PAO E TWO THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1936 TH E 8PRINOFIKLD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Cubllshed Every T liur'day at Mprlngfleld, La: j t'ounty, Oregon by CREAM STUDY SHOWS HOW TO GET GOOO FAT C in PROBLEMS «ILL 8E TALKED )u,I !- DRILL TEAM TO HOLD PRACTICE MEET TONIGHT I'm timid, W. C t'luhli. elt.v , engineer. Eugene; II G. Bond, city li e , elder. F«,IOel Grove, V. E Kuhn, mayor ot Salem, Paul I'at- Members of tbe drill learn of | lerson. city allorney of Hillsboro; Clue Circle, Neighbors of Wood THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Fred S, heffel. city superintendent, , lull, will m,«t ut Taylor hail this U K. MAXEY, Editor Medford; J. W. Butler, city recor­ eveulug at 7:36. The team will pi active drtlL, to bo glveu during Juat at a time wlivu pressure la Two-Day Session Of Com­ der, Marsh Held. Charles Burnett, city recorder, Pendleton; O. V. Most Of Protests Deni With ihe couuty wide lodge gathering to Entered a t secuud clast m atter. February St, 1863. at Ute poetoftlce. increasing among criMtm.rles to munity Leaders Starts At Brees,,, eltv recorder. Cottage! Labor; Majority Diamintnd lie held lu Eugene III Ihe near fu Bpriugfleld. Oregou pay tor bult.rfat on a strict qual­ U. O. On Monday eye. It I. Ilowe dly recorder. f o r Lack Of Evillolico tore. Mr*. Ilay S le v n s la captain ity basis lu order to raise the gen- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RASK Hood River. ot Ihe drill learn. eral quality ot dairy products and Topic- that will range from city Uae Year lu Advance ....... Jl.60 Six M ouths _________________81.00 Suu Francisco. March 21 A total 1 conform at all times to federal planning io city budgets, civil ser­ Two Years lu a d v a n ce 83.50 T h ree M o n th s ......................... 60c of 3.176 compialuls against viola i standards. the dairy department at vice fire dispatch systems and SAWMILL PRODUCTION IUKA MEMBERS WILL tors of Nit A codes have been filed ‘ Oregon State college has published many other phases ot government, ______ ____________ T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 21. 1036 MOVES UPWARD AGAIN with NRA directors of the eight HAVE MEET TONIGHT a new bulletin designed Io naatat all of Interest to Ciiy officiala, will we torn slates belweeu January 2 ' producers In tuklug advantage of RAILROAD EDUCATES THE CHILDREN Scuttle, Wash., March 21 A Members of Inks circle, luidlea lie on the program for the tenth an t thia prospective premium for bet­ miai ae aioli of the League ot Ora total of 536 down mid operating and Murch 2, It was announced to­ Auxiliary o( ihe G A It. will hold Oakridge school district and Lowell Union high school ter cream. day by Donald Henshaw, western gon Ottica, to which officiala of mill lu Dreg,> ii and Waahiuglou regional NRA director. Of thia Iheii regular meeting Ibis evenlug district draw the first and second largest amounts out of "Methods of Cooling and Storlna Springfield have been Invited. Th which reported Io the West t'oasl al 8 o'clock al Ihe bume of Mrs the railroad company’s taxes this year. Out of a 117,827 j Cream for Oregon's Dairy Farms" association lor the number 1676 have been adjusted 6 1