CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS OPEN IN MANY FIELDS EMERGENCY CROP LOANSREADYSOON The United Stales Civil Service ; Commission has aanouucod opeu competitive examination* as fol ■ low s: Senior stock clerk. $1800 a year. Applicants Must Show Inabil­ ; stock clerk. $1630. depart mental ity To Obtain Credit From service. Washington. IK 4*. Other Sources Junior graduate nurse. $1630 a I year. Arrangement« for making emer­ Junior biologist (wildlife re gency crop and llveatock loans to | search I. junior entomologist (mail Pacific northweat farmer» out of and animals', junior forest ecolog- the $60,006,900 fund just appropri­ 1 ist. junior forest pathologist. Junior ated by congress are being com­ inelcoroliglsl. Junior Hematologist. pleted »Ith alt possible apeed. It is ’ Junior plant physiologist, junior announced by the regional office plant quarantine Inspector, Junior at Spokane which serves this terri­ pomologist (fruits). Junior porno- tory. legist (plant propagation). Junior Application forms and regula seed botanist. Junior soil scientist tioua are being run off the press at (erosion). Junior soil surveyor, double speed for distribution to $2,000 a year. Department of Agri­ county loan committees and every , culture. effort will be made to close loan« Junior forester. $3000 to $2600 a »ith utmost dispatch after they y ear. have been approved by the local. Junior range examiner. $2000 a committees. year. Instructions received by the em- ! Itange examiner. $3600 a year, as­ ergency loan division of the farm sociate range examiner. $3200 a credit administration at Spokane, year, assistant range examiner. $2 - in charge of disbursing loan funds 600 a year. Geological Survey. out of the special appropriation, Loral inspector of boilers, $3200 specify that only farmers who are a year, local inspector of hulls, unable to obtain supplies or feed $3200 a year, assistant inspector elsewhere, or the credit to pur­ of boilers. $$*00 a year, assistant chase such items, will be financed. inspector of hulls. $2900 a year. Bureau of Navigation and Steam­ F irs t Lien Is Security Security will consist of a first boat Inspection. lien on the crops financed or the ! F*uH information may be obtained livestock to be fed. Tenants must from the secretary of the United obtain a waiver from the landown­ States Civil Service Board of Ex­ er subordinating his interest In the aminers at the post office or cus crops grown with loan proceeds; tomhouse in any city which has a but the land owner is not obligated post office of the first or the sec­ for repayment of such loan. The ond class, or from the United States Civil Service Commission. interest rate will be 5Ya per cent. Although the maximum loan to Washington, D. C. an individual farmer has been raised to $500 no loan will be made TINY EXPOSITION FOLK for more than the actual cash cost LIVE ON SMALL SCALE required for crop production or feed purchasing. Loans for produc­ Living on a small scale is a big tion or purchase of livestock feed problem for many people these will be limited to the amounts re­ days, but it is routine for Captain quired until the time when the Werner of Berlin, Germany. Mar­ borrower's pasturage, forage or garet Ann Robinson of California grain crops are available, and may and about 11*0 other people who not exceed $10 per head per month will participate in the California for horses and mules. $4.50 for cat­ Pacific International Exposition, tle. 50 cents for sheep. 35 cents for opening May 29th at San Diego. goats. $1 for hogs, and $1 per acre They are the tiny people who for forage crops. will reside and work In Midge< Apply Through County Agent City and at Midget Farm in the As in the past, application for heart of 1400-acre" Balboa Park, emergency crop and feed Ioans will scenic setting of America's Expo be made through county commit­ siition. 