PAO® FOUR TUR flPRINOFIKI.n NWW8 HONOR SOCIETY HAS INSTALLATION SONG HITS FEATURED IN "GOLD DIGGER'’ FILM high School to Publish Annual Advance Sale Assures Suffici­ Six High School Students Are ent Purchasers; Class Pic­ tures Are Taken Feted At Banquet Meeting Tuesday Eevening With an advanced sale of 101 THURRD/VY, APRIL 4. 1938 (PoniInuvd frolli First Page) Visit At North Bend— Mr. and Plan Fishing Trip— Dr. Milton V. Mn Kitner I'tue spent the week Walker Is planning to spend Fri­ end visiting at the home of Mr. day fishing on Hie Sluslaw river. and Mrs. Buford Eight at North Guest at Hotel—C M. Wickham Beud. of IVirtland wiv- rogtsteraS as a City Hall Geta Woodbox— A new guest nt the Springfield hotel Sat wo- tlbox has been built at the city unlay. hall and all the iulerior of the Visitors from Jasper Mr. end building has been repainted and Mrs Albert Lindley and soil, David kalsomtued. of Jasper, were guests at Sunday Return from Trip— Mr and Mrs dinner at the 1». B. Murphy home Elmer Findley returned last Fri­ Cuts Foot— Guy Stephens of da.' from Count.', Washington, where they have been visiting for route 1. cut Ida find while chop­ ping wood near Hayden Bridge last twro weeks. Thrsday eveuiug. Purchase» Farm— A. 11. Wilson Visits Brother Irving Hollister of Brighton, Colorado has pur chased a 63 acre farm at Fall Creek of Medford h.t been visiting with from Harold Stewart. The new bis brother. Ren Hollister, for sev­ owner will take possession «toon. eral days. Six new members of the Spruit copies a»- tired as the result of a livid chapter of the i tallonai Honor recent coutest, students at the Society were initiate it at a banquet Springfield high school are busy held at the Del Key i efe In Eugeni' making arrangemetns for the pub Mention this spring of a high school Tuesday evening. April 3. Edna Reversen, president of the annual. Seniors won first place In chapter, was toastm istress and wel-j the contest, the sophomores ano corned the new members in behalf Juniors ran rtose second and third of the organisation and Miss Her ; The book will be the same sin nice Conoly welcomed the new as last year but will have more members in behalf of the faculty. pages and will have many more Holland Farnsworth, an initiate, illit-trations says Leroy Inman, gave the response. Harry B. John­ business manager. A large part of son, principal of the Eugene High the cost of the book will be finan­ school, and a special guest, gave a ced by advertisements. short talk. Pictures of the various classes Miss Evelyn Buell played two Tonsils Taken— Clarence Jean violin solos and Miss Virginia I 'he student organisation-, and ath Peterson underwent an operation Christie sang two vocal solos, both letic teams were taken Tuesday for the removal of his tonsils and accompanied by Mrs. Leota Roden ‘ afternoon on the school grounds, adenoids at the office of a local bough. 1 A few other pictures will be taken physician Monday morning. After the banquet the initiation , la ,"r in the year. Viait in Salem— Mr. and Mrs. was conducted by Edna Severson Plans call for the completion of Thelmer J. Nelson and his brother Mary Trotter, Irene Jessen. Charles ‘ the book Just before the close of and sister-in-law, Mr. aud Mrs. Nor- Cole, Mary Elkow. Jerry Clark, and ' the scliool year. wald Nelson of Eugene, spent Bun­ Miss May Hewes. advisor. The n e w ------------------------- day at the home of their parents members initiated were: Dori- Rob­ at Salam. inson. Evelyn Johnson. Carl Ste enson. LaMoyne Black. Rolland Visits from Portland— Mrs. T. H. Farnsworth, and Lawrence Chase Taylor of Portland is here this week visiting at the home of her brother in law and sister, Mr. and TEN GIRL SCOUTS PASS Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew. She is FIRST AID BADGE WORK returning to her home today. tinca Decomber 33. t909 "The followlug statem ent of tnx ievlvs from thè yeara 1816 lo 1835 Inclusive willi thè excepllon of ilio ye«r 1834 show» lliul there bus beoti levlod all amount of 8484. 