THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1988 TUR BPRTNOFTELD NBWS PAOBTfflUB» B" LEAGUE SCHOOLS TO ( POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW HAVE MUSIC FE S TIV A L1 FIRST QUARTER GAIN WHO IS WHO McKenzie Valley * Q A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. Ij«ii« B ' league high school will } Receipts at the Springfield post A farewell party was given for hold tbelr second annual m usical' office continued to show gain* dur the Hansen young people at the tournament at the University of ' ing the first quarter of the present boms of Mr. and Mrs. George W II- Oregon School of Music building , « , r according to Harry M Stew on, April 20 .tu n in g at 8 80 a. m | t r l , poetma ter Total receipt* for llan Friday night. Several events of community In­ P. K. Nordhoff. principal of the the first quarter ending March 31 terest are scheduled for the near Creswell high eebool, la chairman ! 1936 were *1973.110 a* compared MAN W A N T E D for Itiiwlelgh rout» future In tbe Leaburg district. for the event. A silver cup Is being with a total of »1570.85 for the of SIM) fnnillle*. W rit« today. Friday evening Is the Girls' Lea­ AUTO DEALERS DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS offered the school winning the I three month a period ending March Ittiwlelgli, Depl, ORD-1968A, gue Benefit Bridge and 500 party to most point. In the contest. Certlfl- 3j, 1*34 n il« 1« a net gain of Oakland. Calif. a 86 DAN (' E be held at Leaburg gym. The high Carl R. Baker Film Shop ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. cates will be awarded by the High 8402 05 or almoNt 25 per cent. school Is giving a play. "The Red AT WINTER!¡ARDEN Eaatman F ilm * — Kodak* — Egpert Repairing — All Work School Principal's association for OSC STUDENT PROGRAM Lamp," refreshment* to be sold Frames — Album«— Motion Guaranteed. "The Dance That's Different" winner* of first, second and third Grave Plata* Sought •b o , April 19. Picture Camera*. o A V tU ; h t t S A K t PAID Gas, Dll, Tlraa and Batteries place* In each event. There will be Every Saturday Night Bronse plates to mark the grave* J. H. Odell was summoned from We Photograph Everything 6th and A Hts. Springfield Ph. 48 13 event« Including both vocal and Gents 26c I.udlea 10c t urvuilta Thu,aimed «II mooii I iu . of eoldiera, sailors, marines and Rainbow early this week by th* Anywhere. Inelrumental numbers. luim u ot all «prilla riu d u ,il adivi- army nurses burled In cemeteries death of his uncle, Datus Lowell. Mall film * to P. O. Bog 067 tiu« ui u. H. L', wa* averted by u where the regulation marble stone« Mrs. Charles Jack Is recovering 608 W lllam etU , Eugene Pb. 636 FURNITURE SCHERER MOTOR CO. CONFERENCE M^ETS ON are prohibited are aought In a bill from a major operation at Pacific ilu u v d a y lutaoalve campaign tur BUICK — OLDSM OBILB — PRINTERS pay muut ot tu« luciukuraliip f«« RELIGION SCHEDULED which ha» ben Introduced In Con­ hoHpItal Tuesday. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO PO NTIAC » k irii »k ru tied upptonliiiMtvIy i8uo The W altervllle C E. boys en­ gress by Congressman Jamee W. Ranges and Circulators Motor Cars THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Corvallis- Dr. Bruce A. Curry of Mott. ol tke 2. lu J uiiuui gi «dual« and giait- tertained the girls of the society Several Unas Including Montag. SALB» and SERVICE Springfield New York, who la professor of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ren­ uutu «tuuviiiH ii-atMtvrod. 7th aud Olive HU. — Phons 866 Linoleum - Inlaid and Fait Hass Phone 2 practical theology at Union Semi­ Attractive Prlcaa on Furniture At Junction City — Misa Mary nie Kooier Wednesday night, April Eugene, Dragon. Buslneaa Stationery—Office Form« nary, will «pend a week at Oregon Ann Louk I spending tbe week at at an April Fool party. A prise «un ttor»—Mr. und Mra. E. and Rugs. Booklet* — Placard* — State holding «emlnars on "Jeaua the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M Pet­ was awarded the most ridiculous Ituger* ar» tk« puivin« of uu lu- Bee Ca Before You Buy BATTERY 8ERVICE Dodgers, etc. | and Life Today," and related sub­ erson