PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 198ft THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS LUELLA DORRIS DIES IN EUGENE 'ment was made In the old I I). 11. ! F. cemetery TRAFFIC COUNT REVEALS l UMHER SHIPMENTS BY WATER TO BUILD SALES NEED OF HIGHWAY WALK) Beet Feeder«' Day At O. S. C. The vital lived for a |>«' engineer. lock cattle on feed all winter, u neral In Eugene Monday Brannon of Portland spent Friday mew and Joe Gerber made a bust | , XmgU. ftr w „„, M r. t 'h ib b ha d a e m in t ta k e n on lug cheap hay and vartotta grain j evening here on business liess trip to Marshfield Sunday. a n d O re g o n lo p o in ts w ith in (lie th e w e e k o f M a rc h IH 23. a e«d«t a n d Mr». Oeorite A. Dorris, pioneer iippleuienis. The results of this resident of thia community, passed xperiment. which appears hlglih I Down from Wandling V l«lt« B rother— M r ami Mrs. F.d M is s is s ip p i H iv e r v a lic i liv oce an ru tn y we«*k T h e c o u n t allowed 30U Mr. and ■ way at her hum« hi Eugene Frl lien s t,>a m e r via P a n a m a C a n n i lo N ew perMQiiM w a lk in g c*ud. u«i«l lf»ii went .-.ill. w ill lie explained. a sjM is, Cliff Abrams of ^ e io llu g J oh lie of Biice Creek wer over the w eekend lo visit with Ills "ricali» and from there by liarg w a n t a to t a l o f 3it2. T h e c o u n t w aa day, April 6. 1936. l.uella Dorris will records of past cattle feeding | »> '>' w«»«»*»r» here on Saturday brother, R. ». Johns. *“ ‘••»••nation Is reported by the ta k e n b e tw e e n th e b o u ra o f 7 a hi wan the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Trade« Automobile— C. J. McKee West Const Lumbermen's as-oclu an<| 6 p in . a n d II la w e ll k n o w n F B. Dunii. and was burn in Spring- ll is the belief of livestock men I has traded Ills Ford coupe for a th a t p e d o M lrtu h t r u f f le over th e lion, Held where Mr Ihinn operand a Fishing Today llr Milton V al lie college that an increased | new Ford VS sedan Thia steamer barge In h ig h w a y la h e a v y la te r In th e eve n general »tun- for many years. Walker Is spending the day flsli amount of winter cattle feeding Inga. She was married to George A. A t H o sp ital Miss Charlotte Al- lng on the Blualaw river. Kenneth anguiuied last yeur us un expvrl would be profitable In the Wlllaiu O n on«* u h «* b r ig h t d a y th e n u m . incut, appears now. the ussoelutlon Ihirtls on May 3, 1883 and after) leu of Vida is at the Pacifie boa Tobias was another fisherman on Cl;, vallcv. even In vears when the her of p«Hh«> irlana checked waa ft3 ) staled, to I m > surceatul. Recent living hi several parts of the state p r o ,, a d v a n c e is not as favorable | Hie river this morning In a boat. ryoublnalion steamer barge freight egat a n d AO w eat they returned to HugT-ue where as at present. Move to Casoadta— Mr. and Mrs , rate announcements show reduc- they have been interested in filbert 1 lions of consequence when com Dean F Anderson have moved RADIO STUDY CROUP raining. ROYAL NEIGHBORS HOLD Club M eeting Held from this city to Cascadia. POLLARD HOME ,,are‘* * ltk the railroad freighting Mrs. Dorria leaves her widower; SEWING CLUB MEETING _ . charges to the same points. These one brother. Professor Frederic S. Regular meeting of the Civic club Returns F riday— P. J. Bartholo-1 ----------- Members of the Radio Sludy club P*>dur,luaa nr‘‘ llk,,ly to cause u Dunn; and three staters. Mrs. S. was held Tuesday afternoon al the I uiew returned Friday evening from* Members of l l i c s e w in g d u l l o f Williams. Eugene; Mrs. Edna hig­ home of Mrs Carl Olson The group I Dregoii City where he -pern two of the P T. A. met at the home n*,,w expnn Ion In the sale ami of Mrs. W. H. Pollard Tuesday Ul”‘ of " ’eat Coast hemlock, West th e Itoyul Neighbors of Americu gles. Berkeley, California, and Miss worked on a quilt for the Chll-1 days OH business h e ld t h e ir re g u la r m e e tin g u l th e afternoon for a discussion on the *‘r" r"*1 ‘’• ‘•»r. and Sitka spruce Amv Dunn. Palo Alto, California. dreu's farm home at Corvallis Visit in Portland— Miss Bernice subject. "Developing the Wise Use lumber and other product« from home of Mrs Mary Thurman Wed Funeral services were held Mon­ the West Ci ms I in the Mississippi ties, la y a