THVltSDAY, MARCII 21. 1986 TIM ! HPRINOPTBLD NEWS PAO» THWBB »ver-K- core of four foot J 0 B S AVAILABLE BY ROYAL NEIGHBORS TO wpllt wood t One t l j Block tions thereto, and for final settle­ husband; Edgar Hupp, Haul Blazer tions, i t any, thereto. DENTISTS 7th and Main Sta. Springfield ment of said estate. Floyd Wood, Prop, Dated and first published March tweuty two (33) of Fairmount, and A. A. Bristol, as trustees for PRESTON REEVES, Adminis­ Co-operative Farm," a voluntary 21, 1935. according to the original plat j 309 M ain SC. Phone 100 OREGONIAN (M 2128 — A 4-11-18) trator of the Estate of Emma co-operative thereof, now a part of tbo city of DR. G. A. BROWN association; Edgar All Kinds of Laundry Service. C. Reeves, deceased. .SERVICE STATION Eugene, ruuulug thauve South Hupp and Zaddie Hupp, husband Hours 9 A M. to 6 P. M We Call for aud Deliver. SUMM ONS L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. aloug (lie West Line of «aid Lot and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ A t the Springfield Junction Phone 30 J (M 21-28 — 4-11-18) Your Patronage W ill Be one (1), oue hundred fifty (160) fred Bristol, busbanc and wife; IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E GAS AN D O IL 8 and Main Sta. Springfield feet, thence East parallel to the Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mul­ Appreciated. S T A T E O F OREGON FOR L A N E Service Day and Night. SUMMONS North line uf lx»t one (1) seventy- R e s id e n c e 728 A Street. ler, n us Land aou wifo; George CO UNTY. IN T H E JU S TIC E COURT, E U ­ Robertson and Jane Doe Robertson Grocery Sundries, Tobacco'« and five (76) feet, and thence North LUMBER G ENE JU S TIC E D IS T R IC T , paraliol to the Weat line of aald husband and wife; Knute Madron S T A T E L A N D BOARD OF ORE Picnic Goods. L A N E CO UN TY, OREGON tut one ( I ) sixty («0) feet, thence DR. WM. N. DOW and Jane Doe Madson, husband and G oN, composed of Charles H. West Springfield Ph. Spr. 33-J The Booth-Kel'y Lbr. Co. East parallel to the North line D E N T IS T GORDON S. W E LL S , Plaintiff, wife; Also all other persons or par­ Martin, Governor of Oregon; Furnishes a of aald lx>t on« (1 ), forty nine — va.— ties unknown claiming any rigbt, Rufus C. Holman, Treasurer of X-Ray Diagnosis — Kouts 9 to 12 WOOLEN MILLS 149) feet, theuce North parallel E R N ST BO EHO LT and K N U D title, estate, lien or interest in the Oregon, Earl Snell, Secretary of COMPLETE HOME 1 to 6 i n . by appointment. to thu Weal Hue of aald Lot one I BO EHO LT, Defendants. real estate deseribod in the com­ ovale of Oregon. Plaintiff, Building and Repairing Service. I TO E R N ST B O EH O LT and K N U D plaint herein, D EFEND ANTS. EUGENE (1), ninety (90) feel, theuce West Office Phoue 8 — Rea. Phous <7 VS. aloug the North line of aald Lot First Nat l Hank Hldg. Springfield For Service Phone Springfield 66 IN T H E N A M E OF T H E »T A T E J. A. W illard and Malinda A. W ill­ BOEHO LT. the above named de­ WOOLEN MILL CO. oue (1), to the place of beglu fendants: OF OREGON: You aro hereby re­ ard, his wife; Colby Fleenor, H. or If no answer, phone 34-J. Manufacturers of Woolens. mug. all lu latne County, Dragon, IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E quired to appear and answer the A. Fleenor, his wife; M. Forsberg Springfield. Specialising In Ladles FRUIT PACKERS OF OREGON, You are hereby sum­ complaint filed against you in me doing business as Professional NOW. T H E R E F O R E , lu the n a m e ______________________________ COATINGS AN D SU1TING8. moned and required to appear and above entitled ccurt within four Credit Service; Lane Conaty, of the Stale of Oregon, lu compli PHYSICIAN-SURGEON answer tbe complain of plaintiff In weeks from the first publication of Oregon, a body politic and cor­ Retail Department at Mill. ante with the aald execution aud Eugene Fruit Grower’s Ass'a porate in and of the State of order or sale, aud In order to sat­ Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. the above entiled cause on or be­ this summons in tbe Springfield fore the last day of the time pree- News, to wit: Kiom the 21st day of Oregon; Road District No. 41, a isfy said Judgiueut, Includlug Inter- DR. MILTON V. WALKER crlbed in the order for publication Fobruary, 1935; and if you fail so body politic in and ol Lane eat, attorney's fees, coals aud ac­ und Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. Surgery and Diseases of Women | N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S to appear and answer, for want of summons hereinafter referred County, Oregon; School District cruing costa, I will, on Saturday, College Ice Cream Manufacturers. N O TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N : 4th and Main Sta. Springfield ( thereof, plaintiff will apply to the to, to-wit: On or before the 11th No. 154, a body corporate and tbe 30th day of March, 1936, at the Coco Cola— Ktst Beverages That L. L. Ray ha« been appointed day of April, 1936, and you are court for the relief prayed for in politic in and of Lane County, Phone 82-J hour of one-thirty (1:30) o’clock In Cider Vinegar adm inistrator with thu will an­ its eompla nt. hereby notified that if you fail so Oregon, County High School the afternoon of aald day, at the nexed of the estate of Elma Hauer, Phone 1480 to appear and answer for want District No. 164, a body politic Southwest trout door of the County Said suit is brought for tbe pur­ dcreuaed, by the Count) Court of I thereof the plaintiff w ill take Judg and corporate in and of Lane Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, MELVILLE S. JONES. M. D. Court House lu Eugene, Lune Coun­ ‘ Lane County. Oregon. All persons ment against you for the sum of pose of securing a Judgment for County, uregon. Defendants. ty, Oregon, offer for aale aud sell Margery aud Diseases of M omen the unpaid balance of a certain having «lalms against said estate i *15.00, with Interest thereon at the To Colby Fleenor and H. A. Flee­ for cash, at public auction, subject HI At Home— .Ml»« Evalyn Rob­ note in the principal sum of »9,- X-Ray and Physiotherapy are required to present them, with j rate of six per cent per annum nor, Defendants:— IN T H E N A M E to redemption as provided by law, the proper vouchers, within six from October 7, 1933, together with auO.OO, dated the 8th day of June OF T H E S T A T E OF O REG ON:— Springfield, Oregon all of thu right, title and Intereat le) Is reported to be III at h«»r home 1923. made, executed and delivered months from tbe 21st day of March, the costs and disbursements of this You and each of you are hereby of the aald defendants llvujauiln L. on the Mohawk thia week. First National Bank Hldg. Pb. 42 1935, to the said administrator at action. by A. C. W ells and Nora E. Wells, required to appear and answer the Ileldemuu, Elsie M. Holdouts 3, husband and wife, to the plaintiff his luw office in tbe Miner Build­ This summons 1« served upon you complaint filed against you in the llaxul I*. Ruder, and Winifred Kuy N O T IC E OF F IN A L hy publication thereof in the j herein, with interest, advances, at­ above entitled suit within tour Drive to Cresw ell— M r. mid Mrs. ing. Eugene. Oregon. keudall, and all persona claiming SETTLEM ENT torney fees and costs; and to ior«i- I L. L. RAY, Administrator of "Springfield News ", a newspaper of weeks from tbe «late of the first by, through, or under them or any Notice 1« hereby given that Fred Louk «pent Suuduy visiting > the Estate of Elma Hauer, de­ general circulation, published In cluse that certain mortgage given publication of this sumdluns and or either uf them. In and to thu laid James W. Working, thu Adminis­ al ihe Dan Stewart home at Crea- to secure said note, which Bald ceased, with the will annexed. I-ane County, Oregon under and if you fall to answer, for want premise« trator with the W ill Annexed of the well. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. by virtue of a order of Hon. Dan mortgage given is of record in thereof plaintiff w ill apply to the Dated. February 27, 1936. Book 52 of Mortgagee at page 83, Estate of Rhodu D. Pyle, deceased, I M 21 28 - A 4-11-18) Johnson, Justice of the Peace for court for the relief therein de­ C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff hua filed hla Final Report and Ac­ above named Justice district, dated records of Lane County, S t a f o f manded, to w it:— N O T IC E of latne County, Oregou. NOTICE Oregon, and covers the following count a« such, and the Court has the 12th day of March, 1935, direct For Judgment against the defend­ Hy A. E. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. .ei Saturday, the 13th day of April W HEREA S lu chapter 127, gen­ OF S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON ing publication hereof once a week described real property in Lane ants J. A. W illard, Malinda A. W ill­ (F 28—M 7 14-21 28) 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock eral luws of Oregon, enacted in E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E for four successive weeks In said County, Oregon, to v lt: ......... C ard, Colby Fleenor and H . A. Flee­ in the forenoon, lu the County 1919, It Is declared to be tbe duty N O T IC E is h> reby given that by newspaper, which order requires Commencing al the Southwest nor, and each thereof, for the sum Court Room In the Court House at of every person, firm, copartner­ virtu«* uf an execution and order of you to appear and answer the com­ Corner of the E. W. Rhea and of »1380.80 with interest from April Kug' ne, lu Lune County, Oregon, ship, company und corporation sale In foreclosure Issued out of tbe plaint in this cause on or before wife Donation Land Claim No. 4th, 1932, al 6% per annum, and owning, leasing, occupying, poss- as the lime and place to hear ob­ Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ four weeks from the date of the 44. Notification No. 3777 in Town­ for such further sum as the court jections to tbe same, if any, and esslng or having charge of or dom­ gou, on the 13th day of March, first publication of this summons. ship Seventeen. South of Range shall adjudge to be reasonable for for the final sell lenient of said inion over any land, place, build­ 1935, in a suit wherein, on the 13th »aid court has obtained Jurisdic­ Three, W«jst of the W illam ette attorney fees, and for the costs and ing, structure, wharf, pier or dock day of March, 1936, In said Court Estate. tion to order publication of sum­ Meridian, and running thence disbursements of this suit, and ad­ which is Infested with ground JAMES W. W ORKING , Ad­ Watthmakar and Jeweler the State of Oregon, represented mons by virtue of an attachment East on the South line of said judging such judgment to be a first squirrels aud other noxious rodents and aetlug by the World War Vet­ of certain personal property own­ ministrator with the W ill An- S P R IN G F IE L D Claim 36.88 chains; thence North and prior lien upon the following or predatory animals, or as soon erans' State Aid Commission, re­ ed by you anu situated in Lane So. Paelfle Watch Inspector parallel with the West line of real premises in Laue County, Ore­ om the presence of the same shall covered Judgment against tbe de­ W EI.US « WE1J4J, Attorneys. County. Oregon. The date of the First Clase Work at Reasonable said claim 13.94 chains, thence gon, towit: come to his, tbelr or its knowledge, fendants Robert L. Robertson and (M 14-2128— A 4-11) first publication of this summons ITtoea. Beginning at a point 13.60 East 2.04 chains, more or leas, al once to proceed and to continue Daisle B. Robertson for tbe sum of is March 14, 1935. to the left bank of the McKen-1 chains north of the southeast In giMid fuith to exterminate and Twenty-seven Hundred twenty- N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SA L E GORDON 8. W E LL S . Plaintiff. corner of the southwest quarter zie River; thence meandering destroy such rodeuts by polBonlng, three and 58-100 (»2723.56) Dollars R EA L PROPERTY Residence and Post Office Ad­ of the southwest quarter of sec­ said bank in a Northerly direc­ N O TIC E Is hereby given that by trapping or other appropriate aud together with interest at the rate dress. E"gene, Oregon. tion 16. township 15, south range tion downstream to Its intersec of four (4% ) per cent per annum virtue of an execution and order effective means; aud (M 14-21-28— A 4-11) 5 west of the W illamette M eri­ lion with the North line of claim; W HER EA S gray digger ground from and since tbe first day of Nov­ of aale Issued out of the Circuit dian, thenoe north 21.60 chains to thence West parallel with tbe Court of the State of Oregon for »quarrels (Citellus douglasil) are ember, 1932. aud for the further sum quarter section line running N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E South line of said claim to the I-ane County thia 29th day of Jan­ noxious rodeuts In Lane County, of Oue Hundred Fifty (»150.00) Dol­ through said section 16, theuce OF REAL PRO PERTY West line thereof and thence lars attorney's fees, and for costs uary, 1936, upou aud pursuant to a Oregon. of Pittsburgh. Pa. east on quarter section line 67.30 South on said West line 23.36 Now. therefore, all of such per and disbursements taxed at the turn decree duly given and made by said On the 13th day of April. 