» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIUTY-HKCONI) YEAH SI »Ul M i I'IKI J). LANE COUNTY, OKKOON. VOTERS RECALL Carnival Plans ILLNESS Ready at S.h.S. LANE LAWMAKER JENNIE 1 <. Boxing, Stnge Show nnd Con­ Leader* Pile I Nearly Two To One Major­ ity Against Merriam T o w iim ik I cession Booth* Planned For Friday, March 29 Resident Of Springfield Since 1915 Pn*ae* Awny Sunday, Funeral Hold Wednesday 'Us for the annual all high TIH'HSOAY. .MARCII 21, 1935 Draws f|ß [ h , h i. w /•Ufi 5Ä0W In,™/ NO. » SIREN PLAN break Weather 0S[B O | | Greets Spring ALL CHI LIBHIS 10 BURN B O H Seniors Take Fir»t With Ori­ Late March Snowfall Blank­ ginal Skit; Junior* Second, Blowing Of Whistle To Indi­ et* Ground; Lumber Camp* 28 Street Light* And Bridge Sophomore* Get Third Forced To Close Down cate Ward Location Of Globe* To Be Restored By Fires Within City Power Company Here Henlor students, offering ,an ori­ For the first time In many, many' carnival of maa ware an- years, Hprlngfleld Is experiencing J Mrs. Jennie Elizabeth Barnard, ginal aklt entitled "Four Year I at the school thia week Quest," won first place In the an­ FIRE TRUCK MOVE SEEN : the opening of spring with a blan­ ORNAMENT SYSTEM SAME re lilenl of Hprlngfleld since 1*16, by . • * Inman, business manager. ket of snow on the ground. The ; passed away at her home here at nual l-aughlereaqiie program of Only One-Half Of Registered The 'Val will be held on F ,i , 21* Bo. Second street, Bunday Hprlngfleld high school Friday Reorganization Of Fire De­ snow which fell here all during the New Light* Result Of Con­ Voter* In County Cast Bal­ ilav r V, Marco 2*. partment With Trained day. Wednesday, extended over a I ference Between Mayor . uflcruoon following a long Illness. evening. The play was written by lots; Percent Here Higher Frauo-s Stiles and with Miss Mar­ , longer period higher up In the hills, I Volunteer Body Sought The al this year wilt Id Bhe was born at Pofsdon. New And Power Company guerite .Mlllholb-n and Glen Martin and caused most logging camps to Leu« county voters who went to low largely the same plan az was , York on January 4, 11162. In 1874 a class udvlsors. I'lans for blowing the fire whts- suspend operations temporarily. All city street Intersection light* the poll* Tuesday Indicated by u us' c last spring. A queen contest she was married to Frederick Junlors, presenting a mechanical »linai» both night and day for Log shipments to the Booth-Kelly with the exception of three and tbe will to held among the studen's, Barnard, and In 1878 the family majority of nearly two to one, that mun skit, "Demon Power," placed fires within the city and a reor­ lumber company which began early Hprlngfleld Bridge lights, which they approved (lie recall move 111 a mi ikci will be held at tbe high moved to Kansas City for three second lu the cuntost; and sopho­ ganization of tbe fire department in the week were halted by the were turned off In the early years Mltuled against Howard H Mer school gymnasium at 8:46 and a yeurs before returning to N»w mores. presenting a song parody, are now under way. The city Is heavy wet snowfall. of tbe depression to save a light shirt »Inge program and corona­ j York. They then went back to rlam, Junior legislator from lame Unusually heavy snowfalls In tbe bill, will be restored this week by "Nothing to a Something" were negotiating with the telephone com­ county. Of a total or tt.M3W votes tion of the queen will be held af’:i ' Kansas in 1881 and In 1883 moved III the high school auditor on to Oklahoma. They came to third In the Judging which was un- pany and the Mountain States higher mountains, both In the Cas­ the Mountain States Power com­ vast, 7174 were for the recall anil win lUiu. ! Oregon In 1*00, settling first at der the direction of the drains de­ Power company In regard to the cades aud the Coast