1935. tees already set up in most coun­ So that they will not be trampled ties. with the county agent as sec underfoot by their larger cousins, retary in, most cases. An applica nor be inconvenienced because of tion for a loan of $300 or less may their diminished stride and reach, be made directly to the county they will band together in the espe­ committee. However, if the appli­ cially-built bungalows, hotel, gas cant requires a loan larger than station, butcher and grocery stores, $300. he must first get a statement restaurant, park and office of the from his local production credit as­ "Midget City News," the world's sociation showing his application smallest newspaper. for a loan of approximately the These buildings are being con­ same amount has been rejected. In structed to doll-house scale, and the case of fruit and vegetable they will offer a unique insight loans, the limit is raised to $40o into the daily occupations and before a rejection from a produc­ pleasures of these Lilliputians. tion credit association is required, j Captain Werner and Miss Robin­ Production credit associations are son, declared to be the world's permanent borrower-owned organi­ smallest couple, are betrothed and zations making crop and livestock tHMr wedding at Midget City is loans on a strictly business basis expected to be one of the red-letter to farmers who can offer adequate events of the Exposition. He is 18 collateral and have a favorable inches tall, weighs 19 pounds and credit standing. is 22 years of age; she tips the scales at 18 pounds, is 19 inches in METHODIST EPISCOPAL height and 18 years of age. CHURCH Dean C. Poindexter, Minister "That Strange Man," is the topic of the eleven o’clock message. At 7:30 p. m. the message is "Every M an io His Own." The Church School meets at 9:45 a. m. and the Leagues at 6:30 p. m. COBURG M. E. CHURCH Dean C. Poindexter, Minister "The Rent Veil,” Is the topic for the worship service at 9:45. The Bunday Church school meets at 10:45.. Returns Home — John Dale Adams has returned home from Astoria where be has been em­ ployed fur the past three months. TH U R SD A Y, M ARCH 28. l»3tt T H E 8PRINOF1ELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Visit from Amity—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Compbell of Amity were week-end guests here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Flanery. Upper Willamette OPENS SUNDAY McKenzie Valley Thurston The Modern Pegaaue The Willamette Press By DWIG DAYS Visit in Washington— Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley are spending several days this week with rela­ tives at Camas, Washington. t aa and taxed at the »uui of $40 35. whit'll reader for inta pelltng word«. FOR ant Hill, visited friends Friday and said Judgment waa enrolled ami "Don't worry," he retort«. "When attended the woman's program docketed In the clerk's office of 4 DAYS «uid court ou «Aid 28th day of I first started out to write, and Friday night. mis spelled a few words, people March, 1935, and execution to tue1 Mrs. Ralph latlrd emertalnesl at directed to satiafy «aid Judgmeut dinner Tuesday night In honor of ami decree, inleroat, attorney's fee, aid I wus Just plain Ignorant, tlut Will Rogeri reign. Sheldon Stun who is home for th«> coats of suit and accruing costa, when I got all the words wrong, they accused me of living a humor­ I with a roin of HA, holidays. Those present were Shel­ by a sale of the following property, ist aud said I was quaint." to-wtt: HA'a . . America's don Stuls. Elisabeth Holcomb. Ly­ The East half <)$), East half! The iiillltuus of readers of Rog­ man Tinker. Mvriia Laird, Ray­ ace star , . at his ( tg) of the Northwest quurt»>r ers' newspaper comment« have mond laiird and Mr. and Mrs. tV*» Kssnt half 4%) of Southwest' doll title « noticed uhundaure ot mis­ funniest and best Ralph latlrd. quarter tl*>. the Northwest; The Women's club of Pleasant quarter (4*1 of the Southwest: spelled word« which lend character quarter I 1» I and Lots One ( l).l to his homely style. Hill will meet with Mrs. E. Y. Two t$) and Three 13) of Sec- Ilog-calling that create« pande­ Swift Wednesday, April 3. tion 28; The Wesi half |Y»I of the Northeast quarter t V»» the monium in