1935 at chains to the center of county chains to the place of beginning, Court this 29th day of January, sous, firms, copurtuershlps, corpor- <>f »19.95. aud said execution to me the hour of test A. M. at the front road, thence along tbe center of excepting the railroad right-of- 1936, lu a suit pending therein lu ullous und companies owuiug or directed, commanding me In the door of the Court House in Eugene. the county road south 18“15' east way over and across said pre­ which Otto A. Nickel, uud Otto A. having dominion over laud In said name of the State of Oregon, In I-ane County. Oregon. I will sell at 1.46 chains, thence south 10*5»* mises; also excepting a right-of- Nickel aa Administrator of the latne Count). Oregon, ure hereby order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ uuction Io the highest bidder for east 16.90 chains, thence west w iy granted to the Tri-State Rail­ required to lake steps to extermin­ Represented By terest, attorney's fees, costs of suit, cash the following described real estate of Auuu Nickel were plain­ 5.76 chains, thence south 3.76 way and Power Company, Octo­ tiffs and Virgil E. Keyt and Mar ate said gray digger grouu-1 squir­ ami accruing costs, to sell the fol­ property located In Laue County, chains, thence weat 12.59 chain«, ber 18, 1910, by deed recorded on rels (Citellus douglasil) within lowing described real property, to- Oregou, to-wit: gurlutte Stanford were defendants K . H. TURNER thence north 7.23 chain«, thencs page 238 of Volume 87 of the thirty duys front the date of the wlt : which execution and order of sale West half of the northeast west 13.29 chains, thence south deed records of said County, all first publication of this notice. It 846 A 8L Springfield. Ore. Lot Six (6) Block five (6) Hoi-1 quarter; the southwest quarter wus to me directed and command­ 7.23 chains, thence west 20.38 of said lands containing 86 acres, such steps are not taken, a person lenbeck Addition to the City o f , ed me to lell the real property of the southeast quarter, and the chains, more or less, to the place more or lees, and situated in Eugene, County of Lane, S ta te 1 east half of the northwest fourth hereinafter deacrlbed to satisfy or persons upolnle«l by the county Lane County, State of Oregon. , of beginning, containing 94.30 court uf said latne County will eu of Oregon. , certain Item and charges In said of the southeast quarter of sec­ acres of land, more or leas, toget­ Together with all water and water Now, therefore, in the name of ' decree apecifled, I will on Satur­ ter upon said lauds uud proceed to tion twenty-three (23) In town­ her with the appurtenances and rights used upon or apurtenant exterminate said gray digger the State of Oregon, In compliance day the 2nd day of March, 1935, at ship eighteen (18) 3outh range hereditaments thereunto apper­ to said lands and however evi­ the hour of ten o'clock, A. M., at ground squirrels (Citellus doug-' w((h the said execution and order four (4) west of the W illam ette taining or belonging, and direct­ denced. tho southwest door of the County lasll) and the cost of said exteriuln-1 of sale, and In order to satisfy said Meridian. Also, the east half of ing the sale of said real property Court House In Eugene, lame atlon will be levied against said judgment. Including Interest, at the southeast quarter of the And tor such other and further by sheriff’s sale, for the satisfac­ lands. torney's fees, costs of suit and ac- County, Oregon, offer for »ale aud southwest quarter of section relief as prayed for and deemed tion of said Judgment after pay­ Formerly W alker Poole The County Agricultural Agent ' crulng costs, I will, on Saturday, Hell at public auction for cash, sub­ twenty-three (23), township proper by the Court, all of whitdi ment of the cost and expense of ject to redemption as provided by hereby designates Monday, A p ril'th e 13th «lay of April, 1935, at the eighteen (18) south of range four will more fully appear from the such sale, for Judgment for any de­ El GENE- lllh H P H IN G FIK I.D luw, all of the right, title and Inter- 1st, as a day to b, known as "squlr-i hour of 1:30 o'clock In the after- (41 west of the W illam ette M eri­ verified complaint filed herein. ficiency against said J. A. W illard, mol Charoelton ont of the defendants In «aid Hull rel poisoning day" throughout tho noon of said day. at the Southwest 228 Main dian, together with the tene­ This summons Is served upon Malinda A. W illard, Colby Fleenor, mid of all parties claiming by, said Lune