THURSDAY, MARCH 2S, 1086 TUB HPRINOFIBLD NBWS PAGI THMBB MOTORISTS CONTINUE TO PAY PENALTIES WHO IS WHO and MAN WANTED for Ituwlnlgh route ,>t 800 lamlllea. Write today. Ituwlelgh, Depl ORC-I96-HA, Oakland, Calif. CAUL FOR WARRANTS W h at They Do A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. AUTO DEALERS DANCING ANDKRBON MOTORS, INC. HAN (' E AT WINTERHARHEN Kapur! Repulring — All Work Notice la hereby given that Qua ran teed. "Tim Dance That’« Different” School Dlalrlct No. IV. In Lane Uss, (Hi. Tire« «nil Batteries Every Saturday Night county, Oregon, will puy at the of Kill anil A S ts. Hprlngfleld I'b. 491 Usata 26c Ladles lllc due of clerk of »aid district, all Manama to and Indudlug number 4962, dated October 6, 1934 Inter­ FURNITURE SCHERMII MOTOR CO. nal ceaaea after March 29. 1V36. Ill’ll K i H.I IHMUBILB — HI-. V E ItT JACO BSO N, Clerk. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. PONTIAC M... .... — I I I Runges and Circulator* Motor Cars NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON Several Line« Including Montag. BALK» and BBRVICB EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE NOTICE la hereby given that by 7th and Olive Sts. — Phone 866 Linoleum Inlaid and Felt Base Attractive Price* on Furniture Virtue ol an execution and order of Eugene, Oregon. and Hug*. sale lu foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit Court of Lauo Couuty, See Ui Before You Buy BATTERY SERVICE Uregou, on the 27 111 day of Feliru- We Deliver Phone 1188 ary, 1V36, lu a suit wherein, on the 84V Willamette Eugene LANBCO 37th day of February, 1926, lu aald j Court ul the State ul Oregou, Hep | BATTERY FACTORY rvaeuted aud acting by the World GROCERIES Bark at our old location. 1-eea War Veteran« Stale Aid Cutmula- overheud your gain. Bee our new alou, recovered Judgmeul against DIBBLKB’S the defeudauta Benjamin L. Ilulde- material butteries In genuine Gate« luau for the sum of Thirteen lluu hard rubber eases before you buy. RED & WHITE GROCERY died Three aud 18 106 ($1803.16) All parta handmade In Eugene. For Phone 4 Dollars, and (or the (urther sum of , .ip.u ity.. aervlce— price— none bet­ lulerual thereou at the rate ot six ter. RECHARGING- REPAIRING. Cor 4th and Main Sta., Springfield tSfkj Per ceul per auuutu from and 346 Van Buren • Phone 1008 since the 3Uth day of September, HOSPITALS 1V33, aud tor the further aum of CREAMERIES ■ tine Hundred (81UU.UU) Dollars at­ PACIFIC HOSPITAL. torneys fee« and for coala aud dla INC. buraemeula taxed at the sum of Demand the Beet—Costa no More 12th and Hllyurd 838.6V, aud said execution to me BLUE BELL dlreclvd, cuuituuudlug me lu the Phone 2600 Dairy Product* uauie of the State of Oregou, lu Eugen«, Oregon Ice Cream. Butter, Cheeae, Milk order to satisfy aald judgim-m, lu lei eat, attorneys fee«, costa of suit, EUUBNE FARMER» CREAMERY, LAUNDRY and accrulug costa, to sell Uie lot Phone Eugene 638 lowing described real property, I S PRI Nt; FI ELI) L AI NI )RY lo-wll; Floyd Wood, ITop. DENTISTS_______ Begluulug at the Northwest 309 Mato St., Phone 100 corner of Ixit One (1) .Block All Kinds of Laundry Service. tweuly-lwo (22) of Fairmount, DR. (1. A. BROWN accurdlug to the orlglual plat We Call for and Deliver. Hour* V A. M to & P. M. thereof, now a pari of the city ot Your Patronage Will Be Eugeuo, running thence South Phone 20 J Appreciated. along the Weal Lluu of aald Lot Mh and Main Sta. Springfield oue ll) . one hundred fifty (16Uj Residence 738 A Street. leel, Uieuce East parallel to the LUMBER North Hue of lxil oue 11 J seveuly- flve |76) feet, aud thuucu North The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. • DR. WM. N. DOW parallel to the W eal llue of said Furnlahea a DENTIST lot one (1) sixty |6Uj feet, thence COMPLETE HOME East parallel to the North line X-Ray Ulagnoala — Hour* V to 11 el said Lot oue O b forty-ulue I to 6 »n- by appointment. Building and Repairing Service. 