at Junction City. costume worn to the April Fool luut «on koru to tliuui at Wo»t Wa Deliver Phone 1188 A Modern Print Shop Producing jects, April 18-20, und will lead an party Ice cream and cake were ser » p u n g i lelu ou Mouday, A p ril H, 648 W illam ette Eugene LANECO ved. all-college Easter sunrise service. Up-To-Date Printing 1886. NOTICE OF SALE BATTERY FACTORY Tbe Deerhorn rodent club Is Notice cf Sale of Real Property GROCERIES Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. While In Oregon be will also ad­ N O T IC I OP HEA RING Back at our old location dress college convocations In Eu­ on Execution in Foreclosure. counting many rodent tails each ON F IN A L ACCOUNT overhead your gain. Bee our new Notice Is hereby given that by Friday afternoon. gene, Salem and McMinnville. SERVICE STATIONS DIBBIJSE’S virtue of an execution and order of notice im hereby ui ven : material batteries In genuine Gates bard rubber cases before you buy. RED ft WHITE GROCERY sale In foreclosure Issued out of i liut tk» uuduratgued aduilulatralor NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ot tk» «alat« ot Euiuiu C. Reeves, All parU handmade In Eugene. For tbe circuit court ot the state of A 8T. SERVICE STATION Phone 4 deceased, ka* fllod k ta avvouul for capacity—service— price— none bet General Gasoline, Oil and Greases IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF Oregon for Lane County, on the Iki- liual a«lll«iu»ut of aald valat» ter. RECHARGING— REPA IR IN G . Cor. 4th and Main 8U .. Springfield T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR 28th day of March. 1935. In a suit Goodrich Tires wherein J. B. Young and A. C. iu tk» Couuly Court for laure Couu 346 Van Buren - Phone 1008 LANE CO UNTY. Two or three applications of "A Home Owned Station." McClane are plaintiffs and Flor­ Mouue » Emerald Oil and in lifteen ly. oreguu, aud tkal Saturday, tk» HOSPITALS In the M atter of tbe Estate of ence Aiken Bank, Angellne 8. D ill­ 80tk day ot April, 1886, at tka Court 6th and A Sta., Springfield, Ph. CREAMERIES - minutes the pain and serene » dis­ Creed Ijiu e , deceased ard and O. C. Lucbterband were de­ Ruutu of aald Court, lu tka County PACIFIC HOSPITAL. Notice la hereby given that the fendants. and wherein on the 27th appears. A tew more application« Court llouae, tn Eugene, (tregua at INC. undersigned administratrix bas day of March. 1935, tbe said J. B. at regular intervals aud the swell­ Mitchell Service Station luu o dock lu Iki- toreuo-m. kaa le-in a n d the Best— Coate no More flled In said estate her final ac­ Young and A. C. McClane obtained ing reduces. 12th and Hllyard ktM-u ky aald Court fila d aa tka BLUE BELL A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS And best of all any offensive count und said court bas set Friday a Judgment nnd decree adjudging liiu» aud piava for kaarin* okjae Dairy Products Phons 2600 — Yale Tires — (be 3rd day of May, 1836, at ten that there was due and owing to said odor la gone tor tood—i t ’s a won tloua tkvivto, aud for linai aatlla- Eugen«, Oregon Ice Cream, Butter, Cheese, M ilk o'clock In tbe forenoon as tbe time plaintiffs from the said defendant dertu* tormula— tbis combination Greasing ■ Battery Recharging uivut of aald valat«. for hearing objections to said final Angellne S. Dillard the sum of *10,- ot e MCLtial Oita with camphor aud Expert Radio Repairing by 1'KESTON KEEVES. AduiluU EUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, LAUNDRY account and tke settlement there­ 061.24, with the further sum of other antiseptic* so marvelous that trator of tka Ealala ot Euuua LEE CRAY Phone Eugene <88 of. All persons Interested may ap­ *600. as an attorney's fee, and costs thousands of bottles are sold an­ C. R««ve*, ducuased. Phono 48-J SPRING FI ELD LA I N DR Y pear and file objections If any they and disbursements of said suit nually. L. E. KAY, Attoruuy [or E» latu Flanery's Drug Store and every Floyd Wood, Prop. 7th and Main St* Springfield taxed at tbe sum of *40.36, which (M 11-88 — . 4-11-16)_____ DENTISTS Dated April 4th. 1835. 