The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 11, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA O » TW O
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T H » B P H T N o n m .n nwwa
T H U R S D A Y . A P R II. 11. IOSA
™ Ç SPRINGFIELD NE WS W 0|ÌIS ff CORN ¡Sport SA„rt.¡ « f f
------------ , ......
|ffi EM||| MEN
unty, Oregon
U. K. MAXKY, E ditor
E ntered as second dai.» m atter, F ebruary 14. 1903. a t th e poatoffica.
Springfield, Oregon
U niversity of Oregon, A p r i l
11 lllll H elnhart'a Webfoot bate-1
ball d u b a III m ake Its second s ta rt
Six M ouths
[Lessons from The ‘'Book
P a sto r of the M ethodist Episcopal Church. B pringfield, Oregon
To the question, “Why have you not brought Jesus into
court? the officers replied, “Never man spake as this m an.’’
'I hey had the same unforgettable experience th a t had a t
once overjoyed and overawed the m ultitude of “The
M ount.” “It came to pass when Jesus had ended these
sayings, the people were astonished a t his teaching: for he
taught them as one having authority, and not as the
scribes.” His only final loyalty was to God. He would not
trem ble even before a quotation from the Old Testam ent
He said, “ Ye have heard it s a id ___ hut I say unto you.”
His actions in the temple at 12 years of age amazed his
m other. The world has puzzled over his decisions In the
wilderness tem ptations. Rut the most rem arkable action
of ids life came upon the cross. It is not the crucifixion
th at m atters but the Crucified. In the beginning “ He open­
ed liis m outh and taught them .” Here he opened his heart
and showed them.
W hat does He say from the cross? W hat can, w hat
should, he said from a cross? The Seven I^ast Words are
words of love. If faith appears for the m om ent to waver
of hope to be severely strained, love is now found a t its
best. If ever m an saw the h e a rt of God laid hare it was
when Jesus Christ was "Lifted up” upon the cross
Etnsrgrni-y Credit Provisions Ka- feed. Noi m ore than «boti will lie
loaned to one Individual. The min
plained For Lane Farmors
Imuni loan Is «10 00. The allow able
By 0 . 8. Fletcher
am ount per a c re for various crops
Is sim ilar to th a t of lust year.
Two type t of loans are available
I. A erop loan; a first im ulguge
on th e crops Is required.
3. A feed loan (or Iho purehaso
or production of feed for livestock;
n Itisi luorlgiige on Ille livestock
Is required
E inergeiuy erop aud feed louii
Surplus Wheat In Northwest ,f the »<>ason a g a in « ! n o n -e o iifs r Increase Of 25 Percent Pre-
Remains Unsold As Argen­ etice oppoaltlou next Friday and I dieted For Oregon; Many lilanks a re no» iivullnhlc in laine
c o tiu ly nl Hiv Office of tl 8. Flet
S aturday ugatusl (he V niverslty of!
tine Grains Enter Market
Seeking Literature
P ortland The team s will play here ,
W ith 6.510,000 bushels oi corn Friday and in P ortland the follow
T ourists will flock to Oregon Hits
i im ported from last July 1 to F ebru­ Ing day.
*2 .6 0
T h re e M o n th s
sum m er In num bers fnr g reater
ary 28 and 12.800.000 buaheis m ore
In th e opening game.« with I.In­ ihi.n during any season In the past
THURSDAY. A PRII, t l . 1934
of A rgentine now crop corn ordered field here Saturday the W ehfools live veal», according to Dr. E It
I tor shipm ent to th e U nited S tates won the first 3 to I. hut fell before McDaniel, pre Ident of th e Oregon
up Io March 15. n o rth w est grain m asterful pitching by lle ls e r of S tate Motor ussoclatlon. who re
The town of Springfield owes about $150,000. This farm ers with surp lu s w heat a re Linfield 7 io I Its the second.
