THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIK TY-URCO NI) YKAK HPK1NOFIKL1), LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 1936 COUNCIL CALLS CITY WARRANTS <«", -ram, BASEBALL «INE Inspection Set NO. 12 VOLUNTEER EIRE onres mies h,b,ds, ir'up 0EaM|,E “ V " , , BOARD O K S ! r "“w ,s TEACHING STAFF School Board Re canceled because of rain The boy» were arrested on salaries not less than present con­ less expensive than tbe one man ruport made by U. V. Ur««««, SO- school fund The clerk also sold a a degree on a class of three mem paid department now serving tbe charges of pilferage of the cabin tracts at a meeting of tbe Hprlng­ (uunlanl. Tbsiw was no disillusion warrant received from the Walter- The first game with Marcóla will bers at the visitation be played here Friday afternoon of the late George Larlson. They fleld school board Tuesday even city. of (!>• report and the vote on a res­ vllle district at par and applied the Este naive plana for a social on Brattaln field. Ten or twelve trained men with also confessed to tbe theft of a Ing In the city hall. Awarding of olution for acceptance was unani­ money on warrant reduction. In the Lowell high game Hprlng event to be held In the dining room number of chickens a short while contracts for teaching next year, mous. Total warranta now outstanding field used Brann. White, and T ay­ following the business meeting are some alternates will compos- tbe ago The chickens were taken for however, haa been left to further new department. A number of men A. L. Pawn, bond »aleniuau, amount to >11.844 The reduction being made by a committee Includ a 'feed', tbe boys told Lum F. An action of tbe board and likely will •poke briefly regarding the future of warranta has been rapid nines lor a« pitchers and Irvin aa catcher. lug Mrs. Htella Findley, Mrs. Clara wbo wished to Join were at last derson who made the arrest. Every □ot be done until after tbe new Hprlngfleld opened with a 6-2 lead nlgbts meeting and tbere are a financial policy of the city and the new las money began rum at the end of the second Inning, Hnodgraaa, Mrs. Eleanor Turrell, number of others wbo will apply, time the boys are questioned some director takes office on the board wua Informed that future action In Ing In. hut tell behind after lirann waa Mrs. R->sa Montgomery and Miss It was reported. Volunteers will be evidence of further pilferage Is July 1. Any raise In salaries. If thia regard would be conaldeieB b> Bernice Conoly. made, will be done by tbe new relieved aa starling pitcher. paid for each fire they help fight. found »ays Anderson. member» of the finance committee. His students from the Northwest board, directors agreed. The summary of the game waa: W alter Peerson waa arrested Frl W ith the finance report entiled The plan calls for two firemen The motion reelecting teachers H R E Bible college In Eugene presented and a new aet of booka ael up for to sleep In the new quarters at the day evening on orunk and disorder­ Hprlngfleld .................... 14 6 3 a program for the social hour of ly conduct charges He waa fined also carried the provision that all the Recorder and Treasurer. the city hall every night and answer resignations either voluntary or I-owell 20 14 2 the lodge Mouday evening of thia Council turned Ita attention, to tho any calls during the night. Dur­ 810 In recorder's court Saturday requested shall be receive! by the Yesterday Coburg started out week morning He paid hair of the fine paym«mt of warranta with cash ing the day either the Recorder board before contracts are award­ with a 3-2 lead which they held for funda on hand. They Instructed or chief of police will take tbe and waa given one week in which ed. All grade teachers are now re­ three Innings wheu Hprlngfleld bat­ to pay the balance. the Recorder to pay >IGOo worth of truck out to fires and volunteers ceiving >80 a month and grade ters opened up In the fourth. street Improvement, ami >300 of the will answer tbe alarm when the principals >105. High school teach­ Statement Given Councilmcn Lineups for the two teams and library warrants. Interest on the whistle signals are sounded. ers receive from >90 to >110 a Shows Condition Of City summary