309 Mato St.. Phone 100 said Judgment was enrolled and good druggist guarantees Moone's MARY E. LANE, administra­ docketed in tbe clerk's office of Emerald Oil to give results or OREGONIAN N O T IC I TO CREDITOR* All Kinds of Laundry Service. trix. DR. G. A. BROWN said court on said 28th day of money back. SERVICE STATION Nolle« la karaby glveu that F ran i We Call for and Deliver. C. A. W1NTERME1ER, attorney. March. 1936, and execution to me Hours 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. A t (he Springfield Junction J. J uinua kaa kean appointed Ad (A 4-11-18-26 — M 2 ) Your Patronage W ill Be directed to satisfy said judgment NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Phone 10-J uiiutatrator W iik Ik« W ill Auuaivd GAS AND OILS and decree. Interest, attorney's fee. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Appreciated. S U M M O N 8 of tke ««tala of Joku E. Hoyle, da- Mb and Main Hu. Springfield costs of suit and accruing costs, Service Day and Night. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ceased, by order of the County IN T H E JU S TIC E COURT. EU by a sale of the following property, Residence 718 A Street. Grocery Sundries, Tobacco'« and April 8, 1935. LUMBER Court lor lauia Couuty, Oregon. All G ENE JU S TIC E D IS TR IC T, to . wit: NO TIC E is hereby given that Picnic Goods. person* having rlaluta against aald L A N E CO UN TY, OREGON The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. West Springfield The East half (Vi>, East b->lf Benjamin Joseph Hall ol Mabel, Ore­ «alat» aru uotltlod to preaaut tkc Ph. »pr. 3J-J GORDON 8. W ELLS, Plaintiff, DR. WM. N. DOW Furnishes a ( H ) of the Northwest quarter gon. wbo, ou April 27th, 1933, made saure, wllb proper vouukvra to tka —vs.— D E N T IS T ( U ) East half ( f t ) of Southwest Homestead entry Serial No. 02(1822, uuduratgued aduilulatralor at tka COMPLETE HOME ERNST B O E H 0 L T and K N U D WOOLEN MILLS quarter ((4 ), the Northwest lor SW«4 NW6k and W64 SW64' otilo» of Duuald Young, 884 Miner X Ray DlagnoaU — Hours 8 to 18 BOEHOLT. Defendants. Building and Repairing Service. quarter <%) of the Southwest Section 25, Township 15 S., Range 2 Uuildiug, Eugeue, Oregon, wltkln 1 to 6 in » by appointment. TO ERN ST BO EHO LT and K N U D EUGENE quarter (*4 ) and Lots One (1), W „ W illamette Meridian, has flled atx tuonilla from tk« date of tke Office l'hona 8 — Rea. Phone 87 For Service Phone Springfield 66 BO EHO LT, the above named de­ Two (2) and Three (3) of Sec­ notice of intention to make final WOOLEN MILL CO. firat publication of Ibis notice. fendants: or If no answer, phone 34-J. tion 28; The West half ( H ) of three year Proof, to establish claim Data of first publication March First Nat l Bank Bldg. Springfield Manufacturera ot Woolens. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Springfield. tbe Northeast quarter ( Ù ) the to the land above described, before 81, 1886. OF OREGON. You are hereby sum Speclallslng ln Ladles North half (V i) ot the Southeast W. H. Canon, Reg., U. S. Land FRANK J. JAMES, Administra­ FRUIT PACKERS moned and required to appear and CO ATING 8 AND SU1TINGS. quarter (*4 ), the East half ( H ) office, at Roseburg. Oregon, on the tor wltk tk« W ill Annexed. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON answer the complaint of plaintiff In of the Northwest quarter < V4 ) 13th day of May. 1935. Retal) Department at Mili. ltO N A L l* YoUNU, Attorney, for the above entitled cause on or be­ Eugene Frult Orower'g Alten the Southwest quarter (% ) of aalat«, E u g m e , (irugon. East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. fore the last day of tbe time pres­ Claimant names as witnesses: DR. MILTON V. WALKER the Northwest quarter ( K L the Diamond A. Brand Frult Packera Surgery and Diseases of Women |M 81-88 — A 4 11-18) Irvin R. 66’atson, of Mebal Ore­ cribed in the order for publication Northeast quarter ( *4 ) of the aud Sbippera. Ice and Coid Htoraga NOTICE TO CREDITORS ot summons hereinafter referred Southwest quarter <Ú ) and Lots gon; Edward D. Rice, of Mabel, 4th and Main Sts. Springfield Oregon; George McCauley, of N O T IC I OF HEA RING NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN : to, to-wlt: On or before the 11th College Ice Cream Manufacturera, One (1). Two (2). Three (3) and Mabel. Oregon; W illiam McCauley, Phone 82-J ON FINAL ACCOUNT Tbat L. L. Ray has been appointed day of April, 1936, and you are Coco Cola— Klat Baveragaa Four (4) of Section 29; of Mabel, Oregon. administrate*- with the will an­ hereby notified that If you fall so Also, beginning at the North­ Clder Vlnegar N O T IL E IS HEK EBY G IVEN : W IL L IA M H. CANON. Register. MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. nexed ot the estate of Elma Bauer, to appear and answer for want west corner of the Northwest T bal ibe uuderalgued admlnlatrator Phone 1480 (A 11-18-25 — M 2-9) thereof the plaintiff will take Judg­ deceased, by tbe County Court of quarter ( H ) of the Southwest Surgery and Diseases of Women uf tbe estate ot Robert E. Keeves, Ferry near gth Ave E. Lane County, Oregon. A ll persons ment against you for the sum of Eugene. quarter (U) of said Section 29. deceaaed bla flled bla account for X-Ray and Physiotherapy having claims against said estate *16.00, with Interest thereon at the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION running thence South 7.50 chains, Ibe linei sellleiueul of aaid estate are required to present them, with j rate of six per cent per annum Springfield, Oregon N O T IC I thence south 5464* East 21.10 Department of the Interior, U. 8. tu tbe l'ounty Court for la n e Coun- from October 7, 1933, together with the proper vouchers, within six OF FINAL SETTLEMENT chains to a point 2.60 chains First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ty. Oregon, aud tbat Saturday, thè months from the 21st day of March, the costa and disbursements of this West of the Southeast corner ot April 8, 1935. 8uth day of Aprii, 1836, at thè Court IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E 1836, to the said administrator at action. said Northwest quarter (64) of STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Rooiu of aald Court, In tbe Counly NO TIC E is hereby given that This summons la served upon you his law office ln the Miner Build­ ENROLLMENT HOLDS UP the Southwest quarter (64), Irvin R. Watson, of Mabel, Ore­ CO UNTY. Court liouae, In Eugene, Oregon at by publication thereof ln the ing, Eugene. Oregon. thence East 2.50 chains, thence In tbe Mutter of the Estate ot ten o'clock In thè forenoon, haa WELL AT SPRING TERM gon. who, on March 27th, 1933, made L. L. RAY, Administrator of "Springfield News", a newspaper of North 20.00 chains, thence Weet Homestead entry Serial No. 020746. BERT ELLENBURG. Deceaaed berti by aald Court flxed aa tbe tbe Estate of Elma Bauer, de­ general circulation, published ln 20.00 chains to the place of be­ Onte aud place for hearing objec- NO TIC E la hereby given tbat N64 SB64. SW64 SE64. SE64 SW64 University of Oregon, Eugene, ceased, with the will annexed. Lane County, Oregon under and ginning. tloua thereto, and for final «etlle- Carl E. Wimberly, administrator Section 25, Township 15 S.. Range 2 by virtue of an order of Hon. Dan April 11 Enrollment at the Uni­ L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. Also, beginning at the Southeast iiient of aald estate. W \ W illam ette Meridian, has filed with the will annexed of the estate Johnston, Justice of the Peace for (M 21-28 — A 4-11-18) versity of Oregon for Ihe spring corner of Donation Land Claim notice of intention to make final PKESTON KEEVES, Admlnla­ of llert Ellenburg, deceaaed, h above named Justice distrlcL dated of Frederick Gray, Seing Claim three year Proof, to establish claim trator of thè Estate of Robert filed berelu the final account of hl* term will pas« the 2200 mark. It NOTICE tbe 12th day of March, 1936, direct No. 38 Notification No. 7258 ln to the land above described, before E. Keeves, deceaaed. OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON administration ot aald estate and was announced lout y by C. L. Con- ing publication hereof once a week Township Eighteen (18) South W. H. Canon. Register, U. S. Lana L. L. KAY, Altura»'- for Estate. