THVR8DAY. MARCH 28 1986 TH K BPRINOFIWLD NBWB will come through practically any olitala exempllon, and tliwe must material (bat Is used for cov«rlug HOME EXTENSION WORK show date, uumlier alaughlcred. ! wool bats. live wetglll. welghl of produrla solili HELPS OREGON WOMEN Circular He* Bug8»*«len* ami naiuea and addreaaea of cu» | In culculalliig Hi« amount of raw l‘ubll»ii«l Bvwry Thursday at Much Valuable Inform ation P a tt­ tornerà and eatliuated welgllt of wool needed for any purpose. Il Bprlngtield. Lane County. Oregon by houle uaed produeta. Tax rcturu»| ed On To Houaew ivet By can be assumed. Mis Hager save, S taff Specialist* are flled wllh thè l ’olleetnr of In Ibal It will be reduced 46 to 66 per THE WILLAMETTE PRESS terital revenue at Portland III thè Medium Wool Be«t For Gen­ cent In weight by the scouring and U K MAXEY. Editor Oregon »omen, always Internatati Meeting Called In Portland moni li followlng thè alaughterlng i eral Home U»e: Amount« Of curding line pound of washed and In making their hum « more com aided wool 1« needed (or a quill EBtered at aocoud claaa matter, February >«. »903. at the poatottlc*. louable and aurai live. and In hav­ Friday and Saturday To Wool Needed Are Told or spread; three pounds for a me Study Problems Springfield. Oregon ing their families better fed. cloth Wllh sheep shearing lime uour dlum elsed comforter, and from 20 , <1 and cared for. are comlug more Quality Improvement la the basic M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E at hand, many Drugon homemaker» to 50 pounds for a inaltro»«. Fot $1.00 and more to rely on the home eco­ principle of the proposed western Oae Y ear In Advance $1.50 Six Mouths are planning on obtaining a fresh hooking a rug with hand rolled 60c nomic* staff of the Oregon Kxten atatea butler marketing agreement, Two Yaara iu adtauee $2.60 Three Months supply of wool for making quilt«, wool, three pounds of scoured wool «ion service for Information and as­ a hearing on which la being held comforiers, inuUressu» or for spin­ will he sufficient for a rug three sistance in making these things Jn Portland March 2» and 3«. Willi THURSDAY. MARCH 28. IS>3& by (our feel. ning and weaving or knitting possible. quality improvement plua stability Circular II K 489. "Home Pre. Home use of raw wind has. dur­ A total of >0.3*7 homemakera in price, greater conwumpllon ia Plan Cantraliiation Of Office» paiullon of Raw Wool for Bed BCONOMY OK SCARCITY In New Location; Move All ing the pusl two or\three years, »ere given aaatstanee during the hopi4, t0 A K Kng ding, may be obtained from county become almost us Imptqtunt an ac­ From Court Hou»e National economy based on scarcity rath er than plenti­ past year through Individual let ,|)v(lio|| dtUry with the extension ugenls or from the stale tivity In the Oregon fasja home os ful production to our minds will be one of the big m istakes (era. office calla. telephone AAA wh„ has had (he major laak coll**B* Relief work ill Lane county was was In pioneer ila/s- Largely history »ill record against tlie present federal adm inistra­ lor personal home vtalta. while I ( of drawing up the agreement to Its being re-oiganl»-d this week fol­ 111 rough a project conducted by tion. Ex-President Hoover in his talk last week expressed thousands more have been reached presell t form. ably the situation we have become involved in when ne through circular letters. newa arti­ Engbretson. former supertatend- lowing announcement of the up members of the Oregon Slate col­ IUKA CHANGES MEETING point meat of Orel E. Crowe, form, lege bottle economies extenslou cles, bulletin«, radio programs, said: eut of the Astoria brunch experi­ er county commissioner, as admin­ stuff, women of marry counties TAKE ROOM IN ARMORY meetings and other contracts, the -Because of food destruction and restraint on farm production, ment station and long Intimately istrative director of relief for Lotte throughout the state are learning annual report filed by Mias t lari- Regular meetings of Iuka circle, foreign food is pouring into our porte. purchase of which should have aaaoclated with Oregon’s dairy In county. clean and scour the wool al bo! Nye. slate leader of home eco­ been mad. from our (armera. The coal of living I» steadily advancing dustry. Is on temporary duty with New quarters for the county re­ home, to dye It wllh uatural dyes Ladles Auxlltury of lbs U. A. R nomics extension, show«. More people are dependent upon the government for relief than ever the AAA. He described the events lief workers have been rented la collected In Ihe woods and on the will be held al 7.30 Instead of at Many Serve A» Leader» before Recovery la still delayed. The productive genius of our people, leading up to the proposed agree­ (he Broadway building at Broad­ farm, and to card and apln It for N o'clock In the