eeiul.v retu rn ed from a conference
figure would not be so very alarm ing if it were not for the tak in g unusual In terest in grain
of enthusla»lic executive» of north
T ennis
fact th at half of this dejyt is either due now or will he by m arket conditions and grain Impor
O regon's varsity tennis team will west m otor clubs hi Sun F rancisco
November, 1031». Since it is impossible for the city to pay talio n s, says u m arket report by the open its 1935 iniercolegiate season
An Increase of fully 25 per cent
on the dates due then some orderly m ethod of refinancing O regon S tate college extension ser- In Eugene T hursday afternoon over last y ear haa been Indicated
that will give more time is necessary. W hatever refinanc­ j vice. A larg e part of this corn ell against th e netm en of the Utilver In lourl l inquiries. which (his year
ing plan is worked out should mean that the six per cent tere<l Pacific coast p o rts from Ar­ slty of P ortland T he mach will he
arriv ed m ore thou a month ahead
bonds should be replaced by four per cent bonds at least, g en tin e w here a la»ge new crop Is the first of the y ear for both team s of
arhedule. lie reported. Business
thus lightening the interest burden which in recent years
S w im m in g
of th e conference was devoted al
has reached nearly $1000 a month.
The O regon varsity swimming moat entirely Io discussion of
i point out th at im ports of all groins
The new audit of the city’s books is now com plete am, j in th e eight m onths from Ju ly 1 team clim axed a succesful season closer co-operation of m otor clubs
lhe city knows exactly how it stands its true assets and 1934 to M arch 1. 1935 w ere only last S au trd ay by sw eeping every In caring for th e Increase In travel
liabilities. The refinancing plan outlined by the auditor j six-tenths of one p er cent of this first place to easily win th e 1935 S tarting C alifo rn ia T rips Now
n orthern division conference meet
is as follows:
l co untry's av erag e production
"T he C alifornia m otor clubs espr
held at ttoattle. The W ebfoot m er­
d u lly art« experiencing n i l earlh
1. Refund $11,500 in
per cent bonds now
, of th e loss to grain crops caused
call for travel Inform ation." »aid
d e fa u lt
the com bined total of th eir oppon­
j directly by the drouth.
Dr. McDaniel. ‘'P a rtic u la r Inqulrl
2. Refund the $40,001» in bonds due November
have Indicated that to u rists will
O ther G rains Im ported
with 26. followed by W. 8. C. with
1, 1035, ami November 1, 1030, draw ing six per
surge Into the northw est from Cull
| A lthough not g reat In proportion 34 and Idaho with four points.
cent and without sinking funds to pay on due
to the reductions caused hv the
M a rg k g m a n th lp
j dro u th , im ports
during recen t
"T he recently com pleted coasl
O regon's crack R. O. T. C. five- highw ay Is expected to carry
i m onths a re sev eral tim es g reater
3. Float a bond issue to take up the $20,000
than norm al, much of the Increase man rifle learn and its captain g reater flow of visitors than ever
of outstanding w arrants so that the city can get
to d ro u th areas. In addition E arl Thom son of H eppner, brought before,"
on a cash basis.
■ io the corn. 9.321.000 bushels of national honors to the university
Many Seek Delayed Vacations
The first two proposals can he done by the council i oats. 7.842.000 bushels of barley cam pus last week when the team
T hose who w ant to "spend our
without subm itting them to the people. The refunding of 5.864,000 bushels of ry e and 9.511.- and C aptain Thom son w ere nam ed
outstanding w arrants by bonds must he voted upon.