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE for four successive weeks ln said that thu court ha« fixed Mouday, stunce, as -Istant registrar. This Range One (1) West of the W il­ Office, at Roseburg. Oregon, on the lM 21-28 — A 4-11-18) the 22nd day of April, 1836, and the N O TIC E is hereby given that by newspaper, which order requires ----- --------------- - ■ »---- ------------- ... couuty courtroom in the courthouse will be au Increa. e of more than virtue of an execution and order of you to appear and answer the com­ lamette Meridian, running thence 13th day of May, 1935. North 60.68 chains to the North­ Eugene, Lane County, Oregon 200 over spring term a year ago, sale in foreclosure issued out of the plaint ln this cause on or before Claimant names as witnesses; east corner of said claim, thence tbe time and place for bearing and will compare favorably with Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ four weeks from the date of the Edward D. Rice. Benjamin West 29.70 chains to the North­ Joseph Hall, George McCauley, awl said final account and all objec the winter term total of 2405. The gon, on the 13th day of March, first publication of this summons. east corner of a 25 acre tract of W illiam McCauley, all of Mabel. | lions, If any, thereto. Said court haa obtained Jurisdic­ 1936, In a suit wherein, on the 13th land conveyed by deed recorded Oregon. Dated and first published March decruuse from last term will l>e day of March, 1936, ln said Court tion to order publication of sum­ in Vol. L page 164, Deed Records. about normal, It 1s stated. 21, 1836. W IL L IA M H. CANON. Register. the State of Oregon, represented mons by virtue of an attachment Lane County. Oregon, thence CARL E. W IM B E R L Y . Admin (A 11-18-25 — M 2-9) and acting by the World W ar Vet­ of certain personal property own­ W at«hm ik*r and Jeweler South 13.80 chains, thence East NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8ALE latralor wllb tbe w ill annexed erans' State Aid Commission, re­ ed by you ana situated in Lane SPRJNGFUDLD 9.70 chains to the entrant angle OF REAL PROPERTY of the estate of Bert Ellenburg, covered Judgment against the de­ County, Oregon. The date of the *e . Paelfle W atch Inspecter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of said claim, thence South 46.88 On the 26th day of April, 1936 at fendants Robert L. Robertson and first publication of this summons deceased. First Clans W ork at Reasonable chains, thence East 20.00 chains Department of the Interior, U. 8. the hour of ten A. M. at the front Dalsle B. Robertson for the sum of Is March 14, 1986. (.4 21-28 — A 4-11-18) Prioee. to the place of beginning, contain­ Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, door of the Court House in Eu­ Twenty-seven GORDON S. W ELLS. Plaintiff. Hundred twenty- ing 134.66 acres of land. In Lane April 8, 1935. Residence and Post Office Ad­ Estate of A. J. Higgins. Deceased gene, Lane County, Oregon, I will three and 56 100 (*2723.56) Dollars, County, Oregon. aell at auction to the highest bidder together with Interest at the rate NO TIC E is hereby given that dress, Eugene, Oregon. NOTICE Excepting from the above des­ Edward D. Rice, of Mabel. Ore­ for cash the following described of four (4% ) per cent per annum (M 14-2128— A 4-11) OF FINAL SETTLEMENT cribed lands that portion of Lot gon. who. on April 26th. 1933. made real property located In - Lane from and since the first day ot Nov­ Notice I* hereby given that W ll County, Oregon, to-wit: Four (4) in Section 29 Described Homestead entry Serial No. 020809, ember, 1932, and for the further sum NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE llam H. Higgins has flled in the as follows: Beginning at the for NE64. Section 25, Township 15 Beginning at a point 18.40 of One Hundred F ifty (*160.00) Dol­ OF REAL PROPERTY I County Court of ihe State of Ore Northwest corner of the Fred­ S„ Range 2 W., W illametteMerldlau. chains north of the southeast lars attorney's fees, and for costs rod . In and for latne County, hts erick W arner Donation Land has filed notice ot intention to corner of the southwest quarter and disbursement* taxed at the sum On the 13th day of April. 