149) feet, theuce North parallel to the Weal Hue of said Lot one Office Phono 8 — Ilea, Phone 87 For Service Phone Springfield 66 or If no answer, phone 34-J. O ), ulnety (VU> feet, theuce Weal First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield aluug the North H im * of aald Lot Springfield. oue (1). to the place of begin FRUIT PACKERS ulug, all lu Ixuu County, Oregon, PHYSICIAN - SURGEON NOW, THEREFORE, Hi the name of the state of oreguu. in compii Eugene Fruit («rower’s Asa’n auce with the aald execution aud , Halu„„j A. Urand Fruit Packers order of sale, and lu order to sat _ , . _ , l.fy said judgmeul. Including Inter “”d »"Ippera. Ice and (old Storage, eat, attorney a feea, costa aud ac College Ice Cream Manufacturer«, crulug costs, 1 will, ou Saturday. Coco Cola—Klst Beverage* the 3Uth day of March, 1V36, at the I Cider Vinegar hour of oue-tblrty (1: 3U) o'clock lu Phone 1480 the afternoon of aald day, at the Eugene, Southwest trout door of the County Ferry near 8th Ave E. Court House In Eugene. Lane Cuun -------- ty, Oregon, offer fur sale aud sell m This Week— Itolaml .Mushier lor cash, at public auction, subject waH r,.,M,rll.,| t(, |„. ||| at his 1...... to redemption as provided by law, . , all of the right, title and Interest ' h,rr ,h '" ’ k of the sald dufendanta Benjamin L. NOTICE OF FINAL Heidemau, Elale M. Heidemat.. SETTLEMENT Hasel P. Räder, and Wlnlfred Kuy keudall, sud all persona claimlug Notice Is hereby given that by, through, or under them or any Jainea W. Working, the Admluls- or either of them, In aud to Iho said trahir with the Will Annexed of the promisee. Estute of Rhoda D. Pyle, deceased, Hated. February 37. 1V36. has flli-d his Final Report aud Ac­ C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff count as such, and the Court has of lame Couuty, Oregon. set Saturday, the 13th day of April By A. E. HU LEO A ARD, Deputy. ' 1936. at the hour of 18:00 o'clock In the forenoon, In the County Court Room In the Court House at Eugene, In lame County. Oregon, __ as the time and place to hear ob- _ | jectlona to the same, If any, and for the final settlement of aald Estate. JAMES W. WORKING, Ad­ Watehmaknr and Jewaler ministrator with the Will An­ BI'KJNOFIKLD nexed. So. Paelflo Watch Inspector WELLS « WELLS, Attorney«. Flrat Ciana Work at Reasonable (M 14-21-28—-A 4 11) Business Directory Edward G. Privat ITIoee. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order nt aale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County thia 29th day of Jan­ uary, 1936, upon and pursuant to a of Pittsburgh, Pa. decree duly given und made by said ■ Court thia 29th day of January. 1936, In a suit pending therein In which Otto A. Nickel, and Otto A. Nickel aa Administrator of the estate of Anna Nickel were plain­ Represented By tiffs and Virgil E. Koyt and Mar- gurlotte Stanford were defendants E. H. TURNER which execution and order of sale 848 A HL Springfield, Ore. was to me directed and command­ ed me to sell the real property hereinafter described te satisfy : certain libns and charges In said | decree specified, I will on Satur­ POOLE day the 2nd (lay ot March, 1936, at I the hour of ten o’clock. A, M.. at 1 he southwest door of the County F u n e ra l H o m e ' OOWt House In Eugene, Lane . County, Oregon, offer for sale and Formerly Walker-Poole ! sell at public auction for caah, sub­ ject to redemption as provided by EUGENE— 11th SPRINGFIELD law, all of the right, title anil Inter­ mit of (he defendants In nutd suit and Charnelton 228 Main | and of all parties claiming by, Telephone 723 Phone 62-J through or under them or any of them In or to tho following des­ cribed real property, to-wit: The North fifty-three and one- third feet of Lot numbered One (1) In {llock numbered Seven­ teen (17) In the James Huddle­ ston's Extended Addition, as re­ corded In tho County Clerk's Of­ fice In Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon» I In ted thia 29th day of January, I 1936. C. A. »WARTS, Sheriff. By A E. HULBGAARD. Deputy. (J. 31—F 7-14-21 28) Reliance Life Insurance Co. e © Glasses - not only mean better vis­ I)R. MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and Diseases of Women 4th and Main Sts. Springfield Phone 82-J MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. Surgery and Diseases of Women X-Ray and Physiotherapy Springfield, Oregon First National Bank Bldg l*h. 43 BOY RIDES BICYCLE INTO MOVING AUTO Harold Olney, high school »lu dent, escaped serious Injury to himself Friday when the bicycle on which he was riding collided with an automobile being driven by S. O. Mushier at Third and A streets. Olney attempted to turn Into Third street ahead of the oncomlug car und huh <1 ragged for several feet. The bicycle was demolished. Mo- shler was not charged with res­ ponsibility for the accident. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY On the 26th day of April. 