County, and It is here ! front door of the County Court- ments, hereditaments and appur­ you by publication thereof once H. A. Fleenor, and foreclosing all Telephone 723 Phone 62-J through or under them or any of by rcommended that poisoned bar-1 house in Kugene, Lane Oouuty, tenances thereunto belonging, or «*ach week for four successive parties from any right, title or in­ ley. ns prepared by the undersign-j Oregon, offer for »ale and sell for them In or to the followlug des­ In any wise appertaining. weeks. In The »pringfield News, a terest In said real property, other ed and representatives of the Hu- cash, at public auction, subject to cribed real property, to-wlt: Said sale is made under execu­ newspaper of general circulation, than the right of statutory redemp­ reau of Biological Survey of th e ! redemption as provided by law, all tion issued out of the Circuit Court as defined by Section 1-610 of Ore­ tion, and other relief. This sum­ The North fltty-threo and one- United States Department of Agri- of the right, title, and interest of of the State of Oregon for the gon Code Annotated, printed and mons is published by virtue of ea third feet of Lot numbered One culture, be used for the purpose of the said I’olendants Robert L. Rob- County of Lane, to me directed in published at Springfield, Oregon; order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, ( l | In Block ttumhered Seven­ such extermination. Such poisoned ertson, Daisle B. Robertson, W ll- the ease of State Land Board of by order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of said Court dated Febru­ teen (17) in the James Huadle- harley muv no secured front th e ' liant Hnrgr«*nves and Fred Lind- Oregon, etc., vs. Henry W. Chezem, Judge of the above entitled court, ary 16th, 1936, directing publication ston's Extended Addition, as re­ undersigned at his office In Eu ! say, and all persons claiming by. Tressla Cheaera. Phoenix Mutual made and entered on the 16th day thereof for four weeks In the corded In the County Clerk's Of­ gene. Lane County, Oregon, at ap­ through, or under them or any or Life Insurance Co., a corporation; of February, 1936: and the first Springfield News, at Springfield, fice In Eugene, Lane County, proximately the cost of prepara­ either of them, In and to the said Lane County, etc., et als. publication thereof was made on Lane County, Oregon. The date of State of Oregon tion. premises. C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff of Lane the 21st day of February, 1936. the first publication Is February Dated this 29th duy of January, Itate of first publication of this Dated, March 13. 1936. County, Oregon. A. E. W H E E L E R , Attorney for 21st. 1936. 1935. notice March 7, 1935. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Lane By A. E. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. plaintiff, Residence and post FRED E. S M IT H , Attorney tor C. A. »W A R TS, Sheriff. (Signed) O. S. FLE T C H E R , County, Oregon. FRED E. S M ITH . Attorney for office Address, 710 Lawrence Plaintiff. Res. A P. O. Address Hy A. E. H U LK G A ARI), Deputy. County Agricultural Agent. By A. K. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. Plaintiff. street, Eugene, Oregon. 406 Miner Bldg,, Eugene, Ore. (J 81— F 7-14-21-28) (M. 7-14-21) (M 14-21-28—A 4-11) (M 14-21-18— A 4-11) (F 21-28 — M 7-16-21) (F 21-28 — M 7-14-21) WHO IS WHO and What They Do Business Directory Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Glasses * not only mean better vis­ ion and more comfort but tbe numerous lens ahapes ami variety of frames, all artistically designed, add greatly to personal ap­ pearance and efficiency. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries LETS WKE DOR R O C V U B ack o v i a THE M Y $ JUST ISO YEARS AGO AU0 I tA R M WHAT W tC A W A B tX iT TM6|« M tT H O P S O f FAJ2MIWO CASUUCDAH0 TRAVEL WAS MOSTLY ON HORSE W ith s n t t u u o u s t t L the m u m s « s c R A itH to the SOIL WITH A CLUMSY W OODEN PLOW, MOT VULIUE -TOOSE PICTUREP OM M O N U M E N T IN B ö VPT Eyes Exam ined— Glasses Flted Only W hen Needed DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West Bth Kugene By ED. KRESSY HE SOWED HIS GBAIM BY HA U P « CUT IT W IT H A SICKLE MIN BtS- O hly AS MC6UTLV ÄTM t MVS oaoeoaoA 9MSHIMÖ10N.IAMI «HtSSPûRAl* 8 WO8S Clow ÍV tu TOS SAME. WMY IH WWCH TOCttW U C A t T IM E S . _ CAKPEHTERS TOOLS DIFFERED UTTLJ6 IN N U M M M B STYLE FROM A SET RX1NP RKCWTVY M C M « , |