541.33 Tlila amount Inclutletl fluid to pa.v thè lutoreat un thè bonda oiitatur.ding and it is raaaonuhle to bellore Ihat lite collecttona re colved from Bona on d ly propoi ty t o g e t h e r w it h th e In te re s t lim i lias been paid lo the (own. would have retired Hie major portion of Hi Indehtedu s and the town would not al the present time face a bond laatle of 8135.660 66, together with the wiirruiit Indebtedness of ap- proxinmlely 836.000 nil." Statem ent of T ax Levies Swanky Chorua Girts lllu a tra la Songs In W arn er Brothers Qold Diggers Of 1835 Illustrating in picture, lyrl'W and Melody I lie »lory of a sophisticated Broadway dawn, when the show gal and play hoy start fur their homes lo gel some milch no tied loop Jus) us workaday Mauhattan Is awakening lo iho rattle of milk hollies iiud the roar of morning ’•’»I hm « u c h Is H ie " L llllu h v of Broadway," song lilt of (he inualeal comedy spectacle "Gold Diggers nl 1935," which conics In the M< Don alii theatre Bunday. There are two oilier Important songs In Iho sh o w -" T h e Words Are In My ileiirl. " a love hallatl in walla time, and "I'm Going Shop ping With Yon.” a rhythm number Tile ballad, "The Words Are 111 My Heart." Is S l i n g by Dick I'owoll lo Gloria Stuart, willi whom lie falls In love in Gio plot. Dick also sings "I'm Going Shopping Willi You." In Gloria There la an all slur cast In the picture, which Includes bosides Dick Powell, Gloria Stuart and Winifred Shaw. Adolphe Monjou. Alice ilrady. Glenda Farrell. Frank Meilugh, Hugh Herbert, Joseph Cawtborn and 11 chorua of 300 beau tlful girla. CITY DEBT PLAN (CotiGuiied from First Page) Hide u substantial reduction In your real estate laz "It has been a pleasure lo have compiled and completed Gils uinlll and I wish to thank the Mayor, the t'ouucllnien, the City Recorder and Iho Treasurer for their whole heart oil cooperation and also the several cttleeua who have lo on so kind ua lo give me ItiforniuGoii when culled upon. "I tru t that the auggeaGoua made In Gila aiidll may he carried nut and your city should profit many limea over Hie aciiiul coat Mini expenae Incurred, "Youra reaped fully. "U V llltEESE, Auditor and Accountant." (1816 lo 1835 Inclusive except 1834 Tonsils Taken Out— Mias Beulah Martin underwent a tonsil opera­ Levy iind Anil clpuled Revenue tion at the office of a local physi­ Visit Daugl '.sc—Dr. and M r s A Budget fur 1835 8 33.630 38 cian Saturday. II. laing of Ta t. Oregon spent Sun " 1934 36.996 39 day here v ls ltlig with their daugb- " 1933 43.958 28 LINCOLN SCHOOL ter. Miss Flore! ce Long. iai I Friday afternoon the eighth " 1933 32.411.74 " 1931 gruile boys opened their baseball 31.465.22 Home from Portland — Drval ” 1930 season with a spectacular win over 28.899 24 Eaton spent the week-end here with “ 1939 Weal Springfield. The local boys 28.600 90 his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey played al a disadvantage bem use *' 1938 31.362 40 Eaton. He is «tu.lying In Portland. " 1837 Gin Springfield boy« play baseball 29,729 00 Postoffice Inspected — S. H. " 1926 ami the West Springfield team 28.424.00 Morse, federal postofflcw llispei tor playa soft bull. The local team won “ 1926 38,087.00 workiug out of Eugene, was here a 7 6 victory. 1934 Information not Tueaday morning for the utinual N ext Salurduy la the annual 4 It available inapeetion of the local pmitofflce. 1923 Marketing day. The eighth graders 33.068 60 RED CROSS MEETING IN 1922 have sent In their essays which 16.048 00 Recovers Operation Miss Viv­ WASHINGTON NEXT WEEK qualify them for the event. 1921 15.810 00 ian Thomson of Vida who under­ I9**O 15.000 00 went an operation for appendicitis Mina I.Intica Anderson, senior NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 1919 17.000.00 last week Is gelling along very stiideut in lue Lincoln high school IN THE Ctil'NTY COURT OF 1918 Large Attendance A t Happy Hour Funeral Services Held Tues- 14.964.27 at Tucoma, haa heeu clioseu to Collect Bounties- J. D. Yale of nicely according to her physician THE STATE OF OREGON FOR 1917 16,306 00 B enefit Tea Monday Sees day For 84 Year Old Resi- .McKenzie bridge collected the here. apeak for the Junior Red t'roaa at LANE COUNTY. 