Tl I m H PA Y, APRIL 4, 1983 THE flPRINOmCLD NEWS MACHINERY ALL SET TO ers and stockman for making crop CLOSE CROP. FEED LOANS and livestock loans cooperatively WHO IS WHO A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. i on a soundly secured business If the FCA rejects the up C redit Bank W orks Fast To Pro­ i basis ' plication for lack of adequate col­ vide Funds For Crop And lateral backing, tbe farmer may Food F arm Loans INTEREST CUI ON LIND SINK LOINS apply to th« county loan commit- The emergency crop and feed 1 tee for a loan out uf the (60.000.- loan office of the Farm Credit ad­ J 00« emergency appropriation Loans New Loans To Carry 4’/ . Per- cent For Entire Period; ministration of Spokane U ready ; of less than (300 may be applied I.AIIY WANTH HOUHEWOltK (if Other Rate« Staggered I for directly through the county to cloae loans and disburse the pro- an> kind by day ur hour, or r«s- DANCING AUTO DEALERS PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS i’ -eda Just as promptly as approved | emergency loan committee without lanrant illsli wushlug. I'lionu The Federal Land beak of Spo­ applications are sent In by the i waiting for a FCA rejection. All HprliiRflold 182 J. 0 AN C K kane announces that, effective Carl R. Baker Fllui Shop ! borrowers must comply with tb< A N D B R S O N M O T O R S, INC. county committees through which April 1, new loans made through A T W IN T E R !!A R D E N Eastman Films — Kodaks — Expert Repairing — All Work farmer« apply. Arrangements for , crop control program of the AAA MAN WANTED fin Itawluluh rout« and Indorsed by local farm loan Frames — Albums— Motion j bundling the return flow of appli­ Guaranteed. ni 800 funillloa. Write Imlay. "Thu Ounce Thut’s Different" associations will be written on a Picture Camaras. cations with all possible haste have Ruwlelgb, Dept. ORDI96-HA, Uas. Oil, Tires and Batterie« 4(4 per cent interest hMls. COUNTY TAX SALE SET Every Saturday Night Ws Photograph Everything Oakluud. Calif. A X» fttb anil A Sis.. Hprlogfleld i*b. 4» now been completed. The new saving la mad« possible dents 28c Ladins 10c Anywhere. BACK. DATE UNCERTAIN Tbe emergency loans will Ini hy the bank's ability to market Its Mull films to P. O. Boa 667 CAN SPOT FOREST FIRES made out of the special (60 ool) ooo bonds to the Federal Farm Mort­ The county sale of tax delinquent 608 Willamette, Eugene Ph. 636 _______ FURNITURE_______ : fund Just appropriated by congress HCHBRBR MOTOR CO. IN FACE OF SUN'S RAYS gage corporation on a 3(4 per cent j Io assist farmer who are unable property has again been postponed Ill'll K H I.OSMO H IC E — PRINTERS Originally set for March 3«. It was interest basis The bank Is permit­ J O H N S O N F U R N IT U R E CO. ¡iludios u( Ihn I’u ill Ninthw«»i | to obtain supplies or feed else PONTIAC later set for April 6. and again post ted 1 per cent margin to cover Its Ranges and Circulators fintm l cxpcillii- nt Mallon demon Motor Cara T H E W ILI»AM ETTE P R E S S , where, or Ibe credit to purchase poned. The new date has not been costs of operation. Several Linos Including Montag. s iiu lu d ia l lin o I lire lookouts can j such llems Application blanks HALEB and SERVICE Springfield »«« Uros »bou looking toward the 7th and Olive Sta. *— Phone 868 Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base waivers and vouchers are being ■ et yet except that It will be held Rate W as Up To 6 Percent Phone 2 Attractive Prices on Furniture aun Just an readily us whan hulking I delivered to the county committee-, on a Saturday morning at 10:3«. The newly announced rate of 4(4 Eugene, Oregon. Business Stationery—Office Forms There are more than 3000 parcels and Rugs. In uny other direction, uovorllie- of which county agents usually act per cent after April 1 to stockhold­ Booklets — Placards — See Us Before You Buy us secretary, and farmers needing of land to be sold In the sale. less, looking In tluii direction I» ing members of local farm loan as­ BATTERY SERVICE Dodgers, etc. I this loan service may now fill out fatiguing and »nmkid glaases are We Deliver ITjone 11(8 sociations Is the lowest to the Land A Modern Print Shop Producing the forms. 