1936 at the hour of ten A. M. at the front door of the Court House In Eu­ gene, lame County. Oregon. I will sell at uuctlon to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located In Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 18.40 chains north of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 18. township 15 south range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian; thence north 21.60 chains to quarter section line running through said section 16: thence east on quarter section line 47 30 chains to the center of county road; thence along the center of the county road south 18’ 16' east 1.45 chains; thence south 10’ 66' east 16.90 chains; thence west 6.75 chains; thence south 3.76 chains; thence west 12.69 chains; thence north 7.23 chains; thence west 13.29 chains; thence south 7.23 chains; thence west 20.38 chains, more or less to the place of beginning, con­ taining 94 30 Hcres of land, more or less, together with the tene­ ments, heredaments and appur­ tenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. Said sale is made under execu­ tion Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, to me directed In the ense of State I .anil Roaril of Oregon, etc., vs. J. A. Willard, Mai- Inria A. Willard. Ills wife; Colby Fleenor, H. A. Fleonor, his wife: M Forsberg. etc., lame County, Oregon, el nls. C A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. By A. E. HULEOAARD, Deputy. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for I'hilntlff. (M. 28 — A. 4-11-18-26) THE FACT FINDERS - Five person were convicted on ebarge-i of reckless driving during February. One had hla license re­ voked and (wo had their licenses suspended In laine county. A total of 1.030 convictions were i reported for the month over the state by the Oregon Stale Motor PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS i,m„; r n>~ Let's 1 i, o x . is. 1— , ,, Quit Killing Campaign Twenty- Carl R. Baker Film Shop nln*- had their (.river's license re­ Eastman Films — Kodaks — voked and 10 were suspended over Frames — Albums— Motion the state during the month Picture Cameras. Most revocations In the state We Photograph Everything were 'he result of couvlctlons for Anywhere. driving while lntoxieat>-d, such sc Mall films to P. O. Box 887 tlou being mandatory upon the sec­ 698 Willamette, Eugene Ph 636 retary of state Records show there were 28 convictions for driving PRINTERS while Intoxicated during the month THE WILIxAMETTE PREHS °*b*r ’••voegtiona were lor failure Springfield ,o *top al th<‘ •*-«»»*’ ot an accident. Phone 2 The license suspensions, based Bualoess Stationery—Office Forms 0,1 r8Con,®*ndatlone of courts to Booklets —■ Placards — th<’ «««’• ‘" F ot «tat*, were for Dodgers, etc. , “»d reckless driving, the A Modern Print Shop Produclug 1 la“ Br ‘’rw,‘“nln“nt During the monfh there were five Up-To-Date Printing. < aiH-» where the defendant had not Phone and a Salesman Will Call. renewed his old operator'« license and aix where the defendant had SERVICE STATIONS never been llceused lu Oregon. A ST. SERVICE STATION and variety of frames, till artistically designed, add greatly to personal 4'omplate surveys of western Oregon streams for flood control development were predicted this week by Representative Mott after approval of «even bills for aucb purpose had been given by the House flood control committee. The bill« have been marked for early action and it 1« expected that tbey will be brought up for a vote In April. The bill« would provide for war department survey« In all stream« In Tillamook county, the Umpqua, Coquille, Rogue, Sluslaw, Yaqulna and Siletz rivers to determine the best methods of eliminating floods which annually cause damages esti­ mated at thousands of dollars. Approval of the measures would provide surveys for the chief streams of the entire Oregon coast soMb of the Columbia river. Mott said, und would be the first step at controlling the waters which periodically Inundate rich agricul­ tural lands In the western portion of the state. Coats of the survey« would be taken from the general approprta. tlon of the war department for such purpo es and would provide a basis for future legislation for ap­ propriations to do the work neces­ sary to control the streams. Mott said. and their discoveries Members of the Needlecraft club were guests of Mrs. W. N. Long for their regular meeting last Thursday. Mrs. R. L. Drury was the sraistant hosteas. Nineteen mem­ bers were preseot, «.ad the flub group pre ented Mrs. 1. M. Paterson with a luncheon set. Bbe la to leave soon for Junction City where they will make their huine. Mrs. Harry M Stewart «111 entertain for the club at her home on April 4 for the next meetln;. Mrs. O. H. Jar. rett will be the assisting hostess. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned administrator of the estate of Robert E. Reeves, deceased hla filed hla account for the final settlement of said eatate lu the County Court for Lane Coun­ ty, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 2Utb day of April, 1936, at the Court Room of said Court, in the County Court House, In Eugene, Oregon at ten o'clock In the forenoon, has been by said Court fixed as the time sud place for hearing objec­ tions thereto, and for final settle­ ment o( said estate. PRESTON REEVES. Adminis­ trator of the Estate of Robert E. Reeves, deceased. L. L. HAY, Attorney for Estate. (M 21-28 — A 4-11-18) N O T IC E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of BERT ELLENBUKO, Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Carl E. Wimberly, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Bert Ellenburg, deceased, has filed herein the final, account of his administration of said estate and that the court has fixed Monday, the 22nd day of April, 1935, and the county courtroom In the courthouse in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing said final account and all objec­ tions, if any, thereto. Dated and first published March 21, 1936. CARL E. WIMBERLY, Admin­ istrator with the will annexed of the estate of Bert Ellenburg, deceased. (M 21-28 — A 4-11-18 J NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 Notice la hereby given that Frank J. James has been appointed Ad­ ministrator with the Will Annexed ot the estate ot John L. Boyle, de­ ceased, by order of the County Court for Lane County. Oregon. AU persona having claims against said eatate are notified to present the same, with proper vouchers to the undersigned administrator at the office of Donald Young, 334 Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, within six months from the date ot the flrat publication of thia notice. Dale of flrat publication March 21, 1936. FRANK J. JAMES, Administra­ tor with the Will Annexed. DONALD YOUNG. Attorney, for estate, Eugene, Oregon. (M 21-26 — A 4-11-18) VT’ IV ‘ Let’s take the to TR A IN CALIFORNIA because we can... RELAX while the engineer does the driving. READ or write as we «peed over isvee«6 steel rails. EAT in the dining car when­ ever we're hungry. Complete meals now cost at little ss 80c D R IN K cool, clean water whenever we’re thirsty. SLEEP in a cosy berth. A Tourist Pullman JtiM tU w tr for the night costs only $1.2}. And thers't a rest room with us all the way. W ith n i l fares at 2e a mil« and less it’s real economy to go this way and have all the comforts, conveniences and security o f train tnveL Southern P acific For details, taa your railroad ag*»t o r w rit« J. A. O rm andy, General Passenger Agent, 7 0 ) P a d ic Bldg., Portland, O re. By ED. KRESSY r QUMER OETEW TRAHI6LS A low :- WAY.m BUP, BEHX Its SHAFER MID 5OS44 A«- HQE Of US* CRCs A LtTTlB FBOM MAhV WILtOM TEU.IU6 Ut SH6 MAt STAPTEP ID KEEPOUR TRA96L5 8- DISCOVER I t i Hi ASCOAPftOOK ap­ pearance and efficiency. Eye« Exam ined— Glasses Flted Only When Needed m i {//(I DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist <1 Wee» Sth »•atarn part of tba Pacific praa- aotv a broken condition, «ubmar. ged plateau« and mountaius being much In evidence. H o u r Action On Legislation MRS. LONG ENTERTAINS Expected In April, Will In­ FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB clude All Streams ON FINAL ACCOUNT General Gasoline, Oil and Ureases .Goodrich Tires NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN: "A Horn« Owned Station.” T hutthe undersigned administrator of the estate of Emma C. Reeves, 6th and A Sta., Springfield. Ph. 44 deceased, has filed hla account for the final settlement of said estate In the County Court for Lane Coun­ Mitchell Service Statlcn ty, Oregon, and that Saturday, the ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS 20th day of April, 1936, at the Court — Yale Tires — Kuoin of aald Court, In the County Greasing - Battery Recharging Court House, In Eugene, Oregon at ten o'clock In the forenoon, has Expert Radio Repairing by been by said Court fixed as the LEE CRAY time aud place for hearing objec­ Phono 48-J tions thereto, and for final settle­ 7th and Main Sta. Springfield ment of said estate. PRESTON REEVES, Adminis- ACCIDENTS STRIKE trator of the Estate of Emma OREGONIAN ONE OUT OF THREE C. Reeves, deceased. SERVICE STATION L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. At the Springfield Junction Chance« Are Only Three to Ona (M 21-28 — 4-11-18) GA8 AND OILS That Automobile Will Kill S U M M O N 8 Service Day and Night. You Aa Pedestrian Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and IN THE JUSTICE COURT, EU GENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, Picnic Goods. If you have three children the LANE COUNTY, OREGON West Springfield Pb. Spr 33-J GORDON 8. WELLS, Plaintiff probability la that one of them dur­ ing hla lifetime will either be kill­ — ve.