1936 at of Pittsburgh. Pa. final report, as executor ot tbe last Claim No. 43, Notification No. make final three year Proof, to of tbe southwest quarter of of *19.96, and said execution to me the hour of ten A. M. at the front will and testament of A. J. Hig­ 7305 in Township 18 South of establish claim to the land above section 16, township 16 south directed, commanding me ln the door of the Court House In Eugene, gins, whose full name Is Asa J. Range 1 West of the W illam ette Uescrjbed t,efore w . H. Canon. range 6 west of the W illamette name of the State of Oregon, ln Lane County, Oregon, 1 will sell at Higgins, deceased; and that ten Meridian, thence a South e -.h m 10.56 s s Regl8ter D s L an j office, at Meridian; thence north 21.60 order to satisfy said judgment. In­ auction to the highest bidder for o'clock In the forenoon of Satur­ chains to the South line of Sec­ Roseburg. Oregon, on the 13th day chains to quarter section line terest, attorney's fees, costs of suit, cash the following described real day. the 27th day of April, 1936, at tion 29. thence West 3.73 chains of May. 1935. running through said section 16; and accruing costs, to sell tbe fol­ property located ln Lane County, Represented By the courtroom thereof, In Eugena, to the Southwest corner of said thence east on quarter section lowing described real property, to- Oregon, to-wlt: Claimant names as witnesses: Oregon, have been by said Court Lot 4, thence North 10.55 chains line 47.30 chains to the center of wlt; Irvin R. Watson. George McCau­ West half of the northeast K. H. TURNER appointed and fixed as the time to a point due West of beginning, county road; thence along the ley. W illiam McCauley, and Benja­ quarter; the southwest quarter Lot Six (6) Block five (6) Hol­ and place for hearing objections to and thence East 3.73 chains more center of the county road south min Joseph Hall, all of Mabel. Ore­ of the southeast quarter, and the lenbeck Addition to the City ot 848 A 8L Springfield. Ora. «aid report and for tbe final settle or less to the place of beginning, gon^ 18* 16' east 1.46 chains; thence Eugene, County ot Lane, State east half of the northwest fourth men! of (he estate of said deceased. said exception containing 3.93 south 10* 56' east 16.90 chains; W IL L IA M H. CANON, Register. of the southeast quarter of sec­ of Oregon. W. H. HIG GINS, Executor ot acres. thence west 6.76 chains; thence (A 11-18-26 — M 2-9) Now, therefore, in the name of tion twenty-three (23) in town­ the I suit W ill and Testament The lands hereby conveyed south 3.76 chains; thence west the State of Oregon, In compliance ship eighteen (18) south range of A. J. Higgins, deceased. containing 1176.23 acres, all situ­ 12.59 chains; thence north 7.23 with the said execution and order four (4) west of the W illam ette A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ated in Township 18, South of chains; thence west 13.29 chains; of sale, and In order to satisfy said Meridian. Also, the east half ot (M, «9 — A. 4-11-18-26)____ Range 1 West of the W illam ette Department of the Interior, U. 8. thence south 7.23 chains; thence Judgment. Including Interest, at­ the southeast quarter of the Meridian, ln Lane County, Ore­ Land Offioe at Roseburg, Oregon, west 20.38 chains, more or less torney's fees, coats of suit and ac­ southwest quarter of section NOTICE OF FINAL gon. April 5, 1935. to the place of beginning, con­ cruing costs, I will, on Saturday, twenty-three (23), township SETTLEMENT Formerly Walker-Poole Not therefore in the name of the taining 94.30 acres of land, more the 13th day of April, 1935, at the NO TIC E is hereoy given that eighteen (18) south of range four Notice Is hereby given that or less, together with the tene­ hour of 1:30 o'clock In the after (4) west of the W illam ette M eri­ State of Oregon in compliance with John W. W itte, of Marcóla, Ore­ EUG ENE— 11th S P R IN G FIE LD James W. Working, the Admlnla ments, heredaments and appur­ noon of said day, at the Southwest dian, together with the tene­ said execution and order of sale gon. who on April 27th 1934. made trator with the W ill Annexed of the tenances thereunto belonging or front door of the County Court­ ments, hereditaments and appur­ and ln order to satisfy said Judg­ Homestead entrv Serial No. 021375 and Charnnlton 228 Main Estate of Rhode D. Pyle, deceased, In anywise appertaining. house .in Eugene, Lane County, tenances thereunto belonging, or ment and decree. Interest, attor­ for Lots 2. 