future It was de­ An Increasing dealre on the part ment and highlights of Its provis­ which ia the sole road to recovery and to Increased standards of liv­ way and Dak tracts In Eugene In weaving, knitting, making cided at the Iasi meeting held last of women throughout the state to ions. before the agricultural coun­ All regular ing, (a being stifled, the nation improveriahe.1 instead of enriched and II is expected that rooms now hooked rugs and for many other Thursday evening help extend the home economica cil of the Pacific Northwest Ad­ meetings will also he bold In the occupied In the court house will be purposes. We do not need to go far from home to realize the ti nth extension program by actiug aa visory board In Portland. Armory. vacated before April 1. Each Has Own Use of Mr. Hoover’s assertions. Carloads of Argentine corn local leaders for definite project* The new relief staff quarters are Different types of wool are suit­ Drouth Alda Surplu* and m eats are being unloaded in our own county at a less in their communities ia also report­ being rented by the federal govern able for different purpoaea. accord CARD GROUP TO MEET "With at least 26 million cow* price after duty paid, than those grown at home. Lane ed by Miss Nye. In addition Io In­ meat and county offices In the Ing to Mrs Axaleu Sager, exleu in the United Slates at present, AT SNODGRASS HOME county dairv cows and chickens are being fed corn that creasing the effectiveness of the house will be returned to »ion specialist In clothing and tex­ court should and would be produced at home hut for the produc- work in those counties having only drouth conditions with conse­ former locations. The sur their Miss Maxine Muodgrnaa will en- tiles at O. 8. C. Flue wool similar home demonstration agents. It has quent shortage of feed and low pro­ tlon control program. veyor's stuff will return to the of to Marino and Rumhoulllet or me­ tertalu at her home this evening been possible this year for the first duction per cow have prevented Two of our friends recently returned from trips. One time to provide one or more pro. aggravation of the serious surplus flees vacated by Ihe relief unit dium wool such a Hampshire. for member« of the O-No card club. from California and one from New Y ork. Meat in ban Jects for every county In the state, problem of two years ago.” said and the district attorney will move Shropshire or crossbreed 1» heel for Bridge will be the entertainment Francisco is very high priced selling from 50 to bO cents largely through the voluntary co­ Engbretson. "Some lime It may his office Into the court house from bedding and mattresses. she eays. at this. Ihe regular social meeting Willamette street where they are For cruft wool. Io be used In spin­ a pound, one reports. The other says meat is almost a lux­ operation of these local leaders. rain unlformally. of (he club. now located. ury in New York with round stake selling a t cents a Miss Nye says. ning or In making of rugs, medium "The proposed agreement Is not Offices of the SERA stuff are al wool Is best Llncolu wool can he pound Wage earners and others on reduced budgets can Among the projects available designed to boost prices, but It la not eat much meat at these prices. They are victims of the during the year have been child expected to stabilise prices and ready located In the llroadwuy used for this, but there Is a little CARPENTERS BUILDING building, second floor, and Ihe re­ WOODSHED FOR CITY economy of scarcity. 1 care and parent education, home marketing practices. Insure quality, lief offices will adjoin these und more difficulty in carding the long er fiber. Curtailed production and high prices do not put people food preservation, meal planning and protect the producer In obtain­ be across the hall from them. A new woodshed to replace the Contrary to general opinion, a to work Consumption of goods is the one thing that in­ and table service, vegetable cook ing a fair price for hts buttertat Mr. Crowe was active in relief rickety structure now In use is short length staple Is more desir­ creases employment at home and that m eans home goods 1 cry, low cost meals, use of eggs, In relation to the price of butter work In Ihe county for several being built Ibis week buck of the milk and cheese products, bread of the quality that can be made year« as a member of Ihe county able than a long staple. Mrs. Huger City hall. The shed Is being built ra th e r than some foreign country s. saya Wool that Is coarse and con­ making. recreation leadership from It.” court und of the county relief com tains a high percentage of kempy close up to Ihe Jail. M J. McKllu We praise the adm inistration in the great hum anitar­ training, renovating and remodel- High Price s Bad mlttee. ian policies it has inaugurated. But its program is not con­ i ing. economy