. Thursday evening of this week at secretary of Liberty Masonic lodge Invited to remain over the week- coffee will be served for a small essary Items for the men and the Evening Cantata Ready charge. All persons interested In department, he says. “The Seven Last Words of A. H. Brown, Evelyn Buell. Glyde the home of Mrs. Olive Wlckliatn of Bprlngfleld to succeed I. M. Pet­ end on the coast. Christ"—a Lenten Contain by Theo- Dilley, Mrs. Ella Lombard. Mrs. W. on East Main street. The meeting erson, resigned. Perkins began his the Town, „«id plan are Invited to Cards bearing fire tooes of the duties following the semi-monthly EUNICE GERBER HOSTESS attend doro Dubois, Is to he sung on Eas­ H. Pollard. Mrs. Bruce Robinson. begins at 7:30. city will be printed and placed In meeting of the lodge last week. M th . Bernice Van Valzah. ter Sunday evening at 7;30 p. nt. FOR O-NO CARD CLUB nearly every home soon enabling by lh<» choir of the Methodist Tenors, Frank Bartholomew. WOODCRAFT JUVENILES SPECIAL DRILL CALLED everybody to determine the exact church under the direction of Mrs. Sam Bartholomew, Donald Brown, YOUNGER LODGE GROUP PLAN EASTER PARTY Members of the O-No card club FOR WOODCRAFT TEAM location of a fire when an alarm la Iluford Roach with Mrs. Waller Robert Brown. Iloy Crandall, Paul MEETING TO BE FRIDAY were entertained at the home of sounded. dossier, pianist, accompanist. Potter, Jack Williams. Juvenile members of Pine circle Miss Eunice Gerber last Thursday Members of the Neighbors of They will be assisted by a violin Basses: W. E. Buell, Elwyn Neighbors of Woodcruft, will hold The Misses Mary Ann and Eva evening. Honors at bridge were Woodcraft drill team are asked to Daughter Born—Mr. and Mre. quartot directed by Buford Roach, dates, Walter Gossler, Fred tauk, Ihelr Easter party Friday at the tauk will be hostesses at their won by Miss Florence Long and attend a special drill at Taylor hall Stanley C. Sunderland, Route 2 are mid composed of Betty Hender­ 8. 8. Potter, Morris Stewart. home of their senior guardian, Mrs. home here Friday evening for the Mise Mary Elisabeth Whitney. Miss this evening at 7:30. Practice of the parent* of a daughter born to shott, June Warren, and Freda Kes­ Mrs. Lombard and Mrs. Brown (Marine Putman at 847 A street. regular meeting of the F. L. Girls Anne McQookin was a guest. Miss drill formations for the county (hem at Miss Nelson's materulty ter. are guest stngors of the choir for The party will be held right after of Juanita Rebekah lodge. The Whitney will entertain for the clup gathering ot fraternal groups to be home in Eugene on Friday, April school hour*. The soloists will be Mrs. W. K. the cantata. meeting will start at 8 o'clock. at her home on April 36. held In Eugene will be continued. 12. 1*36. MRS. IDA M. JACK DIES IN EUGENE Springfield taxpayers now pay less than the stute average for city expenaea, although the average aa reused valuation per capita In the city Is only slightly more than half of that for the entire slate. The average citizen In the aver age Uregon city pays 314.81 per year in taxes to maintain the tunc dona of bla clly government. City taxes vary from nothing al all In a few small towns to a high per person of 173.71 per year. Spring field pays an average per capita tax of |tt.6J. Portland pays somewhat above the average. 817.37 per capita, and Incidentally lends to raise the gen­ eral average, due to Its much great­ er population. Most of the Uregon cities fall between 86 and 812.60 per capita, and a fourth of them are between 37.60 and 310. LODGE MEMBERS MEET OFFICERS EUGENE GIGG10 PLM BALL GIBE