ranges, bave pany. Thia action cornea aa a re­ 4.486 were In opposition Just about whistle signals and the city's again evoked tbe possibility of a sult of conferences between Mayor Following the program time will 1 t'oburg and then at Albany for one partment at tbe University. The b3 per cent of the registered voters whistle is being overhauled for ser­ spring flood If tbe weather should E. H. Turner and general officers freshmen presented "Romantic year In 1*14 before coming to be given everyone to visit the went to tbe polls Tuesday. suddt uly turn warm. The snow is of the Mountain Slate Power com­ Fantasy" also a parody on a popu­ vice. many Moo'lis and euuceaalous Springfield. Springfield Vote in case of fire a phone call would reported at more than eight feet pany which have taken place since lar song, but failed lo place In the Mr. Barnard paused away here which the various classes and or- Springfield precincts reported | come to the central operator who at Cascade Summit. contest. the first of the year. heavier majorities for the rerat; gaiilxallous In tbe school will con- seven years ago. Over In Eastern Oregon deer are The seniors scored the highest I wouW notify the power plant to No Added Coat than did nioet ol those over the duct, laite In the evening tile entire Mrs. Burnard Is survived by four number of points In any of the four blow the whistle and tbe fire chief reported to be dying from lack of Restoration of the residential county The vole here by precincts gruup will reassemble In tbo audi­ children: D. L Barnard. Redwood to bring out the fire truck, if tbe food as the heavy snow keeps all and bridge lights comes without torium for the drawings and distri­ City, California; U. II. Barnard, divisions of the Judging They re­ was as follows: ceived a total of 246 out of a pos- plan Is approved. It will be put grass covered. added cost to the city's light bill. bution of prlles. Precinct Yes No Total and Mrs. Nellie Rider Richmond. op^ , tloI1 abou( Apr)| , In the middle west, where snow These two conceecioni: were made . . ; . , 1 ................. . IU7 20 137 Marlon Hall la again general Oklahoma, and Mrs. Roy Pirtle, points ,... I I L. V a . a- asaaaa », ,4 I I . It f . ■ ■ I 0* 1 _ a . _ _ 1 _ « — Is more common, a little of tbe by the power company. The third for costume ra and setting out i F ire I Location Indicated 2 ....................... 108 44 162 chairman of the w ent. Ho Is busy lamia, Montana Bhe also leaves of a possible 76. Sophomores were' The whistle signals use form- Oregon »now would be appreciated request of tbe mayor for raising 120 6n 170 now arranging matches for his box­ one sister, Mrs. II. H. l-ogston, 3 ....................... a close second witn 70 for the same' erly calls for one blast of the whls- right now to hold down some of the candle power cf the ornamental 130 36 166 ing matches to be featured on tbe t'ederwell, Kansas, thirteen grand­ item. Other things given considera-| tie for fires in the first ward, two the dust which Is blowing across system has not been granted, and children and fiyy great grandchil­ Merriam, according to unofficial smoker program. lion In the Judging were original­ blasts for ward two, three for ward several states. Reports from that these lights will remain as at pres­ returns, carried eight precincts In­ Queen candidates have been sel­ dren ity, preparation and general effec­ three, four for ward four, and five section of the country tell of fami­ ent. The new lights will bring the Hhe was a member of the Baptist cluding his home precinct at Uo- ected from each class this week. tiveness. for ward five. Signals are to be lies fa-tenlng wet sheets over the city system back to tbe same IF ahen. The other even were In Ku They are senior, Marjorie Currant; church and of Juanita Rebekah Juniors garnered 243 points, repeated two times with