3. 4. and SE64 NW64. Telephone 723 Phone «2-J baa filed his Final Report and Ac­ ney's feets, costs of suit and accru­ Section 1. Township 16 8., Range Said sale Is made under execu­ Oregon, offer for sale and aell for In any wise appertaining. count as such, and the Court has tion Issued out of the Circuit Court cash, at public auction, subject to Said sale is made under execu­ ing costs, I w ill on Saturday, April 2 W „ W illam ette Meridian, has set Saturday, the 18th day of April of the State of Oregon for the redemption as provided by law, all tion Issued out of the Circuit Court 27. 1935 at the hour of one o'clock filed notice of intention to make 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock County of l4tne, to me directed tn of the right, title, and Interest ot of the State of Oregon for the in the afternoon at the front door final three yew Proof, to establish In tbe forenoon, In the County the case of State I^and Board of the said defendants Robert L. Rob­ County of Lane, to me directed In of the county court house In Eu­ claim to the land above described, Court Room In the Court House at Oregon, etc., v*. J. A. W illard. Mai- ertson, Dalsle B. Robertson. W il­ the case of State Land Board of gene. Oregon, offer for sale and before E. O. Immel, U. S. Commis­ Eugene, In Lane County, Oregon, Inda A. W illard, his wife; Colby liam Hargreaves and Fred Lind­ Oregon, etc., vs. Henry W. Chexem, sell for cash at public auction, sub­ sioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on the a* the time and place to hear ob­ Fleenor, H. A. Fleenor, his wife; say, and all persons claiming by. Tressla Chesem. Phoenix Mutual ject to -.-demptlon as provided by 15th day of May. 1936. jections to the same, If any, and M. ForBberg. etc.. Lane County, through, or under them or any or Life Insurance Co., a corporation; law, all the right, title and interest Claimant names as witnesses: for the final settlement of said Oregon, el nls. of said defendants and all persons Floyd Wilson of Marcóla, Ore­ either of them, In and to the said Laue County, etc., et als. Estate. C. A. 9W AR TS. Shorlff of Lane premises. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Lane claiming by, through or under gon: Ray V. Riggir. of Mabel. Ore­ JAMES W. W ORKING . Ad­ them ln the lands and premises gon; John Hileman. of Mabel, Ore­ County, Oregon. Dated. March 13, 1936. County. Oregon. ministrator with the W ill An­ By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. gon; Jolm N. Wilson, of Marcóla. By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. herein before described. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Lane nexed. FRED E. S M ITH , Attorney for FRED E. S M ITH . Attorney for C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Oregon. County, Oregon. W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys. Plaintiff. W IL L IA M H. CANON. Register. Lane County. Oregon. By A. E. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. Plaintiff. (M 14-2128— A 4-11) (M. 28 — A. 4-11-18-26) (A 11-18-25 — M 2-9) (M 14-2118— A 4-11) (M 14-21-18— A 4-11) (M. 28 — A. 4-11-18-26) SEE and What They Do Aching, Swollen Foot Business Directory « Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e E A S IL Y — Q U IC K L Y — CO M FORTABLY ACCURATELY THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries LiTS«Twt>ou)aoaaT- MAUttLQOK' ATSOMtO» m t-W M lM A W U rtK W « u u wsT The correct eyeglansea will make your eye« do those things oh a matter of course. Why rink strain nervnuanoss and headaches, when a short con­ sultation with us will set your eyes right. DR. ELLA MEADE }ptt 41 W eal 1th llERt IS TM I A U U M B R A AT 6ftAW ACA,SI6M U WMICU WAS TUE PORTRESS PALACE OF TUE M OO QISU K IM 6 & U tîf . WE ARE IU SW ITZtHLAUP A M » JUST fct LOW US IS A SWISS G tM J E T jO n fe M W ASA UfcRDSMAUS UUT i l » IS A RA6OCA, W H IC H IS USUALLY USBO AS ATEMPLE OR M EM ORIAL AMO TUEY ARB E M Q L ItU T M IH M A .C IW IA A U B JA ftM L By ED. KRESSY