— WOOLEN MILLS ERNST BOEHOLT and KNUD ed or Injured in an automobile ac­ BOEHOLT. Defendants. cident EUGENE TO ERNST BOEHOLT and KNUD Tbls statement was made by Al­ BOEHOLT, the above named de­ WOOLEN MILL CO. fendants: bert W. Whitney, vice-president of Manufacturer» of Woolen». IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the National Safety council. It was Specializing In Ladies OF OREOON. You are hereby sum­ based on national automobile acci­ COATINGS AND 8U1TINOB. moned and required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff In dent figures wherein it was shown Retail Department at Mill. above entitled cause on or be­ that 36.000 persons were killed and East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. the fore the last day of the time pres­ 95$,000 injure^ during the 1934 cribed in the order for publication calendar year. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of summons hereinafter referred NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: to. to-wit: On or before the 11th If one of the children is killed, That L. L. Ray has been appointed day of April, 1936, and you are chances are nearly one out of two adminlstratiW with the will an­ hereby notified that if you fall so he will be struck by an automobile nexed of the eatate of Elma Bauer, to appear and answer for want deceased, by the County Court of thereof the plaintiff will take Judg while walking. Chances are nearly Lane County. Oregon. All persons j ment against you for the sum of one out of five he will be killed in having claims against said estate j $16.00, with Interest thereon at the a collision of two automobiles. are required to present them, with | rate of six per cent per annum W alkin g Along Highw ay Fatal the proper vouchers, within six from October 7, 1933, together with The greatest cause of pedestrian mouths from the 21st day of March, the ooeta and disbursements of this 1935, to the said administrator at action. fatalities, records show. Is cross his law office In the Miner Build­ This summons Is served upon you ing a street between intersections, ing. Eugene, Oregon. by publication thereof In the L. L. RAY, Administrator of "Springfield News", a newspaper of 4.310 person having been killed in the Estate of Elma Bauer, de­ general circulation, published In this way during 1934. Nearly 17 per ceased, with the will annexed. l^axue County, Oregon under and cent of all pedestrian fatalities L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. by virtue of an order of Hon. Dan were caused by walking along a (M 21 28 — A 4-11-18) Johnston, Justice of the Peace for above named Justice district, dated rural highway. NOTICE the 12th day of March. 1935, direct Other causes pedestrian OF SHERIFF'S 3ALE ON Ing publication hereof once a week importance, EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE for four succeesive weeks In said deaths. In order intersection NOTICE is hereby given that by newspaper, which order requires were crossing at signal. 12.1 virtue of an execution and order of you to appear and answer the com­ where there was sale In foreclosure Issued out ot the plaint In this cause on or before per cent; children playing In the Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ four weeks from the date of the street. 11.3 per cent; coming from gon, on the 13th day of March, first publication of this summons. 1935, In a suit wherein, on the 13th »aid court has obtained Jurisdic­ behind parked cars, 9.4 per cent, day of March, 1936, In said Court tion to order publication of sum­ and crossing at on intersection the State oí Oregon, represented mons by virtue of an attachment against the signal, 6.9 per cent. and acting by the World War Vet­ of certain persona) property own­ Of the pedestrians killed, 8660 erans' State Aid Commission, re­ ed by you and situated In Lane covered Judgment against the de­ County, Oregon. The date of the were between the ages of 15 and fendants Robert L. Robertson and first publication of this summons 64; 3240 were over 65 years old; Dalsle B. Robertson for the aum ot is March 14. 1936. 