short In­ door to check infiltration of dust lumination as before depression lodge. gene due prerlnet at Florence re­ Junior, laimoyne Black; sopho­ into their homes causing them to days. ophomores 238, and freshmen 224 tervals between. ported 26 votes for the recall and more. Hasel Nesbitt; and freshmen.j Funeral services were held iVeil choke. Wiudows and other crack* There was not as much variety New glass fixtures for the brides, Third. Fifth anu Seventh streets none In opposition. Jane Anderson. Flach class will be­ nesilay afternoon at 2 o'clock from in the stage skits this year as have are being stuffed with paper to to replace the seven broken by van­ are the boundary lines between the The selection of a successor to gin an ailvauce sale of script th - Pool* funeral home In Spring- teen given In past years. Very first four fire wards while tbe fifth keep out the dust. dals when the lights were turned Merrlaui Is now up to the County money for the carnival today and field. Rev. II. E Rolens, pastor of little change was made In tbe set­ ward comprises the territory on off approximately two years ago, Court A apodal law passed at the each purchaser will write In me the Baptist church officiated, and ting for the last three skits given, Buuth Second street and Willam­ have been ordered as has neces­ last -esslou of the legislature to nume of his choice on a stub of the Interment was made In tbe Laurel and some of the costumes looked ette heights. sary materials for the reinstate­ meet the local situation makes the script. The d oss victorious In hav­ Hill cemetery. Members of the Re­ very much as if tney had been bor­ ment of the lights about the cMy. May Return T ru ck to H all necessary provision. Persons close ing their queen candidate chosen bekah lodge attended the funeral rowed from skits of last season. A total of 31 residence street Plans are also being made to re­ to tbe County Court are of the will have the name of the queen services In body. lights were turned off, and 28 of Dorothy Myer and Ruth Laner turn the fire truck to its former oplulon that no successor will lie and the class which she repreaenta these will be replaced under the entertained with tap dance num- location In the city ball building named uni»-» a special session Is engraved on a silver loving cup to new agreement. Lights located at ! Iw-rs Clara Brooks and Hartle Ol- as It Is believed to far away from ordered. be established as an annual trophy. CHICKEN COMES IN TO Mill and Bouth B. C. and D streets, ' son presented a clown act, and Serves Full Term The picture of the queen will also CAST RECALL BALLOT l-amar llrattaln, Verlin Posey. Bob the business section for quick ac­ Institute Fund To Benefit will not be turnea on. Since ths tion. This matter will be voted on Merriam's tenure In public office be printed In the high school an­ gravel plant and the Mill and Ele­ From Entertainment At was on« of the shortest yet re­ nual fur thia year. Welby Stevens' chickens are tak- Mclotgan, and Donald Nelson pres­ at next cuuncll meeting. A reorgan­ vator have ceased to function in ented a tumbling skit. ization of the department with a corded In lame county for a legis­ H. S. Friday Night Irg an Interest In politics, at least thia locality there la little need for A capacity audience was present company of trained volunteers la lative position, lie took office about It would seem no, for Tuesday to greet the plhf*rs. Members of the Wesleyan Lea­ these lights. A part of the street ulso being considered. It is believed tbe middle of January and two evening Mr. Stevens drove into gue at the Methodist church are has been closed by the city and that the present system of picking months later had the cloak of of­ town to cast his ballot In the recall there 1« but little traffic over thia up whoever is available lowers the sponsoring, "The Little