THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIHTY-HK('ONl) YKAIt KHUNGHKblJ, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, T ill U Sb.\7< m 7 r ( NO. 10 H.S. PIANS BIG '» r°> SCHOOL BOARD TO New Proprietors ^ any Warrants ELECi TEACHERS EXAMINE PUPILS FOB BID M I L S Brownie ork LANE CE GROUP ID CDNiflEIIE HERE «£. "nils Those Outetnnd- Toby and Barrett Open New Mnrlon Hall Schedules Six; •• To October; Bonds Springfield Garage; Plan j A|| Children ,n « j ^ , , Here Invitation Extended All Girls Monthly Meeting Postponed » \ ’terest Are Paid To Join Group In Prepar- Convention Of Line Christ- Boxing Bouts And Three Until April 9. Many Make Full Automobile Service being Checked; At Lincoln ation For Scout Life Wrestling Matches ian Endeavor Union Assem­ Applications Here Hi his 'ct IP warrants tola! ' School On Friday The Hprlngfleld Garage locateli bles Here Saturday An Invitation to any girl or other lug *6.1‘i 3 e. e being called this Teacher con I rue Is for next year on Muin street between Fourth und OFFICIAL RING IS BUILT week by Hevert Jacobson, district Tonsil examination of all school in'erested per ori to attend meet- will be considered at (he next Fifth streets has beeu taken over the .Springfield Brownie PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED clerk The «arrant cull, which Is monthly meeting of Ihe school J by ’* •* ntnnager» this week, the children ure being made now by *n*f* Athletic Events To Precede published In Ibis lUHUe of the No Hprlngfleld physicians In order that <'a< k at 'he Lincoln school Tuesday board It was announced today by ! ,,a,l|e has been changed to New Fun Carnival Friday; First culls fur payment of all thoae W8'i up parents may know which children afternoon at four o'clock was ex­ Leaders In Young People E. C. Hiuart, chairman. The meet Hprlngfleld Garage, and the Inter Event Is At 6:4b to unit Including number 3962 Work Coming; Pep Banquet have Infected tonsils. The Brat- tended today by Mrs. Beth Mea lug will In, held on April », the re l,,r *h" building Is being cleaned, which was written on October 6. gulur meeting night coming uni *'• L’. Toby uud It. II. Barrett arc lain school was inspected on Tues­ kins, pack leader. To Be Feature Of Meet Friday bring« lb* annual fun i ui uit ui n( Hprlngfleld high ac liuot, uitti actoiding Io prtaunl ludlca Iloina Murlon Hull, uthlellc dlrvc- lor, will »teal III» «bow again Ibla >»ur with bla api.rts program. Hull announced Ibla inornlug Illat bn liaa alx boxing bouta lined up lu addition to Ibreu wrealllng tuatcbea The length of the even , liig a program makea II nee aaury to alurl Ibla feature, which will be held In the gymiiualuni, at 6:46. The boxora will vxchuuge punch«» for three rounds of two mliiutva each, and llie wruallora will tw la l arms ulid l«-ga ugalual a lime limit. The entire program will be aluged III a regulation a I led ring which baa Jual been completed at the achool. The ring was design ml and built by llall mid some of the boya In the achool. It baa beeu ■ unatructed an II may be taken down and stored awuy when not needed. *<•34. Interest on these warrants will cease on Murch 29. The payment of these warrants and an oft el of credit due the district troin Hie Wullervllle dis Irli t, leaves district III with a war. iuii I ludehteduesa now of about *14.01*0 with Ihe new lax receipts )Ust starling to come In. Two general obligation bonds of Ihe district In the totul sum ot *1.000 were also paid off this week by Uraea Hchlaka, county treasurer. The seml-unnual Interest on the outstanding hooded Indebtedness of 67.00V was also pnid. Thia amounts to *233.76. Tho local Brownie Girl S co u t; April 1, (nils too early lu the month i tb* Proprietors. They will In day morning and it Is planned to Taking as their theme "This Is tall a complete line ot motor at cover the cJncoln and High achool pa- k consists of girls between the (or the bills to he received during (he next week. The Spring- age of seven and ten year, who ,bt‘ -Message", 1 John 1:5, more Many apllcatlons tor teaching cessorlea, will retail gasoline and Ibid physicians an donating their l.reparing them»-Ives tor Girl *beu delegates from Christian positions ure being received now will do all kinds o( automobile time for this work und Miss Kalb- Scout work which they hope to tot- Eniieevor societies in Lane county by members ot the school hoard. work. They will specialize on “re expected to convene here Sat­ ryu Hansom, county health n u rse/ low Among those received this week Hodge uud Bulck Hprlngfleld pack there arc- urrtay tuorning (or a two-day con- huve storage. was one ** Glen Wood, former u _ i . slating with Ihe examinations. 