waa aa follows: warrauta will be drawn from the The new department will be month and the principal >160 a Springfield Coburg End Of First Quarter bond aud warrant Internet fund drilled and the men assigned to the month. Irvin c H. King which has been aet up In the new different positions and familiarised Consider Backw ard C hildren Room The city of Hprlngfleld closed Carson p Fd Deffenbacber book keeping system with handling the fire truck and The school board baa under ad­ (be first quarter of the new year Htevenaon lb Fk Deffenbacber Appointment Is Made pumper. visement the establishing of a 2b___ Morse Large Cast To Give “Hulda Appointment of W. K. Darnell as with cash on hand In the various S tatt room tor backward children under .il, Last night’s meeting was pre­ Hwangle Of Holland" At Auditor­ electric wire Inspector for the city funds In the amount of 816,OOP.PP. LI lee .......... a special instructor next year. This aud with an overdraft of >212.14 In aa ..._ K. King sided over by Ed Privât, chairman Street Project To Continue Taylor ....... was approved by the Council, and ium Friday Evening system Is being followed In many the general fund The overdraft la L. King Htevena ....rt...... of the council fire and water com- Through May If Neces- the appointment of a plumbing In­ schools of the state and Is now be­ mlfta-XS The 'T'Viaa volunteers ■nlllnfociea are expect­ J ....... Arp . c t____ Musically Inclined students at mlttee. spector waa placed In the hands of due to the calling of more war­ Posey ___ sary Says Earl Drew ing investigated. Reports are that ....... If __ Hurd Hprlngfleld high school will have ed to be ready to function as soon the health commltlee with power rants for payment than funda were Darr there are 30 or 40 children In the available which waa revealed In the H R IS their Inning at tbe school auditor­ as the fire truck is returned to to act. HERA work on Springfield's grades which are backward and Hprlngfleld ... 8 7 8 ium Friday evening at 8 o’clock the new quarters in the city hall. street project will continue after The Council authorised the print recently I hsuim I audit. are retarding the classes In which Balances on hand In the various Coburg 10 4 8 when they are presented In tbe lug of &U0 fire sone cards which May 1, without interruption until they are enrolled. funds were as follows on March Heveral changea bave been made operetta. “Hulda of H olland.' Tbe will be distributed to all business completed. The recent order call­ To Purchase L ib ra ry Books SPRINGFIELD TO HAVE houaea and moat of the boraea. 31: General fund, overdraft; street In lb« schedule an waa announced musical program was written by ing a halt to rural HERA relief A new system of buying books Improvement, >1882.76; library, last week. May Hewea Dodge and John W II The canla will enable a person to CASCADE BALL TEAM projects after May 1 will not affect for the school libraries was Inaug­ aon Dodge, and la being directed delertulue the approaimale location >30180; bond and warrant fund, Springfield it was announced this urated by the board. Committees or by Mlsa Olyde Dilley and Miss F irs t M eeting Of P layera Callea morning by Earl Drew, supervisor. of a fire as aoou as the siren alg >12,026.46; emergency >310.16; a ir­ CHARLOTTE ALLEN DIES teachers will select books they port. >32.OP; Bancroft bond collec­ Mary Elizabeth Whitney. F o r B rattaln Field Sunday ual la blown. Some adjustments will have to deem most needed for supplement­ EARLY TH IS MORNING tion >668.88. Feature rolea In tbe operetta will A fternoon At 2:00 be made after May 1. and several ary texts In tbe schools from stand­ Assessment Division Studied Warranta registered totaled >3. Miss Charlotte Allen, daughter of be taken by the following: Peter of those persons working on relief ard list submitted by the state sup­ A property owner seut a request 371.04. written on the funda aa fol­ Hprlngfleld will be represented projects In cities are living out­ that lie be allowed to divide the as- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen of Deer- Cats, Warren V ail; Jacob Hoogen- erintendent. The board w ill then lows: General I2.160.8P; street Im­ beets, Marvin Gorrle; Hulda. Ruth