649 Willamette Eugene worn Io pi event «yeatralu. bank’s history. For the past two LANKCO N O T IC E O F BALE Up-To-Date Printing W ill Get Only Bum Needed years the bank has been making BATTBRYFACTORY Notice of Sale of Real Property Phone and a Salesman Will Call GROCERIES Only the amount actually re­ on Execution in Foreclosure. loans at 5 per cant, with a tem­ N O T IC K O F H E A R IN G Hack at our old location, quired for crop production or live porary reduction of 4(4 per cent ON F IN A L A C C O U N T Notice Is hereby given that by overheud your gain. See our naw SERVICE STATIONS D IB B L B B *8 stock feeding , will he advunced. virtue of an execution and order of until July 12, 1938, under hhe pro­ NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN: material batteries In genuine Oates within a max'mum of (6«0, secured sale in foreclosure Issued out of vision of the emergency farm mort­ That th« uudurelgned administrator hard ruhbi-r cases before you buy. B E D & W H IT E G R O C E R Y A 8 T . S E R V IC E 8T A T IO N by a first lien on cropa financed or the circuit court of the state of gage act of 1933 applying to all Phone « of the eatate of Eiuuiu C. Reeves, All parts handmade lu Eugene. For Oregou for 1-ane County, on the deceased, has filed his account for capacity—service—price—none bet­ Cor. 6th sod Main Sta., Springfield General Gasoline, Oil and Ureases the live stock to be fed. The allow 28th day of March, 1936, in a suit borrowers. Prior to 193.1 the hank's the flual awtllsiuunt of said estate ter RECHARGING—REPAIRING. Goodrich Tires able amounts per acre and per head wherein J. B. Young and A. C. loan rate has fluctuated between 6 • I ’bone 1008 lu the t'ouuly Court for Lane Conn 346 Vsn lluri-n "A Homs Owned Station." of live stock are similar to the McClane are plaintiffs and Flor­ or 6 per cent, according to the ____ HOSPITALS____ ty, Oregon, und lliut Hulurduy. thu 6th and A Sts., Springfield. Ph. 84 limitations prevailing last year, et:;: Aiken Bank, Angellne S. Dill­ trend of the long-term money 2«tb duy or April, 1936. at the Court _______C R E A M E R IE S - ard and O. C. Lucbterbaud were de­ PA C IFIC H O S P IT A L , itooiu of said Court, In the County with the aim of holding the loans fendants, and wherein on the 27th market. Court House, lu Eugeue, Oregon at Demand tbe Best—Costa no More INC. strictly to emergency requirements. day of March, 1936, the said J. B. M itch ell S e r v ic e S t a t ic o After July 12, 1918, the Interest teu o'clock In the forenoon, has 12th and Hllyard Notes securing the loans will bear Young and A. C. McClane obtained rate on loans affected by the tem­ ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS bean by said Court fixed as tbe BLUE BELL a Judgment aud decree adjudging Phone 2600 8(4 per cent Interest to maturity, Dairy Products lime and piuca fur bearing objec­ — Yale Tires — that there was due and owing to said porary reduction will go back to tions tbersto, und fur final settle­ Ice Cream, Butter, Cheese, Milk Eugen -, Oregon deducted when the proceeds are plaintiffs from the said defendant tbe level prevailing when the loans Greasing • Battery Recharging ment of said estate. disbursed from the regional office Angelina S. Dillard the sum of (10,- were originally closed. These rates Expert Radio Repairing by I'UEHTON IIEEVES. Adminis­ EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY. LAUNDRY 061.24, with the further sum of at Spokane. LEE CRAY trator of the Eatate ol Emma Phone Eugene 638 (600. as an attorney's fee, and costs are ba»-d upon the rate which Land Farmers requiring (300 or more C. Reeves, deceased. Phono 48-J S P R IN G F IE L D L A U N D R Y and disbursements of said suit hunk bonds bore when marketed to L, L KAY, Attorney fur Eatate. Floyd Wood, Prop. 7th and Main Sts. Springfield must first apply to their local pro­ taxed at the sum of (40.35, which the Investing public, at the time _____ (M 31-28 4 it ikj ____ DENTISTS duction credit association. These said Judgment was enrolled and borrowers entered into their mort­ 309 Main St., Phone 100 associations, of which there are 31 docketed iu the clerk’s office of gage contracts. O R EG O N IA N All Kinds of Laundry Service. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S DR. G. A. B R O W N In the four northwest tatea, are said court on said 28th day of S E R V IC E S T A T IO N We Call for and Deliver. March, 1936, and execution to me Notice Is hereby given that Frank Hours 9 A. M to 6 P. M. Rate Remains Unchanged permanent organizations of farm­ directed to satisfy said Judgment At the Springfield Junction J. James has been appointed Ad Your Patronage Will Be However, on new loans closed on Phone 20 J GAS AND OILS and decree, interest, attorney's fee, mlulstralor with the Will Aunexed Appreciated, SUM M O N S costs of suit and accruing costs, or after April 1, 1936. the 4(4 per of (he estate ot John L. Huyle, de­ 6th and Main Sts. Springfield Service Day and Night. IN THE JUSTICE COURT. EU by a sale of the following property, cent interest rate will apply for the ceased, by order of tbe County Residence 728 A Street. Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and LUMBER GENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, to . wit: Court (or Lane County, Uregon. All entire life of the loan. Land bank Picnic Goods. LANE COUNTY, OREGON perauus having claims against said The East half ((4). East half Ioan», made on first mortgage sec­ T h e B o o th -K e lly Lbr. C o. West Springfield Pb. 9pr. 33 J GORDON S. WELLS, Plaintiff, óslale are notified to present the D R . WM. N. DOW «Mx» of the Northwest quarter Furnishes a —va.— same, with proper vouchers to the DENTIST ((4) East half ((4) ot Southwest urity up to 50 per cent of the ap­ ERNST BOEHOLT and KNUD undersigned udmlulslrator at the WOOLEN MILLS COM PLETE HOM E quarter ((4), the Northwest praised normal value of tbe land o ttlce ot Itonuld Young, 334 Miner X Itay Dlaguosls — Hours 0 to 12 BOEHOLT, Defendants. quarter ((q) of the Southwest plus 20 per cent of tbe value of Building and Repairing Service. tliilldlug, Eugene, Oregon, within TO ERNST BOEHOLT and KNUD 1 to 6 an» by appointment. quarter ((4) and Lots One (1), the permanent Insured buildings, EUGENE BOEHOLT, the above named de­ six mouths trom the dale of (he Office Phone 8 — Res. Phon« 67 Fur Service Phone Springfield 66 Two (2) and Three (3) of Sec­ W O O LEN MILL CO. fendants: first publication of this notice. or If no answer, phone 24-J. tion 28; The West half ( (4 ) of are written for a period of from 13 Manufacturers of Woolens. Hule of first publication March First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bprlngfleld IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the Northeast quarter ((4) the to 36 years, amortized so the prin­ Bprlngfleld. OF OREGON, You are hereby «iim-i North half ((4) of the Southeast cipal will be liquidated when the 21, 19J6. Specialising In Ladles moned and required to appear and FRANK J. JAMES, Administra­ FRUIT PACKERS COATINGS AND SUITINGS. quarter (14). the East half ((4> last installment has been paid. If answer the complaint of plaintiff in tor with the Will Aunegod. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON of the Northwest quarter ((4) Retail Department at Mill. IIIIN A I.II V( H N il. Attorney, for the above enUtled cause on or be-1 the Southwest quarter ((4) of no delinquencies have accumulated. E u g e n e F ru it G r o w e r ’» Aaa'n East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. fore the last day of the time pres- | the Northwest quarter (1 4 ). the ■■Mule. Eugene, Oregon. Emergency Land bank commis­ D R . M ILTO N V. W A L K B R Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Surgery crlbed in the order for publication , Northeast quarter ((4) of the sioner loans, made on either first (M 21-22 — A 4 11 18) and Diseases of Women N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S of summons hereinafter referred und Shipper». Ice and Cold Storage. Southwest quarter ((4) and Lots or second mortgage security, up to Springfield NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: to, to-wlt: On or before the 11th N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G College Ice Cream Manufacturers. 4lb and Main Sta. One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and 76 per cent of the appraised nor­ day of April, 1936, and you are Phone 82-J That L. L. Ray has been appointed ON F IN A L A C C O U N T Four (4) ot Section 29; Coco Cola—Klst Beverages hereby notified that If you fall ao administrate*" with the will an­ A I bo . beginning at the North­ mal value of the property, will con­ Cider Vinegar to appear and answer for want NOTH E 1H HEREBY UIVEN: nexed ot the estate of Elma Buuer, west corner of the Northwest tinue to be written on a 5 per cent M ELV IL LE S . J O N E S . M. D. d eceased , by the County Court ot thereof the plaintiff will take Judg­ That tbe undersigned administrator Phone 1480 quarter (14) of the Southwest Interest basis, unaffected by the re­ Surgery and Diseases of Women ment against you for the sum of of the i i,tie of I tubo it E. Reeves, Ferry nekr 8th Ave E. Lane County, Oregon. All persons' quarter (14) of said Section 29, Eugene. deci used hm filed his account for X-Ray and Physiotherapy having claims against said estate j (16.00, with interest thereon at the I running thence South 7.60 chains, duced Interest rate on regular Land rate of six per cent per annum the (Inal aellloiuoul of said óslale are required to present them, with | thence south 6414* East 21.10 bank loans. Springfield, Oregon N O T IC E lu (he Couuty- Court for Lane Coun­ the proper vouchers, within s ix , from October 7, 1933, together with | chains to a point 2.60 chains O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 