Clodhop­ fice lifted from him During those election at the city hall. While he end of the street. per," a thr noticed a white leghorn chicken Lights which will be restored un the equipment and fight fire more March 22. at 8 o’clock. of Representatives, headed several roosting on the rear bumper. der the new agreement are located Proceeds from this play will go effectively. Important cominltteoe. and made an After making some remark about into the league Institute fund to at Mill and A. C. F. and H streets; enviable record for hluisclf as a his poultry taking an Interest In help defray expenses of young peo­ West D and city limits; Second and lawmaker. The sesslou was ended Sixth Grad* At Lincoln Pres­ elections. Mr Stevens started for Mu#iCi D a n c e s F ea tu r e An- ple of the church while attending B. D. and F. streets; Third at C ent* Operetta Of Seasons home again, the hen still roosting Insl week, and unless a special see , , , ... , _ nual Ladies Night Pro the annual gathering of young peo­ and H streets; Fourth at F; Fifth shin of the lawmakers Is railed, At Monthly Meeting on the bumper. at A, C, an H streets; Seventh at ple this summer at Suttle lake. ____ gram Here Last Night there will he no further duties for B. D. and F streets: Eighth at A., An evening meeting at which the holder of the office. Miss Bernice Conoly. high school C. E, and G sLeets; Ninth at B, Lions turned by soothing music time husbauds of members will be The recall move wus directed teacher, is directing the play. D. and F streets; Tenth at B, C, I und beautiful dunces, entertained against Merriam by the lame roun- present was planned here Friday The characters in the play and and E streets; and Water and D their wives peacefully at the anuual ty Townsend club lenders who by the Hprlngfleld Parent-Teacher those taking the parts are as fol­ streets. l-adies Night banquet and program charged him with breaking prom­ association In their monthly meet­ Pioneer Jasper Resident Dies low*: Workmen have already started I at Taylor hall last night. ises to them. He denied making ing held at the Lincoln school. Bqptimus Green, young book getting the equipment in .shape for Monday; Services At Light­ Unlike former programs, the Mrs. II. 11 Church iha.s been promises. agent full of pep. Donald Brown; the restoration of these lights. house Temple In Eugene j Lion# took no part in the entertain- named chairman of the refresh­ Acey Gump, country hick. Elwyn Some of the materials whlvh have .. ”" _ ■ ment themselves excepting Dr. W. ment committee, und tbe program . . Young Mother Of Dexter v 1>1W talltw), ter_ who made hlII1. Andrew T. Brewer, 72, pioneer Gates; George Chlggerson, an In­ been ordered may take some time AUTO TAKES LIFE OF will be presented by students In Jasper resident and former merch­ nocent lamb from the city; Bob In delivery so it is not certain Just MRS. GORRIE'S MOTHER both grade schools. The date aud Passes At Pacific Hospital; tteif conspicuous as he moved about ant. passed away at his home at Brown; Mrs. Chiggerson-Boggs. bis when all the lights will be ready Many Relatives Survive i the hall harrassiu^ hie fellow Lions place will be announced later says dotu»g mama, Velda Bartholomew; with demands for dimes in retribu­ Fall Creek on Monday. March 18. Miss Julietta Bean, a Splintervllle according to W. it. Barnell, man­ Mrs. Katie Tronson Killed While Mrs. Clifford Wll on. president of ager of the local office of the Funeral services will be held this Mrs. Marlon Rutherford. 1». of tion for wrongs committed. Walking To Church In the local P. T. A. unit boarding house Keeper. Ila Bartho­ Mountain States Power company. afternoon at 2:30 from the Light­ Dexter, died nt the Pacific hospital The evening’s program began Eugkne Sunday lomew, Charmlan Carter, who At the meeting held Friday stu­ In Eugene on Saturday, March 16. with a splendid banquet featuring house Temple church in Eugene think« she's a vamp. Beatrice Car dents In the sixth grade presented Bhe was born at Freewater, Ore­ creamed chicken In patties. Tbe with Rev. C. J. Fulton, officiating. Funeral services for Mrs. Katie an operetta with the following son; Judy, a little clodhopper from Tronson. 