again In the Cascade baseball lea­ horn. passed away at tbe Pacific side of the cities and come under purchase as many of the booka sel­ eoeiuvnla against his property (two provement. >701.66; library, 076; B. hospital In Eugene this morning Pollard; Katrina, Barbara BarneH; gue with a town team It was an­ the rural classification. These will ected as the budget will permit. adjoining Iota) allowing him to pay and W. fund. >442.60. Jerry Heyden, Jack W illiams; nounced here this week when local probably be taken from the pro following an extended Illness. • II aesessmenta on one at thia Tbe school library must reach cer­ Warrants paid In the general Miss Allen would have been Vrouw Cats. Mary Faye Bettis; Jan ball enthusiasts signed up with the Jects. time The Council refused to act on tain standards for an accredited fund totaled >1,063.78. and from the F R. Crichton of Roseburg, safe­ school within the next two years eighteen years old Friday. April Steen. Roy Crandall; Jimmy Stone, association to enter a team. the matter until they could loves- B. and W. fund. >442.50. W arrant Elwyn Gates; Adrfen »teen. Thur­ First meeting for prospective ty engineer for the SERA In this under rules laid down by the state 12. She suffered a parslyCi. stroke ligate the property to see whether Interest paid waa >208.97 The city man Lanning; Cornelius Heyden. players will be held at Brsttain district, was In Hprlngfleld Tues one week ago today. lhe city would be protected by suf­ department of education. hud warrauta ouatandlng In the field Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. day and Inspected the work being Hbe attended I -eu burg high Jack Ixigan; Dirck. BUI White. ficient valuation to cover the un­ Bills Allowed »uni of >27.888.23. Tbe large chorus which will as­ A ll persons who want to play base­ done here with Lum F. Anderson, school and was u member of the paid ssseaments bolding only one The following bills were ««»m- sist will Include the following: ball are urged to be present. supervisor. Leaburg Girl Scouts lot aa security. ined by the school board and were Soprano«: Myrna McKinnon, A new method of financing the Mr. Crichton was well pleased approved for payment and war­ Besides her parents she Is sur­ billboards came before the coun­ CAST SELECTED FOR Muriel Tyson,, Dorothy Millican town team will be sought this year with the manner In which local rants ordered drawn for same. vived by one brother, Frank. cil again Monday night when It SENIOR CLASS PLAY Funeral anuouncementa will be Edna Vest, Clarabelle Brood and Efforts will be made soon to sell work is being handled and pointed W right and Hons _____ ____ 4148.87 was reported that the Gospel As Margaret Haack. season tickets to all the ball games with pride to the safety record made later pending word from rela seiubly church objected to a bill­ 58.30 "Tommy", three-act comedy by Altos: Joan Heavey, Shirley Sea instead of passing the hat for con­ here where no worker has received Mt. State Power Co....... .... lives in Montana It was announced board In the vicinity of their prop­ Howard Lindsay und Bertrand Rob- Pac. Tel and Tel Co. ___ 18.70 vey. France« Stiles. Alice Bates. tributions for expense money be­ as much as a serious scratch. today. erty which obstructed the view of Inaon, has been chosen as tbe sen­ Booth-Kelly ____________ 41.10 Tenors: Floyd Cornell. Burnell fore the season opens as has been Total hours used on the project J. K. GUI C o .___________ the church. Protests against the ior class play to be presented at 2.66 Gates, Harry Bainbridge. the practice for several years. here to April 1 were 3870, and the Zellerbach Paper C o . ____ corner group of boards at M ill an*! tbe high school on May 17. Misa 13.80 Baritones: Lawrence Chase, Carl LOCAL ODD FELLOWS total of the money paid out for Flanery's Drug S t o r e ___ main as traffic haaards, were also Marguerite Mlllhollen la directing 3.28 Brann, Jim HUI, Charles Brown, labor was 82.084 according to An­ Scotts Drug Store ______ GO TO CROW TONIGHT Woodrow Bates. presented. The matted waa refer­ the production. 