months from the 21st day ot March. the costs and disbursements of this ty, Oregou. and that Saturday, the West of the Southeast corner ot 20th duy of April, 1235. at the Court IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 1936, to the said administrator at action. said Northwest quarter (14) of AGENT FLETCHER TELLS STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE JUBILEE SINGERS TO This summons is served upon you Kuuui of said Court, lu the County bis law office In the Miner Build­ the Southwest quarter (14). COUNTY. by publication thereof In the Court House, lu Eugone, Oregon at ing. Eugene. Oregon. OF PEPPERMINT CROP thence East 2.50 chains, thence BE AT HIGH SCHOOL teu o'clock In the forenoou, has In thu Matter of the Estate of L. L. RAY, Administrator of "Springfield News", a newspaper of North 20.00 chains, thence West BERT ELLENBURG, Deceased. the Estate of Elma Bauer, de­ general circulation, published in I mm it by said Court fixed us (he 20.00 chains to the place of be­ Many Lane county farmers are lim e .-uni pi.u e tin hearlug objec­ ceased, with the will annexed. Lane County, Oregon under and The Dixie Jubilee singers, famed NOTICE Is hereby given that ginning. planting peppermint roots this by virtue of an order of Hon. Dan tions thereto, and (or flual settle­ Carl E. Wimberly, administrator negro quartet, will lie heard in a L. L. KAY, Attorney for Estate. Also, beginning at the Southeast spring or thinking of doing so ac­ Johnston, Justice of the Peace for m e n t of said estiitc (M 31-28 — A 4-11-18) with thu will annoxed ot Ibe estate corner of Donation Land Claim above named Justice district, dated PRESTON REEVES, Adminis­ uf Burt Elluiiburg, deceased, has coucerl at the high school Monday of Frederick Gray, being Claim cording to County Agent O. S. NOTICE the 12th day of March, 1935, direct trator of tho Eatate of Robert filed heroin the flual account of bis murniug. An admission ot lu cents No. 38 Notification No. 7258 in Fletcher. For the information of OF S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON lng publication hereof once a week E. Reeves, deceased. will be charged This week the administration of said eatate und Township Eighteen (18) South thèse people and others that L. L. KAY, Attornev tor Estate. Him the court huu fixed Monday, quartet from Linfield college gave E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E for four succeealve weeks In said Range One (1) West of the Wil­ might be interested, the county newspaper, which order requires NOTICE is hereby given that by (M 2128 — A 4-11-18) (he 22nd day of April. 1936, ar.d the a concert at the school. lamette Meridian, running thence — ..... ■■■ 1 . . - - i virtue of an execution and order ot you to appear and answer the com­ county courtroom lu tbe courthouse North 60.68 chains to the North­ agent has furnished us tbe follow­ sale In foreclosure Issued out ot the plaint in this cause on or before lu Eugeue, Laue County, Oregon, east corner of said claim, thence ing statements on the peppermint Getting Better—Roland Mushier Circuit Court of 1-ane County. Ore­ four weeks from the date of the us the time und place tor hearing West 29.70 chains to the North­ situation prepared by the Division said (Inal account und all objec­ who has been quite III at his home gon, on the 13th day of Marcb. first publication of this summons. east corner of a 26 acre tract of of Crop and Livestock Estimates Said court has obtained Jurisdic­ 1935, In a suit wherein, on tbe 13th tions, If any, thereto. land conveyed by deed recorded Is now very much improved In day of March, 1936, In Bald Court tion to order publication of sum­ Dated und first published March in Voi. L page 164. Deed Records. of the United States Department health this week. tbe State ot Oregon, represented mons by virtue of an attachment 21, 1936. Lane County, Oregon, thence of Agriculture. and acting by the World War Vet­ of certain personal property own­ CARL E. WIMBERLY, Admin­ South 13.80 chains, thence East "Tha production <>J pepermTnt N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE erans' State Aid Commission, re­ ed by you anu situated In Lane istrator with tho will annexed 9.70 chains to the entrant angle OF REAL P R O P ER TY covered Judgment against the de­ County, Oregon. The date ot the and spearmint oil during 1934 was of the estate of Bert Ellenburg, of said claim, thence South 46.88 On the 26th day of April, 1936 at fendants Robert L. Robertson and first publication of this summons deceased. 