71. mother of Mrs. C. 1. cast: January, John Meek, a snow­ gon on October 14. 1916 and lived dinner was furnished by the regu­ The Schwering chapel at Creewell the poor house. F'ave Parsons; will have charge of arrangements. Gorrle, will be held front the Poole man; February, Raymond Bain­ In Idaho for 12 years before coni- lar club cooks, members of the Country folks. Ralph and Lawr­ chapel In Eugene Friday afternoon bridge, Valentine; March, Keith lug to Dexter five months ago. Bhe Cooking club of tbe Christian Mr. Brewer is survived by his ence Henderson. VelYa Carson and at 2 o'clock. Rev. P. J. Luvaas will Mct'hesney. storm outfit; April, was a member of the United church. widow. Mattie L. Brewer; four sons Doris Myers. Music during the banquet was and one daughter. Mrs. R. R. Neet, officiate and Interment will be Robert Robins, carrying pu sy wll-I Brethren church at Twin Falls, The play takes place at Splinter­ Idaho. provided by Ted Lenhart and his Jasper; P. R. Brewer. Beattie, and vllle. Mississippi and in the "City" made In the New I. O. O. F. ceme­ lows; May, Gludys Pederson, May- Mrs. Mary Griffin Was Pion­ Burvlvors Include her husband, orchestra. tery. R. C. Brewer, G. L. Brewer and at the Dresent lime. Complete stage eer Settler At Fall Croak, Ihiy dress; June, Ethel Ruth Fulop. J. K. Rutherford, an Infant son, Fill lowing the banquet, the fol­ Charles, all of Fall Creek. Mrs. Tronson died at the Eugene (a bride), attendants Billy Lyons.! settings are made between the dif­ Passed Away Tuesday hospital of Injuries sustained when and Flora Bursell; July, Billy Dow her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Watt lowing program numbers were ferent acts. He also leaves two sisters. Mrs. strurk by an automobile driven by and Inez Oram, holding tings; j of Dexter, two brothers, Floyd and present; Two interpretive dancee One of Lane county’s pioneer Wm. G. Doty of Eugene. Bhe was August. John Carrolls, fishing; : Marvin Watt, also of Dexter, and by Mrs. Faye Knox with Miss Ther­ J. Padkin. Kalama. Washington, LARGE GROUP PRESENT residents. Mrs. Mary Griffin, of one sister, Velma Watt, Twin Falls. and Mrs. Marlon Smith, Pismo walking to church to attend Bunday September. Bobby Bennett, school-: esas Kelly ns accompanist and West Springfield passed away at Fum ral services were held Tues­ piuno soloist between dances; and Beach, California, and one brother, morning services. AT FATHER-SON EVENT boy; October, Leona Ware, Hallow-! the Pacific hospital in Eugene Bhe wus born In Norway in 1X62 e'en costume; November, Peggy day afternoon at 2 o'clock from vocal solos by Merton Ferebee. Eli Brewer, of Kalama. Tuesday at the age of 73 years. the Vealch chapel In Eugene. Rev. More than 100 fathers and sons Gerald Childers, both accompanied und came to America when seven, Wright, Pilgrim; December, llar-i Mr. Brewer was one of the early She was born at Chinook, Wash­ by Miss Jewel Cunningham, and settlers In the Jasper section, hav­ were present at the Methodist living first In Boutli Dakota nnd risen Billings, Hnnta Claus; Father Lichty officiated. ington on September 6, 1862. In church Monday evening for the an­ coming to Eugene In 192X. Miss Glyde Dlnney with Miss Mary ing operated a store at Jasper for Time, Sydney Ward; Bugler. Court I nual Father and Son banuet and 1872 she came to Oregon with her Elizabeth Whitney as accompanist. Four sons, Ingman, Claus, and Waldrlp. CHANGES UNDERWAY many years until 1*10 when he re­ Rev. Higgenbotham, pastor of tired. He was