8.70 RELIEF CARDEN HEAD derson’s report on the first of the red to the street committee. Fulop's Dep't. Store _____ 4.80 Chosen to portray tbe characters Kyle Smith will be at tbe piano A delegation of Hprlngfleld Odd VISITS CITY TUESDAY month. W illam ette Press _______ 3.60 Many Doors L eft Open In the play are: Doris Marie Robin Fellows will go to Crow tonight to and Pearl Helterbrand will be tbe Jack Henderer ............ ........ 1.8« More money will be collected by son as Mrs Wilson, Hartle Olson W. T McDonald, head of the re­ attend a meeting of tbe lodge there prompter. Edw. G. Privat _________ H. S. TRACK MEN WILL 1.50 the city In the form of fines and aa Marie Thurber; Jerry Clark as As the title Implies tbe scene of lief garden work In Lane county, In Interest of the County Aasocla Anderson M o to rs _______ .86 licenses if efforts of the city offi­ Bernard; Frances Styles aa Mrs the production Is laid In Holland HAVE FIRST MEET TODAY was in Hprlngfleld Tuesday check tlon meeting to be held In Hprlng Irish-Murphy ___________ 19.40 cials are successful. A movement Thurber; Jack W illiam » jas Mr. at the home of Peter Cats during a Ing up on work being done here on field April 26. according to E. E. 10.00 to standardise ctly ordinances so Thurber; Antone Ilcb ytll as David First showing of Springfield high University of Oregon garden projects. Each person re Pyne. president of the the county present day summer. as to make traffic, liquor, milk, and Tuttle; Irw in Darr as Tommy school's track possibilities w ill be John Vaughn _____________ 14.00 Tbe high school orchestra direc­ ceivlng aid from the county re­ group. They will leave the local .90 other ordinances correspond with Mills, and Bob I^Jole as Judge ted by Buford Roach w ill play and lief unit through employment on made this afternoon at tbe high Springfield Creamery Co. hall at 7 o'clock this evening. 3.22 slate and federal laws has been Wilson. school when students stage an In­ Northwest Cities G a s ___ a negro act by Verlln Posey and projects must plant a garden this Lee Ptutnan aud Elmer Findley Vera E. Van Lydegraf ____ 6.00 started. This will make It pos­ tra-school track and field meet. accompanied Grand Master ('has. Ivan Darr will be intermission num spring. 3.00 sible to try most violations here In Malcolm Hansen, winner of sec­ R. S. Johns ______________ bers. Poole (o a lodgeineeting at Browns, Tracts of ground and seeds are 6 76 Recorder's court. The city will MRS. STEWART HOSTESS ond place In tbe mile In state com­ Paul F. Potter ___________ Leroy Inman Is business man­ vllle Wednesday night where the furnished for the gardens and per Independent Market ______ 1.26 benefit from tbs fines collected FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB grand master made his official ager and Charles Clement Is stage sons who do not plant the gardens petition last year. Is captain of one 2.26 Fifty doors were found unlocked team, and Dlsque Smith, district Evelyn Buell ____....______ manager. visit. E. E. I’yne accompanied Hans will not be kept on the employment 3.00 during the past month by the night hurdles winner. Is the other leader. NW School association ___ Members of the Needlecraft club lists. HERA and other project work­ Bertelaen of Eugene, special de­ watchman according to his report were entertained at their regular The students are practicing each Singer Sewing Machine Co. 161.47 REBEKAH DELEGATION ers work only part of each afeek puty for Lane county, to Junction to the police committee. The meeting last Thursday afternoon day now when weather permits t ity that evening In the interest ATTENDS HALSEY MEET and bare plenty of time for this They hftve a smooth 108 yard dash Total 8626.66 Springfield bridge lights cannot be at the home of Mrs. Harry M. Stew­ of the coming county meeting. gardening which will supplement turned on until proper fixtures are art. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett was tbe track and an oval 220 track. The Several members of Juanita Reb­ their earnings. County relief peo­ received from the East It waa re assisting hostess. Guests of the city grader was used on the MAKING IMPROVEMENTS ekah lodge went to Halsey to at ple not employable are expected to ported at the meeting. All street club were Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. START WORK AT CHURCH grounds when they were wet with AT SPRINGFIELD GARAGE tend the visitation meeting of Mrs. participate In the garden projects lights are now burning again. the result that the school now has George Proehnow. Mrs. N. L. Poll­ If they are physically able. Grace Christensen, state assembly ON CHAMBER FOR ORGAN a greatly improved track. ard. and Mrs. W. N. Williams. The The front part of the New C ity Bills Allowed president. Tuesday evening. Those Hprlngfleld garage has been com­ 11. M. Stewart, postmaster > 2.24 game prise was won by Mrs. H. H. Carpenters have about completed attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest YOUNG MARRIED FOLK pletely repainted a light green and llaliha Hardware Go................ 9.00 Hchaffenberg .The club w ill meet work this week at the Methodist Black. Mrs. Clara Snodgrass. Miss FUNERAL HOME HAS INVITED TO S. S. CLASS the entrance driveway has been Payroll for March ................. 387.00 again on- April 18. church building ou a wall and other Maxine Snodgrass. Miss Crystal TUESDAY RADIO HOUR painted grey. The back part of the L. H. Kelley, receiver, ......... 47.76 changes In the front of the church Bryan, Miss Eunice Gerber. Miss An Invitation was Issued this garage building will be given a J. M. Larson .................................. 76 HIGH SCHOOL BOXERS to provide space for the new pipe Eva Louk, Mrs. Fred Louk. Mrs. One of the mast popular radio week to all young married people coat of whitewash within a few Geo. W. Orr ....................................76 organ when It Is rocelved. A new Sarah Johns, and Mrs. Estella hours to originate In this county Is PLAN LEBANON TRIP of this community, not now affilia­ days according to C. C. Tobey and Irish Murphy ........................... 1.00 wall la being built closing off a Findley. that of the Poole Funeral Home, ted with a Sunday school, to attend R. H. Borrett, properties. The J. W. (juackenbush & Sons 7.(0 Marlon Hall Is planning to take small room In the space formerly the EvSngelist class for young sponsored by Charles P. Poole, and men have taken a Shell gasoline Dr. W. H . Pollard ................. 6.75 a numlter of his high school boxers occupied by the choir. This will be QUARTERLY MEETING OF married couples at the Christian featuring Veltle Pruitt, director of agency In this city and are making Hubert P lrrle ____________ 1.80 to Lebanon Wednesday evening used to house all the organ pipes. music at the Northwest Christian BAPTISTS SET TONIGHT church In Hprlngfleld. The class college. Ruth Lelnhard. and Rena a special get-acquainted offer In II. M. Stewart, postmaster .. >7.78 next week for a fight card. He la The blower for the organ haa been members are working to enlist all Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. _____ 11.78 not aure whether the Lebanon Installed and other preliminary Smith. The program la known as their advertisement this week. Immediately fo’lowing a potluck young married people In the study Pac. Tei. and Tel Co. _____ 1.86 school has a wrestling squad. If work completed. Poole's Good Cheer and Common supper at 6:30. members of the of the New Testament, according C. Meacham .......... 6.00 they have some matches In this Information received from the Sense program. It includes selected REV. POINDEXTER Baptist church will start their to the class president. Mrs. Elisa Wlnsenreld ......... 20.00 ■port will also be arranged. factory by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter quotations and vocal and Instru­ WILL W RITE FOR quarterly business meeting tonight. Flaher Lbr. Co........ ....... 88.28 state that the organ will be here mental music broadcast every Reports of all officers will be WORK UNDER WAY FOR SPRINGFIELD NEWS Walter M. Ransom _____ 224.16 LEGION MEETINGS SET and Inntailed by May 16. Tuesday evening at 7:16 oyer sta­ heard, and the annual budget will O. V. Breese ............. 326.26 COUNTY I. O. O. F. MEET tion KORE. Discussion of the Bible an< be taken up for consideration at FOR ARMORY TONIGHT General Petroleum Co. ....... 