a hog show, and a side- North half t Vai of the Southeast «pllttlng duel wherein bullets punc. with quarter (Yg). the East half (N») ture Rogers' list, feature this mas­ of the Northwest quarter (W> terpiece of humor. R ic h a rd C ro m w e ll the Southwest quarter t N») of "Family night" for the families the Northwest quarter tfe). the R o c h e l le H u d s o n In the supporting caat are Roch­ Northeast quurter 4 ► of the; of the Waltervlile l-adies Aid was elle Hudson, Richard Cromwell, Southwest 4 ) aud Lots One; S lim S u m m e rv ille combined with the utinual church (1). Two (2). Three 43) and George Barbler. Jane Harwell. 811m business meeting at Wult«*rvtlle A FOX p ic to m Four (4) of Sectlou 29; Thomas Beck. Roger Imhoff. John church Tuesday evening. Beginning Also, hegtnniug at the North-1 Bradford. Charles Selloti. and Ituth west corner of the Northwest with 6 30 dinner, a program chief­ quarter (tgi of the Southwest Gillette. ly of music and rt*adings followed. quarter (Y»i of said Sectlou 29J "Life Begins at 40" was suggest Frequent snow squalls have running thence South 7 50 chains, ‘ ed by the Walter 11. Fitkin hit. marked the week til the lower val thence south 54V»* East 21.10 ■ bains to a polut 3.50 chains ley with an occasional drift ,ot West of the ¡&>utheasl corner ot white covering the landscape for said Northwest quarter (U> of a few hours. the Southwest quarter t *w • • In the upper valley six and eight thence East 2.50 chains, thirnce North 20.00 chains, thence Weet Mias Marjory Hart Is spending; inches was reported with reports 20.00 chains to the place of be­ this week at her home here during of 3o inches of snow on the high­ ginning. er hills ns a result of the present Also, beginning at the Southeast j spring vacation. s’orm. corner of Donation Land Claim1 Miss Ed ease Weaver left for of Frederick Gray, being Claim Monmouth where she entered Nor­ No. 38 Notification No 7258 In mal school Monday. Township Eighteen (18) South Ad Staubte from Klumalb Falla, i SPRINGFIELD BAPTIST Range One (1) Weet of the Wil­ lamette Meridian, running thence ■ Mrs. Tom Stauble. Mrs Ida King . CHURCH North 60.68 chain« to the North-1 and son and MTs Zora Culver sponl Second and C streets east corner of said claim, thence; Friday at the Ray Baugh home. West 29.70 chains to the North­ R. E. Rolens. Minister Leonard Hufford who hua bees ; east corner of a 25 acre tract of land conveyed by deed recorded attending V . of O. is boiue for il a. nt. Sermon topic: "Chosen." in Voi. L page 154. Deed Records, spring vacation. Male quartet from Linfield col­ Lane County. Oregon, thence Miss Gail Hufford is on a trip to lege will sing. Letterheads, catalogs, folders, booklets, blot­ South 13.80 chains, thence East Coon cSunty during the spring! 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: "Mis­ 9 70 chains to the entrant angle vacation ters. broudaldea ami »pe< lul mulling piece« of all of said claim, thence South 46 88 sionary Motives; chains, thence Eust 20.00 chains kinds t i r e the winged steed* of modern hu»lne**. to the place of beginning, contain­ Estate of A. J. Higgins, Deceased CHURCH OF CHRIST ing 134 66 acres of land. In Lane N O T IC E Hot they niUBt he done artistically on well Sprtugfield County. Oregon. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Excepting from the above des I. G Shaw. Minister Notice is hereby given that Wil­ «elected atock. with new and modern type face* crlbed lands that portion of Lot liam H Higgins has filed tn the Four (41 In Sellien $9 ih-urlbe,! Bible school 9:46 a. m. The Men's County Court of the State of Ore­ and printed well. . . Thia I* service we render and as follows: Beginning at the Bible Class will meet in the church in and for Lane County, his Northwest corner of the Fred­ gon. auditorium. Class text is the Uoapel final report, as executor of the last It costa no more than poorly printed and Ill-selec­ erick Warner Donation I-and by John. Lesson Jn. 1:1-3; theme Claim No. 43, Notification No. will and testament of A. J. Hig­ gins. whose full name is Asa J. ted promotion*. . . . When In need of printing . . . 