WHO IS WHO • A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. TOWN AND VICINITY I UMBER ORDERS EXCEED PRODUCTION FOR WEEK Seattla, Wash.. March 14— A total of 639 down and operating mills In Return« Heme— Mrs. N. W. • Resort Man Hers— Ben Helfrlch Oregon and Washington which re­ Emery returned to her home here of the Halfway camp on the Mc- ported to tho West Coast Lumber Saturday after an extended stay In I Kenxle was a visitor here Friday. men's association for the week end­ Portland. ing March 3. produced 88.917.68* « K l.I. OH TRAD E Cheap. my _ „ __ . , „ | Visitors from Washington— Mrs. Thle waa ° n Coast T r ip —J D. Pylo, m a n - j p ^ g Frederick and «on. Walton. board feet of lumber «quily In broom house, carrying AUTO DEALER8 «muli govvriiiu»nl luun (or car. DANCING _______ PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS ager ol the Springfield Creamery | ol Vancouver. Washington arrived approximately 3.000.000 feat under the preceding week. The average W ill« "«" News Ottica. made a business trip to Florence here Monday evening to spend a weekly production of thia group of I) \ .\ f E ANOLKHON MOTORS, INC. Carl R. Huker Film Shop , ami other coast points Tuesday. few days visiting at the home of sawmills In 1*36 has been 78. *04.- AT WINTER!¡ARDEN Kxparl Repairing — All Work Kastman Film * — Kodaks — Visits From Alvadore — Mia Mr and Mrs. K O. Privet. 717 feet; during the same period Major Operation— Mr« Ike Endl- Guaranteed. Frames — Albums— Motion t iara Morrow of Alvadore waa a "The Dance That's Different" In 1934 their weekly average was , colt underwent a major operation Picture Cameras. vlallor In Hprbigflnld Friday. (lea. o il. Tlraa and Batteries Attends Gama F riday Loyal E. 78.717.413 feet. at the Pacific hoapltal In Kugene Every Huturilay Night We Photograph Everything Uh and A Sts, Hprlogflald Ph. 4» Scott drove to Corvallis Friday Monday morning. The new business reported last MAN W A N T E D — »'or Hawlelgh Anywhere. evening to attend the Oregon State- week by 637 mills was *1,3*1,*7* (len t* 26c Lad lea 10c route Heal opportunity (or right Mall films to P. O. Box 887 Tonsils Removed— Mina Ituth U. 8. C. Pacific coast championship board feet against a production of mau. We help you get started 4*8 W illamette, Eugene W rite Hawlelgh Co., I>ept. GRC- HCIIEKEK MOTOR CO. Ph. 636 Klchardaon. daughter of Mr. and basketball game. 88,*01,<01 feet and shipments of FURNITURE 196 (I, O akland, Calif. M 7 14 21 BU ICK — O I.O 8M O BII.lil — Mrs. It Hlihardson, underwent 110.854.170 feet. Their shipments PRINTERS S U M M O N S PO NTIAC ______ I an operation for tonsils Saturday at NOTICE OF S H g R IF F S SALK ON JOHNSON FURNITURE CO were over production by 24.7 per­ Motor Cara IX K C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E cent and their current sales were THE WILI j KMETTE PRESS ,h" ®,n<* ot » loc'*1 Hanges and Circulators N u T lv a . la hereby given Uiat by STATE OF OREGON IN AN D 8AI.BB and SERVICE Several Lines Including Montag. Springfield Vlglt at Tillamook— Mr. and Mrs. virtue ui an execution and order ul FOR T H E CO UN TY O F LANE. over production by 2.g percent The 7th and Oliva Sta — Phone «66 orders booked last week by this Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Baas eale lu lorecioaura laaued out ot Phon« 2 , W. E. Buell spent ibe week-end at Tbe Federal Land Bank of Spok­ group of Identical mills were over Kugene. Orason. Ibe Circuit Court of loiuu Couuty, Attractive Prices on Furniture Business Stationery—Office Forms Tillamook visiting with their son ane, a corporation, Plaintiff, Oregon, ou Ibe 27lh day of Febru­ the total In ibe preceding week by and Rugs. -va- Booklets — Placards — ' “ "d daughter-in-law. Mr. and .Mrs. ary, lauli, lu a aull wherein, ou the BATTERY SERVICE about 10,000,000 feet or approxi­ Be« U« Before You Buy Dodgers, etc. Fred Buell k iiu day of February, 19Je, in aald A. C. Wells and Nora E. Wells, Court ot the W ale ol Oregon, Hep We Deliver Phone 1188 A Modern Print Shop Producing busband and wife; L. M. Nolen mately 12.4 percent. LANUGO Return from Seattle— Mrs. Naomi reeeuted and acting by me