fte rn o o n . M rs Rous Wad Conoly and her mother went to of Leisure.' dell wu . the UMalstant husteas. day afternoon at 2 o’clock iron, j Albany _ Folk Here -Mr. and Mrs. | ________ Portland __ to _____ spend the week end ; valley. the \ catch chapel In Eugene. Rev Carl Keeppel of Albany spent S u n -|wjih relatives Mrs. Conoly remain- , Lumbermen anticipate a growth T H E C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Bryant Wilson officiated and inter I day here with Mrs Elva Adams W A R R A N T CALL over a period In the steamer barge | cd in Portland on an extended visit. Fourth and A Streets trade some whet similar to that I. Q. Shaw. Minister Straw! Improvement fund war Pastor Moves— Rev. und Mrs. I which liuppeued fifteen years ago Bible school at 9; 46. raula of the Town of Springfield G. Shaw of the Christian church The Communion of the Lord's **'•» ••>» opening of the Panama are hereby called for payment up have moved into the house former Supper at 11 o'clock followed by , Canal •*> commercial vessels placed to and including number 14.073, ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. I. M. sermon on the subject “A Study of, " ’»*•* Coast lumber on a com par dated August It, 1931. Peterson. Old and Neglected Fuels for the “••»••> •<”» coat delivery basis Library fund warrants are here­ Visits Aunt— Mrs. Myrtle James Fellow Who Doesn’t Know It All.’' ; “•OI,K *•>» Allantic seaboard The by culled up to and Including num The C. E. groups meet al 6:30. Atlantic Coast at that time knew of Myrtle Creek was here last ber 16,618, dated march 1, 1936 Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon ,,ul-v *•»• highest grades of Dougins Friday and Saturday to visit her Interest on the sam e shall cense aunt. Mrs. C. R. Lamar, who la theme, "Religious Veneer, or Christ- , t,r* »hoae shipped In by railroad on ami after April 11. 1936. seriously- 111. ianlty Versus Churchanlty." PAUL F POTTER, treasurer. study' In mislabeled goods AMBERGRIS NOT FOUND Town of Springfield tx lit Returns to School— Miss V irg in ia Christie has returned to McMInu- vtlle where she is attending Lin­ field college. She spent the spring vacation week here. n Af'h We stress quality in our m eats and foodstuffs be­ cause anyone can m atch price. . . . but to supply quality foods at low price is another thing, this, we think, is the sec­ ret of our large num ber of satisfied custom ers. Independent Meat Co. E. C. 8 T U A R T , Prop. ♦th and M ain Sta — Phona «3 S P R IN G F IE L D B A P T IS T ON PACIFIC BEACHES Corner Second and C According to J Muuhelmer. head R. E. Rolens. Pastor I of a firm of buyers of ambergris 11.00 A. M. At the Foot of the in New York, no ambergris haa Cross." ever been found on the Ihiclflc 7.30 P. M. Sermon by the pastor coast beaches. In his letter to Prof. Brother Dies—John K etels has This is annual Pledge Day and e ggor o. F. Stafford of the Cnlver received word of the death recent ly of his brother. Fred Keteis, at pledges for the coming year will „tty chemistry department, the Oberlin. Kansas. He was a farmer be receive,! in the morning service writer says: “Of all the Npeclmens of aocalled und lived in the dust swept part SPRINGFIELD METHODIST ambergris that have been sent to of the state. Dean t Poindexter. Minister me during the many years of my The Authority of Righteous experience, not one has proven to Very III— News from San Frau neaa. it the theme for the It be genuino uiubergrla. In our ex cisco tell that Lynn Lansberry Is o clock worahlp aervice. At 7:30 the perlence of 60 years, we have still seriously ill in the Southern m essage will be; "A Career or a never known of any ambergris Pacific hospital in that city. He tailin g. found on the ahorca of the United has been in the nospltal for sev­ Ou Eaater Sunday evening the States. eral weeks. choir la giving the sacred cantata: , Whether because of the degree The Seven Last Words." with . H|on more people have time to walk V isiting Sister— M r. and ‘ r* - j Iuu«lc by Th. Dubois. th»* benches, or more are willing to Henry Laaten of Marshfield and Lo„ |. Magin will be here on KrBBp at . . ban. e of sudden wealth. r . - i cn otx o > e. . a „1 Tuesday evening. April 16th, for there have been un unusually large arrived here Sunday evening to