12 per cent less than the amount chains, thence East 20.00 chains tbs hour of ten A. M. at the front is March 14, 1936. Dalale B. Robertson for the sum of (.4 21 28 — A 6-11-18) to the place of beginning, contain­ produced in 1933 although it was door of the Court House In Eu­ Twv-nty-seven Hundred twenty- GORDON S. WELLS. Plaintiff. ing 134.66 acres of land. In Lane an increase of 4 per cent over the gene, Lane County, Oregon. I will three and 68-100 ((3723.66) Dollars, Residence and Post Office Ad­ Estate ot A. J. Higgins, Deceased. sell at auction to the highest bidder County. Oregon. dress, Eugene, Oregon. together with interest at the rate N O T IC E Excepting from the above des smallest production of record In for cash the following described of four (4%) per cent per annum (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T crlbed lands that portion of Lot 1932. The past season's peppermint real property located In Lane from and since tbe first day of Nov­ Four (4) in Section 29 Described production was only 40 per cent ot Notice is hereby given that Wil­ County, Oregon, to-wlt: ember, 1932, and for the further sum N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E as follows: Beginning at the the average production of 1929 and liam H. Higgins has filed In the Beginning at a point 18.40 of One Hundred Fifty ((160.00) Dol­ OF REAL PROPERTY Northwest corner of the Fred­ County Court of the Slate of Ore­ chains north of the southeast lars attorney’s fees, and for costs erick Warner Donation Land 1930. This information is based on gon. In and for Lane County, his corner of the southwest quarter and disbursements taxed at the sum On the 13th day of April, 1936 at Claim No. 43, Notification No. the most recent survey of these final report, as executor of the last of the southwest quarter of of (19.96, and said execution to me the hour of ten A. M. at the front 7306 in Township 18 South of mint crops in the important mint will and testament of A. J. Hig­ section 16. township 16 south directed, commanding me In tbe door of the Court House in Eugene, Range 1 West of the Willamette states of Indiana. Michigan. Ohio, gins, whose full name Is Asa J. range 6 west of the Willamette name of tbe State of Oregon, lu Lane County, Oregon, 1 will sell at Meridian, thence South 10.65 Oregon and Washington. Higgins, deceased; and that ten Meridian; thence north 21.60 order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ auction to the highest bidder (or chains to-the South line of Sec­ o’clock In the forenoon ot Satur­ chains to quarter section line terest, attorney's tees, costs of suit, cash the following described real "Grower reports Indicate an tion 29. thence West 3.73 chains day. the 27th day of April. 1936, at running through said section 16; and accruing costa, to sell the fol­ property located In Lane County, to the Southwest corner of said acreage reduction of 10 per cent the courtroom thereof. In Eugene, thence east on quarter section lowing described real property, to- Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 4. thence North 10.55 chains for 1934 compared with the year Oregon, have been by said Court line 47.30 chains to the center of wlt: West halt of the northeast to a point due West of beginning, appointed and fixed as the time county road; thence along the quarter; the southwest quarter Lot Six (6) Block five (6) Hol­ and thence East 3.73 chains more previous and 68 per cent less than and place for hearing objections to center of the county road south ot the southeast quarter, and the lenbeck Addition to the City of or less to the place of beginning, the 67.060 acres harvested In 1930. suld report and for the final settle 18* 16' east 1.46 chains; thence east half of the northwest fourth Eugene, County of Lane, State said exception containing 3.93 Drought conditions in Indiana were nient of the estate of said deceased. south 10*66* east 16.90 chains; of the southeast quarter of sec­ of Oregon. acres. W. H. HIGGINS. Executor ot thence west 6.76 chains; thence responsible for considerable loss tion twenty-three (23) In town­ Now, therefore, in the name ot The lands hereby conveyed the I,ast Will and Testament south 3.76 chains; thence west the State of Oregon, in compliance ship eighteen (18) south range of new acreage and abandonment containing 1176.23 acres, all situ­ of A. J. Higgins, deceased. 