World A group of 438 IdenUcai mills and L. E. Nolen, wile and nns- 64* W illam ette Eugeue Up-To-Date Printing War Veteran« Slate Aid Comuila band, Edgar Hupp. Paul Blaxer whose records are complete for Anderson and children returned BATTWRY FACTORY Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. Sunday from Seattle whore they alou, recovered Judguieul ugatust and a . A. Bristol, as trustees for both periods show total orders 1*36 GROCERIES Hark at our old location. M me deleudaula Huujamlti L. lia b le "Co-operative Farm ,” a voluntary have been visiting with Mr». An­ overhead your gain. He« our naw men for me auui of Tblrteeu Hun oo-operattve association; Edgar to date of 778.848.162 board feet, SERVICE STATIONS material battarlea In ganulna Oaten derson's Mother. Mrs. Grace Mead. DIBBLKK’H died Three and 16100 (81203.16) Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, busband compared with <72.1*2.706 board hard rubber case« before you buy. Dollar«, end for llie further auui oi and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ feet for the same period in 1*34. RED & WHITE GROCBRY All part« handmade In Kugene. For Roseburg Doctor Here— Dr. and A ST. SERVICE STATION interest thereon at the rale ot ala fred Bristol, busband and wife; an Increase of 16.6 percent. Phone 4 («’/• ) per cent per auuuui I rum ano capacity service— p rice - none bet Uunuar Moller and Jane Doe Mul­ General Gasoline, Oil and Ureases Mr«. C. G. Van Vulzah and daugh­ ter. HECHARGING— REPA IR IN G . The unfilled order file at these Cor. 4th and Main Sta., Springfield let, husband and wife; George Stave the 20lb day of September, ter of Roseburg spent the week­ Goodrich Tires 346 Van Huren • ■ I'hone 1008 Rone, tsou 'and Jane Doe Robert­ mills stood at 383.529.1M board tlMS, and lor the turlher aunt oi end here visiting at the home of “A Home Owned Station.” son, husband and wife; Knute feet, approximately 25.000.000 feet one Hundred (glOO.OO) Dollar« at HOSPITALS 6th and A Sta., Springfield. Ph. 44 hl« mother, Mr«. A. B. Van Vajzah. Hudson and Jane Due Hudson, luruey a teea and for costa and die CREAMERIES - bhjhand and wife; et al. Also all under the week before. The aggre­ bureeuieula taxed at the sum of PACIFIC HOSPITAL. Drive to Portland— Mrs. M R. other persons or parties unknown gate Inventories of 438 mills are 0.3 638.69. and «aid execution to me Demand the Beet—Costs no More IN C . M itch ell S e r v ic e S ta tic n Adams, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Mrs. claiming any right, title, estate percent leas than at this time last uuecied, i ommaudlug me lu the BLUE HELI, Hen or Interest in tne real estate year. uauie of the «la te of Uregou, In ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS Noab Helterbrand. Mias Jewel Hal- 12th and Hllyard Dairy Products described In tbe complaint here­ order to satisfy aald Judgment, In ter brand, and Mrs. W. L. Laxton — Yale Tires — Phone 2600 in, Defendants. larest, attorneys teea, costs of suit, lea Cream, nutter. Cheese, Milk left Friday for a combined business Oreaslng • Battery Recharging Eugen«, Oregon Visit Navy Ship— Lloyd Mattison and accruiug coala, to sell Uie fol­ TO: A. c . Wells and Nora E. and pleasure trip to Portland. Expert Radio Repairing by lowing described reel property, EUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY and Joe Gerber went to Portland Wells, husband and wife; L. M. LAUNDRY _______ tu-wlt: Phone Eugene <38 LEE CRAY Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. Nolen and L. E. Nolen, wife and Sunday to visit Norval Foss. Uegluulng at the Northwest Pbon-i 48-J SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Fred Earl of Dexter are the par­ busband; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blaxer Springfield youth, who is stationed corner ot Ixil Due ( l ) Ulock 7th and Main Sta. Springfield and A. A. Bristol, as trustees for DENTISTS Floyd Wood. Prop. ents of a baby non born to them at “Co-operative Farm," a voluntary on tbe U. 8. 