7305 in Township 18 South of Higgins, deceased, and that ten "God." A Bible answer without Range 1 West of the Willamette o'clock In the forenoon of Satur­ comment is pledged to all ques­ good printing . . . phone 2 uml one of our repreu- Meridian, thence South 10.55 tions rising out of the study text. chains to the »outh line of Sec­ day. the 27th day of April. 1936, at Devotional exercises 11; Commun­ entutlve* will call. tion 29. thence West 3.73 chains the courtroom thereof. In Eugene, have been by said Court ion of the Lord's »upper. Sermon to the Southwest corner of said Oregon, Lot 4. thence North 10.56 chaina appointed and fixed as the time theme "The Temple, a Study in to a point due West of beginning, and place for hearing objections to Type and Anti-Type." and thence Bast 3.73 chains more «aid report and for the final settle This church will be host to the | nr less to the place of beginning,i ment of the estate of said deceased. W. H HIGGINS. Executor of said exception containing 3.93 Springfield Lane county C. E. convention Sat­ Opponiti* P. (). the Last Will and Testament acres. urday afternoon and evening and of A. J. Higgins, deceased. The lands hereby conveyed Sunday afternoon and evening. The containing 1176.23 acres, all situ­ A. E. Wheeler, Attorney (M. 28 — A. 4 11-1826) evening speaker will be Kendall i ated in Township 18. South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Burke of Dallas. Meridian. In Lane County, Ore­ Easter Bible school chorus prac­ gon. tice Monday evening 7:30, under Not therefore in the name of the direction of Miss Wdine Gartin. State of Oregon in compliance with said execution and order of sale and in order to satisfy said Judg­ Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. M. ment and decree, interest, attor­ A. Spores are the parents of a son ney's feels, costs of suit and accru­ costs. I will on Saturday. April born to them at the Pacific hospital ing 27. 1935 at the hour of one o'clock in Eugene on Tuesday. March 19, In the afternoon at the front door 1935. of the county court house In Eu­ gene. Oregon, offer for sale and Out of Hospital— Clarence Nel­ sell for cash at public auction, «uh son has returned to his home in Ject to redemption as provided by law. all the right, title and interest West Springfield following a three- of said defendants and all persons month's illness at the Pacific hos­ claiming by, through or under pital in Eugene. them in the lands and premises herein before described. Doctor in Portland—Dr. and Mrs. ('. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Melville S. Jones spent Monday Lnne County. Oregon. (M. 28 — A. 4-11-18-26) evening and Tuesday In Portland People do appreciate getting really on business. Returns from Hospital— John 8. fresh bakery goods . . . We know by the Visit in Portland—Miss Margaret Lorah returned home from the Pa­ Gorrie spent the past week-end cific hospital Monday afternoon, j way they have respoided to our efforts in visiting with friends and relatives ! He underwent a major operation i in Portland. there about two week? ago. getting our products to the grocer HOURS LE m c S .©X! V«J UP' ♦ — • up A VqM AVVAVÎ I lb CHA* FRESHER. By hours fresher we mean that the bread you buy from your grocer this morn­ ing wasn’t out of the oven until after mid­ night whereas 90 per cent of the bakeries in this territory were ready to start delivery by the time your McKEE’s BREAD was out of the oven. YOU«- Your family deserves this FRESHER bread. You don't have to ask for fresh bread, just Bay—McKee's bread! /'S , CATCH YOUR OWN! Fishing Season Opens Fri­ day, April 5, and as usual ; Wright & Sons are prepared to equip Fishermen with the best brands of fishing tackle and other outdoor supplies. Hook, line and sinkers or rods, flies and baskets are all here ready for the opening day. You catch better and big-; ger fish with the Wright brand of tackle. ¿4^ Wright & Sons Tsecuiwtc McKee’s RaKery HOURS FRESHER 0