I 000 bushels of w heat w ere Im ported w inners In th e senior division of money while we have It," and bual
ness men, tired from several years
The auditor’s suggestions to us seems the only logical into th e V nited S tates during the the H ears! national trophy m atches straig
h t In th e harness and "ready
way that the town can get out of the financial difficulty
to gel a re s t
largely will be res
it is now in. In addition to what the auditor has said, a nd F ebruary 1935.
ponslble for th e g reater volum e of
profiting by the experiences of the past as revealed in his
G rain farm ers point out th a t
to u rist business. Dr McDaniel ex
report, if we were on the council we would he opposed to w heat im ports already a re nearly
plained. B etter econom ic condl
the issuance of any more bonds of the type sold by the as large as th e surp lu s w heat left
tions. of course, will add great I in
city in the past.
unsold in th e I’aclflc northw est,
pel us |o th e season.
The real cause of the city's difficulty is the using of while th e above-norm al Im ports of
Muny peraom already have begun
the improvement bond sinking fund money received from w heat, rye. co m . o ats and barley
Io tra v e l— mnpr. rn d supplies aro
property liens for other purposes than paying off bonds—
Schools Will Have Half-Holi­ being rushed to th e m otor d u b s
“ investing'' for instance in general fund w arrants. The set th at surplus.
day Friday On Afternoon; aud th eir branch offices. The Or<
up from now on should he "fool-proof“ and there should
gon association will have com plete
Most of th e w heat Im ported cam e
Many Educators Coming
be no new sinking funds set up to tem pt future councils.
and up-to-the-m inute Inform ation
' from C anada into th e cen tral states
All new bonds should be Serial bonds, a portion of area. N early half of It was w heat
Springfield school stu d en ts will in hand for visitors to this stale.
which can he paid off by taxation every year over a period not fit for m illing d u tiab le a t 10 have a half-day holiday Friday
O th e r R eg ion s S ho w G ain
of years. The taxpayer then knows that 100 cents on the I per cent of its value, used for feed aftern o o n when the schools are
T ravel Into Florida was reported
dollar of money budgeted and collected for bonds will a c tu ­ 1 in th e drought areas.
closed to perm it all teach ers to at Io have Increase 60 per cen t Ibis
ally go to pay off bonds.
tend the E ducational Guidance w inter over the previous season.
H ay im ports totaled 49.000 tons
P a rt of the defaulted issues the city is now trying to
m eetings at the V niverslty Friday Inquiries ami reserv atio n s for Euro­
refund has been refunded once before. One issue of the 1 from July 1 to F eb ru ary 28, m ostly and Saturday. A ttendance at the pean
travel Indicate th e re will be
from C anada into th e drought areas
school district bonds has been refinanced once before. All
m eetings will be considered as at 30 per cent rls.' In trans-A llantlc
In th e n orth cen tral sta te s w here
this has been caused by using bond sinking funds for other
tendance at a local In stitu te for tourists.
purposes. The school district bonds are now in order with much hay from O regon and o th er the teachers.
w estern sta te s was m arketed this
$5,500 being paid off every year because they are serial season.
Program for the two-day confer­
bonds. If the city ever gels its house really “ in order" it
ence of educators will be as fol­ travel Into Mexico Indicule a trem ­
will be by some method in handling indebtedness whereby
low s:
endous Increase, m otor d u b offi­
a definite part of the debt is paid off every year rath e r MANY JOBS OPEN IN
cials, Dr. M ilk nie| said, are not
Friday. April 12
than pushing its bond debt load back into the future for
9:00 A. M.-—G eneral session; a d ­ n d v ttn g th e trip beccus* of unsei
our children to pay compound interest on.
d ress of welcome by P resid en t C. IL <1 political conditions nad be­
Boyer. A ddress. Problem s Créât cause postponed com ; lellon of the
T he V nited S tates Civil Service
th e Need for Guidance, G rayson road north of Jacula.
Com m ission h as announced open
com petitive ex am in atio n s as fol­ N. K efauver, deffn of the school of
Anonymous letter have recently come to m em bers of low s:
S tanford
V niverslty.
the school board and city council dem anding this or th a t
Ju n io r safety in stru cto r. «1.440 a Discussion panel: The Phlllsophy
public employee’s resignation. Usually a recall is th re a te n ­ y ear. B ureau of Mines.
of Guidance. Led by Dean Kefau-
ed if their dem ands are not complied with. Such a th reat
A d m in istrativ e assista n t to the ver. S tanford V niverslty.