60.06 PROGRESSIVE 22 TEAM other religious teachings have this time. Preliminary arrangements for Coe Stationery Co. 1.00 been regularly printed in thi Monthly meetings for the Hprlng­ GIRL SCOUTS SET DATE the annual I. O. O. F. County asso­ MEETING IS FRIDAY W lllnmette Press 6.60 Springfield News for a numbei fleld American legion post number DEERHORN WINS FIRST ciation meetltug to be held In O. V. Breese ........................... 30.00 FOR COURT OF AWARDS of years. The authors have beet 40, and the Auxiliary group will be Regular monthly business and Hprlngfleld on April 26. are being W. L. Rouse ........................... 80.00 BALL CAME WEDNESDAY nationally known writers but noi held this evening at the Hprlng­ social meeting of Progressive 22 completed this week by the local Tuesday, April 30, has been set M. J. McKlIn ........................ 60.00 personal acquaintances of oui fleld Armory at 8 o’clock. degree team of Juanita Rebekah The Deerhorn baseball team won committees. Business sessions will as the time for the spring court of Frank Fisher ......................... 47.60 readers. The Auxiliary group will survey lodge will be held at the 1. O. O. F. be held at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The awards to be held by the Hprlng­ their opening ball game Wednes­ Htate Ind. Acc. Com.............. 11.37 Because a religious message results of their recent book drive hall Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. day from W altervllle with the public evening program w ill fea­ fleld G irl Hcout troop It was an­ Mt. Stales Power Co.......... 287.68 from a local pastor, who li for the benefit of the city library. Members on the social committee ture short talks, music and stunts nounced at the weekly meeting of score 61-13. The game wiw played office Mach, <1 Supply 40.00 known personally to many ol are Mrs. Htella Eaton, Mrs.,Hhrali at W altervllle and was the first by visiting lodge groups. the troop Monday afternoon. Girls Hprlngfleld Elec. Bupply 16.86 our readers, will no doubt have Johns, Mrs. Blanche Daniels, and of a series of games between the worked on projects under the sup­ W right and Hons 128.42 YOUNG PEOPLE TELL a more profound effect on oui Mrs. Helen Donaldson. two schools. ervision of leaders at the Monday Ford Nelson M ill Co.............. 69.89 LIONS HEAR PASTOR OF RECENT MARRIAGE readers than someone they have meeting. Lane County ............................ 7.60 OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH never seen, we have asked Rev Announcement of the marriage Dodd M iller ........................... 41.40 ODD FELLOWS TO FETE PRISCILLA MEMBERS Dean Poindexter to prepare ■ Hprlngfleld Cabinet W ks...... 21.87 of Mlsa Vivian Hcott, daughter of Rev. I. G. Shaw was the speaker MISS GERBER HOSTESS BASKETBALL PLAYERS HAVE MEETING TODAY series of short articles on th< C. I,. Aldrich ......................... 1.07 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hcott, Spring- (or the weekly meeting of the Lions Bible and Its application to out FOR CARD CLUB CROUP Lloyd Townsend ................... 8.00 field, to George Troveas, so® of A feed and entertainment for Members of the Priscilla club club at Taylor hall Friday noon. He dally lives. Mr. and Mrs. John Traveas, Thurs­ the members of their basketball are to meet this afternoon' at the discussed changing meaning ot sev­ Regular meeting of the O-No Rev Poindexter’s article ap Corvallis People Visit— Mr. and ton, was made this week. The cou­ team will be held on April 17 fol­ home of Mrs. Riley Hnodgrass at eral words in the dictionary card club will be held this evening pears on our editorial page thia Mm. Fred Montgomery of Corval­ ple were married at Vancouver, lowing the regular lodge meeting. 2 o’clock for their fortnightly meet­ W. F. W alker and Larson W right at 8 o'clock this evening at the week. W e hope you will Ilk« lis spent Sunday here visiting with Washington on April 4 and w ill The local boys won second place ing. Mrs. Ernest Black will be the are In charge of the program for home of Miss Eunice Gerber. wjiat be has to say. hla mother, Mrs. Rosa Montgomery. make their home In Hprlngfleld. In the L O. O. F. league. assistant hostess. (M b Bridge will be played. TREASURER GIVES FINANttREPORÎ STUDENTS PLAN DUTCHOPERETTA SAFER MIN FOR SERA CALLS HERE