buying, economy or modulated fibers Is undesirable, and William Rouse are the carpen­ Engbretson emphuslxed that but sistent and one part nullifies the other. It is al very wel because these fibers are stiff and ters. dressmaking, garment finishing, ter prices out of line with con to improve conditions under which people work but if food i care and use of sewing machines, sumer ability to pay are detrimen­ ALUMINUM NOT HARMFUL and clothing cost are beyond their reach then little if any­ coat making and home crafts. An tal to the dairy Industry as they AS COOKING UTENSILS thing has been added to their total welfare. unusually large number of requests divert demand to other products ' for help with housing problems Dairying dare not get too far ahead S U te H ealth O ffic e r Challenges Statem ent* W hich He Say* of other Industry, he warned, say were also handled. Are Unfounded Mrs. Roosevelt earned $3tl,00t) on radio talks from May Ing butter prices went too high In Vacation Camps Interest until December. Her income keeps up with her illustrous In addition, the report shows that the past month, bringing a reac­ The wide distribution of scare husband. However, she gave it all to charity. i homemakers' vacation camps were tion. • -------------- • -------------- literature, suggesting that the use TOBCV AND BA R R ETT ! conducted in eight counties with In urging full attendance of pro. • 291 women attending; county-wide ducers. distributors and manufac­ of aluminum unlenall* Is likely Io Everyone is born free and equal under our great i on- prove Injurious, has been challeti. stitution. However, some are more fortunate than others i homemakers' conferences were turers at the Portland hearing. En­ ged In Oregon by Dr. Frederick 11. held in 14 counties without home gbretson said ample opportunity for in getting on the relief rolls. demonstration agents; 1900 women amendments and suggestions would Stricker, stale health officer who Satisfaction Guaranteed from 116 communities participated be given. Unlesa a substantial por­ made the following statement this S P R IN G F IE L D . OREG O N P H O N E 10 - 414 M A IN ST. Communities are glad to get the works. The publit in the annual program planning tion of the industry approves the week: "Some of the false statements days In the six counties having agreement In present or amended works agents; and 329 homemakers at- form It will not be put In force, are: Aluminum Is destructive to tended the annual Home Interest* but he warned that dairying la life; uluinlnum Is not a normal We predict of all the alphabetical schem es 1. O. U. w ill I conference at the state college. constituent of living tissue; alum­ somewhat on the spot with the last the country th e longest.^________ State and county extension work­ AAA and will have to decide soon inum Is a rare and poisonous ers also directed the county relief on a course of action If government metal; ulumlnuin utensils are rapidly dissolved by food stuff* With the land full of beauty parlors it would seem that canning projects in which 636.565 help is to be had. during cooking; aluminum In the cans were filled, conducted the the standards of beauty contests would begin to raise. diet causes sterility; Ihe use of rural housing survey of 5473 farm -----------«----------- aluminum ulenells Is provocation homes in six counties, and assist­ LUMBER DEMAND FALLS People tired from work are really insane says a prof­ ed in other emergency relief pro- OFF DURING PAST WEEK of cancer: traces of aluminum pro­ One ll< k In enough to tel, duce what Is commonly known as essor. We always said it was crazy to work. | Jects. ptomaine or food poisoning; alum­ that Eggtm ann’s It* a super­ Seattle. Wash.. March 28—A total inum Is a narcotic acid poison; A thought for this country, Russia shoots her reck- OLD OFFICERS RETAINED of 539 down and operating mills In cooking In aluminum destroy* nu­ ior Ice Cream. Rich, sweet BY FARM DEBT COUNCIL Oregon and Washington which re­ tritive and heulth protective con­ less drivers. ported to the West Coast Lumber­ und cream y our Ice cream stituents of food stuffs; and so Farm debt adjustment commit­ men's association for the week end forth. I k u delight to the young­ tees in 1935 will probably have only Ing March 16, produced 90,894.483 "Most of these statements are board feet of lumber. This was ap­ from a quarter to a third the cases sters. based upon Ignorance, since there to work on that came before them proximately 2,000,000 feet under is no evidence to support the con­ In 1934. though the adjustments the preceding week. The average tention that aluminum Is poisonous • • • • B BW W ' themselves may be more difficult weekly production of this group of or causes Isease. There Is no sci­ end which coo taira Four Great Treasu re* according to opinion expressed at