A pproxim ately 75 per cent of the
besides being illegal is of course cowardly as the person D irector of the C ensus. «5.600 a
2:00 P. M.—Discussion panel:
has not the nerve to m ake his dem ands openly.
O bjections of Guidance. Led by num ber of hogs represented In the
year. B ureau of Census.
1934 corn-hog co n tracts In Oregon
T hreats of this nature alm ost always have the reverse
P rincipal tran sp o rtatio n econom ­ P rofessor Carl W. S alser. school of
huve be«-n signed up for til 183s
effect desired by the anonym ous letter w riter since they are ist, «5.600 a year, principal operat- education. Oregon S ta te college.
program , according to a report
6:00 P. M.—Inform al banquet.
extrem ely unfair and usually m ake the recepient mad ; ing and cost analyst. «5.600 a year,
7:30 P. M.—Discussion panel: E s­ m ade to W ashington by C harles W.
rath e r than scared. School directors in a second class dis­ In te rsta te Com m erce Commission
Sm ith of th e O regon S tate college J
trict are not subject to the recall and councilmen m ust be
Ju n io r naval a rc h ite c t (scientific sen tial P rocedures of Guidance.
in office six m onths before they can be recalled. Anony­ , ship calc u latio n s), «2,000 a year. Led by S. E. Flem ing, assista n t extension service, head of th e cam
superintendent of school. S eattle. paigri th is year.
mous w riters using this th re a t at the present time are Navy D epartm ent.
T his Is considered n good per
ignorant of the law.
S cientific aid, «1.800 a year, as­ W ashington.
centage In view of th e present fav
S a tu rd a y , A p r il 13
School directors and councilmen w ant to please the sistan t scientific aid, «1.620 a year,
»ruble pork prices and o th er c ir­
9:30 A. M.—Panel discussion:
electors in general. If anyone has a legitim ate com plaint under scientific aid. «1.260 a year,
cum stances In this state. T he cam -i
The O rganization of G uidance S e r­
against any teacher or appointive officer of the city that , D epartm ent of A griculture.
palgn this year was carried out 1
person we are sure will be courteously heard. If the person
C onservationist (fo restry ) v ari­ vice. Led by Grayson N. K efauver.
w ithout unusual incidents, and com !
12:00 M.—Luncheon.
Im m edi­
m aking the com plaint does not w ant to m akes his charges ous grades. «2.600 to «5,600 a year.
pletlon of the co n tracts Is expect*-d 1
Pathologist, «3.600 a year, asso- ately followed by panel discussion:
in public m eeting he might a t least see the directors or
he accom plished prom ptly. Willi
councilmen privately At any rate there is no excuse for ‘ ciate pathologist. «3,200 a year, a s­ T he Installation and O peration of a io few
counties still to report, the
sista n t pathologist, «2.600 a year. Guidance Service. Led by S. E.
anonym ous letters especially of a threatening nature.
final total Is estim ated at 4100 con
School teachers are employed by yearly contract and D epartm ent of A griculture. O ption­ Flem ing.
tra c ts for this state.
city appointive officers are for yearly term s. It usually al su b jects a re b arb erry eradica- 2:30 P. M.—Findings and Sum ­
takes genuine complaints backed up by proof to cause their
Chief scientific aid (b lister ru st N. K efauver.
removal. Any citizen has a right to m ake com plaints but
not to slander public employees. Those who do it are tre a d ­ co n tro l), «2.600 a year. D epartm ent
of A griculture.
ing on dangerous grounds if tin y are once checked up.
G razier, «3,200 a year. D ep art­ STAR CHAPTER SETS
Steel fabricated houses are crowding into the lumber m ent of th e Interior.