1916 16.910 00 Practical Demonstration deilt Qf Springfield the opening sosa lo ti of the Red In the Mutter of the Estate of county bounty on two bobcats and Return from T rip — Mrs. W. K. Ten Springfield Girl Scouts com ! _______ Creed laine, duceaseil. Crons convention In Washington. two cougars Saturday at the office Notice la hereby given llial the 9484.541 32 Dieted their work for first aid ; William l.awson. 84. passed away of the county clerk. John W Kolzer Buell and daughter. Evelyn, return­ I». I’.. April 8. undersigned adnilnlalrutrlz has badges with demonstrations given at his home here Saturday night. of Rainbow also collected the coun ed Tuesday afternoon (r. in M uro Miss Anderson la one or eight flltnl in said eatale her final ac- Besides this 9484.641.32 levied In where they have been visiting for Monday afternoon at the benefit ! He w;v- born in Surrey county, ty bounty on one coyote. Junior Red CroHs delegates from count und said court has set Friday several days. They were accom­ tuxes which curried large budget tea program of the Happy Hour North Carolina, on March 31. 1851. Items for bond retirement on the Pacific toast lo ulleud Ihe Juu Ihe 3rd day nt May. 1936. at ten panied by Wayne Kendall. Dinner at Shedd Mr. and Mrs. o'clock 10 Go- (OTOBOOB -is Gic lim e club held at the home of Mrs. Mil-1 and moved with his parents to Min­ on 8222,828 45 worth of hoiida Is ior conference which is held dur­ fur hearing objections to said final ton V. Walker. The girl« are Pegg> nesota while a young man. He later A. M. ¡Snodgrass entertained at Dies in Accident— Frank A Glen- -ueil since 1909 there lias been'col ing to the week of the senior con account and the settlement Giers- Wright. Flora Bertsch. Ethel Fulop moved Io Washington, and came to their home at Shedd Sunday with a dler itii-d last Thursday evening lected or lost by tux sale all hut venlton In the national capital. of. All perautia Interested may ap­ birthday dinner for Mrs. Riley Louise SmitT. Helen Putman. Rob- Oregon 16 years ago. pear and Gle objec tions If any they of Injuries sustained when the uuto 819.733 90 on bond lions. With this erta Putman. Merna Nutt. Ruth' He is survived by the following Snodgrass of this city. Invited from In which he w as riding collided relatively sinnll slim lo he collected Viait In Portland— Mr. and Mrs have. Dated April 4th, 1936 Keeler, Leona Ware and Aretha children: Charles F. Haney. Spring- Springfield were Mr. and Mrs. with two parked trucks near Cros­ the city »till has 9125.000 in bonds Malt Hart returned Munday even MAItY K. LANE, mlinlulatra Snodgrass, Miss Maxine Snodgrass. Young. . field; Mrs. Mary Web. Weston. well. A coroner's Jury Investigated outstanding. While no adequate ex­ ing from Portland where they spent trig. Miss Eunice Gerber, and Lloyd Gar­ C. A WINTER.MEIER, attorney. A call was issued this week for Oregon: Mrs. Clara Ward. Spring the case Monday and fulled to fix planation has been made tor thia the week-eud. (A 4 11-18-86 — M 21 additional patrol leaders for the field; Jack Lawson. Dexter; and rison of .Marcela. responsibility for the death. wide difference it seem s appurent Springfield Girl Scout troop. Any one brother. E lisha Lawson, at Must G erm inate F lrat Year to present city officials that many one interested in Girl Scout work Brush Prairie. Washington. He also Testa recently completed by the thousands of dollar» of bond lien 1 Make yourself solut* delicl- LUMBER PRODUCTION BOY SCOUT CAMP TO who would like to take charge of leaves nine grandchildren anil two money, which i.honld have gone to Paclflr NortliWcHl Fornai Expert o u g f u d g e CHIldy. JoIlltHOIl's STAYS BELOW 1934 CUT a patrol or be a lieutenant arc great-grandchildren. BE OPENED JULY 7 pay off bonds, have been used for uiciit station provo that Ikiuglas Installi fudge powders makes asked to notify Miss Eunice Gerber He was a member of the Seventh other purposes