sawmills In 1935 has been 81.362,- entific evleoce to show that alum­ -W h e re lh * Hervlca Is D ifferen t the annual meeting of the Oregon 207 feet; during the same period inum In the otdlnary cooking op­ Agricultural Advisory council in 1934 their weekly average was erations of every day practice Is which is the state body handling 81.960,108 feet. IN TH E WILDERNESS so strongly attacked as to produce The new business reported last this work. an objectionable amount of soluble week by 639 mills was 88,206,484 John drew great crowds. He m ust have been a power­ Present officers were reelected The U. 8. Bureau of Stand­ fully dram atic figure, his leathern girdle about his loins, at the annual meeting attended by board feet against a production of salts. ards Circular 346 (1927) states: eating his locusts and w ild honey, and denouncing the em i­ many of the state council of 21 90.894.483 feet and shipments of "There Is no evidence available nent Pharisees and Sadducees as a “generation of vipers.” recently appointed by Cfovernor 86,915.016 feet. Their shipments which would Indicate that alumi­ Martin. The council has been re­ were under production by 4.4 per num cooking utensils represent a Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? cent and their current sales under Maid O’Cream is one of Oregon's leading butters. duced in size this year by 12 mem­ Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And potential danger to health. production by 3.0 per cent. The Maid O’Creani b utter I h made from cream of 1-ane bers. Officers continuing are O. M. think not to say within yourselves. We have Abraham to our "Aluminum Is a natural consti­ Plummer, Portland, president; E. orders booked last week by this tuent of ordinary water and of county's best dairy farm« and Is thoroughly a home father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to A. McCornack, Eugene, vice-presi­ group ot Identical mills were under most foods, though present only In raise up children unto Abraham. product. dent; L. R. Brelthaupt, O. S. C. ex­ the total In the preceding week by traces. A quart of milk, for ex Jesus felt the contagion of the movement. He also tension agricultural economist, ex­ about 5.500.000 feet or approximate­ ample, contains one-twelfth of a Sold only under one b ran d label. Maid O’Cream went to John and asked to be baptized, and John looking ecutive secretary; and Judge Ed ly 6.1 per cent. grain of aluminum, and a loaf ot A group of 438 Identical mills butter Is fam ous for It« quality and uniformity. One up and seeing Him on the bank uttered a noble testim ony Bryan. Junction City, counselor. bread about one-sixth of a grain roll 1« exactly like every other roll. T h a t’s why Its District chairmen elected are whose records are complete for Lettuce contains 29.6 parts of al. to the sort of boy and young man th a t Jesus m ust have George Fullen wider, Carleton; G. both periods show total orders 1936 umlnum per million parts, beef been: consumption la raising month after m onth. W. Potts, Jefferson; Elmo Chase, to date of 950,667,111 board feet, 13.9, and fried eggs 12.4. It Is ob­ I have need to be baptized of thee, and contest thou Eugene; Glenn Marsh, Hood River; compared with 838,386,986 board vious that regardless of the type to me? E. H. DeLong, LaOrande; and feet for the same period In 1934, of vessel In which food Is cooked, It is notew orthy th at no sense of guilt or sham e ap­ Robert W. Sawyer, Bend. These and in increase of 13.4 per cent. we are all Ingesting some alumi­ pears to have had a p art in His religious experience a t this i other members of the state body The unfilled order file at these num from our diet, In common with point. He did not argue with John about their relative fit­ are heads of principal agricultural mills stood at 390.482,870 board Iron, calcium un other salts, and feet, approximately 2,000,000 feet ness to baptize each other. He felt th a t the spirit of de­ | organizations of Oregon. It Is reasonable to conclude that under the week before. The aggre. Reports at the state meeting gave votion which was in Him demanded some outw ard expres­ It plays some role In human nutri­ sion, and Jo h n ’s way, through baptism, was the way th a t high praise to the work of the gate Inventories of 438 mills are tion and inetabollsint 1.9 per cent less than at this time county debt adjustment commit­ Experiments of X -fcompetent scl presented itself. tees. some describing It as "one of last year. entlsts have demonstrated couclu It was a wonderful day for Him. He had made His de­ I the greatest peace-time services slvely thut ulumlnum does not af­ cision. He had put the oid life behind Him. John, His that could be performed.” In most popular and powerful cousin, had recognized His inherent of the cases present county com­ PORK PROCESSING