a member of the program sponsored each year by parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Alf, all of Eugene, and Palmer, In NOW AT CITY HALL Funk. The family took up a dona­ the Men's Brotherhood. lhe Community Liberal church in Lighthouse Temple in Eugene. Washington. D. c. survive together DATE SET FOR TEA Rev. I. G. Shaw, pastor of the tion land claim near Fall Creek. The entire Interior of Iho City Eugene, was the principal speaker with three daughters. Mrs. Gorrle, In 1880 she was married to Jee- Christian church, was the principal TO AID GIRL SCOUTS hall Is being refinlshrd this week. nt the regular noon meeting of the Mrs. B. C. Sorenson, Junction City, speaker of the evening. Frank siah McBee. He died In 1887 leav­ A new lavatory repluees the old club lust Friday. He was introduced' ( ( and Mrs. Btangle In South Dakota. Annual tea, sponsored by the tin sink used for many years, holes by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. Stuart presented the toast to the ing one son. W. F. McBee. Inde­ She also leaves three sisters. Mrs. fathers, and F. B. Hamlin respond­ pendence. and one daughter. Mrs. A I air sen In South Dakota, Mrs. Happy Hour eluli for the benefit of in the walls have been patched, W. T. Elliott. Bwisshome. the Hprlngfleld Glri Details. will be ed with one for the sone. the roof has been repaired again, N. N. Kaldor, nnd Miss Maggie REBEKAH LODGE TAKES held on Monday, April 1, at the and all the stains In the celling Bobby Pollard played a violin Hllden, both of Eugene. Mrs. McBee married again In NEW MEMBER MONDAY: home of Mrs. Milton V. Walker, have been blotted out. The entire solo with piano accompaniment by 188* t( W. H. Griffin who survive* starting at 2:45 it wa,i announced Interior Is to be rekalsomlned and Miss Evelyn Buell was initiated Annual Mother-Daughter En­ Miss Ruth Pollard, Paul Potter, as do four sons and one daughter MRS. OLSON HOSTESS TO this week. the wood work Is to he repainted. as a new member of Juanita Rebe­ sang with his sister. Dorothe Mae tertainment Of High School as accompanist, members of the j by this marriage. They are D. M. The Happy Hour part of the pro­ KONTRACT BRIDGE CLUB A gate has been placed at the kah lodge Monday evening. Just Griffin. O. R. Griffin, C. E. Griffin, gram will ho given under the direc­ end of the counter closing off the To Be Held Tuesday male quartet sang, and Kyle Smith A. M. Griffin, and Mrs. Clara B. preceding the initiation, a short Mrs. Carl Olson entertained with tion of Mrs. W. K. Barnell, and wnltlng room, and the counter has played piano solos. Dr. W. H. Poll­ memorial service was held for the Girls of Springfield high school ard was toastmaster for the even­ Edwards, all of West Spriiwfield. u dessert bridge party last Thurs­ Miss Eunice Gerber will have been widened. late Mrs. Jennie Burnard. will entertain their mothers at ing. and Frank Bartholomew had Twelve grandchildren and four day afternoon at 1:30 at her home charge of the program for the Girl In the room ndjolnlng carpenters great grandchildren also survive. Following the business meeting their annual "Merry Maids of for members of the Kontract Scouts. are busy placing a heavy track aud charge of the program. a St Patrick's luncheon was en- March" program at the high school Bridge Kluh. Guests Included Mrs. The general public Is Invited to hanging n four section door loading She was a member of the Light­ A 6:30 dinner was served by the Joyed by those present. Guests In­ on Tuesday evening. March 26. Lloyd Emery, Klamath Falls, Mrs. this benefit affair. house Temple in Eugene. Funeral out to the street. The glass front ladies of the Methodist church. cluded Mrs. Vera 1st of Halsey Plans for the affair were made this George Proc.hnow, Mrs. Dan Crites, services will be held Friday after­ will he taken out to provide a room und Mrs. Ehbert, new . esldent In week at a meeting of the Girls and Mrs. William Lightfoot. Mrs. FOUR-L WILL ELECT noon at 2 o'clock from the Veatch for the fire truck. F. L. GIRLS TO MEET Springfield from North Dakota. league council. Harry Btewart will entertain for the chapel In Eugene. Rev. E. J. Fulton DELEGATE ON FRIDAY All girls In the high school and FRIDAY FOR SOCIAL will officiate and Interment will be club at the next meeting on March PRISCILLA MEMBERS DO Springfield Couple Wed their mothers are invited to at-1 >8. made In the Mt. Vernon cemetery. Members of the local Four-L will Marriage licenses issued during tend. The girls are urged to come ' Monthly social meetl.ig of the HONOR TO ST. PATRICK hold a meeting al Taylor hall Fri­ F. L. Girls club of Juanita Rebekah the past week by the county clerk dressed in costume. SPRINGFIELD DOCTOR day evening a I 8 o'clock. A.n em­ St. Patrick was honored at the'Include the following: Floyd Koch Entertainment for the affair wll lodge will be held Friday evening WEDDING FOR LOCAL BECOMES GRANDFATHER ployee delegate will be elected to regular meeting of the Prlsrlllp and Josephine (sinning, both of include a number of original skits. I at 8 o’clock at the home of Miss represent the Hprlngfleld local at club Iasi Thursday afternoon at Hprlngfleld; Glenn Smith, Oak­ Maxine Snodgrass. Mi*s Snodgrass COUPLE HELD SATURDAY Dr. and Mt}». W. H. Pollard be­ a stale meeting In Portland Satur­ Iho home of Mrs, Cecil Mathes. ridge. and Patricia Edwards. Eu­ one to be presented by each cla ss: and Miss Eunice Grrber will be the at the school. Chairmen of each Two Springfield young people, came grandparents this week when day. A free drawing for prizes will Mrs. Matt Hart was the assisting gene; Harold Wilson and Rowen* class committee working on the hosteaaes. Miss Josephine Lanning and Floyd u son was horn to their son und also ho held. hostess. Estep, both of Eugene; Dossle Bat­ skits are Helen Abramson, fresh­ Leroy Koch were married here Sat­ daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Gm> Is during Ihe arternoon were son and Ima Kidd, both of Goshen; men; Clarabelle Brood, sophomore; NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO urday evening at six o’clock at * liam Pollard, at the Pacific hospital Injures Wrlat— Verlin I’osey, Mrs. Alonzo Manwnrlng. Mrs. nnd Eldon Thompson, Cottage Ruby Houk, juniors; and Olga 1 HAVE MEETING TODAY quiet ceremony at the home of the In Eugene, on Monday, March 18, high school student, received a Edgar Louk, and Mrs. O. H. Jar­ Grove, and Grace Falks, Halsey. Hrynchuk, senior. bride's parents, Mr. and Mr*. C. B. 11135. Mrs. Pollard was formerly sprained wrist Friday night when rett. In the Bt. Patrick day games Frances Stiles is general chair Members-of the Neodlecraft club Lanning. Audrey Donner, a former resident he fell on It while performing In played during Ihe afternoon prizes Vlalt In Portland— Mrs. Karl Gir­ man for the event, and Joan Beavey will meet this afternoon at the Both young people are former or Bptlngfield. Mother and child Ihe tumbling act al the high school went to Mrs. E. C. Stuart. Mrs. ard and daughter. Miss Doris Gir­ Is chairman of the refreshment home of Mns. W. N. Long. A social students at the local high school. are getting along nicely, says the during Ihe Intermission between William Rouse, Mrs. Floyd Flan- ard, and Miss Eunice Uerber, spent committee. Laverne Pugh will have program with refreshments has They will make their home at grandfather. the Laughteresque number*. ery, and Mr*. Edgar Louk. Friday in Portland. charge of the decoration*. been planned. Weed, California. VOTE HERE IS DECISIVE no • 4 EPWOBTH LEAGUE SPONSORS PLAY P.T.A. WILL HÖLÖ Music Is Li sea to lame Wild Lions MRS. RÖTHERFORD BURIED TUESDAY FUNERAL TODAY FOR A.T. BREWER CiritRn funeral Will Be friday /berry Riaids” Plans Complete