2« girls who have been In the or- kent*on- Sessions will be held at l.iiiMii »In- BrultWIn school, . J . * r * 111 ° f H r .M ilton V. Walker, tlie school ganlxaliou for from :i to 12 months. ,b<‘ Lhrlsliau churen. who u S k be re-elected e ith e r us I I, *U o 111 in * physician, asks mat it lee clearly Handicraft work occupies most of Miss Florence Vail Is genera« prlndpul there or as Instructor at n au onio >11« work in Laute county understood that Ihe doctors are 'he time of the students, with some ‘ halrman for the local worker's the high achool. Wood left Hprlng­ Mr. Barrett Is a new comer to this not advising the removal of ton tnpha». teeing devoted to fir-t aid Pa r ,'cipation In the convention fleld to enter Three C camp sup­ section of tho country. He has re I >lls on uny of the children who under the direction of Dr. Milton wblcb will feature such outstand ervision work. cently been an Inspector In the have infer I d tonsils lie points out V. Walker. The girls will present ll‘K ‘ hurch workers as C. P. Gates, The school meeting will be held Bulck factory. He was located at 'hat It Is im po-slble to determine an exhibition of their work at the P °r,Iand; Kev. Milton S. Weber, Kansas City, Denver, and Beattie at the City bull und will be upon i whether or not tonsils should be Happy Hour benefit tea Monday *,-uKene pastor; and Walter Myers, before coming to Springfield. to all Interested persons. | removed without cupsallation with afternoon at the home of Mrs. fi<-ld secretary of the Christian En- The new proprietors Invite peo­ j the parents in regurd to the frequ- Walker. deavor societies for Oregon. ple of Hprlngfleld to drop In and cDl). and , ever, of lfce TOWNSEND LEADERS TO Six "»embers of the pack will O ffic e rs Have Program get acquainted with them In their | , urrence of tonsllltls, earaches, soon rinish tb ir work and have all Tb" Pr°KraIn *8 being arranged SUGGEST LEGISLATOR new location. running cars, the susceptibility of their badges for the Brownie work by lbe °n will open Saturday morn. examination of the child the phy- for their second, and six for tbelr *ng at ®:3® *° followed by open- Just what part the Townsend aician «annul conscientiously re third ? . , . . .. physician for further examination opinion and that each place la open ........ . . . , „ * . ’ " la-a-b-rs In the Townsend ranks by Mr. Gates will feature the morn­ Grandson Survive Here days, died ut the Eugene hospital , • e- nave already submitted liuti* of und advice. In case parents can- to challenge by another student In ing program. Thursday ow n in g at th<* a«e of 76 , r . the aante weight class: Mrs. Mina E. Dillard, well-known , n° l afford to pay a physician for yoan| ; names of men who will be agree Aft r a potluck luncheon at noon Hanuy Cornelius vs. Hubert Me the afternoon program will open l i e whs born at Helm I F I I Mh,e *° ,b ‘’m' to tb“ connty office "' ldeot of Springfield for the past lh*- care their children need, fed- .. . .. . 1 * * 'I of the pension workers. The meet ,: years, passed away j,t her home er“l fonda are available and the l besney— lull pounds. with a song service, announce­ Now York on October 26. 186», and' Bruce Thompson va. the Masked Big today will determine w hether' here last Thursday evening at t h e ; family physician can arrange to ment , talks on finance by Rev, on April 13, 1886 was married to Xlarvel of Sprlnglleld lib pounds. ., 1 (hey select one candidate or select ot 50 years. | secure It. This means that every ‘Myers, and on "What the M essage l" ' "ti ' F| * 10 ,nfln ’’,tber of whose ap- Mina E. Brabham was born May child who needs medical care can Crawford L>lu va Hauduit Hay— Fan* ln >>HHItl ti‘r ° Means to Me" by Tingley Cham- i "si* i. ,O i'MW P°1,itment by the county court Hat i-s- 18K4 at Ellsworth, Kansas ano have it and will have It providing c r n ilt - „ „ u u n it pie' the firat business meeting and 136 pounds. . . . • - " r.g .