Forem an and layout m an, sheet
field for building these days. Yet the houses built of wood
have one feature which the steel house m akers have not m etal shop, »2.300 a year. N o rth­ C ascade chapter, O. E. H. w ill1
been able to overcome—appearance. The lum ber industry eastern P en iten tiary , Lewisburg. observe annual ch ild ren 's night al
th e ir next m eeting on April 16. A
should use all its ingenuity in producing attractive designs. P ennsylvania.
d in n er will be serves] al 6 o’clock
In this way they can keep steel houses from m aking a great
from th e S ecretary of th e V nited and th e program will be given by :
inroad in their field.
S ta te - Civil Service Board of E x­ children of the S ta r ch ap te r and
New lum ber business is about 14 per cent above pro­ am in ers a t the post offiep or cus­ M asonic lodge m em bers before th e i
duction, reports the National Lumber m anufacturers asso­ tom house in any city which has a reg u lar ch ap te r sesaion sta rts .
Mrs. L eota Rodenbotigb, Miss
post office of th e first or second
ciation. A hopeful sign.
d a s . nr ',<,m th e V nited S tates T helm a Sw eeny, Mr-. Opal Roh
The soft peddle seems to be on the “brain tru st" these Civil Service Commission,, W ash­ e r ts and Mi s Em m a R ogers will
have charge o f the children affair.
days. .Many of them have been sent back to the class room ington, D. C.
R esignation of Mrs. I. ,M. »'eter-
and the president is said to b e looking for able executives
as conductress was received
once more.
recently, u successor will he chosen
BANNER BUSINESS YEAR at a future meeting.
One Y ear in A dvance
T w o Y e a rs in a d v a n c e
« r e lie r Olin Ihon tn actually need
d to cull Ivalo and produco iho
AVAILABLE IN COUNTY crops or lo purchase or produca
Tho phenom enal increase In Ford
reg istratio n s and advance orders
for new cars Is conclusive proof
th a t business conditions through-
J out th e en tire n o rth w est are g et­
ting b e tte r and b etter, Is th e belief
j of H. H. Wilcox, northw est branch
m anager of th e Ford M otor com ­
pany, who y esterd ay com m ented
upon th e rem arkable Ford sales re ­
cords now being established.
"In th is territo ry , d ealer orders
for April delivery of passen g er cars
and T rucks, approxim ate 35 percent
of th e num ber of cars sold In th e
j en tire y ear of 1934,” W ilcox de-
! d a re d .
To point ou t th a t th is o p tim istic'
a ttitu d e is not ju st a sp rin g buying
urge, Wilcox said th a t 1935 Ford
j V-8 deliveries for th e first th ree
! m onths this y ear show an, Increase!
of 147 p er cent over tho sam e per
lot) of 1934.
"T o fill th e d eale r o rd ers for
April, It will req u ire n early 1200
railroad boxcars to tra n sp o rt these
Ford V-8s to th e n o rth w est,” W il­
cox stated , "or to m ake It more
easily understood, this m eans th a t
34 sep arate, large train lo ad s of 35
boxcar« p er train will be needed.”
clier. eou ti ly ugeni, wheiv tariuurs
inay »tilaili applicutlou lilanks uixl
lu s l i u e l lo u
P m le r H io r e g iilu llo n s
liila y ear nny furuiers bofore In
inay oldaln n louii Is reqiilred lo
ierttfy ilmi lie is eooperaling un
der the Production Control piogrum
wlth Hic A grlculiural Adjtisinieiii
A dm inistration.
tlnly thooc tan n er« a lin are un
uble to qiiullfy elth er dlrectly or
Ihrough Iholr Isiidlords for u loan
from u Production ('reilll u soelu-
llor. aro ellgihle for em erueiicy feisl
and erop loan».