the fourth quarterly conference. number of "finds’ recently along visit with their sister. Mrs. Otto' the hares of the I'ntted Stales Smith. C O BURG M E T H O D IS T Mr. Munheimen says, but so far not Dean C. Poindexter. Minister one has rewarded the finders. Visitor» From Portland— M r. and I "An Awakened Conscience," Is, Ambergris comes from whales Mrs. Don Prairie of Portland were the theme for the 9:45 preaching that have contracted sickness. Al for the week end to visit with her I hour. The Church School iniects nt though It Is tar from being a per parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Lari-I 10:45. fume Itself. It Is regarded us u very uier. They spent Sunday on the IS» valuable base, and II genuine and upper McKenzie river. of good quality, commands a price Upper Willamette Parents of Daughter— Mr. and N. of at the Pacific hospital in Eu- at the public school house Thura- UQ Monday evening. April 8, | day night, April 4. on The ladies of the Pleasant Hill I Christian church are giving a sup- Observe Anniversary— Mr. and I pcr and reception Friday night at Mrs. Joe Trinka observe,! their 6:30 at «*»» Christian church. The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary newcomers in the district are espe- wlth a party at their home Friday I Invited to be present. z J ’ll take you there m « jiffy How would you like to go "home” right now . . . and hear the voices of loved ones in another city? How would you like to visit old friends? I ’ll take you there by telephone. Just tell me your wishes. T he P acific T elephone and T elegraph C ompany 126 — 4th Telephone 72 evening. Cards and refreshments At a regular meeting of the Plea­ sant Hill high school board of di­ were enjoyed by their guests. rectors held Thursday. Mrs. F. F. Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. | <'oop«r and Mrs. Reba Eberhart Harry Holt and daughter of Salem , were re-elected to the teaching Mrs. Lucinda Singletary of Eugene. ’ •“» f«r another yNtr. A principal and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook were was “o f chosen to fill the place of Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ' •’•rry Price but another meeting Mrs. W allace Hawk. | wl11 be •leld i,oon for that purpose. Daughter Here— Mr. and Mrs. John K etels; ’ Sr. have as their guests this week their son-lt>law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Crowell of San Diego. They have been in Portland visiting with John K etels. a brother of Mrs. Crowell, They will remain here for one week before leaving for their home In California. Hear the Good Cheer Melodists! on Poole’s Good Cheer and Common Sense Program K .O .R .E 7 : 1 5 P .M . E very T U E S. A special meeting of directors ol I lhe •’•«a«ant Hill grade school was *le*d Saturday and Mias Winifred Hutach of near Olympia, was hire,] j ,o teach the Primary grades next ( >ear M*98 Agnes Smith of Eugene' was elect®d principal at a previous meeting. Mr and Mrs. B. W. John enteh lalnad with a birthday dinner at their home Sunday haring as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Maurer of Camas Swale, and Mr. and Mrs Floyd John of Meadowview. Mrs. Maurer and Floyd John are twin children of Mr. and Mrs. John. This J was their 30th birthday. Sheldon 8tutz who was home for his spring vacation returned toj Bellingham where he Is attending' Washington State normal school, i The women of Pleasant Hill gavel Mrs. E. E. Schrenk a stork shower J at the home of Mrs. E. Y. Swift i Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. McLeod Miss Olustlna and Miss Ann ParkH E. Dntua Lowell Citine to Ore. goti 63 Year« Ago; Funeral Rite« Held Wedne«duy E Dntua Lowell, pioneer l«une county reNl.leiit for more than half a century, passed uwuy at the Eu gene hoapltal S u n d a y . Funeral service» were held Wed ueioluy from the Veateh chupel will, Rev S Euri t'hllder» official lug Interment waa inaile in tho l.uuiel Hill cemetery, Mr. te.w ell waa Itero ul Lafay­ ette. W la. oiialu on January 12. 1869, itoollig to Oregon nt 1872, lie lived on ( lie Mohawk tor four year» b e ­ fore moving to Isiwell lie la aurvlved by hla widow, Mra. t’orneliu Lowoll; one half brother, Henry O ltelt at Waller- ville, and one alaler. Mra llo-ale BeelM* in Ima Angele» Break» Hip In Fall—