8. Worden which dock­ twenty-two (22) ol Fairmount, ed in Portland over the week-end. 30* Main St.. Phone 100 according to the original plat Miss Nelson’s M aternity home In co-operative association; Edgar OREGONIAN Ibareof, now a part of the city of All Kinds of Laundry Service. DR. O. A. BROWN Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, husband Eugene on Thursday, March 7, S E R V I C E S T A T IO N SUMMON* Kugene, runulug thauve Mouth and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ We Call for and Deliver. 1936. Hours * A M to 6 P. M. along me Weal i.lue of said Lot At the Springfield Junction fred Bristol, huabanc and wife; IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Your Patrouage W ill Be Phone 30 -J one ( I ) . one buudred fifty (IkO) Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mol­ GAS AND OILS S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E Appreciated. Collect Bounty— Archie Williams ler, busband ano wife; George Springfield feet, thence East parallel to me &tb and Main Hta. Service Day and Night. CO UNTY. North line uf Lot oue (1) «evenly- of Rciubow collected the county Robertson and Jane Doe Robertson, Residence 738 A HtreeC Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and five 176) (eel, and thence North LUMBER bounty on one bobcat, and Albert husband and wife; Knute Hudson S T A T E LA N D BOARD OF ORE Picnic Goods. parallel lu me West line ot aald GON, composed ot Charles H. Harper of Springfield collected the •5 d Jane Doe Madson, busband and lot one <1) sixty (80) feet, thence wife; Also all otber persons or par­ West Springfield Ph. Spr. 33-J DR. WM. N. DOW Martin, Governor of Oregon; The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. bounty on three coyotes at the of­ East parallel to the North line ties unknown claiming any right, DBNT1BT Rufus C. Holman, Treasurer of Furnish«« a of said Lot (Mie (1), forty-nine fice of the county clerk on Friday title, estate. Hen or interest in the Oregou; Earl Snell, Secretary of WOOLEN MILLS COMPLETE HOME (49) feet, thence North parallel X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours • to 18 real estate described In the com­ end Monday respectively. Suste of Oregon. PlalntUL 1 (o 6 an„ by appointment. to the Waal line of aald Lot one plaint herein, DEFEND ANTS. VS. Building and Repairing Service. EUGENE 11), ninety (»0) (set, thence Weal Office Pboue 8 — Rea. Phon« 87 IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE J. A. W illard and Melinda A W ill­ *~ talifo m la People Here— .Mr. and For Service Pbune Springfield 66 WOOLEN Mil J . CO. along Ibe North 11 na of said Lot O F OREGON: You aro hereby re­ ard, his wife; Colby Fleenor, H. First Nal'l Hank Bldg. Springfield Mrs. Clifford Hayoa and Mr. ano quired to appear and answer the or If no answer, phone 34-J. oue (1). to the place of begin­ Manufacturers of Woolens. A. Fleenor, his wife; M. Forsberg Mrs. Beryl Endicott and two chil­ complaint filed against you In the ning, all In Lane t^yunly, Oregon, Springfield. doing business as Professional Specializing In Ladlea FRUIT PACKERS dren arrived Sere Sunday morning above entitled court within four Credit Service; Lane County, NOW . T llE R K F U R E , In the name COATINGS AN D SU1TING8. Oregon, a body politic and cor­ of the Slate of Oregon, In compll Ironi Ventura. California. Mr. and weeks from the first publication of PHYSICIAN-SURGEON Retail Department at Mill. this summons in the Springfield porate in and of the State of auce with the aald execution ami E u g e n e Eruit Grower's A bs ’ d Mrs. W illiam Morgan of Browns­ News, towlt: From the 21st day of uregon. Road District No. 41, a East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. order of M is. and In order to ant- I)tan>olld A Hrand Krul[ pack. r , ville came here Sunday to visit February, 1936; aod If you fail so DR. MILTON V. WALKER body politic in and of Lane iafy aald Judgment, Including Inter- _ . Surgery and Diseases of Women Iriends and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes re­ to appear and answer, for want County, Oregon; School District est, attorney's fess, coals and sc “ Dd 8h"*C2J D THE GR awmllv the custom grew 0 * Ä jrtm G most popular , SOME MARK ON D IS SHIELDS »Y * KNOWN WHICH IME OEftGNWMTHh/