No uinoiinl »lii lio loaned la a
JlH‘1 II
Cnwtlt’ll. lutlior
of HpiitiKflcIri iiliU
t'uwduti of Mud ford, wti
In*1«ntl> klllml Iti n inlncwiu-i Ideili
ni Tmuipuh. N vudu Friday. Fuller*
nl n u iv I uur wur» hold lltorv I mm I
wvuk »Mid.
The m illing tif Hprlng and Un* ilepartlnK of winter
brings on n period of intenite activity In (lie home, g ar­
den, factory and scliool. When you fe e l HprltiK fever
coining on pep yourself up with n piece or I wo of Kggl-
nuinn's candy.
Candy is not only plenaunt to eai II in an energy
building food When it is Kggiinnnn'a candy yon cun
he wire il is fresh, pure and tlellclonit.
"Where the Service la D if f e r e n t " " ^
Quality Products
Tht* label “ Multi O'Urcnni" Manila for quality in
dairy products. It also «land* for a home product
from Lum* county furtint and our modern Springfield
plant. (ini' perHonul guarantee HtaudH behind ull our
products mid you know where wc live.
Our Bervice is here for your uho . May we num ber
you am ong our large arm y of cuHtomeni.
Springfield Creamery Co.
Believe It or Not!
Our M". Tohey drove a m<»tlel A Ford ’2!» model
from Springfield to Stockton. California, it diBiance of
572 mlleH. in 14 hours.
The m o to r averag ed a frat-lion lena Ilian 24 mlleH
per gallon on S uper-Shell gawdlnp.
This is »me of the many reasons for filling our
pumps with Shell products.
N ew Springfield Garage
Phone 1R
41 I Main Street,
Springfield. Oregon
M arriage Licenses Granted
The county clerk Issued m arriage
licenses to Hi«' following during the
past w e e k : Eugene P o tts, K lam ath
Falls, and Bobby Irene Michael.
S pringfield; Ansel I^ e , and Rob­
e rta Nolan, both of E ugene; Paul
C achary, Coburg, and K athleen
M eacham, C ottage G rove; Lloyd
Dowdy, Eugene and Lillie Daugh­
erty, Vida; C harles Edison* and
B ernice W aite, both of E ugene;
John W alker, and Doris H ardy,
both of Eugene.
World Wide Guild vlrls of the
B aptist church presented a four-
act m issionary play entitled, "M is­
sionary A rithm etic" at the evening
service of the church last Hunday.
T aking port In the play w ere the
following g irls:
Dorothy Chase, Wilma C rabtree,
Ja n e Alice Pengra, M arie Briggs,
Jean Chase, B ettle C urrie, Cora
Brown, A lberta K eeler, Mildred
Billings, Alice
Ida Jane
H E 1935 Ford V -8 brings you the u tc -b u ilt for the years. Welded all-ite«l
most im p o rta n t Ford development body, engine and chassis improvements
since the introduction o f the Ford V-8
make it more durable than ever. Safety
engine—the new Full-floating Springhase glass throughout at no extra cost.
with Comfort Zone Seating.
Look to this new Ford V -8 for every-
Wherever you sit in this new Ford V -8,
thing you could want in a modern con
you ride centerpoiset/— between the springs. See it at your nearest Ford dealer’s now.
Springs are longer, more flexible, and the
springhase increased to 123 inches. The
a u t h o r iz e d f o r d d e a l e r s
result is “front seat riding comfort” even
AND VP, P I). /). np.TKOIT—i _____
for back seat passengers.
N ew riding ease in the 1 9 M Ford V-8
h r t ,, lr t . I t n Irrm, lhm,,b V ith m tl
( rtdil ( a , Am btrifd I'trJ PO m i k « PI ah .
is matched by new driving case. Control,
steering, parking are easier. Starting and
shifting have been made almost effortless.
Braking requires surprisingly little foot
pressure—yet is surer, smoother.
Here is a car that is styled to the min-
O N T B E S .K -tO R D S V M P B O N V O K , H ts , H A. S,.nd., E,tnln>, , FWtn WAR,NG.Tht....... ..