12.69 chains; thence north 7.23 with tbe said execution and order four (4) west of the Willamette ated In Township 18. South of of old mint fields. On account oJ A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. chains: thence west 13.29 chains; of sale, and In order to satisfy said Meridian. Also, the east half ot Range 1 West of the Willamette adverse growing conditions, poor (M. 1» — A. 4 11 18-26)____ thence south 7.23 chains; thence Judgment, including Interest, at­ the southeast quarter of the Meridian, in Lane County, Ore­ yields and low prices, the Indiana west 20.38 chains, more or less torney's fees, costs of suit and ac­ southwest quarter of section gon. N O T IC E O F F IN A L to the place of beginning, con­ cruing costa, I will, on Saturday, twenty-three (23), township mint acreage has been substantial­ SETTLEM ENT Not therefore In the name of the taining 94.30 acres of land, more the 13th day of April, 1936, at the eighteen (18) south of range tour ly decreased each year since 1929. Notice Is hereby glveu that or leas, together with the tene­ hour of 1:30 o'clock In the after­ (4) west of the Willamette Meri­ State of Oregon in compliance with "The development of new muck James W. Working, the Adminis­ ments, heredaments and appur­ noon of said day, at the Southwest dian. together with the tene­ said execution and order of sale trator with tho Will Annexed of the tenances thereunto belonging or front door of the County Court­ ments. hereditaments and appur­ and in order to satisfy said Judg­ land areas In Michigan Is respon­ Estate of Rhoda D. Pyle, deceased, In anywise appertaining. house .In Eugene, Lane Oouuty, tenances thereunto belonging, or ment and decree. Interest, attor­ sible for the present upward trend ney’s feets, costs of suit and accru­ Said sale Is made under execu­ Oregon, offer for sale and sell for in any wise appertaining. has filed his Final Report and Ac­ in mint acreage in that state. Dam­ count as such, and the Court has tion Issued out of the Circuit Court cash, at public auction, subject to Said sale is made under execu­ ing costs. I will on Saturday. April age by the mint flea beetle and 27, 1936 at the hour of one o’clock net Saturday, the 13th day of April of the State of Oregon for the redemption as provided by law, all tion issued out of the Circuit Court 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock County of Lane, to me directed In of the right, title, and Interest of of the State of Oregon for the in the afternoon at the front door drought conditions was responsible In the forenoon, In the County the case of State I-and Board of the said defendants Robert L. Rob­ County of Lane, to me directed In of the county court house In Eu­ for low yields in Indiana and Court Room In the Court Houee at Oregon, etc., vs. J. A. Willard, Mai- ertson, Datsie B. Robertson. Wil­ the case of State I-and Board of gene. Oregon, offer for sale and Ohio." •» Eugene, In Lane County, Oregon, Inda A. Willard, his wife; Colby liam Hargreaves and Fred Lind­ Oregon, etc., vs. Henry W. Chexem, sell for cash at public auction, sub­ as the time and place to hear ob­ Fleenor. H. A. Fleonor, his wife; say, and all persons claiming by, Tressla Chescni. Phoenix Mutual ject to redemption as provided by jections to the same, if any, and M. Forsberg, etc., I-ane County. through, or under them or any or Lite Insurance Co., a corporation; law. all the right, title and Interest Timber Dense on Coast of said defendants and all persons for the flnnl settlement of said Oregon, et als. either of them. In and to the said Lane County, etc., et als. Stands of timber of sawlog size Estate. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane premises. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane claiming by, through or under them In the lands and premises cover two-ftfths of the total area JAMES W. WORKINO, Ad­ County. Oregon. County, Oregon. Dated, March 18, 1936. By A. E. HULEOAARD, Deputy. herein before described. ministrator with the Will An­ By A. K. HU LEG A ARD. Deputy. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane and half of the forest area west of nexed. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for County, Oregon. C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff of the Cascade range In Oregon and Plaintiff. WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys. By A. E. HU LEG A ARD. Deputy. Plaintiff. Lane County, Oregon. Washington. (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) (II. M - A 4-11-18-26) (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) (M 14-21-18— A 4-11) (M. 28 — A. 4-11-18-26) and What They Do t Business Directory SEE THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries EASILY— By ED. KRESSY QUICKLY— COMFORTABLY ACCURATELY The correct eyeglasses will make your eyes do those things uh a mailer of course. Why risk strain nervousness and headaches, when h short con sulfation with us will set your eyes right. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W est 9th lu f a n e WI18U8 KF-MMYo»S