when budgets were fir seed oriliiiurlly retains Its abil­ fudge in ten minutes by add Seattle. Wash., April 4—A total or one of the members of the Scout Day Adventist church. ity to germinate for only one sea­ lug hot water. The Wallnmet Bov Scout camp. xceeded. Hperlal 2Sc. of 539 down and operating mills in committee. son after II falls to tile ground. Funeral services were held here Camp Lucky Boy, on Blue river, Mr. Breeae supports hi» state­ Scott's I hug Store. Oregon and W ashington which re­ Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock will be opened for the first group ments with long lists of Ixsikkeep ported to the West Coast Lumber­ LIONS START WEEKLY from the Poole chapel with Rev on July 7 this year it has been lng errors which are too nunt-rous men's association for the week end­ MEETINGS THIS FRIDAY I. G. Shaw, officiating. Interment ing March 23. produced 89.412.562 announced Each camp period will for us to print but can be seen by was made in the Laurel Hill cem e be two weeks and each period will examining the report on file at the board feet of lumber. This was ap­ cost 813. Several clpingM and city hall. Members of the Springfield Lions I tery- proximately 1.51)0.000 feet under improvements to the camp grounds club will hold their regular meet- — ' the preceding week. The average are anticipated by the Scout com­ lng Friday boon at Taylor hall, c - r n u n r o - r weekly production of this group of mittee. TOBEY AND BARRETT This will be the first of the meet- S T U N ° E N T CARNIVAL IS sawmills in 1935 has been 82.132.- ings on the new weekly schedule SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR 884 feet; during the sam e period which the club adopted at a recent ------------ There was a silver tell given ¡it in 1934 their weekly average was BLUE RIVER STUDENTS dinner meeting. E. C. Stuart and Although the stunts and booths j the home of Mrs. Arch 'though Inst 83.441.720 feet. Satisfaction Guaranteed Harry M. Stewart are in charge of ot ,h e iun carnival were not up to WIN "B " DRAMA MEE1 Friday afternoon, Mrs. John Price: The new business reported last their usual quality, according to the program for this meeting. was us-lstant hostess. PHONE 10 - 414 MAIN 8T. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON week by 539 mills was 93.520.218 I many who were present, students Students at Blue river high Jay Grant has heeu reelected | board feet against a production of school won first place in the Ijine at the high school realized more STATE HEAD TO VISIT principal of Thurston high school 89.412.562 feet and shipments of county "B" league dramatic meet D C D C V A U u r r T i o c c-cscsx. Ihan ,1 0 ° froni the aifair «¡»en Fri- i 86.174.164 feet. Their shipments at Cottage Grove Friday evening for next year. Miss Delilah Kudl REBEKAH MEETING SOON day. cott who formerly tuuglit here, will 1 'w ere under production by 3.6 per Miss Jane Anderson won with their one-act play. "Love Is he the assistant Mrs. Hubert Gray Mrs. Grace Christenson, cent and their current sales were Like That." The Coburg players will he principal in the grade nr».»«..» „ t d i. 1. i. assembly .. Queen contest for the freshman president of the Rebekah , . „ class and had LaMovne Black over production by 4.6 per cent. were a close second with “The school and Mi s Ruple Ross as ' for Oregon, will visit Juanita lodge . v-M vu. a , The orders booked last week by Dear Departed. ' Creswell and Oak­ h__„ j Hazel Nesbit, and Marjorie Cur- here on April 15 it was announced _ this group of identical mills were ridge. other district winners, also slstant for next year. rant as her princesses. Vern Stone from Sun Francisco at the meeting here this week. Mrs. : » a , over the total in the preceding presented plays. Estella Findley. Mrs. Clara Snod- * ‘7 a ” ’ ’ arrived Wednesday and visited un ' week by about 5.000,000 feet or ap­ grass. Mrs Eleanor Turrell, Miss “ X , ? • Pant°"” me tit Friday with his grand parents proximately 6.0 per cent. C O M IN G S U N D A Y Bernice Conoly. and Mrs Rosa ,e