TAXES fect the vitamins In foods. "In the United States the amount power. From thenceforth He would be a carpenter no mittees are expected to continue STATED IN SIMPLE FORM of ulumlnuin In the organs of man longer, but a preacher like John, rebuking men for their 1 through the coming year. Much misunderstanding and lack varies with the locality, depending sins, calling them to repentance. The day ended, night fell, on diet, water supply, and soli con of Information still exists among and with it came the reaction. He went away into the wil­ DOG LICENSE TAGS tent. The amount Increases with growers regarding their liability derness and rem ained for more than a m onth in solitude, WAIT OWNERS CALL advancing age but there Is cor or lack of it—for paying processing tortured by questionings and doubts. He felt power stir­ relation between the aluminum and taxes on hogs slaughtered by them­ ring within Him. How should He use it and for w hat? The The city recorder now has a num­ Gospel narrative dram atizes th a t period of self-searching ber of license tags lor dogs at the selves. reports Chas. W. Smith, the hardening of the arteries. I’rac tlcall all scientific men agree that by the appearance of Santa in person, with a three-fold city hall awaiting delivery to those emergency county agent leader and there Is no more llhellhd of pro­ head of the educational campaign tem ptation. persons who have ordered them and ducing organic diseases or food paid for them. Due to a mlxup In for the 1935 corn-hog program In poisoning by the use ot aluminum And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be When yon give us an order Oregon. Reduce«! to their simplest instructions, the little metal tags the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. for printing our one Idea Is vessels than by those of nny other form the rules might be stated as to give you a good Job. . . . The tem ptation to use His power for m aterial s u c c e s s - which many persons ordered were follows, he says: sort.” not sent direct to them as was We will usslst you In the money, com fort, ease. The producer pays no tax when promised, but sent to the Spring- selection of paper stock, type ROCK CRUSHER STARTS Then the devil taketh him up Into the holy city, and field city hall. Persons who have he slaughters hogs of his own rats (aces an layout. We have a WORK FOR NEW ROAD Ing and sells them dressed to com­ setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, made application for a license are wide selection of Illustra­ And salth unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thy­ requested to go to the city hall mercial handlers. He pays no tax on tions and decorative art, for The county rock crusher has slaughterings of his own hogs for self down. and secure their tags. which there Is no extra been set up near Jasper and Is get LETTERS The drive on unlicensed dogs Is consumption of his family or em­ charge. . . . Let us make esti­ ting out rock for a Iwo-tnlle exten­ The tem ptation to achieve cheap fame by performing still under way in the city and per­ ployees. BROADSIDES mate on your next Job. . . . wonders Dressed hogs or hog products sion ot the Hills Creek road beyond sons who want to keep their dog You will find our prices most the present site of the sawmill. The BOOKLETS Again, the devil taketh him up Into an exceeding high are warned to secure a license for sold by the grower direct to con reasonable. «timers are exempt up to 300 road has been practically com­ mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the animal. pounds the tax must be paid, and pleted for two more miles Into the the glory of them; timber and after the crushed rock And salth unto him, All these things will 1 give thee, Many Attend Dance— A larger If total direct sales exceed 1000 has le-en spread, the sawmill will attendance than usual was noted pounds in any marketing year the If thou wilt fall down and worship me. be mpved to the end of the new exemption Is forfeited even on the Springfield at the high school dance party at Phone 2 road. The flume which transports first 300 pounds. The marketing Tho tem ptation to become a political leader, to use the the armory Friday evening. Dances the lumber down to Jasper will popular discontent and His strategic position as a working are held twice monthly by the high year started last November 6. Written records must be kept to also be extended. m an’s leader as a tool for His own advancem ent. school club. FAO« TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS RAW WOOL USES IN ROME LISTED BUITER CONTROL MEETING IS SET C H E NOW HEAD Cf RELIEE WORN Come in and Get Acquainted! New Springfield Garage General Automotive Maintenance U TASTE WILL TELL •UAHTUN" F G G lM iA N N ’ S A Popular Maid Springfield Creamery Co. PRINTING The Willamette Pre««