2.880 were between the ages of 6 Tweuty-seven Hundred twenty- GORDON S. WELLS. Plaintiff. and 14. and 1170 were under 4 three and 56-100 ($2723.66) Dollars, Residence and Post Office Ad­ years old. together with Interest at the rate dress. Eugene. Oregon. of four 14%) per cent per annum (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) from and since the first day of Nov­ ember. 1932. and for the further sum “FLOOR, PACIFIC OCEAN” NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dol­ OF REAL PROPERTY DISPLAY AT EXPOSITION lars attorney's fees, and for cotta and disbursements taxed at the sum On the 13th day of April, 1936 at of $19.96, and said execution to me the hour of ten A. M. at the front San Diego. March 28—There are directed, commanding me In the door of the Court House In Eugene, spots so deep In the Pacific Ocean name of the State of Oregon, In Ijme County, Oregon, I will sell at order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ auction to the highest bidder for that the world's highest peak, Mt. terest, attorney's fees,'costs of suit, cash the followlug described real Everest, could submerge there and and accruing costs, to sell the fol­ property located in Lane County. have several thousand feet of water lowing described real property, to- Oregon, to-wlt: above. West half of the northeast wlt: That interesting fact Is borne out Lot Six (6) Block five (6) Hol­ quarter; the southwest quarter lenbeck Addition to the City of of the southeast quarter, and the by the sounding tests made tor four Eugene, County of Lane, State east half of the northwest fourth years by the U. 3. S. Ramapo. un­ of Oregon. ot the southeast quarter of sec­ der direction of Captain Claude Now, therefore. In the name of tion twenty-three (23) in town­ ship eighteen (18) south range Banks Mayo. U. 8. N. the State of Oregon, In compliance Strikingly depicted on a relief with the said execution and order four (4) west of the Willamette Meridian. Also, the east half of map. showing the way the Pacific ot sale, and In order to satisfy said Judgment, including Interest, at­ the southeast quarter of the would look If it were waterless, southwest quarter of section torney's fees, costs of suit and ac­ cruing costs, 1 will, ou Saturday, twenty-threo (23), township the Information compiled from 17,- the 13th day of April, 1935, at the eighteen (IS) south of range four 239 separate soundings Is offered hour of 1:30 o'clock In the after­ (4) west of the Willamette Meri­ at the Palace of Natural History of dian, together with the tene­ the California Pacific International noon of said day, at the Southwest front door of the County Court­ ments, hereditaments and appur­ tenances thereunto belonging, or Exposition, which opens May 29. house .in Eugene, Lane Couuty. During the years 1929 to 1933, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for In any wise appertaining. cash, at public auction, subject to Said sale is made under execu­ Captain Mayo and his staff oper redemption as provided by law, »11 tion Issued out of the Circuit Court ated between latitudes 10 degrees of the right, title, and Interest of of the State of Oregon for the north and 50 degrees north, cover­ the said defendants Robert L. Rob­ County of Lane, to me directed In ertson, Dalsle B. Robertson, Wil­ the case of State I^tnd Board of ing 7.000 miles of ocean between liam Hargreaves and Fred Lind­ Oregon, etc., vs. Henry W. Chezem, the California coast and Manila. say, and all persons claiming by, Tressla Cheaem. Phoenix Mutual The deepest spots discovered were through, or under them or any or Life Insurance Co., a corporation; Nero Deep and Ramapo Deep, the either of them. In and to the said Lane County, etc., et als. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane latter named for the naval vessel. premises. The map is the only one ot Its County. Oregon. Dated. March 13. 1936. By A. E. HULEOAARD, Deputy. kind In existence. It shows t,n C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff of Lane FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for County, Oregon. abrupt continental shell on the By A. E. HULEOAARD. Deputy. Plaintiff. coast of California, and a shell of (M 14-21-18— A 4-11) (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) ion and more com fort but I he num erous lens shapes NOTICE OF HEARING FLOOD 80BIEÏ8 SORE SUS MOIE leaser abruptness on the Asiatic side of the Pacific. Tba floor of tba Eugene | m 1928 Dlfc LIMITED STATES COUSUMtP ACUP0’ h S i ^ CALLED o Í u I dlat É x ^ ru Í s ’ imto CUP. _ KUI0, ^X.^RUMSJMTOA M Toquen ,ucv Fu*°'O R LATSX B ACID TO »• IS ADOtD AW BALLS OF BARA RUBRER ABE TMEU SET OUTYD ORYOM TMSSE SOCK* AUDACE 1UEU EMI PWD OUT T O A U BARTE «9 TW WORLD TOB MKIMV1BERHMI6 «.DEE. r