„ , «U h her parents, f parents d , their part. . ^ 1 * «he state convention to Earl Snyder va. Eugene Malosh he etiftuged In the hardware busi­ Demonstrate First Aid At be held at The Dalles April 23-28. — 136 pounds Borne rumors Indicate that the ' ,r a,*d Mrs. J. T. Brabham at the ------------------------- — ness for 21 years. Happy Hour Benefit John Krupku va, Wayne Crab­ county court Is considering selec •**"' of A- She ha resided In this A fte rn o o n P a rty P lan n ed After disposing of the business tree— I6o pounds tlou of som e person from Sprlng- community most of her life. The afternoon from 3-6 will be In Alaska they moved to Gregoii The annual Girl Scout benefit Virgil Bloom vs. Malcolm Hau i field. This city has been without She was raarrkd to Earle N. devoted to a newspaper party and and have lived here since that tea will be held at the home of a m —16 ............. I ham and . _ U. - L. _ Brabham, both of i I Monday afternoon 8tu,,yil,K th‘B branch their evening with reports and addresses Iwo weeka and have the Linn coun cemetery by Hie Poole «hapel of activities under the direction of Dr. by Mr. Myers and Mr. Gates. ly team come here next season. Calling Fire Department ¡Grow, ami L. C. Brabham. Forest neaa. Hprlngfleld. Wrcatllug matches have been nr . ... . ~~ | Grove. She was a sister-in-law of Mr. Morgan was horn in Missouri . „ / ,ni1 Bil1' Sunday Morning Quiet I „ u " , ”nC*’ C,t,Ie,,M “ f W “ , ‘,"“rd' *-ttno . . , ’ Ethel Ruth Fulop will show varl- „ „ . . Don Nelson vs. luiMar Hrattaln. Each Class Presents Skit; Many Power company steam plant An in Springfield. ilia county and in 1802 they moved I ,)UH of bandttKillK; respec,,ve churches and gather Leota : Lorry Lyles va Woodrow Wure. Mothers Enjoy Girls Party agreement with the telephone com Funeral services were held Mon- to Adam» county Washington Helnt(,h- wH| dem onstra(e ¿h<> Sch. bere 2:30 fog an »«ernoon ses Jerry llollls will act as referee At High School Tuesday P»ny In handling fire calls was day morning at 10:30 from the »here they lived until 1917 when ae(fer m e, h()d l)f ;>rt1ff, . . . _____ slon Thls gathering will feature Funs ure warned to watch Han­ ----------- reached tfll- week and a program Veatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. the) came to Thurston. Peggy Wright d ir ic t ï Í e and ‘>° th lnterm«dlate I ation. One hundred and fifty mothers worked out. v s,hxr!t officiated, and tnter- sen and Virgil llloom In the box­ and Young People's- contests, spe- On February 12, 1871 Margaret drill team which show» methods of ing, and Nelson and Hrattaln Hi and daughters were In attendance Hereafter when a fire break» out ' meat wu- made in tne new I. O. O. Syron and Mr. Morgan were rna^- inlprovlal5- stretchers and gives C b>' VWine Garti“ ’ Hut w restling matches as these at the Merry Maids of March, pro someone should call number 5. glv- F. cemetery at Eugene, ried in Polk county. She passed a atretcher dri„. transporting the i*" addre88 by R° V Myer8 on gram given at the high achool Tues-1 l»g the fire chief the exact location evels promise to bn the highlights away in 1929. lnJurpd the subject, "This is the M essage day evening by the Girls Ixuigue. of the blase He will in turn notify I of the program. Four children survive They are Jh e Brown(e pack under dj I —He Called You.” Glrla came dreiwed In costume and central of the proper signal to be COUNCIL FINDS BUSINESS Admission will require one block Leulla lal , Wal.a Wada.j rectjon OI Beth ¡¿eaklns will put i Regular Endeavor m eetings will of three script tickets which sell Edna Vest won the prise for th e s o u n d e d on the »Iren and central BETTER THAN YEAR AGO Washington; M ; Mr». E stelia W ilson? „„ „ dpnion lr*tlon of "bandaging i be held in ,bo cburcb at 6:30 in for a dime, or the dime Itself at best costume. Florence» Fish won i will convey this Information to the ----------- Wasbtuckna W ashington; Newton ,nd the tr,,atln,,„t „os<1 b|, ed. with the closing session of the prlte for the funniest outfit steam plant. Phone umber 6 Is ot the door. 1 e ve - Lr 4 e » i l 1 ' « I i f r , e » , i rt e t l i z, e l — u . -e ... Washington— Substantial gains j u. Morgan. Stockton. California; Eunice Gerber Is the enthusiastic ,\be l'onventi°n starting at 7:30. For the program each class pres­ to be used for any other purpose I in many lines of business during! and M V bX y r a Z n g a"4n i M . ? ylOr^ \ T hUrSt^ ; S5eTT 'euder ° f ,be senior s ‘-°u* troop " aturetl at this session w ill be re- ented a skit and a number of other excepting fire, January and F r " up io 3« nor l‘ ™ «,v b “dr; n and «w a t-«Ta“4 - and under her capable direction ' committees. installation o t F. L. GIRLS TAKE NEW numbers were featured. The pro-J In cases of an emergency where from "satisfactory i) up to jii per- children also survive. - , the h„ girls are developing a .. officers. fin e 1 on,cer8- Presentation of awards. gram included the following num- someone phone» In a fire and falls cent above a year ago, were re­ MEMBER AT SOCIAL MEET Funeral services were held Wed- troop and an address. "This is the Mess- hers: Junior» »kit, "Sitting on a ; for any reason to give the location. ported on the basis of u poll of the nesday morning at 10:30 from the Mu, jc>| Numberj Planned “g e - t h e Excellencies of Christ," Miss Evelyn Buell was taken In Log. Petting My Hog "; tap dance| central will chec k the location of Business Advisory and Planning Poole funeral iiomc in Hprlngfleld I)urlng , hp afternoon WaUer Lpp by Kendall Burke. as a new member of the F. L. Girls by Dorothy and Herbert Myers; the call and notify the fire depart- Council, whose 62 members rep Dr. E. V. Stivers cfflclU ed. and in of Eugone #nd onp of Wg g As features of the Saturday noon of Juanita Rebekah lotlge last Fri­ senior skit, “Poor Butterfly” ; trio, ment. The rest of the procedure resent practically every phase of terment was made In the LuUrel win provlde Hawaiian music and ll,ntbeon- t‘a‘ h society represented Jnnuita Hcantun, Eunice Rhlnevnult will be unchanged. day evening when they met at the industry and trade. Hill cemetery. P lu | IV,,ter w)„ aing a group of ha been asked to present a skit or home of Miss Maxine Snodgrass and Edna Vest; sophomore sk it, The city has been divided into H. P. Kendall, chairman of the : songs. ac* *° advertise the state conven- for their monthly social. Miss Eu­ •Pirate» Paradise"; musical read­ five xones, th ese divisions were council, »fated In the report that Mrs. W. C. Wright Is arranging' tion' Tbe Sunday afternoon con- nice Gerber wan Joint hostesH with ing by Georgia May Harris; fresh­ published Inst wee* and new fire three-fourths ot the member» at­ MASONS PLAN TO ATTEND man skit, "The Toy Maker's sone card» will be placed In con tending the monthly meeting of the CHURCH IN BODY SUNDAY for ,ra"sp<’rta,ion for any who mav t,!*' of ,h e ln «ermediates will in_ Miss Snodgrass. _______ desire it. Cars will leave the home ‘ Ude HlbIe memory work such as Dream.” »picuouM places so a person can council last week told of Increases Mi tubers of Liberty Masonic “f Mrs. Dean Poindexter at 2:45, j repeaGn® or *o<-'a^ n8 in the Bible Sophomores were first place win­ readily locate the fire after hearing In bu. Iness volume or profits, or TH IE F COMES BACK lodge of Hprlngfleld will attend ser- »nd 3:45 so that any desiring to be " " nl ,nen,or>' a ,i8t of 100 verses, ner» In tho contest. Seniors took tho signal». both, thus far this year. vices nt the Christian church in a driven will please be there at those rbe sen*or grouP will hold an ex­ FOR LAST OF CHICKENS second, and freshmen third place, The council, which convenes here temporaneous speaking contest on body Sunday morning to hear 1. G hours. A short social gathering and re regularly to discuss the adminis­ ’Vhen a thief visited Lee Put the sub-topic "Building on t. Good 9haw, pastor, deliver a special mes L a d ie s In v ite d to A tte n d freahments were enjoyed following tration's policies and practices and man's chicken coop during the Foundation.” Prizes will consist of sage. The Masons will meet at H ostesses for the afternoon are the program. to otter counsel on business af­ ChrlstmitH season only a part of the part of the expenses of attending I heir hall at 10:31) and march to t h e ; Mrs. Scott. Mrs. W. K. B arn ell,, fairs. Includes such Industrial and flock disappeared, hut Bunday church in a unit. Mrs. Walter Gossler. Mrs. Clayton !be a,a,e ‘’onvcntlon. financial leaders ns Walter S. Gif­ night the remainder of the flock BIRTHDAYS HONORED The resignation of I. M. Peter- Barber, and Mrs. S. S. Potter. Installation Sunday Night ford. president ot the American was spirited away. Perhaps the per AT PAR/TY ON MONDAY son as secretary ot the local lodge Mrs. W. C. Wright, Mrs. Olive B o,h «he cup and shield will be Telephone A- Telegraph Co.; Win­ son who took the first haul liked wu . presented ut the lodge meet- Rebhan. Mrs. W illis Bertsch and awu,ded Sunday evening. Attend­ throp W. Aldrich, chairman of the them so well that he returned for M ih . W. A. Taylor and Mrs. Lincoln School Has Funds ing Tuesday evening. A successor Mrs. Schaffenburg will preside at ’ ance at aI1 session» will bo check- Chase National Bank of N -w York; soniH more of the sainn kind Daisy Pugh were h ostesses at a ed ’n aw“rdlng the prizes, and the For Cooks Until April 11; Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the «vnl in- named ut Cue meeting to be «he tea table. lurgo birthday party at Taylor hall held on April 9. A very cordial invitation Is ex- Eans 1 nlon achievem ent banner United State Steel Corporation; Father Meeting Planned Monday evening honoring the LEGION POST MEETS AT The monthly social gathering of tended to all the ladies of Spring- will be awarded for a period of six and Pierre 8. «lit Pont, chairman of seventeenth birthdays of Wilson the lodge will be held tonight. A Meld to attend the tea and enjoy, months. A final call for all kinds of hot E. I. du Pont de Nemours A- Co. TAYLOR HALL TONIGHT Taylor on Friday of Inst week, und covered dish dinner, cards and a" hour with the Girl Scouts. A * omni,ttee chairmen assisting lunch materials at the Lincoln dancing will he provided for ment w ry large attendance Is expected. | '8S y aJ* w*«h local arrangements Bnmi-nionthly meeting of Spring the »ante hirtlidiiy of laivcrue Pugh school was Issued this morning by are Lela Peterson, recreation; berg of the lodge, of the I). K. S . 1 ----------------- ____ field American Legion post num­ on Wednesday o f till» week. the P. T. A. Cocoa, sugar, milk and MORE LODGE VISITS FOR Thirty young people were pres­ B ox— A ___ new l>awn <'’, "'ch, reception; Jewel and their families. Gets New Wood ___ _ _ ber 40, will he held this evening ut vegetables are needed at this CONVENTION PLANNED --------------------------- wood box was built and Installed ' unnln*hani, decorations; Mina Taylor hall commencing at 1 ent and the evening was pent with school to continue the project for at the local telephone office here PetPr80n- banquet. Housing will be o’clock. A potluck dinner will pre game» and refreshments. the duration of the SERA funds. RADIO STUDY CLUB HAS Members of Hprlngfleld I. O. O. M F F T I N P n w T i i c c n x v ' ,h l" w ee k by T o m Knnrhus of Eu IU,'nis:“>d those delegates who care cede the business meeting. The P. T. A. has HERA funds F. lodge are planning to visit the M E E T IN G O N T U E S D A Y ( T b e npw box eHm|natea ,o remain over Saturday night, SPECIAL DRILL CALLED enough now to keep rooks until lodge at Oukridge tonight and at much handling of wood and Is much Attend Lodge Party— Mrs. C. E. FOR MONDAY NIGHT April 11, hut all materials must be Marcola Saturday . night in -------- behalf _ — Members of the Radio stud) club. Vacations Here— Harry Withers, Wheaton, Irs. C. F. Kgglmann, ^convenient in relation to the donated or purchased by the local of the County Association meeting of Springfield P. T. A. met Tues- student at Oregon State college Mrs. Pratt Holverson, Mis» Edna Mrs. Zella Cantrell, president of community. The P. A. T. does not to be held here April 26. A group day afternoon ut the home of Mrs. »pent the week-end here at the Hwarts Mrs. Harold Stewart, Progressive 22, has called a meet­ have the necessary funds and has h I ho went to Lorane last night, and C|iford Wilson. "Sel-Support for officer» und member» of Ca»cndo ing of tho drill team for next Mon­ lo depend on contributions for the visitations hnve been made to most the High School Student" was the Home for Holidays— Miss Lucille home of his grandmother, Mrs. C. chapter O. E. B„ nttend<>